THE MICHIGAN DAILY __________TUS BECOMES 'ASA': Cm'Iigras Satin Time Set Back forCide Cei -1 1 0 T . .'..SA@fhf The starting time of the Michi- gras parade was set back at the request of the Ann Arbor police so schoolchildren could watch the parade, according to Rick Levitt, '58BAd, Michigras general chair- man. Levitt explained the Michigras central committee had originally asked for a late afternoon start- ing time. Police officials had told them a late afternoon parade would interfere with traffic. The 3 p.m. starting time was then chosen, Levitt said, but at the last minute the police asked that the parade be delayed for the benefit of the schoolchildren. Both Levitt and Union Presi- dent Barry Shapiro, '59, said this year's was the most successful Michigras. Levitt estimated that the profits would be 20% higher than ever before. The total admission was esti- mated at between 20,000 and 23,- 000. There was an estimated sale of 430,000 tickets for the individual events inside the fairgrounds. The Michigras parade had caused other headaches for the parade committee. Their efforts to keep spectators out of the street were for the most part in vain. Prof. Warren L. Smith of the economics department said that a system of selection credit controls would enable the Federal Reserve Board to do a better job of guiding the nation's monetary policies. In a recent review of a six- volume series published by the Board on the economic question, Prof. Smith reported that most of the authors included in the study feel that consumer credit con- tributes to economic instability. He maintains that while credit alone is "rarely of pivotal im- portance" when the economy turns up or, down, it may tend to ac- celerate a trend in either direction. Prof. Smith reported that few of the contributors to the study seem- ed to believe that consumer credit is very responsive to the "tight" or "easy" credit policies of the Board. He said that one reason for this may be that consumers just don't pay much attention to interest rates, provided the down payment and monthly rates seem reason- able. The result of this, Prof. Smith said, is that the Board must go quite a ways toward either a "tight" or "easy" policy to have any appreciable affect on con- sumer borrowing. When the Board does, however, certain segments of the economy feel the effects more than others- the pinch is usually worse for small businessmen, residential construction and some types of local and government spending. Prof. Smith maintains that selective credit controls could even out some of these effects, which would make the Federal Reserve Board's policies more effective and more fair. -Daily--George Keefer FRENCH CUISINE-This routine featuring Phil Burns was one of the highlights of the Newberry-Gomberg show. The showgirls are Nancy Nowille, Dennie Carne, Addie Eades, Delene Domes, Kathy Bean and Alice Annette. ;:, . y1CONCERN FOR EVERYONE': Moore Answers Renewal Opposition A. D. Moore, chairman of the Citizens Committee on Urban Re- newal, replied yesterday to peti- tions opposing the plans for the urban renewal project in north- central Ann Arbor. Businessmen in the area began the movement, according to George A. MacVicar, a spokesman for the movement. Moore stated that a business- man would naturally be con- cerned over the project insofar as it affects -him personally,, "but when he takes it upon himself to attempt to block the whole pro- ject, it is a matter for concern for everyone else.' Answers Allegations Moore answered the allegations made in connection with the cir- culation of the petitions point, by point. In reply to the first, that "it would eliminate the state high- way (M-14) which connects di- rectly with the North Campus," Moore said the HHFA insists that good plannng requires the diver- sion of through traffic, which down-grades a residential area. He added that there has been, as yet, no final settlement. on the question of street closings. As for another, stating "It re- moves a direct fire rout to many parts of the area, making fire pro- tection hazardous," Moore pointed out that many of the old buildings in the area are firetraps, and the dangers are multiplied by their being too close to other structures. One purpose of urban renewal is the elimination of such dangers. To Rehabilitate To a third claim, "it will cause unjust and uncompensable hard- ship to business and residential owners in the proposed area," Moore replied, "The purpose of urban renewal is to take a blight- ed area which will inevitably be- come worse (thereby imposing hardship on all of the people liv- ing in it), and, by means of doing a complete job, get that area turned around, rehabilitated, and started uphill toward better hous- ing and higher standards of liv- ing. "Also, let us not forget, bet- ter business." Business might suf- fer a temporary loss, but will be better off' in the long run in a good commercial zone, he said. As for residential properties, he added, owners must be paid in terms of just appraisal for homes taken because they are not worth rehabilitating, and provision must be made for relocation of the resi- dents. Claim Hardship In regard to a point stating that "the proposed plan will result in untold and multiple hardships to many who have located in the area, often without choice, and have developed homes and raised families," Moore pointed out that. it is just these people who will be most helped by urban renewal. People are. not being "forced to vacate," as the point continues, since urban renewal is not yet underway, and cannot be for some time. Moore adds that if urban re- newal is not carried out in the area, its residential parts will suf- fer from the infiltration of com- merce, causing mixed land use. "The plan itself, if fully carried out, does not disclose, we feel, its true purpose or who actually stands to benefit thereby. Can the city officials who propose the plan tell us its true purpose? Or will they?" asked another person. To this, Moore replies that the Ann Arbor Council and the plat- forms of both parties endorse Ur- ban Renewal for the city, and asks if anyone could believe that all these people have managed to keep secret the 'true purpose" of urban renewal. To the point which claims "The plan does not assure residents of the area that the rentals of any project therein will enable the present owners to occupy them, either from the actual rentals or from the plan of who is to occupy same," Moore's reply is that the HHFA simply will not give final approval unless it is guaranteed that facilities will be available for those who are to be relocated. "The plan is," Moore concludes, "and has to be, made up and car- ried out in strict conformance with all of the provisions of law as found in the Housing Act of 1954, and other law as it may af- fect the project." 715 N. University - r LAST DAY!t DIAL - . NO 2-3136 Just What the Doctor Ordered!" -- Crowther, Times "PERFECT! F ioning Forms available at the Union Student Offices. PETITIONS DUE MAY 5. M-0-M presents A % C. SIEGEL Production stard n DANNY KAYE - MERRY ANDREW \' co-starring PIER ANGEL BACCALONI *"NOEL PURCEL, ROBERT COOTE In CinemaScope and METROCOLOR * . . Starting WEDNESDAY "A MASTERPIECE 1" - Herald Tribune "DOES FOR THE SCREEN WHAT TENNESSEE WILLIAMS DID FOR THE STXGE!" - Crowther, Times - I { Thp twno fastest deoidoransin, the world! I .. . . ... :. .