Sif riga i t Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" "By The Way, Don't Expect 100% Cooperation" -M Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Summit Conferees Minor Obstacle By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst The major morning papers and government officials of Britain have agreed informally that inclusion of Poland and Czechoslovakia in pre- liminary talks about a summit conference would be a minor matter compared with getting on with the negotiations. This cuts the ground out from under one American objection, that the controlled voices of the Soviet satellites should not be equated with those of Britain and France in the current negotiations or later at meetings of foreign ministers or chiefs of state. Because France is in another government crisis and because public interest is centered almost entirely on the Alg'erian problem, reaction there is fragmentary. If Britain and the United States agree, France will go along. The Soviet Union wants Poland and Czechoslovakia not only as a matter of protocol, as it wanted White Russia and the Ukraine in the EDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER Criticism of High Court Deserve Careful Study. ;,. EVER SINCE the time of John Marshal, the Supreme Court has frequently been charged with attempting to legislate through court de- cree. At present, the attacks against the Court are rather intense; therefore, Americans must now nationally review the Court and its func- tions in order to determine if the Court, as such, shall be preserved or if its fundamental character should be changed. The organization .of our government pre- sents somewhat of a paradox. In one respect the Supreme Court is at the mercy of the oth- er two branches of government. The executive branch appoints its members, and the legisla- tive branch appropriates operating funds, de- crees the size of the country's entire Court System and, to a degree, defines the scope of the Court's appellate power. TN ADDITION the Court is bound by custom not to speak in its own defense. But, on the other hand, the Court does have tremendous power: from a judicial point of view the fun- damental law of the land says only what the, majority of the Justices interpret it to mean. This, :in effect, makes the Justices perpetual framers, or more accurately, re-framers of the Constitution. Few if any people would say - or would dare to say that the Supreme Court does not have enough power - but many have claimed that it has too much power. There are, no doubt, a few serious students of American government who believe that our court system, particular- ly the Supreme Court, is tyrannical, and there also are, no doubt, a large number of authori- ties who have comparatively minor, specific inovations which they favor., The Supreme Court is accused of trying to legislate through court decree. This is the old standard argument; first hurled at the Mar- shall'Court, and picked up at convenient in- tervals ever since. There are some men who, over a long period of time, advocate this argu- ment. But when this argument of legislation by court decree is advanced by politicians or other -men deeply involved in current affairs it takes on a specious aspect. r][MIS ARGUMENT can be - and is - used by anyone of any political bent when he is dissatisfied with the philosophy of the (then) present Court. For example, the arguments presently being advanced by Conservatives is almost precisely the same as that which was advanced, by the New Deal Liberals in the early 1930's. Yet in the 1930's the Conserva- tives defended the Court - now the Liberals defend it. If this is so, it would seem safe to assume that neither group really wants to see any basic, permanent change in the structure of the Court. Why then are proposals of the Eastlan-Lawrence-FDR type to drastically change the basic character of the Supreme Court issued? One possible reason is a sense of panic, that the country is falling apart right now and something must be done and we can afford to worry later about the problems that we might create. This may be true to a certain extent, but there is also a very practical, rational reason for these attacks. These proposals bring tre- mendous pressure to bear on the, Justices to at least somewhat alter their views. This meth- od on occasion, has succeeded dramatically, and, of necessity it must give the Justices something to think about. THE WARREN Court has been charged with basing its decisions - particularly its de- segregation decisions - on Social Science. It is interesting to note that Justice Holmes was frequently, in the early part of this century, 'criticized for basing his decisions on Litera- ture rather than on Law. These criticisms cll be resolved quite simply. Fortunately, the Jus- tices of the Supreme Court are generally quite literate. These gentlemen find-it desirable -- perhaps necessary - to explain their decisions in greater dimension than merely the techni- cal aspect of the law. To do this the Justices use every resource at their command, including Literature and Social Science. There' are many proposals concerning the Court which deserve close consideration, but the present reactionary proposals such as East- land's and Lawrence's must be regarded as either panic reactions or political maneuver- ing. --JAMES SEDER United Nations. Sometime during the negotiation the Russians will want to make a play, on the Polish proposal for a central European zone cleared of nuclear weapons, to go along with their own pro- posal for withdrawal of foreign armies from the area. These proposals can be expected to take on additional bargaining weight now that President Dwight D. Eisenhower has proposed inter- national inspection as a means of lessening the threat of surprise atomic attack across the Arctic and thereby decreasing mutual fear. During the past weekend Presi- dent Eisenhower and Khrushchev both renewed their pledges to seek agreement, indicating that the preliminary negotiations may get out of the doldrums into which they have fallen since the first contact between Foreign Minister Gromyko and the Western am- bassadors. a LETTERS TO THE EDITOR : AAUP Leaders Stir Examination Churchill May Revive Cooperation FOR THE PAST twelve years an increasing climate of tension has been kindling be- tween the United States and her once closest ally Great Britain., This tragedy may very well have a decided effect upon the future of not only these two nations, but the entire free world, which looks to them for leadership and guidance. While relations between the United States and Britain has improved greatly over what is was this time a year ago, nevertheless they still fall far short of the bi-national harmony fostered during the last world war. The military, spiritual, moral and scientific contribution of these two nations can hardly be overemphasized. Without them NATO would disintegrate and the less powerful Western allies might despair and desert. Yet, in spite of this, we continue to jeopardize the con- gruity, which is at the very heart of the free world's existence. THE FAULT cannot be placed entirely on either country, but must be faced by both parties realistically. Disputes arising over minor points of foreign policy and mutual jealousy must not be allowed to continue if freedom is to continue. Ever since the period immediately following the Second World War friction between the U.S. and England has been brewing. At that time England saw through the whitewash of Soviet propaganda to the imperialistic desires of the Kremlin bosses. The United States, in order not to hurt the feelings of our "great ally' Russia, thought it expedient to appease her rather than join Britain in condemning deeds of Soviet aggression. As it turned out, we might have prevented the "cold war." Our mistake was serious. So was the precedent which was set. Since then there have been few instances of congruity between Great Britain and the U.S. NOT LONG AFTERWARDS we erected barriers against exchange of scientific in- formation and probably set back England's atomic progress by several years. The airfields that were leased to America on the British Isles were closed to British use and operation. We opposed the diplomatic recognition of Red China, though they recognize the government. Fortunately the tension and disconcord has been alleviated to a small degree, due, in large measure, to Sir Winston Churchill's negotiations with and intended visit to the United States. It is hoped that in the future friendship be- tween these two great nations will continue on the road to recovery and that once again common goals will be approached with common policies and the petty quarrels and selfish motivations will evaporate. -RICHARD CONDON To the Editor: THE faculty dismissals in 1954, for which the University has just been censured by the nation- al AAUP, were very complicated m a t t e r s. Understandably, the brief account in Sunday's Daily allowed a number of' .crucial points to remain obscure. I would like to straighten out a few of these. The University administration claims that Communist Party membership, in itself, is grounds for dismissal; and the AAUP be- lieves that it is not. But this dis- agreement enters the picture in an indirect and peculiar fashion. There was no substantial evi- dence that Prof. Nickerson was a Communist Party member at the time of his dismissal, or that he had been during the preceding few years; indeed, the Campbell Committee made a finding of fact to the contrary. For this reason, the AAUP objected not only that the University's princiles were faulty, but that they did not ap- ply to the Nickerson case. The reasoning in the Davis case was strange and rather unexpect- ed. There was no substantial evi- dence in the record that Dr. Davis had ever been a Communist Party member. The most that the Campbell committee said on this, in its report, was that such a charge "might conceivably be said to exist in the record." The justification given for the dis- missal was as follows: Party mem- bership is in itself grounds for dismissal (or very nearly so.) Therefore, refusal to cooperate in such interrogations is grounds for dismissal. Under these principles you can dismiss a man, on the ground that Communism is a dismissal of- fense, without having to claim that the man being dismissed is a Communist. This is approximate- ly what happened to Dr. Davis. (I Michipraise . .. To the Editor: RALPH Langers' article on the Michigras parade in Saturday's Daily seemed to be cut in half. His criticisms of the mistakes and faults were correct, yet a lot of praise was due many units- and none was given. Surely of the 72 units, something must have been exciting. The 520 unpaid entertainers representing seven high school de- served some mention, some thanks. Surely the red-uniformed, high stepping majorettes of Bedford High of the precision and excel- lence of our own Ann Arbor High were merituous enough to receive a sentence in your article. ^t takes weeks of practice, in- volving many hours by these stu- dents and their band directors to be able to participate in an affair like Michgras. They play for trans- portation here and back. And we give them no real rewards unless a trophy is the limit of our thanks. Surely if no other units deserved mention these 520 entertainers de- served yours, and all of Michigras' praise. --Jeff Jenks, '61 Co-Chairman of Bands Parade Committee say "approximately," because there was another charge, to be discussed below.)- * * * IT IS generally supposed that Comunist Party membership was the only issue involved in these cases. Indeed, the President had said that political opinions, as such, were within the sacred pre- cincts of freedom of thought. Un- fortunately, this restriction did not govern the proceedings of the Campbell Committee. On page 3 of the transcript of Davis' final hearing, we find the following passage: "CHAIRMAN CAMPBELL: I think I might say as far as repre- senting myself, that whatever questions the president may have been raising with you in his let- ter, the questions which come' to me in my reading of the material here are of this kind .. . "1) Were you a member of the Communist Party or a fellow trav- eler at the time you signed the oath when you came to the Uni- versity? "2) Are you currently a mem- ber of the Communist Party or a fellow traveler? "3) Are you honest in your as- sociations with the University? "It seems to me that these are all relevant to the interests of this committee." It is to be hoped that political opinion lies in the sacred pre- cincts of freedom of thought. But Leaders . . To the Editor: AS ONE who works with a num- ber of student-governing and student-governed groups I should like to respond to the ideas about student government expressed in the recent interview of one of SGC's retiring ex-officios. He was quoted as follows: "A lot of people don't seem to realize those people in the admin- istration building and in the dean's office have been here a long time and have probably forgotten more than 'campus leaders' ever knew about student activities and what is best for the University community. "I think we are extremely fortu- nate as students here to have an administration which allows us to set up an SGC such as ours." 1 It seems to me that the present health of SGC is a tribute to those of its members who be- lieve that students have something unique to offer and to those ad- ministrators who have not taken advantage of student faith in ad- ministrative omniscience. 2) Student leadership is not automatically conferred upon one who is elected to a high student position, but is the product of a faith in students, in acceptance of 'student responsibility within all phases of the educational com- munity, the ability to communi- cate the concerns of students and the desire to translate'those con- cerns into action for the better- ment of the community. 3) Those who are student lead- ers within SGC, The Daily, et al, must now welcome to their ranks those from the Congregational- Disciples Guild who fill the above qualifications quite adequately. 4) The test of the attitude of it is clear that Mr. Campbell was not a precinct captain in these sa- cred precincts. * * * THERE IS a rather widespread impression that the AAUP's pro- cedural criticisms are merely technical in character. This is not correct. Under the bylaws that were supposed to govern the pro- ceedings, the defendant was sup- posed to be granted a sort of com- mon-sense due process. That is, the President was to state the rea- sons for the dismissal, in writing; the defendant was to be given time in which to prepare a de- fense; and if these protections were to mean anything, then the final hearing would have to be based on the President's written charges. The final Davis hearing was not conducted in this way, and apparently it was not intend- ed that it should be so conducted. On page 18 of the transcript we find the following passage: "DR. DAVIS: It is not limited Professor Campbell a while ago and failed to, whether this hear- ing is limited to the charges? "C H A I R M A N DAVIS: Not necessarily. "DR. DAVIS: It is not limited to the written charges? "CHAIRMAN CAMPBELL: I don't think so." It would appear that the opin- ions of the chairman, on the op- eration of his own committee, are authoritative. Thus the policy which represented a violation of our own bylaws was a deliberate policy. * * * BOTH of the faculty commit- tees that heard Davis charged that he was not being honest. The prestige and authority of these men is such that their judgment might well be credited. Unfortun- ately for their case, they under- took to support their charge with "evidence," and their evidence was of such a nature as to com- mand the incredulity of a reason- able man. At one point in his first hear- ing Davis was asked whether he had ever appeared, in Ann Arbor, on the same platform with both Howard Fast and Paul Robeson. Sincerity? . . To the Editor: I WOULD like to challenge Prof. Kenneth Boulding's sincerity in his late demonstration and pro- nouncements, undertaken sup- posedly for the welfate of our America. (See Michigan Daily- April 4, P. 1, April 24, P. 1, April 29, P. 2.) At this crucial time when Soviet Communism has displaye its merciless program of forceful col- onization, Prof. Boulding's hu- manitarian endeavor to "save" this American nation by suggest- ing the decrease of the defense budget is highly questionable, to say the least. One has but to re- refer to Khrushchev's statement about the inevitability of commu- nism in America (i.e. occupation of American soil by the Red troops) and to his premeditated attempts to communize and en- slave non-communist countries. If Prof. Boulding truly loves and respects the country in which He answered that he couldn't have, because these two men had never been in Ann Arbor at the same time. Perhaps the meeting was elsewhere? According to Da- vis, the answer was still no. He went on to volunteer the state- ment, that he would, however, have been proud to appear with two such "excellent Americans." This passage, incredibly, was cited as an example of "a display of deviousness, artfulness and in- direction hardly to be expected of a University colleague." This part of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee reflects not at all on Davis's honesty. It reflects, rather, on the truly remarkable state of mind of the committee it- self, at the time that the report was written. Purely for reasons of space, this one example must suffice. But if anyone is prepared to claim, in print, that the "evidence" of Dr. Davis's dishonesty will bear ex- amination, I will be happy to fur- nish further examples of the non- sequiturs and worse that passed for evidnce in the reports of both committees. It has been intimated that the AAUP's report is invalidated by various errors of interpretation. I have not been able to find these errors, myself, but if they have been found by the persons under criticism, then common*justice re- quires that these men be given a fair hearing. Since the criticisms have been made publicly, justice requires that the replies to them lilewise have public circulation. It seems only fair for The Daily to offer to publish these hypothetical rejoinders. Edwin E. Moise Professor of Mathematics Socialism .. To the Editor: YOUR first page account of th the speech of "independent so- cialist" Scott Nearing gives undue publicity to a perverted sense of values,, if not very dependent propaganda: "America is bossed by an oli- garchy of 'irresponsible' industrial leaders . . ." Communist economy is "planed socialism," where the aim is for every person to "re- ceive according to his needs." But "above all . . . there is an air of confidence among the people, both in the USSR and in China." I should like to ask why Mr. Scott Nearing is still living in the United States and being bossed around? Let him go to his land of dreams, the USSR, and receive "according to his needs." Ten mil- lions are now receiving "accord- ing to their needs" in Soviet slave labor camps, only because they once thought that they should have a voice in determining their material and spiritual needs in- stead of having them determined from above. Let Mr. Scott Nearing go to the USSR and personally experience the "confidence" of the Russian people and the "confidence" of the re'st of the nations oppressed by Soviet Communism. Hungary showed beyond doubt where the real confidence and hope of the DAILY OFFICIAL BULETIN-1 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding ,publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 149 General Notices Fall Orientation Leaders (Male) -- Sign up at the Union Student Offices on the 2nd floor. Mon., April 28; Tues., April 29; and Wed., April 30 between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. There will be an International Cen. ter Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the International Students Association this Thurs., May 1, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the International Center. A Visit to the Girls Training School at Adrian is open to any interested students on Thurs., afternoon, May 1 (under the auspices of Soc. 159, Juve- nile Dlelinquency). Busses will leave the Bell Tower at 1:00 p.m. and return at 5:00. Reservations may be made in advance by signing up on the Sociology Dept. bulletin board, fifth floor of Haven Hall. Total cost $1.00. Agenda, Student Government Coun- cil, April 30, 1958, 7:30 p.m., Council Room. Minutes of the previous meeting. Officerreports: President - Letters, SBX suit; Vice-President (Exec.) Ap- pointments: M-Handbook, Regional Exec. Committee, Finance; Vice-Pres- dent (Admin.) Appointments: Standing Committees: Treasurer, Report on MCPA conference. Cinema Guild Board, report. Elections evaluation. Campaigning Committee. Standing Committees: National and International, report; Public Relations, banquet; Education and Student Wel- fare, course evaluation; Student Acti- vities Committee: Requests for recog- nition: School of Nursing Choir, Flying Club; Activities, May 10 Arab Club, Arabian Night, Lane Hall, 8 p.m. Old business. New business, Student Particlpatio Committee. Members and Constituents time. Announcements. Adjournment. Lectures Lecture: "Atomic mower atrLaguna Beach." Myron Beekman, Director of the Nuclear Power Development of De- troit Edison Company. Wed., April 30, 8:00 p.m., Aud. B, Angell Hall. The Henry Russel Lecture will be de- livered by Verner W. Crane, Prof. of American History, Wed., April 30, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphi- theater. Dr. Crane's lecture topic is "Dr. Franklin's Plan for America." Psychology colloquium: Prof. Cornel Giurgea, Int. of Physiology, Rouma- nian Academy of Science will speak on "The Experimental Approach to the Problem of Time and Space Percep- tion. " Wed., April 30, 4:15 p.m., R. 443, Mason Hall. A social seinar of the Michigan Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration will be held on Thurs., May 1, at 8 p.m., in the East Conference Room of Rackham Bldg. Jane Weidund, programme officer with the United Nations, will speak on "United Nations Organization and Ad- ministration. Lecture: Visiting Professor of du- cation Edgar B. Wesley will delver the annual history of education lecture on Thurs., May 1 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. His topic will be "40 Acres and a Mule and a Speller." The lecture is under the auspices of the School of Education and the Dept. of History. Concerts Student Recital: George Papich, who studies viola with Robert Courte, will present a recital on Tues., April 29 at 8:30 p.m. The recital, which is present- ed in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Mu- sic, will be held in Aud. A, Angell all. The program will include compositions by Haydn, Hindemith, Brahms and Vi- valdi. Open to the general public. Academic Notices Student Teaching in Music: All stu- dents who expect to register for $tu- dent teaching in music next year (eith- er first or second semester) must sub- mit an application on or before Mon. May 5. Majors in music education may obtain forms from their advisors; oth- ers may obtain them at 107 School of Music. Selective Service Examination: Stu- dents taking the Selective Service Col- lege Qualification Test on May 1 are requested to report to Rm. 130 Bus. Ad- min1at 8:30 a.m. Thurs. Medical College Admission Test: Can- didates taking the Medical College Ad- mission Test on May 3 are requested to report to Rm. 130 Bus. Admin. at 8:45 a.m. Sat. ,,. 1. I TODAY AND TOMORROW: Disengagement Desired By WALTER LIPPMANN 4 WHEN WE READ about the recurrence of the dispute between Tito and the Kremlin, and about the tension between Gomulka and the Kremlin, we are least likely to go wrong, I believe, if we think of a pendulum which swings in one direction and then in the other, but only for a certain distance each way. That is to say, Yugoslavia and Poland will not and cannot be brought under the complete domination of Moscow; on the other hand, they are not likely to break away completely from Moscow. OUR PROPAGANDA and our, policy can be effective only as they take account of the basic-fact that Poland and Yugoslavia at least-- the other satellites perhaps less so-must un- avoidably react between the Russian on the one side, the Germans and the Americans on the other. For us to preach liberation and to ignore this underlying reality is either insincere or demagogic, or it is ignorantly to play with fire. What then can we do? We can do nothing. competitive guarantes, between NATO and the Warsaw Alliance. These problems are very difficult. But if we cannot solve them just now, the least we can do is not to make them more insoluble. They will become more insolu- ble if we reject out of hand, if we refuse to discuss, the Polish proposal, known as the Rapacki Plan for nuclear disarmament in the two Gcrmanies, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. IT IS EVIDENT enough, of course, that were we to accept nuclear disarmament in this area it would mean the withdrawal of the British and American armies from West Germany and of the Red Army from East Germany and'East Europe. For the day has passed when ground forces armed only with conventional weapons can operate in a major theater. We shall have, therefore, to face the basic question of whether we could accept or must oppose a policy of military disengagement on the European conti- nent. My own view is that we should in our think- - I