I g chr Ali halt Dail Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN WEICHER Defense Reorganization Promises Strategic Flexibility "Secrecy? What Secrecy"?" 195& *APRs -- -- d * i oe - icA' " INTERPRETING THE NEWS Red 'Bomber' Protest By J. Mf. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst T HERE ARE a good many angles to be considered and developments to be awaited, before Soviet charges against United States strategic air policy can be put down as a fiasco. Marching up the hill and then down again is a time honored Communist tactic. First, what were some of the results of the sudden charge that American bomber flights threatened the peace? Remember the timing. Foreign Minister Gromyko made the charge at a news conference in Moscow simultaneously with its submission to a 41 AN ALL-OUT nuclear war is the greatest danger to the United States but the least likely threat, Henry Kissinger said last week. He said that the much more likely danger is that the Soviets will present their challenges ambiguodsly - in Indo-China, in the Middle East, and in other trouble spots. Using "massive retaliation" in these spots to answer this chal- lenge is not sufficient, Kissinger points out, because the thought of all-out nuclear war de- ters us more than it does the Russians, as it is we who will have to use it first. In a very real sense this is self-evident. Why then hasn't the United States formulated a policy to replace John Foster Dulles' out-moded doctrine of war? The United States hasn't for a number of reasons, most of which center around two spots the-Congress and the Pentagon. They both have the same kind of ailment - that of fail- ing tp see the strategic forest because they concern themselves with the individual trees. Congress fails to see it because it has little grounding in the military policy area and is concerned also with many other problems. There are admittedly members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committee who would lay claim to having a very detailed knowledge of the armed services. We would say, however, that their knowledge was primarily that of facts and figures and not that of stra- tegic concepts and doctrines. T HE LACK of contact that Congress has with the real military problems of the United States can be illustrated by one comment of the chairman of the House Armed Services com- mittee concerning President Eisenhower's plan to reorganize the Defense Department. "What do we need a reorganization of the Defense Department for? We won the Second World War, didn't we?" the defense committee chair- man said. The military fails to see it because they are too engrossed in their inter-service squabbles. The feud between the Army, Navy and Air Force takes three forms. One, each tries to jus- tify its mission as the most vital one to the security of the United States. Two, each tries to assume at least limited authority over an important new weapons development - wit- ness the ICBM race. The waste and duplication are important but what is more important is that the problems of the services obscure the overall problem. President Eisenhower's plan for reorganizing the Department of Defense is the first step in the right direction. It frees the Joint Chiefs of Staff for policy-making decisions and allows the Secretary of Defense some latitude in mak- ing appropriations for weapons development. It must be only the first step, however, insofar as it does not provide the degree of armed forces unity necessary to provide an overall, workable strategic doctrine for the United States. -LANE VANDERSLICE r , y . n t w r x 1' 1 - 44CElt - Per ev 19 sce -ln 1 "i " S cS Ireo 9,s' s WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: SAC's RiEg Aron j By DREW PEARSON WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING: Rockefeller Bros. Report (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following are excerpts from the opening statements of the Rockefeller Brothers' report, "The Challenge to America: Its Economic and Social Aspects." A GREAT opportunity confronts the Ameri- can people. The past performance of our economy has been impressive. Over the seventy-five years before World War II we doubled our national output about once every twenty-four years. Since World War II we have been growing at an even faster pace: at an average yearly rate which promises to double our output every eighteen years. Even our- most recent rate of advance can be bettered. Economic growth is meaningless if its bene- fits are not generally shared. Actually a revolu- tionary upswing in the distribution of income and an extraordinary rise in social services have accompanied our increased productivity. Mil- lions of families have steadily shifted from lower to higher brackets. Our nation is dedicated to economic growth. It is also dedicated to full employment. Each of these goals is a means to the other. In an economy where the labor force grows, capital accumulates and technology advances, growth is necessary for the maintenance of full em- ployment. The way in which our free and private sys- tem works is importantly affected bypublic policy, which must indeed preserve it, create conditions for its success and generate a cli- mate of confidence. ECESSION contains within it the danger -- not the necessity, but the danger - of a cumulative downward spiral. If wages and profits decline and future prospects darken, individuals and businesses will cut their pur- chases, which will curtail production, employ- ment, wages and profits. In the long-term perspective we face anoth- er grave danger to growth -- inflation. The American business man has today an unparalleled opportunity and challenge. In spite of the increase in unemployment, consu- mer incomes for the nation as a whole are still high and accumulated savings are higher than ever. Consumers have shown their willingness to buy when offered attractive values. Funds for investment are available at lower cost than a year or two ago. OF THE anti-recession measures available to the Federal Government, tax reduction can be effective in the shortest time. This panel believes that a tax cut would help overcome the current recession and expand Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor JAMES ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHRGANG Editorial Director City Editor DONNA HANSON ............... Personnel Director CAROL PRINS.................... Magazine Editor EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director WILLIAM HANEY.....................Features Editor ROSE PERLBERG.....................Activities Editor JAMES BAAD............... ........ Sports Editor BRUCE BENNETT............ Associate Sports Editor JOHN HILLYER .............. Associate Sports Editor DIANE FRASER ... .. Assoc. Activities Editor THOMAS BLUES .........Assoc. Personnel Director BRUCE BAILEY ................ Chief Photographer employment. The precise amount should be de- termined by the Administration and Congress in the light of the best information available when the tax cut. is made. We urge that the following principles be fol- lowed and implemented in the tax cut: A tax reduction program should affect all taxpayers and stimulate individual and corpor- ate enterprise, with the objective of creating more jobs. The reduction in tax rates should benefit Individuals throughout the income scale, with- out favoring any special interests or eliminat- ing any large group from the rolls. The tax reduction should have no time limit. It should be regarded as a first step in a per- manent tax policy which regularly lowers taxes during recessions and restores them to neces- sary levels once full employment is regained. When an increase in taxes is required it should be consistent with the long-term goals of tax reform. In addition, business firms should be allowed to depreciate at a more rapid rate capital im- provements begun in a reasonably short period, say within the next twelve months. THE LONG lead-time between the planning and execution of public works calls atten- tion to the importance of creating a permanent shelf of projected public works. To combat the current recession we recom- mend that the Government continue its ef- forts to accelerate public works under way. Only useful projects that can be quickly start- ed - say within three months - and complet- ed within a reasonable period - say another twelve to eighteen months - should be initiat- ed as part of the immediate anti-recession pro- gram. We urge the Federal Reserve System to move to increase the supply of money and credit as long as the economy is declining. Experience in the current recession under- lines the need for emergency action. We agree that temporary Federal supplements to unem- ployment compensation under state systems are necessary. Effective anti-recession policy requires de- cisive, continuous action reflecting a balancing of conflicting considerations and choice among alternative instruments. The same is true of anti-inflation policy and is more than doubly true of the real problem, which is to avoid both recession and inflation. We believe that consideration should be given to broadening the representation of the in- formal group which has been meeting during the current recession with the President to in- clude the Cabinet officers concerned especially with foreign affairs and the human aspects of our economy. The implications of stability are broader than fiscal and monetary consid- erations and should benefit from the counsel of those who have direct responsibility for such interests. There is need, we think, for an in- formal advisory committee, to meet at the call of the President and under his direct leader- ship, at such intervals as may be necessary to consider and advise on stabilization policy, eith- er anti-recession or anti-inflationary as appro- priate. THE EFFECTIVENESS of this program will depend on prompt action in the applica- tion of the proposed remedies. Delay may make r~npc* fipandln +iAn W .., to1 rl fl 0 e.Iiat WASHINGTON - Here are the real facts regarding the "Alert" operations of the Strate- gic Air Command now protested by Foreign Minister Gromyko be- fore the United Nations. The fact is that one-third of the SAC is always on a 15-minute alert. This means that the planes are on the end of the runway, fueled with gas and with hydrogen bombs aboard. They can be in the air in 15 minutes. Whether they go into the air depends on the following factors which face the United States 24 hours of the day, and which must be the subject of constant deci- sion by U.S. Air Force officers: 1) EVERY known flight pattern is communicated to the SAC in advance, and when these are sighted on the radarscope there is no attempt to investigate or take off from the runway. 2) If an unknown flight is sight- ed in the distance, jet fighters scramble to identify the plane. 3) If a big unknown flight for- mation is sighted on the radar- scope, the big U.S. bombers of the SAC may go up. Usually, however, they don't. There have been cases when a meteorological formation will cause the big bombers to take into the air but not often. 4) If they do get into the air, they fly toward a geographical barrier or invisible fence which is called "Fail Safe." In other words, an invisible line is placed around Russia and the bombers are in- structed never to fly beyond this line unless they get orders to do so. 5) The only occasion when these bombers can fly beyond the "Fail Safe" invisible barrier is in case of war. In this event, the or- der can come from only one man -the President of the United States. This "Fail Safe" invisible fence is fairly close to Russia and yet far enough away so there can be no argument that American planes have flown anywhere near Russian soil. The Russians, how- ever, are quite able to pick up these flights on their radarscopes and know all about them. A s s PROBABLY, however, it is not these flights which Gromyko is complaining about, but rather the rotational exercises of the Strate- gic Air Command. For a good many years, General Curtis Le May, father of the Strategic Air Command, now vice-chief of the Air Force, has sent his bomber pi- lots on training missions as if they were about to bomb Moscow. Then, shortly before reaching Russian territory, they turn at right angles and come home. This training exercise is con- sidered necessary to keep the United States from suffering an- other Pearl Harbor, which in mod- ern warfare would hit, not distant Hawaii, but the industrial heart of America. General Le May deserves credit for doing an amazing job of or- ganizing and training the Paul Reveres of the atomic age. Be- cause Russia is ahead of us in planes, this type of training is considered necessary. These rotational flights have been known to the Russians for a long time and throw the Soviet defenses into a tizzy. Soviet de- fense chiefs see these planes on their radarscopes heading straight for Soviet territory, and obviously must wonder whether they will al- ways turn off, or whether they may continue coming. It undoubt- edly gives them an uneasy feeling. However, the exercise has been taking place almost ever since World War II, so that Gromyko's protest at this particular time is obviously for psychological dip- lomatic reasons. I have written in general terms about the work of the SAC on my trips to Greenland, and last Christmas described the "fifteen minute alerts" of our B- 47's in Morocco. Other newspaper- men have done likewise. * * * THEREFORE, Foreign Minister Gromyko was probably trying to head off Amperican missile bases in Western Europe by lodging his protest at this time. In all these practice flights, the H-bomb is divided in two parts--- the bomb itself and the hydrogen pill. Each is kept in a separate part of the plane. One member of the crew, a "weaponeer," goes along to marry the pill and the bomb in case they are to be used. The two are never married except in practice flights over very bar- ren areas or over the ocean. The wedding of the pill and the bomb is governed by a little black box called the "go-no-go" box, in which a light shows if the bomb is wedded. There have been occasions when these bombers cracked up or lost their bombs, but no occasion when a bomb exploded on a practice flight. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) the United Nations Security Coun- cil. He was just beginning meet- ings with the Allied ambassadors to discuss plans for a summit con- ference. The United States has been very cool toward a summit conference. The Russians, too, have shown few signs of considering it as more than a good forum for propaganda. EUROPE is always more hopeful about such things because, con- sidering its position in an atomic war, it must be hopeful about anything else. Europe was already nervous about the possibilities of accidents from bombed-up patrol planes as well as the provocational aspects. If Europe could be made more nervous and the United States less inclined toward a summit confer- ence, their differences would be widened. That is a cardinal ob- jective of Soviet foreign policy. The Soviets went into it from the same standpoint that they went into last fall's charges that Turkey, spurred on by the allies, was preparing to attack Syria. THERE WAS nothing to it, and they knew it. But they could plant the seeds of worry and suspicion in neutral minds, and in the minds of the whole Middle East which still remembers Turkish rule, and then drop it after the first profit- able propaganda effect. The Russians did not come to the United Nations with the bomber charge under any false hope that it would find support there. They came expecting to ex- tract a profit from a beating. « « « THEY HAVE been pretending since the end of last summer's London disarmament conference that it is useless for them to try to promote peace and disarma- ment against the anti-Communist lineup in the UN. Now they hope they have given the innocents an- other demonstration. The Soviets have played the game so often there may not be so many innocents any more. The London Daily Telegraph pointed out that American air policy followed Soviet bragging about what the Russians could do with guided missiles, and said: "These may not be the arguments which the United States will de- fend herself before the Security Council, but they are questions which her allies must ask them- selves." NASSER: B rid led Ambition CROWN Prince Faisal, Premier and new strong man of Saudi Arabia, has announced that his country will not join either Nas- ser's United Arab Republic or the rival Arab Federation of Iraq and Jordan, though he wishes both well and promises to cooperate with both. This dispels, at least for the present, the widespread concern that as a result of King Saud's transfer of power to the allegedly pro-Egyptian Crown Prince, Saudi Arabia would follow Yemen into the synthetic "republic" and be- come another Nasser satellite. SUCH a move would not only give Nasser control of much of the Middle Eastern oil. It could also precipitate a landslide that could drive all Arab states into Nasser's camp and thereby put Western Europe, which lives on Middle Eastern oil, at Nasser's mercy. Instead of countenancing such a move, Saudi Arabia prefers to remain a buffer between the rival Arab groups. The fact that this announcement came on the eve of Nasser's departure for a visit to Moscow is not without signifi- cance. Nor is the Saudi Arabian stand the only check on Nasser's am- bitions. To the south, the Sudan has given an election victory to the pro-Western Umma party and pro-Western Premier Khalil is again head of a coalition Govern- ment. And to the west, the Premier of Libya, allied with Britain, is scheduled to visit London later this week to talk about further financial assistance against the agitation of the "Little Comin- form" operating out of Cairo. * * * THIS does not mean that Nasser has been stopped. He has resumed DAILY OFFICIAL BULETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1958 VOL. LXVII, NO. 141 General Notices The next "Polio Shot" Clinic for stu- dents will be held Thurs., April 24, only from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m ot 4:45 p.m., in the Health Service. All stduents whose 2nd or 3rd shots are due around this time are urged to take advantage of this special clinic. Stu- dents are reminded thatait Is not ne- cessary to obtain their regular clinic cards. Proceed to Room 58 in the base- ment where forms are available and cashier's representatives are present. The fee for injection Is $1.00. The following persons have been se- lected as ushers for the May Festival, and may pick up their usher tickets at the Box Office of Hill Auditorium from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Tues. and Wed., Ap- ril 22 and 23: Rosamond Bairas. Ruth Cobb, Glynn Davies, Stanley C. Day, Marsha-Jo Demarest, Martha Ellen Fire- baugh, Marcia G. Flucke, Carolyn Grow Nancy Greenhoe, Nancy Gardner, Don.- ald W. Honkala, Don Huldin, Lois Hul- din, Caole Herndon, Erna Kochendorf- er, Alice Kinietz, Robert D. Leyrer. Gene Mrowka, Margaret Mc arthy, Dennis Murray, Paul A. Moore, David L Mile~ Antoine Meyer, Barbara Nicula, Joyce Paquin, Judith Pike, Caroline Poertner, Sue Shanklin, Charlotte Schwimmer, Cary A. Shelds, Shirley Shaw, Kenneth Shaw, Barbara Shade, Gary Sampson, Judith Savage, Esther Tennenhouse, Terry A. Wood, Wesley Wilson, Thomas Welton, Mary Sue Wiey, Geison R. Yee, Eugene Zaitzeff. June graduates may now order their caps and gowns at Moe's Sport Shop on North University. Regents' Meeting: May 22, 23 and, 24. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands by May 13. There will be an International Center Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the International Students Association this Thurs., April 24 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the International Center. Engineers: Copies of "A Guide to Ca- reer Opportunities" for 1958 are avail- able at the Engineering Placement Of- fice, Room 347 w. Eng. Contains a va- ,riety of vocational information. Seniors and graduate students only. Agenda, Student Government Couh- ci, April 23, 1958. Minutes of previous meeting. Officer reports: President - letter. reports; Exec. Vice-Pres. - Honors Con- vocation, student representatives, Stu- dent Activities Scholarship, Interview- ing and Nominating Committee, Read. ing and Discussion Committee, Ap- pointments; Admin. vice-Pres. - Peti- tioning and interviewing; Treasurer. Committee Reports:National and In- ternational, report; Education and Stu- dent Welfare, exam file; Public Rela- tions; Student Activities - April 23, International Student Association, de- bate, "Democracy Is Dictatorship by Committee", 7:15 p.m., League (Inter- im action); May 5-9, Jr. IFC, Help Week; May 8, Engineering Council pro- gram "Rocket and Missile Advances* (Speaker approved by Committee on U. Lectures); Calendaring, student spon- sored activities - motions. Old business. New business. Constituents time. Members time. Announcements. Adjourn. Lectures Prof. 0. A. Saunders of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, Lon- don, England, will lecture on "Some Recent Developments in Heat Trans- fer," in Aud. D, Angell Hall, Wed., Ap- ril 23 at 3:00 p.m. Sigma Xi Lecture: "Michigan Mush- rooms." Alexander H. Smith, Professor of Botany Wed., April 23, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Public Invited. Refreshments served. The Political Science dept. will pre. sent John M. Blum of Yale University lecturing on "The Presidential Lead- ership of Theodore Roosevelt." Thurs., April 24 at 8:00 p.m. in Rackham Lee- ture Hall. Speech Assembly, under the auspices of the Dept. of Speech, today 4:00 p.m. Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Fred Haber- man, Chairman, Dept. of Speech, Univ. of Wisconsin will speak on "Spokesmen for Liberty." Public Lecture, auspices of the Dept. of Fine Arts, by William G. Archer, Keeper of the Indian section of the victoria and Albert Museum in London, on "Romance and Poetry in Indian Painting," on April 24, 4:15 pm. Aud. B, Angell Hall. Concerts Student Recital: Douglas Lee, pianist, will present a recital in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m., i' CLUE TO THE TREND: UA W Contracts Have Wide Impact , By NORMAN WALKER WASHINGTON (AP) - Recession- worried economists are wait- ing for the other shoe to drop in Detroit for a clue to national wage trends. Walter Reuther's United Auto Workers has made its profit-shar- ing and other demands for new labor contracts. The industry so far has proposed to continue the annual six-cents- per-hour pay boosts, plus living cost adjustments, payable under present contracts expiring in about six weeks. But the automakers may sweeten their offer soon to try to get a new long-term con- tract. * * * MOST ECONOMISTS concede the auto industry bargaining, how- ever it turns out, will have its usual powerful impact on other abor-management negotiations for some time ahead. But it is also claimed that to the extent that wages rise, the chances of prices coming down to help end, the recession, are thereby mini- mized. prices will be reduced, but whether steel makers will boost prices to compensate for the new pay raise. If Reuther's UAW takes a cheap settlement-a real possibility in view of sagging auto sales this year-other employers could be expected to use this as a telling argument in their union dealings. If Reuther scores the end-around bargaining play he outlined to an editors' meeting here the other day, then other unions would insist Good Will THE CANADIANS, who are the arm and numerical backbone of the United Nations Emergency Force on the Israeli-Egyptian bor- der, claim it has been totally in- capitated by the inefficiency of the UN headquarters in New York. And they offer plenty of evidence: nearly 100 trucks, jeeps and scout cars are out of action because of erratic delivery of spare parts; a signal corps request of four walky- talky radios brought in their stead four radio trucks; an ordinance on similar gains in their own con- tracts. So far in 1958, labor contract settlements have produced about the same increases, around 10 cents an hour, that were negoti- ated last year. There have been some exceptions, but the recession has so far seen no appreciable de- cline in the advance of wage rates. In fact, the January-March construction industry wage settle- ments reportedly provided in- creases averaging 17.8 cents an hour. This compares with an aver- age increase rate.of 14.6 cents for the first quarter of last year and 16.1 cents for all of 1957. In his speech to newspaper edi- tors here last week, Reuther said the key to successful bargaining is to be fluid and flexible and added: * * * "I HAVE SAT at the bargaining table for some 22 years with the biggest corporations in the world, where a penny-an-hour increase in wages meant 10 million dollars, where a billion dollars was a stake in the bargaining. People bargain Ir rl 5, 1 1