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'U' Researchers Struggle for 'Equal Recognition'
"We've lost a few on this prob- the University is trying to combat
lem of securing teaching titles, but the problem as best they can.
it's not what you would call a huge How does the actual center of
total," Prof. Likert pointed out, the controversy - the research
In general, he continued, the man-react to it all?
faculty departments are "giving us "That prestige makes a tremen-
good co-operation" in trying to set dous difference" said one top phy-
up faculty appointments for in- sicist connected with ERI.
coming research men. "Who knows what 'research ,as-
"And," he said, "the situation, sociate' means? Everyone knows
as far as we are concerned, is more what 'professor' means."
favorable here than at most other The same person claims that he
universities." "continuously" runs into the prob-
Don't Blame University lein of finding competent'research-
Burroughs and Prof. Miller gen- ers and bringing them on campus
erally agree with Prof. Likert that without an academic title.
Must Make Concessions
. "In order to get a top man from
another school, you have to make
concessions to him," he said. Sev-
eral other research men echoed
his sentiments.
One engineering researcher felt
that because of the situation,
many men are faced with a dif l-
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Camp Tapawingo, a beautiful camp cult question: should he remain
in Maine, is hiring counselors for this at the University or go into more
year. "lucrative" private business?
Sylvania Electric Products is looking "I guess I prefer to stay here,
for Electrical Engineers for various di- though," he said.
visons aCap for Cripple Children, Researchers and faculty appoin-
Lake Villa, Ill. is interested in male and tees have somewhat the same
femaleacounseorsb benefits in a number of situations.
RTh Apache Tribe of the Mescaero These include vacations, travel to
Reservation, N. M., needs a Director of Teeicuevctos rvlt
Recreation. Are interested in married professional society meetings, eli-
couples, gibility for University apartments,
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Would consider married couple if both ship in the University Club.
could cook. Some say the faculty title is
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valuable in that it often helps a Prof. Reichart explained that if
man acquire .profitable, work as a such a researcher has a part-time
consultant. The University doesn't appointment here, "the termina-
usually allow ion-faculty members tion of his project immediately
to take part in private consulting raises the question of his continu-
responsibilities. iance on the University staff.
Situation Is Complex
Prof. Robert Williams, assistant
dean of faculties, emphasized,
something on which everyone
agrees-the situation is extremely
complex and "several important
faculty committees are studying
the problem."
At present the Faculty Senate
Subcommittee on Educational
Policies is surveying the situation.
Prof. Walter Reichart of the Ger-
man department is heading the
committee which gave an interim
report to the Senate last night.
Prof. Reichart said he doubts
whether any concrete recommen-
dations will be made to the ad-
ministration this semester. "It
will be more or less of a progress
report," he said.
Issues Need Clarifying
He explained that there are a
number of issues which need clari-
fying before overall policy can be
determined for the different units
of the University.
When research men are brought,
to the campus for a particular
project, he said, their work is gen-
erally financed by industry or
foundations rather than by the
"AA~ V~ "A-, YlAA GLUS~y LICr~.
Cases Differ
"Virtually no two cases present
the same problem," he said.
A parallel situation, he contin-
ued, manifests itself sometimes in
the University library system.
"It is argued," Prof. Reichart
said, "that the very good librarian
who can point out and steer people
to the information desired, is every
bit as vital to the University."
Prof. Reichart 'noted the grow-
ing need and consequent expan-
sion of research. "It's a problem
which, by necessity, must be very
carefully studied," he said.
"The longer it goes," he said,
"and the more that research ex-
pands . . . the more difficult the
problem is going to get.'
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