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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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VOL. LXVIII, No. 161





Ike Rushes Paratroopers, Marines

to Caribbea

S S,
I t

Precautionary Move Taken,
fo Protect Vice-President
Venezuelan Mob Throws Eggs, Stones
In Communist-Inspired Riots Against Nixon
WASHINGTON (A')-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, aroused by
nob action against Vice President Richard M. Nixon in Venezuela,
ushed paratroopers and Marines to the Caribbean last night.
In a surprising show of force, the Defense Department announced
hat two companies of airborne troops and two of Marines were being
lown to United States bases in the Caribbean area, which Venezuela
Altogether the four companies add up to about 1,000 troops.,
Precaution Taken
The department called this only a precautionary measure, under-
aken so as to be in a position "to cooperate with the Venezuelan
government if assistance is re-
® moratsquested"
em ocrats Spitting Venezuelan mobs bat-
tered cars of Vice President and
* Mrs. Nixon with sticks, stones and
Mlaim Move eggs yesterday.
Authorities said the violence
iTwas Communist-inspired.
Unortunate Escape Injury
Only by luck did the Vice Presi-
dent and his wife escape injury in
WASHINGTON P) - Senate this most furious anti -'United
)emocrats condemned and Re- States demonstration of the South
ublicans defended the adminis- American tour intended to pro-
ration's action in ordering troops mote good will.
lown to United States bases near Six Americans of their entour-
enezuela because of mob action age were hurt, chiefly by flying
here against Vice-President glass from smashed car windows.
tichard M. Nixon last night. United States flags were torn
Sens. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) by the demonstrators who subse-
nd Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash.), quently stoned cars of their own
iembers of the Senate Armed government's leaders under the
ervices Committee, labeled as mistaken impression, one reported,
unfortunate" the decision to dis- that Nix6n was with them.
atch airborne troops and Ma- In thc memory of old-time ob-
ines to the area. servers here, it was the first in-
Sen. Styles Bridges of New stance where a good-will mission
1ampshire, senior Republican on by an American leader resulted in
tie committee, said in a separate calling out Marines and troops.
nterview, that if governments in Brings Cries
atin America "can't give protec- Previously, university students
ion to the Vice-President, the in Lima, Peru, hurled stones and
only thing left to do is to send in spat at Nixon in another violent
American troops to cooperate and display of anti-Americanism.
eep order." The dispatch of troops, consid-
Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D- ered certain to bring cries of
vinn). a member of the Senate "Yankee imperialism" from Latin-
'oreign Relations Committee, said American critics of this country's
ie is satisfied that "if the Vene- policies, came at a time while the
uelan goverhment wants to keep situation in Venezuela appeared
rder it can do so." still confused.
"I can't imagine that we did Early last night, presidential
tot have security forces in the press secretary James C. Hagerty
rea," Humphrey said. I do not said reports from Venezuela in-
elieve it adds to our posture to dicated governinent security forces
ave an overt demonstration of there were now adequately pro-
roop movements in the area." tecting Nixon and his party from
further mob action. This was after
Eisenhower had urgently demand-
ed-and received-assurances that
Venezuela would adopt every pos-
sible means to protect Nixon.
Iro Overcom e But while Hagerty was speaking
of adequate protection, a news
[FC * * ldispatch from Caracas said new
IC eficimob violence had broken out at
the government palace. This oc-
The Fraternity Presidents' As- curred as members of Venezuela's
embly of IFC last night unani- ruling junta returned from a meet-
riously voted a special assessment ing with Nixon.






BEIRUT, Lebanon (R) - Leban-
on charged last night a force of
500 had invaded from Syria and
blown up a customs house in a
campaign of terrorism by Presi-
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser's United
ArAb Republic.
The sorely pressed government
fought off mi.,b violence, much of
it expressed as anti-Americanism,
for the fifth straight day.
Six persons were killed in the
border-crossing incident, Foreign
Minister Charles Malik an-
Accuses U.A.R.
He accused the U.A.R. of mas-
sive interference in Lebanese af-
Malik said the invading force
was driven back into Syria.
Malik said forces from Syria
and some that originated in the
Egyptian-occupied Gaza Strip had
entered Lebanon with orders to
carry out a campaign of terrorism,
bombing and assassination.
He declared the campaign was
aimed at destroying Lebanon as a
free, independent and sovereign
Moved in Boats
Malik told a news conference
that Palestinians from Gaza in
groups of 11 were being moved in
by boats that usually were loaded,
with arms and ammunition.
The foreign minister said Leb-
anon is considering severing rela-
tions' with the U.A.R. and com-
plaining to the United Nations Se-
curity Council against the U.A.R.,
but that no definite decisions had
been reached.'
Reject Offer
DETROIT IP) -- Chrysler Corp.
and the Ford"Motor Co. yesterday
followed the lead of General Mo-
tors Corp. in turning down a pro-
posal of the United Auto Work-
ers to submit contract demands,
including the controversial profit
sharing plan, to arbitration.
Walter P. Reuther, UAW presi-
dent, made the arbitration pro-
posal Saturday. GM, vetoed it a
few hours later.
John S. Bugas, Ford vice-presi-
dent in charge of industrial rela-
tions, said "just does not make


M ilitary






Foreign Aid Bil Survives
Showdown Votes in House
WASHINGTON (M)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower's $3,603,-
000,000 foreign aid program survived a series of showdown votes in
the House yesterday and headed toward passage, possibly today.
An attempt by Rep. William Colmer (D-Miss.) to knock out the
economic aid section of the bill and reduce the program by one and
one-half billion dollars was defeated 102-59 on a standing vote.
Reject Bentley Proposal
Then on another standing vote the house rejected 73-41 an amend-
ment by Rep. Alvin M. Bentley (R-Mich.) to cut 340 million from the
$1,640,000,000 proposed for military aid to 41 countries in the fiscal
year beginning July 1. The Bentley amendment had been billed as

the rallying point for opponentsc
Martin Sees
Slump Drop
William McChesney Martin of the
Federal Reserve Board says he
sees some hopeful, but not conclu-
sive, signs that the recession is
leveling off.
Martin, who avoided making any
flat predictions, said the "rate of
decline has been slower for some
"We must be very careful about
being over-optimistic or overcau-
tious," he added.
He gave his opinions yesterday
to a Senate Banking subcommit-
tee, while these other things hap-
1) Sen.'John F. Kennedy (D-
Mass.) and Sen. Clifford P. Case
(R-N.J.) urged legislation to pro-
vide federal aid to areas of chronic
Kennedy said that in his own
state such cities as Lawrence,
Lowell and Fall River have found
their own efforts unequal to the
task of reviving prosperity. Case
listed problems in New Jersey's
Atlantic City, Bridgeton and Long
2) Secretary of Labor James P.
Mitchell told the Senate Finance
Committee that the unemployment
bill the House passed May 1 is ac-
ceptable to the administration.
This bill would advance federal
loans to the states to permit ex-
tension of jobless benefits. Work-
ers in most states would be eligible
for an additional 13 weeks of pay-'
ments, provided their states agreed
to go along with the program.
Meanwhile, the Commerce De-
partment put out a revision of its
figures on the nation's total pro-
duction of goods and services for
the first three months of this year.
This showed that the current
recession is unmistakably the
worst of those that have. hit the
country since World War II.


of the measure and perhaps was
the severest test for the adminis-
tration's supporters.
In another major vote, the
House defeated 91-60 a move by
Rep. E. Ross Adair (R-Ind.) to
strip 100 million dollars from the
775 million proposed in economic
aid to support foreign defense pro-
The congressmen shouted down
an amendment by Rep. Roy W.
Wier (D-Minn.) to knock out all
military aid.
Ruled Out of Order
A proposal by Rep. Gardner R.
Withrow (R-Wis.) to give several
million more dollars to the Domin-
ican Republic, Haiti and Cuba for
anti-submarine defense was ruled
out of order.
Then the House adjourned until
noon today when the legislators
will return to finish work on the
Rep. Joseph' W. Martin Jr. of
Massachusetts, the House Repub-
lican leader, took the floor with
an appeal against any last minute
Record Budget
Wins Approval
Of City Council
Ann Arbor's city council ap-
proved a record budget of $3,547,-
603 Monday night.
The budget, which contains no
increase in property taxes goes
into effect July 1.
The tax rate on property will be
$17 per $1,000 of assessed evalua-
tion -the same as this year.
Last year's budget was $294,947
less than this year's figure. The
budget does not include funds for
self supporting operations such as
the water department, sewer or
parking systems.
When all funds are added, the
total figure comes to $6,545,951.
The council expects to raise the
necessary additional funds
through an increased amount of
property tax and additional tax
sources. These include an ex-
pected payment of $17,765 in de-
linquent taxes.

ASIAN CULTURE-Professors John Hall and James Crump of the
University and Prof. Arthur Wright of Stanford University com-
pare Japanese and Indian sacred calligraphy. Prof. Wright noted
the unusual nature of Asia One and Two, which the University
professors helped plan.
Asian Culturs Course
Available Next Fall
Asia One and Two, a new interdepartmental course, is being of-
fered as literary college distribution course next fall.
"Freshmen and sophomores at Michigan now have an opportu-
nity which, I believe, is unique in the United States," Prof. Arthur
F. Wright of the Stanford University history department said during
his recent visit. "They are now able to elect work on Asia during their
first two years.
"Only an institution with the stature of Michigan could have
assembled the experts needed to teach this course and devoted the

time and care needed to prepare
it," the Far Eastern specialist con-

of each house to make up t)
deficit of $454 which was incurr'
by this year's IFC Ball.
K sale of 414 tickets was nece
sary to clear expenses of the dan
A total of 300 tickets were sol
The 18 houses who sold the
quota, set at a number equal
one-sixth of the number of me
in each house, will not be assesse
According to Greek Week Be
Chairman Bob Nissly, '59, wl
made the assessment motion, tl
IFC is considering making drast
changes in the Greek Week dan(
An IFC evaluation committ
has been studying the possib
causes of the dance's lack of su
cess. "A more informal dance he
outdoors is being considerel
Nissly explained.
The small number in attendant
at the IFC's Greek Week Ball
characteristic of the lagging inter
est in large campus dances, Y
. dded.
Next year's Greek Week Chai
man, Mike Sklar, current IFC s
cial chairman, was appointed 1
the' IFC executive committee. TI
remaining positions will be fill
by petitioning.
Berman Wins
Research Gran
Prof. Alex Berman of the phaz

Russian Scientist Reports
Soviet Satellite Difficulties
WARSAW (A)-A leading Russian scientist has indicated the
Soviet Union is having trouble in launching its third earth satellite.
Prof. Jurij A. Pobiedonoscev told Polish space experts that firing
of Sputnik III may be delayed "'until complete certainty is reached
that all the apparatus is in perfect working order."
Russia first Sputniks I and II last fall. No other attempt has been
reported officially since.
Pobiedonoscev, addressing the Astronautical Society in Warsaw
Monday night, said preparations for the third launching are not
completed. He was asked by a Polish correspondent whether Soviet
scientists had met failures in't
launching attempts similar to
those in the United States. W~( '1 131u-
"As you know," he replied, "the I UX G W i
problem is very complicated and
some attempt may be a failure. Bmi n

Asia One and Two, which have
been in planning since 1954, will
fill either the social science re-
quirement for the humanities re-
quirement short of four credit
hours, according to Prof. James
I. Crump of the Far Eastern lan-
guages department. Prof. Crump
is a member of the planning com-
Asia One, the first semester will
treat the Moslem, Hindu and Chi-
nese cultures up to the time of
their contact with the West, Prof.
Crump continued, while the sec-
ond semester is devoted to "What
happened after that."
Specialists from the anthro-
pology, Far Eastern languages,
fine arts, geography, history, Near
Eastern Studies and political sci-
ence departments will lecture and
lead the recitation sections, Prof.
Crump said.
In each area the Asian cultures
will be compared to the West and
to one another so students will be
able to easily understand, he said.
ight Sing
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority
won the 1958 Lantern Night Sing
in a very close contest, followed
by Pi Beta Phi and Gamma Phi
Beta, respectively, last night.
Singing J o h a n n e s Brahm's
"How Lovely is the, Maytime,"
"How Sad the ,Streams" and
"Awake," the winners were chosen
on the basis'of best performance,
intonation, interpretation, artis-
tic effect, tone diction, presenta-
tion, accuracy and appearance.
Pi Beta Phi placed second in the
contest with "Hush Now" and
"I've Never Been in Love" while
Gamma Phi Beta took third with


SGC To Vote
On Sorority
Student Government Council
will consider reactivating Phi Sig-
ma Sigma sorority on campus at
tonight's meeting, according to
SGC Executive Vice-President Dan
Belin, '59.
Phi iSigma Sigma, a predomi-
nantly Jewish group, had a chap-,
ter here before World War Two
but deactivated for financial rea-
sons. Panhellenic Association has
given its support to the new group.
The budget of next winter's 1960
J-Hop is also up for approval,
Belin said, as is J-Hop calendar-
Discussion of the University's
academic calendar, which was in
progress when last week's meeting
ended, will continue, according to
Scott Chrysler, '59. Chrysler is a
member of the University Calendar
A calendar for campus charity
drives will be presented for -ap-
proval by the Council's Student
Activities Committee. Separate
dates are required since Campus
Chest has been discontinued. Belin
pointed out.
ThedConstitutions of Xi Sigma
Pi, forestry honor society, and
Stamm Foundation, Evangelical
United Brethren student group,
will also be submitted for Council
approval by the Student Activities
.eke Criticized
On Civil Rights
MIAMI BEACH, la. P)--A re-
port criticizing President Dwight
D.. Eisenhower's administration
fnr "awel maaek of n 1Pademhin"

Move Timed
To Halt Rise
Of Pflimlin
Parliament Elects
Premier Despite
Chaos over Crisis
By The Associated Press
ALGIERS - A tough French
parachute general set up a rightist
military regime yesterday in the
midst of anti-American and anti-
Paris rioting in Algiers.
Last night he audaciously pro-
posed that France's President Rene
Coty resurrect Gen. Charles de
Gaulle for an iron man role as
premier in Paris.
Pflimlin Opposed
The move was timed to defeat
the effort of Pierre Pflimlin to get
National Assembly approval a
premier, but did not succeed.
Its immediate effect, however,
was to break up a Paris Assembly
session in chaotic shouting started
by Communists claiming the pro-
claimed iron regime amounted to
insurrection against the French
Approve New Premier
The assembly went into session
again, after conferences among
the top Paris government men, and
approved Pflimlin as France's 25th
post-war premier.
There was no immediate rea-
tion from the Algiers regime.
Gen. Jacques Massu, command-
er of parachute troops forces in
Algeria, had proclaimed himself
head of a committee of public
salvation and declared he would
not leave until a similar regime
was set up in Paris.
Opposes Moderation
in effect, Gen. Massu's bid for
iron rule put his military group.
against the Algerian rebels and
against any French politicians
showing any sign of moderation
toward them.
The appeal for De Gaulle, the
highly controversial wartime lead-
er of the Free French and fighting
French against Hitler, asked for a
goverment under him outside the
influence of the 16 parties in the
That government would be de-
voted to keeping, Algeria an in-
tegral part of France.
"Pflimlin Will
Get Support :
Of Officers'
Commenting on the latest Al-
gerian crisis and its possible reper-
cussions in France, Prof. Roy
Pierce of the political science de-
partment said last night "there is
reason to believe that enough a
high French officers will support
the Pflimlin government provided
it takes a clear and firm stand."
"Of course," the expert on
French affairs continued, "the
government will need the un-
equivocal support of the French
National Assembly. It never gets
it, but I suspect it needs it now.'
Up to now divided governments
have "been content with verbal
formulae in the attempt 'to com-
promise sharply conflicting-
views." However, Prof. Pierce
commented, sharply conflicting
views hardly comprise a policy.
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department did not "think
the Algerian tail will wag the
whol eFrenh rnd whther th

s Annual Lantern iN

r- "If anything is not in order, the
1- attempt is postponed. It is possible
by that the launching of the next
he Sputnik may be postponed too un-
ed til complete certainty is reached
that all the apparatus in in perfect
order . . ."
This was taken by the profes-
sor's audience as confirmation of
reports widespread here that the
Russian suffered a setback in their
latest -Sputnik attempt.
Local AAUP


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