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April 25, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-04-25

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

LXVII, No. 145,


To Cut Outstate Education

The Legislature's call for aus-
terity spending in state institu-
tions next year will require the
University to sharply curtail some
areas of its off-campus education-
al program.
Some students will be turned
away from the Flint College, the
Dearborn Center will be delayed
at least a year and possibly long-
er in opening. and extension pro-
grams will be reduced.
This situation is emerging in
the aftermath of the Legislature's
million dollar reduction in the
Universty's 1958-59 operating
budget last week, Dean of State-
Wide Education Harold M. Dorr
said yesterday.y
Lump Sm Granted
But all the curtailments are not
yet definite; possible areas for
reduction of activities are under
.,The University made individual'
requests for funds to operate ts
outtate educational facilities.
SThe Legislature chose to allot a
lump- sum of $30 million for all
operations which the University
could divide as it wished.
Dorr said he would n t urge
taking money from operations at
Ann Arbor to get the Dearborn
Center started or to operate any
of the other University outstate
"There Is no sense in trying to
open Dearborn unless we have
enough money to do it properly"
he explained .
Gift from Ford
Thie;Center will be b uit on Fair-
Lane, the formner estate of Henry
Ford.aThe land and $6.5 million
was given to the University by
-Ford Motor Company in 1956.
It was scheduled to open in the
fall of 1959. Dorr and other Uni-
versity official now say it will
be 'delayed at least until 196.
,Adrequest of $282,00 for Dear-
born operations was made in or-
der to acquire an administrative
staff, begin developing a library,
USAF Stops
For Missile
Informed sources said last night
the second stage of the rocket
which hurled a mystery nose cone
into space Wednesday failed to
The Air Force, which has aban-
4oned its attempt to recover the
cone, had no comment on the
Meanwhile, the Navy 'worked
here to prepare for launching the
last of its Vanguard satellite test
vehicles, this one containing for
the first time a 20-inch, 21.5-
pound sphere.
Schedule Secret
The Navy launching schedule is
secret. The test series, initially not
designed to carry satellites, will
be followed by, some seven regular
Vanguard satellite launchings.
In a one-sentence news release
the Air Force here said it "con-
firmedreports that efforts to re-
cover the nose cone of the Thor-
Able missile launched Wednesday

provide for maintenance and ac-
quire a faculty.
Dorr said reductions in the Uni-
versity's operations must come
where they -will hurt the total ap-
propriation the least. "Since
Dearborn does not yet have staff,
students or program, this is the
most obvious area to push back."
Building Goes Ahead
Construction of the four Uni-
versity buildings at Fair Lane will
go ahead on schedule and be com-
pleted by the fall of 1959.
Dorr said that should Dear-
born's opening be long delayed,
a smaller appropriation than was
requested this year might permit
opening one or two of the three
currently planned educational
He was not sure which one it
might be. The three are mechani-
cal and industrial engineering,
business administration and lib-
eral arts.
Similar legislative cuts in ap-
propriations in the future may
hold up the opening indefinitely,
University officials- say.
MSU Problem Similar
"If the legislature did this over
a period of years we would have
to conclude it wasn't interested in
expanding higher education faci-
lities. This would cast grave'
-a s

doubts on the future of branch
schools," Dorr said.
Another highly placed admin-
istrator echoed Dorr's sentiments.
It has been reported that Mich-
igan State University has been
required to hold up the opening of
its branch in Oakland County,
outside Detroit, a year until 1960
because of the reductions in its
1958-59 operating budget.
Flint College, a junior and
senior level school now completing
its second year of operations, may
accept more students in two of its
three instructional areas but will
have to turn away many appli-
cants for study in elementary and
high school education, Dorr said.
Large Growth Prevented
A 30 per cent growth in the
college was expected next fall but
Dorr said this now appears im-
possible. The addition of two staff
members to handle the increase
in the education instruction can-
not be arranged with the present
budget, he explained.
"However, business administra-
tion and liberal arts areas can be
slightly enlarged .without jeopar-
dizing the standard University
faculty-student ratio of one to
13," Dorr said.
Fewer offerings to fewer stu-
dents at the University's outstate
graduate study centers will prob-
ably result from the budget cuts,
Dorr said.
This extension program, with
offices in Detroit, Grand Rapids,
Flint, Saginaw and Battle Creek,
is in effect, an extension of the.
Rackham School of Graduate' Stu-
dies. Students enrolled in the pro-
gram. are earning credit towards a
graduate degree.
"Aside from knowing that cur-
tailment of activity in this area
is necessary, no decisions have
been made yet. However, we do
not plan to close any graduate
center extension offices," he said.
"However, should the pattern of
reduced budgets repeat itself in
the future it seems inevitable
some offices would have to be
abandoned," he added.
Fintish Near
For Rebels
HAVANA (A)-Rebel leader Fidel
Castro, clinging desperately to his
hope of overthrowing President
Fulgencio Batista, now faces de-
spair in guerrilla ranks and de-
feat on all sides.
Dozens of his followers were lay-
ing down their arms and surren-
Guerrillas in the mountains and
roving rebel bands in the lowlands
blamed each other for the failure'
of armed attacks.
Castro admits he desperately
needs more arms and ammuni-
tion, but there is little chance of
getting either.i

Jolinson, Knowlar d Spa:
On Ie, s Labor Proposal

ba1y-Robert Kanner
.. socialism rising

Donna NWickham, '59,


Gregg, '60, Roberta Maier, '59,
and Student Government Council
Administrative Vice-President Jo
Hardee,, '60, were named to the
Council's Interviewingand Nomi-
nating Committee at Wednesday's
This committee will assume re-
sponsibility for nominating com-
mittee chairmen and other non-
elective offices for Council'ap-
Council members appointed to
the drinking regulations study
committee by interim appointment.
of the executive committee of SGC
were David Vessel; Grad., who will
serve as chairman, Barry Shapiro,
'59, Sue ' Rockne, '60, and Scott
,Chrysler, '59.
Roger Seasonwein, '61, and Pat
Marthenke, '59, were named to the,
Reading and Discussion Com-.
mittee. They will meet with mem-
bers of the Faculty Senate to con-
sider the possibility of the reading
of a particular book by the entire
student body and then discussing
this bpok in various groups.
It was also announced that
Council President Maynard Gold-
man, '59, has been named to the
Union Board of Directors and the
Board in Review by virtue of his

By Nearing
Against the quiet backdrop of
Ann Arbor's Unitarian Church, an
"independent social'ist" last night'
envisioned a "Brave New World"-
in Russia and Red China.
At the same time Scott Nearing,
fired from the universities of Pen-
nsylvania and Toledo arid later'
from the Community Party, fore-
cast the inevitable collapse of this
"tottering old world" of the West.
America is bossed by an oligar-
chy of "irresponsible" industrial
leaders, Nearing said. It is only a'
matter of time, he con;laded, until
socialism evolves.
Capitalism Collapsing
"The juice is being squeezed out
of capitalism," he said, "and soon
the rind will be thrown away."
The Soviet Union of today is
"stable and secure," he claimed.
Nearing explained the com-
munist economy as one of "plan-
ned socialism," where the aim is
for every person to "receive ac-
cording to his needs." «
Red Budget Balanced
The soviet budget for 1958 is
"comfortably balanced," he con-
tinued. The state will soon derive
its entire income from production,
he said, and the "annoying ap-
paratus of taxation" will disap-
pear. -
He also noted a great advance
in free public education, not only
scientifically but culturally.
Above all, Nearing said, there is,
an air of confidence among the
people, both in the USSR and in
China. The latter nation has also
made marvelous advances econom-
ically and culturally, Nearing said.
The youth of both nations is
very "well-adjusted," he declared.
Russian Industry Grows
In 40 years Russia has become
second only to the United States
as an industrial power, Nearing
said. He added that it took the
United States a century to achieve
similar industrial power.
Southeast Asian countries are
turning more' and more, to the
socialist line, he said.
The steady rise of 'the socialist
star has been accompanied by a
downturn in Western fortunes, he
Britain and France have already
become "satellites" and only the
United States remains to fall, he

Jacob Notes
S elf-Concern
On Campus
A German student once told him
the American college campuses
seemed "seedbeds of Fascism," the
author of the Jacob report said
Speaking in a political science
department lecture, Prof. Philip
Jacob of the University of Penn-
sylvania said higher education is
not discharging its obligation to
"liberate" students. And although
a few colleges stimulate students
the, pattern of homogeneity de-
scribed in his books is fairly well
set, he continued.
Prof. Jacob said the pivot of
this composite student personality
is self-centeredness, the "aggres-'
sive, fullblown pursuit of material
wealth." A corollary of this 'char-
acteristic is disinterest in local
responsibility, he noted.
Few Students 'Lead'
Thus, according to Prof. Jacob,
an extremely thin line of leader-
ship supports student activity on
most campuses," with the support
of student leader morale a major
problem for college administrtors.
Paradoxically, Prof. Jacob con-
tinued, this extreme self-centered-
ness coexists with "and works
through conformity. "There is a
set of beliefs the well-eduated-
college man or woman will ac-
cept," he declared.
In some ways this conformity is
admirable, Prof. Jacob conceded,
since for example it has increased
tolerance. He emphasized he didn't
mean "invite home to dinner"
tolerance but the sort which per-
mits ease of movement.
Cites 'Irrationality'
But the personality of the Amer-
ican college student is "essentially
irrational," according, to Prof.
Jacobs. There is a "kind of two-
worldism" detachment of the
'classroom from the outside world,
he explained.
Prof. Jacob illustrated this point
from his teaching experience. "In
See STUDENT, page 2
U' Instructor
Gets Fulbright
Grant in Ethics
Jordan H. Sobell, a teaching
fellow in the philosophy depart-
ment,.won a Fulbright scholarship
He plans to go to Oxford Uni-
versity next year where he will
consult with professors there and
also at the universities of London,
Glascow, Cambridge and Leeds on
his thesis subject, "Generalization
Arguments in Ethics."
He said the problem is, "Since
if everyone did that, undesirable
consequences would follow, you
ought not to do it."
Sobell has been at the University
for three years, and has taught
Ethics and Philosophy 31.

Two representatives walked out of an Inter-House Council meeting
last night, effectively killing an IHC motion on integration.
After having passed with only one dissenting vote, the motion had
to be disallowed when it was pointed out that there was no quorum.
The motion asked IHC's Integration Committee "to study appli-
cation forms and make recommendations towards a more' positive
policyon expressions of preferences on the basis of race, religion or
national origin."
'Needed Sleep'
Joseph Burtka, '60, and Richard Abrams, '60, were the two'mem-
bers who left the meeting. Abrams,_called after the meeting had
ended at 10 :30p.m. yesterday, ex-
plained that he left because he
needed sleep. Blumn Calls
Earlier in the meeting, Abrams
had pointed out that if he left, the
meeting would be without a
quorum. The motion came after
almost an hour's debate on separ-
ate integration proposals by the d
Human Relations Board of Stu-
dent Government Council and the9
Integration Committee.
Propose Random Selection By BRUCE COLE
The Board proposed completely -,"Theodore Roosevelt was an out-
random selection of roommates standing president because of his
regarding race, religion and na7 personality," Prf. John M. Blum
tional origin; the Integration com- of the history department of Yale
mittee suggested a sociological University said last night at the
study in the residence halls.
In the discussion that followed
the Board proposal Pete Wolff, 1
'59, South Quadrangle president,
said he was under the impression
there were "vast numbers of stun
dents who would react violently"
if the Board proposal were put
into effect."
Roommate Integration
Views on the roommate integra- <x 'z
tion question varild from liberal
to conservative. Sample reactions:
Garold Davenport, '60E, (argu-
ing for expression of preferences):
"When you're in your room you
want to be as content as possible.'
Charles Perry, '60, "Social edu-
cation (the general area of race
nationality and religious relations)
is a side issue.
Basic Human Rights
Bob Ashton, '59, IHC president:
"Sometimes these rights (of ex- Daily-Robert Kanner
pressing preferences) step over PROF. JOHN BLUM
other more basic .human rights." . on Roosevelt
In other areas, Ashton mention-
ed the Michigan House Plan Re- opening of the 16th Annual Meet-
evaluation Committee has pro- ing of the Midwest Conference of
posed that Frederick House in Political Scientists.
South Quadrangle be a graduate Roosevelt had asense of mis-
house next year. sion, a determination to grab hold
He also reported that he and of affairs and manage them.
the three quadrangle presidents He had an"agile, searching and
were going to Champaign, Ill. to- retentive intelligence" which ren-
day for the Big Ten Residence Hall dered him capable of carrying out
Conference. the office of President to its fullest


The Navy postponed an at-
tempted launching of a Van-
guard rocket with a 20-inch
satellite in its nose early today.
The Navy scrubbed its launch-
ing attempt about 1:02 a.m..
after long hours of trying.
night from Capa Canaveral have
been discontinued."
The failure of a telemetry de-
vice aboard the second stage was
said unofficially to have frustrat-
ed the all-important recovery at-
tempt. \
Missile Chief Comments
In Washington, Maj. Gen. Ber-
nard A. Schriever, commander of-
the Air Force ballistic missile di-
vision and a spectator at the
launching, said. that without- the
nose cone recovery the experimen-
tal flight "has to be classified as
not completely successful."
Sclliever told the House Space
Committee, apparently with re-
luctance, that telemetry data sent
by radio from the missile was re-
ceived at least as far down the

Graduates To Look Harder
For Jobs Ludlow Notes
The job situation for June graduates is "worse than it was last
year," Prof. H. Glenn Ludlow of the education school, director of the
Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, said yes-
He noted that despite the current recession, "we still feel that
virtually all students who are seriously searching" will find positions
but "they're goingto have to look a bit harder" than in recent years.
Companies Cancel
Prof. Ludlow explained that his outlook stems from the fact
that "in the last couple of months" several companies and govern-
ment agencies have cancelled*,
scheduled employment interviews. TO OPEN TONIGHT:
Tgtal decrease in the numberof
companies interviewing student
job applicantsi 'expected toude.. M iChigeras J
10 per cent compared with last
year's figure, he said.
In non-technical fields, Prof.
Ludlow observed, 171 companies
and agencies are interviewing this
year compared with last year's

In case of rain the Michigras
parade scheduled for 3 p.m.
today will take place tomorrow
at 10:30 a.m., according to the
Michigras Central Committee.
A change has also been an-
nounced by the committee for
the time of the kiddie carnival.
It will be held from 9 a.m. until
5 p.m. today instead of 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m. as in previous years.

Booth Construction Nears Completion

............. - - ---- -- - - I I

Fewer Interviews
Engineering job applicants are
being interviewed by 460 prospec-
tive employers compared with 550
last year, and 159 concerns are in-
terviewing business administra-
tion applicants compared with 166
last year.
.While the number of interested
employers has dropped, Prof. Lud-
low nnter the numhr nf inh an-

"Mich" read the huge magenta
and chartreuse sign on the far side
of Yost field house last night.
Rhythmical hammer clunks
were the pulse throbs of the soon-
to-be-born carnival. A rocket stood
directly in the center of the field
house. "Russia has nothing on
us," a worker wearing a Central
Committee button said. "We're
launching a satellite. at 7:30 p.m."
Scrambles from Truck
Scrambling out of the way of
an oncoming ice cream truck, a
girl stumblerd intoa .wile nf rise-

a worker whispered, ". . aren't
they terrific? They're from a mor-
tuary you know."
Box of Balloons
A paint-splattered worker strode
shakily through the debris bearing
a box of rebellious inflated bal-
loons, which were doing their best
to evade his grasp.
A booth which seemed to be
hardly begun suddenly took shape
with the use of prefabricated
panels transported on a station
At intervals motion paused
throughout the field house as the
loudspeakers blared urgent, but

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