"What I Really Want Is A Few Jars Of Instant Science" Elyr fidiigaw Daily Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. UESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN WEICHER Economics Club, Roundtable Can Serve Campus Interests rJ7HIS UNIVERSITY was witness last week to more political activity than probably has been the case all semester long. Two events held the spotlight.1 First, the appearance of Norman Thomas, a leading Socialist, was an important step in the effort to bring men of controversial opinions to the campus. Students and faculty turned out in large numbers to hear him and went away, we are sure, none the worst for having done so. While we would have preferred to have heard him speak more about the beliefs he holds, the topic of his address and the ideas and questions he presented were enough to challenge the thinking of any student or fac- ulty member present. The Economics Club, which brought Mr. Thomas to campus, is to be commended for its efforts. This group, and the Political Science Roundtable, might well make a useful contri- bution to the cause of discussion and debate at the University by bringing more speakers such as Mr. Thomas-although not necessarily of the same political bent-to campus. Even though these groups, being. composed primarily of graduate students and faculty members, would usually prefer to sponsor men who are experts in a certain restricted area of the subject the club is concerned with, it would seem that the occasional sponsorship of men of general interest-such as Mr. Thomas-would not be out of order. The task of arranging for such spea'kers might well be assisted by the considerable resources of the faculty of the economics and political science departments. The other event of last week-the debate between the Young Republicans and the Young Pemocrats-did not come off quite so well as the Thomas visit but was, nevertheless, a most encouraging event. This is one of the few, and certainly the most noteable efforts of any sort that either club has undertaken all year. Although the results were disappointing for a variety of reasons, the debate indicates the two groups have not died completely and holds the possibility for similar and better planned activities in the future. HOWEVER, the debate last week was ham- pered by the large crowd that filled the room where it was held and made for a hot, stuffy evening-a situation hardly conducive to close concentration on a political discussion. This problem, we are sure, can be easily cor- rected, Of a much more serious nature was the difficulty presented by the speakers and the topic. Only one of the speakers appeared well prepared or sure of his material. The deficiency of the other speakers in' this area made for some rather silly remarks and unconvincing arguments. However, we have a feeling that this appar- ent unprepardness was basically an outgrowth of the most serious problem-the much too general nature of the topic debated. It was: Issues that the country will face in the Novem- ber elections, including military, economic and educational problems and, we would add, any- thing else the speakers happened to grasp on. As it was planned, the topic was more appropriate for a panel discussion than a debate. It has always been our understanding that in a debate something is resolved with the speak- ers arguing yes or no to the resolution. Such ,an approach by the two groups in the future will probably prove more successful than the method employed last week. What to resolve should be no problem. Any of the topics touched on during last week's debate would prove excellent. On the national scene there is in progress the great debate over defense prepardness, the outcome of which will be reflected in the November congressional elections. In Michigan there is shaping up one of the best political battles in recent years with the Republicans going all-out to defeat Gov. G. Mennen Williams and-so the GOP claims-Walter Reuther in the fall state elec- tions. The issues are abundant and the time is ripe-now it is up to the Young Republicans and the Young Democrats, and any other groups on campus, such as the Political Issues Club, to capitalize on these events. -DAVID TARER ,, F. C -t..- 1 -I Al (Ue - r5-a THE.LJ CULTURE B'TI:'.yJYOI v YTHE CULTURE BIT : AT THE STATE: 'The Quiet American' -nnocence A broad "THE QUIET AMERICAN," currently holding forth at the State Theatre, is a fast-moving mystery, a love story and an editorial, all rolled into one. The story revolves around two principle characters, who provide a study in contrasts. The "Quiet American" of the title is a wide-eyed, idealistic ambassador of good will named Pyle, played by wile-eyed, boyishly handsome Audie Murphy. His opposite number is a passionately cynical English newspaper- man named Fowler (Michael Redgrave). Fowler practically makes a career of detachment. He has no polities, no god, and no restraining ties, either real or spiritual. The one soft spot in his invulnerability is (Phuong (Giorgia Moll), his lovely Vietnamese mistress. Even his love r Big Doings in Ypsilanti By DAVID NEWMAN Universities and Plant Capacity, NEW INTEREST in putting school on a year around, four-term basis, may be the sanest approach to the irresistible tide of expansion anybody has yet to offer. If schools remain unwilling to limit enroll- ment and raise standards, and state schools especially fit in this category, use of a summer session which could increase capacity by about 20 percent, seems to be the best answer to the desire of maintaining quality education. For class size could remain the same with the increase, there would not be any more people on campus at a give time, and current facilities would be no more taxed than they are today. There is also in the program a fuller "utiliza.- tion of plant capacity" a distinct appeal to our pragmatic, tight-fisted state legislatprs. However, such a program might help to change the entire tenor of a University, and the possible drawbacks are great enough to be mentioned> Leisure time, the summer vacation, has been a major inducement for the teaching profession in an area where salary has not been much of a force. With the ridiculously low pay of our .professors, it takes on truly great impor- tance, Under a full year program in which salaries would even be raised commensurately, a great many qualified people may turn to other more financially remunerative occupa- tions. Or perhaps they will turn to other uni- versities, where they can get the vacation. The summer vacation also serves many as a most valuable time to do research. Not only can the summer be a necessary opportunity for concentrated study, but a long vacation pro- vides the opportunity to carry on research a great distance from the university. This is often necessary. With only sabbaticals, which are often under fire anyway, as an opportunity for protracted absence from the University for study, the quality of research must deteriorate, and with that the reputation of the school. THE THIRD PROBLEM is of a more emo- tional nature, perhaps one which may be called resistance to any kind of change. One distinguishing feature of a university has been its leisurely pace, which provides for an oppor- tunity to do some real thinking. Already the large university is often criti- cized as a factory, mass producing students who are presumably educated, but more probably are not. This charge will have even greater validity to an institution which runs at a full gallop all year around- to "maximize plant capacity" and turn out more students than ever before. . However, all this really can only become a plea for limited enrollment. For if enrollment is to be increased at the present rate, it is still better to spread the mob through the school year, rather than pile students into already overcrowded classrooms for 9 months a season. . And further, perhaps any program which will win approval of state legislators, help the University get needed funds and at the same time not do any more violence to some basic concepts of education than is being done now should be encouraged. -RICHARD TAUB BACK IN freshmen days, when we were quad-cloistered and daily beset by beef birds, there was a strange legend going around concerning the city of Ypsilanti. At least once a week, someone would say, with a sly grin, "Hey, wha do you say we go to Ypsi one of these nights?" Breath would quicken, senses would reel at the idea. Somehow or other, Ypsilanti meant wild times and high pleas- ures. "Ypsi girls are very fine girls, heave-away, heave-away!" we would sing, little realizing the college ditty was penned around the turn of the century, when things might have been different. And so we dreamt of the day we would prowl the Ypsi alleys in search of adventure and winking women. * * * WELL, MAYBE it was the quad food, or maybe it was those mixers at Alice Lloyd that led us to be- lieve a veritable Casablanca lurked a few miles away. Since that wide-eyed time, we, like most of us, have been to Ypsi. Casablanca it is not. In fact, Ann Arbor it isn't, yet. Not that they roll up the streets at dusk, but they don't dance in them either. Ypsi does boast one notable en- terprise, though, and it's called Eastern Michigan College. The thriving school has a small but active theatre department, which leads us to believe that something does happen at night in Ypsi, after all. Three faculty men work on plays while the rest of the Speech Dept. handles the forensic action. We spoke to one of the triumvirate, . one George Bird, whose official title is Technical Director. The drama activity resembles ours on a smaller scale. Four ma- jor productions are given in the course of a year, three of them full-fledged three-act plays and the fourth a group of student directed one-acts. According to Bird, they have already done "An- drocles and the Lion" and "Hedda Gabler" this year, with "The Man Who Came to Dinner" and the one-acts still to come. The shows are produced in Roosevelt Auditorium, which seats 540, but a new theatre is being built onthe campuswhich will seat, oddly enough, 400. Art for art's sake, maybe. BIRD EXPRESSED some regret over the fact that original student plays have never been done in Eastern Michigan. "We certainly, would like to, but as yet no student plays have come to our attention," he said. The outlook may brighten with the addition of a playwright- ing course to the curriculum, a good possibility in the near future. The outlook there is similar to the Uuniversity's regarding choice of productions. "We try, in four years, to give the students plays of all periods and all kinds," Bird explained. Experimental plays, such as "The Skin of Our Teeth" have been produced successfully. Saroyan's "The Hungerers, an- other avante-guardish work, has been put on the Ypsi boards. The department is most fortu- nate, as opposed to our situation, in lack of competition. There are no other theatrical groups on the campus to harry the box-office. "We're building audience at- tendance pretty well," Bird said. "Not as well as we'd like, of course. Since we do the only productions, there is a lot of interest. We have cornered the market. There used to be a senior musical show with original scripts, probably whipped up the night before they played. Not too much has been done in the musical category by the group, but they have shown signs of a new interest in the form. The music department did get together with the speech school a few years back for a production of "Finian's Rainbow," and last year Gilbert and Sullivan's short "Trial by Jury" made its way to the foot- lights. * * * ALTHOUGH the Eastern Michi- gan setup is naturally of less scope than our own, there is one way in which Bird feels they have improved matters. Here, although there are some exceptions, the speech department plays are cast from people in speech courses. "We do something quite differ- ent," Bird said. "We make it pos- sible for everyone to participate. Casting is open to the entire school, although we have over onej hundred kides in the theatre pro- gram." It should be added here that the numerous theatrical groups inthe University-MUSKET, G&S, Civicj Theatre and so on-do provide opportunity for the non-Speech student to fulfill his dramatic as- pirations. We're not defending, just pointing out. In any case, Ypsi is just a short drive from here. It might be inter- esting to see how their produc- tions stack up against ours. for her, however, is purely practica at one point; "I don't care about her (Phuong's) interests. I want her!" The setting is Indo-China in 1952. Pyle, the pitifully naive American do-gooder, is running around Saigon and vicinity spread- ing charity and friendship for a United States mission, and getting involved with everything, including the war and P owler's mistress., Characteristically, he is scru- pulously fair about everything. Rather than take sides with either the Communists or the French, he tries to create a "third force" between them. In the matter of love, he is so naive as to be comical. He falls in love with Phuong the day he meets her, but his overgrown sense of fair play leads him to inform Fowler of this fact before he tells the girl, or even sets eyes on her a second time. FOWLER IS, however, a good sport about it -superficiallyat least-and even goes so far as to act as interpreter for Pyle when he proposes to Phuong. The mystery comes in when Pyle is suspected of unwitting in- volvement in a couple of local bombings. This suspicion leads Fowler to help arrange the assas- sination of Our Hero at the hands of the local Communists. In this undertaking, Fowler is more than a little influenced by his jealousy over Phuong, and he plays nicely into the hands of the assassins. WE ARE NOT left in any sus- pense about the fate of the quiet American, because a bit of the end is transplanted to the beginning, and ,our first introduction to Pyle is as a corpse. The love story plays gingerly with the touchy subject of inter- racial love and marriage. Compli- cations are neatly avoided, how- ever, since Fowler is-until it is too late-unable and unwilling to marry Phuong, and Pyle, though able and willing, expires before he can realize his plans. In the course of the action, the film takes a good many none-too- subtle cuts at America and Ameri- cans. In the tharacterization of Pyle, we have the well-meaning but somewhat foolish American do-gooder; in Fowler, we have the "typical" . Briton, looking with lofty and sarcastic disdain on things American; and along the way, we get a fleeting glimpse of the stergotyped American-abroad -brash, confident, only superfi- cially interested in things "for- eign" IN THE END, the movie goes a bit further than the Graham Greene novel from which it was rather freely adapted, and tries feebly to retract the nasty im- pression of Americans which it has striven so hard to create. The dead American is cleared of all, even unwitting, blame for the bombings, and the misguided Eng- lishman, though stillfundamen- tally unchanged, is transformed from a villain into a pathetic figure. He loses everything im- portant he ever had or wanted, ends up sobbing, "I wish someone existed to whom I could say I'm sorry." Overall, "The Quiet American" is well acted, well directed, and has an interesting, if not new or profound story line. It provides a bit of insight into attitudes toward Americans abroad-not too favor- able and not always easy to laugh off. This is a film highly recom- mended to members of SGC's pro- posed Southeast Asia delegation. Special added attractions on the program include a very funny Mister Magoo cartoon, and an even funnier preview of a coming "top hit," a searching story of the trials and tribulations of adoles- cence, suggestively titled, "Eight- een and Anxibus." --Edward Geruldsen 1 and selfish, for as he tells Pyle f DAILY OFFICIAL BUJMCETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editor- al responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- Ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 90 Mathematics Club, will meet on Tues. Feb. 11, at 8:00 p.m. In the West Con- ference Room of the Rackham Building. Prof. R. K. Ritt will speak on "Con- tinuous Spectra ." Young Republican Club of the UnI- versity of Michigan will hold a mem- bership meeting at 7:30 p.m., Feb. It in Room 3547 Student Activities Bldg. General Notices Art Print Loan Exhibit to be held on third floor Student Activities Build- Jng: Feb. 14, 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.; Feb. 15, 9:00 -a.m.-5:00 p~m; Feb. 17, 1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. * Students who are enrolled on the University of Michigan under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) for the first time must report to the Office of Vet- erans' Affairs, 555 Administration Building, between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. before Thurs, Feb 13, "Flu Shots" for students, faculty and employees will be given Wed., Feb. 12, from 8:00-11:45 a.m. and 1:00-4:45 p.m. in Room 58 in the basement of the Health Service. The vaccine to be used is the polyvalent type. Persons who re- ceived an injection last fall are urged to obtain a second at this time. Fee for injection Is $.40. "Polio Shots" for students only will be given Thurs., Feb. 20, from 8:00-11:45 a.m. and 1:00-:45 p.m. in Room 58 in the basement of the Health Service. Fee for injection is $1.00. For both clinics go directly to the basement to fill out forms, pay fee and receive injection. Lectures- Prof. Luis Pericot Garcia, Professor of Prehistory at the University of Bare- lona will give an illustrated lecture en- titled "Paleolithic Painting in Spain" on Tues., Feb. 11. in Auditorium A of Angell Hall, at 4:15 p.m. The lecture Is sponsored jointly by the Department of Anthropology and the Department of Fine Arts. Sigma Xi presents Dr. Walter'J. Nun- gester, Chairman, Dept. of Bacteriology speaking on "Tumor Immunology." Wed., Feb. 12 at 8:00 p.m. In Rackham Amphitheatre. Refreshments will be served. Public Invited. University Lecture, sponsored by the English Department. Mr. Robert Graves, British poet, novelist, and critic, will read, and comment on, poetry on Wed., Feb. 12, at 4:10 p.m., in Rackham Lec- tureHall. All interested persons are invited to attend._ Concerts The Baroque Trio, Nelson Hauenstein, flute; Florian Mueller, oboe; and Mari- lyn Mason, harpsichord, will perform the second Ann Arbor program of th current academic year at 8:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 11, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The concert will include Trio- Sonata in C by Johann Christoph Pe- pusch; Sonata in D for Oboe and Harp- sichord bymThomas Vincent; Trio Son- ata in A minor by K..E. Bach; Sonata. in C for Flute and Harpsichord by J. S. Bach; Sonata Ia chiesa a tre by Tom- maso Albinoni. The general public will be admitted without charge. Academic Notices The Extension Service announces the following classes to be held in Ann Ar- bor beginning Tues., Feb. 1: EFFICIENT READING I 7:00 p.m. 524 University Elementary School. 8 weeks. $13.50. Teaching Assistant Rosemarie M. Nagel, Instructor. ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND PROCESSES LABORATORY COURSE 7:00 p.m. (Mechanical Engineering 2, 1 hour of undergraduate creit). 3313 East Engineering Building. 16 weeks. $45.00, Kenneth C. Ludema, Instructor. GOVERNMENTS AND POLITICS OF AFRICA 7:30 p.m. (Political Science W160, 2 hours of undergraduate credit), 117 Business Administration, 16 weeks. $27.00. Asst. Prof. Henry L. Bretton, In- -structor PSYCHOIOGY OF ADJUSTMENT 7:30 p.m. (Psychology 51, 2 hours of under- graduate credit). 165 Business Admin- istration. 16 weeks. $27.00. Asst. Prof. Justin L. Weiss, Instructor. THE MAKING OF MODERN EUROPE 7:30 p.m. (History 14x, 2 hours of un- dergraduate credit). 170 Business Ad- ministration. 16 weeks. $27.00. John P. Spielman. Instructor. WATER COLOR AND GOUACHE PAINTING 7:30 p.m.415 Architectur# Building. 16 weeks. $27.00. Asst. Profes- sor Jack A. Garbutt, Instructor. Registration for these classes lnay be made in the Extension Service office at 1610 Washtenaw Avenue during Uni- versity office hours or in Room 164 of the School of Business Administration, from 6:30 to 9:30 the night of the class, The Extension Service announces the following classes to be held in Ann Ar- bor beginning Wed., Feb. 12: Creative Drawing and Color Sketch- ing, 7:30 p.m., 415 Architecture Building 16 Weeks. $27.00. Assoc. Prof. Gerome Kamrowskl, Instructor. The Design and Development of 4 !! I,, 1.'I AT THE MICHIGAN THEATRE: Ballet Displays Zest, Finesse A Civilian Rocket Authority? THE "LOGIC of a coordinated space pro- gram" outlined by Ann Arbor's William Kent may suffer somewhat from Kent's overenthusi- asm, but as logic is worth serious thought. The need for such a program is obvious. The rather humorous explosion of the Air Force's Atlas Friday after that- branch of the service had been seen in newspapers all week explain- ing the malfunction of the Navy's Vanguard underlines it. As Kent pointed out in a recent Daily interview, failure of a rocket cannot be attributed to "the myriad of components, any or all of which might fail," since "any modern multi-motor aircraft consists of a much larger number of components, to which thousands upon thousands of passengers entrust their transatlantic lives year in and year out with a perfectly normal calmness." Kent concludes, and h'is point is a valid one to which aircraft manufacturers subscribe, that if the same propulsion unit were used in various types of rockets as the same engines are used in various types of airplanes, manufacturers could "benefit from the collective experience of all the others using the same power plant." This could easily cut down on failures of im- portant launchings, for as Kent said, each fir- ing "simultaneously tests the propulsion unit to be used with it." While this is not literally true-stationary tests are made-his point is again valid. THE SECOND POINT in the coordinated program advocated by Kent calls for a civilian government rocket authority. Since the Civil Aeronautics Board has demonstrated past difficulty in achieving safety in the air lanes, for example, a new agency might do better. None the less the interservice rivalry which has finally given us a satellite doesn't seem like much of a way to put up space plat- forms or to go to the moon, since such projects ANN ARBOR responded grate- fully to a cultural treat all too rare in these parts when the National Ballet of Canada appear- ed at the Michigan Theater last night. The group was sponsored by the Ann Arbor Civic Ballet. Youthful zest and enthusiasm highlighted the performances throughout. It is pleasant to report that sprinkled liberally in the ex- uberance and energy was .a good deal of technical finesse. Much of the solo dancing was of superior quality, but I feel tihat a good deal of further work with the ensemble is necessary to bring about the unified work so neces- sary in a real corps. * * * I WAS ESPECIALLY struck by the very poor coordination in the opening numbers. This amounted almost to sloppiness, which should be corrected before it becomes 'a habit. The Canadian National Ballet is only in its eighth season and it is amazing to see the progress they have made from year to year. I was quite favorably impressed in the very excellent overall im- provement in the male contingent of the company as compared to last year's performance here. cap of approaching the classic ballet with no strong experience or esprit. With this in mind, one can com- pliment them on their average work in this great ballet. The opening "Pas de Dix" revealed the weakest moment of the entire evening. It was in this movement that the lack of good coordination was most notable. The solo work of David Adams and Lois Smith in this opening dance was pleasant and gave inti- mations of the far better dancing they did later. . - The "Rose Adagio" featured Lil- ian Jarvis as the ballerina. She gave a performance marked by clarity and precision, if not per- fection. Miss Smith and Mr. Adams were again featured in the beautiful "Aurora Pas de Deux," in which Miss Smith executed a stunning finale. The " leeping Beauty" excerpts closed with the massed "Mazurka." This suffered most from the fact that there was no real corps de ballet, and ten or twelve people will not suffice. Another major problem which seemed to hamper many of the dancers throughout this part of the program was the cramped conditions on the too- dancing was graceful and affective throughout. While she may not be among the great ballet' artists of our time, Miss Franca has proved herself to be a great pantomime artist. The torture of losing her young lover was expressed very touchingly. Donald Mahler, recovering from the nerves which seemed to beset him in the first section, gave a strong performance as the you;ig man. Lilian Jarvis again revealed her immense talents and beauty as the young girl. The ensemble proved to be far better in this work and the danc- ing on the whole seemed much more at ease. The choreography of the solos in the opening part of the woik was awkward and purposeless, but improved as it went on. THE FINAL offering was the most delightful and spontaneous of all. The music of Schumann's piano cycle, "Carnival," was em- ployed in this re-creation of some scenes from commedia dell' arte. David Adams revealed an im- mense sense of humor in the de- lightful and difficult role of Har- lequin. He was given the evening's most enthusiastic reception for this performance. Lois Smith was etsnrh-.4 r , rrn nn r. .. anm - s ic :1l. LETTERS to the EDITOR Tearful .* To the Editor: HE LETTER to the editor in Thursday's Daily suggesting higher resident tuition brought tears to my eyes and to those of fellow graduate students who are residents of this fair state of Michigan. Our hearts bleed for this noble s-' 11