.I iSjg Lichgau- &tilg Sixty-Eighth Year EDITO AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 hen Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. DAY, APRIL 18, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDERSLICE University Can Mitigate 15l D 1954 FaclyDismissals Boner XX""' tit, lll li N MAY, 1954, three University faculty mem- bers were summarily suspended by University President Harlan Hiatcher after they had re- fused to testify before the U.S. House Un- American Activities Committee. Later, one of the men, Prof. Clement Markert, as reinstated. The other two men, Prof. Mark Nickerson and H. Chandler Davis, were dis- missed - Prof. Nickerson, despite two faculty committees' recommendations to the contrary. Almost four years later the American Asso- clation of University Professors has come out with a thorough report of what had happened during that period, and it further points out that the dismissals of the two men and the summary suspension of all three "were incon- sistent with the principles of academic freedom and tenure." In short, the men received a bad' deal.. The timing of the report is important. There are some who think the report is now virtually worthless-the equivalent of closing the barn door after the horse is stolen. They maintain that 1954 was an almost hysterical time, and that a great many university faculty members were treated most unfairly. They want to know where the AAUP was then, and why it did not provide help when help was really needed. There is some validity to these complaints. But the value of the 'current report should not be underrated. In some ways, it is far better to provide the report now, when some of the smoke has cleared. It is probably a great deal more rational than any such thing would have been at. the time of the event. Further, it is in times of quiet that provisions should be instituted, which will guarantee fair procedures in times of very great stress. The administration may be more receptive to sug- gestions and criticism than it was in 1954. FINALLYthe men who were dismissed are still working somewhere, and perhaps cer- tain miscarriages of justice can still be miti- gated. The deprivation of severance pay to these two sen represents the most clear-cut example of improper treatment, and at the same time it is something which ,can be easily remedied. The AAUP report says, "It is customary for colleges and universities to pay to members of their faculty dismissed for cause, not involving moral turpitude, salary for a year after notifi- cation of dismissal." The University failed to pay both Prof. Nickerson and Davis any form of severance pay. Prof. Nickerson, who ordinarily was paid on a full year basis because he taught summer school, did not even receive his summer pay the year he was dismissed. - % The University is especially culpable here, for both men were dismissed far too late in the year to have the opportunity to find other employment. The faculty has twice made efforts to get the University to pay the men what eally should be their due. The Regents have taken no action in this area. Apparently, the Regents are following the policy considerably more popular in this country in 1954 than at present "People who disagree with us have no rights." THE DISMISSAL of Prof. Nickerson was cer- tainly out of order. For one thing, his status was quite similar to that of Prof. Markert who was reinstated. And as the faculty committees recommended Markert's re-instatement, they also recommended Nickerson's. In Prof. Nicker- son's case, two faculty committees recommended his reinstatement after long and careful studies. President Hatcher chose to bypass their sugges- tions in the matter. Instead, he leaned on a report from the medical school executive com- mittee which recommended Markert's dismissal, The committee was upset because "Prof. Nick- erson has never denounced the Communist Party and will not do so now. He repeatedly stated that he believed in the principles of communism as taught when he was a member and he continues to defend their doctrines." But Prof. Markert, who was reinstated, also admitted that he still held many of the political and economic views he had held when he was a Communist. His dissatisfaction with the party, it seems, stemmed not from its political ideals, but rather from the way it was governed. President Hatcher's action seems to have been somewhat motivated by a desire to appease public hysteria. This inconsistency points this out., And his reliance on the medical school execu- tive committee report pan be questioned. If one is to judge by the activities of the American Medical Association, this group of seven MD's was at least an ultra-conservative organization. Further, no question was ever raised about Prof. Nickerson's teaching or scientific abilities. DAVIS' CASE is the most difficult to evaluate, The faculty twice did recommend his dis- missal, because they detected "dishonesty" and "lack of candor." However, President Hatcher recommended his dismissal because he suspected that Davis was a Communist. The AAUP report found no conclusive evidence that Davis was a Communist after studying all the reports used for the President's decision. If this was the reason for his dismissal, we find it completely unjustified. As the AAUP pointed it in 4 1956 resolution, membership alone in the Communist Party should not be considered justifliable grounds for the dismissal of any faculty member. As long as he teaches his classes honestly, as long as he does not advocate overthrow of the government, or sub- version, we see no reason why a teacher's poli- tical beliefs should be a basis for dismissal. It is interesting to note that all three men taught either science or mathematics. We sus- pect there really was not too much time for them to teach politics in the classroom. The summary suspensions also deserve criti- cism. The report says the President did not act within his authority when he suspended the men. Whether he did or not is relatively unim- portant. What is significant is that he saw failure to testify before a congressional investi- gating committee as grounds for suspension. This is a rather narrow view, especially since the writers of our constitution saw fit to protect the individual by giving him the right not to testify. The President is automatically assuming some kind of guilt on the part of the individual, when often it was very high, if misguided, principles which lead these people to stand on the fifth amendment. AT ANY RATE, the report shows just what can happen in a time of near hysteria. That President Hatcher was scared as were a great many other administrators throughout the country there can be no doubt. Further, one of the men who did not testify was reinstated, a rare occurrence at that time for state universities. And there were attempts-sincere attempts- at fair treatment of the three men, although some hurried revisions of regulations toward this end seem to have been patently unsuccess- ful. And the University did follow the procedures which had been devised by the faculty. The AAUP report is valuable in that it points up many of the issues. The University did not treat these men fairly. But this was mitigated by some good intentions and the atmosphere in which it had to work. But there are still things tobe done. In the first place, both men should be given severance pay. This would at least help to show that the administration was acting in good faith, if poorly. Second, procedures should be established which will guarantee professors fair treatment if any such situation occurs again. Finally, and most important, the administra- tion shoifld make absolutely clear its position on such cases for the future. -RICHARD TAUB I , ~t 7c" v e 'f' . L".'4 wr4sMlwt '' co. AT THE STATE: 'Run Silent, Run Deep' Tense, Exciting IF A ONE-WORD description of "Run Silent, Run Deep" must be made, unquestionably the word is "tense." A filh predominantly dealing with submarine life during war will perforce have a compressed, tense character. This is dictated by the limited nature of -the loca- tion, and the continual state of emergency in which a submarine pa- trol operates. Burt Lancaster is cast as a naval officer who has a submarine to command. He has the respect of the crew and a clear knowledge of the requirements of the task. Suddenly, it becomes known that the com- mand is to be given to someone else. This new officer is played by Clark Gable. He has lost his sub- marine and crew in some unexplained action in the Pacific, in a region where several subs have been destroyed. There develops a certain antagonism between Lancaster and Gable, as one might expect. In our first glimpse- of Gable, when Lancaster drops in to ask for a "transfer," we see him pruning a tree, looking like someone out of "Gone With The Wind." But this early impression soon fades. Once aboard ship, Gable begins to resemble a cross between Captain Queeg and Captain Ahab. He obviously has something big on his-mind, and he has a curious ob- session: the crew must learn to dive the sub in thirty-three seconds. Turns out to be a certain method in this naval madness, for after sinking a Japanese tanker, the boys proceed to polish off an ac- companying destroyer by firing a couple of torpedos as it approaches them head-on, then diving fast, before they ram the wreckage. NOW EVERYBODY is happy. The Captain is the hero, and even the malcontents among the officers and crew are satisfied for the mo- ment. With this newly-learned skill, Gable points his sub for the Straits where he lost the other ship, to sink the enemy destroyer responsile. From here it gets pretty hectic, as tempers begin to shorten under the strain of battle, and Gable finally meets the sought destroyer, and an unforseen menace. "Run Silent, Run Deep," is something of a change from the cur- rent crop of war films which have the Americans a bunch of jolly fellows who would really rather be back at Princeton joining clubs, or mowing the lawns in Virginia; while the enemy are sincerely misguided followers of a deranged government. Here, instead, are professional soldiers, on both sides, who make war a technical game, with victory going to the best prepared. This is a comparatively short film, lasting about ninety minutes, not particularly profound, and not attempting to present any grave problems, but certainly entertaining. This is, one suspects, mainly be- cause it is limited in scope, and does not attempt to assault viewers with several hours of Hollywood-type philosophy. It must all have some significance in the great scheme of thin. but who can tell. -David Reuse! gDAILY OFFI.TCIAL BULLETIN A 't ; r o- _ _ WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:, .Novet Propaganda Weapon By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-American dip- lomats rubbed their eyes last week when they read a cable flashed across the Atlantic: "Please inform which dish of cock- roaches broken (signed) Dulles." The cable, signed by the dis- tinguished Secretary of State, per- tained to the death of 36 cock- roaches sent by the United States to participate in the Brussels World Fair. The l o w l y bugs had been shipped to Brussels as part of the cold war between the East and West. To some extent, they were to prove that the U.S.A. could raise bigger and better bugs than are raised behind the Iron Cur- tain - and how to raise them. THREE SHIPMENTS of cock- roaches were sent to Brussels - a common, kitchen variety un- touched by science;- a puny, pitiful variety injected with aureomycin; and a third batch of super-duper cockroaches fed with vitamins. The latter were bugs that the Free World could really be proud of-- healthier, more virulent than any communist bug that had to scrounge for a living in the slave world. Furthermore, an interesting point was being made by these cockroaches. Though housewives regard cockroaches as parasites, it seems that cockroaches them- selves have parasites. And in the cockroaches which had received aureomycin, the parasites had been killed, which interfered with their digestion and made them puny. . Unfortun'ately for the battle of the bugs between East and West, CONCERNING SGC- the displays of cockroaches were crushed en route to Belgium and the cockroaches killed. Hence the cable: "Please inform which dish of cockroaches broken - Dulles." Secretary Dulles, of course, automatically signs every cable leaving the State Department, so it's doubtful whether he knew much about the competition of the cockroaches. At any rate, the problem was taken to the National Academy of Science, which, hav- ing no replacements on hand, sent rush orders to the University of Minnesota for three dozen more cockroaches. Until they arrive, Americans at the Brussels Fair have to resort to colored pictures to show the achievements of the American cockroach in the battle between East and West. * * * INTERNAL revenue officials are getting chuckles out of this story about two clergymen and a revenue agent who died at the same time and approached the heavenly gates together. After looking them over, St. Peter first beckoned the tax collector into heaven, later admitted the two clerics. The latter were puzzled and somewhat affronted. One of them complained: "With all due re- spect to your judgment, we have always thought that we led ex- emplary lives, exhorting our fel- low men to do good and abide by the Bible. Why then does this lay- man, this revenue agent, take precedence?"" "What you say may be true," agreed St. Peter. "However, this map-has scared hell out of more people than both of you together." Sidelights - Gov. Price Daniel of Texas is running so scared for re-election that he's almost be- come a friend of the people . . Careful Sen. Lyndon Johnson and family ride coach when they fly from Texas back to Washington. Roumanian Minister Silviu Bru- can is practicing what the State Department preaches - people- to-people friendship. Roumania is now completely open to American tourists; the Roumanian Dance Ensemble will tour the U.S. this fall; the minister himself set out to get better acquainted with the U.S.A. by taking a trip to the west coast. At the University of Cali- fornia, he visited the social sci- ence department; his wife, the en- gineering department. Madame Brucan, one of the most charming members of the diplomatic corps, Is a graduate engineer, specializing in petroleum. ' , . * COL. ROBERT Guggenheim, ex-Ambassador to Portugal, of the Guggenheim copper fortune, boasted to friends the other even- ing that he had just helped christen his great-grandson. "It was your great-granddaughter," gently reminded his wife, Polly. Milton Hill, public relations man for National Airlines and organizer for Ike's 1952 campaign train, who got himself all snarled up in testimony before the Harris Committee regarding wire pulling for Channel 10 in Miami, will probably not face a grand jury investigation for possible perjury. Attorney General Rogers called a grand jury on ex-FCCCommis- sioner Mack, a Democrat (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- Ix~g, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday, Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1958 VOL.GLXVII, NO. 137 General Notices / Four New Ex-Officios Seated Acolytes Meeting: Miss Mary Mother- sill wil tread a paper entitled, "Treating Humanity as an End" at a regular meeting of the Acolytes, Fri., April 18 at 8:00 p.m. in the E. Conf. Rm., Rack- ham Bldg. Two Debates will be held between Michigan and Central Michigan debat- ers in Rooms 3D and 3G of the Mich- igan Union at 7:00 p.m., Fri., April 18. The topic for debate will be the pro- posed national high school debate prop- osition for next year: Resolved, that the essential features of the Russian educational system should be adopted by American schools. The ISA Cabinet has rescinded its ac- tion of March 2. Membership in the sociation is therefore still open to all students upon payment of a 25 cent membership fee in Room 18 of the In- ternational Center. The Election Committee has decided to continue accepting registrations from candidates seeking office in the coming elections until 5:00 p.m., Fri., April 18. Campaigning will begin on Mon., Ap- ril 21, closing Fri., April 25 at 5:00 p.m. Ballots will be sent to all members on Thurs., April 24, and must be returned postmarked not later than Tues., April 29. No ballots will be given out after Thurs., April 24 at 12 noon. Ballotsawill be counted on Thurs., May 1 at 5:00 p.m. The new officers will be announced on May 2. Folksing at Osterweil Cooperative, 338 E. Jefferson, Sun., April 20, 8:00 p.. Refreshments. Everyone welcome. Summary, action taken by Student Government Council at its meeting April 16, 1958. Approved minutes of the previous meeting. Defeated a motion that Student Gov- ernment Council consider the chal- lenged constitutional violation of the International Student Association. Approved motion recommending that Joint Judiciary Council look Into the matter concerning the constitution- ality of the International Student As- sociation. Approved the following activities sponsored by student organizations: April 30: Engineering Executive Board of 1960, program, speaker subject to approval of the Committee on Uni- versity Lectures. May 9, 10: Frosth weekend dance and floor show, League Ballroom. May 15: Men's Glee Club, appearance In New York (Pat Boone Show) May 13: Women's Athletic Associa- tion, Lantern Night, Hill Auditorium, 7:30 p.m. Approved the following motion: That the Executive Committee of Student Government Council set up a commit- tee of four SOC members to explore possibilities of modifying the Univer- sity drinking regulation, and that the Chairman of Joint Judiciary Coux~cil and the vice-President in Charge of Student Affairs be invited to send rep- resentatives to sit with this committee, and that the committee repor is find- ings with recommendations at the Stu- dent Government Council meeting of April 30. Approved motion providing that the chairman and committee members .of violin, Gustave Rosweels, second vlo , lin, Robert Courte, viola and Oliver Edel, cello. Miss Greer and Mr. Boo- #tt will perform compositions by Seldoval, Greuer, and Ginaster, and the Stanley Quartet, in addition to a. composition by Turina, will perform;a, Quartet by Halffter, which was com- missioned by the University of Michi-, gan for this occasion and is dedicated to the Stanley Quartet. Mr. Halffter, who is visiting in Ann Arbor, will at- tend the concert, which will be played. in Rackham Lecture Hall at 8:30 p.m. Fri., April 18. Open to the general public without charge. Program of American Music: The 11- pha Chapter, Sigma Alpha Iota, will present their annual program of Amer- ican Music on Sat., April 19, at 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall, The con- cert will include compositions by Griffes, Brandzel, Still, Garfield, Phil- lips, Ives, Copland, Burton, Duke and Mueller. Open to the general public without charge. Academic Notices Applicants for the Joint Program in Liberal Arts and Medicine: Applica- tion for admission to the Joint' Pro- grams in Liberal Arts and Medicine must be made before April 23 of the final preprofessional year. Application may be made now at 1220 Angell Hall. Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business: Candidates taking the Ad- mission Test for Graduate, Study in Business on April 19 are rquested to report to Rm. 140, Bus. Admin. Bldg. at 8:45 a.m. Sat. Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Adission Test on April 19 are requested t re- port to Rm. 130 Bus. Admin. Bldg. at 8:45 a.m. Sat. Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap- plied Meteorology: Engineering. Fri., April 18, 3:30 p.m., 5500 E. Engrg. Bldg. Dr. J. F. Shea, Military Development Engineer, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Whippany, N.J. will speak on "Gallop- ing Conductors" - Chairman: Prof. Jesse Ormondroyd. The Department of Psychology- is now .receiving applications for the Se- nior Honors Program for the academic year 1958-59. For details contact Dr. David Birch, ext. 2780. ..Doctoral Examination for Bettie Ar- thur, Psychology thesis: Comparison of the Psychological Test for Perfornance of Brain Damaged and Normal Chl- dien in the Mental Age Range from Five to Six, Saturday, April 19: 6625 Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.mi. Chairman, A.S. Elonen. Placement Notices Personnel Interviews: Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Tues., April 22 Kordite Company, Division of Tex- tron, Inc., Macedon, N.Y. - Men with any degree for Marketing Management Trainee, Product or Brand Managers, Industrial Sales Representatives, Sales Trainees, and Staff Administrative As- sistants. The Prudential Insurance Company of America, Detroit, Mich.-Men with B.A. or M.A. in Liberal Arts, B.B.A. or M.B.A., L.L..B. or two years of Law School for Sales and Sales Management. The Proctor & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio - Mexican and Vene- zuelan citizens for full-time or sum- mer employment in Mexico and Vene- zuela. Any degree will be considered. Men only. Wgjd., April 23 American Heart Association, New York, N.Y.-Men and women with BA. ~- I 1, p. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING: By The Associated Press EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily is a member of the Associated Press, a world-wide newsgathering co- operative which includes in its membership 1,741 newspapers and other publications, plus 1,702 radio- television memberships. Because a substantial por-. tion of The Daily's front page news is received by AP wire, perhaps readers will find the following ad- dress of interest. NEW YORK-The Associated Press "is geared to cover in depth" the new interest in science, education and defense resulting from the space age, Frank J. Starzell, AP general manager said yesterday.- Starzel said the staff' of writers covering science and ether specialized fields has been reinforced and "the broad interest in this type of news is reflected generally throughout -the organization." f !1 r ill { I.1 - . . - M..,& II A,&. "It is no longer enough," he asserted, "for the newsman to be just a competent reporter or editor. Demands of the news are so multiple that staffers must background themselves edu- cationally as never before in history." "The subject matter is vastly more diversified and the areas where it breaks have spread enormously and shifted greatly in emphasiq,* he said. Starzel said this places great premium on perspective and diligent reporting, expert, knowledge on the subject, and ability to write clearly and with sufficient background and ex- planatory matter so that the average person can understand. "OUR PLANNING is not limited to technologi- cal trends," he declared. "The man in the street is still interester in the man on the next By JOHN WEICHER Daily Staff Writer FOUR NEW FACES appeared at the Student Government Coun- cil table Wednesday night. The four, all new ex-officio members, left the Council with only six "old faces" - members with more than three weeks' ex- perience. One of these six, Inter-House Council President Drake Duane, has only one more meeting before he steps down, As .a result of the comparative inexperience of the majority of members, the Council debated very little on a number of topics brought before it. The upshot of this was a two-hour meeting-- shortest of the semester. THE MEETING, however, was too fast, for a change. One of the topics brought up was a question of jurisdiction - whether the Council should determine if the International Students Association was acting in violation of its con- stitution. The Council almost failed to discuss the matter at all, until cision was the same that should be made on Sigma Kappa-that Joint Judic should consider this matter also, not SGC. Belin dis- agreed, saying the cases were dif- ferent. But apparently a majority of the Council members weren't too con- cerned either way. Later in the meeting. David Kes- sel presented a motion asking for a redefinition of the University drinking regulations, to allow stu- dents over 21 years old to drink in private off-campus housing. Union President-elect Barry Shapiro then offered a substitute motion that a committee be set up to consider possibilities of chang- ing the rules. This was approved in record time, with a minimum of debate. AS THE COUNCIL members get their feet under themselves, they will probably have more to con- tribute on any issue. In any event, Wednesday's meeting was a re- freshing switch from the lengthy, repetitious discussions which gen- erally mark Council sessions (though Belin and Chrysler re- favored eliminating the 350-signa- ture requirement for candidates. The requirement serves no purpose now except to weed out a few people who are too lazy to collect the signatures. It does not indicate significant student support, since students may sign more .than one petition; nor should the candidate's chance to meet the people be regarded as a useful function; the same pur- pose is served much better by the campaigning period. The committee also considered the possibility of using voting machines, which might necessitate fewer voting booths and longer election periods. One drawback here, however, is the reluctance of the city to lend the machines, the report said. C . C C REGARDING poll worker short- ages and irregularities, the report said, "The three key points are: fewer booths, careful supervision, careful selection of workers." It suggested several possible ap- proaches to these problems. One, for a "security squad" constantly checking each booth, is nothing new; elections committees have .1- ,* i