Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.
and Art
Economies and Spirit
T HE FLOOR and tables in the post office were
strewn with greeting card sacks. Panel
trucks, their rear windows filled with flowers,
stopped in front of houses where they had
seldom been seen before. Gift shops were
jammed with Christmas-like crowds as harried
clerks tried to keep up with their customers'
Business,- in the grasp of recession, seemed
to be struggling free once again. But so was
something else. Something that perhaps had
been in at least a mild depression for longer
than the economy-that too often is held down
by lack of individual initiative or thought.
But then it broke loose and began to spread
its benefits upon those who have earned all
the wealth which love, appreciation and
thoughtfullness can yield.
Today it's booming all over the nation. But
let this be more than a cyclical peak requiring
artificial incentive. Let a spontaneous spirit of
Mother's Day provide a year-round return for
the one that has invested so much in our lives.
More Money for Social Research,
More Controls on Nuclear Science
N HIS REPORT before a United States Senate
sub-committee on appropriations Friday, Dr.
James G. Miller of the* University's Mental
Health Research Unit cited the need for win-
ning the social science research race with Rus-
His remark that the United States now leads
in this area is encouraging, but the appropria-
tions figures of the national government de-
voted to social science research offer a fearful
glimpse into the future. While the physical
sciences received $647 million in graits from
the government this year, the social sciences
received only $35 million. In particular, basic
research grants form only 13 per cent of the
social science grants but 22 per cent of the
physical-science grants.
Dr. Miller advocates boosting the social
science basic research grant up to the 22 per
cent figure. This small increase will keep social
science research on the same level as that of
the physical sciences, but unfortunately, this
still is not enough.
BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH in the social sci-
ences is a relatively new field, and the basic
research in this area still remains in the em-
bryonic stages. Dr. Miller's warning that any
deliberate attempt by any nation might succeed
in surpassing the United States in behavioral
research should be heeded by the Senators who
must vote on appropriations for this area and
by the American public, who, since Sputnik,
have tended to lay undue stress on physical
science while ignoring this equally important
Breakthroughs in behavioral research, such
as controlling human attitudes and beliefs with
drugs or subliminal stimulation are probable,
Dr. Miller said. Weapons such as these are
potentially as powerful, if not more so, than
nuclear weapons. Control of men's minds, or
the knowledge to counteract the control of
men's minds, could be the force which would
ultimately determine the fate of the world:
half slave, half free, or all of either.
Comparatively little basic research has been
done in behavioral science concerning interna-
tional relations and diplomacy, negotiation and
the prevention of war. In these areas research
again could, if successful, result in powers
which no nation could afford to gain second,
or second-hand. Such obviously urgent research
as this must wait until money is expended for
research, for training additional people to
teach and carry on this research, and for
facilities and new equipment needed to con-
duct experiments.
powerful and still, in its infant stages, has
been de-emphasized, or perhaps just over-
shadowed since the satellite race began last
fall, but this situation must be considered
logically and not out of post-Sputnik fear. Its
need for added emphasis cannot be ignored and
Dr. Miller's suggestions for creating a Social
Science division of the National Science Foun-
dation and for increases in government appro-
priations for research and teaching fellowships
in the social sciences seem not only warrented
but overdue.
This increase in emphasis on the social sci-
ences should not mean decreasing emphasis on
the physical science. Missiles and wepaons de-
velopment remain essential in the present
international situation and cuts here, in money
and emphasis, could be suicidal.
The social sciences present a vast, and largely
untapped area of research for improving the
conditions of society and man himself, and, if
necessary, for war and human survival. If
behavioral research had advanced ag far as
science today, we would not need $74 billion
budgets and nuclear stockpiles. .
Year's Concerts
WITH the Philadelphia Orchestra
on its way to capture new
fields of glory on the other side
of the Iron Curtain, and the elec-
trifying performances of George
London and Glenn Gould having
faded somewhat, post-May Festi-
val calm has settled on Ann Arbor's
musical scene for the rest of the
school year.
The indisputable highlight of
this year's Musical Society offer-
ings were the concerts of two of
the finest pianists today, Rudolf
Serkin on November 15, and Dame
Myra Hess on March 8 last. Along
with the remaining good to poor
selections were a few surprises,
namely the excellent sounds pro-
duced by the Cleveland and Chi-
cago symphony orchestras on No-
vember 10th and March 2, under
two conductors completely diverse
in temperament, the dynamic
George Szell and the seemingly
imperturbably Fritz Reiner. Slight-
ly below the level of these two
groups both technically and in
programming, but fast rising under
the leadership of the ageless Paul
Paray, was the performance of the
neighboring contingent from De-
The high spot of the Chamber
Music Festival in February was the
Budapest Quartet's playing of
three early Beethoven quartets.
NOT TO BE outdone by the
Musical Society, the School of
Music produced several equally ex-
citing and varied concerts in the
course of the year.
The Stanley Quartet, soon to
embark on a tour of South Amer-
ica, presented four regular con-
certs, the Woodwind Quintet and
the Baroque Trio, while two out-
standing faculty recitals were pre-
sented by tenors Richard Miller
and Harold Haugh. The; opera
department stagedha very com-
petent production of Verdi's "A
Masked Ball" in February, and
the same director, Josef Blatt, was
presented the Mahler Medal for
the first local performance of the
Mahler 2nd or "Resurrection"
Symphony on Good Friday after-
Perhaps the three most mem-
orable recitals heard this year were
also the least heralded. The per-
formance of the six Bach unac-
companied cello suites by the Swiss
cellist Henri Honegger on March
26 and 27 was ambitious and near
perfect. Pianist William Dopp-
mann's playing of the Bach Gold-
berg Variations left many observ-
ers in doubt as to the security of
the reputation of one of his less
-Daily-Eric Arnold
conventional contemporaries who ART SCHOOL:
was heard later in the season.
THE APRIL 29 lecture by the
grande dame of contemporary
music, Nadia Boulanger, produced'
a profound effect on her listeners,
many of whom, including myself,
were experiencing her particular
brand of dynamism for the first
and perhaps the last time. .
In the lighter vein, the local
Gilbert and Sullivan society's two
productions were thoroughly de-
lightful and a fitting farewell to
long-time director Clarence Ste-
Already scheduled for the sum-
mer session is a performance of
the Bach Brandenburg Concerti,
an opera, and several as yet un-
announced musical events.
Next year's musical scene will be
highlighted by the local debut of
the Russian pianist Andre Tchai-
kowsky, the a solo debut of the
Greek pianist Gina Bachauer,
singers Renata Tebaldi and Cesare
Valletti, the return of the Boston
and Chicago symphonies and the
new and revised Robert Shaw
Chorale. The Messiah will again be
presented in Decemhber with four
first-rate soloists, the excellent
chamber group the "Societa Cor-
elli" is here in February, and the
ubiquitous Philadelphia Orches-
tra again returns in May.
Allegra Branson
New Show, Dean, Spirit
Daily Staff Writer
UNDOUBTEDLY taking a close look at the first Architecture and
Design School exhibit to be both produced and selected by the
students themselves, was a man who believes that students should have,
as much responsibility in evaluating their work as the faculty.
Yesterday and Friday, the new Dean of the school, Philip N. Youtz,
saw his idea put into practice.
Dean Youtz, who journeyed to Ann Arbor last fall from a New York
architectural firm, has traveled extensively during his lifetime.
"I don't remember much about my childhood except that I was born
Educational Lesson from Gotham
in Quincy, Mass. Before I was school
to study for his doctorate and I
went with him. I guess that was
the start of my education.
"I was always fascinated with
architecture and drawing. A while
back I saw some of the old crayon
sketches I had done in Europe as
a boy. I always started drawing
the top of a cathedral and would
always end up with a sewers at the
bottom. For some reason I was
very much interested in sewers....
From Germany (he had learned
to speak German and some French
before coming stateside again) it
wa~s off to high school, tlen "over
the Berkshires to the nearest col-
lege--about 28 miles away." It
happened to be Amherst - "a
funny choice for architecture;
mostly reading, liberal arts -
strictly old-fashioned!" the only
other thing Dean Youtz recalls
about his college days at Amherst
is two or three years of Greek and
Latin in addition to having a hard
time getting science courses.
Caught by the traveling bug
again, Youtz sailed to China to
build a school and to teach at Sun
Yat Sen University, learn'"quite a
smattering of Chinese," and pick
up building tips from local crafts-
Still on the move, it was back to
Columbia, where he studied and
taught philosophy in addition to
receiving an architectural degree.
From Columbia, the young ar-
chitect went on to museums (Peo-
ple's Institute of New York, Penn-
sylvania Museum of Arts) which,
as director, he had revitalized; be-
came director of the WPA in
charge of modernizing museums
such as the Brooklyn Museums;
then went west to the San Fran-
cisco Golden Gate International
Exposition where he was director
of the Pacific Area Department.
Finally, after a brief jaunt
around the coast of South Ameri-
ca, the office of Philip N. Youtz,
architect, opened and the world-
traveler settled down to practice
his vocation.
As an architect, his most out-
standing achievement is the in-
vention of the "lift-slab" method
of construction, now used all over
the country. For non-architects,
the lift-slab method can best be
explained by visualizing a layer
cake, the layers being made up of
concrete. The layers are separated
age my father went off to Europe
A&D Exhibit
EVERYONE seemed pleased by
the Architecture and Design
School open house exhibit held
Friday afternoon and Saturday.
And there was probably a greater
abundance of good student work
here than at any previous student
exhibition. The improvement seem-
ed to be tied up with the large
student organized exhibit added
to the student work selected by
the faculty. The student enthusi-
asm that went into the show could
be felt by the spectators.
The paintings were the weakest
part of the strong show. Generally
they showed skillful handling of
paint and surface but lacked
strength of design and a worth-
while motivation. Margaret
Schmidt's oil "Spring Metropolis"
was, to me, a refreshing exception.
The fiat gently moving green, yel-
low and violet areas remind me of
a delightful woodwind ensemble.
This student's development could
be traced by comparing this paint-
ing with about four others scat-
tered around the building.
A small but nicely handled and
evocative watercolor landscape was
contributed by Joan Kalbaugh.
Expert and pleasant pjaintings
were contributed by Dorothea
Suino and V. Knietel. In contrast,
Lees and David B. Smith aimed at
serious expressiveness. Gerald
Tennenbaum's two paintings look
fine on the surface but stay there
in such a way that they seem a
little superficial. Generally, the
paintings' weakness is due to an
excessive interest in mannerism
and failure to stick out the diffi-
cult task of finishing them off.
* * *
PRINTS, drawings, sculpture,
and pottery had a higher average
level of quality. A number of the
various print media showed a level
of advanced understanding which
helped produce competent and in-
teresting pictures.
Larry Smith, in a clear and de-
liberate style and Andy Argyro-
polous with exciting spontaniety
contributed well organized and
imaginative etchings and litho-
graphs that had dream-like evoca-
tiveness. Kneital's prints, Beau-
champ's drawings and Pittenger's
woodcuts were skillful but a little
over-simple. Eulalia Kingma's seri-
graph of a leaf form and Dorothea
Suino's woodcut and lithograph
tried for finality.
On the whole, the prints ex-
hibited were more impressive than
the paintings: in general they
showed greater skill with under-
standing of the medium used, less
slickness, superficiality and, no
overstressed mannerisms.
THREE handsome pieces of
metal sculpture, all about three
feet high, were contributed by Bill
Barett. Each piece was in a some-
what different style, yet each one
achieved good organization of
many surfaces and spaces with a
fine tactile quality.
Hanton contributed more work
with plenty of variety of material
and style, but with a less consistent
level of high quality. I feel that his
small bronze figures are his best,
for the larger ones, like the paint-
ings, tend to be a little slick and
overmannered and not all of them
are finished. Ceramics and product
design in the show appeared to be
of consistently high quality. Spec-
tators easily found their individual
The entire open-house show was
a fine sample of the work being
done by art students. It offered a
rare opportunity for everyone, in-
cluding the artists themselves, to
satisfy a healthy curiosity about
the quality \of work being done
around here. It should stimulate
student work and public interest.
Also, it revealed a complex of stu-
dents, each with his own unique
development and value, his own
problems and limitations, and the
need to remain critical of his own
-Albert Encols
CONCERN is growing throughout the country
about the issues of education and juvenile
delinquency. But the relation between the two
problems is often overlooked.
This relation can be illustrated by a look at
the New York City school system, where these
issues have gained prominence, due to - the
suicide of Principal Golden of John Marshall
Junior High School.
The New York City Board of Education
finally realized that many factors culminated
in the violence of the students. The idea is
held that #forced promotion by the public
schools aggravates the problem of juvenile
delinquency, when students, mentally unfit for
higher education enter high school. Two solu-
tions have been proposed: either lower the
standards required for high school graduation
or "leave back" these students in public school
until they are eligible to quit.
BUT THESE two solutions were tried and did
not succeed. By lowering the standards and
reducing the requirements, many bright and
normal students did not find their work a
challenge. Because classes are large, averaging
about 50 pupils, teachers find it impossible to
help backward students and still provide intel-
lectual stimulation for normal ones at the same
It is impossible to reduce the number of stu-
dents per teacher because there are not enough
teachers available. College students are re-
luctant to enter into the field until this situa-
tion is remedied. They also state that the pay
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON......... Personnel Director
CAROL PRINS.....................Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY.....................Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG.....................Activities Editor
JAMES BAAD ....................... Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT ............ Associate Sports Editor
JOHN HILLYER .............. Associate Sports Editor
DIANE FRASER ............ Assoc. Activities Editor
THOMASBLUES............Assoc. Personnel Director
BRUCE BAILEY................. Chief Photographer
is unequal to the amount of work they are re-
quired to do.
The other solution was also found unfeasable.
A "healthy atmosphere" cannot be created by
mixing students of 14-16 years of age with
those of normal public school years. The older
students cannot be grouped with young chil-
dren and still feel they belong to society. .
The next suggestion tried was to lower the
age limit when students may quit school. But
New York State has, a child labor law which
states that no one may be permanently em-
ployed who is under 16, and these persons must
continue in a special school until the age of
18. This solution did not succeed because of this
law. Students who left school at 14, found
themselves with nothing to do and conse-
quently, roamed the streets in search for
New York City has finally found one solution
which is succeeding now. This, like many
others, requires-money. Special schools, such as
vocational and '600' schools, for those with little
ability and inclination for academic pursuits
have been built.
The '600' schools are built for students who
are unfit to work with other normal ones. Here
the classes are small and teachers may devote
their attention and help to pupils. Here, too,
students learn at their own rate of speed, with-
out the external force of jeers from their
"normal" classmates who may scorn their in-
ability to learn quickly.
THESE SCHOOLS have negative aspects as
well as the overwhelming positive ones.
If more schools were built the Board of
Education would rather build public high
schools to take the pressure off the existing
ones, some of which are in double and triple
sessions. Teachers are too few in number to
transfer enough of them to make' this new
system worth while. Because this job is more
trying, many of the older ones, who have the
needed experience, refuse to work in these
schools. Besides this, specially trained teachers
are needed who have the ability to cope with
these students.
Boards of Education in other communities
should benefit from the adverse publicity that
New York is receiving and not let their growing
problems slide for such a long period of time
-Daily-Fred Shippey
. .. "student participation"
by a special "icing" and are pour-
ed, one on t6p of the other, on
the ground. Then, the layers are
raised up supporting pillars and
each slab becomes a different story,
in the building.
And now, after 15 years prac-
ticing architecture, Dean Youtz is
at Michigan. What are his views
on educating the architect and de-
signer here?
"Ideally," the dean reflects, "if
economics were what they ought to
be, students should get a complete
liberal arts foundation followed by
professional training on a gradu-
ate level. Unfortunately, things
aren't like that.
"Therefore we must get the.
superior type of student-locate
him and tailor the program around
his needs. The programs of train-
ing should be more for the indi-
vidual, not simply mass educa-
tion," he continues.
And, to show that he's a real
architect, a real artist, or, if you
please, even a "bohemian" like
some of the people who inhabit
the six-story brick building at the
corner of Tappan and Monroe,
Dean Youtz hit upon the subject
dearest to the student's heart:
coffee breaks.
"I'd very much like to see us
have our own coffee lounge here
in the building!"
1 .
-Daily-Fred Shippey 3
PAUL PARAY-The "ageless" conductor of the Detroit Symphony
appeared during this season's Choral Union Series.
May Fe-stival's Artists1
" -1
WITH ,THE SIXTY-FIFTH annual May Festival behind us, it is<
" perhaps possible to give the affair a second look, and make an
attempt at some sort of evaluation.
One observation, which becomes increasingly appropriate with
each succeeding year, is that the emphasis in these programs is definitely
placed upon the artists involved, instead of upon the music. No other
explanation could possibly account for the frequency with which some
of these artists return.
Lily Pons, for example. There certainly must be, somewhere in the
world,'sopranos who could provide an audience with a more musically
meaningful evening. But the Pons name still pulls in unsuspecting
people, although soon enough they probably learn the grim truth.
Choral works programed have been, in the past, excellent. One
recalls magnificant preformances of Berlioz' "Damnation of Faust,"
"The Bells" by Rachmaninoff, and more recently, Orff's "Carmina
Buraha," and "Die Gurrelieder" by Schonberg. This year-was a distinct
disappointment though, with another "Samson and Delilah" (its ninth
performance). This is simply not a very good opera, although some
of the solo passages are quite pretty. The chorus is only used occa-
Presentation of the three religious choral works (Gabrielli, Bloch,
Giannini) was more to the musical point.
* * *
HIGHLIGHTS of the concerts were the last two concerts, with a
memorable piano concerto played by Mr. Gould; also George London's
Arts, Sciences Breach Iron Curtain
Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
NEW YORK-It's a neat trick,
but the United States and
Soviet Russia are carrying it off
successfully these days: they keep
one another at arms length politi-
cally while rubbing shoulders in
science and the arts.
A 40-year-old Soviet microbiolo-
gist - Dr. George Skriabin - is
working quietly behind a micro-
scope at Rutgers University in New
Brunswick, N.J., under America's
famous Dr. Selman Waksman.
A 23-year-old pianist from Tex-
as - Van Clipburn - became the
Scientists of the Smith, Kline
and French laboratories in Phila-
delphia are studying the results
of a month's visit to Russia to
learn about Russian progress on
pharmaceuticals. In Moscow a
group of Soviet pharmaceutical
experts is similarly studying the
results of their return visit to
Smith, Kline and French.
BARRING some major interna-
tional crisis, this sort of non-poli-
tical trading of information and
people is likely to expand even
more. The new dimensions in
Soviet, American and international
toured the United States for six
weeks in a blaze of* publicity. An
American farm group returned the
At the same time, at the Geneva
summit conference the Soviet and
United States governments agreed
to facilitate cultural interchange.
More Russians have come to the
United States already in the first
four months of this year than
visited in all of 1957. At the same
time it seems more than likely
that more Americans will go to the
Soviet Union this year than in
any previous year.
EXCHANGES between the two