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February 12, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-12

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14r i 4*-r Mahgan Dadg
Sixty-Eighth Year

rIt's A Great Performance Going On--Take
My Word For It"

Vhen Opinions Are Free
Truth Wil Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.
Overly-Academic' High School
Not Proper Concern of Accreditors

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'Sayonara'--A dventure
In 'Foreign Relations'
"SAYONARA,"the latest Technirama. venture into the field of inter-
national relations, is a disappointment on almost all counts. Local
movie-goers will be disappointed to learn that the admission price is at
the "slightly higher rate" that is fast becoming a tradition around here.
After the ticket is purchased, however, the big disappointment is likely
to be "Sayonara" itself.
The best thing about the film is the lovely views of Japanese
countryside. The plot does not add much to the general high quality of
the photography.
The story, of a young air force major who accidentally falls in love
with a native dancer, follows the familiar patterns set by other post-war
This time, the big attraction is Marlon Brando. He plays the prom-


A CCREDITATION, it appears, can be a messy
business. The Michigan division of the
North Central Association of Colleges and Sec-
ondary Schools has withdrawn accreditation
from Holland Christian High School, apparently
because the school's curriculum was largely
academic in focus, whereas many of the
school's students do not go on to college.
The school teaches only typing and shorthand,
but not home economics or industrial arts,
among the "vocational" subjects.
There are two problems here. One is the im-
plicit assumption apparently being made by
those who set up the accrediting criteria that
a liberal arts program has value only as
college preparation and serves little or no pur-
pose for the vocationally-oriented student. On
such a philosophy one could abolish a good half
or even three-fourths of the literary college,
since it serves little direct vocational purpose
in many departments, except for those students
planning to teach or do research. The college
distribution requirements, aimed at broadening
the intellectual experience; the fine arts and
music literature departments, aimed at creating
a greater awareness of aesthetic pleasures; the
social sciences, the purpose of which is in
many cases merely to create an informed and
responsible body politic; the philosophy depart-
ment, which raises more questions about life
than it answers; these and many more must
largely be rejected if we are to view education
as merely a preparation for a vocation or for
further education. And one would have to
reject, too, the notion of most of the nation's
law schools that the best preparation for that
profession is a good liberal arts background; or
the notions of vocational utility which have
sent scores of Bell Telephone and other execu-
tives back to school for a liberal arts training.
THE SECOND PROBLEM is equally serious:
the purpose of accreditation. From our nar-
row perspective it seems that the major pur-
pose of accreditation by an association of high
schools and colleges should be to insure for

the colleges and universities the academic
validity of a diploma from a given high sclool
as a basis for admission. It is to insure that
local preoccupation with vocational training or
niggardliness of appropriations do not drag
down academic standards below a minimum
required for adequate performance in college.
In short, it is to protect the colleges from any
anti-academic tendencies in the community
and the school board which represents it, not
to- dilute the academic content of the school's
Possibly Holland Christian would be better
off, given the occupational interests of many
of its students, to include an occasional shop
or home economics course in its curriculum.
But many of the factories in the area will
accept untrained high school graduates as
employees, and the public schools in Holland
offer vocational courses for the students of the
city who wish to take them. And we doubt
that there is a very great advantage in poten-
tial for income and personal satisfaction of a
vocationally-instructed high school graduate
over and above one more academically oriented
-in fact, in the long run he may suffer a
serious disadvantage.
Holland Christian High is to be admired for
its courageous emphasis on liberal education
and for the undoubted quality of its instruc-
tional program, e.g., it graduated three National
Merit Scholars last year. But if the community
which Holland Christian serves wants and
needs vocational education, the parents and
friends of the students, in regular elections for
the members of the school board, should be the
ones to institute such a change, not the North
Central Association or the University team
which is going to review the school's accredita-
tion later in the month. Their job should be
to protect the colleges they serve from the
community, not the community from itself,
especially when that communify may well be
exercising more foresight than the accrediting
agencies themselves.

- .

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- f. Honesty Doesn't Pay

The Free Press

And the Right of Inquiry

-U. "S. Supreme Court, 1936.
A GAG IS SLOWLY muffling freedom of
inquiry in the American press. Composed of
red tape, restricted documents and closed ses-
sions, it poses. a threat to democracy.
Freedom of the press in the United States
has often been lauded by congressmen and
government administrative officials alike in
their arguments for democracy. Look, many
government officials exclaim, the American
press stands as a monument to the principles
of freedom of speech our forefathers fought
for in the Revolutionary War,
These same public servants, back at their
desks in Washington; take a different view
concerning the right of the press. Using such
imposing restrictions as "Classified" and "For
Official Use Only," officials in every branch
of government deny newsmen the right to
know-a right essential for the proper work-
ings of democracy.
The government's business is the people's
business. The press, in reality, is the media
through which the American public learns
of their government's activities and decisions.
If the people of America, the backbone of free
democracy, are to make thedecisions vital in a
democratic state, they must be well informed.
Government restriction of information and
censorship has reached alarming and some-
times ridiculous proportions. In the Feb. 18
issue of "Look" magazine, V. M. Newton, Jr.,
managing editor of the Tampa, Fla., "Tribune,"
revealed several incidents illustrating the way
secret government is spreading through the
United States today. In Raton, N.M., the sheriff
refused to let the editor of the Raton "Daily
Range" see his records of traffic accidents and
told him, "You'll get the news when I'm ready."
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON .....Personnel Director
CAROL PRINSS................Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY .................. Features Editor
ROSE PERLBEFW* . ... ... ,. .. Activities Editor
DIANE FRASEF. .......... Assoc. Activities Editor
THOMAS BLUES ........... Assoc. Personnel Director
JAMES BAAD ................Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT............Associate Sports Editor
JOHN HILLY ER ............ Associate Sports Editor
BRUCE BAILEY ................ Chief Photographer
- Ru~nec rCt.

The Department of State has stamped "For
Official Use Only" even on its daily digest of
American press opinion.
THE NOW CLASSIC "Peanut Butter Case"
illustrates the sometimes ridiculous extremes
of government censorship. When asked how
much peanut butter the military purchased in
a given period of time, the Department of
Labor declined because this would allow the
enemy to deduce the number of men in our
armed forces. Meanwhile, the Department of
Defense was releasing the number of men in
the armed services at regular intervals to the
Press restriction has even reached the uni-
versity level. The "Colorado Daily" published
an extra edition protesting the expulsion of
editor Ed Kahn from a meeting of the Univer-
sity of Colorado Faculty Senate Jan. 21. Editor
Kahn was ousted due to the "limited account-
ability" of the Senate to the public. The Fac-
ulty Senate argued it was not an elected body,
and therefore justified in its actions.
National, state and local governments
throughout the United States are increasingly
taking the attitude that it is their "right" to
withhold information it "feels" will endanger
the freedom of the country. Releasing what it
wants the public to believe is true and not
what it knows to be true is steadily becoming
the accepted practice among some government
officials. They fail to remember it is the people
who install them in office, it is the people
who pay their salaries and it is the people's
Senator Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.), re-
cently commented the "United States Central
Intelligence knew of the Russian's Sputnik two
years before it was circling the earth and
almost predicted its launching to the month."
The American public did not learn of the
Soviet's achievement until the worldshaking
sphere began giving off its now famous "beeps."
A government position is one of public
accountability. Once the public is denied its
right "to know" the entire and unadulterated
truth, except that which would clearly jeopar-
dize U.S. security, they may lose their most
sacred possession-freedom.
New Books at the Library
Lissner, Ivar-The Living Past; Putnam, 1957.
Pilkinton, Roger-Small Boat Through Bel-
gium; N.Y., St. Martin's Press, 1957.
Seaver, George - David Livingstone; N.Y.,
Harper, 1957.
Stokley, James-The New World of the Atom;
N.Y., Ives Washburn, 1957.
"Miss Read"-Village Diary; Boston, Hough-
ton, Mifflin, 1957.

T HE CHIEF trouble with Dr.
Bernard Schwartz, counsel for
the Moulder Committee, is that
Congressman Orer Harris of Ar-
kansas hired him in the mistaken
belief that Schwartz would con-
duct a dull, academic study of
government regulatory agencies.
Harris, a friend of the big utili-
ties, never expected the scholarly
professor would really dig. Ever
since Schwartz started digging,
the Arkansas congressman has
tried to sidetrack him.
By a curious coincidence, the
final move to fire him started im-
mediately after Schwartz notified
the subcommittee of his intention
to pursue the scandals right into
the White House.
Here are the sensational moves
Schwartz made just before sub-
committee members started put-
ting the skids under him:
1) SCHWARTZ reported that
the staff had canceled checks
proving that Miami attorney
Thurman Whiteside paid "thous-
ands of dollars" to FCC Commis-
sioner Richard Mack. Whiteside
was asked by Miami Judge Robert
H. Anderson, whose former law
firm represented National Airlines,
to help the airline get TV channel
10 in Miami. When this column
originally investigated the story,
Mack claimed he had "borrowed"
money from Whiteside.
2) Schwartz ordered two in-
vestigators to fly to Boston Mon-
day morning to look into charges
that the Boston Herald Traveler
pulled political wires to get a TV
license worth an estimated $20,-
000,000. Among those who went to
bat for this loyal Republican paper
were Assistant President Sherman
Adams, Secretary of Commerce
Sinclair Weeks, and Senator Lev-
erett Saltonstall (R-Mass.).
3) Following a probe of Mack,
Schwartz told Chairman Moulder
he intended to investigate White

House meddling in individual cases
before the regulatory agencies
which are supposed to be as inde-
pendent as the federal courts.
Schwartz claimed he has evidence
that Assistant President Sherman
Adams and White House Counsel
Gerald Morgan have brought pres-
sure on the regulatory agencies to
help top Republicans.
Significantly, President Eisen-
hower tried to brush off the FCC
investigation at his last press con-
ference by quoting "a White House
lawyer" that the practice of FCC
commissioners to accept expense
money from both the taxpayers
and the radio-TV industry was
not illegal.
This was in direct contradiction
of his own Comptroller-General
Joe Campbell, who testified that
double-charging of expense money
was in violation of the law and
probably a criminal offense.
* * *
WHEN THIS column, asked
White House Counsel Morgan if
he had brought political pressure
on regulatory agencies, he replied:
"I have no comment."
This is one reason for the fran-
tic desire to side-track the investi-
The charge that Schwartz sub-
mitted improper expense vouchers
is a deliberate frame-up. The truth
is that the vouchers were prepared
by Herman Clay Beasley, whom
Harris appointed to the committee k
staff. It is no secret that Beasley
has been giving Harris daily de-
tailed reports on what Schwartz
has been doing.
Beasley actually submitted vou-
chers for Schwartz, but originally
made them too high. The profes-
sor reduced them. He also ac-
counted for the expenses in detail
to Harris, himself. Despite this, a
story that Schwartz has submitted
"improper expenses" was leaked
to Les Carpenter, close friend of

Harris who writes for the Arkansas
Gazette and Tulsa Tribune.
Carpenter sent the story to the
Tulsa Tribune. There was no pub-
lication in the Arkansas paper.
When the story appeared, Harris
pretended to be surprised and
"shocked" by it.
Harris's own trips could stand
more investigating than the travel
of Dr. Schwartz, whose moving
expenses were actually higher than
what he charged the government.
It is no secret that Harris takes
free trips at the expense of the
oil and gas industry, though he
heads the committee that handles
all oil and gas legislation.
C. H. MURPHY, JR. president
of the Murphy Oil Company, ad-
mitted to this column that Harris
has taken free rides in his com-
pany plane. Asked whether the
congressman had' offered to pay
for this travel, Murphy said: "Any-
one who goes is a guest. No one
pays except the company."
When congressmen got free
passesnfrom the railroads some
years ago, it caused such a scandal
that a law was passed making it
illegal for the railroads to give
congressmen free transportation.
However, Congressman Harris, who
has introduced the Harris Natural
Gas Act, now takes free plane
rides from an oil company which
will benefit from that act.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Since this col-
umn was written, Schwartz has been
fired by the Moulder Committee. The
firing took place Monday evening,
too late for Pearson's Wednesday
Schwartz was dismissed after a
secret committee meeting at which he
repeated his charges that most of
the committee members had tried
to tie his hands and "whitewash" the
The vote was 7-4, across party lines.
Chairman Moulder, two Democrats
and one Republican defended
Schwartz. Rep. Harris, chairman of
the parent committee, voted with two
other Democrats and four Republi-
cans for dismissal.) f

ising son of a four-star general who
thing. As a Southerner groping
for words in an inarticulate drawl,
Marlon's besthdramatic moments
occur when his mouth is shut.
Somehow, the old sexiness of his
waterfront days just isn't there
any more.
The big surprise in the movie is
Red Buttons. The former television
comedian makes good in his per-
formance of the airman who faces
the same problem confronting
Brando. Except for a few oc-
casional lapses, he manages -to
maintain a high level of credi-
He does rather well, considering
the caliber of the lines he had to
deliver. "I'm gonna marry that
girl," he bravely declares, "even
if I have to give up my American
THE GENERAL aura of phoni-
ness about the whole picture is
not helped by the jangling, pseudo-
oriental rhythms of the theme
song. "Sayonara Means Good-
bye," a little ditty by Irving
Berlin, shows that the composer
is much better off in his more
familiar realm of "God Bless
Marlon's Japanese girlfriend,
played by Miiko Taka, says that
she had had a deep hatred for
Americans (before Marlon came
along) because of the Atom Bomb.
Marlon makes her forget.
The forgiving quality of man-
kind is a wonderful thing. Love
flourishes very well in Japan, or
at least in "Sayonara." The only
real love, however, seems to be
interracial. This is a wonderfully
democratic atmosphere, but it is
perhaps a little too hard to swal-
"SAYONARA" does have some
realistic touches of "Yank Go
Home," of course, but not enough
to counteract the prevailing non-
sense of wholesale international
Marlon's old American sweet-
heart naturally falls in love with
a Kubuki actor played, strangely
enough, by Ricardo Montalban.
His make-up job was quite good,
but Ricardo's Japanese accent be-
trayed occasional Spanish twinges.
There are little attempts to
sneak in some Japanese "culture"
as an integral part of what should
have been the dramatic develop-
ment. This culture ranges from
snatches of a Kabuki performance
to a colorful scene of a Japanese
chorus line delivering sedate little
bumps and grinds.
The whole thing seems rather
lukewarm after Brigitte Bardot
-Beverly Gross
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m, the day preceding
publication, Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXVII, No. 91
General Notices
"Flu Shots" for students, faculty and
employees will be given Wed., Feb. 12,
from 8:00-11:45 a.m. and 1:00-4:45 p.m.
in Room 58 in the basement of the
Health Service. The vaccine to be used
is the polyvalent type. Persons who re-
ceived an injection last fall are urged
to obtain a second at this time. Fee for
injection is $1.00.
"Polio Shots" for students only will
be given Thurs., Feb. 20. from 8:00-11:45
a.m. and 1:00-4:45 p.m. in Room 58 in
the basement of the Health Service. Fee
for injection is $1.00.
For both clinics go directly to the

basement to fill out forms, pay fee and
receive injection.
Varsity Debate Squad meeting will be
held on Thurs., Feb. 13, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 2040 Frieze Hall for those stu-
dents who are interested In partici-
pating in the extra-curricular debate
activities of the University. The meet-
ing will be devoted to explaining the
debate schedule planned for Michigan
debaters during the spring semester
and to answering questions raised by
those who wish to take part in the pro-
gram of demonstration and intercolle-
giate debates.
International Center Tea, sponsored
by International Student Association,
Thurs., Feb. 13 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
at the International Center.
Student Government Council Vacan-
cy: Petitions to fill a vacancy on the
Council are now available from Mrs.
Callahan in the Student Activities
Building. Term to expire with campus
elections March 26. Petitions due 12

'learns that love is an interracial
to the
Help! .
To the Editor:
THERE USED to be a time
when passage in or out of a
building was gained by way of a
plain wooden door, with perhaps
a window in it, equipped with a
good-sized conspicuous handle
which could be grasped readily in
either hand and turned In either
This simple action was easily
learned in childhood, and doors
could generally be depended upon
to respond to it. Sometimes these
doors would stick, but even then
it always seemed to me to be a
friendly teasing, and not the ruth-
less brute-strength built into mod-
ern doors (if the truth of this is
not evident now, it will become
clear later).
NOW THE door manufacturers
(an evil lot, I assure you) were
getting no fun out of life, produc-
ing these humdrum, practical
portals, so in one of their conven-
tions (which are secret - that is
why you have probably never
heard of one) they decided that
the public was having too easy a
time of it, passing in and out of
One manufacturer, a swarthy
man with a pointed nose and a
one-sided smile that showed
jagged, off-color teeth, suggested
that doors be made completely of
glass, thus making them look like
windows, or better yet, that they
be built then into glass walls so
as to make them almost invisible
to anyone who does not already
know where they are.
Inspired by this cunning sug-
gestion, another manufacturer, an
unshaven hunchback with sweaty
hands and shifty close-set eyes,
added that if a straight bar were
then placed all the way across the
door on both sides, even after the
door- was found, it'-would be im-
possible to tell either which side
of the door was hinged, or which
way the door opened.
At this they adjourned, snigger-
ing wickedly, and went out to cele-
As everyone must have noticed,
they have recently had another
convention. Discovering that we
were beginning to adjust to the
aforementioned obstacles-though-
not without a certain amount of
anxiety and a few sprained wrist
-they have now instituted doors
which hinge in the middle, and yet
look no different than the older
style door as you approach them.
* * *
I NEED NOT go into the many
new difficulties now encountered
-the tremendous strength, or the
calculated dexterity required to
overcome the mechanical disad-
vantage, the cruel iurprise, not to
mention the embarrassment, -of
meeting one for the first time, the
utter impossibility of casually
pushing one of them open for
girl-most of us have experienced
these by now.
A feeble attempt has been made
to justify these new doors on the
basis that they ,save space. Con-
sidering, however, that they gen-
erally open into the great out-
doors, or a large vestibule, this
seems to me rather like corking
empty bottles and storing them in
the basement to save air.
Fellow students, fellow citizens,
I invoke your aid in the- battle
which must begin if we are to re-
gain our old freedom of access to
public buildings. Do not wait until
the door manufacturers have an-
other convention. Something must

be done now, before such head-
lines as the following can appear
in our newspapers:
Unable to Open Doors,'
Survivor Explains
-Jim Ferris
'Old Jeff'
WHEN HE heard that a portrait
of Confederacy President Jef-
ferson Davis, one-time (1853-57)
U. S. Secretary of War, was gath-
ering dust in a storage room in the
lower depths of the Pentagon,




Baroque Trio Concert Superb

ed its second concert of the
school year in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall last night before an at-
tentive and receptive audience,
which was unfortunately not as
large as it should have been.
The trio consists of three School
of Music faculty members: Mari-
lyn Mason, harpsichord; Nelson
Rauenstein ,flute; and Florian
Mueller, oboe.
Perfoming various works from
the early and middle 18th century,
the Trio displayed uniformly ex-
cellent technique and musician-
ship. The blend and ensemble
work were of the highest order,'
rarely found when three highly
profiqient soloists get together.
* * *
THE OPENING work was the
"Trio Sonata in C" by Johann
Christoph Pepusch. I missed the
bass line in this work and am
sorry that this ensemble insists

nificent technique and ensemble
were displayed in the two fast sec-
Thomas Vincent's "Sonata in D
for Oboe and Harpsichord"
brought forth Mr. Mueller as solo-
ist, with Miss Mason. This was a
lovely work upon which Mr. Muel-
ler and Miss Mason lavished a
stunningly beautiful performance.
Mr. Mueller's playing is ravish-
ing to the ear. His technique,
breath and phrasing are nearly
flawless. The ornaments and dif-
ficult florid passages of this work
were negotiated with such ease
and abandon as to make them
seem child's play (but let me
hasten to add that they are any-
thing but easy).
*F * *
FOLLOWING this lovely work,
the Trio returned to perform a
"Trio Sonata in A Minor" by Karl
Philipp Emanuel Bach. I profess
to be an admirer of the music of

The slow movement was rather
dull, with an occasionally interest-
ing harmonic passage. The final
- allegro started off with an inter-
esting rhythmic motive, but this
was defeated by incessant repeti-
tion. The work was given a very
good performance. -
Following the intermission, Mr.
Hauenstein and Miss Mason re-
turned to perform Johann Sebas-
tian Bach's hauntingly beautiful
"Sonata in C for Flute and Harp-
sichord." I have never heard a
work among solo sonatas from this
period which I consider to be
lovelier than this.
* * *
MR. HAUENSTEIN'S clear tone,
without a trace of the usual
breathiness associated with flutes,
combined with his superb mastery
of the technical problems of his
instrument gave this work a per-
formance worthy of the magnitude
of the work itself.


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