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April 18, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-04-18

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Federal Reserve
Lowers Discount
al Reserve Board launched some
new financial maneuvprings yes-
terday to combat the recession,
and a Houe group pushed a bill
for outright relief grants for the
These far-apart attacks on a
common problem came amid Sen-
ate debate on whether the Eisen-
holder- administration is doing*
what it should to meet the situa-
The Federal Reserve dropped the
discount rate charged member
banks who borrow from reserve
banks to one and three-fourth per
cent at New York, Philadelphia,
Chicago, St. Louis and, Minnea\-
The rate had been two and one,-k
fourth per cent in these cities, as
it continues for .the present in the
other seven Federal.Reserve dis-
tricts. .
In a separate move, the Fed-
eral Reserve reduced the amount
of reserves which banks in New
York and Chicago must maintain
against demand deposits. a.
It was eyplained this step was'
linked to the export of about 60
million dollars of gold in recent
months, which had the effect of'
tightening the domestic money
Both actions by the Federal
Reserve are calculated to make
money more easily available for
Americanl enterprises. This is the
fourth time in five months that
the discount rates have been re-
duced with that goal in mind.
Inamajor action at the Capitol,
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee Democrats reached tentative
agreement on a billion - dollar
emergency plan for relief of unem-
ployed workers. This, would be'
fianaced wholly by the federal
The program,. going beyond a
plan advanced by President
Dwight D, Eisenhower, will be put
to a committee vote today. Chair;-
man W. D. Mills (D-Ark.) said he'
expected it' would be called up in
the House next week.
The agreement ,was reached at'
a caucus of the Democratie com-
mittee majority.
Judi Councile
Fmds Galens
In iolation

Senate Delays
Budget Dectsion
Special to 'The Daily
LANSING. - Michigan legislators yesterday postponed decision
on state budgetary matters, 'includingthe University's 1958-59 oper-
ating budget appropriation, until 10: a.m. today.
The Senate held up all action on bills until all appropriation items
are out of *onference committees.
A $30 million budget for next year's University operations was
approved by the Senate last month. The House last week raised this
to $30,929,000, a figure equal to University's appropriation for the
current 'year.
The increase came in an amendment to the Senate bill by Rep.
George Ballade (R-Ann Arbor) raising the appropriation for all state

Tunisia Mafy,
Request New
TUNIS (P) -President Habib
Bourguiba Warned yesterday that
he will take 'the French-Tunisian
dispute to the United Nations
again within a week unless a ,new
French government immediately
Bourguiba's statement virtually
assured a Security Council discus-
sion of the dispute, since forma-
tion of a new Paris government is
expected to take much longer than
a week.,
The governmentjof Premier Fe-
lix Gaillard resigned after the Na-
tional Assembly rejected Tuesday.
,night' a compromise plan recom-
mended by the United 'States-
British good offices team which is
seeking to ease French-Tunisian
"I cannot wait a very long
time," Bourguiba said in his weekly
broadcast to his people.
"The last time it took President
Rene Coty six weeks to find a new
I cannot wait while France
goes through this process again.
. .. I want to- see a new French
government within seven days."

colleges and universities by $2,-
Work foir Compromise
Conference committees with
Members from both houses have
been meeting to iron out the dif-
ferences in this .and other bills..
Senate sources say it is possible
that the Senate will not agree to
any ;increase even if it is ap-
proved by the conference commit-
tee. Sen. Lewis Christman (R-Ann
Arbor) expressed confidence the
bills would be finished by the com-
mittees and be returned to the
Senate by this morning. "We've
given pretty positive notice we
want this done." he said yester-
Sen. Christman told the Senate'
he was unwilling to pass judge-
ment on any appropriation bill
until he had all of them in front
of him. "I don't want to do any-
thing until I know what the total,
of all the bills will be," he ex-
Favors Lower Budget
After debating this the Senate:
recessed with only one bill passed
to the House. It is possible, ob-
servers say, the. Legislature will
not be able to finish tonight and
will have to remain until tomor-
row or longer.
The Senate is faced with al-
lotting money totaling more than
$3;0 million in general fund ex-
penditures for 1958-P, and anoth-
er $230: millions in restricted
The University budget favored

Union Senate
By Directors
Further Information
Asked on Bookstore
Union Board of Directors last
night unanimously voted to dis-
band the Union Senate.
Russell Berman, '59, Union ex-
ecutive vice - president, said the
majority of the participants had
been unable to devote sufficient
time to the senate, which had fail-
ed to provide an outlet for student
The Senate ran into initial pro-
cedural difficulties when it was
established last year but ironed
them out after several special
meetings. It then went on to con-
sider items as Homecoming and
the Literary College honor system.
Interest waned, however and
there was difficulty in obtaining
a quorum in the last meetings of
the Senate.
The bookstore committee was
directed to study further the feasi-
bility of a Union bookstore. This
echoed the action of the Board in
its meeting last month during
which it endorsed the concept of
the bookstore and asked for a
reasonable plan for establishment
of the store.
A Board vacancy created by the
Joint Judiciary invalidation of the
election of Sid Jackson, '60, was
filled by the appointment of Frank
Tranzow, '59E, former Union Ex-
ecutive councilman.
Six new board members were
sworn in by Barry Shapiro, '59,
Union president. Taking the oath
were Tom Corbett, '60, Maynard
Goldman, '59, Student Government
Council president, Peter Van Haf-
ten, 159E, Robert Card, 'OD, Don
Medalie, '61L, and John Moore,
'60E, Musket general chairman.
SGroup Meets
On Electo





. Y

Board Forms Group
To Study Room Poliy
After hearing four student groups' views on dormitory integration,
the Residence Hall Board of Governors established a committee to
formulate board action concerning roommate placement policy.
The Board of Governors will still maintain the right to revise the
committee's recommendation. Committee members will be named
tomorrow by James A. Lewis, vice-president for student affairs.
The committee will prepare a "rough draft" which may include
proposals for policy or administrative changes. It will include the
Board's interpretation of the facts'


Of Capitol

. . . discusses meeting

Troops Begi
It on Padan



Joint Judiciary Council has
sent a letter of warning to Ga-
lens, medical honorary, regarding
the boundary violation* incurred
during the group's annual 'bucket
drive last December, according to
Mike Jacobson, '58, chairmen of
the Council.
SGC had told Galens because of
the Campus Chest drive' it could
not conduct its charity drive with-
in certain boundaries which the'
Council considered to be part of
the campus.
Buckets were admittedly placed
at twb locations within the area,
- according to a Joint Judic report.
The letter warned Galens that
if future violations occur more
severe action will be taken by
Joint Judic.
The announcement of the de-
cision was delayed because of the
extra time given to Galens to ap-
peal the decision.
Galens decided not to appeal
the decision because of a lack of
time. "We've fdught as much as
we have time for," Robert Jew-
ett, '58M, president of Galens,
Questions about the violation
arose in Decemberafter it was
reported to SGC that soliciting
for funds was being carried on
within the campus area.
Court Justice
Judges Finals
Associate Supreme Court Jus-
tice William J Brennan will pre
side at the finals of the Henry
M. Campbell law school competi-
tion at 2 p.m. today at Hutchins
. 'W'e 11

He predicted that if he again, bey the Senate is some eight mil- No persons not connected with
takes aggression charges' to the lion dollars under what the Student Government Council ap-
Security Council, Tunisia will win school had requested for opera- peared to present their views at
a great victory. tions next year. k yesterday's elections evaluation
He added that unless the French committee meeting.
compronise immediately he no , The 10 people present discussed'
longer will consider himself obli- ecandidate training and polls per-
gated to accept the compromise sonnel. Roger Seasonwein, '61, said
plan worked out by United States ' each candidate could be aided by
envoy Robert Murphy and Britisha f a "Big Brother" on the Council,
diplomat Harold Beeley. during the training. Candidates
The team recommended direct WASHINGTON OP) -President should be given a test on SGC be-
negotiations between France and Dwight D Eisenhower told the na- fore being permitted to run, he
Tunisia to set a timetable for with- tion yesterday congressional critics said.
drawal of all French forces: from are besieging his military reor- SG Treasurer Mort Wise,'59,
Tunisia except those at the big ganization plan with nonsense, un- said the candidates should not be
Bizerte naval base. truth and misrepresentation. "spoon fed" by the training pro-
Thepln asoentil Pln;gram, but. the Council should
The plan also entails.United The whole purpose of the plan,s ly ke nformation avalab
States-British supervision of Tuni- he said, is "safety with solvency" to them.
sian airfields to prevent their use and "the country is entitled to David Kessel, Grad., said each
to aid Algerian nationalists, both." canidate's G at was
his own responsibility.
It was suggested polling places
oint Ju be manned by members of honor-
ary societies at future elections, to
s cut down on possibilities of ballot
Case on C sed MembershI stuffingand assure enough polls
. P workers.
Seasonwein also said ex-officio
By THOMAS TURNER membres might be seated from
Joint Judic will not be asked to rule on the constitutionality of a September to May each year, in-
recent International Student Association decision to close member- the year, when the elected mem-
ship for a month. bers are also being replaced. This
William West of the International Center, member of the ISA would avoid sweeping changes in
election committee which originally drafted the proposal to close Council membership each spring,
membership for a month before next week's election, said yesterday ( he said.
the Association has re-opened

Talks Open
For Meeting
MOSCOW(A) -United States
Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson
opened discussions yesterday with
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko on preparations for a
summit conference. -
Thompson was summoned to the
Foreign Office and talked for 35
minutes with Gromyko. The Unit-
ed States envoy was smiling, but
noncommittal when he departed.
The official Tass news agency
confirmed that the meeting re-
sulted fromi note the Big Three
Western Powers sent the Soviet
government Wednesday. The note
offered to begin pre-summit talks
at the diplomatic level'.,
The brief Tass announcement
said: "Gromyko invited L. E.
Thompson, United States ambas-
sador to, the Soviet Union, to the
Foreign Ministry and discussed
with him questions connected with
preparations for a summit confer-
Thompson said he had received
no written statement from Gromy-
ko and declined further comment.
Night meetings were scheduled
with Thompson by. Sir Patrick
Reilly, the British ambassador,
and Maurice Dejean, the French
It appeared that Thompson was
to fill in his colleagues on the
Gromyko meeting.
'Regents Meet
On 'U' Budget
Discussion of the University's
budget is expected when the Board
of Regents meets today in the
Administration, Building.
Appointments, gifts, grants and
other routine matters are also on
the agenda, according to a Uni-
versity spokesman.

gathered in recent surveys of
roommate placement.
Suggests Policy
The Board of Governors heard
Nan Murrell, '59,. chairman of the"
Human Relations Board of Stu-
dent Government Council, propose
that residence halls "should not
ask the applicant for preferences
on the basis of race, religion or
national origin.
"The University shouldn't wave
an integration flag," Miss Murrell
said, "but it should make it clear
that preferences will not be ac-
Speaking for the Human Rela-
tions Board, she also reconimended
the University not request infor-
mation on application blanks con-
cerning race, religion or national
Prof. Hubert Blalock of the
Sociology department told the
Board that "a firm, reasonable
policy"*of npt accepting racial and
religious preferences in roommateI
selection would be accepted pos-
sibly after a few days of complain-
ing-by all but a few students.
Volunteer Time
He and several other, professors
would be glad to volunteer their,
time to counsel students that were
affected by' this kind of policy,
Prof. Blalock said.
The Human Relations' Board
was the only group. to make a
specific proposal of the four Stu-
dent groups. Alan Krebs, Grad.,
said that the Human Relations
Board proposals were in essential
agreement with principales formu-
lated by the Student Association
for Intercultural Living wlVch he
Larry Curtiss, '58, said he could.
not say what the reaction of the
Inter- House Council Integration
Committee would be to the pro-
The petition committee of Con-
gregational Students' Disciples
Guild said they were in complete
agreement with principals formu-
tions Board proposal.
Discuss Proposal
Much of the' meeting was taken
up with discussion with Miss Mur-'
rell on the Human Relations
Board proposal.
Miss Murrell based her remarks
on a statement which the Human
Relations Board presented to the
Board of Governors. The state-
ment said "the moral responsibilty
of the University is to act' within
See TO STUDY, page 6

C onfe arene'
PARIS OP) - Western defense
ministers ended their conference
yesterday with a strong display of
solidarity, bolstered by a. report
that France has agreed in prin-
ciple to the stationing of Ameri-
can-built missile bases and nu-
clear warheads on her soil.
A communique winding ,up the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion ministers' thiee days of meet-
ings said the conferees endorsed'
plans for a ground force in cen-
tral Europe would be backed by a
network of medium-range mis-,
sile bases capable of hurling nu-
clear warheads into the Soviet
Endorsed Research
The ministers salso endorsed
plans for coordinated" researclr
and production of new weapons.
and confirmed support of NATO
strategy as outlined by Gen. Lau-
ris Norstad, supreme Allied com-
miander in Europe.
A senior official said Norstad
adyised the,ministers of 'France's
agreement in principle to the


Negotiations -Underway ,t
A French Foreign Ministryf
spokesman said negotiations with1
the United States now are underI
way. If successfully concluded,j
these talks could lead to estab-
lishment of rocket-launching bases.
in France.l
The ministry spokesman would
give no details, however, of the
status of the negotiations or of
French terms for an agreement,
and American officials would not
Bissell Hits
Racial Basis
For Rooming
There is no sound reason to
assign roommates by race except
that somebody is afraid of "con-;
tamination," a former officer of
the National Association for the.
Advancement of Colored People
declared yesterday.
Mrs. Hillary Bissell told a meet-{
ing of the local chapter of the
NAACP that "even a tiny bit of
segregation gives birth to second
class citizenship."
Now- a member of the Grand
Rapids Human Relations Commis-
sion, Mrs. Bissell recalled that 25
years ago when she was a student,
at theUniversity, Negroes were
not allowed to live in the dormi-
tories with white students and
down by the railroad tracks, there
was a separate dormitory for Ne-
gro women.
Pointing to lack of roommate
integration, Mrs. Bissell said pro-
gress towards ending segregation
on campus today is not proceed-
ing any faster than in other com-
munities. "I doubt if there will be
much change until more of the,
pressures of the larger community
are brought to play," she said.
She described housing as the
"great battlefront" in the fight for

Rebel Radio Offers
Contradictory Repo]
JAKARTA (P)-The Jakart
government announced toda
that its army had captured Pa
dang, one of the last two maje
points still held by the Suma
tran rebels.
The air force spokesman sail
the army had seized the rail
way and broadcasting station
in Padang, the major port o
the west coast of Sumatra, an
that commandos and para
troopers were in firm possessio
of the city's airfield.
JAKARTA, Indonesia (A) -I
donesian government troops
saulted Padang, capital of re
Sumatra, are meeting heavy :
sistance, a navy spokesman a
The government announc
last night that thousands of
fantrymen and Marine comma
dos were moving into the imp
tant port city after a mass
amphibious landing on beac
half a mile from the city.
Timed to Coincide
The assault was timed to co
cide with seizure of the PadE
airport, four miles north of t
capital, by parachute troopers
Maj. Marid, the piavy spok
man ,was unable to say whet
the government troops had be
able to occupy Padang.
'.Twenty-six.hours after.the a
borne troops made their lor
awaited landing;, the fate of
half-deserted city of 150,000 E
was a question here.
The rebel Padang radio asse
ed yesterday that rebel forces 1
driven away the invaders.
Rebel reports in Singapore s
the Jakarta air force planes 1
feinted at the airfield, dripp
100. straw-filled uniformed du
mies from six planes to draw re
The government offensive
ened at 'daybreak against a
putedly thin rebel defense 1
stretched along 100 miles of cc
north an dsouth of Padang, 1
major rebel stronghold on

This removed the objection of
Mohamed EI-Afandi, Grad., who
had planned to take the case to,
joint Judic, West indicated. El-
Afandi had applied for ISA mem-
bership a few days ago and an-
nounced his intention to run for
West explained that Assistant
Dean of Men John Bingley, who
refers cases to Joint Judic, had
been consulted and had said Joint
Judic would almost certainly find
the move unconstitutional.
The basis of Bingley's advice,
according to West, was Article
Two 'of the ISA Constitution,
which says any student can be-
come a member of the ISA upon
payment of 50 cents membership


Packard Terms U.S. Future Brave New Wor-d

A destroyer and, two corvett
shelled the beaches. Then to
companies of Marine commnand
spilled' ashore from mustered c
vilian transport ships almost
Padang's threshold.
Parachute troops landings
/multaneously on the :airfield sa'
they encountered negligible r
sistance there.
An air force communique sa
planes crushed a rebel force on
hill between, Padang and Tabi
airfield, with all planes returni
safely to base.
Padang's strategically valual
harbor, five miles' from the c:
pr6per, is surrounded by hi
cliffs filled with rebel artillery.
strike to take it would have to
U' Pubhlcatiol
Gives Report
On Education
The Michigan Alumnus has c
voted most of its current issue
a report on "American 'Higi
The issue which comes out
day devotes 32 pages amply spr.
kled with pictures to a report
education compiled by represent
tives from fourteen schools a
"This is a special report,"
says. "It is published because I
time has come for colleges a
universities-and their alumni-
r - ar.A on+ Ifat'at ,'no lom

Author Vance Packard compared
the future of the United States
with the "Utopia" of Aldous Hux-
ley's "Brave New World," in his
visit to the University yesterday,
sponsored by the' Journalism, De-
Addressing listeners at both the
Journalism Lecture series and the
1958 Advertising Conference, Pack-
ard explained that his best seller
"The Hidden Persuaders," pro-
tested the over-commercialism of
American life.
In his speech given at the jour-
nalism lecture "Morality and the
Hidden Persuaders," he accused
the American people of self-ir-
dulgence and too great an empha-

He pointed out that such tech-i
niques were banned in Great Bri-
tain, within three weeks of the
time they were first demonstrated.
Over-Use Politics
"What is the morality in playing
upon our hidden weaknesses?" he
questioned. Politics, that so im-
portant aspect of democracy,. is
one medium through which adver-
tisers have overrun their bounds.
In politics, the same forces are
used to imprint an individual's
character upon the minds of as
many people as possible. Politi-
cians are "using the insights of
Freud" to build up images for
their campaigns, he said. And, like
Pavlov, they are "hammering mes-
sages across."

"The Hidden Persuaders"'causing
observers at the advertising con-
ference to comment that "they
were surprised at the more objec-
tive views he expressed at the con-
Saidone advertising executive,
"I expected him to kill us, but
there were only slight wounds."
Speaks on Behavior
Speaking before theassembled
advertisers, Packard concerned
himself with "The Whys of Our
Behavior," and remarked upon the
unique situation existent in Ameri-
ca today.
"Previously, our great concern
was how to exist on less than we
needed," he remarked. "Now abun-
dance is upon us, as a result of an
I n~nnAiiP+4n. A+nti thorn+

ISA President Gunay Aktay,
'58E explained the rationale be-

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