ok The Voice Of The Turtle Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This msus t.be noted in all reprints. IDAY, MAY 2, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KAATZ IKe's Hesitation at Brink of .Action Leaves U.S. Economy Floundering THE FORECAST for the "leveling out" of the recession has shifted from its last January prediction of "Late March" to a new guess of "late summer or early fall." But as employment across the country re- mains below normal and the cost of living continues to rise, the Administration, still hesi- tates to do anything concrete to reverse the trend. President Dwight D. Eisenhower has signed some recession-correcting measures but has expressed "misgivings" about most of them. With the approval of the $1,800,000,000 fed- eral construction increase bill, Ike sent an ac- companying statement in which he said the bill could ".. , create unfortunate precedents." But the recession is too dangerous to be treated with fear of possible "precedents." Per- haps a few precedents of action in situations of this sort would be a good thing. Senate majority leader Lyndon Johnson sum- med up the attitude of many Republicans re- cently when he said, .. . there are those who think we ought to just tell it (the recession) to go away."$ The highway bill was passed by Congress with Democratic support and votes. The Democrats have told President Eisenhower they will press ahead his admonition not to ". . . pass anti- recession legislation too hastily." Another bill, a $1,850,000,000 housing meas- ure, was pushed through recently by Democrats, the first in the series of bills planned they hope will combat the recession through legis- lation. THE ADMINISTRATION hasn't been wholly Inactive, however. The Federal Reserve Board dropped reserve requirements for both New York and Chicago banks by a total of one per cent in two half-percent drops. It cut other large-city reserves by one-half per cent. This. made a theoretical $450,000 available for bank loans and investments. But this was offset, at least partially, by the steady outflow of gold from the United States to Britain . . . nearly $600,000,000 in the past two months. Each dollar of gold of gold outflow removes one dolar from the reserves of private banks. The Administration must face up to the prob- lem at hand. It is already too late to stop the recession with words. No amount of reassurance will convince the American people that there is "nothing to worry about." They know that employment is down and that the cost of living still goes up. The banks of the United States contain all- time-high savings. The psychological problem set up will require concrete measures to reverse this trend and put those savings into circula- tion. As further evidence of the national concern, the recently released Rockefeller report offers a six-point program for ending the decline and creating a standard of living previously unattained anywhere. The 17 businessmen, economists, and educators who prepared the report should be respected by the White House in the form of at least some kind of immediate reaction. The problem cannot be ignored any longer. THE STATEMENT by D. Tennant Bryan, now president of the American Publishers Asso- ciation, that a temporary tax cut is not bene- ficial to the unemployed is not as perceptive as it might be. It is true that unemployed indi- viduals do not pay taxes on wages they do not earn, but the cut still would encourage invest- ment and expansion, which requires putting savings into circulation and thus helps create jobs. Confidence in rising employment relieves the pressure to save and the resulting chain reaction would go far in re-establishing pros- perity. Possibly the Democrats have been more active because they are the "outs" and the Republi- cans are the "ins," insofar as the presidency is concerned. The "'outs" are always anxious to take the spotlight and be the ,'saviours," much to the chagrin of the "ins." But regardless of political considerations, leadership is demanded now. The President mast do something to combat the recession besides simply reassuring every- one that everything will work out in the end. Perhaps someone should explain to him the economic fact of life that the economy can be manipulated to a more or less degree. Stimula- tion of commerce can be accomplished by the government and he must take action now before the economy deteriorates too far. -RALPH LANGER . - ." . " b qIO . .4c ~ - *O. 4-.-- SGC IN REVIEW: Action on Elections Clumsy, Helpful MAY FESTIVAL: Unexciting Program Be insCurrent Season THE SIXTY-FIFTH May Festival began last evening, with the Phila- delphia Orchestra expending its considerable talents on a collection of mostly second rate music. Although Schuman's "Credendum," was commissioned by the United States Government for UNESCO, this is probably not an accu- rate reflection of national musical tastes. This is a technically difficult work: first movement is an extensive brass fanfare, second movement a pretty, but amorphous affair, which may have been inspired by the UN. The Finale is quasi-melodic, with a collection of percussion effects keep- ing the boys in the back row busy. This is noticeably a derived work, with fragments of Schuman's teacher Roy Harris, along with Barber, Copland, and even Bloch peeking around the corners. " s LILY PONS returned to Ann Arbor, charming as ever, but lacking the remarkable voice of past years, to sing a program of songs. The first three were essentially trivial: two from Mozart in French, and one of those impossible soprano-flute duets. After intermission came an aria from Stravinsky's "Le Rossignol," an extremely effective piece of orchestration. This, together with Rach- maninoff's " Vocalise" is far better suited to Miss Pons vocal capabilities; she still has a good upper-middle register, even though her low notes (especially in "Vocalise") are often unclear, and high notes are occa- sionally shrill. Miss Pons is perhaps best known for her singing of the "Bell Song" from Lakme, and she retains much of the style of her earlier presenta- tions. To an ear long familiar with her recordings of the "Bell Song," there is still a great deal to admire here. Franck's ubiquitous Symphony in D minor seemed somehow longer and drearier than ever, even though Dr. Ormandy gave it an admirable performance. The superb string and brass tone of the orchestra wert never more evident. But even Pierre Monteux cannot bring new life tc the old D minor after the fifteenth hearing. An encore, Kent Kennen's "Night Soliloquy" presented the orchestra virtuoso, William Kincaid, in a strangely effective bit of dialog for solo flute and orchestra. IT SEEMS again that the principal failing of the May Festival is the programming. The emphasis is strongly shifted to the soloists, the performers, the names of the artists, and the musical content suffers accordingly. In the past, May Festival programs have featured some of the most significant music of current and past periods. It was difficult to get excited about the music of the program last evening, aside from the opportunity to hear this new work by Schuman. - David Kessel DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN. i ( 4 Hungarian Debt Remains Unpaid By THOMAS TURNER Daily Staff Writer STUDENT Government Council's action Wednesday night, in re- vising its administration of elec- tions, seemed to typify student legislation: well-conceived but ill- executed. In this case, however, it seems likely the 'results will be beneficial. Specifically, Jo Hardee's Election Evaluation Committee presented a series of recommendations on changing the elections setup. As these were presented, it turned out that one after another depended on a succeeding motion. Several tablings were needed, And President Maynard Gold- man was caught in the vicious circle of parliamentary procedure to the point of offering two apolo- gies to council members. Miss Hardee's first motion asked elimination of the 350 signatures now required on petitions for candidates. She listed two pur- poses behind the requirement: testing a candidate's sincerity and exposing a candidate to the elec- torate. She pointed out the "Ted Bomb" affair and the fact resi- dence hall rules prohibit door to door solicitation as facts belying these purposes. * * DEBATE on the measure con- tinued some time, Council mem- bers disagreeing as to whether petitioning would increase or de- crease SGC's prestige, whether or not petitioning deterred insincere candidates, whether collecting sig- natures did or did not take a great deal of time, whether or not the questions petitioners are asked have any value. Then acting Daily Editor Richard Taub moved to table the signatures motion, recog- nizing that the debate was center- ing on the value of an alternate course of action. The motion was tabled. Miss Hardee's next motion called for a compulsory candidate orien- tation program. It was swiftly ap- proved. The third motion dealt with making Elections Director a one- year post with the status of stand- ing committee chairman. Scott Chrysler pointed out wryly the Director might be "real disgusted" the second time. Burt Getz replied that one-year tenure and higher status would make the position more desirable. The motion carried. * * * GOLDMAN saw a similar tabling coming up if a seating procedure motion were presented before a motion proposing a Credentials and Rules Committee. Miss Har- dee moved to establish such a committee, consisting of three Council members not up for re- election as members. Taub moved to amend, putting all elected mem- bers not running for re-election on the committee and removing the ex-officios to keep the size down. He explained that appointing three members might cause "embarrass- ment and friction" since although the members appointed to the credentials group couldn't be up for election 'yet those appointing them could. The Council then passed the Credentials and Rules Committee motion and went on to consider the powers such a group would have. The first provision, that the committee be able to establish per- manent election rules, was turned down. The second, that the group be empowered to delegate author- ity, would, said Goldman, approxi- mate present conditions. It too passed with little debate. THE THIRD provision concerned would give the committee "author- ity to recommend to Student Gov- ernment Council that it disqualify a candidate who has committed an act against the election rules." Chrysler'stattempted amendment to substitute Joinit Judic as the body receiving the recommenda- tion was ruled out of order. Sub- sequent votes gave the rules com- mittee the right to determine eli- gibility of candidates beyond grade-point and to establish its own rules of procedure. The council then turned to vote on the rules committee motion as a whole and Goldman discovered that in voting on each part "ad seriatum" they had passed it all. The seating procedure motion passed and the motion to strike the petition requirement failed. Then the Council went on to con- sider the Campaigning Committee Report, which contained no rec- ommendations. A great deal of time had been spent, but as one Council member pointed out, SGC has taken added responsibility for handling its own affairs. A BOUT EIGHTEEN months ago, the citizens of Hungary gave the Western world a lesson in courage-a lesson which that world promptly forgot. But, as penance, for forgetting, the West effusively, almost over-generously, gave aid to those persons who were able to leave Hungary after their bid for freedom was ended. In the United States, President Dwight D. Eisenhower called for generous public support of a Red Cross drive to aid Hungarians on November 29, 1956. On December 15, the Presi- dent donated four million dollars from his emergency fund for refugee relief. Vice-Presi- dent Richard M. Nixon made a tour of the Hungarian relief camps in Austria. Nor was the University lacking in generosity. On November 28, 1956, the Faculty Senate urged faculty members to contribute to the relief fund. Three weeks later, the University offered two tuition grants to refugee students; Two Protestant churches, a landlady, and the four large student housing groups were con- tributing to support such students. Just after that Christmas vacation, the University ap- proved four English Language Institute grants and eight scholarships for the fall semester. Hillel and the Newman Club offered help. Before first semester final examinations, the University offered 24 ELI grants. But a year is a long time, and memories are short. The United Nations report on Hungary has been consigned to outer darkness as the West considers a Summit meeting.with attend- ant civilities toward the men of blood who deci- mated Hungary. It's been over a year now; it's all water under the bridge. Let's negotiate a little to ease tensions, and never mind the troops in Budapest. AT THE UNIVERSITY, memories are short too. For on April 23, 1958, a Hungarian refu- gee at the University said he has been told he would be given no more tuition money-the Hungarian fund is empty. Now the University certainly cannot go on forever supporting the Hungarians it admitted last year. Besides, the University budget has just been cut to a level far less than it hoped, or expected. But it is fair to question whether the University, like the rest of world, no longer has a contribution to make to men who knew how to fight for the truth and for freedom.' THE SITUATION recalls that when Czecho- slovakia fell to the Communists in 1948: the refugees from Gottwald were wined and dined royally for a year; by 1950 they were forgotten, and lucky to have jobs, let alone charity. Immediately after Hungary, a Czech student predicted rather cynically that the West's gen- erosity would last about a year, and then the whole affair would be forgotten, and the refu- gees so magnificently treated on arrival would be so many more international students, with no special message to the world. It is discour- agining to see how right he is turning out to be. -JOHN WEICHER The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 151 General Notices Students who expect to receive edu- catio nand training 'allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must fill in Monthly Certification for the Veterans Administration in the Office of veterans' Affairs, 555 Admin. Bldg., between 8:30 a.m. apd 3:30 p.m. by Tues., May 6. Inter-faith Awards for meritorious work in promoting a better under- standing among different religious faiths will be presented at 4:00 p.m., Fri., May 2, at the Lane Hall Library. All students are invited to attend. Women's Hours: women students will have 1:30 a.m. permission on Sat. night, May 3. Summary, minutes of Student Gov- ernment Council, April 30, 1958 .... .. Approved minutes of previous meet- ing. Approved appointments as follows: M-Handbook Committee: Bert Getz, Mort Wise. Michigan Region NSA Executive Com- mittee: Sue Rockne, Larry Solomon. Finance Committee: Mort Wise, Scott 4 BATISTA VICTORY UNCERTAIN: Cuban Rebel Leader Castro Determined To Wmin Chrysler, John Gerber, Fred Merrill, Jo Hardee. Forum: Barry Shapiro,-Lois Wurster, Dick Taub. Standing Committees: Student Acti- vities Committee, Phil Zook, Chairman; Fred Merrill, Associate Chairman; Pub- lic Relations, Ronald Bassey, Chair. man; David Kessel, Associate Chair- man; Education and Student Welfare, Ron Gregg, Chairman; Lois Wurster, Associate Chairman; National and In- ternational, Carol Holland, Chairman; Roger Seasonwein, Associate Chairman. Received reports on Cinema Guild, Campaigning Committee. Granted recognition : School of Nurs- ing Choir - Michigan Flyers, Inc.; This action was taken with cognizance of the special circumstances providing for temporary holding of office by a fac- ulty nember when no student quali- fies, and for extending the vote to Uni. verslty faculty or staff members. Approved: May 10, Arab Club pro- gram, Lane Hall. Took the following action on recoin. men dations from the Election Evalua- tion Committee: Defeated a motion calling for elim- ination of 350 signatures as a re- quirement for candidacy for Stu- dent Government Council. Approved a longer period of com- pulsory candidate orientation. Established the position of Election Director as a one-year position en- joying the status of the chairman of the four standing committees. Established a Credentials and Rules Committee whose actions shall be subject to SGC approval to be com- posed of elected Council members who are not standing for election. The duties to include 1) responsi- bility for enforcement of election rules, 2) to recommend to SGC that it disqualify a candidate who has committed an act against the elec- tion rules 3) determine eligibility of candidates beyond the requirement of academic eligibility 4) certify the election of SGC candidates. Established a procedure for seating newly elected Council members. Approved motions 1) that Student Government Council recommend that the definition of student quarters in the University regulation concerning possession of alcoholic beverages be changed to exclude private rooms, apartments and homes of students 21 years and over.n2) that SGC direct this recommendation to the Joint Judiciary Council and express its desire to have a representative present when JJS dis- cusses possible modifications of this rule with University Administrative Of- ficials. Defeated a motion calling for the es- tablishment of a committee to compile Cinema Guild policies to date and pre- sent this data to SGC together with any recommendations c o n c e r n i n g changes in Guild policy which it may deem necessary. Lectures Psychiatry and Religion" will be the topic of discussion presented by Dr. Waldo Bird, Assoc. Prof. of Psychiatry, at 4:30 p.m., Fri., May 2, at the Coffee Hour of the Office of Religious Affairs, Lane Hall. Sixty-eighth Annual Northern Ora- torical League contest will be held at 8:00 p.m. Fri., May 2, Aud. A, Angell Hall. Louis Susman, '59, will represent the Univ. of Mich. Other speakers will be from the State Univ. of Iowa, Univ. of Minn. Northwestern Univ., Western Reserve Univ. and Univ. of W.isc. Open to the public with no admission charge. Student-Faculty Debate: "Can Social Work Escape Middle-Class values?" Faculty: Professors Freud and Meyer; Students: Chris Jacobson and Joe Hef- fernan. Mon., May 5, at 7:30 p.m., Rm. 4065, Frieze Bldg. Sponsored by the student.-faculty committee, school of .A k C l kI INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Americans in Asia By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst ALL THE UNDERDEVELOPED countries are familiar with the soldiers of fortune who go around fighting in revolutions, whether through altruism or to pick up a fast buck. Sooner or later they begin to embarrass their native countries, which have little or no control over them. Now, because an unproved charge has been made that Americans are aiding the Indonesian rebels, President Dwight D. Eisenhower feels constrained to reassure the Jakarta central government of this country's neutrality. THIS REASSURANCE goes, however, to a government of which the United States is not at all sure. Indeed, the charge itself seems to have been THE JAKARTA government realizes, however, that acceptance of Communist aid can only increase the Western belief that it leans toward the Reds in the cold war. Not only has President Sukarno accepted arms aid, but he has been playing footsie with the local Communists for a long time. This might be accepted in the West, as the Sukarno forces would like to have it accepted, as a local political maneuver. It is designed, they say, to bridge an unstable period. This period was produced by the revolt against Dutch economic interests before they could be replaced by Indonesian economic interests. FOR MORE than a year, however, since Presi- dent Sukarno's visit to the United States, the Soviet Union and Red China, he has taken the line that he must follow the course of the (EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer of the following article, along with Daily Editorial Director James Els- man, Jr., spent nearly a week in Cuba during Spring vacation.) By BARTON HUTHWAITE Daily Staff Writer MEAGER REPORTS from for- eign correspondents covering strife-torn Cuba foretold an early end to rebel leader Fidel Castro's "movimiento del 26 de julio." The bearded, 31-year-old insur- gent was given only several weeks before he and his approximately 1,000 "freedom fighters" would be either killed or captured. Recent dispatches from Santi- ago de Cuba, the rebel hotspot, and now-quiet Havana supported their glum predictions. Castro's "total war" of two weeks ago fizzled miserably. FRANTIC pleas broadcast over Havana's largest television station for a general strike failed to per- suade workers to leave their jobs. Planted bombs failed to explode, smuggled arms shipmenst failed to arrive on time - or not at all - and insurgent fighters dis- played only weak resistance to Cuban President Fulgencio Ba- tista's organized soldiers. But in spite of his miserable showing, Castro continues to fight to his aid. Castro's cause is the cause of the thousands of students awakened to the gross injustices of the Batista regime, who have fought for him. Castro's followers number con- siderably more than the motley band of soldiers fighting at his side. His support comes mainly from the middle-class of the Cu- ban socio-economic society. Batista finds support in the lower-class Cubans. The peddler on the street, the peasant farmer and the soldier blindly follow the dictator Batista and for good rea- son. The beloved "presidente" gives the peddler business by bringing thousands of American tourists to the island to spend their money on hand-made trinkets. The peas- ant, largely oblivious to the poli- tical ideologies sweeping across the country, has no interest ex- cept in the current sugar prices and the comfort of his thatched hut. - * * * THIS LEAVES the last and strongest of Batista's followers-- the soldier. The Cuban soldier is not at all like his American coun- terpart. Uneducated and indiffer- ent, he blindly joins his idol's ranks for $35 a month and the priviledges that come with being in uniform. He is indoctrinated with the at- titude that the revolutionaries are evil; and pose a threat to the lov- ing attention they and other loyal followers receive from Batista. He is told Batista and only Batista is right. A sign on a captain's desk in Santiago de Cuba's Cuartel Mon- cada fortressemphasizestheir loyalty. It declares, "Yesterday you were with Batista; Today you are with Batista and Tomorrow you WILL be with Batista. Castro cannot hope to sway the cy and Fidel Castro will come when the uneducated masses awaken to the gross injustices of their present dictator. But Fidel Castro is not a man to give up the military battle so easily. In every major city, he has contacts and sympathizers await- ing the word to strike major gov- ernment positions. * * C MONETARY contributions con- tinue to pour in from all parts of the island and the United States. The money is handed from one sympathizer to the next until it eventually reaches Castro's pur- chasing sources in the United States. One Cuban University student, her identity anonymous, described the process this way. "I would col- lect money from ten of my friends," she said. "It would then be passed to a contact ... I didn't even know his name. He would hand it along the line until it reached New York." Once for nationalization of Cuba's U.S.-owned power and telephone companies, Castro now advocates amplified social securi- ty, along with speeded-up indus- trialization, to fight the chronic joblessness. The handful of communists within his ranks have little or no 1' 11 A. k4 ;. ; + .