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May 03, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-03

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"You'll Note The Familiar Cave Painting Motif"

Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Samson and Delilah'
Successful Production
? E SECOND May Festival concert last evening was a very success-
ful performance of Camille Saint-Saens' opera, "Samson and Deli-
lah," in concert form. This work lends itself easily to such production
because of the biblical subject and the important part allotted to the
chorus. One still feels, however, that an English translation does not
always make the most of the composer's melodic line.
Miss Claramae Turner, as Delilah, gave a stunning interpretation.
It is a beautifully focused and flexible voice, particularly rich in the
lower register. Her dramatic feeling in the role added much to the per-



AAUP Censure Justified;
Raises Important Questions

YVIE AAUP censure of the University earlier
in the week came with some real justifica-
Despite what may have been some good Uni-
versity intentions, it is quite clear that the men
who were dismissed did not always get treat-
ment which was consistent with elementary
principles of fairness.
The men may have been given the right of
faculty hearings, for instance, but in one case
President Hatcher reversed the decision of
the two faculty groups who heard the case.
This action diminished considerably the role
of the faculty committees.
Further, there seems to be real evidence that
the procedures left something to be desired.
The AAUP claims the men were not given suf-
ficient time to prepare their cases and were
never told exactly what the charges were. Some
faculty members may disagree with the AAUP
report; but even that there was such solid
ground for question after a most thorough
study points up weaknesses in the procedure.
the fact that procedures have been changed
since the dismissals also serves as an acknowl-
egement of some deficiency.
However, since a great deal of this is water
under the proverbial bridge, the most signi-
ficant factor in the case is the University fail.

ure to provide Prof. Nickerson and Dr. Davis
with severance pay.
This failure has not been an oversight. The
literary college faculty and the University fac-
ulty have both requested severance pay for
the men and the latterhas asked for by-laws
to protect others in the future.
Universities generally provide severance pay
for faculty members who are unexpectedly dis-
TIS FORM of compensation serves, among
other things, to mitigate the problems of
an individual which come with a dismissal.
With the current teacher shortage there is
a practical consideration in this issue too. In-
dividuals will not be eager to enter a profes-
sion, in which certain inconsistencies lend a
capricious quality to their jobs.
If the University is to show the good faith
it professes to have in the matter, if the Uni-
versity wishes to show that perhaps Prof. Nick-
erson and Dr. Davis did not get what was their
due; actions are in order which will give sever-
ance pay to the men involved and to establish
rules for similar cases in the future.
This action would definitely provide some
tangible token of the University's real inten-

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formance. Mr. Sullivan possesses
stringent at times, but one wished
that he had brought more convic-
tion to the part. The High Priest
was effectively sung by Mr. Sing-
her with artistic flair and in true
operatic style. Yi-Kwei Sze was
apt in two small assisting parts.
Choral Union ensemble and dic-
tion was impressive; under the
direction of Mr. Johnson the cho-
rus performed especially well in
Act III.
UNFORTUNATELY, s e v e r a I
cuts in Act III detracted consid-
erably from the overall effect; es-
epcially noticable was the ab-
sence of the well known Bacchan-
ale, a real orchestral tour de force,
and some other choral sections.
The end fell a trifle flat too. The
"shrieks and cries" of the chorus
as Samson pulls down the temple
pillars were hardly very convinc-
Last night marked the ninth
Festival performance of this Op-
era, which has now been per-
formed more often at these con-
certs than any other choral work.
Whateverrthe strange attraction
this opera may have for the
Choral Union it is hoped that with
this performance, everyone is sat-
isfied for a time, and future pro-
grams will feature more signifi-
cant orchestral-choral music.
to the

a fine tenor voice, although a bit


Calendar Report Lacks Concern

-..J ustice Department Unjust

TIE RECENT REPORT issued by the Uni-
versity's Calendar Committee, while show-
ing a fairly complete grasp of University prob-
lems, also indicates a certain lack of concern
for the problems of the individual student.
The committee's well-thought-out proposal
for the adoption of the "trimester," or three-
semester system takes into account, and would
help to alleviate, a basic problem of constant-
ly increasing applications and the sometimes
decreasing source of funds in Lansing.
By operating on a year-round basis, many
more students could be accommodated, par-
ticularly since the entire academic process
could be accelerated. Further, it would allow
the most economical use of existing faciilties.
THE REPORT contains other specific pro-
posals, of course, that are quite obviously
common sense. No one, for instance, would de-
fend the current chaotic registration system
against a more organized, less hectic advance
registration. The same is true for advance ori-
entation and elimination of the "lame duck"
session after Christmas vacation.
But a number of the committee's recommen-
dations, added together, would create an ex-
tremely unfair situation for the students.
The shortened final examination period,
coupled with elimination of the between-se-
mesters interval and receipt of final grades
only after the beginning of the following se-
mester, would mean an almost impossibly ha
tic two-week period. Even assuming advance

registration, students would go through one
week of finals, followed almost immediately
by the beginning of new classes while still
not sure of their eligibility for them.
It would mean, if a failing grade were re-
turned, a student would be put at a disadvan-
tage immediately, by having to enter another
class several days, or even a week or two late.
IT WOULD mean, if a student was asked to
withdraw from the University, it would be
too late for him to enter another school.
It would mean, for graduation candidates,
the possibility of losing a job that required a
college degree, without the opportunity to take
the necessary courses immediately,
It would mean, taken together, increased
pressure on students just at a time when pres-
sure is at its highest point under existing cir-
cumstances. And this without the one-week
breather which is looked forward to more than
any other vacation in the school year.
The lack of concern for the student is most
obvious in one incredible sentence of the com-
mittee's report.
"The University," the report reads, "should
not be concerned about the lapse of time, if
after the beginning of a new term, it finds that
it must ask a student to withdraw." It could
then just as easily say the University should
no be concerned about its students; that "fac-
tory school" is a completely justifiable epithet.

WASHINGTON-The situation
inside the Justice Department re-
garding political favoritism in law
enforcement has caused some
worried huddles by Justice De-
partment officials, plus some talk
on Capitol Hill of a congressional
Sen. Albert Gore of Tennessee
and Rep. Ja'ck Brooks of Texas
have already addressed inquiries
to the new Attorney General, Wil-
liam P. Rogers, about his failure
to prosecute Republicans.
Rogers and Vice-P r e s i d e n t
Richard M. Nixon are reported to
have held several earlier conver-
sations on one particular case,
that of Rep. Adam Clayton Pow-
ell, the Harlem Democrat who
hurriedly switched to Eisenhower
in 1956, after he foundshimself
under income tax investigation.
The grand jury probing Rep.
Powell was stymied 14 months by
the Justice Department despite
the fact that the United States
Assistant Attorney, Thomas Bo-
lan, tried to push the case. Bolan
finally resigned.
The Powell grand jury has now
been-reconvened in New York aft--
er moves made by some of its
members to rehire Bolan and take
the case into its own hands.
The threatenedrunaway as-
pect of the Powell grand jury
could not have come at a more
embarrassing time for the Justice
Department. It coincides not only
with the demands of Sen. Gore
and Rep. Brooks for prosecution
of Republicans, but also with the
last desperate appeal to the Su-
preme Court by Lamar Caudle
and Matt Connelly of the Truman
Administration for a rehearing of
their case.
The Justice Department called
three different grand juries, in
Omaha, Kansas City and St.
Louis, in an effort to get some-
thing on officials close to Presi-
dent Truman. It even refused
Caudle and Connelly a new trial
after the trial judge, Ruby Hulen,
committed suicide before sentence
was passed.

Members of the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee have compiled a
list of cases where the Justice De-
partment, under President Eisen-
hower, appeared to evade, and in
some cases deliberately dismissed,
prosecution of Republicans. This
may become the basis of an im-
portant investigation of whether
the Justice Department has be-
come the political arm of the ad-
ministration. Here are some of the
Galveston grain scandal-After
the Justice Department indicted
E. H. Thornton And officials of
the Bunge Corporation, an Ar-
gentine firm, for stealing United
States Government grain and re-
placing it with hog feed on the
Galveston docks, Gov. Allan Shiv-
ers of Texas flew to Washington,
lunched with Ike and thereafter
the case against Thornton was
dropped. Thornton was the fath-
er of Shivers' campaign manager
and college classmate. Subordin-
ate officials of the Justice De-
partment were indignant over or-
ders to drop the case, but com-
Superior Oil Company - After
lobbyists for the Superior Oil Com-
pany, Elmer Patman and John
Neff, tried to bribe Sen. Case of
South Dakota with $2,500 to vote
for the natural gas bill, both were
given suspended sentences by
Judge Joseph McGarraghy. But
the man who put up the money,
Howard Keck. head of Superior
Oil, was never prosecuted. He had
donated twice this amount, $5,000,
to the Eisenhower dinner during
the natural gas fight.
American Telephone and Tele-
graph Co. -After the Justice De-
partment brought an antitrust
case against A.T.&T. during the
Truman administration, Attorney
General Brownell huddled secret-
ly at White Sulphur Springs with
the attorney for A.T.&T. and was
subservient and obsequious in try-
ing to compromise the case. The
case was settled out of court on
terms considered highly favorable
to the giant phone company.
Other conflicts of interest - A

long list of conflicts of interest
have been unearthed inside the
Eisenhower Administration. They
have been discovered by newsmen
and congressional committees, not
by the FBI. Not one of these has
ever been prosecuted. The Dixon-
Yates conflict went to a civil trial
after Sen. Kefauver threatened to
have the Senate appoint its own
attorney to handle the case. But
there has been not one criminal
prosecution in the long list of con-
flict-of-interest cases.
Federal Communications Com-
mission - Ike's Comptroller Gen-
eral, Joseph Campbell, has ruled
that FCC commissioners violated
the law in collecting travel ex-
penses from industry and then
collecting from the government.
However, there have been no
prosecutions and only one resig-
nation - that of Richard Mack. A
grand jury was called, but there
have been no indictments.
Chairman Len Hall - A Con-
gressional c o m m i t t e e received
sworn evidence that Hall had re-
quired a political donation from
the Frederick H. Snare Co. before
it got a government contract. This
is in violation of the Corrupt
Practices Act, but the Justice De-
partment has refused to act.
This is part of the record now
being compiled in congress.
RECLAMATION projects in the
west have fallen into the same
category as defense projects last
summer. The administration has
put a freeze on them. Just as the
missile apxd airplane program was
cut way back prior to Sputnik,
so reclamation funds specifically
appropriated by Congress have
been frozen by the White House.
This drew some vocal dynamite
the other day from rapier-tongued
Rep. Clair Engle of California,
Chairman of the House Interior
Committee. Object of Rep. Engle's
wrath was Floyd Dominy, Assistant
Reclamation commissioner, who
argued that his agency had to
think about "repayment" prob-
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

AAUP , '


Pearl Harbor Complex

MR. HAMMARSKJOLD at the United Na-
tions on Tuesday said that the basic rea-
son why no progress is being made on disarma-
ment is that there is a "crisis of trust from
which all mankind is suffering at the present
juncture." It is reflected, he went .on to say,
"in an unwillingness to take any moves in a
positive direction at their face value . . . be-
cause of a fear of being misled."
This surely is the heart of the matter, and
we may take it that our Arctic bomber flights,
which Mr. Hammarskjold referred to as "the
present state of extreme preparedness," re-
flect an absolute mistrust in the intentions of
the Soviet Union. Mr. Lodge in the same de-
bate spelled out this mistrust, which actuates
our military policy, by saying that "the awe-
some destructive power of modern armaments
makes it at least theoretically possible to wipe
out the military capacity of a state - even
one of- the great powers - in a single attack.
But such an attack must come without warn-
ing if it is to succeed."
The proposals for international inspection in
the Arctic zone are based on the theory that
the inspectors could detect the preparation for
a super attack and could, therefore, nullify
the danger of an all-out and absolute Pearl
Harbor. Our remedy, in short, for the mistrust
we have of Soviet intentions is to put a great
deal of trust in an inspection system.
If I read Mr. Hammarskjold's remarks cor-
rectly, he thinks that if the Soviet Union and
the United States would make an agreement
to set up an Arctic inspection system, this
would reflect a state of mind in which other
agreements might then be reached. Certainly
inspection as such, which would be as the say-
ing goes "fool-proof," is not in the cards. If the
will exists and the means exist to deliver the
absolute knockout. no system of inspectors can

the Russian intentions. It Is necessary only to
have trust in Russian sanity. In Mr. Lodge's
remarks, which I have already quoted, the key
words are that it is "theoretically possible" to
strike a knockout blow.
But is it even theoretically possible to do
that now? Not according to the director of
Central Intelligence, Mr. Allen Dulles, who said
in an address this week that "as I see it, under
its present policies, the U.S.S.R. does not in-
tend to use its military power in such a way
as to risk general war." Why not? Because
"they have a healthy respect for our retalia-
tory capability."
We have a right to think that Mr. Dulles
does not believe that it is now even "theoreti-
cally possible" to knock out our retaliatory ca-
pacity. For, as he said in the next paragraph,
we must be ever watchful of military develop-
ments "in order to anticipate any attempts at
a break-through which would change the bal-
is such a technological break-through, there
ance of military power." Until and unless there
exists a balance of military power which is a
true deterrent to a Pearl Harbor.
IN THE LAST ANALYSIS, a more flexible
policy on our part does not depend upon
putting trust in the intentions of the Soviet
Union. It depends upon our putting trust in
their ability to read correctly the balance of
The rest of Mr. Dulles' address reinforces
this view. He dwelt at length and in rich de-
tail upon the spectacular success of the Soviet
Union in promoting its own industrial devel-
opment, and with the prospect that in the
course of a generation the Soviet industrial
capacity may catch up with our own. Is it
likely that with such prospects, the Kremicri
will risk everything on the very theoretical pos-
sibility that it could knock out the United

To the Editor:
THE GENERAL reluctance to
support the University against
the AAUP is puzzling. Charges
that freedom is being violated are
made a trifle too easily these
days, and Mr. Moise's recent let-
ter is a subtle example of the
The Campbell Committee is sly-
ly accused of violating Prof.
Moise's "sacred precincts" of
thought. Yet the very proceedings
that are so nicely questioned, de-
termined to Prof. Moise's satis-
faction that Prof. Nickerson was,
as a matter of "fact," not a C.P.
member at the time of his dis-
missal. This is an awkward posi-
tion to hold, but to assume ' the
committee is infallible taxes cre-
dulity. Moreover, it should be re-
membered that Prof. Nickerson
was, in fact, a Communist in the
Communist Party of the United
Communism remains the prob-
lem and the disease we know it
to be. These men were infected,
and to believe one can compart-
mentalize personal integrity is an
academic concept bucking con-
siderable modern knowledge. If
our dogs were not fed, if our ways
were not richly-led and content-
ed, if critical attitudes went be-
yond subdued mumbling and be-
gan to corrode our chromed lives,
then, perhaps, we would have oth-
er problems. But Academia is suf-
ficiently divorced from the na-
tion's social life to demonstrate
this is not the case.
Prof. Moise is honest enough to
admit his personal inability to
find "various errors of interpre-
tation" in the AAUP's report, He
implies, however, that Mr. Camp-
bell's direct question to Mr. Da-
vis, "Are you honest in your as-
sociations with the University,"
threatens his "sacred precincts"
of thought. Since when has hon-
esty threatened freedom of
thought? This is a strange point
and new. After all, if both fac-
ulty committees charged Mr. Da-
vis as dishonest (and Prof. Nick-
erson was an admitted Commu-
nist) are we to dismiss these
charges? Are we to ignore con-
sidered evaluations of men objec-
tive enough to dismiss their own
It is simple logic that a com-
plainer can't complain if he's
complained of. (The committee
could not locateall the evidence
necessary to prove Mr. Davis a
C.P. member.) Now it is clear both
men were not hostile to principles
subverting American Democracy.
How do we know that these men
(coming in daily contact with
thousands of youth) believe in
the way of life that has, in fact,
supported them? It is difficult to
understand the force of idealistic
notions toward those who chal-

T SAY that "Gervaise" is pow-
erful is an insipid understate-
ment. The film, an adaptation of a
novel by Emile Zola, is a testament
to futility, driving in its intensity
and excruciating in its realism.
It is carefully constructed, finely
acted and perhaps stronger in its
evocative power than any of its
highly-praised recent predecessors
at the Campus theater.
In the movie, as in much of
Zola's work, plot is subservient to
;haracter, and both are subservient
to environment-a sordid, fester-
ing environment which, as it en-
gulfs and infects its inhabitants,
ultimately takes on a life and a
character of its own. The Paris
of the 1890's, usually thought of
in terms of the Moulin Rouge, is.
in "Gervaise," a place of sweating
slums, full of drunkards and de-
Gervaise, herself, is a laundress,
the mother of two children and
the woman of three men. Seduced
at fifteen, she is deserted by her
first lover and marries a steeple-
jack, M. Coupeau,
* * *
THERE IS a great deal more to
"Gervaise," of course, than the
grimy details just listed. There are,
in fact, more grimy details, plus
an impressive amount of psycho-
logical insight and careful ex-
ploitation of character.
The most striking thing about
the film, however, is itsnover-
whelming "naturalism." In the
true Zola tradition, no attempt is
made to avoid any action or situa-
tion, no matter how grisly, that
could possibly evoke an emotional
response from the audience. The
technique has its advantages; un-
fortunately it sometimes seems to
get out of control. Atmosphere is
the essence of the movie, but it is
occasionally obtained at the ex-
pense of taste. So many of the
scenes of the movie are almost
physically painful, that after a
while, the spectator becomes
The acting throughout the pic-
ture is outstanding. Maria Schell's
portrayal of the heroine is both
radiant and sensitive; each of the
minor characters that surround
Gervaise are equally convincing.
---Jean Willoughby
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Women's Hours: Women students
will have 1:30 a.m. permission on Sat.
night, May 3.
Late Permission: Women students
who attended the May Festival con-
cert at Hill Aud. on Thurs. night, May
1, had late permission until 11:15 p.m.
May Festival Concerts in Hill Aud.
presented by University Musical So-
ciety. Sat., May 3, 2:30 p.m. - Pro-
gram of Hungarian music. Gyorgy San-
dor, pianist, in Bartok Concerto No. 2;
Suite in F-sharp minor (Dohnanyi);
Rakoczy March (Liszt); and Dances
from ' "Galanta" (Kodaly). Wiliam
Smith conductor. Festival Youth Chor-
us in Hungarian folk songs, Marguerite
Hood, conductor.
Sat., May 3, 8:30 p.m. - George Lon-
don, baritone, in operatic arias. "Don

Juan" (Strauss); "Louisiana Story"
(Thomson); and Symphonic Suite from
'Boris Godounoff" (Moussorgsky). Eu-
gene Ormandy, conductor.
For tickets or information call Hill
Aud. box office daily from 9:00 to 4:30
pim. and after 7:00 p.m.
Student Recital: Robert Boberg, pi-
anist, will present a recital in Rack-
ham Assembly Hall on Mon., May 5, 8:30
p.m. Mr. Boberg is a student of John
Kollen, and his recital is presented in
lieu of a thesis for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music (Music Education). His
program will include compositions by
Haydn, Beethoven and Hindemith.
Open to the public.
Academic- Notices
Doctoral Examination for Patricia






v I




Kremlin Sees Gremlins

Associated Press News Analyst
ONE OF THE causes of tension
in the world today is the Krem-
lin's persistence in professing to
see ghosts where is knows there
are none.
The Soviet leaders have been
talking for years about easing
tensions, but they never letany-
thing happen to change their pos-
ture of threat.
The United States is offering to
submit its Arctic operations to
international inspection, if the
Russians will do the same. The
Red reply is that the United States
wants military intelligence on
what the Soviets are doing.
That is true in a way. The
United States has also offered to

There is little doubt that the
Soviet military threat, in addition
to having a hard core of meaning
of its own, is cherished as a part
of the economic and ideological
The Soviet government, not be-
ing responsible to its people after
the fashion of the democracies,
can devote as much of the national
BALTIMORE - A Methodist
bishop has praised the United
States as a land of spiritual quali-
Bishop Richard C. Raines of
Indianapolis said:
"One who has lived in England

income and national resources to
its military posture as it wishes.
Merely by doing so it forces the
democracies to keep pace, produc-
ing discontent and hoping to un-
dermine their economies.
* *
BY PRETENDING to fear a non-
existent threat of war initiative
from the West, the Soviet leaders
offer an answer to any complaints.
by the Soviet peoples over their
poor lot. At the same time they
seek to establish an alibi for a day
when they may consider war as a
last recourse.
Even the Hitler dictatorship of-
fered a plea of self-defense when
it invaded Poland.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dullesclaiming complete altruism
from the Arctic offer in the United

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