See Page 4
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXVII, No. 142
Bidault May Seek
French Premiership
Lacks Solid Support in Own Party;
Wants To Get .Tougher in Algeria
PARIS JP)-Georges Bidault, who wants France to get tougher
in Algeria, said last night he hopes to go before the National Assembly
Thursday to seek confirmation as premier of France's 25th postwar
He now faces the problem of lining up support in his own party.
Bidault talked in -his hotel room yesterday with several individual
politicians but no party delegations. His qwn party, the Catholic
Popular-Republican Movement-MRP-has scheduled a meeting for
today to decide its course. Most of the MRP opposes Bidault because
'U' Senate.
Plans Talk
On Science
tUniversity Senate decided yes-
terday to hold a, special meeting
on the University and its relation-
ship to the Soviet Scientific En
L deavor.
The meeting will be held either
later this spring or early nextfall.
At the same pieeting the Senate
nominated twelve people to fill six
open positions on the 17-man ad-
visory committee. .
List Distribution
According to Senate rules, dis-
tribution of the elected people
must be such that there can be
no more than five representatives
from the literary college, three
from the engineering school and
one from each of the other Uni-
versity schools and colleges.
For this election, no more than
two people are eligible from the
literary college 'and the engineer-
ing school and one person from
each of the other schools.
Name Candidates'
Candidates for the advisory
comnittee include: Prof. Lester
Colwell of the mechancal engi-
neering department, Prof. Richard
Duoo of the pharmacy school,
Prof. Robert Doerr of the School
of Dentistry, Prof. Arthur East-
man of the English department,
Prof. Lewis Holland of the elec-
trical engineering department, and
Prof. Lawrence Kiddle of the
Spanish department.
The group also includes Prof.
Wesley Maurer of the journalism
department, Prof. R. Faye McCain
of the School of Nursing, Prof.
Cecil J. Nesbitt of the mathematics
department, Prof. Patricia Rabin-
ovitz of the School of Social Work,
Prof. Julius Schetzer of the aero-
nautical engineering department,
and Prof. Harry Towsley of the
pediatrics department.
Elect by Mail
The members of the Board will
be elected by mail ballot and the
results will be announced May 9.
The Senate also elected repre-
sentatives to the Union Board of
Directors. They are Prof. Otto
Graf of the German department
and Prof. Floyd Ostrander of the
School of Dentistry.
Prof. Ferrell Heady of the poli-
tical science department is the
candidate fo Secretary of the
Senate, and Prof. Marcus L. Plant
of the Law School was reapproved
as Big Ten Faculty Representa-
F tive. The athletic department
makes the recommendation.
The Senate also heard a report
from the faculty sub-committee
on economic status of teachers. A
report was also heard from the
athletic department.
University President Harlan
Hatcher also outlined for the
Board the factors which influenced
the decision of State Legislators in
Lansing on the new University
Staff Plans
Garg Meeting
A meeting of all students inter-
ested in petitioning for positions
on the Gargoyle staff will be held
within the next two weeks, accord-
ing to Jean Willoughby, '59, man-
aging editor of the campus humor
At that time Miss Willoughby
and Loy King, business manager,
will discuss with the students all
facets of the magazine.
"of his tough views on how France
should handle the rebellion in
But Bidault seems to hold favor
-because of these views-with the
conservative independents, the De
Gaullist Social Republicans, the
extreme right-wing Poujadists, and
some radical splinted groups.
These groups have about 175
votes in the 595-seat Assembly.
Talks with Pflimlin
Bidault talked during the day
with Pierre Pfiimlin, who heads,
the majority of the left-of-center
MRP, in an attempt to win him
around. Others who came for con-
ferences were Jacques Soustelle,
leader of the conservative Social
Republicans, who back Gen.
Charles de Gaulle, and Andre Mor-
ice, leader of a small radical
splinter group.
Neither Soustelle nor Morice
would comment on the talks but
reliable sources said Soustelle was
promised the delicate post of resi-
dent minister in Algiers in place
of Socialist Robert Lacoste.
SAIL 7To-Ask
Outside Help
, l 6 fd P.
In integration
The Student's Association for
Intercultural Living last night de-
cided to bring outside pressure to
bear on residence halls roommate
placement policy.
Matthew W. Norman ,'59, chair-
man of the group's executive com-
mittee, assigned members to con-
tact possible sympathetic persons.
Among the persons whose at-
tention will be sought are George.
W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor), Gov-
ernor G. Mennen Williams, Ann
Arbor'snmayor. Prof. Samuel J.
Eldersveld of the political science
department, city council mem-
ber's,. the Young Democrats, and
several Regents.
The move, Noirman said, is
necessary "now that the Board of
Governors has been contacted and
is aware of the SAIL stand. We
feel that it might be wise to bring
some influence to bear before the
committee set up by the Board
has time to crystallize its opinion."
Soviets Will
Premier Talks of Spit,
Sanitary Conditions
MOSCOW (M) - Premier Nikita
Khrushchev told American Am-
bassador Llewellyn Thompson last
night the Communists will re-edu-
cate the capitalists of the world,
"when we win."
In a freewheeling 15-minute
speech to diplomats at a Polish
Embassy reception marking the
13th anniversary of the signing of
a friendship agreement between
Poland and the Soviet Union,
Khrushchev said:
"I could close my eyes and if
you are a Socialist ambassador, I
know your country is a peaceful
country. There are other ambas-
sadors here who would like to spit
on communism. But don't let's see
who can spit farthest, like camels
in a cage. Instead, let's compete.
"We have to maintain minimum
sanitary conditions.
"We will beat the capitalists but
that does not mean killing any-
Hedpraised the Chinese people
for what he called re-educating
the capitalist element there. Then
he pointed to Thompson and said:
"When we win in this competi-
tion, we will also re-educate you.
"We Bolsheviks are a ravenous
people. What we achieved in the
past is very little. We want more
and more."
Khrushchev spoke in Russian.
Thompson, who has a working
knowledge of the language, smiled
and looked toward the floor.
Khrushchev said there has been
an increase in Soviet production
of butter, milk, and meat, and
added: "Look out, Mr. Thompson,
we are stepping on your tail."
Lifting his glass,, Khrushchev
said: "Let us drink to the strength
and growth of the socialist camp.
The main problem is to avoid a
military clash. But this is only
possible if the adversary knows
that if he attacks us, he will get
an unpleasant surprise."
New Board
The six-man residence hall
Board of Governors committee
concerning residence hall room-
mate policy will be announced to-
day according to Vice President
for Student Affairs Jamnes A.
The committee was set up to
decide the disposition of informa-
tion the Board has gathered on
residence hall roommate place-
ment and to formulate possible
policy changes in the area.
Senate Co1T11
Seeks as.To Meet
Cut in Operating Budget
University officials, deans, and faculty members begin this week
to seek ways to meet the Legislature's call for austerity spending next
year in state institutions.
All the answers may not be found until the end of next month.
It pis known that areas such as research, enrollment, out-state
education, and faculty size will suffer from the million dollar slash
the Legislature made last week in the University's 1958-59 oper-
ating budget. The school will receive $30 million .as opposed to
Two Plans
the $30,929,000 for the current
Regents to Meet
Administrators have not yet
determined how the cutbacks will
be made, but they expect to have
a program to present at the three-
day meeting of the Board of
Regents at Hidden Valley, near
Gaylord May 22-24.
However the curtailment of
activities is achieved, it will be
done within a set of principles
established by the Regents at their
March meeting:
1) "The first priority on avail-
able funds shall be given to provid-
ing selective merit and promotion
increases for the faculty and staff;
Improve Insurance
2) "Provision shall be made, in-
sofar as financial resources permit,
to provide needed improvements in
the existing retirement and insur-
ance programs;
3) "The increase in size of the
educational plant will require in-
creased budgetary provision for
maintenance and operation;
4) "The provisions for addi-
tional instructional, research, and
science personnel, supplies, and
educational equipment will be held
to an absolute minimum.
Curtail Research
"The result will be curtailment
in research activities, in the level
of plant maintenance, in library
services, and elsewhere. No part of,
the University will escape this
curtailment of services and facil-
University officials are confident
the freshman class will be about
3,000 next year, approximately
what it was last fall.
One administrator said enroll-
ment will have to be controlled
through the admittance of transfer
students. Enrollment is expected
to remain at about this year's level
of 22,815.
Earlier in the year the Univer-
sity had predicted a fall enrollment
of 25,000.,
The opening of the Dearborn
Center at the former Henry Ford
Fairlane estate will be delayed a
year until Fall 1960, officials say.
However, construction of the
four buildings there will go ahead
on schedule and are expected to
be completed by September, 1958.
The four include: classroom, en-
gineering laboratory, faculty office
and student activities -library
(World News
By The Associated Press
States sharply challenged Russia's
sincerity yesterday in pressing for
a quick summit meeting of East-
West leaders.
The State Department said the
Soviet government has raised these
two new diplomatic problems in
the path of an acceptable con-
1) Soviet Foreign Minister An-
drei Gromyko has refused to meet
jointly with American-British-
French ambassadors in Moscow to
discuss pre-summit preparations.
2) The Soviets. have charged
that the United States is endan-
gering world peace by flights of
nuclear bombers on the alert
against surprise enemy attack over
the Arctic.
s * *
LAS VEGAS, Nev.-A eastbound
airliner with 47 aboard and an
Air Force jet on an instrument
training flight collided four miles
high near this gambling resort
All aboard the four-engined
United Air Lines DC7 and the two
men in the supersonic F10F fight-
er-bomber were killed.
Thousands in the southern
Nevada town saw the death dive
of the big transport.
The plane crashed in the sun-
baked foothills 9'/ miles southwest
of Las Vegas.
New Technic
To Go on Sale'
The Michigan Technic will go
on sale tomorrow in the East and
West Engineering Bldgs. according
to John Szurpicki, '59E, Technic
personnel and public relations di-
This month's issue, he said, will
feature three articles on nuclear
engineering and one on interplan-
etary rocket fuels.
-Daily-Karl Hok
ACTIVE TRIO - Michigan's Dave Brown (8) just finished tak-
ing a healthy cut at a Notre Dame pitch. Irish catcher, Ted Woj-
cik prepares to peg the ball to second base in an attempt to pick
off the Michigan runner.
'M' Nine Defeats Irish
F~or rFfiifth Straight Wint
Notre Dame pitcher Frank Carpin, who seemed to be a mild
enough guy, suddenly turned wild man for one inning yesterday at_
Ferry Field, giving Michigan a big shove toward its 13-7 victory' .
Carpin, who was nothing but trouble in the first two innings,
even striking out the side in the second, unaccountably lost all control
in the following frame.
He gave up a total of six bases on balls and three runs before
heading for the showers. After getting Gene Snider to pop up to the
second baseman, he issued free
passes to both Ernie Syers and
Bob Kucher.'w mesearchers
Jim Dickey followed them by
flying to left, and then began the
parade. John Herrnstein walked tojl j
fill the bases, and Dave Brown f g eage Fi ht
followed suit, forcing in Myers. A
passed ball brought in anotherF
score, while two more walks
knotted the game at three apiece.
Roman Greets Kirchmier
Exit Mr. Carpin. In came Ed By THOMAS HAYDEN
Kirchmier who was greeted none A number of the University's
too friendly. Bill Roman cleanly "second-class citizens" are cur-
plunked his first offering into rently engaged-and have been
right field, bringing in Ralph for a half-century-in a compli-
Hutchings and Jack Mogk for a cated struggle for "equal recogni-
5-3 lead which Michigan neverLinwthhefcly
gave up. Snider ended the inning ion with the faculty.
as well as having started it, this Many of these people are re-
time by hitting into a fielder's search specialists-in nuclear phy-
choice. sics, engineering, mental health,
Limit Action
Security Dismissal
Proposal Defeated
By U.S. Senators
WASHINGTON () - Two con-
troversial proposals to curb the
powers of the Supreme Court were
approved 9-6 yesterday by the
Senate Judiciary Committee.
A third proposal, designed to
circumvent the Supreme Court's
ruling that government workers
may be fired as security risks only
from sensitive jobs, was defeated
Chairman John Eastland (D-
Miss.) announced the committee
had okayed legislation which
would strip the high court of
power to act on appeals from
cases involving the admission of'
lawyers to practice in state
Blocks Appeals
He said it also had approved a
proposal by Sen. John Butler (R.
Md.) to block appeals to the Su-
preme Court or any other lower
federal court by witnesses chal y
lenging the pertinency of ques.-
tions asked them by congressional
investigating committees.
The Judiciary Committee Is
working on a bill by Sen. William
Jenner (R-Ind) to strip the Su-
preme Court of authority to re-
view lower court decisions in five
categories of cases.
.One of these categories covers
the admission of lawyers to prac-
tice in state courts, and another
covers security dismissals.
Covers Probes
The other categories are state
antisubversion laws, regulations
by school boards and similar
bodies on subversive activities by
teachers, and cases arising from
congressional probes.
Sen. Butler's limitation proposal
was offered as an amendment to
the Jenner bill.
It would give the congressional.
committee engaged in any inves-
tigation the last word on whether
a question is pertinent. This would
be important in contempt pro-
Post Parkin
City Council last night adjusted
early-morning parking restrictons
on several streets in the University
The changes were made in ac-
cord with a recent traffic survey.
Beginning- June. 15, parking will
be prohibited between 2 a.m. and
5 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday on the sides of the streets
with even house numbers and on
Tuesday, Thursday ana Saturday
on the sides with odd numbers on
certain specified sections of various
These streets are: Arbor, Arch,
E. University, Wells, Dewey, Mc-
Kinley, Hoover, Mary, Benjamin,
Division, Sybil, Hill, State, Madi-
son, Fifth, Fourth, White, Mihi-
gan, Prospect, Olivia, Lincoln,
Martin Pl.Baldwin and Cam-
Effective the same date, parking
will be prohibited from 2 am. to
5 a.m. on Wednesdays for specified
sides and sections of the follow-
ing streets: Oxford, Geddes, Os-
wego, Linden, Elm, Walnut, Wil-
mont, S. University and Ferndon.
Alen nn . m .,.a+.rini .n . ..,m1
Officials To Deal Harshly
With Future Panty Raiders
"Future identified participants in demonstrations or panty raids
will receive drastic punishment," Dean of Men Walter B. Rea said
last night at a meeting of suspected offenders'from last week's dis-
Dean Rea emphasized that this was a warning and was an
indication of future administrative policy. "If we are forced to do
something in lieu of your cooperation, we will do so," he said.
Speaking in the Wenley house recreation room, of West quad-
rangle, and later in South quadrangle, Dean Rea said observers on
"their own property" are not"
necessarily participants in a dis-
turbance, but as soon as they move AT FORT CUSTER:
off their property they become
a student demonstration and par- R
ticipants in these disturbances Rvaa i rC ad
have had a fair warning .gtheir
last one.
"I suspect the three chapters on
State street contributed to ther
disturbance," he said and indi-
cated these would be dealt with
in the event of future occurances
of this nature.
Dean Rea chastised the audience
and said the raids give a "mis-
representation of theUniversity
to outsiders.
"The Administration has been :
reluctant to ,take drastic action
in previous instances," Dean Rea
said, "but from now on any mis- .
conduct of this sort will be inter-.
preted as a calculated event.-
Dean Rea indicated that he did
not think the legislation regarding:
the University's appropriation was.
affected by the disturbance, but -
Top Michigan Output
Yesterday's 13 runs represented
the season's high for Michigan,
and its scoring production of ,50
runs in the last five contests has
been bordering on the phenomenal.
Bob Sealby and Bill Roman
ets Attend Weekend =Training ,Session,
"Ready on the right? , . , Ready on the left? . . . Ready on the
firing line!.... Commence firing!"
These words soon became familiar phrases to the nearly 70 cadets
of the University's army reserve officers training corps who attend-
ed the weekend training session at Fort Custer last Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday.
March to 'Chow'
Twenty-five minutes after the first call everyone was at attep1-
tion outside and preparing to march to "chow." However, first a half-
mile, 'double-time' jog around the barracks area was led by Captain
Dwight Henderson. The Captain refused to huff or puff but the cadets
who were smokers were soon obvious by their deep breathing exer-
cises. Appetites were keen that morning.
Friday night a reconnaisance patrol problem was set up and the
individual squads were taken to an area previously unseen by any of
them and given an objective, and a compass reading to follow in or-
der to reach a bridge necessary to cross a stream direcly in the line
of advance. Some squads discovered that the bridge was lost but all'
AV" N ll ]-f.A t a d n nr,,a"n iaf ,', p ula
andt social work
Some researchers are without
faculty status. These non-faculty
members say that the person with
an academic--or faculty appoint-
ment often has more prestige and
other benefits.
Researchers Equally Competent
Many research people claim
they are as competent in their
fields as the faculty member is= in
the field of teaching; however,
they say the faculty member, es-
pecially one with professorial rec-
ognition, has more prestige be-
cause of his title.
Researchers deserve a "sense of
permanency and prestige," accord-
ing to Prof. James G. Miller, chief.
of the Mental Health Research
Unit. Prof. Miller has a dual rela-
tionship; he is a professor of psy-
chiatry in addition to directing
research activities.
"Some sort of social invention
must eventually be discovered" to
heighten the status of the re-
searcher who often feels "peri-
pheral" to the University, Prof.
Miller said.
Prof. Rensis Likert, director of
the Institute for Social Research
and the nationally-known Survey
Research Institute, also urged that:
research men be made a more
"integral" nart of the University.