15, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG $ PAE Stirton Terms University Allotment 'VeryMinimal' Cubans Arrest Two Daily Reporters m"(Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) (D-Wayne) and Sens. Elmer Por- ter (R-Blissfield), Edward Hutch- inson (R-Ferndale) and George Steeh' (D-Mt. Clemens). University Vice-President Wil- lam Stirton said the unamended bill was "very seriously inade- quate" and that the present bill will still give the University "a very minimal appropriation." May Drop Research Last Tuesday, when the Univer- sity's executive officers met with the House Ways and Means Com- mittee. University President Har- lan Hatcher said the low appro- priation would force the dropping of vital research projects. One of the most important of these ,he said, was the Humapi Re- sources project. The project, he c o n t i n u e d, among other things has "conclu- sively proved" that mental retard- ation caused by congenital hy- pothyroidism can be prevented. This condition, he explained, has been found.in 36 patients in the Coldwater and Lapeer State Home and Training Schools. These patients will ultimately cost the state "approximately $4,270,- 500" for the care that must be continued the rest of their lives. President Hatcher also listed projects investigating stomach cancer, aid to dependent children and tooth traxisplantation which would have to be halted. 'Michigan's Governor G. Men-' nen Williams said the bill "muffs the chances of higher education." Rep. Engstrom placed an amendment of his own in the bill to allow colleges to keep unspent funds. Recalls Ordinance All the state-supported colleges, universities and junior colleges with the exception of* the Uni- versity and Michigan State Uni- versity are given appropriations on the basis of predicted student enrollment. If the enrollment is less than predicted ,the school must return that part of its ap- propriation. Defending his addition to the appropriations, Rep. S a 11 a d e urged the House to remember the Northwest Ordinance under which the state was established. '"I think it would be a tragic error," he said, "that education should be cut back from last year's total." we looked like suspicious Ameri- cans to the police.- Three armed men took us to the much-feared Moncodo barracks in the heart of Santiago de Cuba for an "investigation." The "investiga- tion" was to last 20 hours-incom- municado in a prison cell. Our baggage was taken, our papers and also our personal be- longings. Only our money was allowed to remain with us. After a fitful night on concrete benches, we were served a break- fast of a crusty bread and some- thing that bore a faint resem- blance to coffee. The armed guards still refused to tell us why they were keeping us. Lunch consisted of a sandy rice and a coagulated gravy sauce. They also refused to allow us to call the American counsul. We finally bribed the guards to bring us some fruit juice and candy bars from the camp canteen. Rattling the cell bars, and calling out for the commanding officer brought no reply from our guards. Finally after 12 hours in the 90 degree heat of the cell, we started to sing the "Star Spangled Ban- ner." A machinegun-bearing guard ordered us to be quiet or he would "separate us." That afternoon, the American counsul arranged for our release. Holland High Accreditation Withdrawn rn (Continued from Page 1) Since that time, Prof. Leach said, University officials have met the school superintendent and its Board of Trustees twice to discuss various aspects of the school pro- gram the group has studied. Because NCA has withdrawn ac- creditation of the school which is run by the Christian Reformed Church, University accreditation is currently on a "tentative basis," according to Prof. Leach. . The NCA withdrew accredita- tion from Holland Christian be- cause it said its educational pro- gram did not serve all its students. The school curriculum is almost exclusively academic, and there is little provision for vocational type courses such as home eco- nomics and industrial arts. Educa- tors, according to Prof. Leach, also see other educational value in these courses. Graduates of Holland Christian have compiled a high record at colleges they have attended, ac- cording to the NCA. Prof. Leach said that if the executive committee acts in the Holland case, as they have in other situations, it might grant accreditation to Holland Christian if a program could be worked out where students who wish to could be given time to attend vocational courses at Holland High School. Several national magazines have scored the NCA for. withdrawing accreditation. Prof. Leach sees the argument as "should a school be given ac- creditation when it does not have the programs which will meet the needs of all students." 'UOfficials Take Dim View Of State Bending Proposal (Continued from Page 1 ) - - a moderately dim view of the plan. be rather surprised if it got by the They believe it would not provide senators. sufficient funds for all state educa- There are no specific project tional institutions and might se- recommendations for the Univer- verely hamper future attempts to sity. in the proposal. The Legisla- get a more adequate program. ture would give approval to each However. the administrators building project undertaken. realize if this bonding plan fails, University officials have taken construction next year will be limited to continuation of projects already under way. S Oreanizato Presenit Building Limited All state building would be "Notices j limited to money appropriated in a five million dollar capital outlay bill. The University would receive Deutscher verein, meeting, April 15, the largest amount of this bill, 7:30 p.m., Union, Room 3G, Prof. Penzi, $1,175,000 for continued work on German dept. linguist, will speak. the medical science building and * * * $390,000 for a remodeling project Chess Club, meeting, April 16, 7:30 at University Hospital. p.m., Union. * * * Sallade's plan would not allow Graduate Student Council, coffee for more than $40 million in state hour 4:00 to '5:30 p.m., Rackham West educational building in any one Lounge. 1vosT~rrh dnri wnildho rnir BATISTA-Strong-arm Cuban President Fulgencio Batista adver- tises his claim of freedom in the Republic of Cuba. Campaign posters can be seen throughout the city publicizing the numerous candidates for the forthcoming November elections. 7 ,p4' 'd"' ."." rn :-.," xr."rv.° .. .. +r .,:v>5r: ""'{r<%r: {v:"'i ":".ti-: }:."; .;. v,"" .er".".".e s YFA4ra6..a +r.? :sue ' %' r :4"v i:: .r ' i ' Y.,. ;.;,.. " ",:.> ,.,.y: ;;Z,:.:f:: " " : . "-r . "x"'", a '. ' . 3a;. , ., :>: ; +:&:, , .r. .. {.. ;t k ,fe..r:$ 6a 4' 'f" 3v, '., "r..'>r:"aa ff. "> . .. isa :i,.r:.a."r:aa4' :X:Yrrra ra'. :#>.:3: ? sfr.:.rc"."r .":.w.: s "-." fc>'+ar st.aa '%i it rrec. :".±":z::4x. r 5s? «c: sa sx.. aar. 2,±^ ., ...,, ti DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 * * *" Physics Club, meeting, April 16, 7:30 p.m., 2038 Randall Lab, Speaker: Dr. Sherman, Topic: "Nuclear Models." The calendar of FUND DRIVES for 1958-59 is now being formulated. Re- quests for sponsorship of a drive sh'ould- be submitted to SGC not later than May 1. Forms are available in 2011 Student Activities Building. ** * Kappa Phi, morning matin, April 15, 7:30-7:45 a.m., Chapel, First Methodist Church. All students interested in a midweek worship service are invited. * * * - Senior Board, graduation announce- mentorders, April 15, 1612:30-4:30 p.m., First Floor of the Administration Build- ing. * * * . Political Issues Club. meeting. April 16, 8:00 p.m.. Union, Room 3B, Round table on state of American Economy. Speakers: Prof. Musgrave, Giese and Broferbrener. 3-Hop petitions available for 1960 J- Hop at J-Hop office, 2534 S.A.B., 3 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Apr. 15-21. Year. -ie on wouU e repa from state tax revenues. Republicans in the Legislatuie have tended to favor a bonding program that would require voter approval to one needing only House and Senate okay. One pf Many Plans GOP floor leader Allison Gree of Kingston said, "This is a good way ' to find the sentiment of the people on construction or taxation." The Sallade plan is the only sur- viving member of a host of bond- ing programs put before the Legis- lature this session to help pull the state out of a financial hole. Gov. G. Mennen Williams' $114 million revenue bond program never got off the ground in the Republican dominated Legislature. The Senate passed, but the House rejected, a $50 million revenue bond issue. Neither needed voter approval. Y,, a"rp 5 } ,r ::: " j r :" :y+:.c : "avvr r :"r" r ." v.;," ": s ^"xr,""r o: r."."r:: znr + :-r.v " " ":.:r "":. ":+m ": .": ."vt^::+. .o "Pr",""r,"r,«;; {};. VJA° 2iASsYRX A { .v: . ..r%? n::i: -'v::%^:S{"r{::?,%'" ;r,.,:.,... {%:G ". :.v{ .. ."vz.%,. q'i;+ a" :^S::i:. r.... ..:'fi?".,a%.}., .v,. r". ;.; . '4Lf 'P.v 'F'A"}k>.3,9C a ,' .rt:2 'ii2:..{}r.'k 2 4::?:i r + ?'J..r. r+' "%r : :"-t ..: % ".ti ::*.r"". r'."fi:.?. ! "SrYri .:: v:" i? "? :"""} :.e{"r:".. ".":+.. "'.fi".t ., 1 ' Se .. ;".tiv:}f ia :,e.{r8er1{rrr:.?.F..ae..a.Ss.i?.r ?:"......ar...+.$.fn..n....«.,...rm a ,'.' .'v 7:". v: .?..t,...,r:+...:....,.4....5' ." "."".\ 'S}{":":4..,..:.."%F'v?.. The Daily Official Bulletin is an off icia publication of, the Univer- city of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should h be Sent in TYPEWRITTEN 14rmto Room 3519 Administration Build- ug, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUSDAY, APRIL 14, 1953 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 136 General Notices Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open from April 14 through April 25 for new ap.. plications and changes in contracts now in effect..Staff members who wish to include surgical and medical serv- ices should make such changes in the Personnel Office, Rm 1020, Admin. Bldg. New applications and changes will be effective June 5, with th first payroll deduection on May 31. After r April 25 ho new applications or changes can be accepted until Oct., 195. Students, All Schools and( Colleges: The Office of Registration bnd Rec- ords urges that all students who have applied. for or expect to apply for work with either the Fall 58 Registration or Orientation Programs secure approval of new course elections as soon as the school or college will allow. This action will be to your advantage and that of the Counseling, Orientation and Regis- tration projects, Senior Board, Graduation announce- ment orders taken April 15 and 16, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Admin. Bldg. Late Permission: Women students who attended the Stanley Quartet concert on Tuesday night, Apr. 1, had late per- mission until 11:15 p.m. Hopwood ?Contest: All manuscripts must be in the Hopwood Room, 1006 Angell 1al, by 4:30 pm Wed. April 16. Residence Hall Scholarship: Women students wishing to apply for a Resi- dence Hall Scholarship for the aca- demic year 1958-59 for Betsy Barbour House may do so through the Office of the Dean of Women. Applications must be returned, complete, by Tues., April 22. Students already living In this residence hall and those wishing to' live there next fall may apply. Quali- fications will be considered on the ba- sis of academic standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative average), need, and contri- bution to group living. Residence Hall Scholarship: Women students wishing to apply for a Resi- dence Hall Scholarship for the aca- demic year 1958-59 for Helen Newberry House may do so through the Office of the Dean of Women. Applications must be returned, complete, by Tues., April 22. Students already living in this residence hall and those wishing to live there next fall may apply. Quali- fications will be considered on the ba- sis of academic standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative average), need, and con- tribution to group living. The persons listed below have been selected as ushers for' the 1958 May Festival and may pick up their. Usher Tickets at' the Hill Aud. Box Office from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Wed. and Thurs., April 16 and 17. These Usher Tickets must be picked up at this time as they will not be given out at the door on the night of the first con- cert.. Anabel Anderson, Rosamond Bairas, Carol Bamberger Barbara Barclay, Car- oline Becker, Jane "Anne Behringer, Caroline Berlowitz, Beverley Berney, Margaret Berry, Charles Botero, Morris Brown, Marvin Burke, Virginia Bush, Lillian Carter, Alex Chichinelli, Judy Cimildoro, Ruth Cobb, Edward H. Co- hen, Jose Luis Costero, Bill Crooks, Hugh Crossland, Alisande Cutler, Helen Cywinaki, Glynn Davies, Stanley C. Day, Marsha-Jo Demarest, Judy Dick- stein, Daniel Docks, Erma Donner, JimI Draschil, Eugene Du Boff, Alice Dutch-' er, Joseph Faris, Evelyn Fink, Martha. Ellen Firebaugh, Robert Fisch, Ruth1 Fischl, Marcia G. Flucke, Janet Gard-, ner, Nancy Gardner, Roberta Gleason, ShirIey Gosling, Eleanor .Graber, Roger1 Greenberg, Nancy Greenhoe, Elaine Grosso, Carolyn Grow, Robert Haan,! Greta Haverhals, Mary Heil, Carole Herndon, Sue Hickey, Robert ill, Hao H. Ho, Faith . Holtrop, Donald W.1 Honkala, Bill Huff, Don Huldin, Lois Huldin, Ruth Kauffman, Young Kim, Eulalia .Kingman, Alice Kinietz, 'Carol! Kleppinger, Erna Kochendorfer, Patsy Kramer, Jody Krashin, Manuel Krash- in, Carol Larsen, Mabelle Lengye, Rob- ert H. Levin, Mrs. R. H. Levin, Robert D. Leyrer,. Sigrid Link, John E. Little, John Macht, Robert Mancell Winnie Martin, Margaret McCarthy, John M- F'adyen, Mary Laury McLoskey, Glay Meyicle, Antoine Meyer, James Meyers, David L. Milis, Paul A. Moore, Mary AnnMoore, Gene Mrowka, Dennis Mur- ray.: Jeanne Nagel, Barbara Neff, Bar- bara Nicula, Bethe Norman, Joyce Paquin, James B. Parkinson, Judith Pike, Caroline oPertner, Doris Reed, El- len Reitz, Linda Reitz, Helen Jo Rich- ter, Mike Risman, Gary Sampson, Ann Sansone, Fred Sansone, Judith Savage, Frederick Scheffler, Vincent Schneider, Charlene Schrock, Jean Schwartz, Joan Schwartz, Charlotte Schwimmer, Diane Semanske, Barbara Shade, Sue Shank- lin, Kenneth Shaw, Shirley Shaw, Cary A. Shields, Mary Ann Siderits, Ruth kentlebury, Nancy Slawson, Wayne Slawson, Beverly Smith, nIrene Teada, Esther Tennenhouse, Nelita True, Da- vid Turner, Joan Volz, Marvin Wein- baum, Thomas Welton, Mary Sue Wil- 'Iey, Charleen Wilson, Merrill Wilson, Wesley Wilson, Larry Wolf, Saul Wolf, Terry A. Wood, Jana Woodrun, Pris. cilia Woolams, Stanley Woolams, Gel- son R. Yee, Eugene Zaitzeff, Maurice Zilber, Lois Zook. Lectures Lecture: "Dilemma in the Study of Bureacracy." Peter Blau, visiting lec- turer in sociology from the University of Chicago where he is associate pro- fessor. Wed., April 16 at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 3-B, Mich. Union. Coffee will be served at 3:30 p.m. Dr. David Riesman, Professor of So- ciology, University of Chicago, and authcr of The Lonely Crowd, lecturing on "Changing Values in College," to the Interdepartmental Seminar on Col- lege Teaching, 4:10 p.m., Tues., April 15, Aud. C, Angell Hal. University Lecture by Maurice Ash- ley, "The Case for Oliver Cromwell," Tues., April 15, 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, An- gell Hall. The lecture is under the aus- pices of tge Department of History. - University Lectures in Jouranlism; Tues., April 15, 3 p.m., Rackham Lec- ture Hall, Walt Kelly, creator of POGO, will speak on "Not So Squarea World, or Around the Corner in Eigty Days." Dr. Jerome D. Frank, Assoc. Prof, of Psychiatry at the Henry Phipps Psy- chiatric Clinic of Johns Hopkins Hos- pital, will present a University Lecture on Tues., April 15, at 8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of Children's Psychiatry Hospital. The title is "The Role of In- fluence in Psychotherapy." This lec- ture is sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry. The Henry Russel Lecture will be de- livered by Verner W. Crane, Professor of American History, Wed., April 30 at 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphi- theater. Dr. Crane's lecture topic is "Dr. Franklin's Plan for America." Political Science Graduate Round- table meeting, Wed., April 16, 8:00 p.m. in the 3rd floor Conference Rm., Mich. Union. Speaker: Henry A. Kissinger, Assoc. Director of the Center for In- ternational Affairs, Harvard Univer- sity. His topic will be: "Military Pow- er and Defense Strategy." Sociology Colloquium & Coffee Hour: Prof. Peter Blau, University of Chica- go on "Bureaucracy: Social Structure or Psychological Processes?" in Room 3-B,. Michigan Union, Wed., April 16. Coffee at 3:30 p.m. Talk at 4:00 p.m. Academic Notices Biological Station: Application for admission for the coming summer ses- sion should be in my office before April 15. An announcement describing the courses offered can be obtained. at the Office of the Summer Session or from the Director. Applications should be made on formes which can be se- cured at 2129 Nat. Sci. Bldg. A. H. Stockard, Director. Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Mathematics: Will be given April 23, 1958. All persons interested in taking Math. Prelim's should sign up in the Mathematics Departmental Office, 3220 Angell Hall. Mathematics Colloquium: Will meet Tues., April 15, in Rm. 3011 Angell Hall at 4:10 p.m. Dr. H. Noguchi of Waseda University, Japan, will speak on "Some Topics i nSuclidean Topology."Re- freshments: 3:45 in 3212 Angell Hall. Operations Research. Seminar: Glen D. Camp, Professor of Operations Re- search, George Washington University, and Special Consultant to NATO, will lecture on "Elementary Approximation and Bounding Methods in OR" on Wed. April 16. Coffee hour will be held in Rm. 243 W. Engrg. at 3:30 and Seminar at 4:00 in Rm. 220, W. Engrg. All fac- ulty members are welcome. Doctoral Examination for Saida Kul- soom Karamat, Geography; thesis: "The Western Frontier of West Pakis- tan, A Study in Political Geography," Wed., April 16, 210 Angell Hall, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, George Kish. Doctoral Examination for Richard John Wall, English Language & Liter- ature; thesis: "A Critical Edition of Thomas Middleton's A Chast Mayd in Cheape-Side," Tues., April 15, E. Coun- cil Rm., Rackham Bldg., at 2:30 p.m. Chairman, G. B. Harrison. Foreign Visitors Following are the foreign visitors who will be on the campus this week on the dates indicated. Program arrange- ments are being made by the Inter- national Center: Mrs. Clifford R. Mil- ler. Emilio Calle Herrera, Rector, Peda- gogical University, Tunja, Colo nbia, April 12-16; Eduardo Fernandez Botero, Rector, University of Medellin, Colom- bia, April 12-16; . Rodolfo Low Maus, Rector, Industrialr University of San- tander, Bucaramanga, Colombia, April 12-16; Carlos Ortiz Restrepo, S. J., Rec- tor, Javeriana University (Catholic Uni- versity) Bogota, Colombia, April 12-16; Jaime Posada, Rector, University of America, Bogota. Colombia, April 12-16; Jorge Restrepo Hoyos, Rector, Univer- sity of the Andes, Bogota, Colombia, April 12-16; Dr. Hans Taenzer, Head of Personnel Department for High School Teachers, Austrian Ministry of Educa- tion, Vienna, Austria, April 13-16; Dr. Rodolfo Halffter, Composer, Mexico, April 15-19; and Reino Sakari Halonen, Secretary General, Association of Fin- nish Engineers, Finland, April 16. Placement Notices The following, schools have listed teaching vacancies with the Bureau of Appointments for the 1958-59 school year. They will not be here to inter- viw at this time. Alpena, Mich. - Elementary; Ele- mentary Art; Elementary Physical Edu- cation (Woman); HS5 Chemistry; Social Studies; College History; Combination of Psychology and English, Sociology, Biology, and Geology; Librarian; Speech Correction., Bessemer, Mich. -- Girls Physical Ed- ucation; English/Art. Buchanan, Mich. - Business Educa- tion. Calumet City, l1. (Lincoln School)- Elementary; Elementary Art; Social Counselor; Language Arts; Girls Physi- cal Education/Social Studies; Arithme- tic/Science; Remedial Speech. Ithaca, Mich. - Vocal Music;. Speech/ English; Spanish/French/English; 6th grade. Mamaroneck, N. T. - Elementary; Elem. Principal (Woman Preferred); Speech Consultant; Instrumental Mu- sic; Psychologist; JHS Dean of Guid- ance Counselor; English/Social Stu- dies; French/Spanish; Mathemataics; Remedial Reading; Sr. HS Mathemat- ics; Russian/Chemistry/Physics; Reme- dial Reading; Elementary Special Class. New Orleans, La. (Isidore Newman School).. --.JHS College Preparatory English, stressing reading and writing. (Woman.) Oak Park, Mich. -Elementary; JHS Math/Science; Vocal Music; Art; In- dustrial Arts; Homemaking; Math; Eng- lish; Social Studies Spanish/French; General Business; Sr. HS Scince (Phys- ics & Biology); English; Spanish/ French; Commercial; Speech Therapist; Mentally Handicapped; Elem. Library; Visiting Teacher. Portage, Mich. -- Elementary. Port Huron, Mich. - Elementary Spe- cial Education (slow learners); Speech Correction; JHS English/Latin; Vocal Music; Instrumental/Vocal; Sr. HS So- cial Studies; Junior College Mathema- tics; Social Science/Sociology; Com- merce. For any additional information con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Beginning with Tues., April 15, the following schools will have representa- tives at the Bureau of Appointments to interview for the 1958-59 school year. Tues:, April 15 Battle Creek, Mich. - Elementary; English; Social Studies; Math; Science; f. JHS Typing, Industrial Arts; Home Economics; HS Mechanical Drawing; Chemistry. Birmingham, Mich. - Elementary; Elementary Art; Math (Grades 10-12); Spanish/French. Rochester, N. Y. - Elementary; Eng- lish; Math; Science; Girls Physical Ed- ucation; Special Education. Wed., April 16 Grand Rapids, Mich. - Elementary. Milan, Mich. - JHS Science; Social Studies; Driver Ed.; 115 Math: Chem/ Physics English/Drama and Forensics. Walled Lake, Mich. - HS English; English/French; Sociology/Counseling; Math; Commercial; Girls Physical Edu- cation; JHS Vocal Music; Girls Physi- cal Education; English; Art; Elemen- tary Mentally Handicapped; Speech Correction. Thurs., April 17 Garden City, Mich. - Elementary. Grosse Ponite, Mich. - Elementary; Art; Business Education; English; Latin; Latin/French; French/English; Unified Biology; Language; Science; Math; Special Education; Coordinator of Secondary Education; Diagnostician; Physio Therapist. Fri., April 18 Detroit, Mich. - Music only. For any additional information and appointments contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. 3ldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Personnel Interviews: Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointmen.ts: Wed., April 16' Bank of America, San Francisco, Cal- (Continued on Page 4) USNSA Condemns Batistae Repression of Cuban Students Cuban President Fulgencio Ba- tista was condemned by the United States National Student Associa- tion recently for his "dictatorial regime." In a signed telegram sent to the exiled leaders of. the Cuban student federation, the . USNSA called attention to the "repressive measures against student rights," in Cuba. President Batista has suspended civil rights and taken several other -emergency steps to curb academic freedom in his offensive against rebel leader Fidel Castro. All Cuban educational institu- tions have been closed to avoid student demonstrations. Leaders of the Federacion Estu- diantil Universitaria ode Cuba, the Cuban student organization, were also exiled. The text of the telegram, signed by President K. Ray Farabee and International Affairs Vice-Presi- dent Bruce D. Larkin,: asserted: We pledge the solidarity and sup- port of the U.S. students for the demands of the Cuban students for reinstatement of basic human ights and the cessation of em- bittering oppression against free- doms to speech, press, and elec- tions. There can be no hope for "nor- malization of University life nor the rightful guarantee of academic freedom and University ' auton- omny," the USNSA contended, with- out the granting of these basic; freedoms. Gibbs Girls Get the Top Jobs Special Course for College Women Residences. Write College Dean for GIBBS GIRLS AT WORK. Katharine SECRETARIAL BOSTON 16, 21 Marlborough St. PROVIDENCE6,155 Angell I NEW S'ORK 17, 230 Park Ave. MONTCILAIR, IU., 33 Plymouth SU YouII be sit tin on lop of the world when you change to III '0000, 5000 Aren't you reall majoring in marriage? It's nice to be an M.A. It's also fine to be a MRS. and a MA. Either way, there's never been a magazine that under- stands you quite like BRIDE & HOME. It doesn't just take you to the altar, it guides you right through the honeymoon years. It doesn't just teach you how to coddle a husband, it also shows you how to cod- dle an egg. Issue after issue BRIDE & HOME is packed with the down-to-earth infor- mation every girl on Cloud 9 needs-so much so that it's the encyclopedia for the 'girl with the husband in mind'. I Bride & Home I Mail this counon today 4 Issues ;2.00 r I IV u Fc V d ulvL-u 0 ::>:.