"Quiet! We're Thinking Up A New Reason" R. A~ 0 Iwr A irl4w n tt all Sixty-EighthYear cl - DITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIOIS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mius t be noted in all reprints. UNDAY, MARCH 30, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: LANE VANDER SLICE For the Kids: Adequate Facilities, Better Teaching _ a ./"' r v ... t # . a: : e } , ;. x: - i ' , . ,. ,. y3- - Q - , 4 = . _ ' , r ;1'' V : _ S _ .. N \ ._ _ g :y ,r""' >. ILTo The Edio Clarification To the Editor: THERE APPEARED in The Daily on Saturday, March 29, 1958, an article headlined, "Defeated Candidate Urges New Election." Being that defeated candidate, I feel that this article needs some clarification. What was written in the article was correct to an extent, but I be- lieve that there has been a misrepresentation of certain statements in my original letter addressed to Joint Judic (this letter was not submitted at all. In fact, a new letter has been drafted. a)I did not urge that there be a new election; I only suggested that Joint Judic look into the possibility of another election. After discussing JUT OF 29,000 eligible probably about 8,500 will care enough. There will be a rather important election in he Ann Arbor School District tomorrow. iligible voters will have the opportunity to rote on one of the few great issues of our times hat can be affected by action at a local level- lementary, junior high and senior high school ducation. That the inferiority of American lower" education to Russia's is an issue is lowly getting across to the public. Life Maga- Ine is making a major effort in this respect, nd even the conservative newsplay of the New York Times has given lead stories to debate on he issue. Voters will decide on two separate proposals. )ne, a $3,750,000 bonding proposal to build and quip a 1,000-pupil junior high school and 27 additional elementary classrooms, represents in effort to keep pace-but not ahead of pace-- vith the tide of rising school enrollments. The >roblem is this. Since the tqtal enrollment in he District grows over 800 pupils a year, td naintain a maximum of 30 pupils per classroom iecessitates the building of at least 27 new lassrooms per year. THE SECOND PROPOSAL, which asks for a 2112-mill increase for five years in the Dis- trict's operational millage, is at least as cru- cially needed as the first. This would provide for needed additional teachers, slight salary in- creases for teachers, and curricula improve- ment. The statements of the Board of Educa- tion speak best on the need for the proposals passage: It will permit a "return to a seven period day at the junior high school level, thereby providing for an increase in required and elective science, and . . . allow capable students to carry more courses;" it will allow Ann Arbor to compete financially for teachers with schools in the metropolitan area, Ann Arbor's beginning salaries now being the lowest in the area. Both proposals will add only $24 a year to the tax bill of the average property owner. It appears clear to us that if local voters are to~meet the crisis in their own school dis- trict, a crisis which is a part of the recognized and often explained crisis in American educa- tion, then they must get to'the polls and ap- prove both proposals tomorrow. It's for the kids, and then some. -JAMES ELSMAN JR. Editorial Director -_-,., ..r _, . . :, ' . . 5 ' :. k a§ , 'V ch9I"W~~14T' aTa WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: THIS WEEK ON CAMPUS: Elections Suggestions Congressmen Try Giveaway By DREW PEARSON THE BIGOEST NEWS this week was the all- campus elections and the frauds connected with several of them, following on the heels of a remarkably unenlightened and unenlighten- ing Student Government Council campaign. The whole thing is probably best characterized as "stuff and 'nonsense." The SGC campaign might have been im- proved had the candidates been subjected to greater orientation to the Council. Past efforts at orientation have floundered on the inability of the elections committee either to find com- petent teachers for orientation sessions or to induce all candidates to appear. The most effective way of dealing with this situation might be to give each candidate several weeks " in which to digest a given packet of informa- tion about the campus and the Council and then test them on its contents. The results could then be published in The Daily, with class level and SGC experience noted so that incumbent candidates would not be given an undue edge. While this would not eliminate the Charlie McCarthy (or Mortimer Snerd) approach of some candidates, nor other forms of irresponsibility, it would at least insure some greater acquaintance with the basic facts and Issues than was evident in this campaign.- * * * E LECTION FRAUD may be harder to deal with, but a number of steps can be taken. First, better records of ballot assignments can be kept and then guarded more carefully than was done this year. All poll workers can be assigned to specific ballot boxes rather than allowed to select their own. Elections commit- tee members, SGC members and others can patrol the balloting more carefully, checking to see that no advice is being given to voters other than that signs and other means of elec- tioneering must be kept away from the boxes. In extreme cases, poll workers can be asked, to post a bond of $5 or so, to be forfeited in case of abuses, although this mighttend to dis- courage badly peeded poll workers. It might be grossly unfair to penalize the candidates them- selves, beyond disqualifying ballots, since much of the fraud can (and apparently in many cases did) go on without theirknowledge. The spurt of dishonesty, which appeared to be new to this election (at least in degree), is difficult to explain. It may come from a heightened sense of the importance of SGC, which makes it all the more important to get favored candidates elected, or it may come from a lessened respect for the Council, which makes it seem less unethical, because it is less important, to stuff for favorite sons. The latter explanation seems to be the more likely one, since what stuffing has been charged has been much more candidate-oriented than issue- oriented, and since the accusations, at least, have seldom gone beyond the confines of individual houses which had candidates in the running.f Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor JAMES ,ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHRGANG Editorial Director City Editor DONNA HANSON........ Personnel Director CAROL PRINS.................Magazine Editor EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director WILLIAM HANEY...............Features Editor ROSE PERLBERG ................ Activities Editor JAMES BAAD .................. Sports Editor BRUCE BENNETT........ Associate Sports Editor JOHN HILLYER ............Associate Sports Editor 'DIANE FRASER . ............... Assoc. Activities Editor THOMAS BLUES ......... Assoc. Personnel Director BRUCE BAILEY ................ Chief Photographer Rsnea.. Cin{ ONE OF THE REAL IRONIES of the cam- paign was the defeat of Ron Gregg, who has been the biggest booster of the honor system for literary college examinations. If a single candidate was elected to SGC dishonestly, then Gregg, who came in ninth, was pushed out through fraudulent means in an election which all too often relied on an honor system of sorts. The incident points up one of the basic diffi- culties of an honors system; that it increases the chances for dishonest people to gain at the expense of the honest. *"-* This week saw progress toward the establish- ment of two more Greek houses on campus, Tau Epsilon Phi and Phi Sigma Sigma. Assuming the two houses can meet the requirements of University regulations, they would be welcome additions to the campus. The past few years have been an unfortunate trend among most Greek units toward nu- merical expansion as enrollments and rushees rose. If the trend continues the fraternities and sororities may become as large, or nearly so, as the residence hall houses and lose one of their major appeals (and contributions) to students -their compact size. If the Greek system is to serve as a means of escaping the bewilderment of a huge campus,..as suggested last week by Illinois' Dean of Men Turner, it must not become a system of large, equally bewildering houses. * * * THIS WEEK SAW a calm on the residence hall integration front, but the issue is still with us. One point of dispute at the last Board of Governors' meeting threatens to grow as the meetings get more and more into the substance of the staff report on present practices-the admission of spectators. At the last meeting the chairman of the SGC Human Relations Board was denied admittance, since present board policy calls for only a representative of The Daily to be present, but given the widespread interest in this subject and the fact that no individual names (which might cause personal embarrassment) need be used, it would seem in the best interests of widespread understand- ing of the Board's policies in this area that the meetings be opened, at least to representatives of interested groups. The residence hall per- sonell frequently charge that they greatly mis- understood, and this would be the best way in which they could get their viewpoint across to a greater number of persons. -PETER ECKSTEIN Editor Library Reeks With Practicality THE PLANNER of the Romance Languages Building, one Colonel Jenny, who also was the first University professor of architecture, died a good number of years ago and perhaps he was fortunate. For if the Colonel were alive today, he would be facing a double torture. He would 1) have to watch the slow, mechanical demolition of his own creation, and 2) if he ever got a glimpse of the most recent addition to campus topography, the Undergraduate Li- brary, he might quite likely have torn his eyes out. It is hard to conceive two buildings so dif- ferent. The stubby, distinguished Romance Languages Building with its wooden stairs, had a curious, yet austere personality. The Under- graduate Library, on the other hand, is an undistinguished pile of glass and bricks. Many would defend the Library, saying that it is both the best type of architecture possible, considering such things as space limitations, WASHINGTON- An interesting private giveaway has been quietly slipped into the legislative hopper by Sen. Irving M. Ives (R- N.Y.), Sen. H. Alexander Smith (R-N.J.), and Congressman Rob- ert W. Kean (R-N.J.). Though carefully written to throw inquisitive reporters off the track, the two bills would toss a cool $1,511,450 in taxpayers' funds to two New Jersey sisters, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Kemmerer and Mrs. Anne Bumstead. Their attorney, Coleman Burke of the New York firm of Burke and Burke, was highly upset when queried over the telephone by this column about the private bills. "I'd just as soon not have any publicity about it," Burke declared, pointing out that he didn't want the apple cart kicked over just when he had succeeded in getting tht legislation introduced. IT'S NOT explained in the text of the bills, but Mrs. Kemmerer and Mrs. Bumstead are claiming the money from the Treasury as additional payment for 4,725 shares of stock in General Dye- stuff Corporation, seized by Alien Property Custodian Leo Crowley in 1942 as enemy property. The stock had been bought by their late father, Ernest K. Hal- bach, just one month before the outbreak of World War II. He paid a mere $210,000 and the justice department claimed he was simply a front for the former owner, the German cartel of I. G. Farben. General Dyestuff was the sales agent for General Aniline and Film Corporation, which in turn was the I. G. Farben holding com- pany for its interests in the U.S. What really adds shock-value to the $1,511,450 payment now pro- posed by lawmakers Ives, Smith and Kean is the fact that Halbach accepted an out-of-court settle- ment of $557,550 from the U.S. in payment for his vested stock in 1945. Moreover, after General Dye- stuff was seized, Halbach, as a native American, was allowed to continue as a top executive run- ning the firm under U.S. supervi- sion. Between 1942 and 1950, when he retired, he got an-additional $558,000 in salary and bonuses. He also was granted a special pension of $18,000 a year at the time of his retirement, though in 1953 this was canceled, when General Dye- stuff's board of directors learned Halbach had persuaded some of its employees to join him in organiz- ing a rival company. * * * CARIBBEAN Carrousel - Some congressmen want to know whether Dictator Trujillo of the Dominican Republic is using American aid money to finance a home for de- throned dictators. Trujillo is now host of Peron of Argentina, Jim- enez of Venezuela, and Kebreau of Haiti. The Dominican dictator is re- ported most interested in the least known of the trio, Brig. Gen. An- tonio Kebreau, who was kicked out of neighboring Haiti recently by President Francois Duvalier. Trujillo is reported amenable to financing a Kebreau-led revolt against the Democratic Haitian government. President Duvalier is concerned over the bad publicitay Haiti's hired influence peddlers have re- ceived in this country. The list includes John Roosevelt, Republi- can son of the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt; Charles Willis, formerhEisenhower aide, who married the daughter of tire king Harvey Firestone; Doug Whitlock, who helped arrange President Eisenhower's inaugural celebration for the Republican National Committee; Wesley Roberts, ex-Republican National Chairman who was booted out after an expose of his lobbying activities in Kansas; Baron Con- stantine Stackelberg, a Washing-* ton socialite; Max Hamilton and Pete Summers, who left David, Charnay's public relations firm to team up with John Roosevelt. ,e * * THEY WANGLED juicy contracts from Haiti's Acting Finance Min- ister, Andre Theard, who com- mitted a quarter of a million dol- lars to pull strings for Haiti in Washington. Actually, the Haitian' Embassy's scholarly Minister Counselor Samuel Devieux has done more good for his govern- ment in Washington than' all the paid influence peddlers combined. He has been quietly buttonholing key congressmen and explaining how Haiti could become a bulwark against the communist and fascist alignments that have been plagu- ing Latin America. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) this possibility with members of the Council, I saw immediately the impracticality of my suggestion and decided to strike this from my letter to Joint Judie. b) I said that if Joint Judic should decide to take action, they must question the validity of the election of every candidate. Unless some action is taken, I feel that the elected peoplehave justhas much right to a seat on the Coun- cil as the ex-officio members. c) I did not cite an investigation as an alternate to a new election, but rather I cited the possibility of a new election as an alternate to an investigation. If there were to be a new elec- tion because of a protest of mine, I know that I would withdraw my candidacy. But, because of the im- practicality of another election, I plan to withdraw my suggestion to that effect. I submit herewith a copy of the letter which I am sending to Joint Judic: * * * "IT IS MY feeling that during the Student Government Council Election held March 25 and 26, 1958, there existed an excessive amount of accusations and evi- dence of fraudulence. 1) There were a number of poll- ing booths which were left com- pletely unmanned before closing time. These booths were left with ballots remaining on the tables. 2) During the "Count Night" procedure there appeared a num- ber of ballots which showed evi- dence of being "stuffed." 3) One polling booth (No. 11) was manned predominantly by stu- dents who- were closely connected with a nllmber of the candidates. These are some of the more concrete incidents which are per- tinent to this election. I believe that were the entire election in- vestigated, many more incidents would be brought to light. If Joint Judic should decide to take action, it must question the validity of the election of every candidate. I suggest that Joint Judie in- spect the ballots of all candidates and that it look into the possibili- ty of disqualifying any candidate who is in violation." -Stephen K. Bailie, '60 School Vote .., To the Editor: MEMBERS of the university community should be in- formed about the millage election in Ann Arbor this Monday, March 31, 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Local voters are being asked to approve an average increase of $24 in property taxes to (1) maintain a ratio of thirty students to a teacher in the class- rooms!(2) to provide additional rooms to allow for this ratio; (3) to raise teachers' salaries slightly to place them on a com- petitive basis with neighboring communities; and (4) to augment the teaching staff in a few special areas. In view of general economic conditions this year and the defeat of a more ambitious millage pro- posal last year, the School Board has requested almost a minimum program. In no fashion will it pro- vide for "frills" or, on the other hand, the dynamic and imagina- tive educational program that is needed. All registered electors in this community may vote for the oper- ational millage, which will pro- vide the additional teachers and raise salaries. University members with children in or about to enter the Ann Arbor school system should act on this matter because it will vitally effect their educa- tion. Other individuals who are not personally interested but who realize the importance of educa- tion to the nation may wish to as- sume the responsibility of citizen- ship and vote. Perhaps everyone should be warned that the passage of the millage resolution might provoke landlords (but not the University) to raise rents slightly. Despite this, many of us are willing to make the necessary sacrifice for such a sig- nificant cause. Unfortunately, bus- iness leaders and others in the area are so opposed to this needed tax increase that at the present writing it appears doomed. Only If the university commun- ity-the faculty, the administra- tion, and the student body-joins with groups of interested parents in voting favorably is there any opportunity of reversing last year's defeat. -Michael . Adelstein, Grad. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is a Official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 pm. Friday SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 195" VOL. LXVIII, NO 131 General Notices Al' students who expect education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must get Instruc- tors' signatures at last class meetings in March on Dean's Monthly Certifica- tion form and turn the completed form In to Dean's office by 5:00 p.m. Thurs., April 3. Summary, action taken by Student Government council at its meeting of March 28, 1958. Approved minutes of previous meet- ing. amended. Accepted the following report from Count Director Maynard Goldman: "The following people were elected to Student Government Council in ca- pus elections March 25', 26, 1958: to one year terms-Scott G. Chrysler, David Kessel, Jo Hardee, Mort Wise, Fred Merrill, Roger Seasonwei; to 3z~ year terms, Susanne Rockne, Lois Wurster. However, due to the fact there is some doubt as to the validity of some of the ballots cast, ballots will be kept under lock and key until such time as the Joint Judiciary Council may look -at them." By concensus approved the writing of a letter to Congressman Fred Schwengel in support of H.R. 9414, a bill to, amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to provide an income tax deduc- tion for certain expenses of attending colleges and universities. Approved motion providing that Stu- dent Government Council direct the Education and Student Welfare 'Com- mittee to gather all examinations which are released from the various depart- ments in the Literary College and compile them for use in an examina- tion file. It was reported that the Executive Committee had granted temporary ap- proval to the revised constitution of Women's League, that the request for final approval will come to the Coun- cil at the meeting of April 2. Granted permission to Armenian Student Association to reactivate as a student organization. Approved NAACP program on April 17, subject to Lecture Committee sp - proval of speaker. - Defeated a motion providing that Student Government Council send a resolution to the Ann Arbor City Council recommending that they con- sider legal action prohibiting discrimi- nation according to race, religion, or national origin in Ann Arbor housing. Approved motion directing the Elec- tion Evaluation Committee to investi- gate practices of the recent SGC elec- tion procedure and of all subsidiary counts, including placement and super- vision of ballot boxes and their per- sonnel, and to report on the investi- gation, including possible recommen- dations for changes at the meeting of April 30. President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their home Wed., April 2, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. June graduates may now order their caps and gowns at Moe's Sport Shop on North University. American Society for Public Admini- stration: Social Seminar. "Budget Prob- 4. i {, CONSIDER NEW LEVIES: Legislators Examine State Tax Structure, ,.. i. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the second of two articles discuss- ing Michigan financial situation and it's relation to the University.) By MICHAEL KRAFT Daily Staff Writer TrE University's annual battle of the budget for more money from the Legislature is only a phase of the lawmakers' larger war with a tax structure that can- not yield revenue fast enough for the state's growing demands. Revenue experts predict the state's deficit could amount to as much as 45 million dollars under the present financial setup. With this threat before them, and the fears of industry leaving the state echoing behind every plant's departure to "more favor- able business climates," legislators show no hesitation to chop budget requests to fit the state's income. This year, the Senate Appropria- tions Committee pared more than seven million dollars from the University's operating request and proposed an allocation of a flat 30 million dollars. Continued action of this type has led University President Har- lan Hatcher to despairingly call the tax structure "topsy turvey." * * * MEMBERS of the Legislature, particularly Rep. Rollo G. Conlin, chairman of the House Taxation floor to "have it available on an emergency basis." The research director for the Tax Study Committee, Prof. Har- vey Brazer of the economics de- partment, described the tax struc- ture as "not very elastic, at least in an upward direction" in pro- viding revenues for the state's increasing needs for higher edu- cation, schools, hospitals, and other services. He said this is because the structure rests on sources of in- come that change "very slowly." The largest single source of reve- nue in Michigan is the three per cent sales tax and this is based in large part on such durable goods as automobiles, sales of which have not expanded too much, Prof. Brazer pointed out. * * * FOR THE last two years, sales tax receipts have been approxi- mately 309 mpillion ,dollars. This year they will again fall short of original predictions and should reach about 310 million dollars, State Treasurer Sanford Brown estimates. Other state taxes have also pro- vided little additional funds, in- cluding the cigarette, beer and liquor taxes, which are based on a fairly constant consumption, Prof. Brazer said. He pointed out that in the licence taxes which go directly to the highway fund. . The sales tax for example, is split into three sections, with two- thirds going to the school fund, one-sixth returned to city, town- ship and village governments, while the estimated 52 million dollars remaining finds its way to the state's General Fund. Bolstered by business activities, corporation franchise taxes and liquor profits, all of which are based on "very slowly, growing" sources of revenue, the General Fund may reach about 266 mil- lion dollars. Not even all this, however, can be doled out by the Legislature, for the state must pay debt serv- ices and match Federal grants for public welfare, thus losing con- trol over another 50 to 75 million dollars, Prof. Brazer estimated. * * * FOCUSING on the taxes desig- nated for specific purposes, he said "the less earmarking and more flexible the tax program is, the better it is. There is no coincidence between the amount of money re- ceived from a tax and the needs of the function it supports." He looked warily at the hopes sometimes expressed by University officials that a special tax might be used to support higher educa- tion. "We of the University should try to squeeze more revenue from it, or adopt major new taxes and revamp the structure drastically. Changes might come through add- ing new taxes to supplement or replace older ones. He declined to predict the study committee's recommendations while the reports are still being-; compiled by the research teams, which include nine faculty mem- bers from the University, four from Michigan State University, four from the University of Detroit and three from Wayne State Uni- versity. Prof. Brazer said, however, that the personal and corporate income ,taxes are the only ones that the states does not use, but which will permit major revamping and more revenue at the same time. Or, ex- panding the sales tax to include services such as haircuts and auto repairs would bring the state an- other 30 million dollars. * * * THE REPORT on the contro- versial corporation profits tax will be made public tomorrow at the committee's hearings in Grand Rapids. The personal income tax report issued Jan. 28 called it "more than any other single tax, capable of distributing tax pay- ments among individuals in, pro- portion to their relative capacities to contribute to the public fisc. i - . _. w 4,' i