0 "Yes, This Is The Department Of Defense" Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" ((a(411"-)) Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER ............ VIP- v T r Open Organized Rush, New Committee Overdue To The Editor Housing History. . To the Editor: DEAN BACON has written to this column concerning the history of the University of Michigan housing and Mrs. Hillary (Rarden) Bissell's residence therein. We are all happy to receive this added information on early housing history. However, it strikes me as being in the "so-what" category! I am sure that the Dean of Women knows that Mrs. Hillary Bissell is not Negro herself, but the Dean's statements imply that she does not know this fact for she says . .. Mrs. Bissell's first Michigan residence was in that 'new dorm.' Another Negro woman student in Mosher-Jordan ..,"'Clarification OFFICIAL please? However, I suppose the Dean of Women is saying-by implication, BULLETIN of course - that Mrs. Bissell's_ _ _ _ _ statement, as written in The Daily (and therefore, implicating it), is (Continued from Page 2) not quite accurate. The question remains, is the essence of Mrs. len Lewis, Sheila McKenzie, Elnore .aeCrampton, George Papich, Cynthia Bissell's statements true, signifi- Kren, Millard Cates, Theodore John- cant and accurate? son, Harry Dunscombe and Sherman, The fact that only one Negro Van Soikema. Open to the public. woman lived in the dorm on the hill, and that she wasdarparticular student Recital: Eunee Wu, pianist, Negro woman (the niece of the will be heard in a recital at 4:15 p.m. manager for Joe Louis) is signifi- Sun., April 27, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, performing works by Bach, Schubert, cant. And it seems that Dean Ba- Prokofieff and Chopin. Her recital is con is substantiating Mrs. Bissell's in partial fulfillment of the require- statement that Negro women lived ments for the degree of Bachelor of "down by the railroad tracks" in a Music. Open to the generaltpublic. Miss separate "dormitory." Whether the usa pioHe ts dormitory was an actual, dormitory N tie or a "League House" is ,of little Academicotices signicance .iiuvner iuatoni StdnechnrnMsi:Alsu HE ORGANIZED open rushing period to- morrow and Tuesday and the organization of a rushing study committee by the Interfra- ternity Council are long overdue steps toward setting up a practical, fair rushing program. As rushing has been conducted up until now, it has been loaded in favor of large houses and houses with well known reputations who draw more men during, formal rush. As the size of the system has increased it has become more difficult for small houses to get their share of men. One answer to this inequality during formal rushing could be found in the effective use of the open rushing period. As open rush has stood up to now, a house can invite any man it wishes to dinner, or a smoker. Any man, in turn, may ask to see a house. In practice, few men or houses use open rush to any degree. Apparently, few men desire to call up a fraternity and ask themselves over for dinner, and fraternities are limited by the number of men they know. In addition, most fraternties want to make the best possible first impression on rushees. This means they want to have their house in perfect condition whenever men come through-apd it is a big job to keep a house in rushing condition even for the three weeks of formal rush. HE ORGANIZED open rush this week is one way to conteract this tendency to alleviate this problem. The project consists of having interested houses hold open houses. Anyone can come to these with out signing up anywhere. They will be relaxed informal affairs and there will be none of the- intense pressure on the rushees found during formal rush. Since the large houses have filled their quotas, the smaller fraternities will be the ones primarily interested in holding open houses. The rushing study committee could also be beneficial to the fraternity system by bringing, for the first time,-concentrated attention to the problem of getting men to go through more houses. This committee could investigate the rushing systems used by other fraternity coun- cils, and could gather the opinions of people not directly part of the University's system. By being a small group and not bothered by other problems they could make an intensive, worth- while study of this critical area. These two steps are a long overdue venture Into, an area vital to the continuance of the fraternity system but sincere and whole-hearted support from all fraternities will be necessary for then to do any good. Rushing and its associated problems have not been given suf- ficient attention by the fraternity system until now; if these two plans are not successful, there may not be time to solve them by some future approach. -PHILIP MUNCK F 4 5 t ;, ,, F 3 0 4 s' WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: ax u ad at Ike's oo By DREW PEARSON IHC Expanding Services DURING THE PAST YEAR the student gov- ernments of the Residence Hall System have taken increasing interest in the social- cultural responsibilities of the System. This has been manifested in various programs and pro- jects, ranging from attempts to give the stu- dents' views on intergration to the Board of Governors of Residence Halls, asking that group for permission to hold more "open - open houses," to increasing the facilities, of WCBN. In some of these areas, the various student government groups have not been particularly successful. Bob Ashton, in his speech accepting the presidency of Inter-House Council told the delegates that one of the areas in which that body must concentrate is the area of becoming genuinely representative of residents' opinion. Another area in which student government in the Residence Halls has not been entirely suc- cessful is WCBN. Although the station has in- creased its facilities, it is financially and struc- turally disorganized. Part of the problem is that officials of the network are removed from office so fast that no pool of experience is built up. A possible solution to this problem would be to place the officers in their jobs for specific tenures. "HOWEVER, THERE HAVE BEEN areas of marked success. The lecture series which is being sponsored by East Quad is an outstanding example of what Residence Hall student gov- ernment can do. These lectures have been extremely good, and they have been well at- tended. West Quad's series of art exhibits (there is a new one starting today) are also a step in the right direction. Likewise, South Quad's Musicale Series was worthwhile. Perhaps it is in the area of these "extras" that the solution to a large part of the Resi- dence Hall problem lies. The IHC is currently "negotiating" with the administration to allow the houses to bring in faculty guests without cost to the house which operates on a very limited budget. If the administration is in- terested in fostering this good work being carried out by the residents themselves, they might cooperate with them in situations like this one. -JAMES SEDER W'ASHINGTON - President Dwight D. Eisenhower's eco- nomic advisers are clamoring out- side his door for a chance to pre- sent their final arguments over a tax cut, which would affect the pocketbooks of most Americans. Those opposed to a tax reduc- tion have an important strategic advantage. Sherman Adams, who decides who shall see the Presi- dent, is on their side. Aniy subordinate who wishes an appointment with Ike must tell Adams what he would like to dis- cuss. Then the efficient, sometimes brittle, little assistant president decides whether to admit him. The only cabinet officers who can walk into Ike's office without clearing with Adams are Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Secretary of the Treasury Robert Anderson. Even Secretary of De- fense Neil McElroy must check in with Adams, except on emergency matters. UNHAPPILY for the cut-taxes- now group, Anderson happens to be the strongest opponent of a tax reduction. In the few months he has run the Treasury Department, he has won the President's com- plete confidence. In fact, Ike has spoken of him privately as presi- dential material. Anderson's tax views are sup- ported by a powerful phalanx in- side the Administration-Director of the Budget Maurice Stans, Sec- retary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks, Reserve Board Chairman McChesney Martin, and former Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey who still slips in to see the President from time to time. On the other side, Chairman Raymond Saulnier of the Council of Economic Advisers has warned the President that the recession will drag out for several months and may even get worse. If the economic indicators continue to point down, he recommends a mass tax cut to give the consumers more purchasing power. If the recession continues at the present level, he favors tax relief for businessmen to stimulate business activity. Saulnier's strongest support comes from his predecessor, Ar- thur Bumns, who like Humphrey has access to the President's ear. Burns was the driving influence behind the recent Rockefeller Re- port urging a tax cut to remedy the recession. . . C SEVERAL other powerful groups have joined in this recommenda- tion, including such divergent or- ganizations as the National Asso- ciation of Manufacturers and the AFL-CIO. Secretary Anderson has pretty much persuaded President Eisen- hower that a tax slash would com- pel him to run the government deep in the red for the remainder of his term. A big federal deficit, Anderson warded, would only lead to worse inflation in the future. In his private talks with the President, Anderson has also sug- gested modestly that he may be able to persuade his fellow Texans, Senate Leader Lyndon Johnson and Speaker Sam Rayburn, to prevent Congress from going on a tax-cutting spree. The treasury secretary has considerable influ- ence with the two Democratic leaders and frequently slips up to capitol hill to confer with them. Fortunately neither President Eisenhower nor Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was in it, but one of the presidential Columbine planes crashed over the African desert under circumstances which have remained a carefully guarded secret. ' * * o C A TOTAL of 10 Columbine-type planes has been built, and one of them was sold to Emperor Haile Selassie. While being delivered to Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, the Columbine developed engine trouble. One engine caught fire and dropped. Then a second engine caught fire and tore loose. At this point the Columbine was aflame and the TWA crew aboard at- tempted an emergency landing. Through an amazing combina- tion of dexterity and luck, the en- tire crew escaped, though the plane exploded. This is the only case known to CAA authorities where a four-engine transport plane had two engines catch on fire yet all personnel were saved. TWA oper- ates the local Ethiopian Airways. Since considerable publicity had been given to the fact that the Emperor was buying one of the presidential planes, his government finally madea discreet announce- ment that the new Columbine was not being used because of "engine trouble." The announcement was something of an understatement. The Columbine was lying on the African desert, a complete wreck --but it did suffer engine trouble. It may not disturb the jukebox generation, but the electronic age has overtaken the ancient art of bell-ringing. It has produced a crisis among the proud carillon- neurs who for centuries have tolled the bells of Europe's famed cathedrals. The innovation that has the bell-ringers in a dither is an American-made electronic caril- lon which peals out melodic chimes from the Vatican pavilion at the Brussels World's Fair. Viewing this as a threat to their centuries-old profession, Euro- pean carillonneurs are angrily signing pledges "never to play, no matter under what conditions, an electronic carillon." (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ichicomment on Miehigras FRIDAY AFTERNOON pointed out the same problems which have appeared over and over again wherever- there is a parade. The Michigras parade, although it was fairly good was ruined because of carelessness in planning. After the parade had started and the first few units had gone past the reviewing stand at the Michigan Union, spectators began to wonder whether the parade had come to an end. The lag between units was altogether too long. The parade simply did not move. This problem could have been avoided. The planners of a parade must know not only how many units are participating, but also how long it takes for one group to move a specified dis- tance. After these figures have been computed, the planners must figure out spacing of the units. Then, the parade would begin to take shape. It is also necessary that all units pause for the same length of time in front of the reviewing stand, rather than have bands walk right past without stopping and floats stopping for from one to two minutes. Obviously there will be a terrific lag in the parade unless mat- ters like this are thought through ahead of time. 4f the planners wanted to string out the event, they could have had more units, instead of causing an irritating lapse between the units participating. ANOTHER PROBLEM was the spectator situation. At the commencement of the parade, everyone was lined up on the curb as they were requested to do. However, at the mid- point of the parade, people began pushing out into the street so that there was very little room for the units to pass. The situation in front of the Union was so poor, that a mounted patrolman moved in to push the crowd back to the sidewalk. The mob was, however not to be swayed, so ignoring the officer, they stayed where they were. When the policeman continued to try to move back the people, his horse became frightened and moved into the crowd almost injuring a young girl who had had to get out into the middle of the street in order to see, because the inconsiderate students could not stay where they were. Possibly it was the lapse of time when nothing was happening that caused the crowd to become listless and move into the street to see if anything else was coming. At any rate, the members of the Michigras committee charged with holding the crowd in check,. might have exercised their authority and not disappeared after the parade was underway. of the committee did try somewhat feebly to do this. It was these things that tended to ruin what otherwise could have been a good effort. One other suggestion that might be made for the future is a better use of the public address system at the reviewing stand. The visiting dignitaries who were the judges were not even announced to the crowd. And it might have helped somewhat if the PA had explained some of the floats to the spectators. If these problems and suggestions. were con- sidered for future parades, an immediate im- provement might be seen. -BRUCE COLE significance. Either situation is extremely poor whether practiced then or now. -Jim Hamilton, Grad. Integration . To the Editor: JAMES SEDER'S editorial on "Intergration - The House Plan" reminded me very much of numerous articles that I have seen in small middle - of - the - road Southern newspapers. "Makehaste slowly" they say. There is perhaps some justification for this sort of attitude in the deep South where haste is often followed by violence. But in this case I'm afraid his arguments are more rationaliza- tions than anything else. First of all, the creation of "an atmosphere conducive to academic achievement" has no relationship whatsoever to the integration problem as it exists. To provide the needed link in this reasoning one must fallaciously assume that dif- ferences in personality are in- herently associated with color and religion. At Owen Cooperative House integration is as much ac- cepted as three meals a day. Roommate assignment is the re- sult of an informal process of "na- tural selection." And Owen House finished the fall semester with a 3.09 grade point average to take top honors in scholastic achieve- ment. Mr. Seder seems to feel that the BOard of Governors should ap- proach the situation cautiously and slowly so as to assure that the action eventually taken will be "successful." Since when do we condone a "wrong" simply because the "right" may not turn out with perfect success. Even given proof that integration is completely un- successful, this sort of approach is ethically unsound. And with regard to his state- ment concerning "some people" who "might not be ready," I would like to inquire as to what methods should be used to pre- pare their delicate young minds for living with reality. Bob Farmer, Grad. Michimess .. . To the Editor: YESTERDAY, after several years at Michigan we saw or at any rate planned to see the Michigras Parade. Following the Central Committee's press release direc- tions as to route of parade, we waited at Packard and State. And we waited and waited and waited. Finally the police told us that the route had been changed at the last minute and would not be coming at all. Normally we would have walked to the Union, but we have a pharmacy to operate. Our phar- macy is just one of the several merchants in the State-Packard area who donated generously to the Michigras prize committee. But we were riot the people who lost. As much as the parade is for the university community, who enjoys a parade more than the children? The same children that the Central Committee invited to Yost Field House, by their last minute decision to make Friday children's day at Michigras, were unable to see the parade because, unknowingly, their parents told them that they could not leave the Midway area. With this bit of clever planning scored up for the 1958 Michigras, Campus leaders had enough nerve to suggest an annual celebration. It is our suggestion that the Cen- tral Committee learn how to man- age this situation biannually rather than botch a great thing like Michigras on an annual basis. -Alvin C. Klein Adelburt C. Tickner Omen . . To the Editor: Student Teaching in Musi: Al stu- dents who expect to register for stu- dent teaching in music next year (eith- er first or second semester) must sub- mit an application on or before Mon. May 5. Majors in music education may obtain forms from their advisors; oth. ers may obtain them at 107 School of Music. Anatomy Seminar: Dr. Robert L. Hunter on "Information Gained from the Application of Histochemical En- zyme Methods to Proteins Separated by Starch Gel Electrophoesis" Mon., April 28, 3:00 p.m., Room 2501 E. Med. Bldg. Coffee will be; served one half hour before each seminar in Room 3502 . Med. Bldg. Instrumentation Engineering Semi- nar: "Prediction and Filtering for Ran- dom Parameter Systems," by Dr. F. J. Beutler of the Aeronautical Engrg Dept. Tues, April 29 4:00 p.m., Rm. 1508 E. Enggr. Bldg. Doctoral Examination for Victor Har- old Vroom, Psychology; thesis: "Some Personality Determinants of the Ef- fects of Participation," Mon., April 28, 7611 Haven Hall, at 3:00 0 .m. Chairman F. C. Mann. Doctoral Examination for David Faig- enbaum, Education; thesis: "Analysis of Evaluative Teacher Comments as a Basis for Referral to a School Mentl Health Clinic," Tues., April 29, E. Coun- cil Rm., Rackham Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch. Doctoral Examination for John Clin- ton Bowen, Economics; thesis: "Some Aspects of Transfer Taxation In the United States," Tues., April 2, 205 Econ. Bldg., 10:00 a.m. Chairman, R. A. Musgrave. Placement Notices Beginning with Mop., April 28, the following schools will have representa- 'tives at the Bureau of Appointments to interview for the 1958-1959 school year. Mon., April 28 Saline, Mich.-Elementary; Guidance & Testing. Van Dyke, Mich.-Elementary. Tues., April 29 Charlotte, Mich. -JHS Math; Eng; Gen. shop; HS Eng; Chem/Biol; His- tory; General Business/Bookkeeping; Girls Phys. Edu; Elem; Speech Corr; Elem. Music. Farmington, Mich.-Driver Ed; HS Ind. Arts; Math; Science; Homemaking; JHS Foreign Lang; Eng/Libr; Elem; Special Edu (Type A); Art Consultant; Elementary Phys. Edu; Speech Correc- tion; Elem. Libr. Sylvania, Ohio-Special Edu; Elemen- tary; HS & Elem. Vocal Mus; Art Supervisor. Wayne, Mich. -Elementary; Speech Corr; HS Math Science; English. Willoughby, Ohio-Elementary; JHS Id, Arts; Math; HS Math; Girls Phys, Edu. Wed, April 30 Battle Creek, Mich. (Lakeview)-Ele. mentary; JHS SS/Eng; Math; Science; SS/Foreign Lang.; HS Chem/Math Biol/SS/Math; Eng; Comm (Shorthand/ Office Prac). Hudson, Mich.-Math; Commercial; English; SS; Science (Biol/Chem/Phy- scs). New Baltimore, Mich. (Anchor Bay Schools) - Elementary; Comm; Ind. Arts; Math/Science; English; SS; Home Ec; Vocal Mus; Coaching plus other field. Wayne County, Mich.-Special Edu- cation (all phases). Thurs., May 1 Coldwater, Mich.-Girls Physical Edu- cation: English (8th); Librarian (9-12). Fowlerville, Mich.--8th gr. English; Eng. Lit.; Eng/Hist; Elementary. Kingston, Mich.-Physical Sci/Math; Speech/Eng; Ind. Arts/P.E. Lake Odessa, Mich.- Chem/Physics; History. Vermontville, Mich - Elementary Commercial; Homemaking; Science; English; Social 'Studies; Basketbal/ Track Coach. For any additional information and appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NOr- mandy 3-1511, Ext. 489. Personnel Requests: City of Brookfield, Waukesha Coun- ty, Wis. in the Milwaukee mnetropoli- tan area is looking for a city engineer who is a graduate civil engineer regis- tered or eligible for immediate regis- tration as a professional engineer in Wisconsin. City of Sturgis, Sturgis, Mich. has the position of Head Librarian vacant at present. Delavan Manufacturing Co., West Des Moines, Iowa has an opening for a sales engineer. Must have experience. The City of New York is accepting applications at the present time for the following positions: Assistant Ar- chitect, Assistant Civil Engineer, As- sistant Signal Circuit Engineer, Blue- printer, Burroughs No. 7200 Operator, Civil Engineering Draftsman, Dental Hygienist, Electrical E n g i n e e r i n g Draftsman, Engineering Aide, Hous- ing Supply Man, Junior Civil Engineer, I I i. I 4 4? I INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Soviet Charges Look to Summit * -r . r-r - rhilnan New Books at the Library Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor JAMES ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHRGANG Editorial Director City Editor DONNA HANSON .. Personnel Director CAROL PRINS.....................Magazine Editor EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director WILLIAM RANEY....................,Features Editor ROSE PERLBERG .................... Activities Editor JAMES BAAD ........................... Sports Editor BRUCE BENNETT ............ Associate Sports Editor JOHN HILLYER ...... Associate Sports Editor DIANE FRASER.............Assoc. Activities Editor THOMAS BLUES........... Assoc. Personnel Director Milne, Lorus and Margery-Paths Across the Earth; N.Y., Harper, 1958. Traver, Robert-Anatomy of a Murder; N.Y., St. Martin's Press, 1958. Asimov, Isaac-Only a Trillion; N.Y., Abe- lard-Schuman, 1958. Brier, Howard M.-Sawdust Empire; N.Y., Knopf, 1958. Dermout, Maria-The Ten Thousand Things; N.Y., Simon and Schuster, 1958. Feuchtwanger, Leon-Jephta and His Daugh- ter; N.Y., Putnam's, 1957. By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News Analyst SOVIET propagandists have a knack for making the best of awkward situations. The ruckus kicked up by the Kremlin over alleged American flights of planes with nuclear weapons toward Soviet frontiers is a case in point. The Russians appear to want a summit meeting badly. Just as ardently they seem to want that summit meeting to avoid discuss- ing any of the issues which the West believes contribute in large measure toward international ten- sions. Too much peace might be bad for Khrushchev at this particular time. It could lead to all sorts of internal pressures, not the least of which would be pressure for re- laxation of the Soviet concentra- tion on building world power po- tential through heavy industrial might. That is one side of the in- the people of the Sov and the satellites. Khrushchev is in an position because he seer more peace and to be afford it. If he is to ma programs work he will n What is Tr IN THE EDUCATIONA Byron S. Hollinshea president of Coe Colleg Rapids, Iowa, writes wl tually an educationistj "One can be lost in adm hard work and high star without believing thata ing and a heavy empha civilizations constitute preparation for solvin problems." Science and math? "V everybody pursue algeb and chemistry? Must play the piano, or play iet Union the vast pool of manpower and resources now tied up in a gigan- awkward tic military establishment. ms to need But at the same time, Khrush- unable to chev appears to need external ke his new tension as an excuse to keep the eed to tap consumer public in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the satellites from clamoring for a " t : better share of the Communist economy. !L Record, What Khrushchev appears to d, onetime want, ultimately, is controlled e of Cedar tension - that is, tension which hat is vir- does not entail the risk of a ma- manifesto: jor explosion. iration for While he is wrestling with in- ndards., ternal contradictions, Khrushchev rote learn- has no intention of surrendering sis on past any of. the diplomatic gains he the best has rolled up. Thus,,a stray acci- g modern dent in the United States with an A-bomb plane and a few imagina- Vhy should tive reports on how the United ra, physics States might react to the threat everyone of a missile attack were seized y football? upon avidly by the Soviet propa- , . 'k