I 9rder Your Subscription To day NO 2-324 PAN-ARABISM ANDCTHE BAGHDAD PACT Yl r e Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom fla114 t d Q O <1 ? > " lb a o ID GWUDY, SNOW See Page 4 XPAGES FIVE CENTS , 3I: LXVIII, No. 88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1958 FIVE CENTS SI .-... )viet Relations' fake New Twist Thompson Confers with Cabinet; Menshikov, Dulles Meet Briefly WASHINGTON (M)-United States-Soviet relations yesterday took new and possibly significant twist involving the travels of two nbassadors and a once-obscure Polish plan for barring atomic arms Eastern Europe.a It was a day that saw: 1. United States Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson brief Presi- nt Dwight D. Eisenhower's Cabinet on prospects for an East-West mmit conference this year, then head back by air to his post in oscow. 2. New Soviet Ambassador Mikhail Menshikov, moving almost as st as the 500 m.p.h. Soviet jet airliner which brought him from --U] Moscow Thursday, swap pleasan- tries at the State Department with Secretary John Foster Dulles. heriff Will reorganize )epartrnent Reorganization of the Washte- naw County Sheriff's Department to includecloser contact between members of the department and an intensive training program was announced yesterday by Sheriff Erwin L. Klager. Kiager's announcement fol- lowed his suspension Tuesday of two sheriff's deputies on testimony that one of them had bought sto- len property and the other had known of the sale. A subsequent newspaper edi- torial had called for a "thorough investigation" of the sheriff's de- partment by an outside agency, mentioning, in addition to the re- cent suspensions, a previous case in which five sheriff's deputies had been accused by a prisoner of using gasoline from the jail pump in their private cars. No Proof Found Klager had reinstated the five deputies because he could find "no definite proof" against them and had paid the $104 cost of the miss- ing gasoline himself. Suspension of sheriff's deputies William A. Lewis and Sgt. Clare LaFerier is presently in effect "un- til complete investigation of the incident is made," Klager said. C r e s e n ci o S. Miranda had pleaded guilty Tuesday to a charge of receiving stolen property, say- Mg he had sold Lewis $20 worth of fishing tackle and two small r radios. Gave False Impression He testified that he had tried to give Lewis the impression that the merchandise had come from a, Detroit discount house. In a prepared statement yester- day, Klager announced that he plans to delegate much of the op- erational duties of the department to Undersheriff Charles Shaw, head of the detective bureau, and Capt. George Peterson, in charge of the uniformed division. "Since I have been in office I have tried to carry the full load of responsibilities connected with this job myself," Klager stated. "I now find this burden is too great." Compulsory monthly meetings of all members of the sheriff's de- partment were also announced by Klager, along with a training pro- gram for all new men hired by the department. Even though new deputies may have had police experience, Ka- ger said that the training pro- gram would be "from the ground E Talks by members of other city departments and agencies and tests are also part of Klager's program. Editors Attack Secrecy Code WASHINGTON (P) - A lawyer and a spokesman for the nation's newspaper editors protested yes- terday that government officials a P.r PAndue.Untin nihnli busine in Meeting Friendly "No, we didn't settle the dis- armament question," Dulles chuck- led to newsmen. "Not yet, anyhow," said Menshikov. Their meeting ap- parently was taken up with diplo- ,matic niceities pledging both sides to work for peace. 3. The State Department speak} kindly of Communist Poland'sI peaceful intent, but pull back publicly from a secret critique cabled its European missions call- ing e Polish proposal "extremely dan erous." Thompson plans to fly Monday to West Germany. Tuesday he will arrive back in Moscow. Thompson's Russian counter- part, a blue-eyed blond with a ready smile, lost no time in taking charge of the Soviet Embassy. With unprecedented speed, he call- ed on Dulles and arranged for a formal presentation of credentials next week to. President Eisen- hower. The Polish plan for an atom-+ free zone was the main topic at the daily news conference of State Department press chief Lincoln White. Few Students In Temporary 'Quad Housing Only twenty students were left yesterday in the temporary hous- ing facilities on the ninth floor of South Quadrangle. The twenty Were part of an in- flux of 210 students into the men's residence halls this semester. The number housed in the temporary facilities has been cut by 20 since Monday as non-returning students vacated their rooms in the three quadrangles. Assistant Dean of Men Karl Streiff expects all students will be out of the temporary facilities by Tuesday. Streiff could give no figure on the number of residence hall stu- dents on the "home list," the list of students not returning for aca- demic reasons. However, no over- crowding is expected in men's residence halls this year. The 210 total meant that, after a slow start, applications exceed- ed residence hall estimates based on the average of recent years. Of the 210, approximately half were freshmen, Streiff said. Atlas ICIJM Flight Ends inBlow-Up CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. ()- An Air Force Atlas made a beau- tiful take-off in a test firing yes- terday, flew normally until its en- gines cut off-and then about a minute later it blew up while in a ballistic coasting flight. The Air Force emphasized in an announcement later that the huge intercontinentalballistic missile was not purposely destroyed, but destroyed itself. Air Force officers said it was unknown how the self-destruction came about. Usually Little Danger Normally, after a rocket's en- gines have stopped, there is little danger of an explosion." However, on comparatively short test flights of a missile designed for great range, there usually is a supply of fuel still aboard after the valves are closed. It may have been that this fuel in some way ignited itself. Smooth Launching So impressively smooth was the missile launching and powered flight phase that the Air Force range safety officer - the man whose duty it is to order any mis- sile that gets out of control to destroy itself-had left his operat- ing console. It was explained that, with the uge missieempty of fuel, the saeyoficer had assumed it was on its coasting flight, like a bullet, to its target. He knew it was on its course and therefore considered the mis- sile no longer an operating prob- lem. FanrmBids Called High WASHINGTON () - Because it regarded most offers as too high, the Agriculture Department, yesterday rejected about 40,000 bids of farmers to retire entire farms from crop production under a trial plan. The bids were offered in Ten- nessee, Illinois and Nebraska un- der an experimental plan set up under the 325-million-dollar con- servation reserve of the soil bank program. The department said in an an- nouncement that the "great ma- jority" of the bids were too high in relation to the productivity and rental value of the land offered for retirement for five or 10 years. Under the regular program, the department itself sets rates which it will pay for land retired from production for periods of three, five or 10 years., Moon RocketI Plan Outlined WASHINGTON () - Congress has been told it may be time in about a year to try to fire a rocket to the moon. The estimate came from Dr. John P. Hagen, head of the Van- guard satellite project. Testimony he gave the House Armed Services Committee Monday has been made public in censored form. Advocated By Thomas By MICHAEL KRAFT Ex-preacher Norman Thomas last night advocated new thinking as a road to solution of world con- flict. A 45-minute question and an- swer period following his speech before a standing room crowd at Rackham Auditorium indicated he may have won some converts. "Is it not a reflection upon us as humans that the greatest -tri- umph of science is connected with death," the six-time candidate for the presidency of the United States on the Socialist ticket asked. To Appear Today Today, Thomas will appear at 2:30 p.m. for a discussion session in the multi-purpose room of the Undergraduate Library sponsored by the Political Issues Club. Warning that the present arms race with Russia will lead to "an- nihilation, not victory" he urged a "breakthrough" in the cold war by negotiations for a two-year postmortum on atomic and hydro- gen bomb testing and the utiliza- tion of atoms for peace. Thomas, ordained as a Presby- terian in 1911, alternated humor with directness in lis criticism of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's policies. "Power" Position Senseless "This business of saying we need power for diplomacy is senseless. We're supposed to negotiate from power but we have not used power for effective negotiation," he said. Thomas asked if negotiating' with the Russians is done "To show that the other fellow is wrong or is it to get something? "We have done very little of the latter," he said. Must Be Persistent "I don't say that you will get what you want in the first round of negotiations. I do say that there' has to be a persistence, boldness and willingness to try new solu- tions," he emphasized during the question and answer period. The only actual use of the arms' race is as a deterrent to war. "Yet it has never happened in history that man hasn't gotten what he prepared for," Thomas said. -Daily-Eric Arnold NORMAN THOMAS . asks new approach U' Graduate Named New Space Chief WASHINGTON (R) - Secretary of Defense Neil J. McElroy ap- pointed a director of space pro- jects yesterday and tentatively selected the Air Force to man any space ships that might come out of the program. Roy W. Johnson, a vice presi- dent of the General Electric Co., and graduate of the University, was named to head the new Ad- vanced Research Projects Agency. He will be in charge of develop- ing antimissile missiles, space ve- hicles and other things still below1 the horizon. Later, at a news conference Mc- Elroy was asked which branch of the armed services would skipper the space ships when they are perfected. "In my judgment," he replied. "the operation of manned flight vehicles seems very naturally to fall within the scope of Air Force responsibility." The defense chief noted that the Air Force is climbing higher and higher into the sky and that the projected X15 rocket research plane is designed to take an Air Force man to the edge of space. He said the Army is being per- mitted to work on longer range missiles to give it greater field mobility, adding that it could be assumed the Army would not "stretch this out to get into a strategic mission." The strategic job of demolish- ing the war-making capacity in an enemy homeland is assigned to the Air Force. The House Armed Services Committee made public testimony about progress in other phases of the United States missile effort. Secretary of the Air Force Douglas was disclosed to have told the committee that the first United States military unit armed with intercontinental ballistics missiles will be at its post by De- cember 1959. WOLVERINES NOW SI '11' leers Sta- Treasury Asks No0 Secretary Pax Cut No' ' , ASKS Group Compares Data On Calendar Problems (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a summarized progress report of the Uni- versity Calendar Committee, after an interview with the entire committee.) By RICHARD TAUB University President Harlan Hatcher's Calendar Study Com- mittee is now busy compiling information pertinent to calendaring problems. Interviews with members of the administration have already begun, and to date approximately 200 of the 1300 colleges from whom calendaring information was requested have reported. Information is also being acquired from various accrediting agencies, and is being asked from the deans of the schools and colleges of the University. Suggestions Asked The committee also wishes to hear pertinent suggestions from interested members of the University community. Answers from many of the colleges indicate a wide ' variety of calendaring programs, e but similar difficulties in develop- U nion C ode ing a satisfactory schedule. Code Harvard University has worked out a ten year calendar for itsI undergraduate school, whic call weeks long. Demanded Old Calendar Shortened A former University committee had worked to establish a calen- MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (RP)-The dar with 15 week semesters. But AFL-CIO yesterday ordered quick because of several contingencies, union compliance with anti-cor- the semesters have been short- ruption curbs to avoid possibly ened. stricter control being legislated by However, Harvard's graduate Congress. schools work on independent President George Meany and the schedules. the AFL-CIO Executive Council To date, two small colleges have directed the federation's 137 un- indicated they operate with the ions to comply fully with the first semester ending before AFL-CIO ethical pracices code by Christmas. They begin school at April 15. the end of August and Sept. 1. It was frankly conceded some This plan is similar to the "Crary" unions have been lagging in adopt- plan which was devised at the ing labor's own set or anti-corrup- University several years ago. tion rules. Failure of unions to Semesters, Quarters Switched meet the two-month deadline, Three schools are giving consid- Meany said, will result in their eration to or have switched from being investigated by the AFL-CIO a quarter system to a semester Ethical Practices Committee. system. And at least two schools The codes, adopted in 1957, spell which were on a quarter basis are out required union fund safeguards considering a three semester sys- and democratic procedures to in- e g hsure rights of union members to a tver voice in their labor organization's Several other schools which are1 affairs. now on a two semester program Thei r k The crackdown on union com- See 'U' COMMITTEE, page 2 pliance with the codes was accom- panied by policy statements adbpt- XTH * ed by the AFL-CIO Ethical Prac- tices Committee and Executive Council saying in effect that or- ganized labor is perfectly capable t S wlof cleaning its own house without I ] Ii i cI ., WASHINGTON (AP)- Secretary of the Treasury Robert Anderson said yesterday the current eco- nomic situation "does not war- rant" a tax cut. Anderson told the Senate-House Economic Committee that tax changes should be used to stimu- late the economy only when "con- ditions are sufficiently adverse to warrant it," and, he said: "It is our judgment that the present condition of the economy does not warrant such action now." Although he said he would °nt be surprised by ;more "badunews" from the economic front before things get better, Anderson 'said he was not even prepared to dis- cuss the possibility of enacting 'a standby tax cut bill, to be used if the recession goes beyond a cer- tain specified point. Expects Readjustment Anderson did not use the word "recession" in his prepared state- ment. He said he looks for a "re- adjustment" soon and Is optimis- tic for the years ahead as well as for this year. "Neither inflation nor deflation will be allowed to run a ruinous course," he said. In other developments: Relief Increased 1, Both the Senate and House Appropriations committees ap- proved an administration request for an additional $43,400,000 for unemployment payments to job- less war veterans and former fed- eral employes out of work. 2. The House Ways and Means Committee wound up five week of hearings on general tax revision amid indications it will stand firm against such changes now. I heard an appeal for income ta cuts from the Council of State Chambers of Commerce. The council spokesman, Clar ence D. Laylin of Columbus, Ohio said tax reductions in 1954 helpec reverse a recession then an, "would have a similar effect or the current recession." Laylin called for graduated an. nual reductions in both individu. and corporation income taxes. Health Service Receives New Flu Vaccine Health Service has received a new shipment of flu vaccine, di rector Dr. Morley Beckett sl yesterday. The vaccine comes as Healti Service officials report an up swing in the number of cases c upper respiratory infection at th University. Dr. Beckett said, "Currently wI have more instances of flu-lk cases than is usual for this tim of year." But he emphasized th increase has not reached epidemi proportions. The new vaccine supply is poly valent - it will help prevent bot common and Asian flu. Dr. Beck ett recommended students receiv two shots of the vaccine, urgin students who received one last fa to get another. . They will be given at Heal Service Feb. 12 from 8:30 to 11:4 a.m. and 1 to 4:45 p.m. Price one dollar. There is a definite possibilit OTHER SCHOOLS: Decreases Unwarrante nderson House Group Ends Tax Revision Study May Oppose Chang ANN LANDERS SPEAKS HERE: Column Termed 'Poor Man's Bow to Minnesota, 4-2 special to The Daily MINNEAPOLIS-Minnesota took advantage of a slow start by Michigan's hockey team and dealt the Wolverines a 4-2 loss before. a packed house at Williams Coliseum last night. The loss, coupled with Michigan State's 5-2 win over Michigan Tech, sent the Wolverines skidding into sixth place in the WIHL standings. The Gophers scored two first period goals on the slow-starting Wolverines and these proved to be the difference as the teams battled evenly for the final 40 minutes. Defenseman Herb Brooks scored " two of the Minnesota goals and his final tally at 13:16 of the final period put the game on ice. Earlier in that period Michigan's Gary Unsworth brought the Wolverines Couch'within a single point of the Couch' ms:aa- Gopher's when he put a Neil Mc- Donald pass in goalie Jack McCar- tan's cage. McCartan, an All-America net- minder, gave the partisan crowd a' lot to yell about during the game with his spectacular saves. It wasMichigan's netminder, Ross Child's, however, who put on the best show by stopping the fantastic total of 32 shots as com- pared with McCartan's 17 saves. Child's feat is ever more note- worthy when one considers the fact that he was injured by a flying puck during the practice °°=-See MINNESOTA, page 3 new legislation.3 The ethical practices group con-f ceded that failure on labor's part to meet its cleanup responsibilities "can only result in governmental assumption of what are properly trade union functions." The codes bar crooks and racke-' teers from holding union office, require honest and regular union elections and the right of mem- bers to participate in all union decisions, prohibit conflict of in- terest among union officials "and specify stringent financial control,' Meany said unions will be held1 to the April 15 deadline except for? good faith reasons for delay. Stassen Talks With President' About Future WASHINGTON (P) - Harold' Stassen discussed his future plans yesterday with President Dwight D. Eisenhower and said afterward he would decide soon whether to seek the governorship of Pennsyl- vania. The controversial onetime gov- ernor of Minnesota hinted that he I would. But, he said, he is con- tinuing for now as White House disrmament snecialist despite By THOMAS TURNER "I am delighted," advice col- umnist Ann Landers greeted her Law Club audience last night, "so many of you turned out to see what'the old battle axe looks like." From this beginning the viva- cious Mrs. Charlotte Lederer of Chicago, whose daily column writ- ten under the Landers pseudonym is carried in 169 papers, went on to tell of the variety of problems she is asked about and what she tells the letter-writers. "The term advie ti thel Inve- very important in my column. Some things in this life are so sad that if we didn't laugh we'd cry." Many of the letters she receives are admittedly jokes, but Mrs. Lederer said she identifies real problems by the mis-spelled words or coffee stains. Quoting Edmund Burke to the effect that economy consists of selectivity, she ex- plained that while each letter is read and answered by her, those in the column must answer many. Mrs. Lederer stressed the point tha~t those who turn to her col- - .'*