See Page 4
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXVIII, No. 143
Pentagon Revamping Urged
WASHINGTON (MP - Secretary
of Defense Neil McElroy testified
k yesterday that the Pentagon or-
ganization is out of date in the
age of missiles and nuclear weap-
He urged Congress to modernize
it as'President Dight D. Eisen-
hower wishes.
"It would be tragic indeed," the
. secretary said, "if in the moment
of crisis we should be found want-
ing because of an attempt to graft'
the weapons of modern warfare
onto an outmoded organization
Opposition Ahead
Before the House Armed Services
Committee and its hostile leaders,
McElroy opened t he administra-
tion's drive on Capitol Hill to put
through Presidenit Eisenhower's
Powerful opposition lies ahead,
in strongly entrenched positions.,
McElroy encountered it at the
outset. Yet Chairman Carl Vinson
(D-Ga.), a formidable foe of the
" plan, promised that the committee
"will consider the President's
recommendations seriously, objec-
tively, and in detail, and with full
awareness of the constitutional
responsibility of Congress."
'No Penalties' Promised
The secretary, in turn, promised
no penalties or retaliation against
civilians or men in uniform who
testify against the program. But
outside the committee chamber, he
told reporters, "An officer can't
search out a forum to oppose his
commander in chief."
The reorganization plan would
give McElroy greater flexibility.
over defense spending and con-
Ofers el
To ' Railroads
WASHINGTON () - The cam-
paign against the recession yes-
tetday produced an aditiinistra-
tion plan to help the railroads,
} plus :new. arguments for and
against cutting taxes.
Secretary of Commerce Sinclair
Weeks presented the railroad plan
to Congress with the approval of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Under it, the government would
authorize guarantees of up to 700
million dollars for loans which the
a roads would use to improve and
modernize their facilities and
~ Tax Repeal Left' Out
The plan stopped short of meet-
ing one request urgently advanced
by the railroads, for repeal of the
three per cent federal tax on
freight and 10 per cent on passen-
ger fares.
Sen. Joseph O'Mahoney (D-
Wyo.) called meanwhile for re-
peal of federal transportation
taxes, saying: "The excise tax was
put on automobiles, other com-
modities and transportation at a
time when the government was
trying to reduce civilian business,
in order that the war effort not
be deterred.
"There is certainly little sense
in retaining an excise tax designed
to hold down business when our
primary purpose must be to ex-
pand business."
Asks Public Works
A visitor to Washington, Gov. G.
Mennen Williams of Michigan
said he would prefer vast public
works to a tax cut as a way to
cure the recession. But if there is
a cut, he told the House Banking
Committee, it should go to the
smaller taxpayers.
In another late development,
the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee formally reported to-the
House a one and one-half billion
dollar unemployment' relief bill.
It would provide, by means of fed-
eral grants, an additional 16 weeks
of jobless pay benefits.
Secretary of . Labor James P.
Mitchell got out a statement say-
ing the committee bill "would do
a great disservice to the unem-
ployed people of the United
"It is clearly unworkable and
impractical,"' he added. "The com-
mittee's proposal will seridusly de-
lay, if not destroy, the adminis-
Rration's efforts to get money
quickly to those unemployed
workers, covered by unemploy-
-r__ -- n. v- -- ri ~ 1TT , Ia. _
siderably 'greater authority over tige as a military man. He said
the separate armed forces. it is the plan of the President, that
In support of it, McElroy said the judgment of a man with a
that it "rests on the continuing "lifetime of personal experience, in
refinement of the concept of the peace and war," deeply marked
unified command" which made every element in it.
"an immense contributionto the "The future security of our na-
strategy and tactics of modern tion," the secretary said, "rests,
warfare" in World War II. on the soundness of the decisions
He relied heavily on President reached as a result of the hearings
Eisenhdwer's reputation and pres ion this subject."
Board T o Consider More
Clearing up much old business; the Residence Hall Board of
Governors yesterday voted to consider an Inter-House Council request
for conversion of present residerce halls to co-educational units.
"This is very much related to the future," Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis said. He pointed out that any move
for co-educational housing on the central campus would have to
Accuse Two~
Of' Union
adelphia lawyers were accused
yesterday of being conspirators on
the side of a Teamsters Union lo-
cal now under fire before the Sen-
ate Rackets Committee.
Robert F. Kennedy, committee
counsel, directed this charge at
Richard H. Markowitz and John
R. Carroll.
Kennedy said th two lawyers
came out of a meeting of Phila-
delphia Local 107, of the Team-
sters Sunday night with a $1,000
increase in the retainer fee the
union pays them for representing
the local, its officers and some of
the members at the Senate hear-
ings. At the same Sunday meet-
ing, the Rackets Committee's
chairman, Sen. John L. McClellan
(D-Ark.), was hanged in effigy.
In angry tones, Kennedy told
the committee he hoped it would
take note of the fact that Marko-
witz and Carroll, after hearing
testimony about the forging of
union checks, alleged falsification
of union records and "mass mis-
use of funds," had gone to the
meeting and made speeches prais-
ing Ray Cohen, the local's boss.
Cohen has taken the Fifth Amend-
ment before the committee.
World News
By The Associated Press
Lights blazing around the Van-
guard tower indiated yesterday
the the zero hour is approaching
for the attempt to blast a' fourth
American satellite into orbit.
The newest United States moon
will be a 21-inch ball with instru-
ments designed to measure radia-
tion from the sun and broadcast
its findings back to earth.
* * * *
ACCRA, Ghana - Eight inde-
pendent African nations yester-
day declared themselves united in
international affairs and pledged
an all-out effort to bring inde-
pendence for Algeria.
In winding up their eight-day
meeting, they decided to make
their delegates to the United Na-
tions the permanent machinery
for coordinating their plans. They
also pledged to coordinate their
economic efforts and to exchange
teachers and students.
The countries at the conference
were Ghana, Liberia, Ethiopia, Su-
dan, Morocco, 'Tunisia, Libya and
the United Arab Republic of Egypt
and Syria.
* *
HAVANA - Army headquarters
said six rebel saboteurs were killed
in clashes in Oriente Province yes-'
Robeson Talk
Pltan Canceled
Sconsider funds for alteration. The
planned North Campus residence
hall will be co-educational. Women
are scheduled to vacate 'the three
houses in men's residence halls
they now occupy at the end of
this semester;
Names Announced
Vice-President Lewis announced
the names of five members of the
six-man Board of Governors com-
mittee which is empowered to sug-
gest changes in Board policy. The
sixth will be named later.
The members of the committee
are Elsie Fuller, assistant dean of
women; John Hale, senior resident
director of men's residence halls;
Margaret Brake, '58, outgoing
president of Assembly Association;
Drake Duane, '58, outgoing Inter-
House Council president, and Prof.
Earl Britton of the engineering
All are members of the Board of
The committe report will be
ready next month, according to
Vice-President Lewis.
Other Actions Noted
In other action, the Board of
1) Moved to have a special
meeting next week to consider the
proposal of the Michigan House
plan committee for establishing
three experimental houses. The
committee report will be given to
Board of Governors members by
2) Decided to discuss the request
of the English Language Institute
for the use of Frederick House and
the policy regarding admittance of
graduate students in the residence
halls at next week's meeting.
Refer Request
3) Referred the informal request
of Prof. Lionel Laing of the poli-
tical science department that all
men's residence hall assignments
and adjustments, be made by the
quadrangle staffs and not by the
office of Assistant Dean of Men
Karl D. Streiff to a committee
consisting of Dean of Men Walter
B. Rea, Prof. Laing and Hale.
4) Tossed the question of Sun-
day "open-open houses" back into
the laps of the Dean of Men's
office and Inter-House Council,
who will discuss the matter fur-
5) Will receive more informa-
tion on residence hall meal stop-
page at the end of semesters. Prof.
Laing had questioned whether
stopping meals before freshmen
and sophomores had taken the
last of their exams was in the best
interest of the student.
May Return
Next Year
Michigras may become an an-
nual affair, possibly next year, ac-
cording to Barry Shapiro, '59,
Union president.
This possibility was discussed
by the Union executive council
and Women's Athletic Association
last night.
These two sponsoring groups
are planning to gather the opin-
ions and views of campus groups
in determining the feasibility of
such a move, Shapiro said.
Housing Units Important
He emphasized that the opin-
ions of the housing units were
very important in making the de-
cision. "Without the backing of
the housing units we may as well
not even attempt it," he said.
Other factors to be considered,
according to Shapiro, are the fi-
nancial aspects and the success or
failure of this year's Michigras.
"If we can give adequate rebates
to the housing units it will help
immensely," he said.
He did feel that Michigras for
this year would strengthen the
arguments for an annual Michi-
To Fill Void
"It has been felt for a long time
that Spring Weekend does not fill
the large spring social void and
the growth of Michigras indicates
that it does," Shapiro explained.
The Spring Weekend chairmen
would automatically become chair-
men of Michigras if the change
is effected, according to Shapiro.
Petitioning opened this week for
Spring Weekend male chairman.
These petitions are due in to the
Union student offices by May 5,
with interviews being scheduled
for the following day.
Twenty Groups
To Participate
IOpen Rush
Nearly half the 'University's
fraternities Wll take part in an
'organized open rushing" program
Monday and' Tuesday.
The 20 houses that have de-
cided to participate in this pro-
gram will hold open houses from
8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Any interested
man can "Just walk into these
houses"' according to Howard
Nack, '60, Inter-Fraternity Coun-
cil rushing chairman.
These men do not need to sign
up with anyone, he emphasized,
but if they want rushing hand-
books with a map of the locations
of the houses they can get them
in the IFC office in the Student
Activities Bldg.
As of last night, he said, the
houses participating will be Alpha
Delta Phi, Theta Delta Chi, Sigma
Phi, Lambda Chi Alpha, Psi Up-
silon, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sig-
ma, Triangle, Phi Kappa 'au,
Tau Kappa Epsilon, Phi Kappa
Sigma, and Phi Sigma Kappa.
Also Alpha Sigma Phi, Trign,
Alpha Epsilon Pi, Phi Kappa Sig-
ma (Tuesday night only), Theta
Chi, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Nu and
Acacia (Monday night only), will
This "organized" open rushing
is a plan to conduct regular open
rush on a larger scale, Lou Kolb,
'59, IFC executive vice-president,
Not To
'Mold' Yugosi
GQOD$ $A~h
6 ifrne
In dooi
RECESSION FORECAST-Shown above in chart form are the results of two surveys, taken in June,
and December, 1957, by the University's Survey Research Center which warned of a possible recession.
The black line indicates consumer attitudes during the past five years, and plainly shows the down-
turn in optimism which began last year. Data collected by government agencies on durable goods
and personal income (indicated by the broken lines) did not reflect the weaknesses in the economy.,
GOP Head
Sees Loss
In Senate
corn, Republican national chair-
man, said yesterday "I Just don't
thiny it'sin the cards" for.the
party to capture control of the
SenateM fron e Democrats in the
November eIections. '
Alcorn, who made the statement
to newsmen after conferring with
President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
predicted the Republicans will win
the House by a bare majority.
The Democrats now control both
the House and Senate. The Senate
division now is 49 Democrats and
47 Republicans.
In the House, the lineup is 232
Democrats and 198 Republicans.
There are five vacant seats-three
formerly held by Democrats and
two by Republicans.
SGC To Mail
Bias Proposal
A resolution Student Govern-
ment Council passed on March 17
"will be placed in today's mail,"
according to Jo Hardee, '60, SGC
administrative vice-president.
Miss Hardee explained that the
reason for the month-long delay
was the large turnover in the
executive committee and in the
Administrative Wing of SOC.
The resolution asks University
officials not to allow landlords
who practice discrimination "to
advertise through University fa-
cilities." These facilities include
The Daily, the Union bulletin
boards, and the offices of the
L ikert Says 'Legislature,
Blocks Useful Research
The dollar-conscious state legislature is curtailing the kind of
research which might head off its financial difficulties, according to
Prof. Rensis Likert, director of the Institute for Social Research.,
Prof. Likert claimed "the legislature's whole action is moving in
the wrong direction."
Research in human behavior will be one of the chief victims of
the million dollar budget reduction slapped on the University last
Valuable Research
-,4t is ironic, Prof. Likert said, that the Survey Research Center
warned ten months ago of the current recession which has forced the
budget slash. "It is just this kind
or valuable research in human "
behavIor which should be greatly I X issive
expanded, instead of being elimi-x
nated," he claimed.
A July report prepared by Prof.
George Katona and Eva MuellerL
of the Center revealed that "con-
sumer optimism his been weak- -ylieI
ening in recent months."a
"A leveling off of consumer ex-
pectations in . 1956 has recently By MICHAEL KRAFT'
been followed by a turn for the Gov. G. Mennen Williams yes-
worse," the report indicated. Govday.deend illas-ye
A similar survey taken in Dae- terday defended his last-minute
cember showed thatak "mid" re~ Legislative message which some
cemeso weld tatac"il re-Lansing observers say helped seal
cessionwould take place, "unless the University's budget at a tight
additional action is taken by the30mlindlas
federal government." 30 million dollars.
ederaleovernm en tLast Friday night, on the eve
State Would Benefit of what turned out to be the
"It would be a profitable invest- : House's final vote on the Higher
ment for the state" Prof. Likert Education Appropriation Bill, Gov.
pointed out, "if they were able to Williams told the Legislature that
anticipate crises like the present, declining tax collections would
one." force the state to enter the next
LJUBLJANA, Yugoslavia () -
President Josef Broz Tito tartly'
advised Moscow yesterday to aban-
don attempts to force the country's
Communist party into a Kremlin-
designed mold.
The Yugoslav leader's defiance
of the Kremlin brought to their
feet the 1,700 delegates to, the
party's Seventh Congress. The hall
rocked with applause each time
Tito emphasized a difference be-
tween Yugoslav and Soviet, ideol-
Tito's four-hour speech was a
retort to Moscow's boycott of the
congress. Tito did not mention the
boycott specifically.
Changed Speech
Tito's 35,000-word speech, dii-
tributed in advance to the dele-'
gates, said Yugoslav-Soviet rela-
tions were improving on the basis"
of the 1955 Begrade-Mosoowdec-
laration after Nikita Khrushchev's '
pilgrimage of apology toYugO-
slavia. In delivery, Tito changed
this to read that relations "until
today were developing very sue-..
The Russians obviously havo
been stung by this turn of events.
In Moscow Tuesday Peter Pope-'
lov, a Soviet party theoretician,
lambasted the Yugoslav past
draft program being consid
here. He called it a docume~
aimed at weakening the unit*
the Communist and workers' par-
ties, at weakening the unity of the
Socialist Communist-ruled coll-
New Quarrel Cited
At the root of this new qurrel.,
apparently, is a Yugoslav feeling
the Russians reneged on a promise.
to recognize "different roads to
Tito reminded the Russians that
Stalin's inflexible and bellicose
foreign policies had brought the
Atlantic alliance into being..
Here he touched a live nerve.
Originally, thedraft program un-
der discussion at the congress e-
nounced both military blocs, NATOK
and the Red Warsaw Pact alike.
Later, in a gesture of appease-
ment, the Yugoslavs said the War-
saw Pact was justified because.
NATO came first.
But the Russians would not be
appeased, and now Tito was say-
ing in effect that NATO was jus-
tified because of Stalin's actions.
Tito tempered his counterattack
by larding his speech with praise
for Moscow's foreign policy and
harsh words for the West's policies.
SGC Motions
Seeky Power'
In Calendaring.e
Motions asking Student ov
ernment Council to permit its
calendaring committee to assign
dates for organizations' late per-
missions and to decide conflicts
between events will be presented
to SGC tonight.
At present the organizations are
permitted to choose the dates on
which they want late permissions
for functions, and the first group
selecting a date has veto power
over scheduling other events on the
same date, according to SGC Ex-
ecutive Vice-President Dan Belin,
The Council will also make ap-
pointments to several committees
when it meets at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Council room of the Stu-
dent Activities Bldg.
These groups include the inter-
The only way this can be done is
by pouring more money into re-
search, he said.
It is not specifically the Survey
Research Center which will suffer
from the budget, he added. The
center's work is financed largely
by outside interests.
However, a $325,000 appropria-
tion ticketed for research on hu-
man resources will probably be
denied, F according to University
Hungarians Describe ,Problems In U.S.
r-"What does the United States expect of us?" a Hungarian student
. , ,. :::.......asks.
fiscal year with an 18 million dol-
lar deficit.
Van Peursem Protests
Speaker of the House George
M. Van Peursem (R-Zeeland) pro-
tested against the governor's mak-
ing the revelation just as the1
Legislature was ready to adjourn.
"Why wasn't the Legislature in-
formed weeks ago of the situa-
tion?" he wrote Gov. Williams.
In Lansing yesterday, Gov. Wil-
liams said his statement contained
no surprises but sought to call the
House's attention to "the impera-
tive necessity" of passing his pro-
posal for a 20 million dollar in-
crease in the tax on intangible
The exchange between the Re-
publican Speaker of the House and
the Democratic governor recalled
the political overtones which some
Legislators admit colored the
House's vote Saturday.
Rep. George W. Sallade (R-Ann
Arbor) said yesterday that during
the GOP caucus held before the
final vote, pressure was brought to,
bear on the 12 Republican repre-
sentatives who had deviated from
the GOP "hold the line" economy
ctar ddj inr dith D tmoris
"When we arrived here everybody wanted to find a position in
the United States," Janos Letai, Grad., explained. Students wanted to
study, laborers to work, he said.
Now, according to Letai, the University has told him he will be
given no more tuition money-the Hungarian fund is empty. "I am a
little disappointed," he said.
Letai lives with another Huhgarian refugee, Lajos Kiss, '61E. Kiss
reports he must choose between giving up the job which is keeping
him in school and giving up his studies, since the laboratory where he
works wants him full time or not at all.
Scholarships Cover Tuition
At present the University pays tuition -for Letal and Kiss. They
room with a naturalized Hungarian, Imre Gocza. Gocza is unemployed
suana ana jone wrdi uemocras
to asshisamedmet °givng viewing and nominating commit-
to pass his amendment giving tee, which was set up last month
more money to the state's uni- to handle selection of committees
versities. and boards related to SGC, and
Fears Among Factors the reading and discussion com-
Republican fears of the Gover- mittee which will try to set up a
Inr ra.(Oinr a ,oPja1 c if +1 I i i cind ,+,, and