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May 07, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-07

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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VOL. LXVIJI, No. 155




President Urges
Party Unification
Formal Kickoff of GOP Drive
To Regain Republican Congress
WASHINGTON SP) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
called for speedy approval of his defense reorganization, foreign aid
and world trade programs to meet the Communist threat "in a situa-
tion of balanced terror in the world."
In a speech prepared for a dinner honoring Republican members,
of Congress, Eisenhower appealed for action on those programs with-
out regard to party labels.
Warns Republicans
But he also told his GOP audience that the party's prospects
for capturing control of Congress from the Democrats in the No-

.. . plan gains support

Hart Seeks
Prper Aid
To Students
Federal scholarships are "one
way the government can help
higher education," Lieut. Governor
Philip Hartsaid yesterday, "but
we have to watch to see that they
wouldn't suffer from routine, semi-
political distribution."
Hart, who is seeking the Demo-
cratic nomination for state United.
States Senator, appeared in Wash-
tenaw County yesterday to partici-
pate in a series of "Hart for Sena-
tor" teas.
He said the argument that some
states would receive more scholar-
ship money than they put into the

41vember elections are bright. "If
we will but try - if we will never
forget the value of good hard
work, we are certain, with our
record, to win, next November,"
Eisenhower said in an address
also carried coast-to-coast on
television and radio.
Gives Pledge
"This," said the President, "is
the sure road to ,a Republican
86th Congress."
And Eisenhower pledged "You
will find me standing beside you
doing my very best for every
member of our grand old party
who carries forward 'the never-
ending fight for peace, for secur-
ity, for sound, sane and progres-
sive government in America."
Eisenhower reserved his politi-
cal remarks for the conclusion of
his talk, billed by the GOP Na-
tional Committee as theformal
kick-off of ,the party's drive to
take over control of both the Sen-
ate and the House from the Dem-
Cites World Tension
For the most part ,the President
spoke of the tense world situation
and appealed for action on pro-
grams to deal with it without re-
spect to partisanship..
"We must, every one of us,
never forget that we have entered
an era that is for our, country
entirely new," Eisenhower said.
"Inescapably we live in a time
of great uneasiness, in a situation
of balanced terror in the world."
World Menace Noted
He spoke of the menace of Com-
munist imperialism - "Tyranni-
cal, insensitive to the needs of its
own people, contemptuous of re-
ligious faith and human dignity
and worth, and obsessed with the
goal of dominating the world."
He spoke, too, of this age of
nuclear explosives, ocean-span-
ning missiles, aircraft of great
range and speed, and of subma-
rines capable of launching nu-
clear-tipped weapons of tremen-
dous range from under the sea's
Turning then to the first of the
three programs on which he urged
swift congressional action, Eisen-
hower plugged hard once more for
approval of the administration's
controversial pentagon reorganiza-
tion program.,

NATO Backs
Dulles' Vie
S i
On Smmit
foreign ministers yesterday estab-
lished a solid front on summit
talks by agreeing that Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles was
right all along in his cautious ap-
A diplomatic source said Rus-
sia's recent j maneuvers "have
opened the eyes of many Euro-
Change in Thinking
He reported a marked change
in Western thinking since the
North Atlantic Council meeting in
Paris last December.
Now, the informant said, not
one of America's allies believes it
wise to rush to top-level meetings
with the Russians.
All agreed during two days of
consultations here that any sum-
mit meeting must be adequately
prepared and must show in ad-
vance some prospect of East-West
agreement on a basic point of
world tension.
Dulles Gains Support
That is what Dulles has insisted
on from the start. But last De-
cember, in the wake of the Soviet
Sputnik launchings, some of the
15 NATO members seemed dis-
posed to try out the summit idea
The latest Soviet note on sum-
mit preparatios created little stir
in the NATO Councl. French For-
eign Minister Christian Pineau
said it contained "absolutely no
new element."
Reports Maneuvers
U.S. Ambassador L l e w e lly n
Thompson flew here from his
Moscow post with word of the So-
viet Union's latest maneuvers.
The French, making an inde-
pendent assessment of what For-
eign Minister Andrei Gromyko
was up to, came to the same con-
clusion as the Americans - the
Russians were still stalling.

May Detect
Atom Tests
University researchseismolo-
gists may have discovered a tech-
nique which could lead to a sys-
tem of detecting nuclear explo-
sions anywhere in the world.
This discovery has increased
the optimism among leading seis-
mologists that an effective system
for detecting nuclear explosions
could be developed.
Exploded Underground
The disclosure was made at the
annual meeting of the American
Geophysical Union in Washington
that "a team of University re-
searchers, headed by Prof. James
T. Wilson of the geology depart-
ment, had detected the explosion
of a "baby" atomic bomb deton-
ated 1,735 miles away beneath the
sands of the Nevada testing
Using a special seismograph
tuned to an above-normal fre-
quency, Prof. Wilson and his col-
leagues, Robert C. Fitzpatrick,
Grad., and David E. Willis, Grad.,
revealed that th eneedle of the
Engineering Research Institute
machine was knocked clear across
its recording roll by the explosion.
Near Point of Origin
The usual frequency range for
seismographs is below 30 cycles,
Prof. Wilson noted and they are
unable to pick up the waves re-
corded by the special 100 cycle
machine. In fact it had been
thought that the vibrations re-
corded by the University appara-
tus were absorbed by the earth
near their point of origin.
"We recorded higher frequency
waves than we normally expect
from blasts or earthquakes. How-
ever, such frequencies have not
been looked for extensively," Prof.
Wilson said.
First Recording Made
He added that this was the first
time such a recording was made
and stressed that only one test
of its bomb testing abilities was
on the record. "Only one test has
been made in only one place with
only one machine," he empha-
The lack of experimental data
prevented Prof. Wilson from mak-
ing any prediction of the abilities
of the machine but he plans
further research on the project.
To examine the feasibility of a
seismograph detection system,
Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, (D-
Minn.), has taken a poll of 37
leading seismologists in the
United States in attempt to pin-
point effective range.
Davis Wins
Sp ring Post
Stephen Davis, '59BAd., was
chosen yesterday to be chairman
of Spring Weekend for next year,
according to Russel Berman, '59,
Union executive vice-president.
Berman commented that therel
was no possibility of Davis becom-I
ing Michigras chairman through
the acceptance of the proposal to
make Michigras an annual event
since "campus opinion seems to be
against holding Michigras every
The proposal was advanced by
the Union senior officers recently
and has met with little favor
among housing units who mustc
participate In order for the week-j
end to be a success.1

Vote, House
To Graduates
The !Residence Hall Board of
Governors voted yesterday to
convert Frederick House, South
Quadrangle, to an all-graduate
house next fall.
The decision followed in part
the recommendation of the Michi-
gan House Plan Committee that
experimental houses be established
in the residence hall system.
Action on two others under im-
mediate consideration, Tyler and
Prescott Houses in East Quad-
rangle, was postponed until a spe-
cial meeting to be held on Monday.
All three are currently women's
houses and will be vacated in the
fall on the completion of the new
Mary Markley Dormitory.
In further action, the Board of
Governors passed a proposal by
Prof. Lionel Laing of the political
science department to continue
the practice of dispersing English
Language Institute students
throughout South Quadrangle.
The ELI had requested the ex-
clusive use of Frederick House.
A suggestion by Prof. Laing that
the Institute be granted lounge
facilities on the ninth floor of
South Quadrangle was taken into
consideration by the Board of
Of Courses
SGC Topic
Student Government Council will
consider a motion to publish a
booklet on course evaluation at
tonight's meeting, according to
SGC Executive Vice-President Dan
Belin, '59.
The report from SGC's Educa-
tion and Student Welfare Com-
mittee approximates costs for the
project at $1050.
The -booklet would be available
in the fall, according to the com-
mittee headed by Ron Gregg, '60,
and would include student opinion
on the "effectiveness of lectures,
recitations and readings" in courses
normally chosen by lower class-
Teachers would also be evalu-
David Kessel, Grad., will intro-
duce a motion to direct the cam-
pus affairs subcommittee to con-'
sider construction of student park-
ing facilities. The committee would
consider, if the motion was passed,
using yearly revenues of the driv-
ing regulation program to pay
interest on a "large loan."
The meeting will be held at 7:30'
p.m. in the Council Room, Student
Activities Bldg.
Other business will include dis-
cussion of University calendaring.
A student member of the SGC;
Board in Review will be named.

-Daily-David Arnold
RESOLUTION-Rep. George Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) discusses a
resolution offered by Prof. Henry L. Bretton last night (on the
right) attacking the state legislature's appropriations to the Uni-
Bretton Condemns State,
Handling of 'U' Budget
A resolution attacking the Republican State Legislature's treat-
ment of the University budget failed to reach the floor of a county
Republican meeting last night.
The resolution was withdrawn at the last minute by its sponsor,
Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the political science department, "for tactical
Aimed at the legislature's handling of the University budget,
the resolution declared "the cause of higher education" had been
"misinterpreted,'misrepresented and maligned," and had been "denied
adequate hearing" by "certain





For Vacancy
Resignation Not
WASHINGTON (M)-A new sec-
retary of health, education and
welfare-in all probability Dr. Ar-
thur S. Flemming, president of
Ohio Wesleyan University in Dela-
ware-will be named to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's cabinet
today, a Wesleyan source reported
Secretary Marion B. Folsom has
Informed President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower he wants to leave the
post, White House Press Secretary
James C. Hagerty said Tuesday.
Widespread reports that Flem-
ming would come back to Wash-
ington to succeed Folsom drew
neither confirmation nor denial
from Haggerty.
No Letter
He said that no letter of resigna-
tion has been received as yet from
the chief of the department of
health, education and- welfare.
The university spokesman told
reporters that announcement of
Flemming's appointment would be
made by President Eisenhower
sometime today.
"Until I know there is a vacancy,
I have no comment," he said. Fol-
som, 64 years old, has headed the
department since the summer of
Recognized as one of the found-
ing fathers of the Social Security
System in the thirties, Folsom has
guided activities ranging from dis-
tribution of 9.3 million social se-
curity checks'each month, to water
polution and to what to do about
retarded children.
Originally a Democrat
Originally a Democrat, Folsom
has through the years shifted first
to independent and then Republi-
can politics.
He is currently in Florida on
an extended vacation, taken upon
his doctor's recommendation. He
began the- rest April 1.
He has reportedly told President
Eisenhower about a year ago that

. .. senatorial candidate

fund is not a valid objection to
federal aid. "The boy in Arkansas
we give an education to today may
be our neighbor tomorrow.'
"Education," he said, "can es-
sentially be described in one word
today-shortage. "
The schools have a shortage of
money and facilities, he continued,
"but we ought not lose sight of the
fact that the teaching profession
needs more prestige."
"Our sense of values could stand
some improving," he added, "be-
cause until the teacher finds here
the same acceptance he does in
Western Europe we will continue
to lose them."
He said the country need not
fear that government funds would
cause schools to become federally
controlled institutions.
"There will always be concern
(by legislators) that the money
will be used irresponsibly but the
mere threat should not keep us
from starting such a program," he
Hart is scheduled to speak to
the Young Democrats at 9 p.m.
Friday in the Union.
Music School
Gives Senior
Highest Honor
Nelita Ann True, '58SM, "was
presented with the Albert A. Stan-
ley Award at the annual School of
Music Honors Assembly yesterday
It is the lighest honor that can
go to a student of music.
Prof. Stanley, for whom the
award was named, was musical
director of the School of Music
and directed that his award go to

representatives of the people in
that legislature." No legislators
were mentioned by name.
Cites 'Link'
In defense of education, it said
"the welfare of the City of Ann
Arbor and . . the County of
Washtenaw are inextricably link-
ed" to the University and Eastern
Michigan College, and that the
University has provided "steady
sources of income to some 8,000
wage and salary earners .-
The resolution then goes on to
organization, "its continued, effec-
tive support of the cause of higher
education" in the state.
Reason Given
Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann
Arbor), with whom Prof. Bretton
conferred before deciding to with-
hold the resolution, said the large
number of people from outside Ann
Arbor at the meeting was the
major basis for the decision. He
said they were "not as interested
in higher education" as residents
of Ann Arbor.
Sallade said that, although he
strongly favored'. the resolution,
he concurred in Prof. Bretton's
decision not to introduce it at that
particular meeting,
The purpose of the resolution,
Prof. Bretton said, was "to give
expression to what I feel should be
the attitude of the Republican
party in this area, if it wishes to
retain the confidence of the ma-
jority of people in Ann Arbor and
Washtenaw County."

World News Roundup
PARIS P) - Rene Pleven told President Rene Coty yesterday heI
had enough indications of party support to g6 ahead with attempts
to become France's 25th postwar premier. ,
The middle-of-the-road Pleven still had to fill in details of his3
program and pick his ministers. Either of these factors could strewt
more political banana skins in his way.
* * *
WASHINGTON ) - A member of President Dwight D. Eisen-X
hower's science advisory committee has told senators it would bee
"very considerably to our advan-'
tage" to reach an agreement with AT FRESH AIR C
Russia suspending nuclear wea-
pons testing.
Dr. Hans Bethe, professor of®
physics at Cornell, said if testing
continues "then they will surely A ff ih
attain the same capability as we"
and that is simple logic to "stop , .
when you know that you are still - ''

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the.
text of the resolution, sponsored by
Prof. Henry L. Bretton of the political
science department, which was ori-
ginally to be introduced at last
night's County Republican meeting.)
Whereas the welfare of the City
of Ann Arbor, and to a consider-
able extent the welfare of the
County of Washtenaw are inextri-
cably linked with the University
of Michigan and Eastern Michi-
gan College at Ypsilanti, and
thereby with the cause of Higher
Education, and:
Whereas Higher Education has
been under attack in the recent
session of the Sttae Legislature,
has been denied adequate hear-
ing before the representatives of
the people o'f Michigan in that
Legislature, has been, misinter-
preted, misrepresented, and ma-
ligned by certain representatives
of the people in that Legislature;
Whereas we, the Republicans of
the City of Ann Arbor and -of.the
County of Washtenaw, conscious
of the importance of Higher Edu-
cation to our American way of
life, cannot afford to ignore the
spiritual, intellectual, and econ-
omic values flowing from the
presence of the institutions of
higher education in our midst,
Whereas the University of
Michigan, over the years, has
been one of the most important
employers in this area, providing
steady sources of income to some
8,000 wage and salary earners and
to the community at large, be it
resolved that:
This combined meeting of
County Republican organizations
pledges its continued, effective
support of the cause of Higher
Education in the State of Michi-
gan and to the University and
other institutions of higher edu-
cation in particular; and be it re-
solved further thatb:
This meeting of Republican or-
ganizations commends State Aep-
resentative George W. Sallade for
his forthright stand and effective
legislative action in behalf of
these vital area interests associ-
ated with Higher Education.


Sponsor Help Week'

* * *
BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (4') -
Millions of Americans were paper
casualties yesterday in a 'mock
mass nuclear attack by enemy
But the Federal Civil Defense
Administration, which staged the
make-believe operation, said im-
proved defense techniques were
expected to hold casualties under
last year's lighter attack.
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (R) -

The annual fraternity and sorority Help Week at the University's
Fresh Air Camp is in full swing again.
Sponsored by both the Junior Interfraternity Council and the
Junior Panhellenic Association, this year's project was off to a "good"
start, according to JIFC President Jon Trost, '61, with approximately
130 persons participating during the first two days.
Unites Affiliates
The project unites the two campus affiliate groups and gives them
an opportunity to help out on a worthwhile project, according to Anna
Swanson, '61, chairman of the publicity committee.
On Monday and Tuesday the volunteer workers raked the grounds,
scraped paint off cottages and boats at the camp located some 30 miles
north of Ann Arbor on Patterson Lake.
The work, which will continue through tomorrow, is designed to

.. will resign post
he would like to return to private
life some time this year.
Flemming, in Washington dur-
ing the weekend, was reportedly
due back to the Ohio Wesleyan
campus to break the news to his
He has held a number of top
government jobs, including direc-
tor of defense mobilization. He re-
signed that post. Feb. 6, 1956. He
will be 53 years old in June, and
is a Republican born in Kingston,
House Stops
Trade Talks.
Ways and Means Committee
abruptly suspended 'consideration
of reciprocal trade extension
legislation yesterday.
PrPmd n . uih T)Rininv

.....1.. _..

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