NEW SORORITY EVADES ISSUE See Page 4: Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom i:Iaii4 ,4 FAIR, COOLER LXVIII, No. 163 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1958 FIVE CENTS SIX PA 4rmy Civilians in A geria Support De Gaull Q * * * * * * * * * * * * reneral Approves Revolt; lobs Riot in Paris Streets Salan Comes Out for General Duripg Day, Winds up Speech' with 'Vive De Gaulle' ALGIERS (iP)-The French military command and European Ilians of Algeria last night formed an Algerian government pledged return Gen. Charles De Gaulle to power in France. De Gaulle, in France, said he was willing. This set off waves of enthusiasm for a revival of rightist power ked by military might to crush the Algerian nationalist rebellion. Gen. Raoul Salan, French supreme commander for Algeria, o has 480,000 troops and dictatorial powers over civilans, came Russians Orbit 1 /2 Ton" M1oon Term i.. t i Y West Must Reach O V -is Asks ilice Aetion ) End iots *out openly for Die Gaulle during the .day. He wound up .a balcony speech to street crowds with the signifi- cant phrase : "Vive De Gaulle." The fifty thousand Frenchmen who launched their rightist revolt as street mobs here two days ago, MEE "MEEEEM PARIS (1P) - The hard-pressed French government pleaded today for emergency police powers to deal with riots, chaos and rightist uprisings in behalf of Gen. Charles de Gaulle. * fThe government faced a ,spectre the rightist De Gaulle retrn- ing to power from bitter oblivion. Premier Pierre Pflimlin's two- day-old government goes into a midmorning session of Parliament with its appeal for a'state of .emergency-Just short of martial law - in all continental France. The request does not include Al- * geria. i A cryptic bid for power from De Gaulle and quickening of the rightist revolt in Algeria forced the showdown upon Pfiimlin He announced the decision to call for imposition of the state of emergency. It was made at a full Cabinet meeting with President Rene Coty at the Elysee Palace, the Fr enMhWhiteHouse, that lasted far beyond midnight last ' night. Two Communist chieftains -- whose party is excluded from the government - made a 20-minute call at the palace while the minis- ters met. They were Jacques Du- oos, the party's acting secretary general, and Waldeck Rochet, his top aide. The Comunists call D Gaulle a Fascist. They are-among many French groups opposing his return. Organized labor, led by Com- munists an Socialists, put out a flood of statements indicating union members were prepared to launch demonstrations and gen- eral strikes against reappearance of the 67-year-old Fighting French hero of World War II as the gov- ernment's boss. Sorority Vote Receives Two InterpretationS By JUDY DONER Two Student G o v e r n m e n t Council members offered differ- ent reasons for their vote to ap- prove the reactivation of Phi Sig- ma Sigma sorority on the Univer- sity campus, it was revealed yes- terday. "I have my doubts as to wheth- er the past interpretation by the Councilsof the discriminatory rul- ing has been a good one," Roger Seasonwein,. '61, said. "I felt it unfair for SGC to use this particular group of girls to break precedent," he continued. "Therefore, I did not -express these doubts in debate, when the fate of 33 girls who obviously needed a sororfty was at stake." Interfraternity Council Presi- dent John Gerber, '59, said that there was no question as to the need for another sorority on cam- pus. He cited the number of girls who rushed but didn't pledge. Gerber said he based his deci- sion, in part, on the recommen- dation of Panhellenic Association to accept the charter of the soror- ity. "There was no question in my mind that it would make a worthy contribution to the campus," Ger- ber maintained. Elizabeth A. Leslie, assistant GEN, CHARLES DE GAULLE ..- victor in 1945 believed they were near victory over the Paris government of Premier Pierre Pflimi'n. Whatever Paris may do, the mobs and their French and pro- French cohorts were in control of all major cities, in Algeria. The reins of power seized by the mob Tuesday were taken over in immediate and orderly fashion by French parachutist Gen. Jacques Massu. SpakSets A small fire drew a large crowd yesterday when a spark from the incinerator on a local restaurant caused a fire in an attic of a rooming house next door. According 'to Ann Arbor's Fire Marshall, the incinerator lacked a "spark arrester" on the chim- ney to catch sparks and keep them from leaving the chimney. The proprietor of the restaurant said the City of Ann Arbor had checked his incinerator within the past year and found nothing wrong with it. "The incinerator has been like this for 20 years," he said. The landlady of the. rooming house at 519 E. William said hef establishment was not certified by the City, but she was positive the standards she set up would be suf- ficient to bass those of Ann Arbor. UAR Signs Agreement With-Russia No Hint of Further Promises by USSR MOSCOW (JP)-President Gamal Abdel Nasser lined up his United Arab Republic alongside the Soviet Union Thursday on most interna- tional problems dividing East and West.. A joint statement 'signed by Nasser and Premier Nikita Khrush- chev carried no hint, however, of any more Soviet commitments as a result of the Arab leader's two- week visit and negotiations with Kremlin leaders. The joint declaration was signed in a two-minute Kremlin ceremony with practically the entire Presidi- um of the ruling Communist party ranged behind Nasser and Khrush- chev.- The ceremony over, the group went to the Kremlin Palace for Khrushchev's farewell banquet to Nasser. He leaves for Cairo today aboard a Soviet jet airliner. The statement noted that Nas- ser invited Khrushchev and Presi- dent Klementi Voroshilov to visit the United Arab Republic and that both had accepted. No dates were mentioned. The agreement denounced "the barbaric French war, against the Algerian rebels . . . colonial'ag- gression against Yemen . . for- eign interference in the internal affairs of Indonesia." It condemned Western "colonial-. ism and imperialism," Western military bases on foreign territory and the cold war in general. It called for peaceful coexist- ence, unilateral cessation of nu- clear tests, and eventual banning of all nuclear weapons and uni- versal reduction of armaments and armed forces. Press Group To Assemble The Michigan Interscholastic Press Association will hold its an- nual Assembly today in the Rack- ham Building. The conference theme is "The School Press Tells the Story of America's Education." University President Harlan H. Hatcher will welcome the group of high school journalists and their faculty advisor. The key- note address will be given by Prof. Leland Stowe of the journalism department. By PHILIP MUNCK Special to The Daily LANSING - Michigan's legisla- ture late yesterday approved a bill giving the University $1,515,000 for capital outlay during the coming fiscal year. Last fall the University asked for $15,837,000 in building funds. The present bill will allow the University to complete theMedical Science Bldg. and will provide funds for services and electrical renovations in the University Hos- pital. The original request asked for money to build an Institute of Science and Technology, a Physics and Astronomy Bldg., new class- rooms and laboratories on Randall Laboratory Bldg. for high radia-. tion hazard projects. It also included provisions for the construction of a Mathematics Computing Center and a 32-bed Patient Rehabilitation Center for the treatment of chronic diseases CRISIS: Beirut Riots Continue By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press News Analyst BEIRUT, Lebanon (R)- Bomb- ings and gunfire flayed this tor- tured capital yesterday in contin- uation of what. many people fear may be a curtain raiser to gen- eral Middle East turmoil. President Camille Chamoun ap- peared to be winning out, at least for the time being. But many in Beirut expressed belief this little country, normally an oasis of sanity in this part of the world, is teetering on the brink of tragedly unless a compromise is reached between the government and the opposition. This situation is far from a strictly internal Lebanese affair. Other forces are deeply involved, including United Arab Republic propaganda agents from Cairo and Damascus, as well as Communists operating in the background and taking fullest advantage of the strife here. Lebanon has a pro-Western gov- ernment which has been under constant pressure from Damascus and Cairo. Damascus and Cairo are now taking advantage of the internal situation in which a pro- Nasser opposition is fighting the government foreign policy. and a heating plant expansion project to connect with North Campus. The request was whittled down to the present figure by the Senate Appropriations Committee of Sen. Elmer Porter (R-Blissfield) to con- form with the legislature's "aus- terity" budget. The bill was rejected twice by PASS CAPITAL OUTLAY: Legislature Gives 'U' $1.5 Million the legislators this session before finally accepting the decision of a committee appointed to iron out differences between the two houses. Building construction has been a subject of dispute in the legisla- ture this year. Rep. James Warner (R-Ypsilanti) said that the Uni- versity doesn't want more building at present. 'Unnecessary Expenditures' Seen at 'U' by Congressman By THOMAS HAYDEN Special to The Daily LANSING-Rep. James Warner (R-Ypsilanti) yesterday called the salary paid to the vice-president of the University an "unneces- sary expenditure." The position, created in March 1956, is currently occupied by William Stirton.'} "When the University created the job, it diverted a large sum of money away from needed pay raises for other faculty members," Warner said. However, he added, Stirton himself is a "very compe-. tent man." Stirton, who carries on most of the University's liaison work with the state legislature, refused to comment on Warner's statement. Warner also levelled a verbal volley at the 15-man University entourage which travelled to Hol- land, Mich., recently to confer on the accreditation of Holland Christian High School. "Any of three men - University President Harlan Hatcher, Vice- President and Dean of Faculties Marvin Niehuss, or Stirton . might have handled the job alone," Warner declared. Warner was among those who favored a $31 million budget for the University. The legislature's final appropriation was $30 mil- lion. 47roup Passes Space Agency WASHINGTON (P)-The House Space Committee has unanimous- ly decided in favor of a strong civilian space agency aimed at speeding America's work in the sky. A committee spokesman said yesterday decisions of the House group headed by Majority Lead- er John W. McCormack (D- Mass.), are still tentative pending further closed sessions. INixon asks Revamped Latin. Study. WASHINGTON (Mr)-Vce-Presi- dent Nixon called yesterday for a reappraisal of our policy toward Latin America, a "few hours after flying home to a hero's welcome from an estimated 100,000 cheer- ing, sign-waving spectators. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, flanked by Cabinet officers,. con- gressional leaders: and dozens of diplomats, led the welcome. They saluted Nixon for courageously enduring rock-throwing riots and insults in Venezuela and Peru. President Eisenhower and Nixon in exchanging remarks at the air- port both predicted the anti-Amer- ican riots would bolster rather than weaken traditionally friendly ties with Latin-American coun- tries. Nixon met afterward for 90 min- utes with President Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster DulleĀ§ to review what he called the basic issues involved in eco- nomic troubles that have boiled up in Latin America in the past few years. At .a reception later, he told newsmen who accompanied him on his trip that relations with Latin America warrant top prior- ity. Khrushchev Hints At Summit Talks Premier Derides U.S. Science, Says USSR Won't Blackmail Wei By The Associated Press MOSCOW -The Soviet Union fired its third Sputnik it orbit yesterday, a 1% -ton, cone-shaped monster far heal than any of the five satellites launched earlier. In a Kremlin speech taunting United States science, P mier Nikita Khrushchev implied the West now must come terms with Moscow, although the Soviet Union did not wa to' use Sputnik III, he said, to- harm humanity or to black- mail the world. Refers to Rocket Size Khrushchevhappeared to be re- ferring to the possibl6 military implications of a rocket powerful enough to propel ponderous Sput- nik III into space. It is more than twice as heavy as Sputnik II, the largest satellite launched pre- viously. Khrushchev told his Kremlin audience, which included visiting President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic, he did. not want to belittle American achievements but "it would take' a lot of orange-sized Sputniks to compayre with ours." 1 'Must Stop Scaring' "We must stop scaring each other," Khrushchev declared. In obvious reference to an East- West summit conference, he add- ed, "We- must. sit down at the same table and talk about how we can live together in peace on our common planet." . Sputnik III joins three small United States satellites and ends a month-long space famine for Soviet scientists. They have had no satellite aloft since Sputnik II 'dipped into the earth's dense lower atmosphere April 14 and burned. Whirling about the earth once every 106 minutes at a maximum altitude of 1,168 miles, Sputnik III should be visible to the unaided eye in the rays of the rising and setting sun, according to an offi- cial announcement by Tass, the Soviet news agency. Tass later claimed that Sput- nik III is large enough to be a manned earth satellite. SGC To Print Course Book Before Fall Student Government Council will definitely publish a course evaluation booklet to be distri- buted before fall registration, Ron Gregg, '60, chairman of the Course Evaluation Committee said. "The booklet Student Course Guide will be designed to give freshmen and sophomores infor- mation they can get nowhere else now," Gregg said. It will be a re- sponsiblercomputation of student analyses, not 'mere grapevine'," he maintained. Questionnaires will be relegated to freshmen and sophomores be- ginning 'Monday through dele- gates in the residence halls and fraternity and sorority houses. These must be returned to the house delegate by May 2$, Gregg. said. - "Students must be serious about filling out these questionnaires," Gregg warned. CroninT~o'Give Reds' Rocket Could Reach Moo.-" Jone By ROBERT JUNKER It is "not inconceivable" ti rocket which put the Russian Sputnik III into orbit could reac the moon, Leslie M. Jones, re search engineer of the Engineerir Research Institute said yesterda "The Russians obviously hav a tremendous rocket," he ex plained. "If they substituted othE rockets in place of the ton-and-i half satellite, they could put small payload on the moon," h continued. The problem would be in timir the exact moment to launch th missile and in controlling i flight, he said., Estimate 'Sounds Correct' Prof. Robert Howe of the elec trical engineering department sai that the 500,000 pound rock( thrust estimated to have launche a satellite of this size "sound approximately correct." This est mate was made by William I Pickering, director of the jet prc pulsion laboratory at the Cal fornia Institute of Technology ye. terday. This great thrust implies ,thi an intercontinental ballistic mi, sile with the same rocket launci ing it could carry "a much heaviE warhead" that the weight of th satellite, Prof. Howe explained. Signals from Sputnik III wei picked up at the University's mi sile tracking station at Peac Mountain, 15 miles northwest c Ann Arbor yesterday, according t Hal F. Schulte, Jr., of the elec trical engineering department. Students Get- Signal The student-operated statk received signals at 10:55 a.m. ye: terday, he said. Don E. Haddoc '58E, one of the students operatin the station, said additional signa were received at 8 p.m. last nigl "The satellite will be visible the naked eye at dusk or just b fore dawn," Schulte explained, bi. there is not enough data yet determine its exact path. Sphinx T'ajs New Members Once again the Pharaoh hg commanded his legions to cro the great desert and invade til land of the barbarians to pic slaves for the Pharaoh's Court. Once again the East has learne to fear the Pharaoh's might. Into the temple, where gathe the Court, came neophyte slav to the Great Court of Sphinx. Here they learned of mar things. Here they learned to dedica NELSON DISCUSSES JUPITER C: U.S. Said Capable of Launching Satellite in 1956 By JOHN AXE The Army Jupiter-C rocket which put Explorer I into orbit had shown itself capable of putting a satellite in orbit as early as 1956, according to Prof. W. C. Nelson, chairman of the aeronautical engi- neering department. As a result of this earlier work it was no surprise to scientists that the Explorer launching vehicle was first to put a United States satellite in orbit, or that it succeeded on first try, he said. Prof. Nelson, who has recently returned from Nyest Germany where he attended a NATO conference, explained that the Explorer horizontal position at the peak of its trajectory. This occurs at an altitude of approximately 217 miles. Can Delay Firing The guidance system now al- lows scientists on the ground to delay the firing of the second stage until this point has been reached, Prof. Howe added. At this time the second, third and fourth stages are fired auto-j matically in quick succession. These stages consist of 11, four, and one scale sergeant rockets,i respectively. Stage Put in Orbit Actually the entire fourth stage of the rocket which contains both1 I's launching device has a simplerv basic system and a better devel- oped and proven power plant than the more ,publicized Vanguard launcher. Success 'Remarkable' Actually, it was remarkable that can be of a simpler design and are as a result more reliable. The Explorer I's launching ve- hicle is what might be termed a four stage rocket. Actually, the first stage is a "Redstone''rocketwhichh ha bee ~, ,