THEMICHIGANDAILY kCo-Editor Theatre Notes The Drama Season has an- nounced that Wesley Addy, stage and screen actor, will appear in the local production of "Candida," opposite Nancy Kelly. The play will be presented May 26 to May 31 at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Addy will come to Ann Arbor from Berlin, Ger- many, where he has completed a featured role in the motion pic- ture, "Six to One," with Jack Pa- lance and Jeff Chandler. In "Candida" he will play the role of Morell, Candida's husband. He appeared in this role opposite Katherine Cornell in her recent revival of the popular Shavian comedy. On Broadway, he has appeared s named co-editor of Generation, as the evil Ben Hubbard in "An- in action by the Board in Control other Part of the Forest," a dedi- cated atomic scientist in "The Traitor," and in "The Enchanted"' and "The First Gentleman." He has appeared in the motion pictures "The Big Knife" and T* "Garment Jungle" as well as on Radar Uit television. The 65th annual May Festival will open Thursday at Hill Audi- for a study of possible unique torium. There will be concerts characteristics of radar pictures featuring the Philadelphia Or- from tornados. It can also deter- chestra and soloists Thursday mine whether radar is adequate to through Sunday night, and Sat- identify tornados." urday and Sunday afternoon. ORGANIZATION NOTICES, .1.94' k ' . "$t.: .'%+ f 4K" .t'."' . ."c . t* ; ;{" " NAACP Asks Residents To Reconsider Petition r ,.. , "PERFECT! ...JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDER2ED!" --Crowther, Times DANNY KAYE / 1. I Ann Arbor citizens were asked yesterday by the executive board of the Ann Arbor Branch of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People not to sign any petitions now circu- lating which concern urban re- newal. The board made its request "until further publicrhearings are held to discuss the progress of the Citizens Committee on Urban Re- newal." Specific reference was made in the statement to petitions which are being circulated by organizers of the "North Central Citizens Association." The board said it was "parti- cularly alarmed" that signers of these petitions are delegating the power to "act on their behalf" in urban renewal matters." In the petitions, signers "give full power to a committee to be selected by us, to represent us and to act for our best interests in any way necessary or possible." A meeting of the Ann Arbor NAACP will be held within a week to discuss various aspects of the petitions, board members said. , in his NEW hit! BACCALONI - NOEL PURCELU ROBERT COOTE x' [DAILY, OFFICIAL BULLETIN NOW u I IQ A e r1i14l4ulii{l iiifihld DIAL NO 2-313 6 . . .added entertainment... "JOURNEY THRU CEYLON" The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. English Dept. Prof..F. E. L. Priestley of .the Univ. of Toronto will speak on "Science and the Poetic Imagination" on Tues., April 29, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, at 4:10 p.m. All interested per- sons are cordially invited to attend. ... ,. ', i 1 'O 4. 1 I I STRAIGHT-I SI KI........,O2.V U 0 3