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April 24, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-04-24

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e1 ldiitigau &xitg

pinions Are Free
Will Prevail"'

ials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

'Think We'll Ever Get Up To 1958 Recession Levels?'
~~ 4
! S'ff T ar i T

Mirthful Kaye
Makes Anrew'Merry
ITS BEEN A good long time since the ebullient antics of Danny Kaye
have graced the local movie screens, and by those of his fans still left
from the pre-Peyton Place era, the reappearance of this comedien's
mocking, mugging face in "Merry Andrew" must be greeted by cheers
of welcomeand sighs of relief.
After watching the seemingly endless number of war pictures that
have recently played in the Ann Arbor area, it is somehow reassuring
to observe someone being an intentional-rather than an unwilling-
buffoon. Whether or not the viewer will enjoy "Merry Andrew" depends
pretty much upon his pre-formed sentiments about the personality
and general talents of Mr. Kaye. The film is merry insofar as its
star is merry; without him, one suspects, it would be an innocuous

, APRIL 23, 1958


Where Is the Eisenhower
conomic Leadership of '53-54?

iF THE MOST curious policy reversals
e history of any administration is re-
n the President's attitude towards the
eversal points to nothing but gloom.
ew York Times has noted how strange
,t the Administration should have for-
o soon the experience of 1953-54 when,
apt anti-recession policies headed off
ight have turned into a real economic
'wo-and-a-half months after signs of
ion were spotted and confirmed, Sec--
f the Treasury Humphrey announced
rofits and personal income taxes (en-
uring the Korean rearmament crisis)
e unconditionally slashed at the end of
'. At that time the unemployment rate
ed at 21/2 per cent of the civilian work
he President then launched a sweeping
L aimed at stimulating business. Tax
ns during 1953-54, the Times con-
totalled $7.4 billion. The recession
was four years ago. Today, unemploy-
ands at seven per cent, the five million
laid off being the highest figure in 16
'he decline in industrial production is
I per cent, the gravest percentage in a
The weekly work week is down from
irs at this time last year to 38.5 hours.
esident Truman has suggested tax cuts.
Vice-President Nixon, Sen. Kefauver,
v. Williams. So has the National As-
1 of Manufacturers. And just in the
ek the Rockefeller report has, among
ings, urged a tax cut which would "help
e the current recession and expand em-
t." The report stresses that the "effec-
of this program will depend on prompt
n the application of proposed reme-
warns against delay and a "piecemeal
'HE PRESIDENT stands granite-faced.
ays that greater public confidence will
lly lead us from the brink of disaster.
ow can the public's confidence be in-
by a lethargic effort on the part of
ninistration to combat the recession?'
asier method to restore confidence lies
g, dynamic leadership. The government
be behind the big push, not in front of
:onth ago an announcement came out
ington to the effect that a decision re-

garding taxes will be made only when "the im-
pact of current developments in the economy
is 'clarified' and after consultation with Con-
gressional leaders. No positive action along
this line has been taken.
We realize that caution must be exercised. A
tax cut is the quickest way to pump dollars
into the economy. It increases purchasing pow-
er, which usually increases demand, which
stimulates investment in capital goods, which
eventually produces more jobs. However, tax
cuts have a drawback and this is where the
caution comes in. A tax cut, the President has
warned, is -dangerous because it creates new
inflationary pressures at a time when rising
prices are still a problem. In other words we
might make ourselves- a worse situation by
slashing taxes. He feels that the economy will
"steer its own course" while the Federal and
state governments stand by and give moral
HOWEVER, there are good arguments for
thinking that the economy is not about to
improve. According to Walter Lippmann, hopes
for a rise in plant and equipment investments
may be wishful thinking, Unless there is this
rise in private capital expenditure, he says,
there is no real prospect of recovery without
compepsating outlays of public capital in de-
fense and public works and subsidized housing
and other facilities. Secondly, Lippmann points
out, there are signs that the consuming pu~lic
is in a mood to save its money, although the
President has asked them to spend. A survey
taken in December by the University's Survey
Research Center showed clearly that consumer
optimism is low. The people are afraid of un-
employment, of declines in purchases and
This is where the administration should step
in . . . with the confidence Mr. Eisenhower
speaks so often about and shows so little of.
How can the President dictate confidence to
the public, how can he ask them to buy expen-
sive appliances, how can he ask for their trust,
when unemployment has reached its highest
level since the Great Depression?
There is no sense in waiting any longer,
either cautiously or expectantly. A tax cut is
needed. Mr. Eisenhower must reverse this poli-
cy of delay. He must once again assume the
vigorous leadership he showed four years ago.

l +
1 .




Cosa Ttw- WA$Al44C. PS 0

Ten Years of Struggle


THIS WEEK marks the tenth
anniversay of a little country
founded in tears and built in tra-
vail - Israel. Twenty-four hours
after it declared its independence,
seven Arab nations attacked on
three sides. King Farouk of Egypt
was so sure of marching into its
biggest city that he had a stamp
printed featuring his picture. Un-
derneath was the word "Tel Aviv."
Farouk and the Egyptian Army
never got to Tel Aviv. The Israeli
Army eight years later would have
got to Cairo had Eisenhower and
Dulles not intervened.
The fiery determination that
stopped seven Arab countries in
1948 and which .routed the Rus-
sian-armed, vastly superior Egyp-
tian Army in 1956 is the secret of
Israel. It's a nation built on the
suffering of the exiled tribes of
Israel, built on the dream, nur-
tured during 20 centuries, that
someday the, Jews would come
back to a home of their own; built
as a living memorial to the 6,-
000,000 Jews burned in the gas
chambers of Hitler.
* * *
ALL THIS is behind the dedica-
tion, the determination, the pio-
neering spirit that has made Israel.
You have to go there to under-
stand it. You have to see the bull-
dozers pushing rocks-rocks eroded,
since the day of Abraham, mil-
lions of rocks pushed aside so that
crops can be raised in little patches

of clean soil underneath. Or boys
and men and women painfully
picking up the rocks and putting
them on stone fences to line the
little patches of soil being culti-
vated to feed the sons of Abraham.
You have to see the irrigation
works, the Yarkon Project, no big-
ger at its headwaters than rock
creek which ambles through
Washington; one-fourth the size
of the Schuylkill which runs
through Philadelphia; one-thou-
sandth the volume of the Hudson
as it flows past Manhattan. Yet
the headwaters of the Yarkon,
every drop of water cherished like
gold, spreads out, over the Plain
of Sharon and Makes the Negev
Desert bloom 50 miles away.
Or you have to see the farm
settlements-refugees from Hitler,
living next to refugees from NIas-
ser, along with refugees from Po-
land or from Algeria or Yemen.
At first, they have only one bond
in common-their religion. They
speak no common language, have
been separated by the centuries.
But they learn Hebrew, and their
children learn to know each other
and to marry each other, and soon
out of a melting pot of diverse
nationalities has grown a close-
knit, cooperating, thriving com-
mu . * * *
OR YOU HAVE to see the chil-'
dren-buoyant, beautiful children,
as radiant and healthy as any in

Academic Counselg Problems

VITH THE ADVENT of spring weather and
the publication of the examination sched-
.e comes the usual late semester rush on fac-
.ty counselors.
In most cases, students have figured out their
-ograms by one means or another. Now, they
ust ask the "counselor" to stamp their elec-
ons card after checking to see that all re-
ilrements have been met.
Unfortunately, all too often this is the ex-
nt to which any counseling takes place at
ae University.
In some ways and for some people this is a
itisfactory approach. Many students areaable
choose courses because they are clear on
heir objectives and they have student and/or
tculty friends to give them advice on courses
aroughout the University. For these people,
ae process of making decisions themselves is.
valuable educational experience.-,
But the person who suffers is the person who
iffers 'all too often anyway in a large univer-
ty. He is the shy individual who is inept at
faking friends of his peers, much less faculty
embers; and often any friends he might have
old different goals or interests. He is still not
ire what his educational or vocational objec-
ves really are, and his knowledge of the dif-
rent courses in the University and their
alues is limited. There really is not anybody
whom he can turn.
Faculty counselors are all too often unwilling
r unable to help this person. One young wo-
tan, for example, did not have any idea of
hat courses to take outside her major. The
est the counselor could do was recommend a
ociology course in marriage. When she said she
'as not interested in that course, he recom-

mended she go home and "do some more think-
ing." This woman had wanted to be counselled
in the real sense.
T HIS SITUATION is not anybody's fault.
With the vast number of students some
counselors have, any personal counseling is al-
most impossible. And students usually decide
they all want to see their counselors at the
same time, giving the counselor who really
cares a most difficult assignment if he wants
to do a conscientious job.,
The really concerned counselor can still do
something to improve the situation from his
side of the desk. By discussing courses outside
his field with students who come to see him, he
can develop a working, somewhat general pic-
ture, on what is going on in the University
outside his department.
The students' contribution here seems to be
one of timing. If the student with problems
would go to see his counselor earlier in the
year, he could probably get more help.
The situation is far more complicated than
what has been outlined above. There is the dif-
ficulty of providing one faculty counselor for
all the people who major in a large department.
There is the" problem of the faculty counselor's
efforts in research and class work, and. in the
relationship' to his counseling activities. And
there simply is the problem of a growing Uni-
versity with an increasing diversity of courses
and an increasing number of students.
But it does seem unfortunate that the stu-
dent who really needs direction and help if
his education is going to mean anything, is
often the person who is unable to get it.

the U.S.A.; or the old people as
they go down to bathe in the warm
Mediterranean; the Moslems at
their prayers; the Christians as
they worship in the cathedrals of
Jerusalem and Nazareth; the
schools, the universities, the cam-
els and the caravans. And the new
railroad cars contributed by West
Germanys as a token of penitence
for the soap factories of* Hitler.
Or you have to see the hospitals,
where men like Dr. Haim Sheba
pioneer new Near East medicine;
where Arabs are given the same
treatment as Jews; and where
Egyptian wounded, taken in Sinai,
were nursed back to life. You have
to know that doctors from Israel,
though overworked, have been
loaned to the new African repub-
lic of Ghana and to the new re-
public of Burma; and that the
scientific discoveries for eradicat-
ing flies, mosquitos, Near Eastern
diseases have been made available
to the Arab states.
On one side of Israel lap the
blue waters of the Mediterranean,
warm and friendly. On the other
three sides are deserts and moun-
tain ranges, from which peer Arab
guards, ever on watch, ever posing
the possibility of border raids. Be-
yond; them, several million more
Arabs vow vengeance, await the
day when they can do what King
Farouk and Colonel Nasser failed
to do-conquer Israel.
FROM the Near East last Sep-
tember, I reported the Kremlin
timetable. It was: unite Egypt and
Syria; subvert Saudi Arabia ands
Jordan; overrun Lebanon; bring
all the Arab states with their 70
per cent of the world's oil reserves
under Moscow and Nasser. That
timetable is running on schedule.
Egypt and Syria are joined. A new.
ruler has virtually taken over
Saudi Arabia.
All the problems of the Near and
Middle East are tied up together.
They cannot be solved separately.
What the French do in Algeria
affects oil in Saudi Arabia and
affects the Jews of Israel and
affects the United States. And
what Nasser does in Syria and
Egypt affects not only Israel, but
industry in France and Western
Europe and the United States.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

flop. At its worst, however, the
movie is harmless.
** s
THE STORY functions primarily
as a showcase for the particular
abilities of its leading character,
and it follows the shy-boy-meets-
enchanting-girl pattern that has
been set by myriads of previous
Kaye films.
Andrew Larabee (Kaye) is the
youngest son of the dictatorial
headmaster of the Larabee Acad-
emy for boys, and the culminating
product of twelve generations of
similarly strict headmasters. Meek
and lovable, he has a penchant for
getting into mischief with his stu-
dents and thus incurring his
father's wrath.
At the bdginning of the movie,
Andrew has been engaged to a
lovely, if insipid, lady for five
years.. In order to obtain his
father's respect and consent to the
marriage, he must dig up a certain
statue of the god, Pan from a
nearby meadow.
Unfortunately, the archaeologi-
cal site he is interested in is al-
ready occupied by a circus, a chim-
panzee, and-as one might expect
-a charming young lady (Pier
Andrew falls in love with her,
of course, and becomes involved
with the circus. Amidst many
complications, he finally return
home and everything works out to
a happy, but slightly prolonged
* * *
THE FILM undoubtedly is "the
happiest movie in town," but it
nevertheless fails to measure up
to the standards that Kaye himself
has set in the past. The warmth
of his personality is, exploited,
but sometimes at the expense of
his real comic talents. There's not
much clowning in the movie and
no tongue-twisting at all. For the
most part, the traditional Kaye
energy seems to have been gentled,
bridled and restrained.
Songs are scattered throughout
the picture: some are catchy, but
none are remarkable. With one,
possibly two exceptions, the lyrics
are unfortunate and unimagina-
tive. Although some of the musical
numbers are both appropriate and
funny, most of them seem to ave
been created merely to recruit the
juke-box trade and to have been
inserted in the film by chance.
-Jean Willoughby
to the
Where s Charlie? . .
To the Editor:-
IS IT POSSIBLE that the collec-
tion entitled "The Golden Age
of Comedy" contains no Charlie
Chaplin? Neither the advertise-
ments for this film, nor your re-
viewer mention his presence or
absence, which is remarkable.
If there is no Chaplin in this
compendium, I wonder why? Can
it be that Hollywood is trying to
re-write its history for the present
generation with a blunt censor's
hand, omitting the unquestioned
all-time master of our "golden age
of comedy" because of his person-
al convictions and beliefs?
The golden age of comedy was
such because it allowed us to laugh
at ourselves and our sacred cows.
Now it might appear that we can-
not even see the best of all this
all too rare and disappearing relic
of the movies' early days.
-Harold L. Orbach

(Continued from Page 3)
payroll deduction on May 31. After
April 25 no new applications or changes
can be accepted until :Oct., 195.
Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, and Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniorstfor June
graduation have beenr posted- on the
bulletin board in the first floor lobby,
Admin. Bldg. Any canges therefrom
should be requested of the Recorder
at Office of Registration and Records
window Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg.
Regents' Meeting: May 22, 123 and 24.
Communications for consideration at,
this meeting must be in the President's
hands by May 13.
The Annie E.-Shipman Stevens Schol-
arship: women students wishing to ap-
ply for the Annie E. Shipman Stevens
scholarship in the Martha Cook Blg.:
for the academic year 1958-59 mayse-
cure application blanks from the Direc-
tor of the Building. The recipient is
chosen on the basis of personality,
scholastic ability, financial need and"
contribution to group livinig. Applica-
tions must be completed and returned
by May 3.
The following student sponsored soi
cial events are approved for the com-
ing weekend:
April 25, 1958: Tau Kappa Epsilon,
Theta Chi.
April z8, 1958: Alpha Delta Phi, Aphin
Rho Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Delta Chi,
Kappa Alpha Psi, Phi Delta Theta, Psi
Upsilon, Scott, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi,
Tau Delta Phi, Zeta Psi,
April 27, 1958: Stockwell.
Public Lecture, auspices of the Dept.
of Fine Arts, by William G. Archer.
Keeper of, the Indian section of the
Victoria and Albert Museum in London,
on "Romance and Poetry In Indian
Painting," on April 24, 4:15 p.m. Aud. B,
Angell Hall.
The Political Science dept. will pre-
sent John M. Blum of Yale University
lecturing on "The Presidential Lead-
ership of Theodore Roosevelt." Thurs,
Apri] 24, at 8:00 p.m. in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Archaeology Lecture: "Recent xcava.
tions at Oaxaca." Ignacio Bernal, Diree-'
tor of Prehispanic Monuments, National
Institute of Anthropology and History,
Mexico City. Thurs., April 24, 4:15 p.m.
Nat. SC. -Aud
Anton Ehrenzweig will speak on "Thie
Mastering of Creative Anxiety" at 4:15
Fri., April 25 in Aud. B, Angell Hall.
The lecture, open to the public, is
sponsored jointly'yby the Depts. of Psy
chology and Art.
Astronomy Department V i s it o r s
Night. Fri., April 25, 8:30 p.m., Rm. 2003
Ajgell Hall. Mr. Benjamin Peery will
speak on "Variable Stars."After the
lecture the Student Observatory on the
fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open
for inspection and for telescopic ob-
servations of the moon and Jupiter.
Children "welcomed, but must be-ac.i
companied by adults.
Student Recital: Fred Coulte, who
studies piano with Helen Titus will
present a recital at 8:30 p.m. rhurs.,
April 24 in Aud. A, Angell Hall, in pa-.r
tial fulfillment of the requirements fo
the degree of Master of Music. Mr.
Coulter's program will include compo-
sitions by Bethoven,.Schubert,' Proko-
fieff, Brahms and Chopin. Open to the
general public.
Student Recital: David Flowers, a
student of trumpet with Clifford Linlya,
will be heard in a recital at'8:30 p.m.,
Fri., April 25, Aud. A, Angell Hall, In a
program including compositions by
Gibbons - Cruft, Fresqobaldi, Turini,
Gabrieli, Handel, Bonneau,Rlisager,
'and Bozza. Mr. Flowrs will be assisted v.
by Sandra Keckonen, piano, Jane Flow-
ers, violin, and a wind ensemble com-
posed of John Avoio and. Bruce Mc-
Cormick, trumpet, Howard Howard,
French horn, Kenneth Miesen and
Houghton Peterson,, trombone, and
Joseph Hanchrow, tuba, and his recital,
which is presented in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for, the de-
gree'of Master of Music. Open to the
general public.
Academic Notices

Sociology Undergradiuate Co u r s e s
from the Student Perspective will be
described by a panel of Senior Sociolo-
gy Concentrates as an aid to students
Interested in selecting Sciology courses
as part of their academic program 'for
next Fal and Spring. Rm. 443 Mason
Hal, 4:00 plm., Thurs., April 24. Open
to all interested students.
The Seminar in Mathematical Statis-
tics will meet Thurs., April 24 from 3:00
to 5:00 p.m. in 3201 Angell Hall. Mr.
William Wroblewski will ,peak on some
work of Wolfowitz on "Estimation by
the jminixmum distance method.".
402 Interdisciplinary Semdnar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science: "An Inventory Pricing Prob-
lem." W. M. Kincaid, Dept. of Mathe-
matics. Thurs., April 24,;3:30 p.m., 3217
Angell HaIKo'ffee will be served in
the -Math Common Room before the
The Seminar in Applied Mathematics
will meet on Thurs., April 24, 4:10 p.m.
in Rm. 246 W.E. Mr. Hubert Munzeker


Legislators Act To Avoid
New State Taxes,
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This, the first of,two articles on the University's ap-
propriation, discusses the financial reasons behind the Legislature's actions.
Tomorrow's article will deal with the political considerations.)
Daily Staff Writer
CUTS in legislative appropriations, like accidents, do not happen . {.
they're caused.
Overtime sessions, caucuses, rebelling representatives, floor fights
and calls to "come to the aid of the party" enlivened this session of
the Legislature, but the result was the same.
This year, as usual, the University's request for operating funds
was trimmed by the Governor and chopped, as usual, by the Legisla-
ture. The University had requested over 37 million dollars and will
receive 30 million, about $929,000 less than received last year.
Legislators, like people, sometimes seem to act and think for'
strange reasons. But among the factors influencing their decision are
some that may be perfectly understandable in the shadow 'of the
state's tottering treasury. Others may be politically explainable, if not
easily excusable, in the noise of verbal exchanges between a Demo-
cratic governor and a Republican-controlled Legislature.
Back in January, even before the session openet, Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams previewed this year's current theme of money troubles by
proposing that taxes be increased on intangible property, including
dividends and bank deposits.
Republicans reacted quickly, almost as if by reflex action, and
screamed that Gov. Williams' statements are creating a "hostile" busi-
ness climate and driving industry to other states.
The Governor denies the charges and points to the state's nearly
bankrupt condition as justification for an increase in taxes on in-
tangibles, which would yield 20 million dollars.
It takes very little perception to diagnose the state's condition as
a result of the current recession. However, Michigan, which bases its
industry around the automobile and other durable goods, and bases
its taxes on sales of these goods, is perhaps more sensitive to economic
fluctuations than other states.
And being elected in a state where financial power is concentrated
E.. _ ..,.-n;, _Aiif.--- :?n ji..ir - 1anici -.r e a cch . .m.r 2- emi .


by Dick Biber

50 Years X $40 Billion

Associated Press News Analyst
Dulles have adressed themselves this week
to two interlocking facets.of the American po-
sition in a divided world..
The President said the United States must
be ready to meet the enormous cost of defense
for the next 40 to 50 years.
That is because of the emphasis the Soviet
Union places on military strength in its effort
to take over the'world.
Dulles said the country must not accept. an

tary power

race as if to be the greatest mill-
were a worthy or even acceptable



THAT, he said, would be to accept competi-
tion "under the rules the challenger lays,
The President was talking about maintaining
the government's fiscal position to meet the
defense strain in the face of demands for tax
Dulles was talking about meeting the strain
without yielding on moral values. _
One of the diities of the Western nosi-

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