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March 29, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-29

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3idPxgan an
Sixty-Eighth Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"


1 .

'Bridge' Deserves
Its Seven Oscars
W ITH CINEMASCOPE, technicolor- and adjusted admission prices,
"The Bridge on the River Kwai" has opened to what should be a
very profitable local run in the wake of favorable Academy Award
After all, seven Academy Awards-even though they represent rela-
tive judgments over a year of films and film production-do indicate
that the picture is something out of the ordinary. In this case, the
Oscars serve to illustrate the film's highlights with a rather methodical
An Award for Best Screenplay reflects the new way the writers have

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




ii .LVa.ras r a. +.. r v. . . _ _ .

New Composition of SGC
Should Warn Sigma Kappa

T HAS BEEN over a year since Student
Government Council's decision that Sigma
Kappa was in violation of the University
tegulation that reads "recognition will not
be granted any organization which prohibits
members in the organization because of race,
religion or color." It will be six months until
SGC must decide whether Sigma Kappa is at
that time acting "in good faith with the
spirit of the regulations for recognized organi-
zations." During this 18-month period all but
two of the members of SGC will have changed
-both the elected and ex-officio members alike.
Next fall, there is a good chance that SGC
will be faced with a national that has done
little or nothing to face up to SGC's decision
that found the national in bad faith.
In the summer Sigma Kappa may make a
statement to the effect that they are not in
violation of University regulations. But the
difficulty in accepting this has already been
pointed out-how can SGC consistently accept
this statement from Sigma Kappa while re-
jecting a similar one in 1956?
There are two reasons why the national may
decide to do nothing. They may decide that an
almost completely changed SGC will be less
positive in acting than the 1956-57 one was.
Two, they may easily decide that the grace
period will work in Sigma Kappa's favor. And
these two things must be added to a national
that was in the first place extremely reluctant
to provide positive explanation or action of
any sort concerning the Tufts or Cornell

chapters. The conclusion that can easily be
drawn from this is that the national may
decide at the summer convention that the best
action it can take would be one of inaction.
THIS WOULD LEAVE SGC holding the same
bag that it held in 1956, a bag that presents
problems in getting rid of. For with the same
information, what can SGC do? It can decide
that the national is in violation of University
regulations. This means that the local, no
matter what else is done, cannot remain a
Sigma Kappa chapter. The resultant bitterness
--all directed toward SGC-would be consider-
able. Or SGC can reverse its previous decision
and say that Sigma Kappa national does not
violate any University regulation. By reversing
itself on such an important question, SGC
would make itself an organization for deciding
trivial affairs only.
What can the Council do now to make sure
that the summer convention of the national
does not lightly pass by SGC's action? What
it would need to do is to direct Sigma Kappa's
attention to the fact that it is first up to the
national, not SGC, to take positive action in
this case. SGC should again reaffirm its 1956
decision and ask for further positive evidence
before it can reverse its decision. This action
should relieve SGC of a burden the Sigma
Kappa national should carry-the primary re-
sponsibility for deciding the fate of the Sigma
Kappa local.

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r Soviet Trade Expands

Eased Bankf Credit



Associated Press News Analyst
URING THE 1953-54 recession government
economists convinced numbers of people
that they had found the key to a stable
They thought runaway deflation was a thing
of the past. Inflation was still to be dealt with,
but run-away deflation, accompanied by wide-
spread unemployment, was what always caused
the really serious trouble.
The key was supposed to have been the
ability of the Federal Rerserve System to pump
credit through easement of interest on loans
to member banks.
It was supposed then that a recession had
been overcome without resort to various blue-
prints for pepping up the economy in other
Now there is a suspicion, although time -has
been too brief for thorough analysis, that eased
bank'credit is not having great effect, certainly
not a decisive effect, on the current recession.
BANKERS ARE SAYING that the Federal
Reserve interest cuts have been too small.
But their own figures show reserve funds avail-
able for loans are above demand for credit.
It also has become obvious that the so-called
blueprints held in reserve for other recession-
beating action were not very detailed, or else
not designed to meet the type of thing which

is going on now. The big trouble seems to be
that there is no applicable yardstick.
Unemployment and decrease in business has
reached proportions considerably beyond 1953-
54. But it is happening at a far higher level-
with unemployment, prices and business at
record levels when compared with only a few
years ago.
THE SPECTACLE of millions of unemployed
facing rising food costs is unusual. Among
the first reactions is to extend unemployment
Vast unemployment benefits, however, failed
to reverse the business trend during the great
depression of the '30s. The economy sat up and
took a little nourishment by 1937, but expan-
sion was not resumed until the war orders from
Europe began to arrive in 1939.L
Unemployment benefits had proved a main-
tenance dosage, but not a muscle builder.
Great sections of business still doubt that
this is a serious recession, and few think it is
the forerunner of a real depression. Many think
that when the automobile business goes back
to utility, instead of pointing at style and
obsolescence, things will settle down.
But Britain has just cut her bank rate,
which she raised less than a year ago, and
spots are showing up in the booming West
German economy.
The blueprinters are being'called on for some
quick revisions.

WITH TEXAS oilmen demand-
ing new restrictions on oil im-
ports from Latin America and
Sen. Ralph Yarborough of Texas
introducing legislation to that
end, Russia has been quietly open-
ing new fields of trade among this
country's good neighbors.
Here is the score of Soviet bloc
penetration in Latin America re-
Colombia - Talks are in prog-
ress between the USSR and the
National Coffee Federation on an
exchange of 50,000 tons of Colom-
bian coffee for 50,000 tons of Sy-
rian wheat.
Chile - Sale is being discussed
of 500 tons of copper wire to
Czechoslovakia and 350 tons to
Red China. The wire would be
within the 6-mm. limit allowed by
the Battle Act.
*.* *
ARGENTINA - An Argentine
mission has just returned from a
tour of the Soviet bloc which re-
sulted in the purchase of $29,000,-
000 worth of Communist goods.
Negotiations are continuing for
additional purchases. The pur-
chases are being financed with a
$40 million credit left over from a
trade agreement signed by Peron.
Under it, Russia received Argen-
tine goods but until now has been
unable to supply anything in re-
turn that the Argentines wanted.
Today, however, the Russians are
going to supply equipment for the
state-owned Rio Turbio coal
Uruguay - A trade agreement
was signed in 1956 but has not
been ratified by the Uruguayan
Congress. With Uruguay sore over

the high U.S. tariff on wool tops,
Russia is reported offering to send
economic aid and technical as-
sistance in exchange for wool.
Brazil - Moscow is reported of-
fering $1 billion in economic aid
in exchange for the restoration of
diplomatic relations and legaliza-
tion of the Communist Party. The
Reds reportedly have offered to
supply 5,000 Muskovitch cars, plus
oil, equipment, and technicians
for the Petrobras State Oil Com-
pany. The Russians would buy
coffee, cocoa, cotton, sugar, hides,
and minerals.
Note - Soviet progress in Latin,
A m e r i c a results from United
States neglect, increased Russian
prestige following the Sputniks,
the fall in raw-material prices,
and the unwillingness of the
Eisenhower Administration to give
economic aid or technical advice
to state-owned enterprises in
Latin America, especially the gov-
ernment oil monopolies of Brazil
and Argentina.
** *
HOUSEWIVES don't know it,
but they are in for either faulty
inspection of meat or a slowdown
in meat production. This is be-
cause the Federal Meat Inspection
Service is short 412 meat inspec-
tors and can't get the Administra-
tion to ask for more money to
hire them.
What's happened is that the
population of the United States
has grown by 3,000,000 a year, the
cattle population of the United
States is up to record levels, but
the number of U.S. meat inspec-
tors stationed in the slaughter-
houses by the Department of Ag-
riculture remains about the same.

The number of packing plants
under inspection has risen by 55
per cent in the past 15 years, but
in the same period of time the
number of inspectors has been re-
duced by six per cent and the
number of federal veterinarians
by 23 per cent.
Last year, Eisenhower asked
Congress for additional funds to
hire more meat inspectors, but
didn't get them. This year he isn't
even asking. This is because of the
White House rule that all non-
defense funds are being held back
in favor of armament.
Results of the meat inspector
shortage: curtailed income for
farmers, higher prices for consu-
mers, less profits for packers, and
sometimes faulty inspection.
SPEAKER Sam Rayburn never
objects to a good story on himself.
Here is one he tells himself:
"I was invited out to dinner the
other night and found myself sit-
ting alongside a handsome young
man whose face looked familiar. I
couldn't quite pla'ce him, so I
asked him, 'Aren't you in the Jus-
tice Department?'
" 'Yes,' the young man told me,
'I'm the Attorney General.' "
Note - Bill Rogers, the new At-
torney General, is not new to
Washington. He served as counsel
for the old Truman Committee,
also served for four years in the
Justice Department as deputy to
Herbert Brownell. However, he
has so kept his youthful appear-
ance that few people recognize
him as a sedate member of the
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

found to restate the old problem ofl
British soldiers, prisoners of the
Japanese in Ceylon in 1943, is told
it must connect Bangkok with
Rangoon by constructing a railway
bridge across the River Kwai, the
battalion commander finds he
must resolve the situation to the
codes of war.
WHILE the commander, Colonel
Nicholson (Alec Guinness), takes
the rule-book approach, the Amer-
ican prisoner Shears (William
Holden) places humanity above
following oiders. With the two
extremes set up, a variety of other
soldiers take middle points. Cap-
tain Joyce (Geoffrey Horne) is
the youth who has to learn to kill;
Colonel Saito (Sessue Hayakawa)
is the Japanese who follows a dif-
ferent rule book, one in which the
loss of face is the supreme loss; the
medical officer (James Donald) is
the neutral who sees only "mad-
ness" in War in which he will take
no part.
The screenplay of "The Bridge"
allows a balanced, continuing re-
presentation of these views, alter-
nating times of tense action with
moments of relaxed humor, finally
bringing the two sides together in
a powerful, head-on climax.
An Oscar for Best Cinemato-
graphy is earned by a definite
realization throughout the film of
its Asiatic setting and by the ex-
pressiveness with which the ele-
ments are brought into play with
the mingling of occidental and
AN OSCAR for Best Editing
comes by way of one of the more
technical aspects of film produc-
tion, but one which stands out in
relation to the film's overall in-
flection of mood.
The Award for Best Musical
Scoring is particularly appropriate.
The theme, an old march tune
whistled at times of high morality
in the British troops, is squeezed
for its last drop of sentimentality,
and in this way it comes to repre-
sent the great false sense of decor
necessary to keep such an artificial
thing as an army in line.
A fifth Oscar weit to Alec Gum-
ness for Best Actor; it was cer-
tainly a deserved Oscar in light of
Guinness' long association with
movies and with "The Bridge on
the River Kwai." As Col. Nichol-
son, Guinness must balance humor
with seriousness at all times, for
his role tends to excite laughter
in moments that are far from
* * *
GUINNESS' face, throughout the
film, stays a meaningful showplace
for reaction and expression as its
owner must continually adjust
personal hardship to the rule
book and human considerations to
the threat of personal sentiment.
William Holden, who also has
an Oscar for the portrayal of a
prisoner of war in "Stalag 17" of
a few years ago, has a less diffi-
cult role this time, but one which
he fills with care. Hawkins, Horne
and Donald are interesting faces
to watch and minds to follow,
while Hayakawa's supporting role
evidences much feeling.
The sixth Oscar for "The
Bridge" is that for Best Direction
on the part of. David Lean, who
seems to make the very most of
his screenplay and cast, coming
up with a sentimental but stirring
* * *
FINALLY, the Academy Award
for Best Picture of the year-and
what more can a film ask?-"The
Bridge" has combined many ex-
cellences, but chief among them
is the approach of the film to its
subject. In spite of a few tortuous
moments, "The Bridge" is sheer
While no conclusion is really
reached on which is the best way
to fight a War, either by humanity
or the rule book, the implication
is that the former just cannot be
ignored, and that sooner or later

the rule book approach must come
For the ultimate, final decision
between the written codes and
sentimental humanity is indeci-
sion-and mere oblivion. At "The
Bridge on the River Kwai," when
all is over, war is just "madness"
and the folly of man.
-Vernon Nahrgang
to the
Trivia? .
To the Editor:
LAST Saturday over 300 people
took in a stimulating U. of-M.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official -publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Square Dance: at Barbour Gym, Sat.,
March 29, 8:30 p.m. Refreshments and
folk-singing. Admission free. Everyone
welcome. Sponsored by the Inter-Co-
operative Council.
Faculty, College of Literature, Science
and the Arts: Midsemester reports are
due Wed., April 2, for thse students
whose standing at midsemester is ""
or "E'.
Report cards have been distributed to
all departmental offices. Green cards
are provided for reporting freshmen
and sophomores and white cards for
juniors and seniors. The reports for
freshmen and sophomores should be
sent to the Freshman-Sophomore Coun-
selors Office, 1210 Angell Hall; those
for juniors and seniors to the Junior-
Senior Counselors Office. 1213 Angell
Hall. Students not registered in this
College but who elected L.S.&A. courses
should be reported to the school or col-
lege In which they are registered. Addi-
tional cards may be obtained in 1210
Angell Hall or 1213 Angell Hall.
"Atoms for Peace" Exhibition: The
Exhibit Museum: Schedule of Open
Hours: Daily - 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.;
Sundays -2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.; Even-
ing hours as follows: Sat., March 29,
Students' night, 7-10; Thurs., April 3,
University Faculty night, 7-10; Sat.,
April 5, University Employees' night.
Gallery Program: The Book Fair for
Children and Young People. East Gal-
lery, Mezzanine Floor, Rackham Bldg.
Sat., March 29, Films: "Red Carpet,
"Mike Mulligan," Audubon and "The
Birds of America." showings: 10:30 a.m.
and 2:30 p.m. Parents invited to bring
their children.
The Roger Williams Fellowship; show-
ing of the film: "I Beheld His Glory."
Sun., March 30, 7:00 p.m. First Baptist
University Lecture: R. J. H. Bever.
ton, author, Lowestoft, England. "Fish
populations and Fishery Regulation."
Mon., March 31, 10:30 a.m., 1139 Nat.
St, Bldg.
Student Recital: William Doppman,
who Is a pupil of Benning Dexter, will
present a piano recital on Mon., March
31, at 8:30 p.m., in Aud. A, AngellHall.
The program will include a Sonata by
Schubert and an Aria by Bach, with
thirty vaiations. Mr. Doppman's re-
cital is presented in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degreerof
Master of Music. Open to the general
Academic Notices
Department of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing Seminar: "Preliminary Design of
Nose Cones on Missiles," by Dr. Maurice
A. Bruit, Assoc. Prof. of Applied Me-
chanics, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Mon.,
March 31, 4:00 p.m., Rm. 1042 E. Engrg,
Registration for the second series of
Reading Improvement Classes will be
held from 8:00 to 5:00 on Tues. and
Wed., April 1 and 2 in Rm. 524 Univ.
Elem. School. Tues. registration is for
those students who have already re-
served a place. All other students
should register on Wed., April 2. Allow
, hour for registration. Call ext. 648 for
further information.
Anatomy Seminar: Dr. G. R. L.
Gaughan, on "The Lateral Pharyngeal
Space." and Dr. M. J. C. Showers on
"Somatic and visceral Responses from
the Cingulate Gyrus." Mon., March 31,
Room 2501 E. Med. Bldg. Coffee will be
served one-half hour before each sem-
inar in Room 3502 E. Med. Bldg.
Dr. George Stoddard, Dean, School
of Education, New York University,
will meet with the Interdepartmental
Seminar on College Teaching on Mon.,
March 31, 4:00 p.m., Aud. C, Angell
Hall. This Is the final lecture in a
series; the subject will be "The Issues
That Divide Us." Meetings are open
to teaching fellows and faculty.

Doctoral Examination for James
Frederic Watson, Metallurgical Engi-
neering; thesis: "A Study of Gas De-
sorption of Nickel Powders," Mon.,
March 31, 3201 E. Engrg. Bldg., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, M. J. Sinnott.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies with the Bureau of
Appointments for the 1958-59 school
year. They will not be here to inter-
view at this time.
Newaggo, Mich.--High School English,
New Hyde Park, N.Y.-Business Edu-
cation/Distributive Education; Indus-
trial Arts/Driver Training; Guidance
(Woman); Chemistry; Art/Mechanical
North Tonawanda, N.Y. - mementary
Diriector of Pupil Personnel Services;


Man vs. War. When a battalion of



Entrance Requirements


(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following appeared in
"The New York Times." It was written by. "The
Times' "Benjamin Fine, recently departed educa-
tion editor.
AMERICAN colleges and universities are be-
ing urged to re-examine their entrance re-
quirements in order to improve the quality of
higher education.
'The 1958 "Report of the Commission on
Liberal Education of the Association of Amer-
ican Colleges" recommends that the colleges
demand more of their entering freshmen than
ever before.
The commission was headed by President
Richard D. Weigle of St. John's College (An-
napolis). The members were college presidents
representing every section of the United States.
S "Whatwe need today," said Dr. Weigle, "is
more quality in our education and not great-
er numbers of inadequately educated students."
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON ................Personnel Director
CAROL PRINS .................... Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director
WILLIAM HANEY .................. Features Editor
ROSE PERLBERG ................ Activities Editor
JAMES BAAD ........................ Sports Editor
BRUCE BENNETT ............ Associate Sports Editor
JOHN HILLYER .........Associate Sports Editor
DIANE FRASER .............. Assoc. Activities Editor
THOMAS BLUES...........Assoc. Personnel Director
BRUCE BAILEY........Chief Photographer


IF EDUCATIONAL standards in the country
are no longer as demanding as they should
be, the commission asserts, the colleges them-
selves must bear a share of the blame. Relaxa-
tion of requirements in the two great areas of
mathematics and languages has been a mis-
take, the report says.
The commission recommends that each
member college re-examine its entrance re-
quirements, its course standards and its degree
requirements so that the quality of education
can be improved. A general stiffening of stand-
ards of admission, it holds, will be in the inter-
ests of all - the student, the school, the col-
lege and the nation.
The report proposes that the colleges adopt
these minimum entrance requirements: four
years of English with emphasis on grammar
and composition; two years of a foreign lan-
guage, two years of mathematics and one year
of a laboratory science at the junior or senior
year level.
HOWEVER, this would be a temporary pro-
gram. The commission recommends that
the entrance requirements be raised as rapid-
ly as possible to this level: four years of Eng-
lish, four years of one foreign language or two
years each of two, four years of laboratory
sciences. In addition, each student would be
grounded in history and geography.
"It is the conviction of the commission on
liberal education," the report says, "that minds
rigorously disciplined, broadly stretched, an-
alytically sharpened, imaginatively challenged,
and Judiciously matured provide the only real
hope in a nuclear and planetary age.

T'ax Proposal May Aid 'U' Budget

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is
the first of two articles discussing
the state's financial situation and its
relationship to the University.)
Daily Staff Writer
MORE MONEY for the Univer-
sity may possibly be wrapped
in a bill placed on the House floor
yesterday amidst some indications
of changing legislative attitude.
It is Gov. G. Mennen Williams'
plan to nearly double the tax on
intangibles, including stocks and
bonds, thus adding between 191/2
to 211%2 million dollars to the
state's undernourished treasury.
When the plan was first pro-
posed, Republican legislators re-
acted violently against the gov-
ernor's method of overcoming the
state deficit. "We feel economy
should be practiced on a year-
round basis, not resorted to as a
political expedient, Speaker of the
House George M. Van Peursem
(R-Zeeland) declared in January.
* *I *
RECENTLY, however, legisla-
tors voted approval of Rep. Rollo
Conlin's (R-Tipton) plan to man-
age this year's deficit through di-
recting the state liquor commis-
sion to pay its bills on a 90-day
basis, instead of the former 30-day

tax increase proposal. But yester-
day, even after hearing condem-
nations from bankers who oppose
it, the House Taxation Commit-
tee spirited the bill to the House
The bill would have automati-
cally died if the House had not
resorted to its almost annual
practice of suspending the dead-
line for reporting bills out of com-
Now, Speaker Van Peursem says
"We want to have this bill to lean
on if we need it. It's the only tax
proposal in the Legislature this
year and we don't want to put
ourselves in the position of hav-
ing no tax ,plan to pass if we find
that state revenues aren't enough
to pay for the state budget we
Earlier this year, legislators
were saying that the state budget
should be adapted to fit the reve-
nue. Sen. Elmer Porter (R-Bliss-
field), chairman of the key Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee em-
phasized that the state should live
within its means. Rep. Harry Phil-
ips (R-Port Huron) said the gov-
ernment must "cut the cloth to
meet the situation."
* r* *t
OTHER legislators .joined them

increases claim it would act as a
deterrent to thrift by bank depos-
iters and discourage new industry
from locating in the state.
"If banks do not absorb the tax,
the passage of this act would
cause millions of dollars of bank
deposits to leave the state per-
manently," warned Charles Hew-
itt of the Michigan Bankers Asso-
The present tax on bank depos-.
Its is 40 cents per $1,000. This is
now paid by the banks who balk
at paying Gov. Williams' pro-
posed rate of one dollar per $1,000.
His legal advisor, Alfred B. Fitt
contends that net earnings of
state banks in 1957 were more
than two million dollars higher
than any previous year, and a rec-
ord would have been set even if
the proposed tax level had been
in effect.
DIVIDENDS are now taxed at
the rate of three and one half per
cent. Gov. Williams proposes to
raise it to five per cent, but this
would apply only if a person re-
ceives at least $575 from these in-
vestments. However, points out
Prof. Brazer, only $30 would be
paid on the first $1,000 because of




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