TNT MTCMGAN SAILV WEDNESDAY, IWA'Y 14, 1958 T4, 1! LI e.. JIlAN'wA1r1v WENESDAY, l Y114, 193 e J iton s Horn Heralds Spring L'riton blowing his wreathed BOTT STATES PLANS FOR CITY: Chamber Manager Tells Problems, Tasks of Group i J By KENNETH McELDOWNEY Ition William J. Bott, manager of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Com- merce, describes the work of his the University organization as "a lot of business vision and one that is nobody's business." Garnet R. Gar- This was not always the case. oadcasting said In the early days its only purpose was to transact business deals ent was made concerning commerce and trade. e of results of The first Chamber of Commerce bition of Edu- was organized in Marseilles, Television Pro- France at the close of the 17th njunction with century. Education by However, the modern idea of it Ohio State the Chamber of Commerce began in the United States. The country is to 'U' tele- realized that its own prosperity aly ones given depended on a community that *k classification was itself prosperous. nstitution. The In this connection, not until de in the net- just before the beginning of TV films pro- World War I did it stop concen- ersity are used trating only on bringing more in-\ ry. 'dustry to the cities. Now much L' .4. -C.-' ,{": }''"?:y r Nt 9i"r} ,ca E- greater emphasis is placed on the improving of the community. Each local chapter of the Chamber of Commerce is entirely self-governing with no direct ties with other Chambers except through membership in the na- tional organization. For this reason they differ greatly in form and in general aims. In Ann Ar- bor, the main interest is in pro- moting the planned economic growth of the community. Piece-Meal Projects Dangerous According to Bott, there is as much danger in unplanned piece- meal projects as there is in no growth at all. The need for proper industrial growth, "seems to be recognized by an increasing num- ber of people." This problem Bott considers to be the most important one the Chamber of Commerce is working on. Last July, after working for three years, it was finally able to appoint an Economic Develop- ment Committee to study thecon- ditions in Ann Arbor, and try to develop some sort of solutions. Bott said he feels that the Uni- versity of Michigan will be a big asset in the struggle for new in- dustry. He believes the reputa- tion of the University of Michi- gan in engineering and industrial research will induce industrial re- search facilities to build in Ann Arbor. Manager Most Important As in many volunteer organiza- tions with a small paid staff, the manager is the most important single man in the local Chamber of Commerce. A typical manager is college educated and has probably taken special courses in Chamber of Commerce management. A furth- er educationaladevelopment has been a National Institute put on annually by Michigan StateuUni- versity. These courses are planned to keep the local manager abreast with new ideas and developments in the local Chamber of Com- merce field. According to Bott, a manager must be a "jack of all trades." He must be well informed on all mat- ters concerning community im- provement and have a working knowledge of both federal and local government. At the present time the Cham- ber of Commerce in Ann Arbor is also working on the street dec- orations for Christmas, trying to solve the present traffic problem and working on the tax programs for this area. Many of these pro- jects receive little publicity but are important to the cowmunity either in general appearance or to the general well being of the city. Has Difficulty Getting Funds The Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, as many others, has difficulties receiving sufficient funds for the work they do. All local Chambers are merely volun- teer organizations of businessmen and so money isn't demanded of them. Any aid that they do re- ceive must be on a volunteer basis. Bott said he believes that the Ann Arbor Chamber of Com- merce needs about $45,000 a year to do all the work they would like to. Last year they got only $25,000. a a papapa an a a a * -- W - w W W W - -- w DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN : ; will contin- Doctoral Examination for Richard Bay City, Mich. Location of work - Rohm & Haas Company, Philadel- Flows." There Joseph Ward, Economics; thesis: "The Bay City, Mich. Men with good back- phia, Pa. has an opening in their 1. 274 W.E. at Role of the Association of Catholic ground in Chemistry and training in Physics Research Laboratory for an ex- Trade Unionists in the American La- basic industrial relations.and adminis- perienced Mechanical Engineer or En- bor Movement," Thurs., May 15, 105 tration for a position in Chemical gineering Physicist, 22 to 28 years of David Green- Econ. Bldg., 2:00 p.m. Chairman, H.M. Analyss and Quality Control. This is a age, :tremal Prob- Levinson. full-time position but also interested Ordnance Ammunition Command, of Analytic in students to work in the plant for U.S. Army, Joliet, Ill. has listed the urs., May 15. Doctoral Examination for Jackie the summer in preparation for em- following current vacancies: Tabulation p.m. Lloyd Watkins, G e o l o g y; thesis: ployment after graduation. Project Planner, Equipment Operator "Middle Devonian Auloporid Corals For appointments, contact the Bu- Supervisor and a Machine Operator from the Traverse Group of Michigan," reau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Supervisor; Chemical, Mechanical and r Milton Irv- Thurs., May 15, 4065 Nat. Sci. Bldg. 3:00 Bldg., ext. 3371. Electrical Engineers; Illustrator of age and Lit- p.m. Chairman; E.C. Stumm. Technical Equipment, Analytical Sta- hrman: The Representatives from the following tistician; Equipment Specialist (Elec- f the Comic iit, A? will be interviewing at the College of tronics); Publications Writer; and Pro-. Haven Hall* Placces ; crement Analyst. iueschke. Engineering. For further information, contact the San Jose, Calif. will have a represen- Fri., May 16BueuoApinmts358di. tative at the Statler Hotel in Detroit on Westinghouse Company, Pittsburgh, Bureau of Appointments, 3525 Admin. for Arthur Mon., May 19 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 Pa. - B.S. & M.S. in E.E. for Commu- dg., ext. 3371. mc tes to interview elementary teaching nications and Power. Must be U.S. netric Modelpm. rwyg Summer Placement Notices: applicants (Grades 1-6). For appoint- Citizens. d.,Maym4, 6ments, contact Curtis Davis, Asst. Su- For appointments, contact the Engi- Personnel Requests: L. thaimanperintendent of Schools on Mon., May neering Placement Office, 347 W. Milaukee, s i ookingor 19 at the Statler Hotel. For any addi- Engrg., ext. 2182. tion Inspector for the summer. irHryMxtional information contact 'the Bureau Lo npco o h umr >r Harry Max oa nomto otcdnBBd esne euss Arthur Hills Landscaping Co., Toledo, neein; te-of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Personnel Requests:ArhrHlsLncaigC.Toe, [eering; the- NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. The Lamson Brothers Company, To- Ohio is looking for students in land- echanism of ledo, Ohio., has an opening in their scape architecture to be salesmen for Fri 14,320 E. Personnel Interviews: Ddvertising Dept. for a copywriter. the summer Representatives from the following Would prefer experience but will con- Requests are still coming in from airman, M.J. will be at the Bureau of Appointments: sider a recent graduate with a flair for camps an resorts as well asfo I- Tues., May 20 writing. surance Companies and other busi- Roche Laboratories, Division of Hoff- Michigan Bell Telephone Company, nesses. Keep coming to Room D528 in ae and Lit- man-La Roche, Inc., Nutley, N.J. Lo- Detroit, Mich. has a few openings for the from 1 to 5 and on Fri. mornings cation of work - N.J., Calif., Tenn., outstanding men in their Plant and noons Disasters. An from 8:30 to 12. shed Elizabe- Cola., Ga., Md., Mass., Texas., Conn., Commercial Trainee would be involved S abe- Ili., Ohio. Minn., N.Y., Va., Fla., Wash., in office management activities and Michigan Union Presents4 STARLIGHT SOM Sat., Mayl..:9--2I4 OUTSIDE behind the Administration Bldg. DON YOUNG and his Band Casual Dress a You Can sell your Textbooks anytime at FO LLETTS for CASH ! m-mU Io THE BROOKLYN CENTER LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY SUMMER SESSION College students in New York for the summer are offered the opportunity to earn as many as 14 air- conditioned classrooms... at the Brooklyn Center. Two 6-week Summer Sessions, beginning June 9 and July 21, provide a choice of subjects in the College of Liberal Arts and Science, the College of Business Administration and the Graduate School. The Brooklyn Center offers the kind of personalized edu- cation traditionally provided by small campus colleges-but at a point in New York City easily reached by all subways. Classes are smhall. Applications for the Summer Sessions are now being accepted. Write, phone or visit: Office of Admission, L. L U. Brooklyn Center, 385 Flatbush Avenue Ext., Brooklyn 1, N. Y. Phone: ULster 2-9100. Registration may be completed by mail. Day and Evening Gasses tong Island University is a private, coeducational institution accredited by the Middle States Association. V 1. mi||l D N " _'. eufA?4i' Ak ":::::. .:; fiiciai>:zi: i c:: i "..: