'I7 THURSDAY, G IHC PRESIDENT: ne Comments on Year's Activities ly LANE VANDERSLICE Ake Duane, '58, picked up the as Inter-House Council pres- last sprng. s sr ehanded the gavel ib A hton, '59, incoming IHC :lent: ane's year as IHC president d with a hard-fought con- for the presidency that did ng to lessen the differences en South Quadrangle and and West Quadrangles. Sdifferences have existed in measure ever since South built. Duane is from East 'e'll wait and see" was the ion of one South Quad house aent to the new executive of- of IHC. Gains Respect the middle of this school Duane had gained this pres- 's -respect. And it was- per- a good thing that Duane had, g e 1957-58 was a decisive with South Quad's threat thdrawal from INC. The re- ation, of I C that South . finally requested was 'car- i.t by IHC's executive board resulted in a much stronger flation, Duane said. - e divisive tendencies still although, as Duane said, seem to be lessening., spite of these tendencies, IH1C some important accomplish- s to its credit the past two sters. The Michigan House evaluation was requested. came out in favor' of co-ed ng in ,already existing rest- halls. Residence hall policy banged by an IHC request to it Vore "open-open". houses. iuest - still up in the air- 0ade which would have in- ig freshmen assigned to or- sion groups with men from ouse 'in which they were liv- Worked on Rates . e (11C) kept hammering- on roo M and board rates" as e put it. Action in this area ded accurate prediction of would happen to residence applications when residence r te were raised; discussion legislators about student ems -and formatidn of a rate r committee. e .IHC-Assembly sing was established, and a successful tournament and an expand- bate league were organized. the credit for these accom- iree Receive r Reseasrh ee Uiversity staff members granted national fellowships ie American Association of hrity Women. ards - wer made to Mrs. le k. Cirre of the Spanish taeut, Mrs. Elizabeth Han- Wolgast of the Survey Re- h Center and Mrs. Helen beck Tanner of the physical 4ton department. . Cirre will use her $2,500 at the Biblioteca National adrid. Investigating the lit- and linguistic aspects- of rakandi manuscript, a 14th iry translation, Mrs'. Crre race the effects of the stories manuscript on Spanish lit- e of the Golden Age. . Wolgast, remaining in Ann ,will use her $2,000 fellow- o prepare essays on percep- and its relationship to cer- )hilosophical issues. . Tanner's $2,500 grant will e her to do research on Flo- second Spanish period and egime of Florida's first gov- She will use Florida li- s and the Library of Con- DIAL N4 2-3136 .....NOW .. The picture that is the story of every young girl who ever had to choose between )ECENCY and DESIRE! RETIRING PRESIDENT-Drake Duane, outgoing Inter-House Council president, has led his organization through a crucial year. Also serving. on the Residence Hall Board of Governors, he has found his activities time consuming but "fun." plishments can't go to one person. But after frost of them had been done, one Inter-House Council member still maintained that IHC. was "mickey mouse," some indica- tion of where most of the credit should go for IHC's actions. Takes Much Time As is the case with most stu- dents in activities, most of Duane's time was taken up with his job' as IC president and the often , hectic job of keeping up with his studies. Duane, perhaps slightly rueful- ly, sees two results of student ac- tivities: learning how to allocate time wisely and studying effec- tively. "I can't see how people who aren't working or in activities can help but get a three point," Duane said. Although now almost complete- ly retired as IHC president (he still serves on the Residence Hall Board of Governors), he has' done both. This year, Duane has held a part-time job scoring the- matic apperception tests for the Institute of Social Research. Duane got the job because of his interest in psychology. Chooses Psychology Psychology was interesting enough for Duane to choose it as his major. The "freedom of ex- pression" it:offered. plus the fas- cination 'of working in a new' and growing field, attracted him to psychology. He contrasts psychol- ogy with fields where "if you don't say what the instructor wants, you're dead."*. Duane plans to go on to Wayne State University- medical school next year. After four years in residence halls and much work in residence hall student government, Duane has some - definite ideas on the system. He says that more facul- ty participation in residence halls would improve the system. There are too many administrative de- tails to handle for a faculty mem-- ber to be a resident advisor, Duane said. But it would be beneficial if faculty members could make it part of their routine to eat dinner in residence halls. "I feel we definitely should go into upper class housing," Duane said. When expansion comes, Duane says that a suite arrange- ment of rooms should be adopted for the new residence halls, Upper class and graduate hous- ing, besides providing advantages to the student "might provide- a ready source of staff personnel," according to Duane. Close to Students Duane has tried, while an TC officer "to get some feeling of what prevailing student opinion is." He has attempted to talk to house presidents as often as pos- sible and to other students. "If I'm aware of prevailing stu- dent opinion on a subject;" Duane said, "I'll try to represent it as ac- curately as I can to members of the Administration. I But he reserves the right to vote as he sees best. Student government "has to do more than plan dances," he said. "Student goveriment in resi- dence halls should work to im- prove the kind of living offered to students," Duane explained. "This leads to basic considera- tions that only the administration has information on, and there is' a point at which- you just have to accept the Administration's word," Duane said. When asked what he does in his "spare time," Duane looked up and'smiled. "I like to read," he said, "and listen to classical music." In spite of all the time Duane has spent in student activities, would he change anything if he had a chance to do it again? One remark that he made at a Cooley House meeting, where a house issue was being hotly de- bated, illustrates Duane's point of view. "Would it be better if student government was done away with?" he was asked. 'It would be easier," Duane said, "but it wouldn't be as muchj fun." One Traffic Death Mars City Record By PHILIP MUNCK A death in the middle of De- cember robbed Ann Arbor of a traffic fatality free year in 1957 according to Lt. Harrison Schlupe, head of Ann Arbor's police traffic bureau. The city had a total of 912 re- portable accidents in 1957, Lieut. Schlupe continued, compared to 702 in 1956, but two less fatalities. "The total number of accidents reflects the number of cars on the road," he said. The number of vehicles driving in Ann Arbor in- creases every year, he continued. Cover More Territory "We also cover more territory than we did last year," he said. "Ann Arbor's a big place. From city limit to city limit it is about eight by five miles." Ann Arbor's traffic record has been very good, Lieut. Schlupe said. "From 1946 to 1956 we have had only 10 traffic accident fatali- ties." He said that the accident rate will probably continue to rise. "There's not much you can do about it. We have about 60,000 cars in use in the Ann Arbor area now and the National Traffic Safety Council predicts that 40,- 000 people will die in 1958." Urges Driver Training Lieut. Schlupe emphasized the need for increased attention to the driver education program. Although people are continually asking for traffic signs and lights, he continued, these devices are not always the best way to pre- vent accidents. Sophs Choose Musical Play At a meeting of the Central Committee yesterday, "Anything Goes" was chosen as the 1958 Soph Show production. The show, with music and lyrics by Cole Porter, will be presented in November, according to Linda Heywood, '61, and Robert Vollen, '61, co-chairmen. "Anything Goes," a musical comedy involving mistaken iden- tities aboard an ocean liner will- feature such musical numbers as "You're- the Tops," "Anything Goes," "All Through the Night," "Blow, Gabriel, Blow," and "I Get 'a Kick Out of You." A mass meeting for everyone who is interested in working on the Soph Show is scheduled for 7:15 p.m. on September 23, the chairmen added. Production plans for the show will be completed at that time. "Bad driving is like any other criminal behavior," Prof. E. Lowell Kelly of the psychology depart- ment said at a meeting on 'Medi- cal Aspects of Highway Safety." Society has a peculiar willing- ness to pamper guilty drivers. To- gether with the newspapers, it places the blame for accidents not on the driver, but on mechanical failure of the car. Kelly pointed to progress being made in highway construction, the reduction of mechanical weaknesses of automobiles and improved safety designs. "But," he pointed out, "we spend practically nothing for research on the hu- man factors of accident-condu- cive behavior." He recommended a study of "the kinds of behavior and the kinds of people" that:produce ac- cidents. "Poor drivers usually turn out to be poor citizens in other ways," he said. Kelly told the meeting, "Until we get across the idea that bad driving is just as anti-social as any other criminal behavior, we are not going to make much pro- gress toward better licensing and better law enforcement." Student Offices 2-5 P.M. I _________________________________________________ w w w w w W W W - W - .w How in (beep) can you sell a (beep) movie to a lot of students when it has such a (beep) title as "The Sheepman"? Well Mickey Shaughnessy has something there . you'll have to ignore the title and take our word that it is great comedy entertainment in the tongue-in-cheek manner. COMING TO ANN ARBOR SOON! With the riotous stars of "Don't Go Near The Water." TONIGHT and FRIDAY 7:00 and 9:00 aI "Oliver Tis" with Alec Guinness, Robert Newton, Kay Walsh, Francis L. Sullivan *f Saturday at 7:00 and 9:00 Sunday at 8:00 CLIFFORD ODET'S "Golde'n By" with William H olden, Barbara Stanwyck, Adolph Menjou, Lee J. Cobb ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50 cents READ AND USE THE CLASSIFIEDS DRIVERS GUILTY: Kelly Blames Society For Traffic Accidents U U Petitions for AMERICAN BROTHER PROGRAM Available, in UNION ' 'i t Ul R11 1 tt1 lm 11 I I I SS 1 Iilmi la NOW PLAYING Shows at 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. Best Pcte' O f-M S A gest 3 g p str Best irector get PSYf 1! Best Olila Sctcan Payby UA~iEI. 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