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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
:43 a i1
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VOL. LXVIII, No. 154
Gromyko Releases
Red Note to Envoys
USSR Plans Publication of Note;
Leaves Summit Preparations in Air
MOSCOW (P)-Foreign Minister, Andrei Gromyko called in the
ambassadors of, the three Western powers one by one yesterday and
handed them a new Soviet note.
Diplomatic sources said the note left preparations for a summit
conference still up in the air. '
The Western envoys said the Soviet Union plans to publish the
note. Presumably it will be released in London, Paris and Washington
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GM Appeals
To Workers
K On Formula
DETROrt (P)-General Motors
Corp. has appealed directly to its
350,000 hourly rate employes to
study "in the light of conditions
today" the company's wage for-
mula which was rejected by the
United Auto Workers Union.
The, company yesterday made
public a letter from President Har-
low H. Curtice to all employes
covered by the OM-UAW contract,
,4 which expires at midnight May 29.
GM's letter followed-publication
by Ford Motor Co. last week of a
statement addressed to company
employes from Henry Ford II criti-
cizing UAW bargaining demands.
"Curtice told GM employes:
"The big problem now is to restore
confidence and the people's will-
ingness to buy the products we
make. I am firmly convinced that
prompt agreement on the sound
basis we have proposed would
have a most favorable effect o
public confidence.
To each employe went the ful
text of GM's letter to UAW Presi-
dent Walter P. Reuther of a week
ago offering to renew the present
three-year contract for two years
Curtice said the built-in wage
increase, based on productivity
would increase wages an average
of 14 cents per hour over the next
two years.
World News
JBy The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Two union
leaders told Secretary of Defense
Neil McElroy today there may be
a strike of 125,000 aircraft and
missile workers unless their de-
mands get greater consideration
_ from four major plane builders.
Walter Reuther, president of
the United Automobile and Air-
craft Workers (UAW), and Al J.
Hayes, president of the Interna-
tional Assn. of Machinists, con-
ferred with McElroy at the Penta-
DETROIT - Ford Motor Co.
said yesterday it planned to close
its Ford Division assembly plant
at Memphis, Tenn., June 6 and
put the building up for sale.
The closing affects some 1,300
workers at the plant. A Ford
spokesman said the workers
would be able to transfer to other
division plants across the country
if "further manpower needs de-
velop at the other locations."
LAKEVIEW, Mich. - Gov. G.
Mennen Williams said last night
that refusal to meet school needs
is like neglecting repair work to
one's house.
"You don't save money, you
waste money by postponing until
next year what should be done
this year," he said.
CINCINNATI - John L. Lewis,
president of the, United Mine
ing Congress yesterday that "the
Workers, told the American Mn-
Russian Communists must not, be
x permitted to impair or strike down
our American economy or imperil
the liberties of its free system."
Board Decides
School's Status
The executive board of the Uni-
versity's Bureau of School Serv-
Oat the same time. Llewellyn E.
Thompson, United States am-
bassador, told newsmen after his
30-minute talk with Gromyko that
the situation remained unchanged.
As the situation stands now, the
two sides have not even begun to
talk about the preliminaries.
Thompson said he intends to
leave Moscow today as planned
for a Paris conference of United
States envoys in Europe. He added
that he will stop off at Copen-
hagen to report directly to Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles
who is attending a North Atlantic
Pact meeting there.
Gromyko's note follows the
West's rejection last Saturday of
a Soviet proposal to include Com-
munist Czechoslovakia and Poland
in presummit discussions. The
West also agreed, reluctantly, to
continue the ambassadorial talks
ron the basis of individual meet-
'U' School
May Receive
Federal Aid
The public health school may
receive a grant of over $100,000 a
year, under a $1,000,000 appropri-
ation 4uthorized by the federal
House of Representatives yester-
day, according to Prof. Vlado A.
Getting of the school of public
The bill authorizes grants- to
assist nonprofit or public schools
in financing special courses in
public health.
An amendment added to the bill
yesterday determines how the
money will be distributed, Prof.
Getting said. According to the
amendment, the amount of the
grant will vary in proportion to
the number of students in the
school receiving fellowships from
the federal government.
Since the University has more
such students than in any of the
other schools, he said, it would
receive approximately one-tenth of
the appropriation and possibly as
much as $150,000.
The way a grant might be used
is up to the University adminis-
tration, Prof. Getting continued.
It may be used to relieve the ex-
penditures of the state which now
provides all funds to the school,
or to make improvements in the
school of public health.
The administration has not yet
taken any steps in this matter, he
said, since the bill must first be
passed by the Senate, and would
still only authorize an appropria-
The 10 other schools eligible for
grants according to the Associ-
ated Press, are the Universities of
California, Minnesota, North Caro-
lina and Puerto Rico; also Colum-
bia, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Tu-
lane, Yale, and Pittsburgh univer-
S 4uggest
For Wages
Formation of a Wage and Price
Commission to fight inflationary
forces is recommended by Prof.
Gardner Ackley, chairman of the
economics department, in a re-
port to be released today by the
Joint Economic Committee of
In a series of papers on "The
Relationship of Prices to Economic
Stability and Growth," Prof. Ack-
ley and Prof. Warren L. Smith and
Prof. Richard A. Musgrave, both
of the economies department, gave
varying views on how to solve the
recession and inflation problems.
Have Little Effect
Prof. Smith maintained govern-
ment changes from a "tight" to an
"easy" money have little effect on
credit buying by consumers or
business spending for new plant
Tax cuts were cited by Prof.
Musgrave as being the most fea-
sible means of combatting eco-
nomic recessions.
Develops Proposals
Developing his proposals for a
Wage and Price Commission, Prof.
Ackley declared, "The public stake
in price stability requires that ,we
go beyond name-calling, finger
pointing and vague appeals," in
combatting long-term inflationary
Prof. Musgrave noted changes
in spending for public works
should be justified "either as an
anti - recession or anti - inflation
Focus on Tax Level
"Changes in taxes designed to
pull the economy out of a slump
should focus on the level of taxa-
tion rather than the tax struc-
ture," Musgrave continued.
Prof. Smith, meanwhile, main-
tained that selectivencredit con-
trols would improve the effective-
ness of monetary policy in
fighting either inflation or busi-
ness recessions.
"Ifaselective controls had been
available in at least certain areas,
I believe monetary policy could
have done a considerably more
effective job in bringing inflation
under control in the 1955-57 in-
terval," he declared.
Up Student
Bus Fares
Bus fares for University stu-
dents were raised to the level of
adult fares by the Ann Arbor City
Council last night as part of gen-
eral reorganization of the bus fare
John Rae, co-ordinator of the
us company, said last week he
wanted to raise student fares
partly because of complaints by
Ann Arbor citizens that Univer-
sity students could afford to pay
full fares and because students
were only a small part of the
buses' patrons. .....
Councilman Prof. A. Nelson
Dingle of the engineering school
;aid, "I don't think University
students should think of them-
elves as a group apart."
Adult fares were reduced from
25 cents to 20 cents and student
fates for University students were
raised from 15 cents to the new
adult rate.
The proposal also allows the
bus company to reduce the price
of tokens from one dollar to 90
cents for five tokens.
A scholarship program sup-
ported by state appropriations is
not a feasible solution at present
to the problem of encouraging
more capable high school students
to enter college, a recent survey of
higher education in Michigan re-
The survey on financial assist-
ance in Michigan institutions of,
higher education was prepared for
the Michigan Legislative Study
Committee on Higher Education
by John Dale Russell, director of
the survey.
The survey group recommended
having specific academic require-
ments for all available scholar-
ships with no repayment or serv-
ice required of the benefactor.
In Each School
Responsibility for the adminis-
tration of state-wide provided
loan funds should be lodged di-
rectly in the individual institu-
tions (if any such loans are es-
tablished) the study also recom-
Several considerations led to
the study committee's conclusion
not to recommend state appropri-
ated scholarships.
At present there are a relative-
ly large number of scholarships
financed by the tax-supported
schools in Michigan compared
with other states. The survey not-
ed that it must be recognized that
this higher utilization of scholar-
ships and loan funds in Michigan
may reflect a greater need on the
part of students in the state.
Need Larger Grants
In this case, state appropria-
tions much larger than the
amounts which have been pro-
posed would be necessary to make
any substantial improvement in
the number of available scholar-
Because the state legislature is
now having trouble appropriating
money for the operations and
building program of the schools,
the study committee believed it
would be "unfortunate" to sub-
Action Asked
WASHINGTON (QP)-Two senior
senators told Congress it has a
duty to act this year against cor-
ruption and other unsavory condi-
tions in some labor unions.
Failure to legislate, declared
Sen. William F. Knowland of Cali-
fornia, the Senate's Republican
leader, will stand as a permanent
indictment of the record of the
85th Congress.
Sen. Knowland said the Senate
Rackets Investigating Committee
has produced uncontested evidence
of widespread corruption, arro-
gance and abuses in the operations
of internal union affairs.
The chairman of that commit-
tee, Sen. John L. McClellan (D-
Ark.), added his voice to the plea
for action. He said Congress would
have to enter a controversial field.
Prof. Haugh
Awarded Grant
A Smith-Mundt grant to serve
as visiting professor in American
and English literature at the Uni-
versities of Capetown and Wit-
watersrand, South Africa during
1958-1959 has been given to Prof.
Robert F. Haugh of the English
His selection to the grant was
announced recently by the United
States State Department.
tract any more from appropria-
tions in order to provide scholar-
One of the difficulties noted in
setting up, state appropriated
scholarships was the possibility
that the new source of funds
would replace rather than in-
crease the number of scholarships.
Scholarship funds are often in-
creased by the unexpended money
of appropriations by the legisla-
ture for the operations and build-
ing of the universities and col.-
leges. If the state makes separate
provision for scholarships, the
schools may find other uses for
the unexpended appropriation.
A present a proposal is before
the United States Congress re-
questing federal grants for schol-
arships for college students. The
study group recommended no
state action in this area until a
definite decision on the matter is
reached by Congress.
A federal
deemed more
scholarship was
justifiable because
students could then cross state
lines to attend the school of their
Should Consider Need
Analyzing the basis for making
scholarship awards, the study
found that a limited number of
funds are being awarded on the
basis of the donor's stipulation
without regard to financial need
or academic standing. For this
reason the survey group recom-
mended that specific scholarships
should consider both the student's
need and academic record.,
It also recommended that the
specific limitation of awards to
those of certain ability, such as
music, should be kept to a mini-
mum. Distribution of a w a r d s
should be done by responsible in-
stitutional officials rather than
just the donor's choice.
In studying the loan funds at
various schools, the group noted
that the short-term loan has be-
come an important part of the fi-
nancial assistance program to stu-
dents. It was believed that more
extensive use of the long-term
loans, i.e., over a period of years,
should be investigated by the
Seen Necessary
This was found necessary in
view of present economic trends
which are making it difficult for
students to pay off their loans at
the due date.
The group suggested that the
administration of thees loans be
left in the hands of the schools
due to the fine record of the ad-
ministrators ' established in the
The committee investigated
three areas of student financial
assistancf: scholarships and fel-
o m
Russell Calls State Grants Impractica
lowships; student loans; and stu-
dent employment.
Several institutions reportec
poor records or no record of stu-
dent employment. On the basis
of this proportionately smaller
data, the study recommended tha
student personnel records in al
nistitutions include information
regarding all employment ex.
periences during the college years
Consideration Given
Considerations in this stud!
were given only to student aid ad,
ministered by the institutions an(
not by non-institutional agencies
Data was gathered from 55 in.
stitutions of higher education h
the state. The total amount of al
forms of financial assistance b
the state was $8,445,779. 45,42;
students were served by this as
sistance. Approximately $80 of fi
nancial aid was given per studen
in these institutions.
Little Rock
Stories Win
Top Awards
NEW YORK (JP)-Coverage of
the explosive integration crisis at
Little Rock's Central High School
won three separate 1958 Pulitzer
Prizes in journalism yesterday.
They went to the Little Rock
(Ark.) Gazette for meritorious,
public service; the newspaper's
executive editor, Harry S. Ash-
more, for editorial writing; and
Associated Press correspondent
Relman Pat Morin for his eye-
witness account of mob violence
outside the school Sept. 23.
Gets Service Award
In the case of the Arkansas Ga-
zette, it marked the first time a
newspaper captured the public
service award while one of its
editors was winning the editorial
prize for the same news event.
Separate citations lauded the
newspaper and its editor for ob-
jectivity in the face of mounting
public tension.
The 1958 fiction award went to
James Agee's novel, "A Death in
the Family." It deals with a South-
ern family's reaction to the death
of a beloved father. It was com-
pleted by Agee before his death in
Give Drama Prize
The annual drama award went
to "Look Homeward, Angel," Ket-
ti Frings' adaptation of the late
Thomas Wolfe's autobiographical
novel of the same name. It has
been a Broadway hit since its
opening last Nov. 28.
It was the 41st annual award of
prizes established by the late pub-
lisher, Joseph Pulitzer. They are
made annually by the trustees of
Columbia University on recom-
mendation of the Advisory Board
on the Pulitzer Prizes.
Former Chiefs Boost
Ike Defense Program
WASHINGTON (P)-Two former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff endorsed President Dwight D. Eisenhower's defense reorgani-
zation plan.
Gen. Omar Bradley, the famed World War II commander, said
President Eisenhower's proposals would help reduce confusion and
lower secrecy barriers between the armed forces.
Retired Admiral Arthur W. Radford, who also testified before the
House Armed Services Committee,,said he was in full accord. Radford,
who retired as the Joint Chiefs' chairman last year, said yesterday in
a prepared statement: "Our basic,
national security structure must
permit us to take timely advantage
of important developments. Our
armed services must continue to
be the best in the world. Second
best is not good enough in this,
Radford said changes in the
nation's defense setup are neces-
sary to convert a basically peace-
time structure into one which will
be effective under wartime condi-
"And when I say wartime con-
ditions," he said, "I mean our situ-
ation today-a cold war which
could become hot in a matter of
hours or even minutes."!
Bradley, a retired five-star gen-
eral, testified new concepts of war-
fare have outmoded the system of
transmitting commands through
an executive agent-that is, the
army, navy or air force secretary.
While the use of an executive
agent may have been proper in
the past, said Bradley, who was
the first chairman of the Joint
Chiefs, any future emergency will
require a more rapid and direct
means of transmission of decisions.
The committee, headed by Rep.
Carl Vinson (D-Ga.), is beginning
its third week of hearings on the
administration bill. Many mem-
bers, including Vinson, apparently
are convinced it goes farther than
ADC Sets
Dorm Plan
Of Marldey
A student-created working plan
for government of Mary Markley
Hall was unanimously approved by
Assembly Dormitory Council yes-
The plan providing for a pro-
visionary house government sys-
tem will be effective for one year,
according to Marge Brake, '58A&D,,
head of the Markley Hall Planning
Committee. Next year Markley'
residents will develop their own
permanent constitution.
The committee, composed of
Assembly members, established
governing bodies for the seven
individual houses of Markley and
for the Hall as a single unit.
Council To Co-ordinate i
The activities of the entire
dormitory will be co-ordinated by
the Markley Hall Council com-
posed of the house presidents, one
elected representative from each
house, and four executive officers.
The working plan provides for
the immediate selection of pro-
tempore house officers. These offi-
cers will hold their positions until
elections are held. Officers from
Thronson, Blagdon, and Fisher
Houses have been selected by the
nucleus groups from Frederick,
Prescott and Tyler Houses respec-
tively, which will move into Mark-
ley next year.
There will be an organizational
meeting of these nucleus groups
at 7:15 p.m. today in the Student
Activities Bldg . Room drawings
will take place at this time.
Others To Meet
At 7:15 p.m. tomorrow future
residents of other Markley Houses
will have a similar meeting. Pro-
tempore officers from these houses
will be selected by an informal
petitioning and interviewing sys-
An Executive Council will be
established by Assembly to act for
the dormitory as a whole before
Of Possible
Soviet Traps
Lloyd Says Russians
Losing Enthusiasm
For Summit Meeting
eign ministers organized their own
diplomaticoffensive yesterday for
a summit conference.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles cautioned against falling
into Russian-laid traps on the
The ministers of the 15 North
Atlantic Treaty nations heard
British Foreign Secretary Selwyn
Lloyd expound the view that the
Russians are losing their enthusi-
asm for a top-level meeting.
Ruses Failing
Lloyd suggested the world pub-
lie was beginning to see through
Kremlin diplomatic ruses.
In a confident mood, the NATO
ministers made it clear they in-
tend to keep the Russians on the
defensive by working hard for
summit talks-the kind that would
have a real meaning.
Underlining this, West Ger-
many's Foreign Minister Heinrich
Von Brentano said his government
would insist that any summit con-
ference discuss German reunifica-
tion-the most elusive topic in
world diplomacy.
Sessions Closed
Informants gave this picture of
the ministers' deliberations during
two closed sessions on this open-
ing day.
Dulles told his Atlantic alliance
colleagues that on the stony road
to the summit they must :avoid
giving any political advantage to
the Russians which would more
than offset anything the Western-
ers were likely, to gain.
'Dangerous Precedent'
Dulles said Soviet attempts to
gain East-West parity in summit
preparations involved a dangerous
His idea was this meant the
Russians would try to break down
the old four-power basis of nego-
tiations and insist instead that as
many Communists as Westerners
sit at the table.
Parity would set a precedent for
a long time after the summit meet-
ing, Dulles said.
Petitions Due
For Activities
Petitions for the Student Acti-
vities Scholarship are -due in the
Offiep nf of tden Affairs at 5
our Discuss Social Work, Middle Class Values
-' -~.'%.By SANE McCCRTHY
"Democratic values are not hurt by middle class values," Cris
Jacobson, Grad., said in last night's student-faculty debate on "Can
$ < ; ;x xi> <Social Work Escape Middle Class Values?"
In the debate at the social work school, she said middle class
values are not harmful to social work. Professors Clarice Freud and
t'' Henry Myer of the social work school agreed with her entirely and
Joe Hefferman, Grad, agreed "partially."
fr Forms Middle Class Creed
Hefner formed a "middle class creed," which claimed: 1) ambition
is a virtue and lack of ambition is a defect; 2) individualism is to be
6:' honored, collectivism is to be abhored and cooperation is to be toler-
ated; 3) practical rationality and intelligence are to be honored;
4) Intellectualism and ideas for their own sake are to be rejected;
5) Physical violence and aggression are to be abhored at most times