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February 08, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-08

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"Bon Voyage!"

Sixty-Eighth Yearj
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICA. * Phone NO 2-3 241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. *

To The Editor
Rebuttal . .
To the Editor:
"AMERICAN STUDENTS lack interest in anything not concerned
with their own welfare." This critique of the American student was
offered by a group of foreign students (Daily, Jalm. 12). May I ask
what is wrong with that?
The thing wrong is that the foreign student never has, does not
Iow, and never will understand the American student-mainly because
his conjectures are based in an entirely different frame of reference.
The average American student knows exactly how he must perform
in our economy. He doesn't have to "seek out fuller information," he
has the results of a free enterprise, quaisicapitalistic economy displayed


And the Baghdad Pact
LAST WEEK the cherished dream of Arab ference with King Saud of Saudi Arabia and
statesmen for many years-a united land King Faisal of Iraq, with the possible purpose
sprawling from the Atlantic to the Persian of forming a second, balancing alliance. They
Gulf-became something more than embryonic. have a definite cause for worry because Nasser
It still appeared far, far from maturity but at is probably the most magnetic person in the
least it had come alive. Egypt's President Gamel area and has a tremendous influence over the
Abdel Nasser, the world's foremost Arab Na- masses in every country, even more perhaps,
tionalist, and President Shukri al-Kuwatly of than some of -the rulers. On the other hand,
Syria signed a historic document merging their and this seems more likely, Nasser may attempt
two nations and inviting all other Arab coun- an internal coup in Jordan, in order to seize
tries to join the alliance knownas the United the land and unify his country.
Arab Republic (Yemen did so promptly). At the same time tiny Israel, long surrounded
Although the Middle Eastern dust has yet by her divided Arab enemies, faces' a new peril.
to settle and afford observers a perfectly clear If Nasser is successful in enveloping the "Jor-
view of the situation, and although the plan danian Corridor," the undermanned Israelis
must be ratified by a Feb. 21 plebiscite in both will be confronted by the dangerous presence
states, several significant consequences have of a unitgii Arab army, both at its doorstep
made themselves evident: and its backyard.
1) Nasser has thrown Egyptian sand into
the Communist machine, seriously damaging THE UNITED STATES policy, in view of the
its operating power. Since the Czarist regimes, situation, should be one of .decisiveness. This
Russia has struggled for strength in the Middle means withdrawing all obligations to the
East. The Kremlin, particularly in recent times, Baghdad Pact. The pact, a Dullesian scheme
has spent vast amounts of money and time in to check Red imperialism with a "Northern
trying to gain a foothold. They were becoming Tier" composed of Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Paki-
extremely powerful in Syria of late and could stan with Britain as an adviser, was instigated
possibly have engineered a coup-had not in ,1955. The United States delayed becoming
Nasser stepped in. Although he has negotiated an official member, fearing increased compli-
more than one pro-Soviet deal, the Egyptian cations in Arab dealings. However, they joined
president has dealt harshly with the Reds the organization's military, economic and poli-
when the game of power politics has not been tical committees while at the same time condi-
to his own advantage. tionally agreeing to fight Red aggression in
in his own country, he has imprisoned and the Middle East (the Eisenhower Doctrine).
suppressed party members. With Nasser as head Without American aid the treaty would collapse.
of the new republic, the communists can hardly To the Arabs, especially Nasser, the pact is
expect any favors in Syria, and Russia does very distasteful. They have often denounced
not appear to have real influence in any other it as "Western colonialism." Iraq, the only Arab
major Arab territory. member, and incidentally the only pro-western
Arab land, may drop out of and perhaps destroy
HOWEVER, the West doesn't stand to benefit the alliance by merging with Jordan and Saudi
from the pact either. Nasser's doctrine of Arabia. The pact suffers from indecisiveness. It
"positive neutralism" is practically anti-West- is a loosely worded agreement and nowhere
ern. Actually, the only group to gain from are the members actually committed to fight
the merger is the Arab nationalists themselves, communism. It was shown to be ineffective
who are trying to shed foreign influences. when the Reds hopped over the "tier" and
2) The United Arab Republic faces several made important deals with Egypt, Syria and
critical problems. Egypt and Syria share both Yemen.
* common language and religion (Islam). There Cutting all our Baghdad strings would not
the similarity trails off. First, the state of only ease the Arab feeling of distrust, but if
Jordan forms a'large geographical gap between we felt it necessary to retain a finger in the
the lands. Undoubtedly Nasser hopes to close pot, clear, strong defense pacts could be nego-
this schism someday but. at the present time tiated with Turkey and Iran. These would pro-
it prevents, or at least inhibits, a proper mixing vide for definite defense against any communist
of the peoples who differ greatly both racially aggression imperiling those nations. There is
and environmentally. The second problem lies little reason to think, however, that the Rus-
in adjusting the economies of the two coun- sians will be threatening the Middle East in
tries to the same level. Syrians have a higher the near future. Nasser and other Arab states-
standard of living than the Egyptians and men will see to that. At the same time, it would
could be displeased at the notion of losing this be wise to emphasize our policy of maintaning
superiority. There also are capital shortages the integrity of Israel. This would let Nasser
in both economies. Thirdly, the problem of know that we approve of his Pan-Arabism, but
forming a single political party (called the at the same time do not feel it necessary for
"National Union") presents itself. Nasser will him to crush the Israelis.
law down the laws but will left-wing Syrian The Baghdad Pact has done nothing but
politicians be willing to throw out their philoso- illustrate the limpidness of our foreign policy.
phies? Also it is debatable whether both coun- By renouncing it and welcoming (with the Is-
tries will wish to be represented by a lone raeli condition) the United Arab.Republic, the
vote in the United Nations. United States would finally be taking a firm
3) The remainder of the Middle East will stand against the specter of communism, some-
probably be the scene of new political action. thing that has been wanting since 1952.
King Hussein of Jordan has called for a con- -THOMAS HAYDEN
ey Breaking the Stalemate


Jordan's Position Precarious

IN DAMASCUS last September,
the Syrian Chief of Staff, Gen.
Afif Bizri, gave me a prediction
which I didn't quite believe. He
predicted that Syria and Egypt
would unite.
General Bizri is a rather young,
blunt-spoken army officer who
seemed to revere all things Rus-
sian but claimed he wasn't wor-
ried about Syria becoming com-
munist. After telling me to take
careful notes, he also predicted
that within a few weeks the Syri-
an and Egyptian armies would
unite under one command.
This took place a month later,
in October. And this month, Feb.
ruary, General Bizri's second pre-
diction of Egyptian-Syrian unity
was announced in Damascus and
* * *
THIS POSES some dangerous
problems to the peace of the Near
East. It poses a danger first, to
Lebanon, a half-Christian, half-
Arab nation which already has
friction with Syria and doesn't
want to be engulfed; second, to
Israel, which faces Russian-armed
Syrian and Egyptian armies on
two borders.
But most immediately, it will
present a grave problem to the
precarious kingdom of Jordan,
which bears the same relation to
Egypt and Syria that a slice of
ham does to two pieces of bread.
It has to be swallowed to have a
In order to unite effectively,
Egypt and Syria have got to have
common borders ,and taking over
Jordan will be the first step in
that direction. Israel will be next.
Jordan is a vast expanse of
desert containing a few historical
cities such as old Jerusalem, Beth-

lehem, where Christ was born, and
Jericho, whose walls have never
been rebuilt; but also containing a
population of almost 1,000,000
Palestinians, who don't like little
King Hussein, plus about half a
million Bedouins who do.
If Egypt and Syria swallow Jor-
dan, as they are almost certain
to try to do within the next nine
months, then the new Arab com-
bine will almost be united --
though not quite. Only the Gulf
of Aqaba, the Israeli city of Elath,
and the Negev Desert of Israel
will separate them.
* * *
DISTANCE is so short in the
Holy Land and the two united
Arab countries will be so close to-
gether that Israel cannot possibly
let them get that close - especial-
ly with Russian arms of the most
modern type pouring into both
Egypt and Syria. So, if Jordan is
threatened Israel would be almost
certain to act.
The Near East, therefore, long
the most dangerous spot in the
world, becomes even more danger-
AS A MEASURE of the desperate
nature of its famine, Com-
munist China has instituted a
form of repression unusual even
in the Communist world: Chinese
citizens must now have a passport
to travel within their own country.
Designed to keep disgruntled
peasants and "forced farmers"
from flocking to the cities, the
law automatically enslaves the
rural population of China.
-National Review

ous with the new unity between
Egypt and Syria.
Richard Nixon, who has toured
most of the world since becoming
Vice-President, has now offered
to go to Moscow.
His plan as outlined at the
White House and State Depart-
ment would be to fly to Russia
this spring and talk with Nikita
Khrushchev in a general explora-
tory manner regarding a "sum-
mit" conference. The Nixon plan
would be to test out Russian sin-
cerity and see how far they would
be willing to go.
Instead of the ambassadorial
negotiations which John Foster
Dulles has proposed, Nixon would
conduct the exploration himself.
Then if Khrushchev indicated he
was really ready to smooth out the
snarled kinks in American-
Russian relations and end the cold
war, Nixon would recommend that
a summit conference be held fair-
ly soon.
* * * -
STATE Department advisers
are a bit skeptical over Nixon's
dramatic gesture. They feel that
as smart as the Vice-President is,
he may be no match for the tough,
sharp-trading Khrushchev. They
also remember that Nixon took a
valiant stab at getting dictator
Somosa of Nicaragua together
with President Figueres of Costa
Rica, but failed.
However, the Vice-President
seems to be dead serious and is
anxious to go ahead. He was ap-
parently impressed by the visit of
Soviet Ambassador Georgi Zarou-
bin, who went out of his way to
call on Nixon at Capitol Hill be-
fore he left for Moscow.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

around him. His political views
are "black and white." Good! This
means time saved by not futilely
arguing politics,
"American students unwilling to
identify themselves as students
with students in other countries."
Why? Because that kind of giddy
patriotism went out with the ra-
coon coat and student govern-
The rest of the article can be
answered simply. The American
student is no longer wasting his
time by flying banners, leading
crusades or carrying crosses for all
mankind. He is seriously interested
in his own welfare and advance-
ments and is definitely self-as-
He is, finally, a firm believer in
the truism that a straight road
will take you someplace faster
than exploring every detour and
-Don Conlan, '58BAd
For Science . .
To the Editor:
I DON'T believe I had any objec-
tions to my name or the fact
that it starts with an "O". As a
matter of : fact, I even liked it
This is not so any more since I
enrolled in the University. Why?
Simplybecause of the registra-
tion schedule.
Whenever it is time for me to
register, and I hand in the class
card to a departmental represen-
tative, he informs me, rather sad-
ly, that the section I want is al-
ready closed up.
Persuasion would not help at
all. He is usually adamant as a
rock, and would not be cajoled
even by a big smile. As a result,
!I land in 8 o'clock, afternoon and
Saturday classes.
No wonder that I am almost
willing to trade my name for such
names- as Sendc, Thomg, or even
Willj. They happen to register the
first day.
We are all living in an era when
science cannot be }rushed off any
more. Should not the registration
schedule be arranged scientifically
for a change?
-Aluf Orell, Grad
Demoralized* *
To the Editor:
T HE ONLY good thing that can
be said about the parking situ-
ation in Ann Arbor is that tickets
are cheap. Commuters like my-
self are demoralized to find the
campus peppered with two hour
parking meters (which should be
only a nickel, anyway) and load-
ed down with two and four hour
parking zones.
'Of course there should be some
short-range parking, but many of
us, I am sure, have to do some li-
brary or lab work while we are in
Ann Arbor, so that a two-hour
spot ten minutes from campus is
strictly no good.
I hate to have policemen paint
my tires yellow. Isn't there some
law against such defacement? Ann
Arbor is a fine town for walking,
but Pontiac, Detroit and Jackson
are rather beyond walking dis-
-Graduate Student
(Name Withheld)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no editori-
al responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 pm. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Correction: Applications for Phoenix
Project Research Grants should be filed
in the Phoenix Research Office, 118
Rackham Building on Mon., Feb. 10 not
Feb. 19 as previously listed.
Disciplinary Action in cases of stu-
dent misconduct: At meetings held on
Dec. 18, 19 and Jan. 8, cases involving
21 students were heard by the Joint
Judiciary council. In all cases the ac-
tionewas approved by the Sub-Com-
mittee on Discipline.
1. violation of the University driving
(a) For failing to register his auto-
mobile, one student was fined $40.00
with $20.00 suspended; one student
was fined $35.00 with $10.00 suspend-
ed; one student was fined $3000 wit~
$15.00 suspended; one student fined
$25.00;tone student fined $10.00; one
student fined $25.00 with $10.00 sus-
pended; two students fined $25.00
with $15.00 suspended; one student
given a written warning and one stu-
dent given a verbal warning.
(b) One student fined $30.00 for
failure to register his automobile and
$15.00 for a second violation of dry-
ing an unregistered automobie.
(c) For driving an automobile with-
out authorization, two studentswere
fined $35.00 with $10.00 suspended.
(d) For driving without proper
registration of an automobile, one
student was fined $25.00.
(e) During the academic year 1956-
57, for falsifying his application for
a driving permit and driving without
authorization, one student fied
$50.00 and denied a driving permit
for remainder of his undergraduate
years. For a second violation (driving
without authorization) this student
fined $75.00 with $25.00 suspended
and warned that any further viola-
tion would result in a recommenda-
tion to his school that he be sus-
pended for the remainder of the se-
mester in which he is enrolled.
2. Conduct unbecoming students in
that state laws and city ordinances re-
lating to the purchase, sale and use of
intoxicants were violated:
(a) Pleaded guilty, in Municipal
Court, to the charge of driving after
drinking. One student fined $15.00.
(b) Pleaded guilty, in Municipal
Court tolthencharge oftdriving under
the influence of intoxicants. One
student fined $40.00 with $20.00 sus-
3. Unlawful entry and malicious de-
struction of private property. Three
students fined $25.00 each and not al-
lowed to hold office or membership in
any extracurricular activity or hold of-
fice in fraternity for period of one se-
mester (effective spring 1958.)
Robert Mitchell, of Mitchell Models
Studio, St. Joseph, Mich., will present
an illustrated lecture on "Architectural
Presentation through Scale Models."
Mon. Feb. 10 at 2:00 p.m. in Architec-
ture Auditorium. Sponsored by the De-
partment of Architecture, College of
Architecture and Design.
School of Public Health Assembly and
Delta Omega Lecture by Dr. Paul Rus-
sell, scheduled for Feb. 11, have been
cancelled because of illness t the
Academic Notices
History 39 will meet henceforth in
2203 Angell Hall.
Students in Professor Pike's classes
in Eng. 114/Anthr. 256, Eng. 116/Anthr.
258, and Eng. 317 may pick up their
term papers in the English Dept. office,
1607 HH, Feb. 7-10. Unclaimed papers
will be removed from the office after
that date.
Department of Fine Arts: Due othe
addition of extra staff members, the
Department of Fine Arts is able to re-
open the following courses:
72A Modern European Painting, 74
American Art, 171 American Art To-
day. (This course is now open to

Placement Notices
The United States Air Force will in-
terview teachers interested in position,
in the dependents schools overseas at
the Michigan Union Feb. 19 to Feb. 23,
1958. It is necessary to have an ap-
pointment in advance for a personal
interview. For further information and
appointments contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. 469.,
Personnel Interviews:
A representative from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Bucyrus-Erie Company, South Mil-
waukee, Wisconsin - B.S. in C.E., E.E.,
I.E., or M.E. for Development, Design
Production, Sales or Manufacturing
Changes in Interviews:
The following companies have can-
celled their interview schedules at the
Bureau of Appointments for the pres-
ent time:
Eliin National Watch Company, El-





THIE EXCHANGE of letters and speeches
which is now going on between Moscow and
the Western capitals is showing, as one studies
it closely, that there is a military and political
stalemate not likely to be broken soon or easily.
In the Soviet statements there is nothing, so
far as I can see, to suggest that they think
they have, or are on the way to having, decisive
military superiority. There is much to support
the view of Mr. Allen W. Dulles that, "they
recognize that nuclear war at this time would
result in devastating damage to them."
No doubt the Soviet utterances are mostly
propaganda. But it is pacifist propaganda, and
that is not the kind which a government, in-
tending to make war, would dare to use among
its own people. The Soviet talk about peace is
meant, of course, to soften up the West. But
unlike Hitler's propaganda, for example, it is
not designed to toughen up the people at home,
Quite the contrary. It is the kind of propaganda
that must soften them up too.
The overall effect of the talking war is to
support the conclusion that there is a stalemate
arising from a balance of terror.
ENMESHED in the military stalemate there
is a political stalemate. It isat once accurate
and significant, I. believe, to say that each
side wants the other sicde to go home, that
each side wants disengagement by the other
side without disengagement for itself. Funda-
mentally, what the West wants is that the
Russians and their Chinese allies should go
home and renounce their present spheres of
influence. What Moscow wants is that the
Americans should go home, renouncing their
sphere of influence from Japan and Okinawa
to the frnntier of We tGermanv.

Germany and the liberation of Eastern Europe;
these objectives are to be achieved by the with-
drawal of the Red forces to the Soviet Union
while the NATO forces remain where they are.
No serious person can believe that this is a
negotiating position. It is in fact a policy of
stalemate in a divided and occupied Europe.
The Soviet position is the same as ours-only
in reverse. They want us to evacuate our armies
and dismantle our foreign bases throughout
the world while they retain their dominance in
Eastern Germany and Eastern Europe. This,
obviously enough, is also a policy of stalemate,
and not in any sense a policy of negotiation.
THE QUESTION, then, is why each side has a
policy that is not negotiable. The answer is
that both sides prefer the existing stalemate
to the alternative, which would be mutual
A reading of Khrushchev's recent speech at
Minsk, and of many passages in the Bulganin
letters, makes it plain that Moscow is very
anxious indeed about the satellite empire, and
profoundly concerned to keep a grip on it. The
satellite empire might very well blow up if
the Red Army were withdrawn.
On our side of the iron curtain, there is a,
corresponding anxiety that if the continent
were evacuated by the Russians and by our-
selves, the NATO Alliance would soon disin-
tegrate. For that reason, the official view is
better the Red Army on the Elbe than the
American Army out of Europe.
There is, on both sides, the unspoken belief
that the threat and pressure of the other side
is necessary to the morale of its own side.
In this stalemate both alliances are captives,

A Look Behind the Iron Curtain in Germany

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Robert Krohn is
one of two students currently study-
ing at the Free University of Berlin as
exchange students from Michigan. Ole
Sorenson, from the Berlin University,
is on campus this year through the
BECAUSE I AM living in Berlin
as the recipient of the Free
University of Berlin Exchange
Scholarship, I have had the op-
portunity many times this year to
look behind the "iron curtain"
which divides Berlin.
The Soviet sector of the city is
very easy to reach by subway. As
one leaves the western part, a-
voice over the loudspeaker an-
nounces, "Last station in the West
* * *
TWO MINUTES later. one is in
the so-called "Democratic Sector"
of Berlin, where even a cup of
coffee or a glass of beer cannot be
bought without showing identifi-
cation, which in the case of Amer-
icansis a passport.
Here, Western newspapers are
officially designated as "Hate
Papers" and their importation
subjects East Berliners to a jail

dom;" "Fight against the West
German and NATO militarists-"
"A brotherly greeting to all who
fight for Peace, Democracy and
Socialism;" "Give all your effort
for a second successful Five Year
Plan;" "The German-Soviet
friendship lives;" and "On1 y
through Socialism is a Sputnik
possible," to quote just a few.
* * *
B E S I D E S the overwhelming
number of signs, there are many
other striking differences between
East and West Berlin. The central
part of the Soviet Sector is still a
mass of ruins, whereas in the
West, nearly , everything is built
Even main streets look dark and
gloomy, the stores are sometimes
cold, and the people are often not
as well-dressed.
The one street in the East which
has been completely rebuilt is
Stalin Allee, a boulevard of shops,
restaurants and apartments. At
first glance, it does not seem to
be new; the builder used a Mos-
cow - type architecture w h i c h
makes the street look about twenty
years old.
C 4 1 - A l... . . . , e. i'., .,..

The East Sector, however, is not
completely without life and gaity.
There are little cafes and night
clubs where people drink, dance,
and enjoy themselves. The theater
and the opera in the East are
quite good, and just about on par
with the West.
THE PEOPLE themselves - the
storekeepers, booksellers, waiters--
are not much different from the
people in the western part of the
city. If one gets a chance to know
them, he finds that they have the
same temperment and Berliner
Until they are sure of a person,
they are sometimes a bit reserved.
They never know when there
might be a "Spitzel" in the crowd,
an informer who would report
them for selling to Westerners, or
for selling an article without ask-
ing for identification.
The p e o p 1 e, understandably,
have a fear of the authorities.
Once while I was in a small shop
buying some wood carvings to
take back to the United States, a
People's Policeman came to the

Marks into West Marks for bus
and streetcar fares.
During the subsequent conver-
sation, however, I discovered that
they were not from East Berlin,
but rather from Leipzig, which is
in the Soviet Zone. They were
both former students at the Uni-
versity there and had left Leip-
zig two days before and come via
East Berlin to the West.
At the moment they were living
in the big refugee camp in Berlin-
* Marienfelde while waiting to be
flown out to West Germany. When
they found out that I was an
American, they were full of ques-
tions about the United States.
* * *
I WAS a little surprised when
they asked me if my father was
a worker. "A worker? Yeah, he is."
They now 'had more proof that
most of the propaganda they had
heard was not much more than
lies. In Leipzig they were told
that in America, only the children
of capitalists could study at the
I realized that they might never
be able to see their parents again
honi.,,c S ne.nnn o an,. 4* i .., a.



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