I "Find Any Fingerprints On It ?" Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3 241 Editorials printed in The' Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This ius t be noted in all reprints. RSDAY, MAY 15, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: BARTON HUTHWAITE Board of Governors Ignores Possible System Improvements I REFUSING to authorize the use of Prescott House in East Quadrangle for a year's trial an all-freshman house, the Residence Halls ard of Governors displayed an attitude tinged ;h over-conservatism. From the unexplainable abstention of two ard members to outright expressions of mis- st of sociologists and psychologists, the ard exhibited a weakness that is a liability a group in its position. t'he Michigan House Plan Committee, which I recommended that the all-freshman unit tried, strongly requested the establishment a faculty .advisory council for the house. gumhents put forth the staffing of such a incil would run into a great deal of difficulty :ause of faculty reluctance to accept such a ;t. 'WAS contended that the present system of assigning a Faculty Associate to each resi- ice hall house was not very successful and it a council of such advisors would be no re so. Further contentions held that it would unreasonable to expect the faculty to give re of their time for such a system. lowever, it was pointed out by supporters of e proposal that the present faculty associate n does not provide specific assignments for e associate and consequently provides less of ;timulus for him than the counseling duties would perform under the committee's plan. hat's more, it was assumed that the faculty mbers participating in the proposed plan uld be relieved of some of their academic bles. It must be granted, however, that this was >bably the most valid argument presented in ;osition to the proposal. But what was per- ps the worst case for rejection was a surpris- ly strong feeling that the faculty council uld attract primarily sociolo'gists and psy- >logists who would turn the resident fresh- n into "guinea pigs." VEN IF social science experiments were con- ducted within the proposed freshman house, is difficult to see what harm they would do. rhaps they would result in beneficial dis- reries which could be used to develop the n more effectively. However, the Board >uld have had little fear in matters getting out of hand, for the plan required Vice-Presi- dent Lewis, who is Board chairman, along with Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss, to appoint the council. Furthermore, ultimate authority over the experiment would have rested in the Board itself. Other opposing arguments assert that a freshman house would create too much of a disciplinary problem and also lack tradition and continuity. The crux of this argument seemed to center around the idea that upper- classmen in a house offer a stabilizing influence. Doubt exists, however, as to whether upper- classmen discourage or actually contribute to disciplinary problems in many instances. In some cases, older men who "know the ropes" may encourage freshmen into such affairs as panty raids and food riots, as has been demon- strated in the past. FURTHERMORE, the fact that there is a 50 per cent turnover among residence hall freshmen each year may be in part,attributable to a certain tension that develops.between the freshmen and the sometimes disdainful upper- classmen. Many of these older men in the resi- dence halls, having accustomed themselves to a fixed pattern, actually seem to resent the in- trusion of the less mature freshmen. The separ- ation of these two groups during the first year may well be a solution to these existing prob- liems. It was further pointed out that 90 per cent of Winchell House, West Quadrangle, was made up of freshmen during this past year. 45 FOR presefving continuity, the vast fresh- man turnover in a system which is pre- dominantly made up of freshmen would seem to indicate that this is not a strong point of the current system. If upperclass houses were provided for those men who had decided to stay within the residence halls, they would un- doubtedly provide a rpuch more continuous and stable foundation for the system than exists at present. The residence hall system is admittedly far from perfect. It seems the Board of Governors might have used a broader outlook in dealing with what was, after all, only an experiment but which might have led to some much-needed improvements. --WILLIAM RANSOM '. 'i : -: : ; ;.' °, . a :> . ras _. r / ( wr _ " 'w Qrg g -ttR ' u+ cst Ettit6 r' 1. c, r. :1 4 4 N 'r " j . I . __ I 3- I INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Communist Climate in Venezuela By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst . C REATION of a climate in Latin America for Communist ex- pansion has gone farther than most people had realized. President Dwight D. Eisen- hower addressed himself to one of the salient facts of the cold war when he qualified his blame for the Nixon disturbances with a re- minder that the Reds always seek to exploit unrest. There can be little doubt that the Communists instigated the demonstrations along the vice- president's route. The slogans and the action are both too familiar. * * * THERE would be danger, how- ever, in attributing all the trouble to an unrepresentative minority. In retrospect, observers in Venezu- ela are finding an underlying back- ground of resentment against for- eign practices and foreign ,per- sonnel employed in developing the country's resources. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Nixon Attacks Reveal Popular Resentment ' No doubt the development of Venezuela has been mutually profitable to the country and the developers. There is great doubt whether Venezuelans feel the profit is as mutual as it should be. Until recently the United States condoned, did business with and after a fashion supported a gov- ernment which, to put the very best possible light on it, considered civil liberties subordinate to its conception of the general welfare. THE JIMINEZ dictatorship was better than many governments with which the United'States has done business. The resources were needed both by Venezuela and the free world. Expediency carried the day. The President says -the United States has placed no quota on Vznezuelan oil, which is officially tiue. But the oil companies have cut down their take, and people seldom make hairline distinctions where the effect is the same. This type of problem occurs fre- quently, regardless of good will when the United States free enter- prise system attempt to do busi- ness with underdeveloped coun- tries. THE BRITISH are extending sympathy to the United States in the Latin-American as well as the Algerian and Lebanese troubles. But they can't help reminding of the criticism they used to get when they too, as they felt, were trying to extend modernization and civilization. , The United States is relatively new at the business of trying to reconcile altruism with business and politics abroad. She is trying to regulate the world's economic weather as a factor in .a political war which carries a threat of all-out war. History helps but little, because no other nation ever had so many involvements. Protest .. . To the Editor: UNFORTUNATELY for both North and South Americans, the friendly visit by Vice-Presi- dent Richard Nixon has aroused demonstrations of unfriendly ex- pressions. What is actually happening in Latin America is an outgrowth of resentment against American economic and political policies. The problem does not simply in- volve a handful of agitators from our left-wing factions, or from "communist hands" as Secretary of State Dulles believes. No, it deals with a popular protest or reaction against North American policies In the economic field be- cause their only interests are in obtaining from our countries raw materials and the best crops in food products, ignoring complete- ly the Latin American traditions and cultural life. On the political scene, because the people have matured sufficiently to realize that the worst dictators that we have had (and that we still have in some Latin American coun tries,) have been backed by arms sent by the United States making impossible all attempts at revolu- tion against the tyrant, as in Cuba. There is a constant social out- cry, as discontent which is subtly revealed in our literary works of the last decade and this week fi- nally found forceful expression in the stones thrown at Nixon. What must be done to solve these problems, now when they are found in the initial stage? It is necessary to improve cultural relations in all their different manifestations; state department people ought to be sent who not only know the language of the country (which is the very least we can ask!) but also men of suf- ficient culture so they can enter into contact with these nations, and learn their intimate problems without feeling themselves re- stricted by a superiority complex which annihilates the best in- tentions; Our people, and the future gen- erations of our sonig will feel in- finitely grateful, if, in place of ships entering our ports loaded with all types of instruments of war with the result of very often strengthening the o p p r e s s i v e hand of a terrible dictator, they were loaded with tractors and in- dustrial machinery that would be used to develop the agriculture and industry of our lands. Then there would not be such a poli- tical unrest, because the masses would be occupied with agricul- tural or industrial work, and would not be interested in the revolutions which often have a personal economic significance for only a minority. If this were so, it would not be many years before we would ob- serve tremendous changes in our diplomatic relations. We are hoping that the attitude of the United States will change in Latin America, that its outlook will not concentrate on the ships Aoaded with oil or coffee from our coasts, but on a feeling of soli- darity with their younger brothers in the Americas. -Publio Gonzalez-Rodas AAUP . , (EDITOR'S NOTE: The article re- ferred to was incorrectly attributed to The Nation.) To the Editor: SHOULD like to answer some comments reprinted from the National Review in Tuesday's Daily under the heading "Suspicion." "The AAUP, far from being what it pretends to be, is merely an association of 10,000 university professors." The Association's membership is currently about 40,000. The University of Michigan chapter has 385 members, includ- ing 21 chairmen of departments, 3 deans (as associate members), and the professor (an authority on Benjamin Franklin, by the way) who has just received the Univer- sity's highest recognition for scholarly achievement. The .Association's purpose is pretty much what the National Re- view says it ought to be but is not: "a national organization of pro- fessional scholars that, proceeding from a carefully considered posi- tion concerning an ordered aca- demic freedom, would invoke sanc- tions against genuinely offensive institutions"-, plus a general aim to protect the free competition of ideas and the status and dignity of the profession, and a belief that universities are communities of scholars responsibly teaching, and guiding academic policies. I am not sure what the National Review means by "ordered free- dom," but it sounds depressingly similar to "Russian democracy." I think "genuine offenses" might be a more accurate reading, too. The "National Review" goes on: "It was captured, many vears a lege presidents representing the Association of American Colleges, and three professors, representing the AAUP. The initial invitation came from the AAC, which ap- proved the statement in January, 1958. This and previous statements of principles as well as the Associa- tion's records are open for inspec- tio+ I think the Associations forty-four year history has shown, contrary to what the National Re- view says, that practices censured by the AAUP have indeed been e ipso unjust and contrary to the ideas of freedom and of protecting the individual from encroachments by the, majority on which this country was founded, ideas which even in academic circles where fairness and rationality and free- dom of conscience should count- we perpetually tend to forget. --Sheridan Baker Professor of English DAIFLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building. before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. riday. THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1958 VOL. LXVHI, NO. 162 General Notices There will be an International Center Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the International Students Association this Thurs., May 15 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Interntiona Center. Disciplinary action in cases of stu- dent misconduct: At meetings held on March 5, 6, 13, 18, 20, 26, 27, April 1, 17, 22, May 1, 6, and 8th, cases involv- ing 110 students and 1 fraternity were heard by the Joint Judiciary Council. In all cases the action was approved by the Sub-Committee on Discipline. 1. Violation of the University driv- ing regulations: (fa) Failure to register automobile - one student fined $35.00, 2 students fined $35.00, with $30.00 suspended; 2 students fined $35.00 with $20.00 suspended; 1 student fined $30.00 with $20.00 suspended; 5 students fined $25.00 with $15.00 suspended; 1 student fined $25.00 with $10.00 suspended; 1 student fined $25.00 all of which was suspended; 1 student fined $20.00 with $10.00 suspended; 1 student fined$15.00; 2 students fined $15.00 with $10.00 sus- pended; 5 students fined $10.00; 1 stu- dent fined $10.00, all of which was sus- pended; 2 students given a written warning. (b) Failure to register automobile and attempt to falsify - 2 students fined $35.00 .with $20.00 suspended; 1 student fined $30.00 and 1 student fined $20.00. (c) Driving without authorization-- I student fined $45.00 with $20.00 sus- pended: 1, student fined $40.00; 1 stu- dent fined $40.00 with $15.00 suspend- ed; 1 student fined $40.00 witi $20.00 suspended; 3 students fined $35.00; 1 student fined $30.00; 1 student fined $30.00,, with $20.00 suspended; 1 stu- dent fined $25.00; 1 student fined. $25.00 with $10.00 suspended; 1stu- dent fined $25.00 with $15.00 suspend- ed; 2 students fined $20.00 with $10.00 suspended; 3 students fined $15.00; 2 students fined $10.00; 1 student given a written warning. (d) Driving without authorization and attempting to falsify - 1 student fined $50:00 and I student fined $20.00. (e) Unauthorized borrowing of an automobile - 1 student fined $20.00 with $10.00 suspended; 1 student fined $15.00 with $10.00 suspended; 1 student fined $5.00. (f) Unauthorized lending of an auto- mobile - 1 student fined $20.00 with $10.00 suspended; 1 student fined $10.00 with $5.00 suspended; 1 student fined $5.00 (g) Misuse of special business per- mit- 2 students fined $25.00 with $10.00 suspended; 1 student fined $25.00 with $10.00 suspended; 1 student fined $20.00 and 1 student issued a written warning. (h) Misuse of special commuting per- mit - 1 student fined $15.00; I student fined $5.00.all of which was suspended and 1 student issued a written warn- ing. (1) Misuse of special storage permit- 1 student issued a written warning. (,) Unauthorized use of an unregis- tered automobile - 1 student fined $5.00._ (k) Unauthorized use of an unregis- tered automobile and misrepresenta- tion of facts - 1 student fined $50.00 with $20.00 suspended. (1) Conduct unbecoming a student in the use of an automobile - 1 stu- dent fined $35.00. (m) Driving without authorization and later failing to register automo- bile - 1 student fined $50.00 with $15.00 suspended. (n) Failure to display decal - 1 stu- dent fined $5.00. 2. Conduct unbecoming students in that, state laws and city ordinances relating to the purchase, sale and use of intoxicants were violated: (a) Found guilty, in Municipal Court of driving after drinking and simple larceny. 1 student fined $15.00 with $10.00 suspended. (b) Found guilty, in Municipal Court, of being drunk and disorderly. 1 stu- dent fined $30.00. (c) Participated in a group gather- ing at which intoxicants were served and at which minors were present. Six students fined $25.00 each and of- ficers of group asked to resign and will not be eligible for re-election. (d) Attempted to purchase intoxi- cants with borrowed identification and falsified information. 1 student fined $30.00 with $10.00 suspended. (e) Drinking, in violation of state law, in student quarters and unlaw- fully driving away an automobile. 1 student issued a written severe repri- mand and warned that any future vio- I C, S. fit 4 Ile Blunders in Latin America V PRESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower took an- other step in erasing all traces of American diplomacy as he hastily dispatched two units of paratroopers and two other units of Marines to Caribbean bases to "protect" Vice-President Richard Nixon in Caracas, Venezuela. This was just another of the many blunders in dealing with foreign nations which has served to practically eliminate diplomacy from our vo- cabulary and replace it with the term "foreign affairs." Public announcement of the troop movement was the first blow to diplomacy. For it told American people and the rest of the world that we considered the Venezuelan government .incapable of giving adequate protection to Mr. Nixon. Moreover, Mr. Eisenhower's mood was described as "aroused," implying international distrust on the highest level. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, acting for the President, then proceeded to inform the Venezuelan counsel in Washington that our government was to be informed immedi- ately of "any lack of will or capacity" to protect Nixon and his party. Dulles blundered here, when, according to informed sources, he failed to inform the Venezuelan government through diplomatic channels of the movement of troops at the same time that he issued his first note of protest. to the Venezuelan government. Although the Venezuelan 'government did eventually receive a note concerning the troop movement, there was no sign of diplomatic cooperation or consultation. If President Eisenhower's intention was to scare the Venezuelan government or the rioters in the country, perhaps he achieved success. It is questionable that, anyone will ever know. However, any notion of efficiency of troops two or three hours from the site of trouble seems a bit far-fetched. IF PRESIDENT Eisenhower,truly believed that Nixon was in immediate danger or it was imminent, the thousand troops many miles distant really would be quite ineffective in any short-run emergency. The real effect of the troops' movement seems only to provide 'more material for accusations by the South Americans of Yankee Imperialism and interference with Latin American affairs. No one doubts the need for protecting the Vice-President. Spiriting him out of the coun- try-in a big hurry-might have been a far better solution to the problem. And in the long run, it certainly would have been a more diplomatic one.' -DOUGLAS VIELMETTI A.; WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Moon Progress; More Bombs By DREW PEARSON TODAY AND TOMORROW: Pressure vs. Relaxation By WALTER LIPPMANN (EDITOR'S NOTE: Drew Pearson is now reporting on what progress Mos- cow may have made among our NATO allies. While he is abroad the Wash- ington end of the column is written by his associate, Jack Anderson.) WASHINGTON - Soviet Dic- tator Nikita Khrushchev is driving his scientists to launch a man in space and to shoot a rock- et to the moon as propaganda stunts to convince the world that Russia is still ahead in the great space race. This is the conclusion of our technological spies whose elec- tronic devices have long outdated the cloak-and-dagger technique for finding out what's going on behind the Iron Curtain. Their modern methods have produced technological evidence (1) that Russia has already failed in two attempts to hurl a man into space in the nose cone of a giant missile; and (2) that as re- cently as the third week of last month the Soviets also failed to launch a moon rocket. They successfully fired two more intercontinental missiles, however, during the past few weeks. These soared over Siberia from the Caspian Sea to the Kamchatka Peninsula. Our high- powered radar tracked the streak- ing nose cones which re-entered the earth's atmosphere without burning up, then either smacked into the peninsula or plunged into the Bering Sea less than 1,500 miles from Alaska. ** * .OUR technical experts expect Russia to try again soon to wow the world with something more spectacular than a simple Sput- nik. They believe Khrushchev would like to shoot a man into orbit, then bring him back alive which our scientists hope to pho- tograph. The Air Force also hopes to boomerang the moon in Septem- ber and October with more com- plex satellites. The October shot may even carry a television cam- era if present plans work out. Meanwhile, special observation stations will be built in Hawaii and England for the moon shots. The year 1958 may go down in history as another 1492. * * * THE SENATE may be forced to declassify secret testimony to settle the feud between Sen. Clint Anderson (D-N.M.), and Atomic Energy Chairman Lewis Strauss over whether we are stockpiling "dirty" H-bombs while we talk about "clean" ones. Anderson charged that hun- dreds of nuclear bombs have ac- tually beenumade "dirtier" at the Pentagon's request. Strauss stout- ly denied, however, that any bombs have been modified "for the purpose" of increasing radio- active fall-out. Anderson's charge is based upon secret testimony before the Joint Congressional Atomic Watchdog Committee from Her- bert York, former director of the Livermore, Calif., Radiation Lab- oratory and now chief scientist for the Pentagon's new space agency. Without violating security, this column can report that York's testimony would support both sides of the controversy. What he reported behind closed doors was that the Air Force had requested heavier H-bombs which would detonate on the ground. These would stir up radioactive dirt which probably would be mnore pure that he will permit foreign observers to operate the actual instruments which register the fall-out from this summer's test. To demonstrate his "clean" bomb, Strauss plans to set off a hydrogen explosion of five mega- tons (equivalent to 5,000,000 tons of TNT). It takes the intense heat of a smaller atomic explosion to trigger a larger hydrogen explo- sion. The trigger bomb spreads the radioactive particles which Strauss' scientists have now re- duced to five or six per cent of the total fall-out. * .* * ALL THIS will be explained in a pamphlet which Strauss is now preparing for the foreign observ- ers. What the pamphlet won't mention, however, is that the hy- drogen explosion may charge the surrounding elements with radio- activity which will be just as dan- gerous as the particles from the trigger bomb. The neutrons released by the hydrogen, explosion will probably activate other elements and cause induced radioactivity. The re- sulting fallout may be just as con- taihinated as that spread by dirty bombs. It all depends upon where the bomb is exploded and what elements are activated. Thus Strauss' ballyhoo about a clean bomb may backfire unless he tells the full truth about it be- fore he shows it off to foreign ex- perts. After investigating a report in this column that the late Senator Welker's relatives were practic- ing nepotism in his department Secretary of the Interior Fred Seaton reports back that the col- umn must -have mixed up some family trees. Seaton says that Edward Wooz- 1_ hnqc f +1 Th.ae andMa ionna + n 4. THE LATEST Soviet note, which arrived on Sunday, seems to show that Mr. Khrushchev has not missed the point of the NATO com- munique, which was published on Wednesday. It is that, for the time being at least, there is no compelling demand on either side for a meeting at the summit but that on both sides there is a compelling interest not to let negoti- ations be broken off. In order that negotiations may continue, Mr. Khrushchev has agreed to the original Eisenhower proposal, which was adopted at the NATO meeting in Copenhagen, calling for expert studies of the means to "detect nuclear explosions." If past experience is a guide to the future, this concession by the Soviet Union will once again pose the question which haunts our West- ern diplomacy. This is whether to raise the ante, and to press for more concessions, or to play for a little and limited argeement. There are powerful arguments both for and against ann ++1little nn livmy+a .a a.mnt_+ n ond in the that the Communist order in Russia and in China will change its fundamental internation- al character only if it is encircled and sub- jected to a mounting pressure of military power and economic non-intercourse. There are, on the other hand, those who believe that the policy of encirclement and near-boycott, while impotent against the authority of the central governments, is a great support to them in regimenting their peoples. When these two points of view are argued, the believers in the policy of pressure ar likely to say that the other school is gullible and pacifist. Those who believe in a policy of relaxation are likely to say, or at least to sus- pect, that the others regard war as inevitable, and preventive war as conceivable. Both are extremist views, and the real question is, it seems to me, whether on the assumption that a balance of power is maintained, which is the wiser political policy? Is it to exert the maxi- mum pressure, maintaining high tension in the I 1 I