Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
__ .
Mob Seizes
In AlIgeria
By The Associated Press
ALGIERS - A mob of about
40,000 with backing of French
army rightist elements seized gov-
ernment offices at the big port of
Oran yesterday and kidnaped pro-
vincial Gov. Pierre Lambert.
The leaders identified themselves
with French parachutist Gen.
Jacques Massu, who with mob
support Tuesday seized the main
government building here in Al-.
giers, the capital.
Advocates Force
The Massu movement advocat-
ing nilitary force to break the
nationalist rebellion, as opposed
to Paris moderation measures,
spread elsewhere in Algeria during
the day.
Massu apparently was operating
his rightist Committee of Public
Safety here under the eyes of his
superior, Gen. Raoul Salan, while
Massu's movement was spreading
in demonstrations and violence.
Faces Civil War
The new French government in
Paris, facing the possibility of civil
war pitting French against French,
told Salan he was in sole charge
of Algerian destinies. What he can
do here remained in doubt.
The ringing support ofthe mobs
of Oran for Massu's ideas gave the
crisis a grave new turn for the
French government.
Storm Building
The Oran mob stormed the Pre-
fecture, battering the building and
tossed government papers out of
Gov. Lambert was seized and
manhandled by the mob. He fell
on the Prefecture steps. Then he
was hustled into an army car and
driven off to an unknown place.
Establish Committee
The demonstrators set up a pub-
lic safety committee of military
officers and civilians and sent fra-
ternal greetings to Massu in Al-
giers from Oran, a Mediterranean
city of about 300,000 in the ex-
treme west of Algeria.
in Paris, the Socialist party
agreed to enter Premier Pierre
Pflimlin's Cabinet to strengthen
his hand in dealing with the Al-
gerian situation. '
Agreement Conditional
The agreement was conditional.
The Socialists asked that Robert
Lacoste, long resident minister in
Algeria, be sent back to that post,
and that the Popular Republican
Movement leader, ex-Premier
Georges Bidault, also enter the
Andre Mutter, designated as La-
coste's successor, has not yet gone
to Algeria.
Asks Time
Pflimlin asked for time to con-
sider the Socialist demands.
The Socialists probably would
get several Cabinet posts, dis-
placing some conservatives and it
was indicated the Socialist party
leader, ex-Premier Guy Mollet,
would become vice-premier.
The second night of rioting in
Paris extended from the fashion-
able Champs Elysees in the west
to workers' quarters around the
Bastille in the east. Rioters defied
a government ban on public gath-
Gen. Charles, de Gaulle, war-
time resistance hero, left the city
during the day to return to his
country home outside Paris.
The net result will be to have
approximately 3,600 Marines
aboard 11 ships in the area, in-
stead of only 1,800 aboard 6 ships.
Americans Removed
Meanwhile, the United States
was moving Americans out of
trouble zones- as anti-governing
rioting raged Wednesday for the
fifth straight :day. United States.
weapons were being flown in to
help authorities cope with the dis-
The United States Embassy sent
a ship to pick up 53.Americans in
Tripoli, the north Lebanese port.
where the first rioting erupted
Saturday with the sacking of a
United States Information Agency
Other Americans came from
eastern Lebanon.
Bombings Continue
Bombings, shootings and strikes
continued in disorders attributed
by the Lebanese government to
massive intervention by President
Nasser's United Arab Republic. A
bomb exploded harmlessly outside
the United States Embassy.
United States Ambassador Rob-
ert McClintock told a news confer-
ence the 5 United States. is deter-
mined to help the government
maintain internal security.
Send Tear Gas
It was disclosed the United
States is flying in tear gas bombs,
masks and ammunition for the
Lebanese police. Lebanon also had
asked for rifles, but the United
States was unable to supply them.
The ambassador said the situa-
tion in Tripoli was very serious
and the Americans were being
urged to leave.
Reports from Tripoli indicated
police there were quitting their
posts, and guards around an
American building were leaving.
Lave to Post;
Others Chosen
Roy Lave, '58E, was appointed
as a student member of the Stu-
dent Government Council's Board
in Review as SGC made 18 ap-
pointments at last night's meeting.
He will serve for one semester.
Sue Rockne, '60, was recommended
as a student member of the Uni-
versity Development .Council.
Appointed for one-year terms
were Karol Bucker, '60, to the
position of personnel director and
Lynnel Marg, '61, to the position
of office manager.
Approved as chairman of the
Early Registration and Pass Com-
mittee to serve for a term of one
semester was Harvey Yates, '60.
Other members appointed to the
committee were Allan Nachman,
,an Kra-l 'R .-a ,an T a-.~i a n
Nixon Ends
Latin Tour
CARACAS, Venezuela (JP)-Vice-
President Richard Nixon cut short
his riot-ridden South American
good-will tour and took off late
yesterday for Puerto Rico. He is
due in Washington at 10 a.m.
Venezuela's government sent out
troops, tanks and armored cars to
Mob violence aimed at Vice-
President and Mrs. Nixon may
have been incited deliberately
by the governments of Peru and
Venezuela, a University of Chi-
cago Latin American specialist
said in Ann Arbor yesterday.
"Either these governments
are considerably more ineffec-
tual than there was reason to
believe until now or this is
deliberate pressure for more
financial aid and trade from
us," Prof. J. Fred Rippy com-
mented in a prepared state-
give Nixon and his wife, Pat, a
safe sendoff.
Limousine Provided
A bullet-proof limousine was
provided for their trip from the
U.S. embassy to Caracas airport.
It was at the airport that anti-
United States demonstrators
launched their spitting and ston-
ing attack when the Nixons arrived
Tuesday from Bogota, Colombia.
Meanwhilelin Washington Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower blamed
the anti-Nixon demonstrations in
South America on economic diffi-
culties, envy of the United States
and probable Communist agitation.
Plan Ceremony
The President told a news con-
ference he'd like to do something
special for Nixon on the vice-pres-
ident's return to the capital Thurs-
day-because he admires Nixon's
calmness and fortitude and his
courage under mob attack.
The President likewise defended
sending troops into the Caribbean,
for Nixon's possible protection, as
the simplest precautionary meas-
ures in the world. He said the
troops were made available in case
Venezuela asked for them and
that is all there was to it.
The four companies of Marines
and paratroopers flown to the
Caribbean are due to be returned
This was reported Wednesday
night by White House press secre-
tary James C. Hagerty, after
things had quieted down in Ven-
The vice-president told a news
conference he feels Venezuela's
junta now has the situation in
Caracas under control.
Jordan Hall will be closed for
one year in order to facilitate a
complete renovation of the
plumbing system, according to As-
sistant Dean of Women Elsie Ful-
Jordan residents will move as
a unit into Seeley and Bush
Houses in Markley Hall. The
houses, located in the southwest
wing of the Hall, will be given
the name Jordan for the coming
year, Dean Fuller said.
Plumbing Old
"Jordan plumbing is nearly 30
years old," explained Francis C.
Shiel, manager of Service Enter-
prises.'"It is good to start Mark-
ley with a full house, and this is
a good time to do the work which
has to be done," he added.
Jordan women were informed
of the move which they will have
to make at a house meeting last,
night, according to Jane E. Mur-
phy, '59, president of Jordan.
Move Discussed
The Jordan Council discussed
the move with Dean Fuller at din-
ner last night. "The Council felt
badly," Miss Murphy said, "but
this is a University- decision."
Jordan Hall in Markley will be
governed by present officers of
Jordan, and the hall will be in-
cluded in the central government
of Markley, Dean Fuller said.
Bill To Raise.
Posta1 Rates
House conferees yesterday fin-
ished work on a compromise bill
increasing postal rates 530 mil-
lion dollars a year and raising pay
of the500,000 postal employes 257
millions annually.
The bill would boost the first
class letter rate to, four cents as
compared with the present three-
cent stamp which has been in ef-
fect since 1932.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
had as~ced for five cents on out of
town mail.
Air mail would be raised from
the present six to seven cents.
Post cards would go up from two
to three cents.
These hikes in first class rates
would take effect one month aft-
er the end of the month in which
the bill is signed by the President.
Indiana representatives voted
7-4 against the foreign aid bill.
Those votgng for the measure were
Reps. Denton and Madden, Demo-
crats and Halleck and Nimtz, Re-
The opponents were Reps. Adair,
Beamer, Bray, Brownson, Harden,
Harvey and Wilson, Republicans.
Jordan will try to exist as an
entity ° in itself. "We will try not
to become immersed in Markley,"
Miss Murphy said.
She explained that when the
dormitory system was opened in
the spring, girls had the oppor-
tunity to move into Markley.
Those who-had chosen to stay in
Jordan would be disappointed by
the decision. Miss Murphy said
that the plumbing was certainly
faulty. "If the dormitory didn't
need the work, they wouldn't push
us into Markley," she said.
Difficult to Move
Dean Fuller said that it will be
difficult for the girls to move, but
she is sure "the girls will be
anxious to have the house in top
notch condition."
She explained that Mosher al-
most did not open last fall be-
cause of the plumbing repairs be-
ing carried on. Mosher plumbing
has still not been completely ren-
Dean Bacon'"Grateful!"
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
said that she was extremely grate-
ful that the plumbing in Jordan
held out for a year so that the
girls could move as a unit.'
"We've been worried about it
all year," said Mrs. Ruth Marker,
ResidenceHall director of Jordan.
She added that the whole of Jor-
dan would try to co-operate with
the decision.
Planned by Students
The mechanization of the move
will be, for a large part, planned
by students, according to Pat
Marthenke, '59, Presidentof As-
The officers are as enthusiastic
as can be expected, she said, "they,
were very co-operative.''
HousT-Ose Attempts To Cut
Ike s Foreign Aid Program
By The Associated Press
The House defeated all attempts to cut deeper into President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's foreign aid program yesterday and finally
approved $3,603,000,000 for the fiscal year starting July 1.
Passage was on a rollcall vote of 259-134.
The bill now goes to the Senate.
Final passage climaxed three days of sometimes hot debate over
America's foreign policy.
Below Minimum
The bill is still 339 million dollars below what President Eisen-
Jordan Hall To Close for Repairs.
hower said was the minimum need
world strong. The administration
planned to push in the Senate to
get back some of the money.
The recent wave of anti-Ameri-
can demonstrations in South
America and the Middle East,.
where millions in United States
aid has been distributed over the
years, apparently cost the pro-
gram little, if any, support.
Cites Economic Difficulties
Most House members appeared
to agree with President Eisenhow-
er, who told his news conference
yesterday that many developing1
countries have economic difficul-
ties and have to .have aid.
Voting for the new measure
were 150 Democrats and 109 Re-
publicans. Seventy-six RepubliJ.
cans and 58 Democrats opposed it.
The House refused repeatedlyj
to go beyond the reductions rec-
ommended by its Foreign AffairsS
Security Funds Cut
Mutual security funds- were cut
one billion dollars in 1957 anda
more than that in 1956.
More cuts may be made, how-
ever, when Congress considers
the money bill for foreign aid. The
bill passed today is only an au-
thorization measure, - setting the
ceiling for foreign aid spending.
ed to keep America and the free
World -News
By The Associated Press
Bill Expect&a
To Provide
Large Grati
Passage May Come
Today or Tomorro4
In State Legislature
special to The Daily
LANSING-The University is a
sured of receiving nearly two mi
lion dollars for continuation4
present construction as the legisli
ture opens sessions this mornin
according to a source close to Go
G. Mennen Williams.
The bill, calling for a state-wic
appropriation of approximately s
million dollars for capital-outla
will be passed today or tomorrol
he said.
May Receive Largest Sum
The University is scheduled i
receive the largest portion of t
funds-$1,815,000. Of this sum $1
175,000 is being sought for th
completion of the Medical Scien
University hospital is,set to r
ceive $340,000 for renovatioi
and electrical repairs. An add
tional $300,000 is earmarked fi
the Mental Health Research buld
ing, to be supplemented by a pr
vate grant of $600,000 A feder
grant to match the state appr
priation will also be used to con
plete this building.
To Complete Classrooms
The bill provides $67,500 for t
completion of a classroom at Co
tral Michigan College in Mo
Pleasant. Michigan State Unive:
sity and Wayne State Universi
will receive no funds.
Hospitals and institutional di
partments ofcorretion will r
ceive the remainder of the apprw
"There shouldn't be too mu
trouble in securing the bill's pas;
age, since almost all the funds a:
to complete unfinished buildings
the capitol official pointed ou
The legislature has already r
fused to finance new buildin
next year.
Passage Smooth
The only struggle which cou
possibly delay the bill's smool
passage is the clause concernhx
the construction of the boy's voci
tional school at Whitmore Lak
according to members of the legi
A version of the bill giving ti
board of supervisors of Livlngst
County the authority to choose ti
location of the school was ove
whelmingly voted down in ti
house recently.
A newly-worded bill which mi
or may not eliminate the clau
entirely is expected from tle coi
ference committee on capital-ou
lay tomorrow.
Bill Compromise
The committee's capital - outli
bill is a compromise between aj
propriations bills passed in t
House of Representatives and
the Senate.
The Senate bill previously pas
ed alloted a total of $4,666,000 f
construction in the state. TI
House bill for the same purpe
appropriated $6,483,723.
Now Available
expenditures was not the way to
increase income, especially since
"the trend on campus is toward
smaller functions."
Move Said 'Impractical'
In answer, SGC Treasurer Mort
Wise, '59, maintained that Chrys-
ler was being "totally impractical."
Wise said profits on Homecoming
went up this past year, to which
Union President Barry Shapiro
replied that although the income
might have been up, the attend-
ance at the Homecoming Dance
was down.
All suggestions made by SGC
will be considered by the J-Hop
central committee. A final budget
is to be considered at a future
Council meeting.
Calendar Debated
The Council also passed a mo-
tion by Administrative Vice-Presi-
dent Jo Hardee, '60, to commend
the University Calendar Commit-
tee and inform them of the objec-
tions SGC members have raised to
their recommendations.
"Many students object to cutting
the exam period," League Presi-
dent Bobbie Maier, '59, declared.
Taub labelled the possibility of
having three final examinations on
the same day "a horrible idea.".
Shapiro objected to greater use
of noon hours.
Constitutions of the Venezuelan
Students Association, forestry
honorary Xi Sigma Pi and Evan-
gelical United Brethren group
Stamm Foundation were accepted.
NI 1 T I Z A.
Speech Department Presents 'Operation Telerad'
NEW Y6RK-The stock market
had its sharpest break of the year
Wednesday in heavy trading.
Profit taking on the recent climb
to new highs for 1958 combined
with unsettling news from abroad
and about the American economy
were cited as factors in the decline.
can congressmen Wednesday asked
their GOP colleagues to join them
in endorsing Vice-President Rich-
ard M. Nixon for the Republican
presidential nomination iii 1960.
A letter from Reps. Albert Mo-
rano of Connecticut and James
Fulton of Pennsylvania went to all
Republican members of the House
and Senate.
Dwight D. Eisenhower Wednesday
approved purchase of three high-
speed jet transprot planes for use
by himself and other top govern-
ment officials,-perhaps by theend
of the year.
The planes, which will cost five.
million dollars each, are Boeing
707 types. The White House said
no such models have been pro-
duced as yet for commercial or
government use.
* * *
MONTREAL - SerVice on the
17,000-mile Canadian Pacific Rail-
way System returned quickly to
normal todlay after a three-day
strike that disrupted some opera-
CHICAGO -- James Caesar Pe-
trillo blew a sudden, startling note
at the music world Wednesday by
an announcement that he 'will
step out as president of the Ameri-
can Federation of Musicians.
Then he told newsmen: "I kept
it quiet. It's tough to get to the
top. And I'll tell you it's tough to
get out."
( T T T)-----
The speech department's third
annual "Operation Telerad" was
"on the air" yesterday.
Last night, the 250 studlents of
the speech department's radio and
television classes presented a stim-
ulating day's programming over a
closed-circuit broadcasting system
in the Frieze Building.
The programs, divided into both
network and local shows, were en-
tirely student-directed and pre-
All Students Participate
"Each student studying radio or
television was in at least one show,
and sometimes six or eight, de-
pending on the number of speech
classes he's taking," student staff
member Don MacLennen, 58, said.
P2P.amntir nn .r an stin n
Jones, '59, announcer for the pro-
gram, uncapped a special coca-
cola bottle that was "rigged" 'to
produce a large quantity of fizz.
Nothing happened. The intended
"flop" had flopped.
In spite of a few minor difficul-
ties such as this, the current
"Operation Telerad" is thel
smoothest operation of any of the
previous years' programs, Mac-
Lennen said. This is the first year
television has been included in the
operation, he added.
Facing the glaring spotlights
and crouched behind huge audio
booms and television cameras, stu-
dents were engrossed in last-min-
ute studying of scripts. Directors
wearing bermuda shorts and ear-
phones wildly signaled from glass-
1 nrlmA nnnrnl r f.lml
Graduate students may now p
up applications 'for admission
the University residence halls,
cording to Assistant Dean of M
Karl D. Streiff.
- The blanks are available in'
student affairs office on the thi
floor of the Student Activil
The Residence Hall Board
Governors recently approved
conversion of Frederick Hou
South Quadrangle, and Tyler a
IM ;'TI ' 'u-. --