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Les- Etter, public relations manager for the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, clas- sifies his painting merely as a past-time. His exhibit Boy Scout Still Life pictures his twelve year old son's Scout equipment which was out in preparation for a Scout meeting. Mrs. T. McClure's hook design exhibit The Cat was started be- cause "it seemed like fun." Hook designs are a fairly new idea used in interior decorating and are made from wool, yarn and felt strips. Mrs. McClure often exhibits her work "for the added income they can bring in." IRVING KAUFMAN, of the Uni- versity art department, enters exhibits on the philosophy that "one cannot teach well if one can- not do well" and the shows offer an excellent opportunity to prac- tice outside the classroom. Paint- ing is a pastime and a profession because "basically one is an artist and then a teacher." ABSTRACT ART-Dick Wilk, past president of the Ann Arbor Art Association painted "Potato Peeler, Pea Picker and Noodle Head." Kaufman's painting, Grey, Green, and Blue grew out of a trip to Provincetown, Massachussetts during the past summer. He de- cided to paint an impressionistic study of the intriguing combina- tion of the colors grey, green and blue and the combination of the water, light and beachfront at dusk. The vertical lines in the painting represents his "feeling of movement felt at the time." The Ann Arbor Art Association was founded in 1909 for the pur- pose of stimulating art and art appreciation within the commu- nity and county, according to Mrs. R. V. Churchill, president. The history of the group parallels the recent national trend to more local art work. TgHE FIRST EXHIBIT-of the or- ganization took place on May 15, 1910 at the dedication of the Alumni Memorial Hall, original gallery of the Association. Now approaching its 50th an- niversary the group sponsors five local exhibits annually as well as several art films. In addition to the annual show, the Association presents a Christ- mas show and places all crafts projects and paintings on sale. The group is non-profit and only re- tains a small percentage of the sales revenue to meet exhibit costs. In the spring a show is usually held to display the best of the artistic efforts of the Ann Arbor youth from kindergarten to high school age. THE OCTET SHOW, displaying the work of eight artists both professional and amateur, is one of several group shows prepared by the Association. In addition a rotating exhibit is displayed at a local restaurant and at the Ann Arbor Public Library. Besides encouraging local inter- est in art, the Association also owns a small collection of works of art. Included in the collection are four or five oil paintings, 15 water colors and about ten prints. In the recent annual exhibit the Myron Chapin purchase, Province-, town, was shown in honor of the late' professor of architecture and design. (Continued from Page 3) to be accomplished with "all de- liberatespeed" and yet it failed, in many instances to take ade- quate action. Further, one may well argue, as doeN Ashmore, that the Negro the South professes to understand is not the 'Negro of- today. The Uncle Tom of song and story is no more. Like the southern white, the Negro, too, has his own mystique. He wants, so Ashmore contends, to be like the whites who dominate his so- ciety and give him his values. Moderation and gradualism are giving way to a demand for a con- tinual acceleration of the integra- tion movement. THIS NEW OUTLOOK is only part of the change taking place in the old social order of Dixie. Following the Civil War slavery was converted into the three new institutions of sharecropping, one party politics and the system of separate but supposedly equal fa- cilities. From this system was de- veloped the three point credo of the southern politician, tariff for revenue only, states rights, and white supremacy. According to Mr. Ashmore, these institutions are dy- ing; in the Southern cities they are already dead. It is within this broad frame- work of basic social change -that Ashmore sets the integration prob- lem. In fact, it is this New South, the reasons for its development and the prospects for its future, that is the real subject of his book. In approaching his subject from this point of view, the author has made a real contribution, for a large scale social, problem such as integration cannot be studied apart from the socio-economic system in which it is imbedded. Integration is merely the most spectacular of the many problems with which the New South must come to grips. IT IS A WEAKNESS of Ashmore's treatment that he does not ex- plore some of the other issues that are likely to arise. For example, increasing industrialization will probably lead to increased efforts by organized labor to penetrate he southern states and a good deal of unrest may be foreseen on this. account, but Ashmore does little more than suggest these problems. On the whole the regional lead- ers seem to be aware that im- mense chan'ges are taking place. On the integration issue defeat is regarded as inevitable. Southerners realize they are merely fighting a delaying action. The battle cry is not "on to victory" but rather, "not in this generation." This change in attitude reflects a basic truth. The South simply cannot' afford racial violence. It has lured busi- ness into the area with a promise of stability and'it cannot go back on its word without suffering financial losses. in accordance with the new social and economic arrangements. For instance; the solid southern sup- port of a tariff system for revenue' only is beginning to crack. This position is designed to ap- peal to an agrarian economy and as the South becomes more and amore industrialized the demand for protective tariffs is likely to grow. Already there have been defections from southern ranks on this issue and one cannot help but agree with Ashmore in deploring this trend. The South has long been a bulwark of the internation- alist position and it is discourag- ing to see a retreat from this point of view during a period of inter- national unrest. THE ONE PARTY system is also likely to come to an end. Here again the default of - the southern leadership is evident. By its in- transigent attitude it has forced the Republican Party to assume a position on civil rights so closely akin to that of northern liberal Democrats that the South no long- er has a real choice between the two parties on the segregation is- sue. The only political alternative to submission appears to be an- other blind, bitter attempt to form a third party, but all this would accomplish would be to boost Re- publican chances in the'1960 presi- dential election. Since Little Rock, the South must know that little is to be gained by that. Ashmore contends that Texas, with its oil wells and booming in- dustry, represents the wave of the future for the New South. It is here that industry and Republi- canism have made the greatest in- roads, In the long run these changes should be for the best. In particular the stimulus of real party competition should awaken long dormant political leadership. HOWEVER, no basic social change is painless and one cannot blame Ashmore for looking back at the Old South with a cer- tain nostalgia. On the other hand, one cannot help but feel that his view of times gone by is obstructed by a sentimental attachment to certain aspects of the past. However, Mr. Ashmore's occa- sional lapses into sentimentality are minor flaws in a generally ex- cellent book. Essentially what he is saying is aside from the grave moral issues involved, social forces beyond its control are inexorably moving the South away from its traditional moorings. Change may be rapid in the eco- nomic structure or slow in the so- cial structure but it cannot be de- nied. It is the current abdication of responsible leadership that has intensified the conflict over the vital issue of integration. OFF IN A CORNER-Away from the hubbub of squeaking shoes, these students contentedly bask in indirect lighting. UNDERGRAD L All Things to All. NO TIME ... to search for a-plush chair, this student plops down in front of an open stack' during a between-classes study-session. THERE IS A DIFFERENCEr-between work and study. Student through reams of paper work, while scholar on couch (note casu whether or not to sleep in the library or at home.