The Michigan Memorial-Phoenix
Project is now 10 years old..
The project, founded to develop
peaceful uses for atomic energy,
has grown from a nebulous war
memorial into a labyrinth of seven
campus laboratories, and includes
the $1 million Ford Nuclear Re-
actor, largest at a university.
Phoenix Project was established
in 1948 with an appeal for funds
to create a program of peacetime
atomic research, a memorial to the
468 University students and fac-
ulty who lost their lives in World
War II.
Originally envisaged as a ten-
year program, it is now seen in
no context of time. University
President Harlan Hatcher recently
wrote, "It is inconceivable to all
who know the accomplishments of
the Phoenix Project that this work
should end."
The accomplishments of the
Project are many. The seven cam-
pus laboratories include the three-
story Phoenix Building on North
Campus. In 10 years the project
has supported 146 research pro-
jects, 68 of which were in progress
during 1957.
More than 300 technical books
and papers have been published
around the world with its support,
and its nuclear education program
is now the world's largest.
The project has- its beginning
when over 30,000 students, alumni
and friends of the University
raised $7.3 million in an initial
fund-raising drive. The Develop-
ment Council is now seeking $2
million to continue the project.
Report Describes Progress
In its seventh annual progress
report to be released today, the
tenth year of the project is re-
viewed. This report describes the
research accomplishments of
Phoenix Project in the fields of
medicine, the biological and sphy-
sical sciences and the legal aspects
of atomic energy.
Phoenix funds have made pos-
sible the development of the first
successful machine scanner. Used
to study the paths of nuclear par-
ticles in a layer of photographic
film, this device does the work of
20 human observers and is some-
times able to view what humans
might miss.
Method Detects Elemehts
By rendering elements such as
silver, rhodium and vanadium
radioactive through neutron bom-
bardment, minute quantities of
these elements can be detected as
evinced by current research taking
place under Phoenix Project su-
It is thought that for certain
elements this method can be sensi-
tive enough to detect one part in
10 billion. Providing much im-
proved analyses of meteorites and
of detecting impurities in pre-
viously thought "pure" elements
See PROJECT, Page 2
"RABBIT"'SYSTEM-This Phoenix Project researcher is inserting
a meteorite fragment Into the pneumatic "rabbit" system for
activation of elements, which could not otherwise be detected
through conventional methods.
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
ilarr ington
Thomas Harrington, president
of Texas A&M, said yesterday
that discharged publications di-
rector Ross Strader was fired only
"because his services were unsat-
isf actory,"
"Then he took offense at be-
ing fired from his job," Harring-
ton explained, "and said some
things that should not be taken
quite so literally. No teachers have
been restricted, and the students
haven't complained of censorship
because there hasn't been any.
The charges were ridiculous."
4 In an interview with the Uni-
versity of Texas' Daily Texan,
Strader charged that Texas A&M-
was practically "under martial
Cites Resignations
The Daily Texan's managing
editor, George Runge, pointed out
several indications that the "situ-
ation at Texas A&M is not all it
should be." He cited the resigna-
tion of the deans of the colleges
of Arts and Sciences, and of Ag-
riculture, and the departure of
the football coach "who had I
don't know how many years still
f' left on his contract."
Revealing the situation behind
his own dismissal, Strader had
this to say: "You see, the school
has problems, and they (the ad-
ministrators) were just tired of
people talking about them."
Refuses Information
When 'asked about specific in-
stances of press restriction, he
refused to give information. "I
could but I'd rather not," he said.
"The students involved don't have
their diplomas yet."
However, Strader noted what
happened to him is "a pretty good
example of v hat's been happen-
ing. My, Student Publications
Board and I had no warning I'd
be fired." After the firing, the
Board commended him on his
tensity of the demonstrations
which followed and the failure of
the Venezuelan security forces to
act effectively .were not foreseen."
The committee called another
closed meeting for today to con-
sider the future course of its in-
quiry into the mistreatment of
Vice-President and Mrs. Nixon in
Latin America.
The committee, in a session
lasting nearly 21/2 hours, ques-
tioned both Murphy and Allen W.
Dulles, director of the Central In-
telligence Agency, on the extent
to which American intelligence
was aware of the possibilities of
violence on Nixon's trip.
Whole Story
"It's got the whole story behind
those SGC elections, it tells the,
truth about the student reporter
who went to Cuba, and it's a pretty
darn good issue of TIMF," accord-
ing to Managing Editor Jean Wil-
loughby, '59.
Miss Willoughby referred to the
latest and perhaps last issue of
Gargoyle, supposed to go on sale1
around campus tomorrow. "At all
drinking fountains, of course," she
In more serious moments, the
editor revealed that TIMF was not
only a full-blooded parody on a
national news magazine, but fea-
tures a recent elections candidate,
Ted Bomb, on the cover.
"But we will sell it for only one
day," Miss Willoughby cautioned.
"All issues remaining after Wed-
pesday will probably be confis-
cated and burned. This is going tol
be one hot issue."
...Lebanon's president
oIs Start
New Strife
In Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon (A)-Bombs
wrecked three outdoor markets
and left heavy casualties yester-
day, reviving a 10-day-old general
strike that had begun to wane.
Opposition leader Saeb Alam de-
clared the strike will continue until
pro-Western President Camille
Chamoun resigns.
A large number of casualties
was reported when bombs exploded
in two crowded vegetable markets
opened by dealers in defliance of
the strike. Security forces quickly
moved into the area and arrested
150. Another bomb rocked a cloth-
ing bazaar behind the municipal
Gangs in automobiles patrolled
the streets, firing shots above shops
that opened. Security forces kept
mobs from forming but were un-
able to cope with the hit-and-run
tactics of small bands.
The terrorism had the desired
effect on most people. Bazaars
emptied immediately and shops
closed. In most of the city the
strike was more effective than at
any time in the last three days.
The public was beginning to feel
the pinch.
Tripoli, where heavy fighting
had been under way for several
days, was reported quiet.
Wm. Kent
To Race
William A. Kent, who last week
announced his withdrawal from
candidacy for the Democratic
nomination as United States rep-
resentative from the second dis-
trict, announced yesterday his re-
entry into the race.
State Sen. Lewis G. Christman
(R-Ann Arbor) also announced
yesterday that he is seeking re-
election in the 33rd District. Sen.
Christman has served in the State
Legislature 14 years.
When he announced his plans
to run again, Christman declared
his support of a state income tax.
Among Christman's committee
posts is chairmanship of the Sen-
ate Retirement Committee, mem-
bership in the Senate Taxation
Committee and memberships in
the State Affairs and Health and
Welfare Committees.
In announcing his plans to re-
run for Congress, Kent said he had
the backing of the State Demo-
cratic Club. The club is a group of
Democrats led by former congress-
man Frank E. Hook of Ironwood.
"We are dedicated to, battling
socialism in the Democratic
Party," Kent said yestereday. Kent
became the first person in the
Second District to seek nomination
when he announced his candidacy
last March.
Student Dives,
Breaks TNSeck
During Party
Fred Charm, '59BAd, remains
in critical condition in Pontiac
General Hospital following a
swimming accident Sunday.
Charm, who dove from a dock
into two feet of water, suffered
a, broken neck. He is paralyzed
from the neck down, according to
hospital authorities.
The accident occurred during a1
swimming party held by Steve 1
Bloom, '60, and his younger broth-
er Michael at their parents' cot-4
tage on Pine Lake.
Bloom told sheriff's deputies he
had warned Charm the water was
shallow, but his friend had replied,1
"Watch kids. I'll show you how to
! make a shallow dive."I
--- _
French Start
News Media
PARIS (P)-The French govern-
ment 4tarted stationing censors in
the Paris offices of news agencies
yesterday. It was the first such
action taken in peacetime in mod-
ern French history.
The government of Premier
Pierre Pfiimlin sent censors to
check stories at the semi-official
French News Agency and the
United Press.
United States correspondent
Joseph W. Grigg said the censor
explained he came on duty first
in the United Press offices because
there were few persons available
for censorship duties. He said cen-
sors would be assigned to other
news agencies today.
The censor showed no interest
in stories about the political situa-
tion in France destined for points
abroad, the United Press said.
He was said to be watching
mainly for what he called seditious
stories from Algiers destined to be
relayed in French language serv-
ices of foreign news agencies.
Earlier, a French Information
Ministry official said control will
be progressively exerted on all
news coming from Algeria, start-
ing probably today.
May Evacuate
U.S. Civilians
WASHINGTON (/)-Diplomatic
sources speculated yesterday that
the 18 huge transport planes sent
to Germany by the United States
could be used to evacuate Ameri-
cans from France in an emer-
The speculation arose after the
State Department refused to link
the sending of the C124 Globe-
masters to Germany Saturday
with uprisings in Lebanon.
Cite Reason for Ouster,
Of American Diplomat
WASHINGTON (P) - The State Department disclosed yesterday
the Soviet Union's ouster of a young American diplomat.
He said his offense seemed to be that he was friendly toward
fellow students at Moscow University.
Declared unwelcome in Moscow was John A. Baker, Jr., 30 years
old, second secretary of the United States Embassy.
A Soviet diplomat of approximately equal status is expected to
get his walking papers in Washington. But all the State Department
would say was that this had not
been done "up to this point."
Baker, whose home is Westport,1
Conn., is vacationing in London
with his wife, the former Sally
Bragg of Cambridge, Mass., and
their 18-month-old child.
His offense, the Soviet Foreign
Ministry said, was that he "sys-
tematically violated thenorms of
behavior for diplomatic represent-
The department said United
States Ambassador Llewellyn
Thompson protested at Moscow
that this was not true. It said
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko rejected the protest.
Writer Davis,
Col eman Die
Last Weekend
Film star Ronald Coleman, 67
years old, and radio-TV news an-
alyst Elmer Davis, 68 years old,
died last week end.
Coleman, who won an Academy
Award in 1948 for his role of a
Shakespearean actor in "A Double
Life," died 24 hours after being
hospitalized with a lung infection
which he contracted on a recent
trip to Europe.
Davis, the author of novels,
short stories and essays, worked on
the New York Times for 10 years.
During World War II he inter-
rupted his broadcasting to serve as
chief of the government's Office of
War Information.
de Gaulle Cites Readiness
in Franc
JAKARTA (JP)-Red China has
offered to send thousands of vol-
unteers to fight the Indonesian
rebels, a high government source
said yesterday.
The offer, he said, was unsoli-
"They areuonly waiting for the
signal from us," he reported in an
interview, adding that the govern-
ment does not wish to accept the
But he warned if it is proved
that Chinese Nationalist troops
have landed in Eastern Indonesia
there will be no alternative. He
said offers of volunteers from
Communist Poland 'and Czecho-
slovakia are also held in abeyance.
The army announced Sunday it
had received reports that Chinese
Nationalist troops are working
with rebels in Northern Celebes.
There has been no confirmation
of this.
Dorm .Rates
.Remain Same
For-Next Year
The University will not increase
residence hall rates next fall, ac-
cording to Francis C. Shiel, man-
ager of service enterprises.
The residence halls, which in-
clude the Northwood and Univer-
sity Terrace apartments, will com-
pensate for increases in the price
of food and supplies byda reduc-
tion in services, he said. Details
and specific changes have not yet
been announced.
The present residence halls rate
for a double room is $795 for two
semesters, with an additional $10
telephone charge in the new Mary
Markley; Hall for women and
South Quadrangle.
Shiel also announced that the
three-year maximum period of
tenancy at Northwood and Uni-
versity Terrace apartments is be-
ing extended to four years.
A -..v* . t n / m.a F
' PARIS (M') -General Charles
de Gaulle declared yesterday he
is again at the disposal of France
to bring order out of chaos.
He renounced any role of dic-
tator but said he would require
extraordinary powers if he took
the helm of government.
The towering World War UI
hero spoke out at a crowded Paris
news conference. Then he re-
turned to his village home to
await his country's decision.
His statement brought a slight
easing of tension in France. Some
thought it appeared de' Gaulle
might come to power through
constitutional means in the crisis
arising from the Algerian rebel-
Allied officials in London sug-
gested he had lowered his pros-
pects for assuming leadership.
Standing ramrod straight and
speaking in a clear, firm voice, de
Gaulle said he is ready to serve
"if the people wish, as in the pre-
ceding great national crisis,. at
the head of the government of
the French republic."
"I am a man alone," de Gaulle
asserted, "becaus'e I am tied to no
party nor to any organization. I
am a man who belongs-to no one
and who belongs to everyone."
Shrugging aside a question on
public liberties, the general asked:
"Have I ever attacked fundamen-
tal public liberties? No, I restored
them when they had disappeared.
How would you have me, at 67,
start a career as dictator?".
De Gaulle said France is a
weakened country struggling in a
world of great difficulties and
"But there are good cards in
France's hand for the future," he
said. "These cards,.open the per-
spective for a tomorrow which will
really be a French renaissance."
"I envisage the case where the
French people might ask me to
act as an arbitrator," he said.
Russian Plan
ton P. Anderson (D-N.M.) yester-
day described the Soviet space
satellite program as amazingly
similar to one drafted by the Air
Force in 1955 but pigeon-holed by
the Defense Department.
Sen. Anderson said the discarded
Air Force "world series" program
called for the launching of a
First Campus Cooperative Founded 25 Years Ago
This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of
the first cooperative house in the United States.
Originally called the Michigan Socialist House, the first resi-
dents were all members of the Michigan Socialist Club, although
"there wasn't any requirement for membership," according to Wayne
Erickson, '34, one of the founders.
One man, boarding himself very cheaply in a single room, first
conceived the idea that eventually led to the renting of the house
which is still standing today on Ann Street. The members of the co-
tell us we could eat it if we held
our noses," he reminisced. "But
we considered ourselves lucky to
get anything at all to eat in those
mid-depression days."
During the early days, members
of the house were charged one
dollar a week for board and one
dollar for room. Outside boarders
paid $1.25 a week.