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April 20, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-04-20

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peech Department Readies 'Gay Mas


Preparation for the speech de-
partment's production of Shakes-
peare's "Love's Labor's Lost",is in
the closing stages with Thursday
as opening night.
The play will run Thursday
through Saturday at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The production will use a num-
ber of "unusual effects to make.
this light and frothy comedy come
to life on the stage as a gay mas-'
querade," according to Tom Skin-
ner, Grad., of the speech depart-
ment staff.
Queen To Attend
Since there is some historical
evidence that Queen Elizabeth at-
tended a private performance of
this work about 1600, the speech
department performance will also
have "the queen" in attendance, .a
style of presentation unique with
this' performance.
The queen, portrayed by Kath-
ryn Brock, Grad., will attend each
performance dressed in an elabor-
ate maroon costume of the Eliza-
bethan era. She will occupy a box
in the theatre and the performers
will address many lines to her.
The stage will contain multi-
level platforms covered in a light
blue cloth. Color will dominate
the performance, with the summer
costumes of the age in all hues.
Transparent Costumes
At the rehearsal Thursday, Mar-
gery Smith, of the speech depart-
ment, costumer for the perform-
ance, was making final adjustment
on the "transparent" clothes. The
costumes consist of brightly col-
ored net covering tights, and with
the bright stage lights shining
through it the costumes will ap-
pear transparent, a member of
the costume staff explained..
On the ground floor of the
Frieze Building, Prof. William Hal-
stead of the speech department
was rehearsing the cast. The play
will contain much in the way of
acrobatics, he explained. Brendon
O'Reilly, '58, track captain and
native of Ireland where. he had
drama experience, was practicing
the entrance he will make on his
hands in the performance.
O'Reilly will play Ferdinand,
King of Navarre in the produc-
Joel Boyden, '59, of the track

-Daily-Eric Arnold
LING TRANSPARENCY-Dick DeBeck receives a final costume fitting from costumer Margery
%, while Lillian Drury, assistant costumer, shortens a hem for Nancy Enggass. These costumes,
et over tights, will look transparent in the bright stage lighting. Miss Smith supervised the
tion of the bright-colored clothes in the speech department's costume shop.

-Daily-Eric Arnold
in'unusual tree
and football squads, will play a
scene with L. Beck, Grad., seated
on his shoulder. An unusual tree,
in the form of a rope ladder, will
hold people delivering their lines
upside down.
At the same time Harry Duns-
combe, ' Grad., Edgar LaMance,
'59SM, John Wilson, '595M, and
Don Young, Spec., were recording
the original music for the per-
formance. Composer Bob James,
'675M, supervised the recording,
and will conduct the group at the
Contour Curtain
A special effect used for the
first time by the department will
be a "contour curtain" made of
blue net which will open in six
shapes. One of the effects it will
produce is that of the outline of a
16th century tent, in which the
princess. will be housed by Ferdi-
nand outside his gates because he
has given up women.
Tickets for the production will
go on sale tomorrow at the the-
atre box office. Prices for all per-
formances are $1.50, $1.10 and 75

'U' To Give
Music Tour
'Of Mexico'
The School of Music will present
a concert of Mexican music at 4:15
p,.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
The program will be in conjunc-
tion with the current symposium
on Mexican art and cultural his-
tory, and will feature the Univer-
sity Symphony Orchestra, the
Michigan Singers, and the Uni-
versity Symphony Band.
Prof. Josef Blatt of the School of
Music will conduct the orchestra in
two opening ,pieces. They include
"Poema Elegiaco," by Ponce; and
"Huapango," by Moncayo.
Baritone Jerry Lawrence, '59SM,
will be soloist with the singing
group, whichwill present Salazar's
"Madre, la mi Madre" and "Por un
Sevillano;" Chavez' "Arbolucu, te
sequette;" and Jiminez' "Te Deum
After the intermission, the Sym-
phony Band will play "La Virgen
de la Macarena," arranged by
Koff and featuring John Alexan-
a der, '58SM, on the cornet.
The closing number will be
Reed's "La Fiest Mexican," also
performed by the band.
Two Schools
Win Forensic
Jackson and Detroit Country
Day High Schools emerged vic-
torious in their respective divi-
sions at the 41st annual Michigan
High School Forensic Association
Competition finals held at the
University yesterday.
Jackson High School defeated
Lansing Eastern High in the "A"
division finals by a score of 3-0.
Tom Steinfatt and Ron Gervais of
Lansing took the affirmative, and
Tom Bissell and David Crupdale
of Jackson argued the negative
position. The topic of debate was
"Resolved: That Direct United
States Economic Aid to Individual
Countries Should Be Limited to
Technical Assistance and Disaster
In the "B" division, Howard
Snyder and Mark Mason of Spring
Arbor High School taking the af-
firmative were defeated by Charles
Nathanson and Robert Sachs of
Detroit Country Day. The contes-
tants in the "B" division debated
the same subject as those in the
A" division.
In a scholarship debate held
Thursday, David Krysdale of
Jacksonh won a $1,200 scholarship.
Charles Nathanson of Detroit
Country Day and Dwayne Chap-
man of Muskegon High won $800
and $500 scholarships respectively.

WALTHAM, Mass. - Brandeis
University is initiating a program
in American studies which will
bring undergraduate students from
fifty nations to its campus.
These students, from countries
outside the Iron Curtain, will live
on campus and will attend classes
along with the regular members of
the student body. They will spend
one or two years of undergraduate
study in the liberal arts and of
inquiry into American patterns.
* * * -
tion Pucker-String at MacMurray
College is an attempt to capture
the unity of knowledge under the
draw-strings of a single course,
President Louis W. Norris said.
The college has instituted a
"Senior Seminar," under the direc-
tion of faculty members from 13
departments, which endeavors' to
"awaken students to the basic
inter-relationship of the natural.
sciences, the behavioral sciences
and the humanities."
* * *
SPRINGFIELD, O.-Wittenberg,
College Inter - Fraternity Council
has adopted a program of summer
rushing and a form of honor code
during the Freshman Week in the
The new system of summer
rushing includes parties and tours
of the campus and the fraternity
* * *
teaching of languages at Michigan
State University is being speeded
by automation. ,

College Roundup


Machines that provide students
with practice drills lighten the load
of instructors. Installed in the new
Language Laboratory, the ma-
chines, dual-channel tape record-
ers, enable the instructor to feed
material into the booths and moni-
tor the work of his students.,
* * *
MADISON,. Wis.-Careful sec-
ondary school selection system, a
matter of Soviet national, policy,
causes the dropout rate in Russian
universities to be extremely low,
a University of Chicago geographer
and educator said recently.
At a University of Wisconsin
speech, Dean Chauncey D. Harris,
of the social sciences at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, explained that
the Russian selection policy as-
sures that the most gifted youth
reach the college classroom and
stay there. The dropout rate is
only one per cent per year over
the five-year undergraduate pro-
Commenting upon his 30-day
visit to Russia last summer, Dean
Harris said about 86 per cent of
all Soviet students in higher edu-
cation attend classes at no cost.
* * *
WELLESLEY, Mass.-Instead of
five hour General English Exam-
inations, the English department
of Wellesley College has announced
a radical change in the length of
the examination. It has been re-
duced to three hours, according
to Prof. Patrick Quinn, chairman
of the department.
This is ihe latest change in three
years of experimenting in General
English, he said.

by auoainynlsh ad
TON IGH'T at 8
" E m"THSRE"
50 cents
Read Daily Classifieds


-Daily-Eric Arnold
RECORDING SESSION - Composer Bob James supervises the
recording of the original music for "Love's Labor's Lost." Perform-
ing, left to right, are Don Young, Harry Dunscombe, John Wilson
and Edgar Lalfance. James will conduct the group at the three



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