DRINKING REGULATIONS HYPOCRITICAL See Page 4 1j Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 64*bp :43 a tj ., ulmI* a MILD, SHOWERS VOL. LXVIII, No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1958 FIVE CENTS SIX P Jka rta Forces vance on RebelsStron ghol Government Says War Nearly Ended' Capital Threatened on Three Sides; Spokesman Admits Loss of Padang JAKARTA, Indonesia (RP)-Government forces drove yesterday toward Bukittinggi, capital and last stronghold of the tottering rebel regime on Sumatra, a military spokesman said. "It will all be over soon," he predicted. He refused to say how far the troops had advanced on Bukittinggi. The town lies 58 miles by twisting mountain road and 40 miles by air north of Padang, the,,rebel port the government said its forces seized Thursday.r Rebel Decision Awaited Rebel Premier Sjafruddin Prawiranegara and his government of young Indonesian colonels apparently must soon make the hard deci- * * * * * * * * * * * * House Refuses To Cut Budge dill hack to 4 Writer Held By Invaders, In Padang (EDITOR'S NOTE: Murray From son, Associated Press correspondent, was at Padang when Indonesian gov- erriment troops invaded Thursday. He and three other foreign corre- spondents were held prisoner by Ja- karta troops for four hours. They then were released and went to Buk- ittinggi, through rebel lines. Here is his first eyewitness account of the invasion.) By MURRAY FROMSON Associated Press Staff Writer BUKITrINGGI, Sumatra-- In- donesian Marines and paratroop ers Thursday kicked off the long- awaited invasion of West Sumatra practically unopposed. By nightfall the rebel city ofPa. dang had fallen. . . Few rebel soldiers were in sight as Marines waded in from the sea to Padang's beaches while para- chute troops dropped into the nearby hills at dawn. There was little rebel fire. The Indonesian army landed from the offshore .flotilla on beaches eight miles north of Pa. dang later in the morning. Army Joins Marines The army Joined the 300-man Marine spearhead and quickly seized control of the road leading north from Padang to Bukittinggi the rebel Capital. They held the highway from Pa- dang's outskirts to a point 18 miles north of the city. That put them about 40 miles by road south of Bukittinggi. The rebels blew up the Padang airport north of the city to keep central government planes from landing. Invasion Began Wednesday The invasion actually was kick- ed off Wednesday night when a small landing party of Marines hit the beach four miles from Padang. At dawn, the Jakarta air force swooped down and blazed away -at rebel guns, which revealed their positions by concentrating their fire on the approaching aircraft rather than on the exposed para- troopers and landing Marines. Three other correspondents and I were picked up by Jakarta troops and held for four hours. Then we were ;released by the forces com- mander, Col;d Ahmed Jani, who got his command training at the United States Army Staff School at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Rebels Surprise He told us we were free to go anywhere we wished. We rode back in, a "jeep to rebel territory. Rebel communications were so bad the correspondents were asked repeat- edly what the situation was around Padang. Rebel leaders expressed shock and bewilderment that the defend- ers did not put up a better fight for ,the Indian ocean port. U.S. Increases Missile Bases. WASHINGTON (P)-The United States has pinpointed the location of two additional bases from which intercontinental ballistic missiles -ICBM--can be launched by the end of next year. 'Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Neb., and Fairchild Air * Force Base, near Spokane, Wash.. *sion of whether to stand and fight or flee to the jungles. Other government columns op- erating for weeks in eastern and northern Sumatra are moving on the rebel capital along all the other roads from north, east and south. "The rebel forces are outnum- bered by ours considerably, almost eight to two," the military spokes- man said. "I don't think it will take much longer now to finish the affair." Radio Broadcagts From somewhere in Sumatra a rebel radio was heard in Singapore broadcasting a rebel Defense Min- istry statement saying: "Let's fight to the end: God is with us." Rebel reports reaching Singa- pore asserted there still was some street fighting in Padang up to noon yesterday and that rebel forces still held positions five miles south of the port. But a delayed dispatch from Bukittinggi said a Sumatran mili- tary spokesman there had an- nounced the loss of Padang. The spokesman said it was occupied at 6:30 p.m. Thursday by two Ja- karta battalions. Ab'ut 6,000 men hit Red Beach, 61/2 miles north of Padang, soon after dawn Thursday, and 11 hours later reported capturing the half- emptied city of 150,000. Resistance was said to have been light to moderate.$ Rioters Evade Court Action, Three Billion Deficit Seen By Anderson Secretary Predicts U.S. To Run in Red WASHINGTON (RP) - Secretary of the Treasury Robert Anderson, standing firm' against any quick tax cut, said yesterday the federal deficit will"be well over three bil- lion dollars when the present fis- cal year ends June 30. This compares with President Dwight D. Eisenhower's estimate of 400 million in January, before the pinch of .the recession was felt. On other sectons of the econom- ic front: Approves Relief 1) The. House Ways and Means Committee approved a 11%-billion- dollar unemployment relief pro- gram, to be financed wholly by the federal government. Critics pro- tested that it would be a dole. 2) The President's Council of Economic Advisers reported the gross -national product--the value of all goods and services produced in the country - dropped by $8,- 600,000,000 during the first quar- ter of 1958, when figured on an annual rate basis. Looks for Progress 3) Anderson told the American Society of Newspaper Editors, "~We are not headed for a depression, but for new horizons of progress." 4) The New York stock market perked up, apparently encouraged by the government's latest moves to make money easier to borrow. In his address, Anderson pre- dicted a deficit approaching four billion dollars next fiscal year even if federal revenues remain at a. high level, something he said was not likely to happen. President; Eisenhower in January estimated. a 500-million-dollar surplus next, year. Opposes Tax Cut !' GROMYKO MAKES CHARGES: -1 By The Associated Press WASHINGTON -- The United States denied yesterday Russian charges that the American H- bombers conduct "provocative flights" towards the USSR. At a Moscow news conference Soviet Foireign Minister Andrei Gromyko accused the United States of courting atomic war by sending planes with nuclear bombs across the Arctic toward USSR frontiers. The Soviet delegation to the United Nations then lodged a for- mal complaint. U.S. Welcomes Showdown The United States announced it would welcome a showdown de- bate in the United Nations. The United States statement, issued by the State Department, did not dispute that the bombers have flown in the direction of Russia. But it said the, training exercises, designed to protect the free world from being over- whielmed by a surprise attack, can by no stretch of the imagination be considered provocative. A Soviet charge that the United States Strategic Air Command might start a war by getting trig- ger-happy on a false alert was de- nounced as false. SAC's proce- dures are foolproof, the United States said, and itcould attack only on express orders from the 'President. Gromyko charged, "the people of all countries are coming to realize that certain groups in the United States are doing really ev- erything to keep the world on the brink of war and that this brink, as shown by their actions, may be overstepped in a matter of hours." War Can Result "The world is finding itself in a position where atomic war can result from the smallest error of Sanitarium To Release Ezra Pound, WASHINGTON OP)-Poet Ezra Pound soon will leave the mental hospital which has been his prison for 12 years. A treason indictment accusing Pound, 72, of betraying this coun- try with pro-Axis, anti-American radio broadcasts from Italy during World War II was dismissed yes- terday in United States District Court. With the indictment out of the way, only a few details remain before Pound can leave St. Eliza- beth's Hospital, where he has been confined since he was adjudged mentally incompetent in 1946. Pound Not Competent Chief Judge Bolitha J. Lmaws dismissed the indictment on the ground that Pound is not and never will be mentally competent to stand trial. At the same time it was held that he would not ber dangerous to himself or others if set free. The bearded Pound was brought to the hearing by a hospital at- tendant. He sat among the specta- tors and listened with bowed head, Asked if he wanted to return to Italy he replied with a vigorous: "Yes." Superintendent Testifies Attorney Thurman Arnold, re- presenting the Pounds, told Judge Laws that the' hospital superin- tendent, Dr. Winfred Overholser, had filed a sworn statement say-' ing the poet now is mentally in- competent and that there is nd likelihood he ever will be able to stand trial. Prof. Donald A. Hall of the English department said he feels Pound's release was "a bit .ate. It should have happened at least five years ago," he said. "Pound is obviously no menace to anyone," Prof. Hall said, "and his poetry is great." an American technician, lack of attention, miscalculation, or mis- conclusion of an American of- ficer." The Soviet propaganda blast. tied in with Big Four prepara- tions in Moscow for a summit conference, apparently, caught the United States partly by surprise. If so, it reacted quickly and put out a 500-word statement in clear, brittle language reflecting a new awareness of cold war.propaganda: "It is categorically denied that the United States Air Force is con- ducting provocative flights over the polar 'regions or in the. vicini- ty of the USSR." Gromyko said the' Soviet gov- ernment knew of flights by Amer- ican bombers with nuclear wea- pons across the Arctic toward the Soviet frontiers and that this con-, stituted a "too dangerous game." He said such exercises are 4un- heard of in tim'e of peace, and thex USSR government regards them as a dangerous provocation." Fi recracker Hits League A miniature "explosion" at the League early last night resulted in smoke, acid fumes and some mild excitement, but very little else, according to League Business Manager Sally Steketee. Miss Steketee said all that was found were a firecracker and the remains of a bottle of acid. She said the firecracker, which went off near the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, was planted in the League as a prank. There was no fire or other dam-I age. U.S. Denies Bombers Sent to USSR when it convenes at 10 a.m. today. The House rejected by 13 votes a conference committee report that the Senate's version of the higher education bill be accepted. The recommendation squeaked by the Senate earlier in the day by the bare minimum of 18 votes re- quired for approval. Senators in March approved an appropriation bill allotting the University $30 million for opera- tions next year. Last week the House raised this figure to $30,929,000. Both Senate sand House bills now go back to conference com- mittee for another compromise figure: If both houses do not accept the .second recommendation of the committee, the bill will die. and the Legislature will have to start over on higher education ap- propriations. A member of the conference committee, Rep. Harry J. Phillips (R-St. Clair) told critics of the committee's report on the House floor. "We did all we could. Ev- S See LEGISLATORS, page, 2 Y 1 F '"UOfficials Discu'ssCuts In 'Program By DAVID TARR Alternate plans to bring n year's University operations w in the limits of a drastic slashed budget are being preps by administration officials. "We. are ready to turn qu ly to different programs depe ing on the size of the Legisla appropriation," President Har' Hatcher told the Board of Rege yesterday. He said aA! units of the U versity are studying their ope tions to see where cutbacks be made. Conferees To Seei New Compromise Group Meets Today After Rejecti Of Slashing 'U' Funds to $30 Milli By PHILIP MUNCK F Special to The Daily LANSING - The House yesterday again thwarted tempts to limit the University's 1958-59 operating bui to $30 million and sent the entire higher education bill b to a conference committee. The committee will meetitoday to make a second atte at ironing out differences between the House and Senate sions of the bill. It is expected a new recommendation be ready for the Legislature,_ r_ MADISON, WIS. (A-Fifty-five University of Wisconsin men, snatched from a crowd of more than 2,000 students who stormed through Madison's fraternity row section for seven hours before they were dispersed by tear gas Thurs- day night, escaped court punish- ment yesterday. But they still faced university discipline. Disorderly conduct charges against the 55 young men were dismissed. But LeRoy Luberg, who as dean of- students pleaded in vain over a police loudspeaker for the mob to disband without police action, said immediate suspension would be recommended for riot leaders. The outbreak was the second in as many nights for the Wisconsin, campus. The previous night, a water fight got out of hand in te same area as hydrants were opened., The Treasury chief reiterated his opposition to an abrupt tax slash. The tax situation is receiv- ing daily consideration from gov- ernment officials, he said, but added: "Modification of taxes in an economy as complex as ours . . must be based on a very ca'eful review of what in fact can be ac- complished - and not on the theory that a single dramatic ac- tion will automatically be all that is required to assure business re- covery." a i 1 E t 1 t Technicians' Strike Ends WASHINGTON (P) - Striking technicians of the Columbia Broadcasting System voted by a 7-4 margin yesterday to end their 12-day strike against the big radio and television network in eight cities. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers announced the end of the walkout. The union said the agreement provides for a $185.50 weekly top wage effective back to Feb. 1, and another raise to $190 weekly effective Aug. 1, 1959. The contract, running for three years to Feb. 1, 1961, provides a 6.4 per cent raise now, and another 2.4 per, cent hike next year, the union said. The prior top rate for three-year technicians was $175. Company executives did techni- cal work during the strike. CASE CLUB SPEAKER : Wzanski Cites ]factors In Success, as Lawyer, By SELMA SAWAYA "Despite evidence that group effort is responsible for success in the present-day business world, what we should emphasize to a greater extent is the importance of individuality." Judge Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr., of the United :States District Court, district of Massachusetts, said last night, in an address to the Case Club, that independence of the individual is not easy, particulary since many think they are entering "a world which rewards con- Legislate Today -The University is faced with the possibility of a $30 million op- erating budget. The figure could go as high as $30,929,000, a sum equal to this year's allotment, de- pending on legislative action to- day. A $37 million operating bud- get was requested. Hatcher told the April Regents meeting he did not believe the University had ever, or ever would, downgrade the quality of its oper- ations because of limited re- sources. Priority will be given to facul- ty salary increases next year, Vice-president and Dean of Fac- ulties Marvin L. Niehuss told a press conference following the meeting. "Some merit and across the board increases must be given," he said. Fewer Instructors Employed But at the- same time he said with the $30 million appropriation there will still be from 175 to 200 fewer instructors employed by the University next year. Niehuss conceded the University is holding off with new appoint- ments to the staff until it is sure. of its appropriation. The Regents yesterday approved only one ap- pointment. The officials re-emphasized earlier statements that enroll- ment will have to be curtailed but were not clear on what level any cutbacks would come. Hatcher said, however, "We would like to see the freshman class about the size it is now." A class of 3000 is anticipated, of- ficials say. He noted there are areas on the graduate level where needed additional faculty and im- proved facilities will probably not be available. f t -: t c Benjamin, Gruel Win, Campbell Award By JOAN KAATZ Blair Benjamin, '59L, and Grant J. Gruel, '58L, counsel for the respondent, won the Henry M. Campbell cash award in the final debate of the Case Club competi- tion yesterday. The hypothetical case, drawn up by Prof. Paul Kauper of the law school, was argued at a mock session of the Supreme Court. As- sociate Justice William J. Brennan Jr. of the Supreme Court presided over the hearing after listening to three similar cases in Washington last week. Judge Presentation Quality The decision of the judges was based primarily on the quality of presentation of the case rather than the facts argued. possible connection with the Com- munist Party, and the case was then taken to the Passport Appeals Board, Delto testified at both hearings he had never advocated violent overthrow of the United States Government but he did believe in the superiority of the Communist system over capitalistic democracy. He also refused to sign a non- Communist affidavit. He said he was not influenced by any group attempting violent overthrow of the government and that his poli- tical beliefs were entirely his own, however. He invoked- the fifth amend- ment, protecting self-incrimina- tion, without explanation when asked about affiliations with the Communist party. Delto refused comment when the Appeals Board questioned his writings commending Soviet for- eign policy and criticizing Ameri- can foreign policy.. Finally, the Appeals Board pre- sented a State Department affi- davit written by a secret informer whom the department refused to identify, saying that Delto had had some relations with William Birsky, who in 1956 became a spy for the Soviet Union. Delto said he had never known Birsky. Passport Again Denied The passport was again denied because of possible Communist af- filiations. Counsel for petitioner Delto 'formity, and those who restrain individuality and conform to the expectations of their elders. Three qualities which lie at the root of independence in the man, and the lawyer as well, are "pa- tient courage, reserved strength, and double vision," Judge Wyzan- ski claimed. He defined "patient courage" not as the courage to stand up to a dominant majority but "the courage to stand in the face of fear and dread and to carry on with one's responsibilities." Citing the case of former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Charles Evans Hughes, Judge Wyzanski pointed out that "one should be prepared to .encounter fear." When 'Hughes was first ap- pointed Associate Justice, he al- most resigned his position from the fear that he was inadequate for the job. Judge Wyzanski said he felt one could not be an outstanding lawyer t, orn membei.r of nn 'IVV4 ?Vmi 'u T"; f Police Catch ,,,. :iti ::..:.._ : .......... ...... s's'.i37::a . s r