Sixty-Eighth Year - T EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will ,Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES BOW "Ev'rybody, Now -In The Good Old Summit Time, In The Good Old Summit Time -" To The Edior Frames of Reference . . . To the Editor: UNFORTUNATELY, Don Conlan (Letters, Feb. 8) speaks for many. According to a recent survey, the prevailing campus attitude at best is, "I think I'll go change the world this June if Dad will give me the station wagon." But even the rugged, individualistic, American "quasicapitalist" may find at least a practical interest in brotherhood and mutual understanding if one morning the new union of Syria and Egypt decides to shut off a few oil lines. How would Mr. Conlan feel if his protests and pleas were answered "" Tit-f or-Tat' In Disarmament Talks 9 WHAT WITH THE MAZE of conflicting views area in which the other is, ahead, each side on disarmament being offered by Dulles, attempts to prevent an agreement which would Stassen, and the Soviets, and with Adlai check its progress in the area in which it is Stevenson proposing a world conference of behind. This may or may not be rational: it respected men to formulate other views, any seems to be predicated on the assumption that further suggestions may seem superfluous. But one can overcome the other's lead, be it in the American and Russian proposals are taking satellites or hydrogen bombs, or nullify it if some sort of form and may contain within only both sides stop testing. It assumes there them the seeds of a limited agreement. is no advantage in "freezing" one's own lead in Stassen unofficially and the Soviets officially the area in which one has gained pre-eminence. both appear to favor separating the issue of hydrogen testing from the question of general And both positions assume some ability to disarmament, Stassen because he is anxious inspect, undoubtedly from some distance, the for any sort of agreement, the Russians because experiments of the other, which is possibly they realize the propaganda value of test sus- not justified for the testing of small nuclear pension among the uncommitted peoples. The weapons and undoubtedly not justified for the consrucionof space platforms or other mill- United States seems to fear test suspension will construction of spacvaluablermserrsptherdevic-s allow the Soviets to overcome our slim lead in tarily valuable outer space devices. hydrogen weapons../ But there still might be advantages - for Secretary Dulles in his press club speech, propaganda, for economy, and even for peace- wh e sticking to an insistence on a link between in agreements to check space and nuclear test- the issue of nuclear weapons and general dis- ing, especially if both sides approached such armament, advocated a separate agreement on agreements with equal amounts of skepticism control of outer space, in which the Russians and credulity. And the current impasse may have a lead. But the Russian reply has been to be the only optimistic note on the whole dis- link space control with the issue of general armament front, since the ideal time-if not disarmament. the only time-for an effective agreement on After so many years of futile negotiations and anything is when both sides have approximately exchanges of letters, there is no question but equal amounts to gain and to lose, or, more what there is no better way for either side to accurately, when they think they do. The kill any idea than to insist that it only come as Russian de facto rejection of control of outer a part of a general agreement. Modern tech- space and the American de facto rejection of nology has provided small enough weapons of a ban on nuclear tests may eventually become complete destruction and effective enough the basis of a "tit-for-tat" bargain linking bans means of underground production and storage on nuclear tests and space weapons with each to make any system of inspection-the key to other, and not with the whole hopeless question a "foolproof agreement"-unthinkable. of total disarmament. rpiUS WHILE EACH SIDE wants an agree- -PETER ECKSTEIN ment to check weapons development in the Editor Governor l Wilias opia 4 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Refugees Revolt Again By DREW PEARSON FITTING THE BILL but missing the boat, Gov. G. Mennen Williams' Sputnik Age budget confirms previously softly voiced fears. The course being followed is political and practical expediency; the- hand needed to steer the program lacks sufficiently sincere, strong statesmanship. As the Governor said in his special message on education delivered to this session of the Legislature, the failure of our schools to keep pace with Soviet achievements is "not so much a measure of our own inadequacies but of our- selves as a people." 'In the .more or less demo- cratic society we live in, the actions of the various levels of government are ultimately based upon the feelings of the people. At the risk of over-generalization, a some- what pragmatic people tend to take a practical view towards government. This attitude finds expression when special interest groups support measures that will directly benefit them in a practical fashion. e.g., farm areas electing representatives who will vote for agricultural subsidies. An even more painful example is the consistent rejection of school bonding programs by voters throughout the state. Supporting an activity for its practical merit or neglecting it for lack of "need," seems a common tendency. Tangibles having immediate application are valued; intangibles without practical, obvious uses can be ignored. As a former Secretary of Defense said, "We don't care why the grass is green," A DIRECT REFLECTION of the practical attitude appears visible in\ the chips that fell when the Governor hacked the University's operating request from 37.3 million dollars to 31.5' million dollars. A clear revelation is the inclusion of almost purely scientific buildings in his plans for the bonding of new, University construction. After all, as one legislator said last spring when another futile attempt was made to replace the archaic relic on Maynard St. with a new Music School Building, "Who needs musicians?" Perhaps when the Democratic governor and the Republican Legislature cannot harmonize for the best interests of the people in the state, the residents of Lansing do. Admittedly, the governor and the state of Michigan are in a difficult position. The state cannot collect enough money, under its present tax structure, to meet its growing needs and Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor JAMES ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHRGANG Editorial Director City Editor DONNA HANSON ................ Personnel Director CAROL PRINS ..... ..Magazine Editor EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director WILLIAM HANEY ..................Features Editor ROSE PERLBERG..................Activities Editor DIANE FRASER..............Assoc. Activities Editor THOMAS BLUES . ......Assoc. Personnel Director JAMES BAAD .. .... ............._. Sports Editor BRUCE BENNETT ............ Associate Sports Editor JOHN HILLYER ............ Associate Sports Editor BRUCE BAILEY ................ Chief Photographer the governor cannot command enough votes in the Republican-dominated Legislature to support his proposals for solution to the fiscal mess. To be sure, he has not been lacking of solu- tions. His intangibles tax and bonding pro- posals represented at least temporary meth- ods of easing another perennial crisis. Even more important, he seems honestly aware of the needs of education in the state. UNFORTUNATELY, in tailoring his program and budget to what he thinks 4he Legisla- ture will accept, he shows a greater awareness of political expediency. From the first announcement of his financial plans at the beginning of the year, to the proposal of financing only Sputnik-oriented construction projects at the University, he re- veals an effort to fit his plans to the bill he thinks the Legislature might be willing to pay. All this is undeniably practical, but it misses the boat of leadership. A governor aware of the state's long term needs, appreciative of the need for intangible liberal arts concepts that may not be immediately practical, but provide the deep base for any knowledge, and sensitive to shifts in public attitude that can be scared too far in one direction, should not only outline his beliefs in a 16-page report to legislators. He should support, explain and fight for the needs. It is unfortunate that Gov. Williams, the only five-term governor in the state's history, seems content to follow a path of political practic- ability and do little more than reflect the people's and Legislator's attitudes. Following attitudes rather than leading them may help retain popularity, but it does not reveal statesmanship. Whether the governor is willing to perhaps sacrifice the first for the second may be a question upon which depends the ultimate success of Michigan's educational program, -MICHAEL KRAFT Where Do Collegians Turn for Ideas? AFTER THE APPEARANCE of Norman Thomas on campus Friday night, one must conclude that this institution has more justifi- cation for calling itself a University-a market place for all honest ideas. As one sat in Rackham, observing a couple hundred students reading copies of "The Young Socialist" (distributed-unbeknownst to Thom- as-by another sect of American socialists, ap- parently to the left of Thomas) while they waited for the lecture to begin, one could hardly contain a chuckle and a thought, "If only the Regents, the Detroit papers, the legis- lators and the taxpayers could see us now." But had our watch-dogs been at Rackham, they could have seen that Socialism or Communism has nothing to offer today's college generation; we did read "The Young Socialist," but then we criticized its ideas, laughed at them and threw the paper away. What we want today is peace and freedom and state socialism only ON TOP OF the Venezuelan re- vote against a dictator, it's learned that a group of Hungarian refugees revolted against another dictator - Generalissimo Raphael Trujillo of the Dominican Repub- lic. Last year, Trujillo made a dra- matic gesture to Hungarian refu- gees by offering to settle them in the Dominican Republic. Between six and seven hundred acceptedr his invitation, but were given al-r most nothing to do and a mos- quito-infested area near the Haitian border to be idle in. Finally they rebelled, and 10 of them were thrown in jail. The balance then stormed the jail and released their leaders. The Domin- ican Army then attacked. However, the Hungarians, using sticks and stones, the same wea- pons they used against Russian tanks in Budapest, counterat- tacked. And the Dominican Army, put in the embarrassing position of firing against unarmed refu- gees, retreated. After the fracas, about half the Hungarians decided they pre- ferred the dictatorship of Khrush- chev back in Hungary to the dic- tatorship of Trujillo in the Carib- bean.rThey went back to Hungary. AN UNTOLD story of how two congressmen, supposed to protect little business, threw their weight for big business is revealed in the secret files of the House Small Business Committee. Strangely enough, the hatchet- work was performed by congress- men from predominantly li"tle- business districts, Republican Craig Hosmer of California and Democrat Abe Multer of New York. These two, aided by Repub- lican William McCulloch of Ohio,' used every trick in the book to stymie the committee's question- ing of Ralph Ablon, president of Luria Brothers, colossus of the scrap-iron industry. Their efforts were so effective that Chairman Wright Patman of Texas angrily demanded of Hos- mer: "Do you want to hear the testimony or not?" Though the committee files were loaded with evidence that small competitors were being driven to the wall by Luria's con- trol of scrap steel, Hosmer and Multer insisted that the commit- tee probe was out of order because the Federal Trade Commission al- ready was investigating Luria on monopoly charges. Hosmer even tried to argue that the Supreme Court was against congressional investigations, a new wrinkle. "I think Mr. Hosmer is right," chimed in Multer. "I am against conducting investigations solely for the purpose of exposure, or solely for the purpose of making a record that will make somebody look good or bad." THIS LEFT the committee slightly aghast, since the main purpose of congressional investi- gations is to make exposures. When Democrat James Roosevelt of California recovered from the shock, he shot back: "We not only have a right, we have an obligation to go into this matter, because it could be years and years before the FTC comes to any conclusion." Finally, after Hosmer and,Mult- er had snafued the hearing for most of one morning by interrupt- ing testimony, objecting to docu- ments offered by Committee Counsel Everette Maclntyre, and otherwise filibustering on behalf of Luria, Chairman Patman ex- ploded: "Please, please let the counsel ask the questions he is trying to ask. Are we going to take the at- titude that because the FTC has these same documents, we are not going to permit them to be in- troduced? Suppose it is necessary for us to bring in such documents? Let's put everything in the confidential record and then determine later on what part will be made public, if any. Republican Walter Riehlman of New York also was irked by the obstructing tactics of Hosmer and Multer. He finally threw up his hands ,and exclaimed: "I don't think we are getting anywhere. So far I haven't gotten a thing. I don't even know where we are." Undismayed, Hosmer shot back: "If we are going to fight the battle of the FTC and a number of oth- er things, we are going to be here forever. My only point is that if there is no adverse effect on small business, this inquiry is unneces- sary." Luria President Ralph Ablon, who was supposed to be the wit- ness, hardly opened his mouth, so effectively did Hosmer and Multer yakety-yak the proceedings. After about two hours, chairman Pat- man finally gave up. He told Ab- Ion to return the next day. His testimony then will be reported in a subsequent column. * * * INSIDE REASON why ambas- sador Joln Allison was abruptly called home from Indonesia was because he had the courage to dis- agree with Secretary of State Dulles. For weeks, Allison had been bombarding the State Department with cables urging the United States to support the Indonesians in their bitter row with the Dutch. He advised Dulles that our cur- rent policy of strict neutrality is getting us nowhere-it not only infuriates the Indonesians but al- so the Dutch. We might as well stand up and be counted on one side or the other, Allison warned. The Communists, he advised, are taking advantage of our neu- trality and making tremendous inroads. Dulles flatly refused to change his policy,.however, and fi- nally got so irked at Allison he was yanked home, allegedly for con- sultation, but actually to be trans- ferred to another job. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) by a glib, "The thing wrong with don't now, and never will under- stand our frame of reference"? Actually, foreign students share much of Mr. Conlan's frame of reference. They too are interested in material wealth and progress, but, in addition, are unable to ignore the fact that the world's abundance is hardly distributed along lines of either need or merit, and the practical and ethical im- plications of that fact. As a believer in republicanism and political compromise, I find Mr. Conlan's views on the futility of political discussion and the black and whiteness of political' issues as not only absuid, but the kind of views which are inductive of totalitarianism, whether bour- geosie or so-called "communistic," ** * I WONDER how soon Mr. Con- lan might disc6ver that there are such things as vested student in- terests-and values'and rights to international discussion of such- if someone came along and in- formed him that henceforth every- one from Michigan would be de- nied a right to an education be- cause he was from Michigan, or that conferences between students and businessmen from other areas on how to make this a better world for business had been found fool- ish and were now prohibited. If he protested, on the other hand, would Mr. Conlan be satis- fied with a reply something like: "Your giddy notions of kinship between business and students went out with silent Cal Coolidge and the 10-hour day?" * * * BUT WHAT if Mr. Conlan is lucky, and his ,horseblinders and "straight road" lead him swiftly and surely to the Cadillac at the end of the rainbow instead of an old city dump? What if, after a brief "training" (not education) that brings to his view an egghead named Schweit- zer, a completely meaningless poem called "The Road Not Taken" (Frost), and a foreign student in the third row, all he has gained is an "A" in the course and a good starting salary? Isn't that all he wanted? And in answer, the words of one whom Mr. Conlan would call an insane cross-bearer come to my mind. It was a humble Middle Easterner, a foreigner with a strange frame of reference, who, in echoing a strong theme in hu- man thought, asked, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" * * * THIS WRITER isn't known for his religious orthodoxy, but he does commend that question to himself, Mr. Conlan, and the stu- dent community in general. It is we, after all, who must make an- swer to Mr. Conlan's unwitting but scathing indictment. As Dr. Louis B. Wright, director of the Shakespeare Folger Library, recently remarked, "We invented the term 'egghead' as a term of contempt for any intellectual whose conversation exceeded the scope of the sports pages. We adopted the bonehead as our beau ideal. "And now we feel injured be- cause nations who have taken our money will not also embrace our 'culture.' We have not proved our- selves very bright, and we shall have a hard struggle to survive. "There is some doubt whether we deserve to survive" -Ward Chapman, '60L foreigners is that they never have, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editori- al responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPE WRITfEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- Ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, No. 89 Lectures School of Public Health Assembly aid Delta Omega Leture by m Paul Rus- sell, scheduled for Feb. 11, have been cancelled because of illness to the speaker. Dr. Hyman Kublin, Professor of His- tory, Brooklyn College, will speak on "The Japanese Socialist Party-Present Policies and Strength," Wed., Feb. 12, 1953, at 4:15 p.m., in the East Confer- ence Room, Rackham Building. The public lecture is under the sponsorship of the Center for Japanese Studies and the Political Science Department. The public is invited. Robert Mitchell, of Mitchell Models Studio, St Joseph, Mich., will present an illustrated lecture on "Architectural Presentation through Scale Models." Mo., Feb. 10 ,at 2:00 p.m. in Architec- ture Auditorium. Sponsored by the Department of Architecture, College of Architecture and Design. Prof. Luis Pericot Garcia, Professor of Prehistory at the University of Barce- Iona will give an illustrated lecture en- titled "Paleolithic Painting in Spain" on Tues., Feb. 11, in Auditorium A of Angell Hall, at 4:15 p.m. The lecture is sponsored jointly by the Department of Anthropology and the Department of Fine Art- University Lecture, sponsored by the English Department. Mr. Robert Graves, British poet, novelist, and critic, will read, and comment on, poetry on Wed., Feb. 12, at 4:10 p.m. in Rackham Le- ture Hal. All interested. persons are invited to attend, Sigma Xi presents Dr. Walter J. Nun- gester, Chairman, Dept. of Bacteriology speaking on "Tumor Immunology." Wed., Feb. 12 a 8:00 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheatre. efreshments will be served. Public Invited. U.S. SenatorstHubert Humphrey and Thruston Morton will be presented- Mon., Feb. 10 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Audi- torium as the fifth number on the Lec- ture Course. "Do We Have A Sound Foreign Policy" will be the subject which they will discuss expressing di- vergent opinions of their parties. Tick- ets will be on sale Mon., Feb. 10, 10 am. -8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium box office. Burton Holmes Travelogue Ticktso n Sale. Tickets for the series of fiv news travelogues will be placed on sale Mon. Feb. 10, 10 a.m. in Hill Auditorium box office. Presented by the University Ora- torical Association on five Thursday- evenings at 8:30 p.m. the schedule is as follows: Feb. 20 "Paris and the Rivi- era"; Feb. 27, "Hawaii"; Mar. 6 "Great Northwest"; Mar. 13 "Ireland"; Mar. 20, "Alaska." All motion pictures are in natural color and will be narrated by Robert Mallett and Thayer Soule. Concerts The Baroque Trio, Nelson Hauenstein, flute; Florian Mueller, oboe; and Mari- lyn Mason, harpsichord, will perform the second Ann Arbor program of the current academic year at 8:30 p.m. Tues., Feb. 11 in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The concert will include Trio Sonata in C by Johann Chrstoph Pe- pusch; Sonata in D for Oboe and Harp- sichord by Thomas Vincent; Trio Son- ata in A minor by K.P.E. Bach; Sonata in C for Flute and Harpsichord by J. S. Bach; Sonata da ciesa a tre by Tom- maso Albinoni. The general public will be admitted without charge. Organ Recital 4:15 p.m. Sun., Feb. 9, in Hill Auditorium, by David Craighead, Head of Organ Department, Eastman School of Music, University of Roches- ter. Sponsored by the School of Music, the recital will be open to the general public without charge. It will include works by 'Bach, Buxtehude, Mozart; Robert Russell Bennett, Stanley, Sower- by and Maurice Durufle Films SpecialPreviews-open to the public- "The Unchained Goddess." The Story of weather, color, 57 minutes (Fourth in the Bell Telephone System Science Series films). Mon., Feb. 10, 4:00 p.m. Shorling Auditorium School of Educa- tion. Tues., Feb. 11, 4:00, p.m., 4051 Ad- ministration Building. Audio - visual Center Auditorium. Academic Notices History 39 will meet henceforth i 2203 Angell Hall. The Extension Service announces the following classes to be held in Ann Ar- bor beginning Tues., Feb. 11: EFFICIENT READING I 7:00 p.m. 524 University Elementary School. 8 weeks. $13.50. Teaching Assistant Rosemarie E. Nagel, Instructor. ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND PROCESSES LABORATORY COURSN 7:00 p.m. (Mechanical Engineering 2, 1 hour of undergraduate credit). 3313 East Engineering Building. 16 weeks. $45.00. Kenneth C. Ludema, Instructor. GOVERNMENTS AND POLITICS OF AFRICA 7:30 p.m. (Political Science W160, 2 hours of undergraduate credit). 117 Business Administration. 16 weeks. $2t.00 Asst. Prof. Henry L. Bretton, In- structor. DV Vf'IT VT IV1V V nP AnT[ TTTq AW "1'P7-1 t I r It a LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER: 'Social Engineer' Dreams of World Harmony By THOMAS HAYDEN Daily staff Writer EDWARD BRETZLAFF was in- dividualism driving a Ford. But I didn't realize that or care much at first. To me, a freezing hitchhiker, he was only a lift to the next junction. I hopped in eagerly when he pulled his creaking conveyance to a halt at the roadside. As he guided the vehicle back into traffic, .I studied my bene- factor. I saw an old pair of brown shoes, white sweat socks, worn brown slacks, and a plain blue jacket. Perched on top of this was a heaO '"aped vaguely like an egg: a chin and mouth coupled with a large forehead. His grey eyes were startlingly clear. Covering his sil- vering hair was a most peculiar me what field I planned to major in. "Political science." He beamed broadly. "Good boy! That's my field." He took his hands from the wheel and rummaged through his jacket pockets. "Where's my card, I wonder," he mumbled. Not finding his "card," he again grasped the wheel and resumed our conversation vigorously. "I'm kicking around a few poli- tical ideas. . . . sort of a third- party thing, you know." "Oh," I replied cautiously. "Yeah," he went pn. "We want to do away with the political party system as it now stands and re- place it with a nationwide nomi- nation and election of a Presi- dent." "Look in my glove compartment for one of m gards, will you?" And awaits our spirit, too; For the cause that lacks assistance, For the wrongs that need resistance, For the future in the distance, Also the good that we can do. And now, My Friends, How About You? It was signed: Edward Bretzlaff, Oxford, Mich. "Who's he?" I inquired. "Me." The straw had become a scepter. - Bretzlaff then outlined several of his philosophies: * * * 1) THE REPUBLICAN party has collapsed. They won't regain any power for years. "It's because of that Military Man. We don't like the military." 2) America is near the status of a secondary power. Our, eco- the Russians won't go along, "we should do it unilaterally." 6) "Our aim is to live in har- mony, in peace, with all nations." I asked him about the present status of the Social Engineers. He related that they had held a re- cent meeting at an Oxford hotel. Only "15 or 20" attended. "We're trying to drum up interest," Bretz- laff said. "We want it to become a na- tional movement by 1960." He said it confidently. Bretzlaff admitted that the term "Social Engineer" was not original with him. "I got it from Will Durant a long time ago. Then I went into farming and forgot it until recently." WE WERE nearing my departure point. It was too soon to leave. I waintedto sk a thousa~nd aues- IS