Sixty-Eighth Year -- EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF'BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors, This mus t be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KAATZ P'rivilee and Convenience Missing In Football Season Ticket Policy "Well, Hello There, Old Pal, Old Pal, Old Pal" ,: - ; o , -,4- " -- ... ,; .y.. _ . 3, i " } :1 +., . , a. wzltdC , rt urz} : r _ L 3 AT THE CAMPUS Imaginative Realism In Surrealistic, World IN "THE Nights of Cabira," Giuletta Massina extends the film pan- tomime ,of Charlie Chaplin into the world of Italian realism and manages to play a sympathetic prostitute in a comic near-tragedy with- ot becoming maudlin. And she is in character with her flickering and half-lit world in making what seems like high comedy stand up under reappraisal as terrifying irony, as she is betrayed again and again by love, romance, religion, and magic. In the acting, the direction, the photography, even the music, there is a unity of themes constructed on musical basis, all of them con- tributing to a terrifying impression of emptiness and hollow rituals. Powerful emotional situations are loosely strung together against a background of apparently sleeping spectators, mamboing or cleaning their nails in a nightmare. In its tying together of details and recurrent images and situations 1 bi 'r THE AVOWED purpose of student season football tickets - that they are a privilege an4 a convenience to students - does not hold up under analysis. Actually the policy demon- strates an obvious lack of consideration -for students. It seems somewhat ludicrous for the physical education department to call football games a focus of student loyalty and spirit, then to pivot about and say that attendance at these games, which, incidentally, are played by stu- dents, a privilege. The seats which are "given" to students are located in positions where it is a physical im- possibility to view band formations, block-M fprmations, and much of the game, depending upon which quarter of the game is in progress. ANOTHER obvious inconsistency appears when the athletic administration says the University must pay visiting teams for each student ticket issued regardless of occupancy o that seat. Why, then must a student with i non-student friend be compelled to buy regu- lar seats in order to escort him or her to the game even if a roommate has a seat which may go unused? The only argument with any validity against allowing others to use a student ticl4t is that it could result in students "scalping" tickets to non-student football enthusiasts who jam the routes to the stadium. It is doubtfulif this would occur for several reasons. Only sell-out games create demand for student tickets. These games are also the most highly attended by students, and even if a student would rather have money than a seat he would hesitate to sell a ticket to a stranger because of the danger of losing the entire book of tickets. IT HAS BEEN suggested that it is not the ob- ligation of the University to protect the pub- lic from "scalping students." The Choral Union Series does not prohibit ticket-purchasers from re-selling the entire series if they wish, to people who would gladly pay a high price for sell-out performances. If a seat is reserved in the stadium for each and every student, then it appears to us tlh.t this seat should be available to anyone whom that student wishes to have occupy "his" seat at any particular game. PERHAPS the money could be subtracted from the tiution and fees and the- book of reserved seat tickets sold to interested students for five dollars. This would give the interested student a ticket to the game, same as now, to do with as he pleases and exempt non-inter- ested students from the fee. It would also re- sult in savings for the athletic department since they would not have to pay visiting teams for tickets which are not used. The Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics is certainly to be commended for having reserved-seat, student tickets available to stu- dents. However, there may be even more merit in the method of subtracting from circulation unused tickets and providing a ticket for other students which they can attend or not as they choose. It might furnish to the individual stu- dent the convenience and service the board has professed a desire to provide. -RALPH LANGER ,4 F=m C-AASJr4=?f c- SGC IN REVIEW: Goldman Urges Stress on Academics Hippocrates or Ilyprocrisy? AN UNFORTUNATE incident disgracing the entire medical profession occurred at Mich- igan State University recently. At 12:30 a.m. a student began a practice ses- sion with four of his fraternity brothers for the 1958 Pushmobile Junior 500 race. At approxi- mately 1:50 a.m., according to a report from the East Lansing police, the student felt dizzy and lapsed into unconsciousness. He was car- ried into the house of a nearby fraternity and the police and fire department inhalator squad were summoned. Owen Memorial Hospital, equivalent to the University Hospital here in Ann Arbor, was then called and the nurse on duty said, "It is irregular to call a doctor at this time." She suggested the student be brought to the hospi- tal, although she would try to get a staff physi- cian. The nurse then reported no doctor could be sent, therefore, it would be useless to take the boy to the hospital, since no one would be there to aid him. Police said an East Lansing physician was contacted, but he could not come either. Final- ly, desperate police reached another doctor through the East Lansing Physician's Bureau, and he arrived at 2:20 a.m. Shortly after his arrival the coroner came. IrFE DEPLORABLE action of the hospitals and the individual physicians disgraces the entire medical profession. The fact that men become doctors because they are devoted indi- viduals, and care about their fellow men seems disproven by the Michigan State incident. It seems unfortunate that if someone must get sick, he must do so at the physicians con- venience. Any man who has this attitude is not1 fitted for the medical profession. Doctors are supposed to live up to the oath of Hippocrates. Or has the oath been changed to the hypo- critic oath? The nurse who said she did not think she could get a doctor should be remind- ed life waits for no man. The doctors who were. too busy to come to the boy's rescue deserve to be reminded of their sworn duty. THE CULMINATION of the whole disgraceful mess came later the same day the student died. Dr. Clifford J. Menzies, director of the Owen Hospital, said the boy had a rheumatic heart and was excluded from all inter-colle- giate athletic activities. Yet this does not ex- cuse the actions of a hospital and doctors. It is amazing a man of the stature of Dr. Menzies should even try to rationalize and apologize for the events. In the future, it is hoped the physicians aw ken'and realize they have a vital service to render and they cannot rest on the laurels of the devoted men of the past who made the profession one of the most honorable in the world. May they realize that life is the most valuable possession we can have, and the tor- ment and anguish of family and friends caused through apathy and inaction can be avoidq if thy respond quickly, responsibly to all emer- gencies. --BRUCE COLE By THOMAS TURNER Daily Staff Writer PRESIDENT Maynard Goldman presented the Council with a prospectus Wednesday night, out- lining "where SGC should be go- ing" and giving spectfic ideas on what should be done in the coming year. The "philosophy" half of his talk showed awareness of problems the Council and its members face-- factionalism, inertia, fainthearted- ness-but the specific areas he said should be worked on get more quickly to the heart of the question "where should SGC be going?" The Education and Student Welfare Committee is leaving the greatest part of its area untouched, Goldman said. * * * HE ADVOCATED a committee "to study and evaluate the insti- tutional policy here," a committee "to report on the actual educa- tional philosophy here." And SGC's Committee on Stu- dent Participation should work to secure a voice for students on departmental curriculum commit- tees and the committees for ad- missions policies, Goldman con- tinued. He also mentioned the responsi- bility of SGC to express student opinion in general and its own in particular on rising enrollment and budget cuts, "the crux of the educational picture." Concern on the part of SGC with educational policy is of course commendable. But it can be dan- gerous if motivated by desire to ever broaden student responsibility. It was pointed out recently that some faculty members ask if faculty voice in student areas shouldn't increase with student voice in academic and administra- tive areas. TIIE COUNCIL spent longer than had been anticipated passing through the agenda to the dis- cussion of the University Calen- dar Committee report, and had it not been for Scott Chrysler's in- sistence, the subject would have been put off until next week. Chrysler, who served on the committee, said further work on the report would be delayed if SGC didn't express some opinion. But the hour was late and the members were tired, so only "Semester ver- sus Quarter" and "Orientation" were considered. The chief proponent of the quar- ter system was Fred Merrill, who spent a year at Michigan State under such a plan and liked it. "That's about the only thing I did like at State," he said. Other Council members pointed out the necessity of changing every 16-week course to fit either one 10-week quarter or two quarters. This would not be necessary under the "trimester" plan, they said. The point was made that tri- mesters would necessitate more sweeping changes in athletic schedules. A summer session of the present length would have to be superimposed on the summer tri- mester, according to Chrysler, for the benefit of the schoolteachers who make up three-fourths of cur- rent summer enrollment. Discussion of orientation started off rather sleepily, but then it occurred to someone the Calendar Committee advocated leaving out "social orientation" altogether. ' Freshman Roger Seasonwein launched into defense of social orientation as essential to fresh- men, and Union President Barry Shapiro, whose organization co- directs orientation, agreed. Scott Chrysler asked, "Have you ever been to a Stockwell mixer?" Next week the Council will con- tinue going over the report and since they will then have had a copy for two weeks will probably have read it more carefully. * * * DAVID KESSEL withdrew his motion which, would have set up a committee to investigate use of driving regulations revenue for student parking facilities. Kessel says he personally envisions a multi-layer carport on campus, for which the driving revenue would be interest on money borrowed. Debate on the motion promised to be interesting, since Bert Getz had earlier reported that the Driv- ing Regulations Administrative Board, to which he belongs, is to meet Tuesday with Vice-President in Charge of Student Affairs James A. Lewis. One of the items to be discussed, according to Getz, was investment of driving revenue in parking faciilties. Kessel was withdrawing his mo- tion until next week, he said, be- cause Getz was no longer at the meeting. * * *. A NUMBER of Council members expressed confusion as to why Seasonwein's Reading and Discus- sions Committee had changed its plans from choosing one book for students to read over the summer and discuss with faculty members in forums or seminars. Current plans call for reading on the 1920's and one three-hour session of discussion next fall, ac- cording to Seasonwein. the story is disturbingly reminiscen One section seems to have been taken almost directly from his "Mario and the Magician." But the world of Cabiria is that of its repetitious music, first established by wind blowing through cement blocks. It is a world which might do for hell and has its own devil reap- pearing in several disguises and an occasional view of a procession of the faithful or the torment of a saint. Or it is an existentialist world of humanity facing noth- ingness in the ruin of their ef- forts. Or a world of bored sophis- ticates trying to recreate the sen- Sual grandeur of the past. You annot really say. * *e * THIS IS one of those rare films that says something that could not be said in any other medium. An ironical picture about faith,it is a cinematic affirmation that the individual still has some value even when he and hs world are completely infected with cine- matic delusions. Many recent Italian films, which haveappeared in Ann Ar- bor have seemed unfortunately like the Hollywood product, and it is both reassuring and interesting that in "Nights of Cabiria" there seems to be instead a turn from realism to near surrealism. But in 'spite of the imaginative quality, it shows a new professionalism in an exce1 ent, carefully crafted screenplay, in dramatically ex- pressive photography, and a stu- died consistency of details which give the picture a solid base as a work of art kithout injuring its essentially ephemeral grace. - Robert Tanner LETTERS1 to the EDITOR Bombs .. To the Editor: ROBERT JUNKER'S editorial on "clean bombs," in Thursday's Daily was a masterpiece of satire! With colossal tongue-in-cheek he gives us a beautiful illustration of just how silly the whole question of "clean" and "dirty" bombs can be. Please let me urge that more "serious" editorials like this one be printed. The ridiculous nature of clean bombs, peacetime "test- ing," etc. becomes evident to a much greater degree than in any attempts to defend either side of the question. A few acquaintances of mine feel that Mr. Junker was to be taken literally. This attitude shows only a lack of careful attention to the arguments in the editoril, which are cleverly contrived to conceal the otherwise evident contradic- tions involved. No thinking person could possibly maintain that Mr. Junker would be that naive! -Brendan A. Liddell, Grad. (Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi- tor must be signed, in good taste, and not more than. 300 words in length. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold letters from publication.) t of the stories of Thomas Mann. DAILYr wOFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 157 General Notices Undergraduate Honors Convocation. The annual Convocation recognizing undergraduate honor students will be held at 11 a.m. Fri., May 9 in Hill Aud. Sir Leslie Knox Munro, Ambassador of New Zealand to the United States and President of the Twelfth Session of the General Assembly of the United Na- tions, will have for his subject "As the United Nations Faces the Future."' Honor students will be excused from attending their 10 o'clock classes. All classes, with the exception of clinics and graduate seminars, will be dis- missed at 10:45 a.m. for the Convoca- tion. However, seniors may be excused from clinics and seminars. Academic costume will be worn by faculty members, who will robe back- stage and proceed to their seats on the stage. Honor students will not wear caps and gowns. Main floor seats will be reserved for them and for members of their families, and will be held un- til 10:45, Doors of the Auditorium will be open at 10:30. The public is invited. Coffee Hour for all interested stu- dents, 4:30 p.m. Fri., May 9, Lane Hall Library. Sponsored by the Office of Re- ligious Affairs. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the faculty of this college on Wed., May 14, 4:15 p.m. Rm. 348,, W. Engrg. Bldg. A and D Open House: Fri. and Sat., May 9 and 10, College of Architecture and Design. Exhibitions, speakers, movies and demonstrations will high- light the two-day program. Exhibitions will be throughout the school and also In the area surrounding the school. The public is invited. Summary, action taken by Student Government Council, May 7, 1958 Approved minutes of previous meet- ing. Approved following appointments to the Human Relations Board: On se- mester terms: Arlene Wolinsky, Mari- anna Frew, Franis Shaman, One year terms: Ellen Lewis, Elizabeth Ann Wright, Perry Cohen, Oliver Moles, Na Murrell. Approved appointent of Larry Solo. mon as Assistant Cairman of Nation- al and International Committee in charge of NSA relations. Adopted the report from the Educa- tion and Student Welfare Committee, including the questionnaire, outlining plans for administration of the Course Evaluation booklet. Approved motion calling for appoint, ment of a committee to carry out the needed functions in preparation of and In completion of the booklet on Course Evaluation at the time deemed most desirable to this committee. This com- mittee should be composed of the treas- urer of SGC, the chairman of Public Relations, a representative from the ex- ecutive committees of the four organi- zations, a representative from the exec. utivecommittees of the four organi- zations representing living unit and two general editors. Approved activities as follows: May 13, International Student Asso- ciation debate., May 17, Michigan Union, outdoor dance. Interim action: May 9, NAACP, dance; May 10, Indian Student Association, spring banquet. Approved motion delegating the du- ties of the Student Participation Com- mittee to the Education and Student Welfare Committee. Lectures First Annual Business Leadership Award, sponsored by the School- of Business Administration. "The Busi- ness of Management." Joseph M. Dodge, chairman of the Detroit Bank and Trust Company and recipient of the award. Fri., May 9, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night Fr., May 9, 8:30 p.m., Rm 2003 Angell Hall. Miss Edith A. Muller will speak on "Solar Observations during the Geophysical Year." After the lec- ture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic ob- servations of Jupiter and a double star. Children welcomed, but must be ac- companied by adults. Psychology Colloquium: "Psychology in Poland: Past and Present." Prof. M. Choynowski, Polish Academy of Sci- ences. 4:15 p.m., Fri., May 9, Aud. B, Angell Hall. Economics Club: Speaker, Dr. Sudhir Sen, Director, Programme Division Technical Assistance Board of the United Nations. Topic: "Integrated Re- sources Development in India - DVC and Its Experience." Fri., May 9, 8 p.m. E. Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg. Spring Meeting, Michigan Linguistic Society, Sat., May 10, 9:30 a.m., Rack- 4' TODAY AND TOMORROW: Appraisal of New Plan By WALTER LIPPMANN 7t. TH E LAYMAN and outsider, who has never commanded great forces in war, or even worked inside the Pentagon, must ask himself how he is to decide what to think about the Eisenhower-McElroy Plan to reorganize the Defense Department. He can, of course, wait to be told by those who know more than he does about such affairs. Or he can, if he is a little bolder, ask questions which he would like to hear discussed. The crux of the question is who is to direct, and how is he to determine how to direct, the strategy which is under his unified control? According to the new bill, a Presidential ap- pointee, the Secretary of Defense, is to make the great strategical decisions and to direct the control of their application. But then we arrive at the real question. How are these great decisions to be made? It is all very well to say that they should be made by the Secretary of Defense. But Secretaries come and go. They are chosen from lists of politically available men. The come from banking, from law, from professional politics, from the auto- mobile business and the soap business. How does a man who has spent the first fifty years of his life far away from strategic problems go into the Pentagon, hang up his hat, sit down at the Secretary's desk, and make the decisions which he is supposed to make? This is the question of how great establish- Mg"+ n.h^' a - am i. fnsa-nr - U _ nwn -a rff should get the available funds? Only by hav- ing the issues argued by the contending ex- perts, much as a judge in court decides highly technical patent cases. This brings us to the question which I should like to hear thoroughly discussed. Does the pro- posed reform of the Pentagon make it more or less probable that the Secretary of Defense and the President will hear the great issues of strategy thoroughly argued out? THERE is reason for wondering about this in view of President Eisenhower's theories and practice as to how the head of a great estab- lishment should run his office. It is fair to say, I think, that by and large his idea of a good organization is one in which the chief does not have to listen to arguments but can approve agreements when his subordinates have argued them out. It is hard not to wonder whether in this plan for the Pentagon he has not gone a long way towards compelling the professional military men to reach agreed conclusions before the is- sues have been adequately argued out before their civilian superiors. THESE DOUBTS are not allayed by what the President said at his press conference a week ago about running his own office. No one, he said, "can do the best job by just sitting at a desk and putting his face in a bunch of pa- ners. Actuallv. the inh when voii rme rumn TREATY PROPOSAL: Ike Attempts To Freeze Antarctica Land Grabs By WALTER GREEN Daily Staff Writer A LAND of penguins and icy blizzards was brought into the international spotlight with Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's dra- matic proposal that eleven other nations join the United States in a treaty designed to preserve the continent of Antarctica for scien- tific research and to prevent its becoming a battleground. Antarctica covers a 6,000,000 square mile area that is almost as large as South America and is nearly twice as large as the conti- nental United States. Because of its climatic and geographic condi- tions, the continent is of great scientific and strategic value to the nations of the world. The treaty nations would be those conducting scientific work in the Antarctic as part of the Inter- national Geophysical Year. These are Argentina, South Africa, Nor- way, New Zealand, Australia, Bel- gium, Chile, France, Japan, Bri- tain, the United States and the Soviet Union. nations. However, in notes sent to the proposed treaty fations the United States said it had "direct and substantial rights and inter- ests" in Antarctica, including the right to make a territorial claim. The seven nations claiming territory of Antarctica - Britain, Norway, New Zealand, Chile, Ar- gentina, Australia, and France-- are IGY participants there. Occa- sional friction has been caused by the overlapping of several of their claims. President Eisenhower said the United States was "dedicated to the principle that the vast unin- habited wastes of Antarctica shall be used only for peaceful pur- poses." "We propose that Antarctica shall be open to all nations to conduct scientific and other peace- ful activities there," the President said. ";We also propose that joint administration arrangements be worked out to insure the success- ful accomplishment of these and other peaceful purposes, * * * stance in which international operation has been more success- fully demonstrated. The invitation messages said the treaty was aimed to "assure the continuation of the fruitful scien- tific cooperation "already under way. It "could have the additional advantage of preventing unneces- sary and undesirable political rivalries in that continent, the un- economic expenditure of funds to defend individual national inter- 'l; - ests and the recurrent possibility of international misunderstand- ing." The proposed treaty would be held by the United Nations and the cooperation of specialized UN agencies would be sought. The United States first put forth the idea of such a treaty in confi- dential and informal consultations with the eleven nations in March. The response justified the current formal proposal, ,a,, , , IV.1 l t 1I ..^ <