TE MICHIGAN DAILY IAPMAN NAMED AIDE: Regents Announce Five Appointments DA: A. Five faculty appointments were announced by the Board of Re- gents at their meeting yesterday. Sydney Chapman, noted inter- national scientist, was appoint- ed consultant to the University's; Engineering Research Institute. Prof. William C. Morse and Prof. Robert Dixon of the education school were named to the Execu- tive Committee of the education school for three-year terms begin- ning May 31. gineering college. Murray H. Mil- ler and Hansford W. Farris were appointed assistant professors of- electrical engineering for two- year periods beginning with the 1958-59 school year. Chapman, whose field is solar- terrestrial physics, has also been appointed visiting lecturer with- out salary for the astronomy, mathematics and physics depart- ments and 'for the aeronautical and electrical engineering depart-, ments. The appointment will become effective Aug. 1 and terminate Feb. 28, 1959. Aid In Research Chapman is international pres- ident of the special committee for the International Geophysical Year and will assist the Univer- sity in planning research in geo- physics, space and related areas. He received his degrees from Cambridge University and has served as chief astronomer for the Royal Observatory, Green- wich, Eng. Announce Promotions Two pr-omotions were also nounced for lecturers 'in the an- en- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - . ~t The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which - the Michigan' Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should. be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, APRIL 19. 1953 VOL. LXVIII, NO.. 138 General Notices Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and Schools of Business Administration, Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for June graduation have- been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Admin. Bldg. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records window Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg. Phi Beta Kappa. Initiation Banquet, Thurs., April 24, 6:30 p.m. in the Mich- igan Union. Prof. Morris G. Bishop, of the Dept. of Romance Literature, Cor- nell University, will speak on "Michigan and Cornell." Reservations should be made with the Secretary; Hazel M. Losh, Observatory, by Tues..Members of-other Chapters are invited. Undergraduate Women. Students now on campus who do not haie a housing commitment for the fall semester, 1958, may apply for housing at the Office of the Dean of Women, S.A.B., beginning Mon., April 21., The following persons have been se- lected as ushers for the May Festival, and may pick up their usher tic'kets at the Box Office in Hill Auditorium from 10:00 a.m. to ,12 noon on Sat., April 19. These tickets will not be given out at the door on the night of the first con. cart. Anabel Anderson, BarbarR Barclay, Rosamond Bairas, Helen'Cywixnski, Ruth Cobb, Judith Ann Doner, Alice Dutcher, Glynn Davies, Stanley C. Day, Marsha- Jo Demarest, Martha Ellen Firebaugh, Marcls G. Flucke, Eleanor Graber, Caro-. lyn Grow, Nancy Greenho4, Shirley Gosling, Nancy Gardner, Donald W. Honkala, Don Huldin, Lois Huldin,.Car. Ole Herndon, Sue Hickey, Erna Kochen- dorfer, -Alice Iiniets. Young Kim, Ruth Kaufman; Carol Larsen, Robert D. Ley- rer, Gene Mrowka, Dennis Murray. 'Paul A. Moore, David L Mills, Antoine Mey- er, Margaret. McCarthy, Jeanne Nagle, Barbara Nicula, Bethe Norman, Joyce Paquin,. Judith Pike, Caroline Poert- ner, Beverly Smith, Charlotte Schwim- ier, Cary A. Shields, Shirley Shaw, Kenneth Shaw, Sue Shanklin, Barbara. Shade, Gary Sampson, 'Judith Savage, Esther Tennenhouse, Terry A. Wood, Wesley Wilson, ThomasWelton, Mary Sue Williey, Geison R. Yee, Eugene Zaitzeff. Acad emic Notices Applicants for the Integrated Program in Liberal Arts and Law: Application' for admission to the Iitegrated Pro- gram in Liberal Arts and Law must be professional year. Application may be made before April 23 of the final pre- made now at 1220 Angell Hall. Department of Aeronautical Engi-' neering Seminar: Dr. Willem V. R. Mal- kus of the 'Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts will speak on Turbulent Convection Mon., April' 21, at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 1042 E. Engrg. Bldg. f Doctoral Examination for Bettie Ari-. thur, Psychology thesis: Comparison pf the Psychological Test for Performance of Brain Damaged and Normal Chil- dren in the Mental Age Range from Five to Six, Saturday, April 19, 6625 Haven Hall, at 30:00 a.n. Chairman, A.S. Elonen. Placement Notices The following schools have listed teaching vacancies with the Bureau of Appointments for the 1958-59 school year. They will not be here to inter- view at this time. Addison, Mich. -,- HS Math: Physicl Chem./Biology; Librarian; JHS Math; Elementary, Adrian, Mich. - HS Commercial; Vo- cational Auto Shop; Engllsh/Speech; JHS Arts and Crafts. Arlington Heights, hl. - Elementary; Speech Correction; JHS Girls Physical Education; Language Arts/Social Stu- dies; Math/Girls Phiys. Educ. Cincixiti, Ohio (Colerain Township School) -- Elementary; Science; Math (or a combination of Sci./Math); Eng- lish; Social Studies (or a combination Eng./SS); Commercial; Commercial/So-. cial Studies. Harbor Beach, Mich. - lementary Music/Art; HS Vocal Music; Englishb French/Librarian. Hudson Falls, N.Y. -- Reading Coit- sultant; Elementary Science .Super- visor; JUS Math; Reading/Spelling;; E1glish/Citizenship Educ.; Mentally' Retarded; English General Sciences Elementary & HS Librarian; Elemen- tary - JHS Vocal Music; Health/Gen- eral Science7?lementary Physical Edu- cation. Litchfield, Mich. - English..er Eng- lish/Latin. Madison Heights, Mich. -- Elemen- tary'; Elementary Music;:,Elementary Art; Visiting Teacher (Educational So- cial Worker.) Montpelier, Vt. - Girls Physical Edu-r cation;. Poughkeepsie, N., Y. -- Science (Phys- ics/Generai Science); Math/Science; Homemaking. Rogers Ctiy, Mch.-Library. For any additional information con- tact the Bureau of Appontments, 3528 Admin. Bldg,. NO 3-1511, Eat. 489. Cancellation: For Tues., April 22 The Hordite Co., Division of Textron, Inc., will not be interviewing at the Bureau of Appointments as, previously announced. Lifeguard, Swimming Aid, Ploriculture Assistant, Jr. Forester, and Operating Enginieer. State of Connecticut, Hartford, Conn.- announces the following competitive exams: Assistant Actuary, Senior De- sign Engineer( Structural), Fishery Bi- ologist, Grade 1, Toll Collector. Science Research Associates, Chica- go, Ill. are looking for financially needy graduate students to work on researcly, topics as part of their graduate re- quirements. Also two openings for stu-. dents who expebt to receive their PhD's this next summer.' American-Lincoln Corporation, Tole- do, Ohio has an opening for an Elec- trical' Engineer with a background in power. Interested, in a recent gradu- ate. United States Steel Corporation, Mon- roeville, Pa. are seeking Architectural Engrs., or Architects for positions with the Applied Research Lab at the Re- search Center. Must have B.S. or MS. degree and three to four years ex- perience. Bell Sound Systems, Inc., Columbus, Ohio"is currently'seeking two develop- ment engineers, for their engineering dept. Experience is necessary. Also de- sired are E..'s with experience in the design of amplifiers, tuners, tape re- corders and home intercoms. Summer Placement Notices .Representatives from the following, camps will be interviewing at the sum- mer placement .eeting on Tues., Ap- ril 22 in Room-,D528 in the S.A.B.'from 1 to 5. Camp Arbutus,'Arbutus Lakes, Mich. Mrs. Hunsicker will be interviewing ii- terested and qualified girls who are at least 20 years old for positions in Sail- ing, Waterfront, Canoeing, Tennis, Crafts, Music and Drama. Camp Takoms, Ann Arbor YWCA Camp. Miss Marilyn Budd will be in- terviewing young women for counsel- ing positions. Camp Log Acres, Bass' Lake, Mich. Mrs. Kay will be interviewing qualified students' for' waterfront positions.. Personnel Requests: Camp. Tapawingo, a beautiful camp In Maine, is hiring counselors at good salaries ;or this 'summer season. Sylvania Electric Products is looking for Electrical Engineers for various di- visions* all over the country. The Apache Tribe, Mescalero Reser vation, New Mexico needs a Director of' Recreation. Is iiterested in Married Couples.. For further information, contact Mr. Ward 'D. Peterson in the S.A.B. Room D528 on Tues. and Thurs. afternoons 'from 1 to. 5 and Fri. mornings from 8:30 .to 12. BUSINESS SERVICES GERALDINE SEEBACK PIANO, VOICE, ORGAN AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC STUDIOS 122 East Liberty St. NO 2-4279. )J125 IMPORTED CANDY AND GROCERIES CLEAN COOKED AND DE-VEINED SHRIMP FOR COCKTAILS LOBSTER TAILS - ALL 'SIZES WASHINGTON FISH MARKET 208 E. WASHINGTON NO 2-2589 )J26 TYPING-Theses, term papers. Reason- able rates. Prompt service. NO 8-7590. )J140 SMIITH'S FlIOOR COVERING EXPERTS Now In stock, Detox reversible fiber rugs. New patterns, 9' by 12' $19.95 6' by 9' $12.95. CARPET STORE 207 E. Washington LINOLEUM STORE 205 N. Main )J149 ANN ARBOR EMPLOYERS PERSONNEL 504 First National Bldg. NO 5-6107 )J103 LAUNDRESS: Specialize in blouses 28c Free pick-up and delivery, NO 2-9020 )3139 :R-WEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop. 224 Nickels Arcade. )J2 ONE-DAY SERVICE for shoe repairing and hat cleaning at SANFORD'S also fine tailoring, suits pressed and shoe shining 119 East Ann Street. Phone: Business NO 8-6966 30 years in same location (opposite court house) )J99 WASHINGS AND IRONINGS done in. my home. Reasonable prices. Free de- livery. Call NO 3-485& )J100 ALTERATIONS, DRESSMAKING, Suits, coats, etc. done reasonably. 618 Pack- ard, NO 2-8449. . )J01 HELLO THERE! Why not plan on having loir, bagels, onion rolls, cream cheese, or assort- ed danish pastry for breakfast this, weekend? We'll be open ,all dy. tomorrow too. RALPH'S MARKET (formerly Freeman's) 709 Packard NO 2-3175 "Just two doors from the Blue Front" )J152 BUSINESS SERVICES EXPERIENCED Typist. 20c per page. 25c carbons. NO 3-9104. )J142 LINOLEUM, wall tile, shades, venetian blinds installed properly. Murphy Brothers, 320 E. Liberty. NO 3-625. }J$5 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES EPERT FOREIGN and sports car ser- ice. Nye Motor Sales Inc., 314 E. Wash- ington. NO 3-4858. )S5 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. At- las tires, batteries and accessories. Waranteed & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires. Road service -- mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get iti" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9188 )S3 WHITE'S AUTO PAINT SHOP Bumping and Painting 2007 South State NO 2-3350 )S2 WANTED TO RENT WANTED - Furnished apartment or house; two bedroom minimum; June 15, 1958 - September, 1959. Mature couple with. small child. Professor Bernard Morrill; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. )L7 TRANSPORTATION Energise Your Car for Spring Complete Tune-up Service Available ROAD SERVICE GOLDEN'S SERVICE STATION 801 Packard NOI 8.9429 )318 ALTERATIONS LET US convert your double breasted suit or tuxedo to a single breasted model for only $15.00. Double breasted tuxedo to shawl collar with new silk facing for only $22.00. Wide lapel single breasted to new style narrow lapel for only $11.00. Expert work- manship. Mail to Michaels Tailoring Co,, or write for free details. 1425 Broadway, Detroit 26, or phone WOod- ward 3-5776. )P4 PETS AND SUPPLIES BASENJIS-BARKLESS, ODORLESS, dis- tinguished pets. Champion aired pup- pies. Terra Cotta Kennels. Mr. E. W. Bendall, 2945 Gardenia Ave., Lansing, Mich. )T20 FOR SALE BEIGE BATES BEDSPREAD, 2 pairs matching drapes, $30 value for $15. NO 3-3665. )B147 ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25; Ksocks 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. Sam's Store, 122E. Washington. )B11 PURE SILK dressy sheath. Size 12. De- signer original. Perfect for girl with dark hair. 900 Woodlawn or call NO 3-9049 after 12 noon, Sat. Is Sun. W17 U Lectures University Lecture: Sponsored by the' English Dept. Prof. Leon Edel, critic. and biographer of Henry James will speak on "The Biographer's Dilemma." Mon., April 21, 4:10 pan., Aud. A, An- gell Hall. All interested persons are in- vitesi. Concerts. Program of American Music: The Al- pha Chapter, Sigma Alpha Iota, will present their annual program of Amer- ican Music on Sat., April 19, at 8:30 p.m. In Aud. A, Angell Hall. The con- cert will include compositions by Griffes, Brandzel, Still, Garfield, Phil- lips, Ives, Copland, Burton, Duke and Mueller. Open to the, general public, without charge. X Student Recifial: Nelita Ann True,, who studies piano with Henel Titus, will present a' piano recital in' partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music on Mon., April 21 at 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell~ Hall. Her recital will include composi- tions by Handel, Haydn, Finney and Schumann. Open to the general public. University Symphony Orchestra, Sym- phony Band, and Michigan Singers will present the second of two pro- grams of Mexican Music sponsored by, the School of Music as a part of the Symposium on Mexican Art and Cul- tural History, on Sun., April 20, 4:15 p.m. at Hill Auditorium. Compositions by Ponce, Moncayo, Salazar, Chavez; Jiminez, Koff, and Reed will be played. Open to the general public without charge. Soloists performing with the Michigan Singers, will be Marguerite Long, organ and Jerry Lawrence, bari- tone, and with the Symphony Band,' John Alexander, cornet. Student Recital: Irene Kunst, who studies voice with Thelma Lewis, will present a recital at Aud. A, Angell Hall, on Sun., April 20, at 8:30 p.m. in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. Miss; Kunst, who will be assisted by Caryl Miller at the piano, has included com- positions by Mozart, Wagner, Duparc, Debussy and Horsman in her program, which will be open to the general pub- lie. Representatives from the following will be at the Opllege of Engineering: Wed., April 23 General Foods Corporation, Post Di- vision, Battle Creek, Mich. - All de- gree levels in I.E. and M.E. for Engi- neering Trainee Program, Study and Analysis. AyThurs., and Fri., April 24 and 25 U.S. Govt. Signal Corps Center, Fort Monmouth, N. J. -- All degree levels in E.E. for Research and Development. Must be U.S. citizens. For'.appointments .contact the Engi- neering 'Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg. ext. 2182. Personnel Requests: City of Detroit, Civil Service Commis- sion, Detroit announces the following examinations are continuously open until further notice. Information re- garding age limits and salaries may be obtained at the Bureau of Appoint- rnents, 3528 Admin. Bldg. Police Cadet, Junior Typist, Typist, Junior Steno- grapher, Stenographer, Sr. Steno, 'Stu- dent Technical Assistants in Bus.' Ad- min.,, General Science, Physical Edu- cation, and Social Science., Technical Aids in Business Admin., Engineering and General fields, Medical Record Li- brarian, Calculating Machine Operator and Posting Machine Operator, Jr. Gov- 'ermental Analyst, Junior Accountant)' Jr. Statistician, Public Aid Worker, Jr. Social Economist, Intermediate and Sr. Social Economists, Student Engineers in E.E., C.E., M.9., Arch. E., Structural E., Sanitary E., Traffic E., and Constr., License Examiner, Refrigeration Inspec- tor, Extern, Communicable Disease Head Nurse, Public Health Nurse and Jr. Public Health Nurse, General Staff Nurse, Practical Nurse, Electroencepha- lograph Technician, Physical Therapist, Anesthetist, Pharmacist, . Sr. Dentist, Dietitian, Nutritionist, Jr. and Sr. Med- ical Technologists, X-Ray Technician, Occupational Therapist, Jr. Industrial Hygienist, Chemistry Aid, Chemist, Sanitary Chemist, Sr. Health Inspector, Veterinarian, Jr. Public Health Educa- tor, Student Social Worker, Social Case Worker, Rehabilitation Counselor, Jr. Art Curator, Historical Museum Assist- ant, Librarian I, Playleader, Jr. Rec- reation Instructor, Recreation Leader, WHAT 15 A PIO DOCTOR? 1 WiLLIAN Wtss. LA SALL COLLSt Sguealer Heater FS Smedley WHAT'S AN OISTACLE IN A ;ROSS.COUNTRY RACE? ARE YOU SURE YOU DON NEED A tDEODORANT? DAVID IRIAZEALL, DROWN Harrier Barrier WHAT 4 A FLAT.SOTTOMED CANOE? TRY OUR NEW 1' H A M R I U R G | R w i t h o r w n - EDWARD JAY, Y. OF CHICAGO Daft Craft WHAT ARE A COMEDIAN'S WRITERS? WHAT ARE RUSBR TREES MADE Of? WHAT ARE IMPOLITE CHILDREN 9I .1 t; ~ i'K.' I ,X7?', -~"P~t~. C' ~' ~ I,-, .~ 71 I