Sixty-Eighth Year -, - - EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Eltorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This is t be noted in all reprints. [DAY, MAY 16, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER Phi Sigma Sigma Evades Issue f Mbi OfMembership Restrictions "You'll Make Better Time Without This Extra Wheel" AT THE CAMPUS: Smiles' Inscrutable Evocative, Intense "SMILES of a Summer Night," the film currently playing at the Cam- pus theater, is one of a crop of carefully crafted, curiously moving European movies that have lately swept into the country. Strange, many-layered, full of ambivalent emphases, "Smiles of a Summer Night" is less effective than the recent "Nights of Cabiria," but has a similar -power to evoke potent and disturbing emotions. The film takes place in Sweden at/the turn of the century. In a lengthy beginning, characters are introduced to the audience and their relationships defined: There is Fredrik Egermann, a middle - aged lawyer, married to a nineteen-year-old girl, seeking love from her but unable to find it. There are Anne and Henrik; the one Fredrik's naive and increasingly disillusioned wife, the other his morose, idealis! 1t FROM WHAT group does Phi Sigma Sigma plan to draw its membership? Ever since the group headed by Carol Sha- iro has sought to gain recognition on the :ampus, the underlying assumption has been hat the sorority would be predominantly Jew- sh. This has been the rationale behind bring- ng the group to campus; three predominantly rewish sororities on campus simply are not nough to fill the needs of the number of rewish girls who want to pledge. However, Wednesday night Miss Shapiro waded the question of membership. She told he Council she had not asked the women in he group what their religion is, and added hat some of the founders of the sorority were iot Jewish. She did admit that the alumnae of he sorority were mostly Jewish. PERHAPS this is a properly liberal attitude; it certainly avoids any unpleasantness rising from the 1949 regulation. Unfortunate- y it doesn't fit in with the University situation, vhere the vast majority of Jewish women who >ledge, join one of the three sororities, which ake extremely few Gentile women. Also, there is at present no need for another }redominantly non-Jewish sorority on campus, f one may judge by the words of Panhel Presi- lent Mary Tower. Miss Tower told the Council ome houses had failed to make their quotas luring the recent rush; in this case, another iouse will simply make it that much harder or all houses to make quotas. Miss Tower is :ertainly aware of this fact; why then, did she iot object to having another sorority? The answer, of course, is that the group will e predominantly Jewish, as everyone connect- ed with its reactivation has assumed. There may be a real need on this campus for another predominantly Jewish sorority; last spring's rush figures would seem to bear this out. But if there is going to be one, let the group stand up and say so. Part of the reason for the evasiveness may be the 1949 ruling, but part also must stem from a curiously ambivalent attitude toward sorority discrimination. On the one hand, there is the effort to remove bias clauses, written and un- written, as in the case of Sigma Kappa; on the other, there is the move toward continued segregation in the form of predominantly Jew- ish, Negro and Gentile houses. IT IS RIDICULOUS to seek integration in residence halls while promoting segregation in sororities, but this is what the Council is doing. If integration is to be brought about in sororities, it can best begin in those predomin- antly Gentile houses which are unable to meet their quotas from among Gentile women and decide to take Jewish women in significant numbers to do so. By doing this, these houses would be contributing a great deal toward the achievement of an ideal which most of the campus professes to seek. But integration will never come about by admitting more predominantly Jewish houses to the campus to take care of the overflow of Jewish women. If integration is not as impor- tant as getting more Jewish women into sorori- ties, the reactivators of Phi Sigma Sigma should admit this. There is room for argument here. But there is no room for shilly-shallying about membership. -JOHN WEICHER dposs T l9Ti .)hS({l GTO cl PST Go: WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: B Italian Reforms MarkAew Era :: By DREW PEARSON Cement, Cement, Cement, ALTTEMPTS to achieve 'utter sterility in the appearance of the University by local plan- ners have reached a new high. It was not so bad when the Undergraduate Library was built - there was a real need for the building. It was worse but still not so bad when the Romance Language Building, one of the few buildings left on campus with any personality, was torn down. There was a reason for that too. The build- ing was 'unsafe. And, further, there was one redeeming feature. One would now be able to lookthrough a broad vista of cool green liv- ing grass to the interior of the campus, and this would heighten the place's appearance immeasurably. But the designers have scored again. Instead of the cool, green, flowing lawn, the Univer- sity will have a hot,off-white, stagnant slab of cement. No doubt, the designers had some good rea- son for the "patio." They say something about the intersection of paths. It might even have been more economical in the long run. Cer- tainly, the thing will provide more space for roller skaters. But whatever the reasoning, it was the most stupid mistake in a long series of artistic blun- ders perpetrated by University planners. Any doubters might do well to visit the law quad or, perhaps, Michigan State University. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done. The thing is practically finishel1. But students could still have the chance to voice their opinion on the issue. All they'd have to do is show up some morning with a few pneu- matic hammers. There must be some force for sanity on campus. -RICHARD TAUB (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is Drew Pearson's third dispatch from Rome in his coverage of upcoming Italian elections.) ROME-Two big things impress you about Italy today. They are: 1. The forthcoming election will be completely free, with every shade and segment of political opinion not only able but required to vote. It will be a purer demon- stration of democracy than in U.S. presidential elections because only 60 per cent of Americans vote. When you contrast this with com- plete suppression of democracy under Mussolini you get some idea of Italy's tremendous political pro- gress since the days when partisan bandsbegan knifing Mussolini after Salerno. 2. Italy has made more eco- nomic progress than any other European nation except West Ger- many. Her gold deposits in New York of $1,400,000,000 are now behind only England's and Ger- many's. ON THE SURFACE Rome is a bursting, bustling city, bulging with traffic problems, even knock- ing holes in the ancient Wall of the Emperors to let more traffic out on the Christopher Columbus Highway and using the castle of Emperor Caesar Augustus as traf- fic police headquarters. If you want to fix a ticket in modern Rome you have to go the building from which Caesar Augustus ruled ancient Rome at the heyday of its pomp and power. From the depth of depression and discouragement as I saw it after the war, Italy has accom- plished a modern economic mir- acle. The American people can take a little credit for an assist in this recovery. But basically it goes to the indefatigable energy and determination of the Italian people. Today Italy receives no foreign aid from the United States except for a barter deal by which Secre- tary Benson gets rid of some of his surplus tobacco and cotton in ex- change for local lire, some of which are used for the expense of the American Embassy in Rome. Incidentally they also enabled Adam Clayton Powell, Congress- man from Harlem, to come abroad last year and pick up enough counterpart life at the American embassy to rent a villa for himself along the Adriatic at a time when he was supposed to be voting in Washington. The Embassy unfor- tunately has now power to tell a congressman how he's to spend counterpart funds. He can spend- them on wine, women, or lace handkerchiefs sent to the voters back home. e* * * OUTWARDLY there are ample signs of Italian prosperity and efficiency. Not only do the trains live up to Mussolini's proud boast and still run on time, but the air- plaues also run on time and there is a new glass and aluminum rail- road station plus an airport that would make Mussolini green with envy. Getting away from these show- pieces of prosperity it has actually been Italian land reform, tax re- form, oil development and highway improvement that have revamped the nation'saeconomic structure. The Christian Democrats who have governed Italy since the war deserve credit for these difficult and sometimes unpopular reforms. It was ex-Premier Antonio Segni, himself one of the biggest land- owners in Italy, who largely wrote the land reform bill and wrote it in such a way that *his own land would suffer severely. Many of the big estates in Italy are owned by Christian Democrats or the Catho- lic Church. However, the law was passed and is being carried out- though it will take time, partly be- cause landless peasants, settling on new land, require tools, houses, seed. * * * LAST WEEK, driving through southern Italy I visited some of the new developments made pos- sible by irrigation, reclamation and a series of loans from the World Bank.. Along the Mediterranean where the Tifata Mountains drop abruptly to the sea, the erosion of the centuries has piled up silt along the river beds, while the pounding of the Mediterranean has washed sand and silt against the shore. This created a mosquito-breed- ing morass somewhat like our New Jersey swamps which for years was wasted. For years those who have ruled Rome tried to drain these swamps and put the land to work. It began with the Spanish Victory in 1613, continued with the French Bourbons when they ruled Italy, and was revived by Mussolini. However, it remained for the Christian Democrats with help from the World Bank to accom- plish the overall reclamation of these swamps, damming the riv- ers, irrigating the land and putting people back on the land. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) tic son. There are the Malcolms, other, yet enslaved by their own emotions. Above all, there is De- siree, beautiful, scheming, elusive; the former mistress of Fredrik, she wants him again as her posses- sion. s s s THE FIRST hour of the film is impressive, however, only when seen as an introduction to the re- mainder of the film. All of the characters are brought together at a hellish weekend party, pre- sided over by Desiree and an an- cient courtesan who is her moth- er. The mannered artificial world of the manor in which the gather- ing takes place is effectively con- trasted with the naked, symbolic actions of characters who are sud- denly stripped of their masks and illusions. For the very few who have and accept the gift of young love, the night is salvation. For the others, it is but thehectic fulfillment of the patterns they have set for themselves, and dawn brings not happiness, but relieved acceptance of the absurdities of their world. * * *P THE MOVIE fails to be as ef- fective as it might for several rea- sons. On the trivial, but irritating level, is the fact that long pas- sages of the Swedish dialogue have been left untranslated which contrilbutes to the feeling of dis- continuity and vagueness which the plot of the movie tends to evoke on its own. More important, the film seems to consciously avoid taking itself seriously; ef- fective comedy always prevents the revelation of the horrors the atmosphere postulates and im- plies. Moments of avoided terror increase the impression of frus- tration and unfulfilled desire in the film, but seem to detract from its final coherence. -Jean Willoughby INTERPRETING: Ticklish Diplomacy By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE UNITED STATES has been engaged this week in one of the oldest and most ticklish forms of diplomacy-showing the flag, they used to call it. As developed by the British dur- ing their heyday of empire, it amounted to a silent anounce- ment of political interest, a re- minder of latent power, and a threat. Frequently it led to a fight, and some British parliamentarians ar- gued that it should never be used unless a fight was accepted as the possible denoument. In more modern times, as when Theodore Roosevelt sent the fleet around the world with special ar- rangements that it be seen by the German Kaiser, showing the flag has been more o a deterrent ef- fort than a fighting threat. That's what it was when Air Force nuclear bombers flew non- stop around the world. Indeed, it has been a major factor in the whole Western program of nuclear development. THIS WEEK. the military colors of the United States have been waved at four major points of world disturbance. Two of the displays have been what they call routine-joint ma- nieuvers with the British not far from Algeria, and an even more routine SEATO operation north of Indonesia which was protested by the Communists. In the Eastern Mediterranean naval units have moved to the Lebanon area, and the fleet's allot- ment of Marines enlarged. U.S. planes have flown weapons to the Lebanese government. The most debatable show of power was in the Caribbean. The United States flew Army and Ma- rine reinforcements to United States bases. The avowed purpose was to have them handy if the Venezuelan government invited help in protecting mob - besieged Vice-President Nixon and his wife. * * * LATIN AMERICANS are partic- ularly sensitive about any show of United States power. They re- member with rancor United States Count and Countess, hating each ~ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edito- ial responsibility. Notices should be before 2 p.m. the" day preceding publication. Notices for' Sunday sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, MAY 16;' 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 163 General Notices School of Business Administration, Faculty meeting Fri., May 16, 3:00 p.m. BA 164. Oreon E. Scott Freshman Prize win- ners who did not pick up their books at the May 9 Convocation may obtain them by reporting to the Dean of Men's Office, 2011 S.A.B. Notice: To Second Semester Fresh- men who have applied for scholarships in the College of Engineering for the academic year 1958-59: Those freshmen who have decided upon their depart- ment of specialization, please advise the scholarship Committee of that de- cision by post card. The card should be received no later than May 19, and is to be addressed to: Professor J. C. Drier, Chairman Committee on Engrg. Scholarships 2028 East Engineering Building Ann Arbor, Michigan. Your notification will aid the Scholar- ship Committee in selecting scholarship holders for 1958-59. Notice to All Students: Students who will needtheir I.D. cardsreplaced - either because of change of name,, school, or address, or lost, should re- port to the Office of the Dean of Men on Tues., May 20 or May 27. I.D cards will not be made after the above dates until Sept. 15. Summary of action taken by Stu- dent Government Council, May 14, 1958 Approved minutes of previous meet- ing. Recommendation for appointment t. Board of Directors, University Develop. ment Council - Sue Rockne. Approved the following appoint- ments: Roy Lave, Board in Review; Karol Buckner, Personnel Director; Lynnel Marg, Office Manager; Harvey Yates, Chairman Early Registration Pass Committee; Allan Nachman, Merle Becker, Lewis Spellman, Jerry smith; Cinema Guild Chairman, Donna Wick- ham, Sarah Rowley, Richard Atlas, Michael Woolf, Claire Kobak; Counsel- ing Study committee: Douglas Viel- metti, Roger Seasonwein; Richard Erbe, Elections Director; Robert Gunn, Stu- dent Book Exchange Manager. Accepted report of Reading and Dis- cussion Committee; Rushing Evalua- tion Committee. Tabled further consideration of bud- get for J-Hop until the J-Hop Commit- tee has investigated suggestion pre- sented, and has submitted requested reports. Approved reactivation of Eta Chapter of Phi Sigma Sigma, national under- graduate sorority. Granted recognition: Xi Sigma Pi, Upsilon Chapter, Forestry honor so- ciety; Stamm Foundation; Venezuelan Students Association. Authorized letter to University Cal- endaring Committee commending its work and including comment on spe- cific recommendations. Recommended to the Executive Com- mittee that "Student Government Council, realizing the value of having a Polish student on the University cam- pus, endorses the provision of funds to such student up to the amount which SGC can afford." (Refers to USNSA Polish Exchange program.) Approved Activities Calendar for 1958-59. Lectures Prof. Kenneth Boulding, of the Econ- omics Department, will speak on the topic, "What is the Nature of the Re- ligious Life?" at the coffee hour of the Office of Religious Affairs - Fri., May 16, 4:15 p.m. Lane Hall Library. Mathematics Lecture: Will be on Fri., May 16 at 3:00 p.m. in Rm. 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. G, C. Hirsch of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology will speak on "Some Topics in Fiber Bundle Theory." Plays Last Three performances "view From the Bridge" tonight and tomorrow, 8:30 p.m. and tomorrow matinee at 2:30 p.m. Luther Adler, noted stage star, plays the leading role in this latest play by Arthur Miller. Tickets for this play as well as for the remaining plays of the Drama Season are on sale daily at the Mendelssohn Theatre box office. Other plays to be presented include: "'The Second Man," starring Vicki Cummings and Hurd Hatfield; "Candida," starring Nancy Kelly; "Separate Tables," star- ring Basil Rathbone and Betty 'Field; and "Holiday for Lovers" starring Don Ameche. Concerts Student Recital: Philip Hahn will present an organ recital in Hill Aud. on Fri., May 16, 8:30 p.m. Mr. Hahn, who is a student of Robert Noehren, has included compositions by Buxte- hude, Bach and Messiaen, on his pro- gram. His recital is being presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements I'L I"' 4 Y~ Education: Transportation Substitute T HE UNITED STATES is caught in a curious dilemma. All over the country radios chorus slogans. "You auto buy now," they say "buy something you need today." We're in a reces- sion, we're told, because we're not spending enough. Conversely, the news broadcasts on the same radios report that higher education lost ground this year because there wasn't enough money in state tills. The situation in Michigan is ob- viously more crucial than in many states, but it is probably safe to say that nowhere in the country did higher education make tie gains that were anticipated and needed this year. A primary recession problem is that the pop- ulation's demand for goods seem to be shift- ing away from longer, flashier cars and newer household gadgets. As a result, they're not buy- ing the Detroit products. Because of the complexity of economic mat- ters, this must only be an assumption, but in view of the increasing sales of economical foreign cars, a slackening interest in Detroit automobiles seems to be one of the key factors in the current recession. To the degree that this assumption is cor- rect: 1),the American public is not buying be- cause it doesn't know what to substitute for that new car, or 2) the public can't buy what it actually does want. IF THE American: public doesn't know what else to substitute, perhaps this is the time to emphasize education, both at a personal and 'national level, Undoubtedly, a great and growing number of people realize. the importance of an educa- tion. Sputniks and the increasing demand for college graduates have combined to produce this effect. But people are handicapped in the educational market. They can't buy education -the way they're accustomed to buying most consumer goods. How does the public pay for education now? The typical father pays for his son's education on a "pay-as-you-go plan" that forces him to shell out $6,000 in four years. His monetary troubles are often compounded by additional or after the student is in college. Insurance companies, who have done a good job in pro- moting life insurance as a means of'providing for the future might also effectively assist a family in filling its educational needs. Second, increased loan funds'f on any level, including federal, would be a benefit. There are several things that could be done here. First is a re-education program working toward the idea that college educations can be financed through time with payment coming either before college or after. Insurance com- panies, who have done a good job with life in- surance in making a future need seem real, might be able to do the same job here. In- creased use of loan funds on any level would be a benefit. BUT PERHAPS most beneficial' of all would be education towards increasing public awareness that it receives direct benefits when it pays taxes. Taxes, in the popular mind, seem to go for no good use at all, or at the most for some nebulous concept of "good." But how long, for example, does it take a student's par- ents to pay $4,000 in taxes to the state of Michigan? Much longer than four years, one would guess, but that is how much the state appropriates toward a student's four-year edu- cation. It is true that education programs are easier proposed than carried out, but the bene- fits here would seem to outweigh the diffi- culty of the task. Governmental units, both national and local have two distinct jobs to perform in the edu- cational line. The first job is along the line of helping people to satisfy their demand for education. This would involve establishing loan funds, for example and would be accomplished at com- paratively small cost to the government. THE OTHER job of the government is to step in where the public's perspective isn't large enough. The teacher shortage serves as a good example of this. The demand for teach- ers is great, but there is an unwillingness to back up the demand with money or other benefits that would make teaching desirable to ""4 SGC IN REVIEW: Point to Sorority Approval Obscured ;. By THOMAS TURNER Daily Staff Writer STUbENT Government Council failed to debate approval of Phi Sigma Sigma on the oily grounds on which it is an issue. Need for a new sorority hinged on approving of the idea of "sep- arate but equal" facilities for Jews and Gentiles, but no one said so. Acting Daily Editor Richard Taub pushed the point as far as asking Mary Tower of Panhellenic about unfilled quotas in the sorority sys- tem as a whole but no further. If he had asked which houses didn't make their quotas it seems likely she would have said she didn't know. Instead, Taub asked rhetor- ically what the need for a new sorority was, with quotas unfilled. Had he paused, the silence would have been deafening. * * * BUT INSTEAD Taub turned to President Pro Tem Carol Shapiro of the sorority-to-be and asked her if all the members were Jew- ish. She replied that she had never asked the girls their re- ligion. In approving Phi Sigma Sigma, then, SGC relieved the strain of one portion of the sorority sys- tem and gave this group of girls a place to spend their college ca- reers together. But the cause of integration wasn't advanced a bit. * * * CERTAINLY more encouraging was the Council's action concern- ing the National Student Asso- ciation's exchange with Poland. Applications of University stu-' dents wishing to study in Poland are being forwarded, the Univer- sity is applying as a host insti- tution, and the Council's execu- tive committee is to consider in- terim allocation of room, board, books and travel expenses to a Polish student if one is sent here. * * * DISCUSSION of the proposed J-Hop budget, according to J-Hop Chairman Murray Feiwell, con- cerned points his committee had already considered and rejected., Specifically, Feiwell said yester- day, Scott Chrysler's idea on mov- ing the dance to the League is im- practical because the lowest of the around a number of other ques- tions as well: Would moving the dance to the weekend reverse the' ' downward attendance trend? Would making it a two-day affair increase income beyond expendi- ture? Would holding the dance in the smaller League mean aban- doning the tradition of a "big- name band?" Would cutting the budget make the dance more or less likely to be successful? Would fraternities and residence halls be likely to want more booths rather than less, after an unsuc- cessful dance last February? And on down a descending scale of in- creasingly minute points. What will happen next week or the week after when Feiwell re- ports back to the Council remains anybody's guess, since Chrysler, Taub and Union President Barry Shapiro all expressed sharp dis- agreement with the committee's plans while only Treasurer Mort Wise sided with them to any ex- tent. EXECUTIVE Vice - President Dan Belin presented the Council