"Brother, Let Me Tell You About Tortoises" Srhw Stri an BauiI Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF-MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT ,PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 4Q, )pinions Are Free Will Prevail" ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, APRIL 15, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID TARR ViveT las Ideas w raVe in the Of emoerae' ors the'Amer1cas g/4 * C L U.S. 'HOTTEST' NATION: Radioactive Fallout- Invisible, Ever-Present By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE Associated Press science Reporter NEW YORK ()-Invisibly, it drifts from the skies. A bit is falling now. Some fell yesterday; more will come tomorrow. You cannot see it, feel it, hear it, nor taste it. It is radioactive, mysterious. It frightens, confuses, agitates millions of people the world over. This is fallout, the radioactive rain from tests of A-bombs and H-bombs. The United States has collected more of it than most any other country-we are the "hottest" nation, says Dr. Willard F. Libby, an atomic energy commissioner. But he and others quickly add that this doesn't mean much-that J THEN ONE returns from observing the Cu- ban situation the most serious and fre- ently asked question posed by the curious is: ho should we root for? Our answers are: >ot against Batista; root with caution for ,stro; and root hopefully that liberal and n-radical church and middleclass elements- led by United States encouragement - even- ally are freely elected to political power. Batista is .a tyrant, a crook, a murderer. He egally seized power in 1952, fearing the re- lts of a free election, and has ruled with 11- ality and brutality ever since. He cannot be isted to tolerate a truly free election in No- rnber, as promised, for his record reveals he n stomach nothing inimicable to his inter- s. And how can an election be called free ien the political sentiments in favor of Fl- 1 Castro can find no expression in the fraud? e is a tyrant, also, because, with the back- g of his army and police, he- has in Hitlerite Shion usurped powers and rights reserved : the legislative or the people. We found it rious that in a government which is in theory far from communism as possible, this re- tionary regime has come almost full-circle th its army, secret police, press censorship, ws iron curtain, and brutal slaying of dis- nters. It was distressing to see such a won- rful people, living so near United States ores, suffering the fear of tyranny. Batista is a crook who tolerates, directs and courages wholesale corruption and immorali- The extent of government-supervised pros- ution is appalling. Gambling and other vices r tliefting the tourists' dollars are out of ntrol. And, while Batista may brag of his .ghty and showy works, Cuban prosperity has mne in spite, and not because of, him. A Cu- n businessman reported to us that by the ne, Batista has fed the many hands that pport him, $2,000,000 highway projects cost uble that much, and so it goes in all spheres governent activity. Batista is a murderer, as many Cubans can 1 you in the safety of their homes or here the University. A Cuban University student is the story of the cold-blooded machine nning of three of his former colleagues at ivana University. People in Santiago can tell driving to work in the morning and finding ad bodies - again, many of them youth.- ewn there during the night by the govern- ent after * night of Gestapo-like investi. Now, Castro raised some doubts in our minds as to his ultimate ambitions. But we are convinced that he is not now sympathetic to communism or socialism, and that he does not covet a dictatorship.. If such were his inten- tions he could not command the widespread, though silent for the moment, support which he does. In short, he is a liberal willing to give his very life to wrest his country from the fear and tyranny of a dictator. He is worth taking a chance on, and we believe the chances are good that his victory will not bring bad re- sults - even if Castro wishes it. But Castro cannot now win a military vic- ory. In fact the military strength which the government has shown of late has also cramped plans for non-military efforts to bring the fall of Batista. And Batista will not step down and forfeit his power, a move which would' both make most Cubans happy and save much. bloodletting. This is indeed a, dim picture for there ;seems no hope, but to look for con- tinued days and months of suffering.- We would propose one move on the part of the United States, Which was suggested to us by an enlightened Cuban in Santiago and which has surprising support among the Cu- ban people. This is that the United States, in the name of our long-time concern for theCu- ban people and in the name of American re- publicanism, intervene at first diploMatically and if necessary politically and militarily to bring an end to the costly and fr'uitless civil war and provide for rea';7 free and contested elections.6 To date our government has tolerated and aided militarily the Batista dictatorship. In the last two years we have sold him 4,500 carbines, 1,300 rockets, twenty armored cars, seven tanks, and more than $300,000 worth of bombs, while arresting a rebel group on a question- able charge of violating our territorial waters. * Our first move could be to take advantage of a provision in the Rio Pact of the American states which provides for discussion of issues between members, though it must be admit- ted that this is largely an issue of "domestic jurisdiction" in the strict sense. There is an inevitability that liberal ideas will someday- and recent events in Venezuela and elsewhere give indication that this movement is hasten-. ing - triumph throughout America, and it would be of credit to the United States to be in the vanguard of this tide of democratic ways. -JAMES ELSMAN, JR. BARTON HUTHWAITE ' r r. j « . " ' _ ti -r >f, ,.. r{ ". 'e i ,_ E . .: - ' r ti ar. ,. .. -.. r, 'C . t .. 'k. - e9s8 tiiw$$ t ..-r Pese co. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: ' g E EA..& . Probed By DREW PEARSON1 TODAY AND TOMORROW- North A frica Nettle WASHINGTON -- Congressman Manny Celler of Brooklyn has been conducting a probe of the "untouchable" of the utility world" which affects every taxpayer and telephone user in the nation. The "untouchable" is- the American Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany, which, with assets of nearly sixteen billions, is ten times big- ger than the next biggest utility, Pacific Gas and Electric. American Tel and Tel not only dominates the supplying of phone service to the nation, but also has been charged with conducting a patent monopoly through its gi- ant, wholly-owned subsidiary, Western Electric. It has also received more gov- ernment contracts than any other company except General Motors and Boeing Aircraft. ~* * MOST INTERESTING aspect of the Celler investigation is the manner in which top government officials became the virtual at- torneys for the telephone com- pany and how the phone company placed its men in key jobs inside government. A total of 35 A. T. & T. officials, have served inside the Defense Department alone during the Eisenhower Administration. Some have been in and out of government like shuttlecocks, but as of today, 14 A. T. & T. officials are still in the Defense Depart- ment, ranging from Deputy Sec- retary of Defense Donald Quarles down. This does not include the A. T. & T. officials scattered through other branches of the Adminis- tration. While these officials have been working inside government, here are some of the transactions that have taken place involving their company: 1) The Defense Department has been selling off its telephone sys- tems at military posts to A. T. & T. affiliates. 2) The Interior Department has sold various national park phones to A. T. & T. affiliates. * * * ACTUALLY, the backstage ma- neuvers to drop the big antitrust case against A. T. & T. and West- ern Electric began during the Tru- man Administration. Truman's Justice Department had brought the antitrust case in 1949. But in the spring of 1952, the last year of Truman, the phone company began to get worried about 'going to trial. They began to realize that Graham Morison, the tough little head of the Justice Department's Antitrust Division, really meant business. So A. T. & T. officials ap- proached Charles A. Coolidge, a Republican serving in the Defense Department under Truman, to try to get the trial postponed. Coolidge prepared a letter which was 'signed by Secretary of De- fense Robert Lovett, another Re- publican serving under Truman, and Lovett 'sent the letter to the Justice Department asking it to go easy on A. T. & T. because five officials of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, including the pres- ent Deputy Secretary of Defense, Donald Quarles, were working at the Sandia Atomic Energy Labor- atory in New Mexico. Assistant Attorney General Morison replied: "That's the same baloney every big business firm brings in when they get in a tight place. The A. T. & T. antitrust case won't disturb Bell labora- tories in the slightest." He flatly refused to postpone or comprom- ise the case. A few months later, Morison and the Truman Administration went out and Attorney General Brownell came in. Immediately, the same thing happened. This time Dr. Mervin J. Kelly, presi- dent of Bell Laboratories, who was working inside the Pentagon, appealed to Secretary of Defense Charlie Wilson and Deputy Sec- retary Roger Kyes to drop the antitrust case. Wilson immediately wrote a strong letter to Brownell describ- ing the antitrust suit as a "po- tential hazard to national securi- ty" and asked him to see how this "can be removed or alleviated." * * * UP UNTIL this time the strate- gy of the. giant phone combine was either to delay going to trial or get a compromise. In fact, up until Jan. 19, 1953, the day the Truman Administration went out of office, T. Brooke Price, vice- president and general counsel, was only asking for delay. But after Charlie Wilson had written his letter to Brownell, Price and the phone moguls wouldn't even -listen to delay. They wanted outright dismissal of the case. On June . ' 1953, six months after Eisenhower came into office, Price was so sure of outright dismissal that he had At- torney General Brownell almost pleading with him to agree to a consent decree. (Copyright 1958 by Bel Syndicate, Inc.) fallout is adding only a tiny bit to mother and her grandfather-all your ancestors-have always lived with. Fallout is at the heart of one of the great urgent issues of our day - whether to continue testing these awful weapons. It involves military, scientific, emotional, poli- tical, humanitarian questions and arguments. IS FALLOUT dooming thousands of future babies to monstrous de- formity, death or illness? Is it- right now-giving some of us can- cer, or stealing away days or years of our lives? The questions nag. Experts dis- agree. Their answers add to our puzzlement. But there are some points, some perspectives, to help in under- standing the problems and the issues of fallout. One is that fallout is a very old thing, indeed. Nature has always been sprinkling us with a radio- active rain. That rain made you and all your ancestors radioactive. Every minute some 500,000 radioactive atoms explode inside your body, giving off beta rays (electrons.) And there's absolutely nothing you could ever do about it. Atomic bullets known as cosmic rays hurtle in from space. About 1,000 smash and rip through you every minute. * * * THESE COSMIC rays also create radioactive carbon high up in our atmosphere. The radio-carbon drifts down, and becomes tart of the carbon chemicals in wheat and corn and pigs and people-all living things. More than 2,000 radio-carbon atoms disintegrate in your body every second. So do some 5,400 atoms of radioactive potassium, which was formed when the earth began and since then became part of food and people. In one pound of steak, 2,000 radioactive atoms of carbon and' potassium explode every minute. Plants take up some of these "hot" atoms, and we eat them. They get mixed up into concrete and bricks. Live in a brick house, or work in a cement building, and you get a good deal more X-ray radiation than if you lived or worked in a wooden building. All this is normal or background radiation.' -* * * DON'T PANIC. It's really quite small. It all amounts to only about 41/2 roentgens in 30 years of living. That's"equal to about 100 chest X-rays taken by a very efficient X-ray machine, or equal to one X-ray for study of the spine, an AEC scientist estimates. Does this radiation hurt you? Does it doom some unborn babies? Beyond any doubt, yes, it does, say most or all genetiists. This normal radiation also prob- ably makes us age faster than if there were not radiation' at all. It may cause some cancers and other illlness. But we've been living with this natural radiation all our lives without any fear about it. Partly because we didn't % know much about it until recently. Partly be- cause we can't do anything to stop it, anyhow. * * * FEAR WAS really born when A-bombs burst over Japan. These bombs killed by blast and fire, as did ordinary bombs, but with a horrible efficiency. And they added a new and unknown terror-death and' sickness from this stranger called radioactivity, One thing about this new xadio- activity-it is made by man; it can be stopped by man. The really critical question is .how much radioactivity it is giv- ing us, and what this is doing to us, or may do. Push Up UNEXPECTED thunder from the pages of London's Sunday Ex- press rattled breakfast teacups all over England recently. For the first time since May 1956, Lord Beaverbrook, proprieter of The Express but recently in Qanada and the West Indies, spoke his mind in a prominent, signed edi- torial. Impatient with official Ameri- can objections to a summit con- ference, Beaverbrook wanted Brit- ish Prime Minister Macmillan to BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) if. Location of work - State of Calif- ornia which includes 604 branches serving over 350 cities and towns. Over- seas Branches - London,. Manila Tokyo, Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Bang. kok, Guam. Bank of America (Inter- national) - New York, Dusseldorf, Singapore, Paris, Beirut, and Guate- mala. Representative Offices - New York, washington, D.C., Mexico City, Milan, Paris, Zurich, New Delhi, Ha- vana, Rio De Janeiro, and Beirut. Men with B.A. in Liberal Art especay Economics, B.B.A. for 1) Commercial, 2) Trust, and 3) Internationae1 Training Programs. 4The method of. training' i formalized on-the-job in their branch- es and administrative departments un- der the supervision of the Staff Train- ing -Section of 'their Personnel Rea- tions Department. The length of such formal training is two years, with an additional three years of planned ex- perience under the direction of the Staff Training Section. Their programs are designed to acquaint the trainee with the broad general field of branch banking before any specialization Is at- tempted. 'Opportunities lead toward Lending, Branch Operations, Trst, In- ternational Banking, Methods, Ac- counting, Personnel Relations, Apprais- al and other fields. At the conculaol of training, the trainee is assigned to a position at officer level in their Lank. Thurs., April 17 Employers Mutuals of Wausau, Wau- a u, Wisc. Location of work = Wausa, Wisc. 1) Men with B.A. In Liberal Arts,. or B.B.A. for Underwriting Trainees. Men will spend from 2-6 months In a training program in Wausa then' transfer to any of their sixteen branches throughout the country. 2) Women with B.A. in Mathematics; B.B.A. with Accounting Major,or any degree with .an accounting -minor for Audit Department. 3) Wonen with any degree with bookkeeping or accounts receivable experience for Audit Depart. ment. Trans World Airlines, Kansas City, Mo. Location of Principal Terminal- Los Angeles, Calif.; La Guardia Field, 'N.Y.; Chicago, Ill.; and Kansas City, Mo. Women with any degree for Host- esses. Qualifications: Age: 20-27. Height: 5'2" to 5'S". Weight: 100 to 135 pounds in proportion to height. Complexion: Clear. vision: 20/100 or better in each eye without :glasses and 20/20 in each eye with glasses. Must be single but divorcees adn widows accepted with- out children. Girls may remain with TWA after they, are married..:; For appointments, contact the, u- reau of Appointments, 3528 Admn. Bldg., ext. 337I.~ Representatives from the following will be at the College of Engineering: Wed., April 16 City of Dearborn, Dearborn, Mich.- B. S. and M.S. In C. for Design and occasional field assignment. Must be a U.S. citizen and men only. Thurs., April 17 Bay County Equalization Commissio , gay City,"Mich. - Summer only - Ta survey. Sophs or Jrs. in C.E. or any other engineering program. Must be a U.S. citizen and a non-resident of Bay County.', Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Atomic Power Division, Pittsburgh, Pa. -M.S. or Ph.D. in Ch.E. or Nuclear for Research, Development, and Design. General Electrdc Company, Pittsfield, Mass. - Ph.D. in A.E., E.E., IE., ME., Ch.E., E. Mech.,Met., Nay. & Mar., and Nuc. for Rsearch, Development, Design and Production. Fri., April 18 Westinghouse Electic Corporation5 Pittsburgh, Pa. - Dbetoral Program. Ph.D. candidates who have a B.. or M.S. degree in Met., Physics or Mathe- matics. Must have an interest in atom. Ic power. Must be a U.S. citizen ane rank in the upper ten per cent oftheir graduating class. Personnel Ilequests: U.S. Department of Commerce, bu. reau of the Census, Washington 25, D. C. has4 a program for summer sta- tistical work and training for those intereted in' acareer in therFederal government as a Statistician, Econo- mist, Sociologist or Demographer. Ap- plications must be submitted before May 1. P. . Mallory & Co., Inc., Indianapo- lis, Ind. are seeking a recent graduate or an alumnus who is interested in the internal auditing field, For a recent graudate, an accounting 'maor Is e- quired with a background in finance, and budgets. For an alumnus, must have public 'ccounting and/or intern- al auditing experience. Travel would be required about 50 percent of the time. Age: Up to 40 yrs. of age. General Telephone Company of Cali- fornia, Santa Monica, Calif. - The fo. lowing positions are open for June graduates: For Men: Management Trainee, Commercial Representative, Administrative Clerk, Engineering As sistant, Engineering. Fieldman, Xngi- neering Analyst, Management Trainee in Technical ffelds and Engineer. For Women: Service Representative, Gen- eral Qlerk and Stenographer. For further information, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., ext. 3371. Summer Placement Notices Representatives from the following camps willabe'-here interviewing for counselors this week in the Summer Placement Bureau, Room D 528, Stu- dent Activities Building. Tues., April 15 Camp Conestoga, Leonidas,. Mich. Mr. Stephen Baumann will be interviewing counselors, both men and women.. Jackson County Girl Scout Camp, Jackson, Mich. Miss Janet Hayes will be interviewing women for counseling positions. OFFICIAL t DAILY the radIoactivity which your grand- ,, By WALTER LIPPMANN rP'ERE IS AT THE MOMENT a no more thankless assignment for an American news- paperman than to put together his impressions of France in her relations with North Africa. For if he takes things as they appear to be, the conflict is irreconcilable and the problem of finding a solution is hopeless. The crucial ques- tion for a foreign observer is to decide how much he can discount of what he hears, how much he' can dare to think that there is a compulsion in events which will override opin- ions. The 'situation in its elemental form consists of a guerilla war in Algeria with which the bulk, of the French Army is involved. It is a war which almost certainly cannot be won and which in military terms will surely not be lost. The public life of metropolitan France is domi- nated, indeed obsessed, by this horrid, cruel, indecisive and interminable war. The obsession has produced a political condition in France in which no government believes it can survive if it considers a negotiated settlement. All this has reached a point where there is the gravest doubt as to whether the legal government in Paris really controls the whole of the Army or its own appointed officials dealing with Algeria in Paris and in North Africa. The political climate in North Africa, as I saw it in Tunisia, is verging on desperation. President Bourguiba, who certainly is the most moderate and the most.Western of Arab lead- ers, believes that if there is no settlement of the Algerian war in the near future, he may be overwhelmed and destroyed by the fanaticism which follows Nasser. Tunisia, having no army to speak of, is incapable of policing its long frontier with Algeria. But even if Tunisia could be neutral, it would not dare to be neutral, so great is the solidarity of the Arabs. The political climate in Paris is oppressive. It reminded me of Washington in the heyday of McCarthy, when man after man in high place would deplore the terror privately and appease it publicly. Under the French version of Mc- Carthyism anyone who disagrees publicly with the official policy as administered in Algiers has a good chance of being called a traitor. It resembles the time when to express doubt about Chiang Kai-Shek was for an American politi- cian like expressing doubt about the United States. There is, moreover, in France an admix- ture of race feeling so that a political advocate of negotiations in Algeria is rather like a white man in Little Rock advocating integra- tion in the nih1i' shnnls fact, having gotten out of 'the atmosphere of Paris, I find myself feeling-not, I think, through any congenital optimism-that events may not follow the horrid logic of the apparent. situation. For one thing, though the war cannot now be settled by a negotiated arrangement, it is "lot unlikely, I think, that in fact an arrange- ment will develop. The essence of the Algerian question is that there are two communities-- one white and European, and one dark and Moslem-living on the same land. The Euro- peans are in a minority and, with the growth of the Moslem population, will become an ever smaller minority. Yet the Europeans are the stronger and richer community, and they have powerful support fronm the French homeland., A "democratic" solution is impossible with this French community outnumbered eight to one. Therefore, it looks as if the French- will be driven to do in Algeria what was done in Ireland, in Palestine, in India-what has been done so often where there are two communities Which cannot be integrated and cannot rule themselves as one nation. There will be in fact, though perhaps not in name, a partition of Algeria with the French congregating in the coastal regions and the Moslems in the hinter- land. In all probability this will not be peace in the sense that there will be no more violence, but it may; mean a barely tolerable arrange- ment. FOR ANOTHER THING, there will appear, in fact, there is already appearing, a power- ful counteracting force to the movement for independence in the colonial countries. The North African territories, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, are not capable of economic inde- pendence. They are to an extraordinary degree integrated with and dependent upon the sub- ventions and the protective devices of the French economy. There are French interests which profit by the system. But for the French nation as a whole, the North African territories are not an asset but a heavy liability. In the modern world, moreover, the advanced states are increasingly capable of using for themselves their own capital savings. The in- centive to export capital is decreasing, and it tends to become, except in special cases like il, a matter not of profit but of benevolence and of public policy.k Parenthetically, the American capacity to absorb capital at home is the underlying reason J. 1. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Teachers-A Class Apart Q 'Explosive' .. To the Editor: LLAGREE more and better teachers we must have. How? Simple-more money, more re- spect, more prestige for the teach- ing profession. To achieve those ends, however, will not be easy; it will require new, bold, imaginative thinking. Here is an explosive, effective idea. Have Congress amend income tax laws to read, "No income tax shall be collected on any teaching salary," I can think of no other single action that would so shock our present state of vacillating do- nothingness into an acute aware- ness of what education means to- day in defense of our country. Favoritism? Of course! Isn't it about time? How else can we- so quickly demonstrate our convic- tion that todays teachers are in a class apart-shocktroops des- tined to lead us either to victory or defeat in that modern arena of conflict-the classroom. Education (as the Soviet Union has so helpfully shown us) is to- day the greatest weapon in a her scholarly efforts are marred with two errors. 1) Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, not a republic. Though Anna has gone, there is still a King of Siam. 2) Thailand was not invaded by the Japanese in World War II, Indeed, Thailand was Japan's ally. True to Siamese tradition of poli- tical expediency, the Thai ac- qiesced to Japanese demands to station troops in Thailand and to cross the country to attack Burma. Surely, Thailand would have been invaded had she not done so, but the point nevertheless remains that Japanese troops conquered neither Ceylon nor Siam. I agree that it is not too much to ask that Daily revewers keep within certain bounds of accuracy in discussing the subject matter of films under discussion, if I may be permitted a blatant redundan- cy. Perhaps it is too much to ask. of infrequent reviewers of Daily reviewer's reviews. -Peter Kessel, Grad. Irritation . . while politicians in the White House are getting the pay of the nation's citizens for exerting them- selves no more than to trouble themselves with a thousand lost, golf balls or to engage in semantic arguments with the Russians. Or to bemoan their latest tardiness in the pr'opaganda war. But while our dull president and another dull individual in Wash- ington shed tears as big as ballots over being beat by Russia's latest announcement, there is a small republic south of here where the people are delmanding that the dictatorawhoseized control by force some years ago be thrown out on his ear. There the people are rising up to demand that the control of their 'country be put into their own hands, rising up in rebellion just as an English colony did some 182 years 'ago, making world his- tory. Today the age of bigness and selfishness is epitomized by the U.S.A. And while millions in this country are running around like headless chickens. looking for the key to success in the propaganda war as well as something as re- ft A i