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April 16, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-04-16

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"I Hear You're Still Trying To Eleminate Fallout"

l4w p id iaan JtiIy
Sixty-Eighth Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This inns t be noted in all reprints.
Liberal Arts Need
More Vocal Support
THE UNIVERSITY may get as many dollars vocal opposition to this attitude. Although the
as last year, liut the last fe* weeks' session University and many other schools like it have
of the Legislature-produced some outstanding been graduating students for years who have
comments on the educational processes of both presumably benefited by "non-basic" courses,
the University and Michigan State University. no one is willing to speak out for them.
Spearheading the criticisms (and the economy
drive) was Sen. Elmer Porter, head of the WHY DOESN'T ANYONE defend "non-basic"
Senate Appropriations Committee, who said he courses, and more generally the whole
was "more worried about.the next generation system of education of which it is a part. No
than dollars, because our education system has one knows why the system is worth defending.
failed to present the children with something Why is a Shakespeare course valuable to a
they need-basic subjects." political science major? We doubt whether the
Other legislators felt the same way, as Sen. political science major or anyone else could
Porter. Prominent among these was another say except in very hazy terms. Hazy terms
member of the Appropriations Committee, Sen. aren't going to satisfy two very practical state
Clarence Grabner. He, too, advocated a return senators, who want to see exactly why and how
to the "three R's." state money is used to finance higher education.
The important thing in these comments is What good is a college education? Does it
not the question of their validity, but that the make us "more anything" except more likely
legislators who made them are sincere in what to get a good paying job? We have only a foggy
they say. In this instance, they are not trying notion that somehow college does change us
to save a buck, because whether there are fewer for the better-a notion which is contradicted
courses offered, there still must be the same by some tough-minded evidence in the Jacobs
number of teachers, buildings and classrooms, report.
the major determinants of c&st. What they are Along these lines it is interesting to note
arguing for, we think, is a more practical out- that President Hatcher, in speaking to the
look on education-which they think can be Legislature, stressed the research projects that
gained by cutting the number of "frilly" courses would have to be stopped because of a cut in
offered at the University. the University budget and not the damage the
Some of the "frilly" courses-and the ones cut would do to the more academic side. He
that made the newspaper as examples-are the had to stress research, because we' who are
great variety of physical education courses directly involved in the educational processes
offered by both universities. But this is a small didn't provide him with ammunition for the
part of the frills, and any sincere return to academic side.
the "three R's" would entail cutting many more The point is just this: With no sharp concept
courses. It would be a hard task to fit courses to use of what education means, in defending
like "The Mind of Primitive Man," "Metaethics" our concept of education we default to the
or a phonetic study of the English language Legislature our share of the responsibility for
into a concept of merely basic education. helping to decide our educational future. No
We don't think its so important that we try matter how wrong we may feel their ideas to
to disprove the statements of the legislators-- be, we should realize that it isn't they alone
for we think they are educationally inapplic- who are derelict in their duties, it's we, too.
able and weak. What is important is the lack of -LANE VANDERSLICE
Architecture of the Pentagon,

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Russia Makes Her Point
On Sumit Project
Associated Press News Analyst
THE SOVIET UNION finally scored its point in the months-long effort
to get work started on a summit conference. The project is now
moving from the propagahda field into that of diplomacy.
Khrushchev did that when, as premier of the Soviet Union, he sug-
gested a meeting at the ambassadorial level this week to make arrange-
ments for a foreign ministers conference.
The United States was at first reluctant to go even that far without
some assurance that Allied ministers would be free to argue for the type
of top-level agenda they want.
European reaction, however, was more realistic. Take the first steps,
said Britain and France, and see what happens. At the ambassadorial
level there is no foreclosure of what can happen among the ministers.

If there is foreclosure among the
ministers, then the question of a
summit conference will still re-
main open.
* * *
IN RETROSPECT, the Europeans
don't think the Geneva conference
did any harm. The main result
was that the Comimnu
was that the Communists once
more agreed to something - the
principle of general elections for
Germany-which they later re-
fused to follow through. A few.
small doors in the cultural Iron
Curtain were unlocked.
One of the chief concerns of the
Allies, though one they don't care
to talk too much about, is that
they shall not be maneuvered into
a public refusal to give up their
atomic weapons.
They could agree to give up
atomic testing under certain cir-
cumstances. The world is partic-
ularly worried right now over re-
ports that recent Soviet tests have
produced an especially heavy fall-
* * *
THEY COULD agree not to take
the initiative in use of such wea-
pons. Indeed, this would merely
be a formalization of a position in-
herent in the policies of the de-
But they cannot agree to give
up their deterrent stockpiles as

long as the Soviet maintains her
aggressive posture and her vast
military establishment.
But in the long run, the Allies
are constrained to keep open the
door to agreements with the So-
viet Union. not only because they
wish sincerely that something
might be accomplished, but also
because, if they don't they would
never know what might have been,
* * *
her doubts, apparently made no
great effort 'to impress them on
the European Allies. 'Once' the
matter was presented before the
NATO Council in Paris it seems to
have been agreed upon without de-
Under the terms of the Khrush-
chev proposal the ambassadors
and Soviet officials will merely fix
the date and name the countries
which will be asked to send rep-
resentatives to a foreign min-
isters meeting.
If she acts as she has over dis-
armament meetings in the United
Nations, trying to load the minis-
ters conference with her satellites
and certain neutrals, even the am-
bassadorial negotiations could pro-
duce fireworks. But there's a good
chance the Reds really want to
get past the diplomatio stages and
back to the propaganda war.



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AR as ommust Plot'

LESS THAN twenty years ago, the planners
of the nation's defenses could count upon
two oceans to effectively shield the United
States from a substantial attack launched by
any European or Asian nation. Pearl Harbor
shook that confidence. In later years, it -was
shattered completely by the development of
the long range bomber and the inter-contin-
ental missile.
The gift of natural protective barriers could
and did provide the United States with valu-
able time during the.early stages of the First
and Second World Wars. Scientific progress
has wiped away that advantage and has forced
a recognition that if push-button warfare isn't
upon us, it is rapidly-coming. Among the many
senses of urgency aroused by Sputnik is the
realization that something must be done not
only about the nation's defense, but also the
organization of its defenders.
Secretary of Defense Neil McElroy pointed
out recently that in every war in the last cen-
tury our nation has had to change its mili-
tary organization after the war started.
"We no longer have time in which to change
command lines or to shift from a peacetime
to wartime organization," he said.
At present, the command line runs from the
President to the Secretary of Defense, to the
secretaries of the three branches of the armed
forces, then to the service chiefs of staff, and
finally to the head of the unified command.
Under the .reorganization plan President
Eisenhower outlined to Congress last week, the
unified command would be directly responsible
to the Defense Secretary, thus removing the
secretaries and the chiefs of the three serv-
ices from direction of joint operations.

AS TO BE expected, the evolvement of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff from heads of their re-
spective services to a detached top-level mili-
tary staff has aroused negative reaction from
those who wish to see the services functioning
separately. The strengthening of the Defense
Secretary's position also has raised concern
about the concentration of authority.,
Unfortunate as this may seem to some, the
reorganization may have been prompted inad-
vertantly by those who dislike it the most.
The interservice rivalries and the conflict over
who will develop what missile is a luxury of
disagreement this nation cannot afford. The
proposed integration of the Army, Navy and
Air Force may abandon the traditional con-
cept of separate forces for land, sea and air
combat but the missile and nuclear age has
changed the traditional weapons for fighting.
Naturally it is hoped the changes will never
be used in warfare. But wishing is not enough
and preparedness for the possible requires an
alertness to the necessary. The administration
has proposed steps it feels are not only neces-
sary, but so urgent that President Eisenhower
has changed the topic of his speech tomorrow
at a meeting of the American Society of News-
paper Editors from foreign policy to need to
reorganize the Defense department.
The nation will have an opportunity to hear
the President over television. Perhaps mem-
bers of Congress, including Sen. Richard B.
Russell (D-Georgia), chairman of the Armed
Services Committee, who are concerned about
maintaining the identity of the individual serv-
ices will also listen and consider the need to
maintain the effectiveness of the nation's de-

WASHINGTON -- The cherry
blossoms may be late this year,
but the Daughters of the American
Revolution, benign, busy, and bux-
om, are right on time in the na-
tion's capital with their annual
effort to keep things as they were
when their ancestors crossed the
Delaware or made whoopee follow-
ing the surrender of Cornwallis.
The Daughters have taken some
potent positions on all sorts of pol-
icies, from Joe McCarthy tothe
banning of Marian Anderson from
Constitution Hall. And this year
one of their big battles is over
Chief banner-waver against thus
protecting children's teeth is Mrs.
Ray LaVerne Erb of 50 Sutton
Place South, on swank East Side
New York. Mrs. Erb is a lady of
charm, distinction, and the posi-
tive view that the American Medi-
cal Association, the Public Health
Service and the most eminent den-
tists in the nation are all wet about
protecting children's teeth by
fluoridating the drinking water.
MRS. ERB feels about fluorida-
tion just exactly as some old Army
officers playing pinochle in the
Army and Navy Club feel about the
cavalry. They don't think missiles
or airplanes should ever have re-
placed the cavalry. However, Mrs.
Erb is in a better position to- carry
out her policies than retired Army
officers, for she occupies the stra-
tegic post of National Chairman of
the National Defense Committee of
the Daughters of the American
Revolution and is also a member
of the Resolutions Committee.
Long before the Daughters beat

the cherry blossoms in coming to
Washington, Mrs. Erb was as busy
as one of Charlie Wilson's bird
dogs bombarding other Daughters
with literature showing that fluori-
dation of drinking water was "so-
cialized medicine," inspired by the
Communists and "deprives us of
our constitutional rights."
Mrs. Erb has even used the ex-
Reverend ex-Communist Kenneth
Goff as a propagandists to carry
her dental banners into battle.
Gaff is a joiner of extreme causes,
who jumped from the Communist
Party to Gerald L. K. Smith's rab-
ble-rousing "Christian" Party. In-
between,'he got caught passing bad
checks and was convicted.
such store by Goff's veracity that
she is circulating his affidavit
swearing that the Communist Par-
ty "discussed quite thoroughly the
fluoridation of water supplies and
how we were using it in Russia as
a tranquilizer in the prison camps.
The leaders of our school felt that
if it could be introduced into the
American water supply, it would
bring about a spirit of lethargy in
the nation; where it would keep
the general public docile during a
steady encroachment of Commu-
"We also discussed the fact that
keeping a store of deadly fluoride
near the water reservoir would be
advantageous during the time of
the revolution, as it would give us
opportunity to dump this poison
into the water'supply and either
kill off the populace or threaten
them with liquidation so that they
would surrender to obtain fresh

In contrast, Public Health Serv-
ice officials state that to produce a
lethal effect, a three-year supply
of sodium fluoride would have to
be dumped into a reservoir. At the
Aspinwall plant at Pittsburgh, sev-
enty railroad carloads of sodium
fluoride would be required. Obvi-
ously, there are easier and cheaper
ways to poison a water supply.
Mrs. Erb has also circulated
Daughters with the statement that
the New York City Department of
Water Supply prepared two reporst
opposing fluoridation. The exact
opposite happened. After extensive
hearings, New York City adopted
s* s
AND ALTHOUGH Mrs. Erb calls
fluoridation "socialized medicine,"
it happens the American Medical
Association, bitterest foe of social-
ized medicine, strongly endorses
Collecting taxes, most of the
time, is no more fun than paying
them. But Internal Revenue agents
do get a smile from reading some
of the returns.
One midwestern farmer and his
wife, for instance, set forth their
occupations as "peasant" and
Another taxpayer, a woman who
was planning to file a joint return,
recently wrote the Internal Reve-
"I am asking for an extension
to file my return. My husband-.
and my income tax return-have
been misplaced. I was told to write
to you and ask for a 30-day exten-
sion, to see if I can find them or
get replacements."
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Rise and Fall of the DAC


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Dailyassumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build- /
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXVIIi, NO. 137
General Notices
Hopwood Contest: All manuscripts
must be in the Hopwood Room, 1006
Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Wed., April 16.
Senior Board, Graduation announce-
ment orders taken April 15 and 16, 12:30
to 4:30 p.m., Admin. Bldg.
Residence Hall Scholarship: Women
students wishing to apply for a Resi-
dence Hall Scholarship, for the aca-
demic year 1958-59 for Betsy Barbour
House may do so through the Office
of the Dean of Women. Applications
must be returned, complete, by Tues.,
April 22. Students already living in this
residence hall and those wishing to
live there next fall may apply. Quali-
fications will be considered on the ba-
sis of academic standing (minimum 2.5
cumulative average), need, and contri-
bution to group living.
Residence Hall Scholarship: Women
students wishing to apply for a Resi-
dence Hall Scholarship for the aca-
demic year 1958-59 for Helen Newberry
House may do so through the Office
of the Dean of Women. Applications
must be returned, complete, by Tues.,
April' 22. Students already living in
this residence hall and those wishing
to live there next fall may apply. Quali-
fications will be considered on the ba-
sis of academic standing (minimum 2.5
cumulative average), need, and con-
tribution to group living.
June graduates may now order their
caps and gowns at Moe's Sport Shop
on North University. 1
There will be an International Cen-
ter Tea, sponsored by the International
Center and the International Students
Association Athis Thurs., April 17 from
4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the International
The Mary L. Hinsdale Scholarship
amounting to $134.41 (interest of the
Endowment) is available to single un-
dergraduate women who are wholly or
partially self-supporting and who do
not live in University residence hails
or sorority houses. Single girls with
better than averalke scholarship and
need will beconsidered. Application
blanks are obtainable at the Alumnae
Council office, Michigan League and
must be filed by April 21, 1958.
The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship
amounting to $200 is available to both
graduate and undergraduate women,
though preference is given the latter.
Criteria for the awardvare scholastic
achievement, contribution to Univer-
Applicatisirebet-9d etaoni toanei etaoin
sity life and financial need. Applica-
tion forms are obtainable at the Alum-
nae Council Office, Michigan League
and must be filed by April 21, 1958.
The Lucy E. Elliott Fellowship carry-
ing a stipend of $750 will be awarded
this spring to a woman graduate stu-
dent, from any University or college for
use at the University of Michigan, in
the fall term, 1958. The recipient is cho-
sen on the basis of personality, achieve-
ment, and scholastic ability with pref-
erence shown to those doing creative
work. Application blanks are obtain-
able at the Alumnae Council Office,
Michigan League and must be filed by
April 21, 1958.

Prince: "The Solar Program of the
IGY." Prof. James T. Wilson: "The
Trafficability of Floating Ice." Prof.
Leo Goldberg: "Artificial Satellites."
Agenda, Student Government Coun-
cil, April 16, 1958, Council Room, 7:30
Minutes previous meeting.
Officer reports: President - Letters,
Recount, J-Hop, Council visitors; Exec.
Vice Pres.-Conferences: Michigan Re-
gion, NSA, Ferris Institute April 19, 20;
Michigan College Personnel Association,
Western Michigan University, April 24,
25; Interviewing and Nominating; Ad.
min.'Vice-Pres; Treasurer.
University Calendar Committee (old)
final report.
Standing Committees: National and
International, Public Relations, Educa-
tion and Student Welfare, Student Ac-
tivities - Early Registration Commit-
tee; Activities: May 9, 10, Frosh Week-
end events; May 13, Lantern Night; May
15, Men's Glee Club, to New York for
Pat Boone show.
Old Business.
New.Business - Student Conduct,
Constituents time.
Members time.
The Henry Russel Lecture will be de-
livered by Verner W. Crane, Professor
of American History, Wed., April 30,
at 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphi-
theater. Dr. Crane's lecture topic is
"Dr. Franklin's Plan for America."
Political Science Graduate Round-
table meeting, Wed., April 16, 8:00 p.m.
in the 3rd floor Conference Rm., Mich.
Union. Speaker: Henry A. Kissinger,
Assoc. Director of the Center for In-
ternational Affairs, Harvard Univer-
sity. His topic will be: "Military Pow-
er and Defense Strategy."
Sociology Colloquium & Coffee Hour:
Prof. Peter Blau, University of Chica-
go on "Bureaucracy: Social Structure
or Psychological Processes?" in Room
3-B, Michigan Union, Wed., April 16.
Coffee at 3:30 p.m. Talk at 4:00 p.m.
Lecture: "Dilemma in the Study of
Bureacracy." Peter Blau, visiting lec-
turer in sociology from the University
of Chicago where he is associate pro-
fessor. Wed., April 16 at 4:00 p.m. in
Rm. 3-B, Mich. Union. Coffee will be
served at 3:30 p.m.
Guy Nunn, Director of Television and
Radio Activities, United Autoworkers.
AFL-CIO will speak on: "Next Steps in
Collective Bargaining: Labor Looks
Ahead." Thurs., April 17, 4:00 p.m.,
Aud. A. Angell Hall.
University Lectures in Journalism,
Thurs., April 17, 3 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre, vance Packard, author of
The Hidden Persuaders, will speak on
"Our Morality and the Hidden Per-
Lecture under the auspices of the
Committee on the Program on Russian
Studies, by Prof. R. N. Carew Hunt of
Indiana ,University and Oxford Uni-
versity, on Thurs., April 17, at 8:00 p.m.
in Aud. C, Angell Hall. Topic: "The De-
velopment and Present Form of Com-
riunist Ideology."
Professor W. B. Stace, of Princeton
University, will lecture on "The Myti-
cal Elements in Religion" at 4:10 p.m.,
April 17, Aud. C, Angell Hall. Prof.
Stace will discuss informally the sub-
ject matter of his lecture with any
interested persons in the E. Confer-
ence Rm., Rackham Bldg., at 8 p.m.,
April 17.
Lecture with slides: "Picasso In Our
" A1.A,..b e ,,lle n.of . f A,.t



Nasser and Neutrality


Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT NASSER of Egypt, having
adroitly escaped from an almost suicidal
position nearly two years ago, is now applying
himself to loosening the key log in his coun-
try's economic jam.
Secretary Dulles indicates the United States
is ready to supply him with .the peavey.
Behind it all is an apparent realization by
Nasser that the benefits he has enjoyed from a
neutrality favorable to the Soviet Union are
small compared with the benefits possible
through real neutrality.
By mortgaging Egypt's cotton crop for sev-
eral years, Nasser obtained arms and some oth-
er commodities from the Communist bloc. He
snatched the Suez Canal with its 100-million-
dollar annual income. But it hasn't been
.Mt3r~piJgZtrt- ily

enough to offset his loss of commercial rela-
tions with the West.
IS PROMISES of a revolution in Egypt,
pulling the people out of the mire of sub-
standard living, have played second fiddle to
his maneuvers for leadership of a united Araby.
The Soviet Union has agreed to let him have
a large sum, perhaps 200 million dollars, for
industrialization. But it isn't enough. He needs
help and trade from the West.
To get it, he must rehabilitate himself as a
good business risk.
To do so, Nasser is about to resume nego-
tiations with the old Suez Canal Co., chartered
by France and largely financed by Britain,
Egypt's traditionally best customers. If he
makes a decent offer of compensation for its
seizure, they and the United States are pre-
paring to help him pay by unfreezing the as-
sets they sequestered largely for that purpose.
Nasser will then want to borrow and make
new trade agreements.

WE HEARD an exciting rumor
the other day that the Dra-
matic Arts Center is trying to re-
activate itself on campus. There
may or may not be truth in it, but,
however spurious the rumor, the
prospect is good to think about. A
return of the DAC has long been
desired by many. We could use
its like again.
The rise and fall of the DAC, in
retrospect, would seem to be a
pattern of self-activation and self-
liquidation. It came from nowhere,
rose to the top and then vanished
almost as suddenly as it began.
DAC began in 1954, billing itself
as "Ann Arbor's New Resident
Professional Theatre." Professional
it was, with such stalwarts as
Ralph Drischell, Irma Hurley and
Joe Gistirak, who doubled as direc-
tor, bringing to Ann Arbor a thea-
tre that had high ideals as well as
commercial wants.
* * *
ITS AIM was to present plays
covering a variety of theatrical
periods; plays which might not
have a commercial chance in New
York, because of their concern
with thought and intelligence.
Staging its nroductions in the

play which, for all its virtues, is
nobody's idea of a sure-fire box
office smash. This is a college
town, however, and that made the
difference. The crowds started to
come. The show was talked about.
The DAC instituted forums and
discussions on the work after the
final curtain.
The year ended with a memor-
able production of Sartre's "No
Exit" which we would be glad to
see again. By this time the DAC
was finding out that good plays
drew good audiences.
* *
THE NEXT season was the best
it had and the best Ann Arbor had
seen in quite some time. A fast-
paced, droll production of Anou-
ilh's "Thieves Carnival," an hys-
terical romp with Moliere's "The
Physician In Spite of Himself," a
fine "Pygmalion," an almost-fine
production of "The Sea Gull," a
bristling "Hedda Gabler," and a
brilliant, moving production of
Fry's "A Sleep of Prisoners" (the
best DAC production we've ever
seen) were among that year's of-
The campus responded. We re-
member being turned away at the

But something odd and, it now
seems, quite foolish happened. The
next school year, with a solid repu-
tation behind it, the DAC an-
nounced a repertory that included
some of the most dismal plays of
all time. A loser called "Captain
Carvello," which Katherine Cor-
nell had flopped with in Boston,
opened the season. An unknown
horror called "Inheritors" by Su-
san Glaspell was on the bill, and
also proved awful. A nice, but
over-long comedy called "Topaze"
by Pagnol was done. Strindberg's
"The Father" had a too noisy pro-
duction, while "Medea" had too
many ups and downs.
The crowds dropped off. The
DAC began to lose money. At the
end of the year it announced its
demise. Many were sad to see it
go, but some of the same sym-
pathizers, were more than dis-
gruntled with that year's fatal
* * *
elsewhere. Irma Hurley, for in-
stance, appeared on Broadway in
"Eugenia" not too long ago. Sid-
ney Walker. garnered good notices
for his portrayal in the title role


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