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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom PARTLY CLOUDY,MI
[. LXVIII, No. 131
ebels Give Arms
To Havana Citizens
President To Declare Martial Law
As Fear of General Strike Spreads
HAVANA, Cuba (P)-Fidel Castro's rebels passed out arms among
civilians in Havana and elsewhere in Cuba yesterday and said "the
hour is near" for their big blow against the government.
Cuba appeared to be facing its most critical hour.
President Fulgencio Batista-target of the rebels-asked Congress
for extraordinary powers to crush any armed uprising or general
strike. He was certain to get the powers.
Batista Shows Alarm
It wasthe first time that the Batista regime has showed alarm
over the possibility of a general uprising. Castro has given him until
End Kohler
:Strike Study
ate 'Rackets Committee yesterday
wound up its inquiry of the vio-
lence-studded Kohler strike after
an uproarious session in which
Walter Reuther slugged it out
verbally with three GOP senators.
Reuther accused his Republican
critics of taking part in a design
to destroy him and the United
Auto Workers Union he heads.
One of the senators, Barry Gold-
water (R-Ariz.), told reporters as
the hearing- ended he still con-
Y slders Reuther "more dangerous
than the Russian sputniks."
Another of the three Republi-
cans, Sen. Karl Mundt of South
Dakota, had asserted during the
hearing that Reuther has a "mort-
gage" on the Democratic party in
some areas.
The give-and-take strayed so
far from the Kohler strike that
Chairman McClellan (D-Ark.),
with a gesture of frustration, an-
nounced he was washing his hands
of responsibility.
"Can you folks not get off some-
where and talk this out?" he
Win Expected
TORONTO () - Canada's
stormy political campaign ended
yesterday amid widespread predic-
tions that the Conservative party
of Prime Minister John Dief en-
baker wouldin tomorrow's*na-
tional election.
The predictions came both from
public opinion polls and from po-
litical writers who have toured the
country during the parliamentary
Liberal Leader Lester B. Pear-
son claimed victory. But even some
Liberal officials conceded privately
that the Conservatives would make
gains in some provinces, including
the Liberal stronghold of Quebec.
Despite the pro - Conservative
predictions, some cautious observ-
*ers recalled that only nine months
ago all the experts guessed wrong
when the Conservatives were re-
turned to office in an upset. They
acknowledge another upset is pos-
ifbthis happens, Diefenbaker's
position as prime minister would
be insured and the Conservatives
likely would continue in office for
four more years.
The Prime Minister called for
the election in the hope of achiev-
ing this result.
asser Death
Plot Charged
DAMASCUS, Syria (R)- Asad
Ibrahim, father-in-law of King
Saud of Saudi Arabia, was charged
yesterday with plotting to assassi-
nngs Pr.eita+Mma halae
oSaturday to resign or face "total
war," including a general strike.
Batista, guarded by machine-
gunners in his. sandbagged fort-
ress-like palace, has ignored recent
demands of the nation's leading
civic, religious, cultural, and pro-
fessional organizations that he re-
sign to prevent anarchy and chaos.
The nation's army, navy, and
air forces were alerted for im-
mediate action in all six provinces,
Hotel Invaded'
A rebel band secretly invaded
the newly opened Havana Hilton
Hotel. From its top 30th story,
they scattered leaflets to the winds
warning of imminent action and
calling on all workers to strike.
They shouted "Long Live Cas-
tro," then fled.
Throughout Cuba, the powerful
pro-Batista Cuban Federation of
Labor mobilized workers into a
counterrevolutionary movement.
Workers in key cities pledged they
would fight Castro's general strike
See Upturn
In Eeon omy.
WASHINGTON (A)-Republican
leaders in Congress predicted yes-
terday the Eisenhower administra-
tion's antirecession plans will give
an "immeasurable" boost to the
lagging economy.
They said the government is
pouring nine billion dollars in
stepped-up spending into the eco-
nomic system.
Sen. William Knowland of Cali-
fornia and Rep. Joseph W. Martin
Jr. of Massachusetts said the ad-
ministration has taken 29 actions
on its own and asked Congress to
approve 21 additional requests for
a total of 50 moves aimed at
stimulating business and employ-
ment "in sensible, well-planied
To Decide
Local Aid
The fate of two Ann Arbor
school system financial proposals
will be placed in the hands of vot-
ers tomorrow in a special election.
Up for approval are measures
which call for a $3,750,000 bond
issue "to provide for building con-
struction, and for the acquisition
of additional school sites in areas
of anticipated population growth,"
and a 21/2 mill taxincrease for op-
erating purposes.
With an anticipated need of 52
additional elementary classrooms
and 37 more junior high class-
rooms by 1962, Board of Education
spokesmen have proposed a four
point allocation program for the
proceeds from the bond issue.,
Junior High Included
This tentative program includes
a new junior high school, already
in the planning stage, 27 addition-
al elementary classrooms, addi-
tional school sites and the erection
of a maintenance and service shop
for school owned vehicles.
The millage proposal $rovides
funds to, accommodate normal
growth and permit a seven period
day at the junior high level. This
would allow an increase in re-
quired and elected science courses
and enable capable students* to
carry more courses, local educators
'Would Come Short'
Superintendent of Ann Arbor
schools Jack Elzay has said "doing
only the things that must be done,
without the proposed millage in-
crease, we would come up $104,000
short next year."
He also pointed out that Ann,
Arbor's beginning salary f or
teachers is the lowest in this area,
resulting, he says, in a shortage of
qualified teachers.
,,The polls will be open 7:00 a.m.
to 8:00 p.m. tomorrow.
School officials note that each
registered school elector may vote
on the millage increase. Only reg-
istered school electors who have
property assessed for taxes within
the school district may vote on the
bond proposal.
The polls will be open 7:00 a.m.
to 8:00 p.m. tomorrow at the fol-
lowing places:
School precinct 1, Jones School;
school precinct 2, Angell School;
school precinct 3, Burns Park
School; school precinct 4, Eber-
white School; school precinct 5,
Haisley School; school precinct 6,
Stone School; and school precinct
7, Pittsfield School.
-Daily-Ian MacNiven
SMILES OF VICTORY-University Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz" Crisper presents the silver trophy
emblematic of supremacy in the NCAA Swimming Championships to Wolverine coach Gus Stager.
Diving Coach Bruce Harlan stands beaming on Stager's right, while Bud Palmer, television commen-
tator, stands with microphone poised in the center.
Sun Shines on SWi1 Coaches
Sunny Saturday afternoons,
once the exclusive Michigan sports
monopoly of football coach Benny
Oosterbaan, were shared yesterday
by two other members of'the Ath-
letic Department.
Swimming coach Gus Stager and
diving coach Bruce Harlan didn't
need the sun in the well lighted
varsity pool, but it put the coat-
less crowd in a holiday mood as
they trooped down State Street to
watch Michigan win a swimming
Despite the discrepancy with
typical football results-Michigan
was favored and they actually won
- yesterday afternoon at least
briefly satisfied even the most ac-
tive spectator of organized sports
who finds the earth's greatest en-
joyment in a jammed football sta-
More Tickets 'Available'
Inquiring young men, with one
hand in their pocket and the other
waving tickets, were standing at
the swimming pool's entrance to
prevent anyone from being fooled
by the "Sold Out" sign pasted on
the doors.
Inside, those with enough fore-
sight or funds to get tickets for the
sellout championship meet were
greeted by the ever present ath-
letes converted to program sellers.
Within the pool area, TV camera-
men took the place of football
managers chasing stray dogs in
expressed desire for air condition-
It was a typical sports afternoon
even for the stray football fan.
However, timeouts were called by
the television representatives and
huddles were held between the
Painful memories° were also
aroused yesterday as Michigan
State University took three first
places in the afternoon's six final
But this time, it was the Wolver-
ines who had team depth. After
the crowd roared Michigan's Tony
Tashnick from behind to win the
first race of the afternoon, they
settled back to enjoy the team's
place awards and the "halftime"
show of clown diving.
Fbr Michigan had overcome
Ohio State University's one point
lead and the second and third
places were enough-to earn coach-
es Stager and Harlan a thorough
dunking. However, the diving
beards were hot torn down.
U.S. May Reconsider
Latin Amertcan Policy
WASHINGTON, (JP)-A top level stock-taking of the state of Unit-
ed States relations with Latin America apparently is in the making.
The review, to be carried out over the next few months, could lead
to a reassessment of United States economic and political policies to-
ward the 20 nations to the south.
It apparently is President Dwight D. Eisenhower's answer both to
new Russian threats of economic-and political-penetration in Latin
America and to congressional criticism that not enough attention is
paid to that vital area.
The stock-taking will be done by:
1) Vice President Richard M. Nixon, who last week announced
A nbncne Prain*Q di W/i-th gAcl
Would Lead t
U.S. forces from Europe would le
Germany and Russia, confronting
Acheson, Secretary of Statet
tacked as "utterly fallacious" thei
an East-West troop withdrawal fr
a neutralized zone embracing a un
Kennan, former U.S. ambassa
partment policy planner, advanced
casts in Britain last year. Acheso
article in the April issue of Foreig
the Council on Foreign Affairs,<
New York.
Describing the disengagement
idea as "the new isolationism,"
Acheson said a troop pullback
from some areas of Europe-would
be just the beginning.
"After disengagement," he said,
"we would soon find ourselves dis-
cussing withdrawal from all Eu-
ropean bases and, very possibly,
from bases in the Far East and
Near East as well."
Acheson said a pullout from all
overseas bases, something the Rus-
sians have been seeking, "would
cut the striking power of the free
world by at least half and, per-
haps, until our missile program
accelerates, by much more."
Attacking disengagement as an
. LM r w VV ILIJ.. 1 UW lcompeting for crowd's attention.
Their numerous delays of the
o W ar Threat events for commercials and inter-
views, which the crowd at the pool
eheson said yesterday withdrawal of could not hear, made some fans
ad ultimately to a linkup between wish they stayed home with their
the world with a new war threat. TV sets. "At least I could open a
in the Truman administration, at- can of beer between races," one
proposals by George F. Kennan for perspiring spectator complained.
om Central Europe and creation of Writers Complain
nifie Gerany.Up in the press box, sports writ-
nified Germany. ers quickly shed jackets and as us-
dor to Russia and onetime State De- er ,ucklinedjacketheanasu-
ual, complained about the facili-
these proposals in a series of broad- ties. However, football season's
n's rebuttal came in a copyrighted complaints about lack of heat in
n Affairs, a magazine published by the press box were replaced by an
{KhrushchevTo Name
N ewvj~ Cabinet Tomorrow
MOSCOW ()-Nikita Khrushchev in his new role of premier will
announce his cabinet tomorrow before a joint session of the Supreme
Soviet, and some changes are expected.
The big question is what happens to Nikolai A. Bulganin, whom
Khrushchev replaced Thursday. Many believe that if- Bulganin is left
in the government it will be as a deputy premier.
Gromyko 'Certain' To Stay
[ It seemed almost certain, however, that Khrushchev has decided
to stick with Andrei Gromyko as foreign minister. Gromyko is to de-
liver a report on nuclear bomb tests after Khrushchev names his gov-
There was some speculation that Agriculture Minister Vladimir V.
Matzkevich will go. He was criticized in today's session of the Council
that, on the President's request,
Talk Planned
By Commager
On Education
Educator, historian and author
Henry Steele Commager will dis-
cuss "The Press and Education".
at 3 p.m. Tuesday in Rackham
Following his lecture Commager
will be interviewed by a number
of graduate students in journalism
over University television station
Commager will speak under the
auspices of the journalism de-
According to Prof. Wesley H.
Maurer, department chairman,
Commager is an "outstanding"
author and editor. Many of his
works deal with the subject of
American civil liberties, Prof.
Maurer said. Commager has also
edited a number of anthologies,
including "America n Perspec-
Commager has been a visiting
lecturerat a number of European
universities, including Oxford and
Non .ReU d"i
he would make an 18-day swing Hanley Starts Slowly
4,through eight South American na- Hanley, like Hopkins, had star
tions, beginning April 26. red slow, but his furious fini
2) Milton S. Eisenhower, broth- could not close the gap. Rog
er of the president, who, as the Anderson of Yale and Jeff Far
president's personal representa-, of Oklahoma also finished ahe
tive, will make a good will tour of of Hanley.
six Central American nations in Smith finished fourth in t
June. 100-yd. backstroke behind J
3) Secretary of State John Fos- Dolby of Yale, Dave Pemberton
ter Dulles, who is reported to be Northwestern and Iowa's Linc
considering personal visits to indi- Hurring.
vidual countries. Woolley, also racked uip poir
4) President Eisenhower him- for the Wolverines as he claim
self, who this week lunched with a third-place finish in the 440-3
Costa Rican President-elect Mario freestyle. For the entire race t
Echandi, and who is scheduled to Spartans' Billy Steuart led a
receive the president of Chile. See SWIM, page 3
j orld News Roundup
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Adlai E. Stevenson yesterday urged the American
people to put children's= needs-particularly in education-over all
other civilian wants.
WASHINGTON - Adm. Arleigh Burke, Chief of Naval Operations,
has warned that over half the Navy's ships in 1965 will be obsolete
under the present level of spending for shipbuilding.
MONTERIA CORDOBA, Columbia-Time appeared today to be
running out for "the oldest man in the world."
Physicians said death is expected momentarily for Javier Pereira,
Colombian Indian who calculated his age at 168.
WASHINGTON -- Russia protested yesterday against United
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