Sixty-Eighth Year ___EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO '2-3 241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: BARTON HUTHWAITE Fraternity Expansion Deserves New Examination THE RECENT decision by the Fraternity Presidents Assembly not to encourage ex- ternal exansion of the fraternity system until it can expand further internally shows note- worthy shortsightedness. The group's further decision to hold off con- sideration of further new colonies until next fall is also lamentable. First, a quick look at enrollment and pledg- ing statistics shows some enlightening, if not alarming figures. In the fall of 1952 there were 6,140 male undergraduates and during this same academic year 842 men pledged fraterni- ties. By last autumn the number of under- graduate ment had risen to 8,500, yet the num- ber of men pledged by fraternities had only gone up to 874. Thus in the five-year period male undergrad enrollment increased by 38% while the number of men pledging had gone up only 4%. Meanwhile during these same five years, the overall percentage of affiliated men among male undergraduates had drQpped from 31% down to 26%. THE REASON for this drop, however, has not been that not enough men were rushing fraternities, for during most of these five years an increase in the number of rushees occurred over the previous year. Instead, the cause stems from the fact that not as many men were being pledged, and, more important, because of a rise in the number of those depledging. The reasons for this unfortunate state of affairs are varied, yet one comes quickly into view. A GLANCE at the Interfraternity Rushing Manual shows that of the 42 social fraterni- ties on campus, 37 of them have more members than their present house will hold. This itself is not too impressive, for in most fraternities some members prefer to live outside of the house during some time or other, and many of Clean' Bombs Ji the smaller houses need a few more members than their house will hold in order to operate on a firm financial basis. And, in many cases the number who cannot live in the house is relatively small. But, in six houses there are twice as many active members as the house will hold, while there is no room in the house for at least 25 of the members, according to the IFC Rushing Manual. These figures are now unknown to the Inter- fraternity Council. In fact, the IFC Executive Council recommended to the FPA that the. University's expansion make the admission of several new colonies advisable. The Fraternity Presidents Assembly wisely heeded this advice several months ago when they admitted Alpha Kappa Lambda for colon- izing next year, but, when the executive council recommended Tau Epsilon Phi also be allowed to colonize, the FPA decided overwhelmingly not to expand any further this year. The main argument of those fraternities opposed to any further colonization was that many of the houses now on campus would like a year or so more to expand internally, yet many of the houses spearheading this action were the very ones with chapters so large that 25 or more members could not live in their fraternity house. SUCH ACTION must necessarily be termed harmful to the fraternity system in general, as it is obviously inconsistent wiith the actual conditions now existing. Expansion is necessary for proper growth in the fraternity system, for without it, all fraternities will be eventually weakened. With such being the case, the Fraternity President's Assembly should reconsider their. decision on expansion, and open the way for more new colonies, not just in the distant fu- ture, but very soon, if possible, this fall. --JOHN AXE istify Inspection "A Cold Air Mass Seems To Have Moved In From The East, Bringing Foge.. ." y '"S 4~~L~4 c y TODAY AND TOMORROW : History Suggests Tax Action nuclear armament of Western Germa Britain's plans for reduction of her military forces on the Continent, and on economic uncertainties. THE SOVIETS dragged a red herring across the trail by accusing the United States of threatening peace with her Arctic defense policies and found herself isolated in the United Nations - Security Council. She learned that differ- ences in NATO did not prevent a united front against Conynunist gimmicks. Then the United States proposed international inspection of the Arctic just to ease the Soviet's professed fears. These professed fears appeared to be insincere when the Soviet delegate used the veto. The Soviets do not want a con- ference at which they can be maneuvered into another such position. From the beginning the Kremlin has downgraded conference possi- bilities in Western eyes by refusing to have the German reunification' question on the agenda. The leaders know, however, that any European peace based on a' divided Germany will be a very shaky thing. What is boils down to is that the Soviets want a conference if it can be used for their advantage, or if it can produce an unwarranted c relaxation of tension in the West. Otherwise not.- Yet the odds remain that, whether anyone really wants it or' not, the conference idea has gone so far that it will have to be held. ny and NATO members in general, DAILY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1958 VOL. LXVI, NO. 156 General Notices Undergraduate Honors Convocation. The annual Convocation recognizing undergraduate honor students will be held at 11 a.m. Fri., May 9 in Hill Aud. Sir Leslie Knox Munro, Ambassador of New Zealand to the United States and President of the Twelfth Session of the General Assembly of the United Na- tions, will have for his subject "As the United Nations Faces the Future." Honor students will be excused from attending their 10 o'clock classes. All classes, with the exception of clinics and graduate seminars, will be dis- missed at 10:45 a.m. for the Convoca- tion. However, seniors may be excused from clinics and seminars. Academic costume will be worn by faculty members, who will robe back- stage and proceed to their seats on the stage. Honor students will not wear caps and gowns. Main floor seats will be reserved for them and for members of their families, and will be held un- il 10:45. Doors of the Auditorium will be open at 10:30. The public is invited. Late Permission: Women students who attended the May Festival Con- cert on Sun., May 4, had late permis- sion until 11 :20 p.m. INTERPRETING THE NEWS Soviets Hesitate AtSummit Base By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst NATO foreign ministers are questioning whether the Kremlin really wants a summit conference. The reason may well be that the Kremlin doesn't know itself. When she first suggested the meeting, the Soviet Union obviously expected the West to agree because it could not afford to stand before the world as passing up even the slightest opportunity. Moscow also thought it could play on Western differences such as how and when to suspend atomic tests, France's troubles in Algeria, t I SEN. CLINTON Anderson's recent blast at the bomb can be valuable for peacetime "land- military for "steadily stockpiling dirtier scaping," for example cutting down the moun- bombs" adds another link to the already rusty tains around Los Angeles to aid wind flow and chain of nuclear bomb controversy. The argu- reduce smog. The clean bomb also is far superior ments over continuation of nuclear testing, and fqr testing purposes, since it largely ends the "clean" versus "dirty" atomic weapons keep this danger of radioactivity contaminating the at- issue in the news, arouse controversy and spec- mosphere. Recently, scientists have measured ulation but fail to stimulate any action worthy the radioactivity which has fallen in the rains of note, across the nation after the atomic tests and Sen. Anderson said that he believes the De- found much larger, doses of radioactivity than fense Department wants clean bombs, but the usual. A cl'ean bomb, if perfected, would enable military doesn't. Chairman Lewis Strauss of the testing to continue with reduced danger. Atomic Energy Commission denied flatly that the military adds "something" to the stockpiled FROM A PRACTICAL point of view the bombs to make ther dirtier and thus another United States should keep two kinds of controversy was bo bombs on stock, dirty bombs for war, clean bombs for peace. Yet the final solution to the OTH CLEAN and dirty bombs have their moral problem of the dirty bomb is to end Bmerits. Militarily, a dirty bomb, which con- nuclear testing and begin disarmament. Only taminates an area with radioactivity would in this way can the moral-military dilemma be be far superior to a clean bomb that would solved. destroy like TNT and leaves little or no after If the United States develops the clean bomb effects. A contaminated area is militarily a and declares positively its intention to exclu- void, no one can occupy it for defense purposes sively use it in warfare and testing, and peace- or rebuilding. The ethical question, should inno- time purposes, then the positive effect of the cent thousands of civilians be sacrificed just clean bomb on world opinion justifies its use. to win a war is brought up by the dirty bomb. This propaganda device can win allies, make Unfortunately, the military answer to this us a moral world leader and perhaps create question appears to be yes, for while it is moral force strong enough to keep world peace. morally regrettable to massacre the innocent, it This is the one advantage, the decisive advan- is military practical. Dead civilians cannot tage, of the clean over the dirty bomb, and is aid in the war effort. great enough to hope that Strauss' answer to The clean bomb can annihilate cities in war- the "dirt-stuffing" charges of Senator Anderson time, also, but its area of destruction is limited are true-that bombs are taken from the stock- because there is little or no fallout. piles only "for purposes of routine inspection, But a clean bomb also has non-military uses. * or for modification or improvement." The AEC has hinted that a clean hydrogen -ROBERT JUNKER Educaion-hn'studes' By WALTER LIPPMANN WITH the recession more than nine months old, the President is still undecided about taking stronger measures to overcome it. EDIT-HISTORY-3-30bitS .. W He is impressed with a few signs that the decline has begun to slow down, and he is, hoping that after a while a recovery is somehow destined to take place. That is what seemed to happen in 1954, and if it happened then, why not know? There is no proving that the President may not be right in his hopes. But it is quite possible that he inay be wrong. For this reces- sion is certainly more severe than the recession of 1953-1954. And moreover, the measures have not been taken, namely a big tax cut, which preceded the recovery of 1954. Noi are there many convinc- ing signs that there exists the kind of consumer demand for auto- mobiles, houses,and other durable goods which promoted the boom after 1954. If the President is wrong in counting upon a recovery begin- ning this summer, he is taking a very great risk in not setting up stronger measures before the pres- ent session of Congress adjourns. It will be a long time from the midsummer of 1958 to the mid- winter of 1959. Even supposing that the decline is arrested this summer, if unemployment contin- ues at or near the present level, it may well be profoundly depressing to public confidence if strong measures-that is to say, a tax cut and the formation of a long range spending program-have not been taken. The situation is one where it is wiser to over-insure, rather than to under-insure, the economy against what .may be at best, as "Business Week" puts it, "a slug- gish, unenthusiastic recovery." * * * THE PRESIDENT might well compare what he is doing today with what was done in the reces- sion of 1953-54. The contrast is striking. For while the earlier re- cession was much mi'der than is the present . one, the remedial measures taken were much stronger. It is enlightening at this point to read a chapter, entitled "No More 1929s" in Mr. Robert Dono- van's authorized' book "Eisen- hower: The Inside Story." We find there that in the preceding reces- sion, as in this second one, the signs of a decline were clearly evi- dent at the end of the summer. By September 1953 the Cabinet had been warned by the Administra- tion's economic advisors that a recession had begun. On Sept. 22, Secretary Humphrey announced in a speech to the American Bankers Association that the Administra- tion would make no effort to pre- vent the tax reduction which, un- der the Korean War tax legisla- tion, were scheduled to take effect three months later, on Dec. 31, 1953. On that date the excess profts tax was to expire; so too was the 10 per cent emergency in- crease in personal income taxes, anld there were to be some reduc- tions in excise taxes. All in all, at the first sign of a recession, the taxpayers were as- sured of a large relief to begin within a few months. The tax re- duction -as in +' - order of seven and one-half billion dollars a year. THERE are reasons for thinking that Secretary Hoimnohrey's speech in September was not primarily meant to announce' a policy to combat the recession. Then as now, he was a firm believer in balancing the budget at a lower rate of taxa- tion and of expenditure. Without relation to the recession he may have been for the tax reduction of 1954, knowing that in the coming Eisenhower budget there would be a continuing cut in expenditures. But the fact remains that Presi- dent Eisenhower and Secretary Humphrey did in 1953 what a growing body of expert opinion today would have the Administra- tion do now. When the recession of 1953 was detected, a big tax re- duction was announced, and this tax relief too effect in the months before the recession ended in June, 1954. * * * THE PRESIDENT might also take a look at what happened in the Truman recession of 1948-49. Then, before the recession got started, there was a tax cut. The President should findr it entertain- ing to recall that this tax cut was enacted by the Republican Con- gress and that it was passed over the veto of Harry S. Truman. This tax cut, plus, of course,. the big public spending which began in 1949 under the Marshall Plan, are almost certainly why the Truman recession did not last very long. Experience indicates, therefore, that in the post-war era the re- cessions have been short and mild because there has been early tax relief. Since the end of the second World War the American economy has faltered three times. In the two earlier recessions, which, proved to be mild and short, there were tax cuts before recovery. In the first there was also a big spending program, the Marshall Plan. In the second, there was a great private spending boom, acti- vated by the pent-up demand aftef the austerity of the Korean War and financed by an enormous ex- tension of consumer credit and a boom in capital investment. * * * THIS THIRD post-war recession is plainly worse than its two prede- cessors. But this time there is no tax reduction. This time there is no public spending program to compensate for the decline in pri- vate investment. This time there are no signs, indeed quite the con- trary, that there is a large pent- up consumer demand for the dur- able goods that are now depressed. Is it, then, wise, is it safe, to ig- nore our experience and to put off from month to month the decision to take strong measures, hoping that something will happen to make them unnecessary? LETTERS to the EDITOR Student Guild., . To the Editor: IVERTHE PAST three years a small group of students, work- ing quietly but persistently, has been making major contributions toward democratic and Christian values, both in the University and in the community. This group is the Congrega- tional-Disciples Guild. In the spring of 1955, in the introductory course in social psychology, I had been dealing with interracial atti- tudes and how they are formed and modified. A member of the C-D Guild asked for advice; stim- ulated by Brotherhood Week semi- nars at Lane Hall, members of several religious groups had been discussing how they might promote democracy on campus. I suggested discussions with community leaders. Out of these meetings grew plans for a Com- munity Self-Survey of Human 'Relations, which was conducted during 1956 under the sponsorship of 45 Ann Arbor organizations. It helped set the stage for appoint- ment of the city's official Human Relations Commission last spring. Last fall the C-D Guild again took up their concern, this time to look at University policy in regard to rooming assignments for people not requesting a specific roommate. Isolated cases suggested that the University was reluctant to assign people of different race or religion to the same room, although the evidence was fragmentary. The C-D'ers felt that a study of facts and a review of policy were needed. After some ten weeks of careful discussion, and consultation with several faculty members, they drafted a reasonable petition ask- ing the Board of Governors for Residence Halls to conduct such a review. Other notes of progress: stim- ulated by the Self-Survey and by the Human Relations Commission, local churches have begun to acti- vate Social Action or Christian Citizenship committees. This spring these joined hands, and are plan- ning a concrete program to aid the International Center in find- ing more housing for foreign stu- dents. Thus, three years later, through a chain of events, the original concern of the Lane Hall and C-D initiators is bearing fruit. At the same time, students from several organizations including the Guild have met to formulate an Association for Social Action, - to continue pressing toward elimina- tion of racial or religious bias in University practices. gratulation. In response the Board appointed a committee of inquiry which has, The following student-sponsored so- scial events have, been approved for the coming weekend May 9: Adelia Cheever, Alpha Phi, Betsy Barbour, Delta Theta Phi, Gradu- ate Student Council, Kappa Sigma, Martha Cook, Pi Beta Phi. May 10: Alpha Sigma Phi, Chi Phi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Fred- erick, S.Q., Geddes, Gomberg, Huber, Kelsey, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Chi, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Delta, Sig- ma Alpha Mu, Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Xi, Williams, Zeta Psi. May 11: Adelia. Cheever, Betsy Bar- bour, Delta Theta Phi, Frederick S.Q., Henderson. Coffee Hour for all interested stu- dents, 4:30 p.m. Fri., May 9, Lane Hall Library. Sponsored by the Office of Re- ligious Affairs. There will be an International Center. Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the International Students Association this Thurs., May 8 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the International Center. Lectures Lecture: "Research and Development of U.S. Missile Projects." by Dr. Gilford G. Quarles, chief scientist, U.S. Army Ardnance Missile Command. Thurs., May 8. 7:30 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud. Spon- sored by Engineering Council. Open to public. University Lecture. Michael Szwarc, State University of New York, College of Forestry, Syracuse, will speak on "Addition of Radicals to Unsaturated Compounds," on Thurs., May 8, at 7:30 p.m., in Rm. 1300 of the Chemistry Bldg. First Annual Business Leadership Award, sponsored by the School of Business Administration. "The Busi- ness of Management." Joseph M. Dodge, chairman of the Detroit Bank and Trust Company and recipient of the award. Fri., May 9, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Astronomy D e p a r t m e n t Visitors' Night Fri., May 9', 8:30 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angeli Hall. Miss Edith A. Muller will speak on "Solar Observations during the Geophysical Year." After the lee- ture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic ob- servations of Jupiter and a double star. Children welcomed, but must be ac- companied by adults. Psychology Colloquium: "Psychology in Poland: Past and Present." Prof. M. Choynowski, Polish Academy of Sci- ences. 4:15 p.m., Fri., May 9, Aud. B, Angell Hall. Economics Club: Speaker, Dr. Sudhir Sen, Director, Programme Division Technical Assistance Board of the United Nations. Topic: "Integrated Re- sources Development in India - DVO and Its Experience." Fri., May 9, 8 p.m. B. Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg. Plays Drama Season Single Plays on sale tomorrow. Tickets for individual plays on the 1958 Drama Season will go on sale tomorrow 10 a.m. in Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre box office. Season tickets for the five week series are still available. The complete schedule is as follows: May 12-17, Luther Adler in "A View from the Bridge;" May 19-24 Vicki Cummings and Hurd Hatfield in "Sec- ond Man;" May 26-31, Nancy Kelly in "Candida;" June 2-7; Basil Rathbone and Betty Field in "Separate Tables;" June 9-14, Don Ameche in "Holiday, for Lovers." Box office hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily this week. 1 i THE ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE of Harvard University has issued a report recognizing that students cannot be judged by grades alone. "We are aware that high test scores and top class ranking in secondary schools are not very reliable evidence of real quality, intel- lectual or otherwise . . ." the report states. It goes on to say that often the not-too-bright students who are willing to conform to their instructor's expectations make the top ,grades, simply because they are willing to work. These students can listen, read and memorize; they can then spout back the professor's words to him on exams, and that is enough. On the other hand, there are many of the more brilliant students who make poor grades or even flunk out of school because they are not willing to serve as a temporary receptacles of second hand "knowledge." These are the students who want to learn, not just study, and who want to contribute, not just sit back and listen. SCHOOLS TODAY favor conformity. They have scholastic molds into which the stu- dents are supposed to fit. These molds are drawn upon the old rigid lines which recognize Another factor in the problem is the variety of outside interests the above-average student is apt to have. He is anxious to get everything he can in or out of school, and will sacrifice a "good grade" if he can can learn something newer and fresher instead. So these bright students break away from the ordinary and go out on their own, both in high school and then later in college. They learn, not simply digest. If their grades suffer as a result they lose scholastic prestige to the ones who stick solely to the lecture halls and homework assignments. Harvard, a school long known for academic superioity, recognizes these conditions. The superiority, recognizes these conditions. The initiative from the student who can master it: "Passion, fire, warmth, goodness, feeling, color, humanity, eccentric individuality - we value these and do not want to see them give way to meek compromise." O/THER bCHOOLS would do well to follow Harvard's lead. Emphasizing individuality might aid the actual intellectual growth of stu- dents. It is time to realize that not every "A" UNITY CONTINUES:' Moscow-Peiping Axis Still Turns By The Associated Press FOR YEARS one of the world's great speculations has been how long the Moscow-Peiping axis will hold up. A great deal of wishful thinking has gone into attempts to show that Chinese individualism and Chinese national interests will eventually scuttle the ideological fallacies by which the two regimes are now held together. One factor constantly overlooked is that, for both Moscow and Pei- ping, ideology is merely used as a means to practical ends. The basic interest of both re- gimes is in industrialization of a great area of communism which will serve both as a fortress for defense and a base for expansion. * * * OUTER MONGOLIA is fre- quently cited as one place where 1956, and in the aftermath of worldwide defections from the Communist party, Peiping loaned its political aid. NOW IT IS doing the same thing in the new conflict between Mos- cow and Belgrade. The Chinese Reds have joined Moscow both in the ideological attack on Yugo- slavia and in the threat of eco- nomic reprisals in which China's part might be small but important to a country which is not tied too closely with the West. Insaddition, Red China has just proposed a procedure with regard to peace for Korea which is paral- lel to Moscow's tactics toward Ger- many. - Peiping offers to withdraw her troops-the "volunteers," you re- member - from North Korea if United Nations troops, primarily American, are removed from South Korea. Then a peace conference can be held. Both proposals would give the same result. Red troops on the borders of Allied territory, Allied troops far away. T~I. RECESSION QUOTES:. Cabinet Comments "A NEW FIGURES showed a decline of 78,000 in unemployment in large-scale public works program, I would favor a tax cut.