"Ill Have The Law On You" Sixty-Eighth Year - f °EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. 0 'HURSDAY, MAY 1, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: BARTON HUTH WAITE --move --goo AT THE STATE ,Tong Hot Summer Successful Sizzle The decadent South has risen again, to new heights of sweat soaked emotion, but in a more articulate manner than some of its sensual predecessors. William Faulkner's story, the chronicle of a wealthy Mississippi family that dominates its small town, is powerfully trans- mitted to the screen. The plot is a taut suspension of characters in continuous struggle, each family member fighting for different values. The father, Will Varner, is an overbearing patriarch who manipulates human beings and business transactions with equanimity. His compelling personality has forced his daughter, Clara, twenty-three and unmarried (we know what this means in the South), and his older son, Jody, into dependent positions. But the dependence is qualified by the fact that Clara is a fighter, and Jody, a parasite, who lives with his skittish young wife in the family home and runs the store for Papa. Varner wants to marry school teacher Clara off at any price, including, selling her to a young oportunist, Ben Quick, who despite his shadowy past, has maneuvered his way into the family circle. Both Varner and Quick are unscrupulous, but Clara, sensitive and intelligent, will not be sold in order to perpetuate the Varner line, which is all that Papa really desires. The story reaches its rather involved climax when Ben moves into the mansion, usurping Jody's role as the son; Jody sets Soviet Economic Progress Offers Firm Challenge WHILE United States economists glumly pre- diet no end to the recession in the near fu- ture and the United Nations Security Council debates the Arctic military inspection, the So- viet Union is challenging America on a new front - and winning. Soviet economic progress poses a danger po- tentially stronger than nuclear arms and in- tercontinental ballistic missiles. Allen W. Dulles, Director of the Central In- telligence Agency, has warned that the rate of Soviet economic growth now is roughly twice as great as that of the United States. But his statement went for the most part unheeded. Americans seem more concerned about their own economic stability td be concerned with Russia's advancements in this field. United States businessmen are more concerned with finding a receptive American market for their products than with Russia's subtle attempts to gain a foothold in the Western Europe trade markets. DUILES cited several alarming facts to sub- stantiate his concern about the Russians' economic growth. The Communists could ex- port about 2,000,000 barrels of crude oil per day. The USSR has developed an attractive package credit to stimulate economic trade- long term loans. These loans are generally for twelve years at 2.5 per cent interest rates with repayment in surplus commodities and room for bargaining on prices.; The Kremlin is using Russias rapidly in- creasing and stable economy as a powerful trade and propaganda tool. If the Soviets could gain a sufficient foothold in the trade . markets of Western Europe, countries badly in need of raw materials could easily become dependent on the Reds for their industrial necessities. While this may not be true yet, Saits or W VERBAL DRIVEL which has flowed be- tween Washington and Moscow over the disarmament problem gives strength to 4 sus- picion that mutual trust has reached its low- est level. Three weeks ago, the Soviets announced sus- lension of nuclear testing, and appealed to the United States to follow their example. Shortly, the Eisenhower-team, which won in '56 with "Peace, Progress, and Prosperity," came forth with its considered opinion: the Soviet suspension, in the words of Mr. Eisen- hower, was "just a side issue ... a gimmick not to be taken seriously." Not to be outdone by the Russians, the United States this week came up with a dis- Town Talk In explaining the Ann Arbor Transit Com- pany's action in raising student bus fare from 15 to 20 cents, co-ordinator John Rae indicated the raise partly stems from complaints by non- student passengers. He related that many people argue that stu- dents are just as large as adults and "seem to have just as much money." The first assump- tion may be correct. Perhaps Ann Arbor's belief in the second may help explain to state legisla- tors why the University's enrollment last September fell over 1,000 students below pre- dictions. -M.K. it could easily develop into one of the USSR's strongest tools in their scheme to gain world power. By withholding supplies or dumping certain commodities on the market, they could dictate the economies of the dependent West- ern European countries and subsequently their political freedom. Propaganda value is the second and more short-range advantage the Russians enjoy in their ability to boost their economy at a phe- nomenal rate. Combined with the present econ- omic instability in the United States, the USSR's startling rice from a poor, underdevel- oped agricultural nation to the second most powerful country in the world stands as an ef- fective propaganda weapon. The underdevel- oped countries of Asia and Africa look to the Soviet Union for a solution to their industriak problems. As Central Intelligence Director . Dulles termed it, "They seem to feel that the Kremlin has found a new and magic formula for quick industrialization which is the hallmark of be- coming a modern state." THE AMERICAN business recession does not provide the still underdeveloped countries with much assurance as to the democracy's value in economic matters. While they realize the United States may still be the biggest econ- omic power in the world, they also recall the. process took over 10Qyears to accomplish. The threat of an all-out war has been re- duced considerably by the balance of nuclear power between the United States and the USSR. But the Soviets have discovered a bet- ter and more profitable method to gain their ends. As Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev re- cently said, "To the slogan that says, 'Let us arm,' we reply with the slogan, 'Let us trade.' " -BARTON HUTHWAITE ar-Mongers?. armament proposal of its own: world inspec- tion of the Arctic as a means of choking the threat of surprise attack. But this time it was the Soviets who backed off. "Sheer publicity," scoffed Andrei Gromyko. Underlying reasons, for the two nations views are easily recognizable. The United States regards its nuclear arsenal as a chief deterrent to war. Washington feels, that stripped of its atomic breastplate, the nation would be on the brink of destruction. The Soviets, on the oth- er hand, are afraid of American inspection planes cruisingover the Arctic, virtually at the Russian frontier. Fear and lack of confidence prevail today. Trust is less than a shadow. The United States is going to continue its testing, in order to make its bombs cleaner, John Foster Dulles says. It's for humanity's sake, he adds. The Soviets will soon resume testing under the pretense that the United States has refused its suspension proposal. It reminds one of the "monkey see, monkey do" phrase. Out of the debate comes a constant clamor, growing more insistent, more stifling: with bigger and better bombs, the world will scurry to our door. At the same time comes the frightened plea for peace. As Strontium 90 fills the air, Russia and the United States have somehow reconciled these two completely con- tradictory ideas. .... Hypocrites. -THOMAS HAYDEN rm SaLb '- - - \ ,2..~ }k Lt', . :. a ,' ,+ti ,' '2 ' . 'i: : i a 'i7 ;', iy°. S', A p T-W-ASA NO~CO. SOVIET REPORT: Russians Take New Approach By 'rhe Associated Press ALLEN DULLES, director of the Central Intelligence Agency and brother of the Secretary of State, has given the nation one of the clearest picture to date of the type of war being conducted by the Soviet Union. Citing the rapid Soviet indus- trial advance, Dulles links it with the ideological war and discounts the prospect of military war. Nevertheless, he estimates com- bined Chinese-Soviet steelproduc- tion-traditional measures of war capacity-as now surpassing that of the United States. He in no way discounts the need for maintain- ing the free world's war capacity. * * * DULLES points out, without comparison of United States policy, that Russian foreign aid is dis- tributed not with specific regard for the possibilities of assimilating new countries, but we regard to making trouble for the West. The recently liberated countries feel, he says, that the Kremlin has found a new and magic formu- la for quick industrialization" and that the processes of democratic industrialization are too slow. They also feel, which he didn't say, that the United States was richly endowed, whereas, however, wrong the idea may be, the Rus- sians have done much with little. * * * THE LIBERATED countries are not , so prone to consider that Soviet technological advances have been based on the trial and error of earlier development elsewhere. Even recognizing, however, that the Soviet Union has made tre- mendous strides, there is a, certain amount of comfort to be drawn from Dulles' estimate that the Kremlin is depending more on economics and subversion than on military power. Saving the world from com- munism at the risk of its almost total destruction has never offered an alluring picture to the West. By choosing economic warfare, the Russians have entered into an arena in which the West should be at home. * * * CHINA and the Soviet Union may have a labor force of 400 million, but the pro rata division of industrial skills is overwhelm- ingly in favor of the European- American force of less than 200 million. The gross national product in 1955 of the United States and its six Western European allies totaled some 565 billion dollars against the estimated 135 for the Soviet Union. Their steel production is still twice as large, even with the United States recession and Rus- sian gains. In 1956 it was Europe, Britain, and the United States 181 million tons, Russia 49 million. In 1956 coal production was: Europe, Britain and the United States, 955 million tons; Russia, 304 million. These are the figures from the battlefield. * * * THE SOVIET Union is coming up. It is richly endowed with re- sources. The economic battle will turn on how well the West utilizes its surplus strength in the imme- diate future to mobilize addition- al areas for its ideals. If the West does win this battle, the question then will revert to the early days after World War II. Would the Soviet dictatorship then turn to a Hitler-like grasp- ing for all or nothing? fire to the barn, with father inside, in order to save the little self re- spect he has, but saves the old man; and, Ben turns good, which is the nicest bit of incongruity in the movie. Surprisingly, and, for the story line, unfortunately, the film has a positive ending. , , , Strong character development and actual characterization are the most excellent aspects of the film. Faulkner's people are well defined individuals who operate in the limited sphere of a shifting en- vironment. They are ensnared in the web of. family emotions, like the ducks in a shooting gallery, who are forever moving, but going nowhere, only to reappear in the same place, with the same futile arguments and conflicts. Orson Welles is magnificent as the powerful father who has sub- merged his family in his own machinations. The beauty of Welles' portrayal is in its complete understanding and interpretation of a complex role, delivered fluent- ly. Joanne Woodward, as the harrassed daughter, has a clean purposeful clarity in her charac- terization. As Ben Quick, Paul Newman is extremely competent, but too consistent in the super- ficialities, and not the depth, of his character. The major weakness of the film was its melodramatic handling of the story line. Basic elements of plot were obscured by overempha- sis on emotional ferocity, and a completely unplausible Hollywood ending, with everyone settling down into matrimonial bliss and mint juleps. -Sandy Edelman AT THE MICHIGAN: 6Macab lP' Is Macabre ACCORDING TO advertising, which one must read with cau- tion, "Macabre" was written by 12 famous authors of mystery and terror. If the film is any indication of the meanderings of their collec- tive unconscious, one fears for the trade. The predominating theme of "Macabre" is necrophilia, pure and simple. The procession of coffins, graves, tombstones, corpses in various stages of decomposition, bottles of embalming fluid, funer- als, and violent deaths which is marched on stage is, within my memory, unequaled. Unfortunately, the producers cannot resist a chance to back away slightly from the pure horror tradition, so that "Macabre" is not quite as gruesome as it might have been. But it will do. While "Macabre" is not nearly so terrifying as some of the early "Frankenstein" films and is not nearly as nauseating as "The Mon- ster Eater," certainly the general level of acting in it is, distinctly better than one finds in other contemporary horror films. Jim Backus as the police chief, for instance, is not really bad. This is unusual. Ordinarily everyone is bad. The cemetery scenes are light- ed well. And the horror is brought off effectively. Mostly, though, one sits and waits for something to happen. No one died during the Wednes- day afternoon performance. * , * "HELL'S FTVE HOURS," is straight suspense, with good loca- tion shots. Things look pretty grim when a madman starts wan- dering around the grounds of the Exiter Fuel Company with a dyna- mite bomb strapped to his tummy. There are three million gallons of rocket fuel in the works, and the first shock will be bad news for the Pentagon. Meanwhile, back at the control room, workmen are pumping all the fuel to another plant, a hun- dred miles away. But it will take five hours. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Dailyaassumes'no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administratin Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 150 General Notices There will be an International Cen- ter Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the International Students Association this Thurs., May 1, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the International Center. A Visit to the Girls Training School at Adrian is open to any interested students on Thurs., afternoon, May 1 (under the auspices of Soc. 159, Juve- nile Delinquency). Busses will leav the Bell Tower at 1:00 p.m. and return at 5:00. Reservations may be made in advance by signing up on the Sociology Dept.bulletin board, fifth floorof Haven Hall. Total cost $1.00. All students who expect education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea, G.I. Bill) or Publi Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) -must get in- structors' signatures at last class meet- ings in April on Dean's Monthly Certi- fication form and turn the completed form in to Dean's office by 5:00 p.m., Fri., May 2. Inter-faith Awards for meritorious work in promoting a better under- standing among different religious faiths will be presented at 4:00 p.m., Fri., May 2, at the. Lane Hall Library. All students are invited to attend. The following student-sponsored >so- cial events have been approved for th coming weekend: May 2: Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Gam- ma Delta, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Del- ta, Delta Phi Epsilon, Delta Theta Phi Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Siga, Tau Delta Phi, Triangle, Zeta Beta Tau. May 3: Acacia, Adams House, Alpha Chi (Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Psi, Cooley, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Huber, Lambda Chi Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Rho Sigma, l:hi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, P Lambda Phi, P Lamb- da Phi,* Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Stock- well, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Tu Delta Phi, William, Zeta Psi. May 4: Delta Theta Phi. Late Registration May 2: Armenian Students Associa- tion, Triangle. May 3: Psi Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Trigon. Lectures A social seminar of the Michigan Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration will be held on Thurs,, May 1, at 8 p.m., in the East Conference Room of Rackham Bldg. Jane weidiund, programme officer with the United Nations, will speak on "United Nations Organization and Ad- ministration. Lecture: Visiting Professor of Edu- cation Edgar B. Wesley will deliver the annual history of education lecture on Thurs., May 1 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. His topic will be "40 Acres and a Mule and a Bpeller." The lecture is under the auspices of the School of Education and the Dept. of History. Psychiatry and Religion" will be the topic of discussion presented by Dr. Waldo Bird, Assoc. Prof. of Psychiatry, at 4:30 p.m., Fri., May 2, at the Coffee Hour of the Office of Religious Affairs, Lane Hall. Lecture: Dr. Fritz Ursel, senior fel- low of King's College, Cambridge, now visiting professor at Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, will give a lec- ture on "Edge Wayes," Thurs, May 1, at 3:00 p.m.in Rm. 311, W. Engrg. The lecture is under the auspices of the College of Engineering and the De- partment of Engineering Mechanics. Sixty-eighth Annual Northern Ora- torical League contest will be held at 8:00 p.m. Fri.. May 2, Aud. A, Angell Hall. Louis Susman, '59, will represent the Univ. of Mich. Other speakers will be from the State Univ. of Iowa, Univ. of Minn. Northwestern Univ., Western Reserve Univ. and Univ. of Wisc. Open. to the public with no admission charge. Concerts May Festival Concerts in Hill Audi- toium presented by the University Mu- sical Society. Thurs., May 1, 8:30 p.m. Soloist: Lily Pons, coloratura soprano, in songs and operatic arias. Schuman's "Credendum"; and Franck Symphony in D minor. Eugene Ormandy Conduc- tor. For tickets or information call Hill Auditorium Box Office daily from 9:Cr a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and after 7:00 p.m. Academic Notices i i ip, I t I A.i '4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Dean's Letter Draws Comment\ INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Hammarskjold's A ctions By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst F OR THE FIRST TIME a secretary general of the United Nations has appeared before the Security Council, in the role of spokesman for world opinion, to take sides on a direct issue between two great powers. Observers of Dag Hammarskjold's regime, despite his addiction to quiet diplomacy, have been wondering if it might happen, and what might be the effect on his future if he did. Hammarskjold's appearance Tuesday night was not a precedent in itself in the long-stand- ing contention of both himself and Trygvie Lie, Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor JAMES ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHRGANG Editorial Director City Editor DONNA HANSON... ...... Personnel Director CAROL PRNS ................... Magazine Editor EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director WILLIAM HANEY .................... Features Editor ROSE PERLBERG .................... Activities Editor FAMES BAAD .............................Sports Editor BRUCE BENNE T........... Associate Sports Editor JOHN HILLYER ............... Associate Sports Editor DIANE FRASER ........ Assoc. Activities Editor THOMAS BLUES .......... Assoc. Personnel Director BRUCE BAILEY ...............tiChief Photographer Business Staff his predecessor, that the secretary general is more than merely an administrative officer. Lie appeared before the council in 1950 to denounce the Communists as aggressors in Korea. Ham- marskjold spoke on the Egyptian question in 1956, and recently praised the Soviet suspension of atomic tests at a news conference, But this is the first time the administrative officer has endorsed one specific resolution as opposed to another. He supported the United States proposal for international inspection in the Arctic as against the Soviet suggestion that the question be referred to the proposed summit conference. The Soviet Union tried to cut Lie's throat after the Korean business, and he eventually resigned under the pressure. Their new atti- tude toward Hammarskjold has not yet been revealed. HERETOFORE Hammarskjold has seemed to work on the theory that when he took any initiative, as he has a number of times, he not only needed the broad support of UN delegates but must also avoid direct conflict with the United States or the Soviet Union. His chief efforts have been as mediator, to keep negotiations open. He is such an idealist that close observers doubted he was moved by any though that the United States resolution would be another step, such as the UN Emergency Force, in enhancing To the Editor: SEVERAL assumptions and state- ments in Dean Bacon's letter concerning Mrs. Hillary Bissell are a source of deep concern to many of us who are currently seeking to have the University be "all that it should be" as an institution of higher learning and representative of the people of Michigan. Primar- ily, Dean Bacon asumed that Mrs. Bissell is a Negro woman. This assumption is apparently based on Mrs. Bissell's identifica- tion with the NAACP. May I re- mind Miss Bacon and others, that NAACP was founded by an inter- racial group, and has continued be so for 49 years of outstanding accomplishments in the field of social action. Miss Bacon also assumed that only Negroes and/or economically depressed persons have a history of being interested in civil rights. This must be the reason for her somewhat mystifying excursion into the way one Hillary Rarden got through the University. Mrs. Bissell states that she was not employed as a student, but did, during her senior year, "have the privilege of participating in what I think was the first cooperative on campus-a cooperative dining hall on State Street." Some additional biographical notes on Mrs. Bissell might be of interest. She was of the class of '34, a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, an Earhart $cholar, and a third generation U of M student, having been pre- ceded, by her parents and her grandfather here. Her son, Torre Bissell, '60, was one of five fourth generation students entering the the threat of legal action by her "wise" father and uncle. To say that there was no University dor- mitory for Negro women, as did Miss Bacon, only masks the issue, and is an appeal to the correct "usage ofnlanguage." The big is- sue is that no University housing, separate or otherwise, was pro- vided for Negro women, although all other freshmen women were required to live in dormitories. Mrs. Bissell is joined in her interest in the field of civil rights by her husband, who is of the well-known Bissell Carpet Sweeper Co. family, and many other promi- nent civic leaders, whose aware- ness of the implications of present University room assignment poli- cies we should hope to be excelled only by that of the Dean of Wom- en at the University. -Berkley B. Eddins, Grad. Garble . * To the Editor: In my letter in yesterday's Daily, one of the quotations appeared in a rather garbled form. This quo- tation should have been as fol- lows: "Dr. Davis: I wanted to ask Pro- fessor Campbell a while ago and failed to, whether this hearing is limited to the charges? "Chairman Campbell: Not neces- sarily. "Dr. Davis: It is not limited to the written charges? "Chairman Campbell: I don't think so." -Edwin E. Moise Professor of Mathematics WCBN... To the Editor: cials or, for that matter, ever been within a WCBN studio for, any extended time. His knowledge, therefore, would seem to be based on hearsay alone. WCBN will be the first to admit that it has problems. We believe all student organizations do. But in order to criticize intelligently, we feel both Mr. Seder and The Daily must have some knowledge of what they are criticizing. This year. WCBN has not been the focus of a major news article. While we recognize full well the problems a medium of mass-com- munication has fending off pub- licity-seekers, we find it difficult to believe that an organization with nearly 200 members is com- pletely lacking in any newsworthy activity. Had Mr. Seder taken the time to investigate WCBN, he would have found a rather complex organiza- tion setup in which three sharply distinctive organizations have formed an amalgamation, the net- work, to provide facilities which the individual stations cannot or should not provide. Mr. Seder would find that the three stations operate under strict budgets under the supervision of the quadrangle councils. The network, too, oper- ates on a budget system which must be flexible to allow for changes in business and expense conditions. Mr. Seder certainly has the right to criticize whatever form of or- ganization WCBN has chosen to have. This does not, however, give him 'the right to editorial irre- sponsibility in which he denies that the organization exists. As it happens, we of WCBN feel that the~ rabiiti f A , z irlAv,1. nfii#.vrn '1 g k4.l A-1 '