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April 25, 1958 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1958-04-25

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International Fashion Trends A ffect
Campus Raincoat Styles For Spring

Sport, Dress Shirts Display
New English Tab Collars



Spring plus Ann Arbor equals
But most men won't mind being
in Ann Arbor in the rain if they
have one of the new raincoats
featured in many Ann Arbor
Claiming international trends,
many of the styles have a con-
tinental flair. Imports vary from
English and Swiss to Italian styling
and materials.
One popular style, new this
year, is the English Aquascutum,
featured in reversible iridescent
shades of charcoal green, grey,
brown or black with a tan reverse
Features Raglan Sleeves
This full length style- features
raglan sleeves for comfort and has
an English ball collar, tabbed
sleeves and fly front.
It plays a double role-handsome
for dress, yet sturdy and comfort-
able for sports wear. In either case,
it sheds showers easily.
Most popular of all colors in
the trench coat is the natural or
tan shade, appearing this year in
the single breasted style. Last
year's double-breasted trench coat
seems to be leaving the scene.
Double-Breasted Coat
An exception to this is the
popularity of a three quarter
length double - breasted coat of
ribbed cotton with leather buttons,
an all around yoke and slanted
flap pockets.
Several of this year's raincoats
are three-quarter length or knee
length, although on campus most
Michigan men seem to choose the
longer style. Some of the knee-
length coats are featured in a
regimental style, with striped lin-
In contrast to the naturals and,
plain colors,-in most raincoats is a
reversible raincoat with a muted
glen plaid on one side, cotton
poplin on the other.nThe style has
vertical pockets and adjustable
tab cuffs.
Continues Popularity
Poplin, the material of most
trench or all-weather coats, con-
tinues to be popular. A good ap-
pearance is assured because a host
of fine styles and colors are found
in this material.
The American Alligator coat
and the English MacIntosh are
becoming popular this spring. The
MacIntosh styles come in a variety
of materials, one in Egyptian cot-


From rulfled evening styles to
cotton knits for daytime wear,
men's shirts are hitting a new;
high for variety and originality
this spring.
Collars and cuffs are getting
narrower, with French cuffs almost
non-existent except for the dressi-
est and most formal occasions.
Tab and button-down collars
continue to be popular, in both the
sport and "good" shirts. The Ivy
League fashion seems to be con-
tinuing its dominance for awhile,
and the "English" styles are run-
ning a close second on campuses
throughout the country.
Adds Complications
While tab collars are popular,
they cause the wearers some diffi-
culty in getting shirt, tabs, tie and
stude in proper position. As one
man put it, "You have to have
someone else help you. Every time
I try to do it myself I get my
adam's apple caught between my
fingers and choke to death."
Saving many men from this dire
predicament is the cotton kiiit
sport shirt, which grew out of the
traditional tennis player's uni-
form. These are popular, especially
on West Coast campuses, in solid
colors as well as white.
Their cooler weather counter-
parts are wool or. synthetic knits,
which are often striped in the nar-
row Ivy League manner.
Italian knit sportshirts exhibit.
a rainbow of colors in wide stripes,
usually horizontal. These have the
popular gondola or boat neck.
Plaids Make News
Plaids are also big this spring,
with the Indian madras cottons
ranking first for good-looking sport
shirts. These fabrics are .charac-
terized by rich-colored patterns,
.subtly blended and sometimes al-
most muted together in their color
Holding their own again this
spring are the standby Scotch tar-
tans, with an emphasis on the red
plaids such as the Royal Stewart
and MacGregor. Also in the pre-
ferred list are the Campbell Dress ,
white and navy and green; Mac-
Pherson, white with black and,
yellow; and the Black Watch,
navy, dark green and black.
For those who like the California
and Florida coast influence,. the
Hawaiian-inspired prints still rate,'
with the tendency toward not-too-
bright-but-still-lively patterns.
Most of these are monotone prints
which are flashy enough to com-
pensate for their lack of colors.
Stripes in Sportswear
Small stripes are still good
standbys for school and sportwear
-once agaii4 that Ivy League in-
Turning to the other extreme,
dress apparel is taking an all-over

trend towards the exotic, wit
j shirts no exception. Eastern me:
have started the process and nov
evening shirts all over the countr
are bedecked with not only tuck,
but rufiles and lace down the, fron
and on the cuffs. Whether this i
a copy of the Spanish matador,
fancy dress, or whether it is a
American-originated idea is ne
known, but the trend is there.
There are also a few lightl
colored striped or small-patterne
dress shirts which feature th
tucks, although only the dressies
white shirts boast lace and ruf
fies. These are worn only witl
tuxedos or dinner jackets, in win
ter or summer.
Matching Set
Of Tie Belt
Matching tie and belt combina
tions in cloth materials are the
newest fashion in the belt cata
gory of men's accessories.
In plaids, stripes and Balil
prints, these matching sets wil
be seen on the fashion consciou
male this spring and summer. Th
popularity for this style stem
from its practicality-it. shows les.
wear at the buckle than leathe
Also popular are the'elastic belt
which are also shown in plaid
and stripes. Leather fronts ant
buckles are prominate on thes
Accentuate Casu$l Look
Madras and hemp belts for the
warm season come in both natura
and dark colors and have leathe:
in front with large buckles. These
accentuate the casual look foun
in sports outfits.
Preferred by the college set are
the narrow leather belts in tan
blackblue and brown which ar
also the style of the "classy col-
legian's" tie.
The tallowed bridle leather belts
creating a rich, subtle finish tha
improves with age and wear, ar
the conservative male's chief bel
For Style Change
Elastic belts are popular wit
the male who owns several belt
to suit his many style changes
as are the hand woven Indiar
Madras and hand blockedi wax cot
ton baliks.
The personal touch is added b3
contemporary hand-wrought ster
ling silver buckles with initials.
As in most other men's, fashion
articles, a conservative trend:''i
being followed in the belts whict
are worn by Mr. University.

. predicted to replace Ivy League

-aay- Oi e eeier
.. follows more:natural lines

-Daily-George Keefer
FOR RAIN OR SHINE-Single breasted trench coats replace last
year's double-breasted coats for campus wear. For that added

Ivy League Styles Remain Popular Despite
Growing Trend Toward Continental Look

For college men, the Ivy Look
is still tops in fashion news.
However, a few changes have
taken place since last year. Last
year the Ivy suits and sport jack-
ets featured very narrow shoulders.
This year they are following a
more natural line.
"The reason is that any new
style often goes to an extreme
when it is introduced for the first
time," a local clothier commented.
Will these seemingly minor'
changes result in the emergence
of a "new look" in men's fashions?'
Just as changes in the double-
breasted suit ultimately resulted in
the Ivy Look, fashion experts seem
to think the- trend is 'toward the
slim, Continental look to replace
the Ivy styles.
The Continental suit will not be
as deliberately unconscious of

styling. The lapel will be a little solids. Charcoal suits which were
broader and the top button of the a 'must' in every man's wardrobe
jacket will be a bit lower. The are no longer fashionable.
short jacket, will be the major ivy Look Popular
change and fancy pockets or Ed- "C y
wardian cuffs will adorn the more "College men are very practical
dashing versions. in their selections. For summer
Altogether this suit will strive they like the suits made out of
for casualness with a touch of the rayon and dacron which are wash-
tailored look. The tapered trousers able and which require little or no
so popular with college men and ironing. The wrinkles disappear.
favored by European designers with handing," a buyer for a local
are here to stay. men's store noted.
Continental Trend Also extremely popular around
campus are the light-cofored cord
The Continental styles are for suits for warm weather. Blue or
the future. The changewill be a tan seem to be the best colors in
slow and gradual one. Right now these suits.
the Ivy Look is still the well- Sport Coats
dressed look for men.
In choosing their suits and The three button sport coats
sports coats, college men prefer a are commonly seen on and off
small stripe to other designs and campus today. Stripes are the

protection against spring rains,
the well-dressed man.
ton in a sand color. The Alligator
is featured in a dacron-Egyptian
cotton "wash and wear" fashion.
Washable dacron, protective in
the heaviest of downpours as well
as completely washable with soap
and water, is a reliable rainwear
fabric with an American flair.
Royal navy and tan appear to be
the best colors in this category.
Most trench. coat styles in this
fabric are not lined.
In the lined poplin styles, linings

a black umbrella is a must for
range from plaids and muted
plaids, to stripes, providing a dash
of color.
For added protection as well as
distinction, the traditional black
umbrella is a 'must' this spring.
In nylon, rayon, or a mixture of
nylon and rayon, the umbrella is'
the final touch for the complete
rainwear outfit.
Distinctly masculine, the styles'
in raincoats and rainwear this year
are suited !to all-occasions.

Men's Hosiery Exhibits Variety of Patterns

Campus Males Tend To Buy
Narrow, Conservative Ties

Narrow, conservative ties appear
to be the trend for the well groom-
ed collegian,
Bow ties, giving the professorial
air to the wearer, come in two1
varieties. For those whO neverI
seem to get the bow tied properly
there are the snap-ons.
The secret of the hand tied bow
tie is to fashion it just sloppy
enough to show that it is hand
tied. This shows that the male
is concerned enough to tie his own
Narrow and Conservative
Still foremost in the fashion
news is the foreign hand tie. The
narrow, conservative tie heads the
popularity list.
. It's a tossup between the plain
background and the pattern for
the narrow tie. The occasion after
dictates the conservativeness of
the tie
The narrow string tie is popular
with the spring suits of cord and
the sports ensembles.

For dress the paisley patterned
silk tie adds a crisp touch to any
man's attire.
Cloth ties in plaids that are not
loud, but subdued are favorites
|with the well dressed college man.
Conservative colors and styles
that blend deftly with the shirt
and suit are foremost and con-
sidered to be the most fashionable.
Formal Wear
For formal wear, plaid ties and
cumberbunds add color to 'the
black tuxes and offer a change in
The red plaids are still first
in popularity, although the yellow
plaids are gaining prominance.
The dark plaids are also worn by,
the sharp dresser, replacing the
traditional drab blacks.,
A new innovation in the world
of ties is the button-tie with a hole
in the back to button to the shirt.
The smooth look is retained with-
out the use of a tie clasp.

preference of most men in sport
coats as well as in suits. They are
practical for college too because
they can be worn to more casual
affairs than a suit, yet for most
functions they are dressy enough
to take the place of suits.
Silk is being worn more and
more in sport coats because of its
light weight and coolness for the
summer's heat. Also coming back
intoM vogue is irridescent cotton
which looks like silk. The irrides-
cent shades are very smart this
year in all men's fashions.
New this year as a spring and
summer accessory is the cotton
sport coat with a dapper brushed
cotton effect. Naturally it comes
in college-preferred: dark colors
and stripes.
Slacks Contrast, Match
Solid-color slacks match or con-
trast with a sportscoat. One varia-
tion has pleatless and uncuffed
trousers as well as slanted pockets
in the back.
Most slacks *for sportswear are
shown in Ivy-League style with
the buckle in the back. Charcoal
blacks, browns, and greens are
Dacron cord fabrics are favor-
ites for cool spring and summer
slacks., These are shown in light
shades of tan, blue, green or,

Argyles, checks, plaids, stripes,
beer mugs or cupids-all play a
large part in this year's men's,
Both synthetic fibers and wool
are made in the new stretch form
to prevent shinkage. The stretch
fabrics fit any foot and prevent
wrinkling during wear.
Comfort and stretch go togeth-
er in the new synthetic fibers.
Guaranteed to fit any foot size,
these socks conform to the foot/
and prevent wrinkling or chaff-
ing during the warm weather
The problem of shinkage of
wool socks is now solved with the
new stretch wools. They retain
their shape and comfort through
many wearings.
For the soft touch, the cotton-
cashmere socks in a variety of
solid colors or patterns afford the
tops in comfort.
Popular for all year around
wear on campus are the whitd
wool or cotton sweat socks. Cot-
ton socks with terry-cloth soles
give extra padding to save feet
while tramping across campus.
For dress and formal wear, the


thin, solid colored hose are ap- remember they must match the
propriate. In black or dark brown outfit . . . blues with blue and
or blue, these are most popular in greens with green. And before
rayon or nylon, rushing off for that 8 o'clock, make
Whatever your choice of hosiery, sure the argyles match!

offers new, fireproof, air conditioned
accommodations for your Spring Guests.
For enjoyable dining, try the
Chicken - Steaks - Smorgashord

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