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April 30, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-04-30

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom FAIR, wAR


ie s Defense Plan
riticized by Kilday
Representative Says Bill May Make
Armed Forces Staff Too Strong
VASHINGTON (P) - Rep. P. J. Kilday (D-Tex.) said yesterday
dent Iwight D. Eisenhower's plan to revamp the armed forces
lead to a military organization more powerful than the old
an General Staff.
Ten. Nathan F. Twining, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of
;.disagreed. Gen. Twining said there are enough safeguards in
eorganization bill to prevent the armed forces from becoming too
qot that they would want to, he added.
Supporting Bill
Ten. Twining continued his prolonged appearance \before the
e Armed Services Committee in support of, the administration's
'bill. Among other things it would
concentrate strategic planning in
n act a Joint Staff including represen-
O tatives of all1the military services.
IJh U A Rep. Kilday recalled that the
German General Staff which
it wielded great power until the end
of World War II was made up of
army officers only. -le said the
..U IIUII tUdanger of military control would
be even greater under the pro-
'ROIT (A)-General Motors posed American setup.
over the driver's seat yester- Would Unite Services,
n bargaining talks with the "It would bring all the services
d Auto Workers Union. ,together, it would create common
an unprecedented move, the ground for the people who control,
any terminated its current two thirds of the national budget
-year contract with the un- -that's the kind of thing I fear,"'
ffe9tie at midnight May 29. the Texan said.
s took the.union by surprise. Several Republicans on the
the ,one that usually serves committee objected to the Demo-
notice. It already has notified
ler and F6rd their contracts
e termin'ated effective June, _

Red Plan
By West,
WASHINGTON () - Russia's
proposal to add Communist Po-
land and Czechoslovakia to pre-
summit'-talks was reported reject-
ed yesterday, by United States,
British and French envoys. s
Instead, informants said, the
representatives of the allied Big
Three chose a less unpalatable
course: Agreement to meet sep-
arately with Soviet Foreign Min-
ister Andrei Gromyko in Moscow,
as he demanded last week.
Thus, the Big Three apparently
picked what they considered the
lesser of two evils. Final approval,
however, depends upon London
and Paris.
No hitch 'was expected in the
allied capitals. A formal notice to
the Kremlin was looked for before
the end of the weef.
The diplomatic maneuvering
ce7ters around ambassadorial talks
i Moscow designed to prepare
the way fbr a possible heads of
government meeting.
Gromyko first refused to meet
jointly with the United States,
$ritish and French ambassadors
in Moscow. He saw them one by
Last week the Big Three com-
plained. Gromyko fired back that
"parity"' must be. maintained. He
said it was either one-by-one or
three-by-three, with Poland and
Czechoslovakia on Russia's side of
the table.
.Nasser Goes
To Moscow
For Talks
MOSCOW (A)- President Gam-
al Abdel Nasser flew into Moscow
on a Soviet jet airliner yesterday
for 18 days of talks and-red car-
pet treatment.
.He said his visit will strengthen
the ties between his United Arab,
Republic and the Soviet Union.
Thousands of workers and stu-
dents got half a day off to greet
him at Moscow~s Airport. He
stepped down the ramp on 'the
looked tense and tired as he
shining TU104 plane.
The crowd burst into cheers,'
and military guards snapped sa-
School children rushed him with
flowers, and a group of Egyptian
students chanted: "Hail to the
leader of the Arab world."
It was Nasser's first look at one
of the major powers he has'been
dealing with since he became the
leader of Egypt and Syria under
the U.A.R.
Britain Plans
More A-Tests.

Ctrs kjold

Publicity Bid Senate P'asses motion

and 'Chrysler con-
slightly from GM's,
Lon by the company
'ocedure. These com-
ed the union's notice
with their own.
the signals -on con-
ition, GM virtually
UAW to make the
e st manufacturing
e target rather ,than
heat on Ford and
Vice President Leo-

Minister Claims U.S.
Seeks Military Data
MOSCOW (R)-Andrei Gromyko
charged yesterday President Eisen-
hower's proposal for international
inspection of the Arctic is a bid
for intelligence data on Soviet
"This question of inspection is
detached from any practical steps
toward disarmament and is trans-
formed into a matter of sheer
publicity," the Soviet foreign min-
ister told a news conference.
Gromyko's attack came at the
Foreign Ministry as the United
Nations Security Council in New
York opened debate on the Arctic
inspection plan. The United States
presented this as entirely apart
from the general topic of disarma-
Gromyko told Moscow corres-
pondents: "One can hardly help
concluding the authors 'of the
proposal have once again proved
that their plans do not provide
for serious discussions of either,
the problems of disarmament in
general or the problem of prevent-
ing a surprise attack in particu-
"The value of this proposal,
which would include in the area
under inspection vast territories.
of the Soviet Union but would not'
include an inch of the territory of
the United States proper, is .self-
AF Landing
Made Blind'
OMAHA (AP)-A landing previ-
ously considered impossible was
made at Abilene, Tex., Air Force;
Base by a burning.B47 jet bomei'
on which the top canopy had been
blown off.
The Strategic Air Command
said Lt. James M. Obenauf, 24,
Grayslake, Ill., co-pilot; made the
landing Monday night from the
blind seat behind the pilot's posi-
SAC explained planes have been
landed by a pilot from the 'front
seat with the canopy off because
the pilot remains shielded by a
cowling and can see the ground.
But, said SAC, it has been eon-
sidered impossible for a co-pilot
to do it because he is behind a
solid bulkhead and can not see
forward unless he leans sidewise
from the seat, in which case
wind and sand would blind him.


.. lectures today

SGC To Hear'
New Motion
On Drinking
Student Government Council
will hear a motion at tonight's
meeting that drinking, be permit-
ted in private rooms, apartments,
and homes of students over 21
Years old.
The motion 'is one of three in a
repqrt from the SGC Committee
to Study Possible Modifications of
University Drinking Regulations.
The other motions concern alter-
" nate ways of bringing the recom-
mendation before the administra-
A majority of the committee
faiored working through Joint
Judic, according to the report,
u rather than the Faculty Com-
mittee on Student Conduct.
The. elections committee will
* report, according to Administrative
Vice-President Jo Hardee, '60, ahd
recommend the Elections Com-
mittee improve poll placement,
selection of polls workers, super-
vision of voting, registration and
subsidliary elections.
The report will include five
recommendations to SGC itself,
Miss Hardee said. These will in-
clude abolishing the requirement
of 350 signature for candidates
setting up a credentials and rules
committee, and making Elections
Director a full year job.
The agenda for the meeting,
held at 7:30 pm. in the Council
Room of the Student Activities
Building, also includes appoint-
ment of these four standing com-
The committee responsible for.
putting out the M-Handbook,
members of the Regional. Execu-'
tive Committee and members of'
the Finance Committee will be,

... cites safeguards

crats' concentrating their fire on
the German General Staff theme.
Gen. Twining said the proposed
erful because, among other rea-
1) Its members :.would be lim-
ited to three-year terms. A per-
manent organization of career
officers would be impossible.
2) The Army, Navy and Air
Force all would be represented.
Each would act as a check on the
Gen. Twining repeated an earli-
er statement that the armed
forces, as noyv organized could
strike back at an enemy ,within
30 minutes of attack.,
SASteerin g
Positions Open
Petitioning for positions on the
literary college steering committee
for next fall will be held through
May 7, according to the present
Anyone in the literary college is
eligible and may obtain a petition
in Dean James H. Robertson's
office. Interviewing for the posi-
tions will be held May 10.

ProL ranee would get an increase of at
least six per cent over present
base pay as a cost-of-living boost.
Additional money would be of-
To L c r fered for proficiency amohg en-
listed men and special responsi-
bility among officers.
Personnel in the Coast Guard,
the Public Health Service and the
Coast and Geodetic Survey would
Prof. Verner W. Crane of the also benefit.
History Department will discuss Number Limited
"Dr. Franklin's Plan for America"
at 4:15 today at the Rackham Am- The proficiency and responsi-
phitheatre. bility pay would range from $50 to
Prof. Crane will give this year's $150 a month for a limited num-
Henry Russel Lecture, the Uni- ber of officers and men under the
versity's highest recognition of re- Senate version.
search and academic excellence in, There would also be a six per
a faculty member, cent increase for all persons on
Having written three books on the retired lists. w
Franklin, Prof. Crane is regarded feAll increases would become ef-
a leading authority on Franklin. fgtiv . Ehenafter President
Pro. Can's acaemo~lfe asDwight D. Eisenhower signs the
Prof. Crane's academic ife has legislation.
been closely tied up with the Uni- End Draft?
versity since he received his A.B. Sen.MikeMansfield (D-Mont.)
from the University in 1911. asked Sen. Stennis whether the
'He has been a member of the new pay incentives would'permit
faculty since 1916, with the ex- abandonment of 'the peacetime
ception of a five-year period at a which is now hsendingbe-
Brown and several guest lecturedraf tween 10,000 and 15,000 young
ships. .men into the Army each month.
Books which Prof. Crane has "I do not think we can'go that
written include Southern Frontier,
1670-1732; Benjamin Franklin - far, Sen. Stennis replied.
Englishman and American; Ben- "Barely Met"
jamin Franklin and a Rising Peo- Sen. Stennis said that with re-
ple, spect to both officers and enlist-
Most recently Prof. Crane was ed men the armed forces are
Commonwealth Fund Lecturer lt barely meeting their requirements
University College, London. in terms of numbers and certain-
He is going on retirement fur- ly falling far short in the area of
lough in August. quality.
The Russell Lecture was estab- "The cumulative results are
lished in 1920 on bequest of Henry now being felt," he told the Sen-
Russel, '75L. ate.
NationalAAUP Not Definite
On Effect of U' Censure
The American Association of University'Professors' Washington,
D.C. headquarters was noncommittal yesterday over the effect its
censure action would have on the University.
A spokesman for the association said the -censure is merely "to
call to the attention of professors" the University's "lack of adequate
practice of academic freedoms." He would not predict what effect this
would have. As to further action by the AAUP, the spokesman said
they "hope (the University) cor-
rects these conditions."
While not saying specifically Wr
what action, the University would1 N
be required to take, he stressed the
fact the ousted faculty members
were not granted the required one By The Asso
year's severance pay. WASHINGTON - James H. D
The association als explained a quick stunt shot that would "co
the length of time between the tists really have a chance to find
Universityaction and the censure, Doolittle didn't say what he
saying the AAUP's special Coi- some scientists have objected tha
mittee on Academic Freedom is- Imocrensthere himelf'd h
sued a preliminary report in 1956 moon,. or lands there himself, h
which recommended a separate microscopic fornis of life, such as
investigating' committee. The com- Later it would be difficult to
mittee decided they did not have the moon before man's advent. T
enough information on hand. tensive efforts to study the moon b
The spokesman denied any con- vehicles circulating about it, before
flict in principle between the AAUP "The moon right now happens
and the American Association of told the House Space Committee, a
Universities, since "neither of the to keep it that way until it can fin
discharged faculty members was
shown to have been a Communist." * *

LONDON (A)--Prime Minister
Macmillan said yesterday Britain
intends to explode more nuclear
He brushed off suggestions the
tests might jeopardize summit
talks preparations.
The British hydrogen bomb ex-
ploded over the central Pacific
Monday was the opener in a new
test series', Macmillan told. the
House of Commons.
Government sources suggested
earlier that the central Pacific
tests may be Britain's last series
if the United States agrees to pool,
nuclear secrets.

SAC Still Flies
DETROIT () - Air Force
Secretary Douglas tonight said
the Strategic Air Command will
continue to fly alert missions
despite complaints of Soviet
Russia that they are a threat to

Report Shows Work Increase.

WASHINGTON (A) - The government issued a hurry-up report
yesterday showing a slight unemployment decline of 78,000 in April.
AFL-CIO President George Meany cited it as proof that the reces-
sion "continues to worsen."'
Meany stressed that employment figures failed to improve as
much as usual from March to April, a fact noted in the report from
the Commerce Department. Both also noted that the rate of unem-
ployment, seasonally adjusted, increased from 7 to 7.5 per cent of the
labor force, which includes bathD
the employed and those looking 10 days earlier than usual. Weeks'
for work. The labor force increases department said the estimates,
at this time of year. compiled by the Census Bureau,
The employment figures came "were available at an unusually
out on a day when there was early date this month."

In other developments:
1) Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Tex-
as, the Senate Democratic leader,
told a news conference the ad-
ministration has been dragging its
feet. He added:
"If we are unable to get public
works going and get them en-
thusiastically administered a n d
executed, 'we are going to have
to do something else to help the
economy ...
"If we don't provide a cure to
the recession in public works,
there is no other alternative but

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