TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS SERVICES M C IA AL PETS AND O SUPPLIE ALTERATIONS, DRESSMAKING, .Suits, 11~' l ~R N~R TTropical Fish, aquariumsRs a A SIFIEDAD ' R 5 O.R TS°"UIEST d sppie" fam RetACrcoats, etc. done reasonably. 618 Pack- iniu'v w -uw. E 328 B. ibrty NO342 14 E. 'WashingtonSt arN2-49)J0 UmNO 3-41568t arN2-49)J0' N .. (Open Daily & Sunday afternoon L DAY DAYS 6 DAYSClosedThurdays CARS' RENTED by hour, ONE-DAY SERVICE )T1 ^ dao ekIfor shoe repairing and hat cleaning at 2 .80 2.00 2.96,MSIA MSE WEEdySPreIeRAEalofieSANFORD'S3,962US3IC ADOS DEPAIR frEmKFrDaySPEC M. RTillotn aloig ut rsssad3.62RAISRPIshoe shining 4122 04 4PIANOS (Baldwin, Iera & Pd, Et 9rmFia 119 East Ann Street. 1.2- * " 41 odyA..Poe uies'a896and Organs Baldwin, EsteyTh') a).' New adUsed. TGerms.'t 100pls$0pemis30 years in same location IFigure 5 aeralge words to ine. 18Rare Vklis 84 os Rsoa $10.0 plu *.0 permile(oppsite court house) Classified deadline, 3 P.M. dily. 11 :0AM.°Stjra AD UI Gas, oil and insurance furnished. )99t'ADI )G35 ,,Phone N02 -3241 508 . Wiliam NO 2-'2223 ANN ARBOR; PERSONAL 54Eirt aional d. CAMPUS CLOSEUP NO 5-.6107 )J03 FOR 'RENT US0ED CARSII zPT Linoa R. Zuckerman ...NO 2-2521 'LINOLEUM, wall tile, sha~es, venetian MAN to share apartment with two grad '56 VLKSWAGOk$Nrof'1°~=F RobertBon.....N -51 lns ntledpoeryJuph.tdet nBrown...hne.Bth"...eclen ciltot. ut F36Botes "2 .Liet.NO 3-051'7lids2nsale poery5Mrpy stNt-39. OnForst7veue.Phoe rBthine CellN ')N16Acorg sietion.miMust STUDNT PECILS a35reonditined used TV stiets n STDNTSECASPORTAGE LAKE spacious, furnilshed FOR SALE . Roliday, 14' mos.........,....$3.77 TYPING-Theses, term papers. Reason- - two bedroom lakeside house. Students we specialize int good used cars "available at .eaonblerices New Yorker, 8 'mos......3.00 able rates. Prompt delivery. No 8-7590. welcome. Available until rid-;June. from $100 u. GiENE'S. AUTO SALS' yr...............0:0 DY)3140 Call NO 2-3586. )C212 at 544 Detroit Street, NO 38141. ~N RO Life 1 y. ~ .,. e...4.00ROOMS for rentboard included. Med- " At.. Monthly, 8 mos ......25 R FIREPLACE WOOD. Also :white ical fraternity, resonable'rtes. Wash-esOTAN ONRDOT SRIE~ Order now, pay later by phoning birch for summer display. Free delivery. tLnwSveTCllN02-215 )13 ___________R_____,._____ Student Periodical. NO 2-3061. GArden 8-2142. )3138LOTonparbwnibeglss127SuhUvrit )F325 FOR RELT-large double, pleasant l in bone athebrwcas e garoad 3/11AcrSouth t CampsTheater LAUNDRESS: Specialize in blouses furnished, 2 graduate men..Goodl=i 10-"lahe aeaoud,315 1aosirm h" UTORING French 'and German. Call 28c cation. Close to campus. Call 2-3093. near Dag. 2-2547. = )A15 No 874 NO 3-29751., }F307 Free pick-up and delivery )124 LS:Hmlo rswth iiiy _________________ -NO 2-9020 COPLTEYfuniheanrom-S d4. ,Un7iversity. Reward, S. Q. UTORSHIP lessons in basic and ad-,)19CMLTL.unshd4ro.p.i," vanced Spanish grammar and con- $125 mnthe; includes eat, light, _______79 ______________A__a__ versation. Renato J. Gonzalez. NO WASHNGLAIOINGS done in water. Main floor, has private back LOT ol oeok rw sia,"enu aeo ' 5-6968. )F313 my home. Reasonable prices. Free de &(rnt entrance. Located at 781 Please return. S. Burmeiter, 88983. S-pi lcn p al livery. Call NO 3-4850. )J'100 Whitmore Lake Rd. RI 9-494. )C182 )A119 record players and anBesN, 1sinilawykerEPRCDTpst.2cprpg.FURNISHDAATET:AtmtcFOUND:,.,The, answer to a woman's HFicopnts fordnes, tears, sem-6inarsFwakescEcPrboEN ys.3-04. pr page. heat, private bath. Available April 1. dreamr "Cuto OCU'tery" Call NO 3- oris srs O361. )372ccros O390.)12Phon NO 2-4198. )C214 8056..' )A4 MUSIC °CENTER1 HELP WANTED DRESSMAKING SINGLE ROOM, linen furnished 'for 340 8 Thayer NOS}2-2 LPWNE:PoorpiDetatALTERATIONS male or female, $8.5 a week or $35___________________ LPWNE:PoorpiDetatTAILORING a month. Call NO 2-4174. )C21 A The Quarry, 320 S. State St. AppyjDone by expert. Phone NO 5-5691. CAR______________ SERVICE, CES Fred Bascom. Mornings 8:30-10:00. )J145 FOiAEw erieALfreign cas. TYPEWRITER REPAIR and service; WEKDASkftrt30 c rma1,.A.J.Michgan Erpean Car Cor~ i ECEAY ATD Go yps.WEKDY atr,303S. Ashley tNO -80 ~CRTAY ANTD.God tpit.pick up and delivery. Moseley TyTp- DeseSweaters,5:0Ski rtsatc.Sizs 'S Netie tonnrseerday.iPeasexgive writer Service. 204 N. 4th Avenue. 8-12, Shoes 6-7 AA. Men's trousers_________________ deal nfrtlte.WieBx8,NO 3-5888. )30 31 waist, Sport Shirts, medium. Men's W ITE'S AUTO PdAIN HO Michigan Daily. )H89 Raleigh 23 bike. 1438 White St. NO 3-BupnadPitig XPERIENCED female typist and gen- EL HR!62.)122007South Stt@ O .25 eral office worker wanted for adver- Whnoplnnhaigoxbges tiigpouto fie laatonion rolls, cream cheese, or assorted ARMY-NAVY tye Oxfords-- $7.25; c .TDSANADSR R, wokingpcodictionsoffnearcu.Per-nt daish pastry for breakfast this week- socks 3c; shorts, 89c; military sup- tq(. Friedly srvieis rbsns."At' manent position with future. Good end? Well be open all day today, too. plies. Sams store, 122 E. Washington. ar~dyeriei u~ salary. Write Box H90 c/c Michigan RALPH'S FOOD MARKET )B1 lns tires, batteries ad aeorie Daily, giving experience, age, educa- (formerly Freeman's) PURE Warateed &guaraneed. e u tio , a d the pe ti ent nf r m tio ,9 0 9"Just ctw o doorsrom4he7BuePU REt"SIgne rein l. erfect - i e i . D -"f r t e b s p i e o Z 1') 9 .s g e . rg n l e f c for girl' w ith L > I' tires. R oad e vice -- ecia nI . ' JusttwodorsfromtheBlueFront dark hair. 900 Woodlawn or call NO Dal* duty, COLLEGE MEN )J126 3-9049 after 12 noon, Sat. & Sun. , "You expect more from stada Nat'l concern has openings for part __17_______________________ time men. Could lead to full time GLW"V? a/t 22 , ind yuet it A ol" ";,. smeemlyetWelaoea-GOLF CLUBS. 8 irns, 4 woods, putter,t ai I +NO 8-91045 smeemlyetWelaoea-SMITHS bag and cart. Used one season. No (too I ecs _______________ erage 'earnings. Call NO 5-6885 or __________________ 5-5454 between 4:30-6:00 paw, Mon- FLOOR'COVERING 3-6958. )8141 CoP s WINTE xTU°*,w; d ay. March 31. )H91 EXPERT SSE AS FOR AST WI T R TA iN ATRTOSFOR :SALE:. 1949 Packard sedan. G~od AROAD ERICE ET US convert your double breasted Annuial pre-Easter' carpet sale, condition. Price rasonable NO 3- suit or tuxedo to a single breasted Dastic reductions from $2.5 a 956"N2 'u" model for only $1500. Double breasted sq. yd and up. 57 MORRIS MINOR, ike new, onlyN tuxedo to shawl collar wth new silk GODlySEVI E'S -+ facig fr ony *2.00. Wde lpel6800 miles. Back tudor sedan.' WSW, faingfrate os$2.0.Wie apelwCARPET STORE: heater, grey leather trim. Call V&- 01 SEkrVICodSTATIO sigl breated oWnesstyegnarowmot 58216, Detroit. )N122 %,7 lapelfor only $11.00. Expert work-20E.Wsigo ;manship, Mail to Michaels Tailoring LINOLEUM STORE Co., or write for free details. 1425 205 N. Main ° .Broadway, Detroit 26, or phone WOod- )3141 4 . ward 9-57i8. )P4t 'Ci~t1~e7 I$e44 thysciacs lases resciptonsFiled. f F O R E X E R T S E VICP c* Wastna OptialoLaboratory AK 21 EstLierya FredA. WaraE. U Dobs , ~ ~ k _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ANA / lounging luxury .~, r. ,r. ( tined Batiste duster, /9qh in fine quality embroidered As cfadvoersecj wi Seyelet Batiste. Neatly lidmrel collared and cuffed' daintily ribbon bowed.' 4 1 urkey- nspired match-makers..,pairt 'of Petti's'exotic "East Meets West" collecffoft I 'Of fashions. This group is fabricated in an authentic Turkish mosque tile print cotton .that is confined to Petti, The print, colored in Turquoise and Bosporus Blue on a'white - . agoncoriae it li mthn ontniole olnwev otn jarosnderesitndesihalain machinge."osfn stninoe" oplnwe5;ctt 1 raerssat.adwsalofcustYus7i ie~7t 5 SKIRTS $8,95 BLOUSES $5.98 BERMACA $4.98 LONG PANTS $5.98 I. ll