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April 22, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-04-22

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GN trdtgatt Daily
Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

ESDAY, APRIL 22, 1958


U.S. Should Aid
Democratic Strugglers

"Lewis Strauss Says That To Stop Nuclear Tests
Would Be A Tragic Mistake"
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A Look into the Past
J N THE DAYS before Cinemascope, before Technicolor and before
sound, the film industry was an active, growing business that took
advantage of every opportunity, felt the good breaks with the bad and
had the perspective to turn around and see the humor in its own
day-to-day work.
"The Golden Age of Comedy" is a brief look at the movies of the
silent twenties and, more particularly, at a few of the best-known
personalities of the silent celluloid generation.
If anything, "The Golden Age of Comedy" is too brief. Only Laurel


SOMEHOW the United States manages to
miss almost every opportunity to increase
the number of its foreign friends.
Following last year's shameful standoffish-
ness toward Hungary, the country had no right
to expect any further outburst of anything re-
sembling pro-Americanism, but the Sumatran
rebels in' Indonesia offered another opportu-
nity to assist in replacing a neutralist, Commu-
nist-supported government with an anti-
Communist (and therefore more disposed to
the West) regime.
The rebels, of course, figured to lose, and
they have because the United States did ab-
solutely nothing. It would have been easy to in-
sist on a partition of the utterly unhomogene-
ous set of islands lumped together as "Indo-
nesia." It would have been easy to tie up the
government's gold supply in foreign countries,
at least until some stability appeared in the
But above all, it would have been easy to call
the rebels and the government to a conference,
with the United States offering its good offices
to work out a peaceful settlement -- in the tra-
dition of Theodore Roosevelt.
However, all such opportunities are now
gone, probably forever, as the Jakarta forces
near the last rebel stronghold. In their place,
the West is once again faced with the unstable
Sukarno regime, propped up by the Indonesian
Communists and so patently unable to solve its
own internal problems that it must drive out
the Dutch inhabitants as a diversionary tactic
of-the lowest order.

PRAWIRANEGARA and the other rebels had
one virtue lacking in Sukarno: they were
not anti-Western, proclaiming the same tired
imperialist-colonialist cliches. Sukarno has
consistently demonstrated, since his country's
founding in 1947, his neutralist, Communist-
leaning tendencies. Prawiranegara proclaimed
his willingness to side with the West against
Communism. A friend of his caliber in Indo-
nesia might have gone far to strengthen the
West in Asia, counterbalancing the loss of
northern Indo-China and the ousting of the
pro-Western Kotelawala in Ceylon.
Instead, the United States again sat back
and watched Sukarno win out and the Com-
munists establish firmer relations with the
government. There is a developing possibility
of a Communist coup in Indonesia when Su-
karno outlives his usefulness; such a coup
could have been disposed of in advance by a
rebel victory.
The United States cannot afford to pass up
these opportunities to aid friends in foreign
countries. The country does not have enough
of them, and they decrease every time Wash-
ington fails to provide the support it should, as
in Indonesia. Continued lack of action will
eventually make it clear to even the staunch-
est ally that United States help will never be
forthcoming. In consequence, attempts to es-
tablish pro-Western governments will cease.
When that happens, the United States will
be in trouble.

A itr st Forces at ork

'The Hidden Persuaders'

PRODUCING a greater impact upon the
American public than any psychological
study since "Compulsion," the best-selling "The
Hiden Persuaders," bitterly attacks the adver-
tiseys, politicians and consumers of today.
Producing not the slightest impact upon the
advertisers assembled at the 1958 Advertising
Conference held at the University last Thurs-
day was Vance Packard, author of "The Hid-
den Persuaders."
However, when he later addressed listeners
at the Journalism Lecture series that same day,
Packard picked up the tone of his book, coming
through with some heavy criticism of the whole
advertising "plot" and the consumers who are
"hooked" by it.
To this latter audience, Packard detailed
carefully the similarities between the Utopia of
Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World," and the
United States of America's "self-indulging,
over-commercialized life."
He used, as the basis of his analogy, the
planned psychological obsolescence and image-
ry, irretrievably thrust daily at the public
through advertising. Claiming that advertisers
now concentrate on making the public style-
conscious, and then switching styles, Packard
said that making colored refrigerators and
lengthening and slimming car chases each year,
are advertising tools which promote discontent
with the old and eventual purchase of the new.
In "Brave New World," too, everything had
to be thrown away. As we were amazed at the
people portrayed in "Brave New World," and
their susceptibility to the brain-washing which
their leaders gave to them, so too Packard told
of his amazement at this trait in us.

N OT ONLY are images created in our mind
of the products we buy, but also of the
people we elect to office. He explained that ac-
tually in the presidential election, the con-
test centers upon which party can create the -
better image, the one most appealing to the
American people.
In his questioning of the morality of this
planned obsolescence and imagery, Packard's
points were well-made. Truth was kept to a
maximum, exaggeration to a minimum. His
examples hit home. They influenced us to his
way of thinking or at least to a consideration
of such.
What we do not and cannot understand was
why he did not hit the members of the Adver-
tising Conference with these examples in his
speech to them. He had information for his side
of the picture at his finger tips, the advertisers
at his feet.
And yet, he coddled them. He didn't speak
on the "morality" of their actions as he did
at his later talk. Rather, he spoke on the "Whys
of Our Behavior," to men who make it their
business to know these whys.
He touched upon their wrongs, but in such
a way that it seemed rather like a mother ad-
monishing her child for stealing one cookie,
when in reality he took the whole box.
This makes one wonder, and with this won-
derment comes doubt, that Packard's analysis
is all that it has been proposed to be.
He hasn't sold us, not completely. In his
campaign, he seemed to lack the courage of
his convictions.

W ASHINGTON - It isn't sup-
posed to be known, but the
heat is on the Justice Department
for another big compromise in an
antitrust case. It involves the price
of gas to millions of people. Secret
huddles have been taking place in
the Justice Department to stop a
grand jury, now meeting in Mil-
waukee, which is considering
criminal indictments against the
big three which supply gas to Il-
linois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michi-
gan and Minnesota.
Four of the biggest law firms in
the country represent the gas
companies: Sullivan and Crom-
well, the former firm of John Fos-
ter Dulles; the Tom Dewey law
firm in New York; Sidley, Austin,
Burgess and Smith of Chicago;
and Cravath, Swaine and Moore
of New York.
TWICE BEFORE, this case
came up for prosecution, and
twice it was suddenly called off.
On one occasion, the Justice De-
partment's Anti-trust Division
even had a press release prepared
and was ready to file a bill of
complaint on July 8, 1957, in the
U.S. District Court in Milwaukee.
The case is against the Ameri-
can Natural Gas Co., Peoples Gas,
Light and Coke, represented by
the Dewey law firm, and Northern
Natural Gas, all under investiga-
tion for conspiring to prevent
Tennessee Gas Transmission from
supplying gas to the north cen-
tral states from a pipeline linking
Canada with Texas.

John Merriam, president of
Northern Natural Gas and broth-
er of Eisenhower's assistant direc-
tor of the budget, who, ran for
mayor of Chicago, had an ap-
pointment with AssistantaAttor-
ney General Victor Hansen yes-
terday (April 21) to try to call off
the dogs.
Prediction: This time new At-
torney General Rogers will not
yield to big utility pressure.
Inside story can now be told
how President Eisenhower got on
the telephone to congressional
leaders in a last-minute attempt
to block the highway bill before
it was sent to the Whit, House for
his reluctant signature.
* * *
BEFORE THE final House vote,
Ike phoned Illinois Congressman
Les Arends, the Republican whip,
and urged him to send the bill
back to the Public Works Commit-
tee for further study.
The President explained that
he wanted better highways, but
objected to financing them out of
current cash. He thought a high-
way fund should be raised first by
taxing tires and gasoline. He also
didn't like the Democrats' plan to
require the states to pay only one-
third of the highway cost. He pre-
ferred a fifty-fifty arrangement.
Arends promised to sidetrack
the bill, if possible, and hastily
put through a long-distance call
to Congressman Harry McGregor,
top Republican on the Public
Works Committee, who had gone
home to West Lafayette, Ohio,

ahead of the Easter vacation.
Arends asked McGregor to come
back to Washington to help ma-
neuver the highway bill back into
Back in Washington, McGregor
also received a phone call from
Ike. First, Assistant President
Sherman Adams phoned and
asked McGregor to remain in his
office for 30 minutes to await a
call from the President.
When Ike got on the phone, he
repeated the same arguments that
he had given to Arends against
the Democrats' highway bill.
McGregor, who has been a
battler for better highways, gave
in to the President's personal plea
and tried to sidetrack the bill. In
the end, however, the Democrats
pushed through their bill and the
President reluctantly signed it.
vate comments about American
foreign policy are almost as criti-
cal as the Democrats' public com-
ments. Nixon admits America has
slipped in world leadership,
blames it upon Secretary of State
Dulles. Nixon complains that Dul-
les lacks imagination, is unwilling
to take bold diplomatic gambles.
The Vice-President claims Dul-
les may be more willing to meet
Russia halfway now that Harold
Stassen is no longer disarmament
negotiator. Dulles disliked Stassen
so intensely, Nixon says, that the
Secretary opposed Stassen's ideas
for purely personal reasons.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

and Hardy, who take up about half
treated with the care and selec-
tivity necessary to an accurate
impression of their talents and
history. Yet Laurel and Hardy are
the very people whose reputations
and old films are. already best
known to this generation through
Meanwhile, other comedy
"greats" of the time, Will Rogers,
Ben Turpin and Harry Langdon,
are treated much too quickly and
with so few scenes that one can
only catch a single, sentimental
impression of each of them.
a * *
Harlow are thrown into the collec-
tion, too. But their presence-for
while they started briefly in com-
edy, their major achievements in
later movie years were in more
serious films-their presence in a
few very short scenes serves only
to add a little femininity to the
Reservations aside, "The Golden
Age of Comedy" is a long series of
laughs as well as an interesting
historical approach to the film.
Laurel and Hardy enjoy some of
their best, as well as first moments
on film, which can be very funny
most of the time,
Will Rogers is most memorable
in his parodies on the honest,
local-yokel politician, the Douglas
Fairbanks-type adventurer and
the Tom Mix cowboy who never,
even when chased by outlaws, ex-
ercises a conventional means of
getting on his horse.
there, too, with the usual tricky
maneuvering in automobiles. Harry
Langdon and Ben Turpin add to
the laughter which by this time
has reached giant proportions.
In spite of its briefness and the
ill quality of its unimaginative nar-
ration, "The Golden Age of Com-
edy" has something to teach in
showing how a recent generation
laughed and what it laughed at.
Accompanying the feature is a
W. C. Fields Festival, a collection
of three Fields shorts of the 1930's
that goes much further than "The
Golden Age" in capturing the tone
of comedy for one time and one
As Mr. O'Hare the barber, Mr.
Dilweg the druggist, and Mr.
Snavely the northwoodsman, Fields
produces a kind of humor that
encompasses subtlety with nai-
vete and occasional near-farce,
He helps to make the evening a
very hilarious one indeed.
-Vernon Nahrgang
to the
History ...
To the Editor:
I AM SURE neither a Michigan
alumna, the NAACP nor The
Daily wishes unclear phrasing or
hurried "re-writes" to give erron-
eous impressions about University
housing in the 30's.
Victory Vaughan, adjacent to
the University's one-track, one-
engine private spur is the only
"separate dormitory down by the
railroad tracks" Michigan ever
owned. This was not built in Mrs.
Bissell's time. Neither was the
Food Service Building; although
part of that block was already Uni-
versity property and its houses
leased to private persons. One of
these homes was a League House
holding Negro women students.
Today's students cannot imagine
the University without its tremen-
dous housing plant. In 1930, how-
ever, there existed: Helen New-

berry (1915); Martha Cook (1916);
Adelia Cheever and Betsy Barbour
(1920); Alumnae House, second
University-owned co-operative
(1922); Couzens, for nurses only
(1925). There was no University
housing for men.
Mrs. Bissell, then Hillary Rear-
don, transferred to Ann Arbor in
1931. That year Mosher-Jordan
opened, first residence on "the
Hill." According to her registra-
tion card, Mrs. Bissell's first Mich-
igan residence was in that "new
dorm." Another Negro woman-
student in Mosher-Jordan that
year was a Miss Roxborough, niece
of the wise manager of Joe Louis
in the great days.
Subsequent addresses where Miss
Reardon lived as a student in-
cluded a women's boarding-house
where East Quadrangle now
stands. Remembering my own job
ri,,,. v ,. er. nr c inn finnr ri, i

of this collection of aged films, are
The Daily Official Bulletin is as.
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
yhe University of Michigan Marching
Band will march in the Michigras pa-
rade. Band members are asked to report
to Rm. 108 in Harris Hall before wed.,
Apr. 23, to register and receive instruc-
tions and information relative to this
The following persons have been se-
lected as ushers for the May Festival,
and may pick up their usher tickets at
the Box Office of Hill Auditorium fror
5:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Tues. and wed., Ap-
ril 22 and 23: Rosamond Bairas, Ruth
Cobb, Glynn Davies, stanley 0. Day,
Marsha-Jo Demarest, Martha Ellen Fire-
baugh, Marcia G. Flucke, Carolyn Grow,
Nancy Greenhoe, Nancy Gardner, Don-
ald W. Honkala, Don Huldin, Lois Hul-
din, Carole Herndon, Erna Kochendorf-
er, Alice Kinietz, Robert D. Leyrer, Gene
Mrowka, Margaret MbCarthy, Dennis
Murray, Paul A. Moore, David L. Mills,
Antoine Meyer, Barbara Nicula, Joyce
Paquin, Judith Pike, Caroline Poertner,
Sue Shanklin, Charlotte Schwimmer,
Cary A. Sheilds, Shirley Shaw, Keneth.
Shaw, Barbara Shade, Gary Sampson,
Judith Savage, Esther Tennenhouse,
Terry A. Wood, Wesley Wilson, Thomas
Welton, Mary Sue Willey, Geson R.
Yee, Eugene Zaitzeff.
The next "Polio Shot" Clinic for stu-
dents will be held Thurs., April 24, only
from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1:00
p.m ot 4:45 p.m., in the Health Service.
All stduents whose 2nd or 3rd shots are
due around this time are urged to take
advantage of this special clinic. Stu-
dents are reminded that It is not ne-
cessary to obtain their regular clinie
cards. Proceed to Room 58 in the base-
ment where forms are available and
cashier'shrepresentatives are present.
The fee for injection is $1.00.
Lecture: "The Changing Image of
Catholicism in the United States." Rob-
ert D. Cross, Prof. of History at Swarth-
more. Tues., Apr. 22, 4:15 p.m., Angell
Hall Aud. B.
Astronomical Colloquium. Tues., April
22, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Wil-
lem v. R. Malkus of Woods Hole Ocean-
ographic Institute will speak on "Prob
lems in Convection and Stability."
Archaeology Lecture: "The Phrygian
Royal Tomb of Gordion " Rodney S.
Young, University of Pennsylvania and
University Museum. Tues., April 22, 4:15
p.m. Aud. C, Angell Hall.
Prof. 0. A. Saunders of the Tmperia
College of Science and Technology, Lon.
don, England, will lecture on "Some
Recent Developments in Heat Trans-
fer," in Aud. D, Angell Hall, Wed., Ap-
ril 23 at 3:00 p.m.
Sigma Xi Lecture: "Michigan Mush-
rooms." Alexander H. Smith, Proffessor
of Botany Wed.; April 23, 8:00 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater. Public Invited.
Refreshments served.
Student Recital Postponed: The re-
cital by George Papich, violist, origin-
ally announced for April 22, has been
postponed until Tues., April 29.
Student Recital: Douglas Lee, pianist,
will present a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m.,
Wed., April 23 in Rackham Assembly
Hall. Mr. Lee, who is a student of Jo-
seph Brinkman will perform composi-
tions by Beethoven, Schumann, Bach,
Ravel and Prokofieff. Open to the gen-
eral public.
Academic Notices
The Third Session of the Seminar for
New Teachers of the College of Engi-
neering will be held at 7:30 p.m., wed.,
April 23, in Rm 1042 E.E. The meeting
will deal with student-teacher rela-
tionships and those appearing will be
Harry Benford, who will lead the dis-
cussion, with assistance from Robert
Hoisington, David Ragone and Wilfred

Doctoral Examination for Modesto
Iriarte-Beauchamp, Nuclear Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Dynamic Behavior of Boil-
ing Water Reactors," Wed., April 23,
Phoenix Memorial Laboratory, at 3:30
p.m. Chairman, H. J. Gomberg.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors who
will be on the campus this week on the
dates indicated. Program arrangements
are being made by the Internataional
Center: Mrs. Clifford R. Miller.
U Myo Min, Secretary, Prime Minis-
ter's Office, Head of Dept. of English,
University of Rangoon, Burma, April
21-23; U Ba Myint, Dean of Faculty of
Education, Uuiiversity of Rangoon, Bur-
ma, April 21-23; Minoru Nakatani, Pro-
fessor of Economics, Kyoto, Japan, Ap-
ril 22-30; and Walther Baier, Chair-
man of the organization serving all stu-
dents at Munich institutions of higher
learning, Member of the Fulbright se-
lection committee for Land Bavaria,
Germany, April 26-28.










The Fate of Obsolescence

The Problem of Book Banning

Assoclated Press News Analyst
THE DEATH of Gen. Maurice Gustav Game-
lin in France serves as a reminder of the
dangers of resting the fates of nations in the
hands of men who don't keep up with the
A brilliant staff officer before World War I,
Gamelin suffered much the same fate as Gen.
Charles de Gaulle before World War II
Gamelin made so much noise about his
theory that Germany would attack France
through Belgium that he was shifted to get him
out from under the feet of the higher com-
manders. When Germany did strike, he was
brought back and made himself a hero by
drawing the plans for the defense of the Marne,
Editor i Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON ................Personnel Director
CAROL PRINS....................Magazine Editor
EDWARD GLRULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY.....................Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG.....................Activities Editor
JAMES BAAD ,...........#.............Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT ............ Associate Sports Editor
JOHN HIL YER .... .......Associate Sports Editor
DIANE FRASER............. Assoc. Activities Editor
THOMAS BLUES........... Assoc Personnel Director
BRUCE BAILEY ................ Chief Photographer

where "Papa" Joffre's taxicab army saved
When World War II came, Gamelin was
France's commander in chief, and then over-all
allied commander. Charles de Gaulle was a
young general who had made too much noise
about mobile warfare.
GAMELIN sat behind the Maginot Line, be-
hind what he had helped lead the world to
believe was the world's greatest army, after
Hitler's mobile armies ripped through Poland.
The months of the "phony war" passed.
Gamelin referred only obliquely thereafter
to what happened - the involvement of poli-
tics in his failure to see what was going to
happen again.
If his old perspective continued, he made no
crusade for it. Years before Marshall Petain
had opposed extension of the Maginot Line
along the Belgian border. Leon Blum had been
more interested in the socialization of France.
The German panzers repeated the exploits of
Poland. They struck south from Belgium, be-
hind the Maginot guns which could aim only
at Germany, and the "world's greatest army"
looked little better than had the scattered Po-
lish cavalry.
GAMELIN HAD NOT learned about mobile
warfare, had kept his peace with the poli-
ticians but lost his job and the peace of his
old age while many a Frenchman considered
hirh almost a traitor.
De Gaulle went on to help in the rescue of
France and became her first postwar premier,

THE PROBLEM of book banning
makes headlines with increas-
ing regularity these days. The
recent "Ten North Frederick" case
in fair Detroit seems to bear out
that the current literary problem
is not Why Johnny Can't Read,
but What Johnny Can't Read.
If Johnny is a college student,
nurtured on ideas of free thought
and liberal education, such restric-
tions give him considerable cause
for worry. The gentleman who
knows more about this particular
social blight than anyone else on
campus is one Gordon Mumma of
the Institute of Social Research.
Mumma became interested in
the problem of banned books while
employed in a campus book store.
"I was embarrassed one day," he
told us. "Someone came in and
asked if I would order a book by
Henry Miller, and I did. I had no
idea it was banned. In fact, I had
no idea any books were banned-I
thought Freedom of the Press ap-
plied to books. My fellow em-
ployees yakked when they heard
about it and I determined never
to be caught again."
* * * -
AS A RESULT, Mumma has done
considerable research in banning,
and the results are illuminating.

illegal. Pirated, unauthorized edi-
tions ran rampant in the States,
and it wasn't until Random House
took the case to the Supreme Court
that Ulysses was declared legal.
Books, Mumma told us, are ban-
ned by the U.S. Post Office or by
state laws or, as in the Detroit
case, by local police forces. Under
the Michigan code, any book which
is "lewd, obscene, or lascivious"
is given the old heave-ho. The
bookseller who errs is liable to
imprisonment, as well as the pub-
lisher, the author, and, in a few
cases, the poor buyer.
S* * *
ban books," says Mumma. "A
league of private citizens has no
authorization to do so, but they
can exert pressure and register
complaints." Similarly, religious
bans are not legally binding. The
Catholic Church's Index, however,
can be very important to a Catho-
lic bookseller, or a bookseller in a
Catholic neighborhood.
"There are two prime reasons
for Federal bans," Mumma said.
"They are alleged obscenity and
alleged political subversion. Al-
leged, that is. There is no 'quali-
fied' person, in the literary sense,
°uli mara +. ria cim e rr-n

"Complete editions of De Sade
are rare," commented Mumma.
"Most of it is even banned in
France. The countries with the
least literary censorship are Swe-
den, Japan, Austria, and France.
The countries which have the
highest percent of book readers
have the lowest amount of literary
censorship. Whether one is opera-
tive on the other," he said, "hasn't
been determined."
Those of us with eyes can plainly
see that trash is still openly sold.
"Many places, especially in the
bigger cities, pay protection money
to semi-corrupt police depart-
ments," Mumma figures.
* * *
HE CITED, with some annoy-
ance, the current case of Nabo-
kov's Lolita which is partially ban-
ned. "Published in Paris, it is
limited by the Post Office to
1200 imported copies a year. How-
ever, they are now enforcing a
boycott against the publishers,
confiscating any orders to them
through the mails. The custom's
decision on this book is note-
worthy. It said: Although Lolita
contains no four-letter words, it
contains four-letter ideas and is
therefore restricted."
Mumma has definite ideas on


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