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March 28, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-28

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Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
In Election's Wake,
The Shame of Dishonesty

"Okay, But How About A Little Less Starchness?"
- f

Soviet Collectivism Out;
Khrushchev Takes Over
Associated Press News Analyst
COLLECTIVE GOVERNMENT in Soviet Russia, handed a serious blow
by the purges of last June, has now gone completely out the window.
Khrushchev, one of its principal public proponents, may make some
gestures in trying to save its face for a time, but totalitarianism has
produced its inevitable dictator.
Khrushchev's assumption of complete power in the Stalin pattern
is merely a formalization of what has been the fact for months. It is
not expected to have any basic effect on Soviet posture toward the
rest of the world. Internally,
Khrushchev is not likely to adopt
the Stalin system of rule by terror. DIMfY
He has displayed little tendency to
emphasize Communist theory as OFFICIAL
Stalin did. Indeed, his latest
changes in the Soviet agricultural BULLETIN
system are seen abroad as a move
away from communism. He seems
to be realizing that too close appli- The Daily Official Bulletin is an
cation of Communist theory is not official publication of the Univer-
compatible with the evolvement ofsity of Michigan for which the
a modern industrial stateMichigan Daily assumes no edi-
aoria mn r ponsibility Notices should

their odiferous aftermath remains to re-
mind us that all was not cricket in the conduct
of the elections themselves and to create doubt
concerning the validity of some elections.
Several flagrant instances of ballot box stuff-
ing were discovered during the count. In one
instance 30 numerically consecutive ballots
were all marked for the same persons, punched
with the same puncher and niarked with the
same "X". Seven of these were thrown out
by the Joint Judiciary Council after the count-
ing of the election was stopped for several
In another instance 70 ballots were voided.
In still another, 420 ballots were voided, a
great many of which were for stuffing, accord-
ing to the election official in charge of this
counting table. And in yet another election,
about 25 ballots were found marked for the
same person and folded all together.
If this many ballots were found to be invalid
how many more were stuffed and not dis-
covered? It wouldn't take an excess of intelli-
gence to avoid the pitfalls of the obvious stuff-
ing that was discovered by ballot counters. A
record number of ballots were cast on the first
day of balloting, but we wonder how many
people participated.

THE DIFFICULTY LIES in the operation of
the polling places. Several witnesses have
reported outright stuffing of the boxes by the
poll watchers and others have reported poll
watchers who campaigned for their candidates
while handing out ballots.
We suggest a revision in the conduct of the
two-day voting period. First, we suggest a de-
crease in the number of polling places. Large
tables in the Engineering Arch, on the Diag,
in front of Angell Hall and the Union would
suffice. Since a great number of the other places
currently being used are not open for business
during a large part of the time this would not
significantly affect the availability of polls.
The four places named above are located so as
to catch nearly everyone on campus during a
two-day period.
This decrease in the number of polling
places would enable the elections committee to
have at least one responsible observer on duty
at all times. The increased concentration of
personnel that would result could be entirely
used to handle the voters in an orderly and
regular manner.
Election count night invariably results in
two emotions, happiness for the winners, and
sadness for the losers, but last count night
resulted in a third-disgust.



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The Leftwingers Come and Go
Speaking of Evolution Slow

Boosting Public Confidence

Q UIETLY, John Gates slipped into Ann Arbor
and quietly he departed, with only the Ann
Arbor's police's "routine questioning" of two lit-
erature-distributing Young Socialists providing
anything resembling an incident.
Beneath Gates' speech showing his continued
condemnation of capitalism and advocacy of
socialism, there lies a warning far more qmi-
nous than fiery words.
Although it may have been far from his
intentions, the utterances of Gates served to
support an impression given by Norman
Thomas' talk last month. The words may not
have fulfilled their speakers' hopes of moving
the audiences to following the socialist beacon
for a better society. More realistically, the ora-
tory did provide illumination for the road
Americans are already traveling, whether they
like it or not.
For in actuality, laissez faire is dead. Ameri-
can "free enterprise" is limited. In varying
degrees, the governmental control advocated
by the communists and socialists has already
tied this country to the radicals' policies despite
our professed opposition to them, thus con-
firming the fears of those conservatives who
oppose socialism in any form and the liberals
Restrictions on child labor, pensions, social
GATES PREDICTS America will evolve fur-
ther towards socialism,'and in his rejection
of the "disintegrated" Communist party he
sees the need for an American radical move-
ment "neither infatuated with the socialist
countries nor hysterically hostile to everything
about them." Norman Thomas, who has been
connected with such a movement for decades,
points to the fact that many of its objectives
have already been, granted by the two major
political parties.
Restriction on child labor, pensions, social
security, unemployment insurance, collective
bargaining for unions and public control over
utilities have all become an accepted part of
the American political and economic structure.
The socialists may claim they fostered them,
the liberals may say the measures were de-
manded by the times and the conservatives
may assert they "crept up," but few would do
away with them.
As a faculty member pointed out while
discussing the New Deal, those who once were
the loudest in their opposition to government
intervention in the economy are among the
most forceful in their demands that the gov-
ernments take firm steps to combat the current
Obvious to all except themselves, the con-
servatives are fighting a losing battle against
the tide for greater government intervention
into society.
Immediately possible is federal aid to educa-
tion, then perhaps "socialized medicine." Even-
tually, Congress may enact the federal controls
over big business which Gates and Thomas
argue as the solution to the ills of our economy.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
DONNA HANSON............... Personnel Director
CAROL PRINS...................Magazine Editor
EDWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director

BY DOING THIS, Gates, says, production will
be geared to needs, not the desire for profit
by a few. Everybody would be on the same
economic level, with enough for everyone
flowing from a planned economy of abundance.
Menial labor will not be looked down upon and
no one will have to work more than perhaps
a half-hour a day (or was it per week). In the
two months since Gates left the Communist
Party, he has lost little of the idealism that
led him to join it 27 years ago. Apparently, he
also has lost little of the self-deception that
allowed him to accept for so many years the
myth of Soviet infallibility.
As desirable and worthwhile as the goals may
appear in theory, and as achievable as they
might be through a more highly mechanized
economy, his image of a future society seems
to be just another brand of Utopia. For even
the Russians have found it necessary to create
a system of incentives in the form of "workers'
heroes" to encourage greater, productive effort,
even though it is for the good of the state.
Gates himself points out the risks. "Political
democracy does not come automatically with
the transfer of production from private to
public control. Power can be abused; tyrannies
can arise in planned societies, and eternal vigi-
lance is the price of liberty for socialism too.
To fulfill its promise, a socialistic society de-
mands political democracy on a level higher
than anything which exists in the most ad-
vanced capitalistic countries," he wrote in
Evolution of an American Communist.
Granting the claim that socialism needs a
higher form of democracy in order to flourish
properly, it is not possible to assume that
socialism is, as Gates claims, the best frame-
work for preserving democracy.
On the contrary, for it is a close step from
state control of production to state control
over the education necessary to provide for the
needs of the economy. Our shortage of engi-
neers and scientists often is blamed on the
insufficient numbers of students entering the
field voluntarily. The Russians have no such
Gates also wrote, "A business society can
hardly inspire either young people or their
teachers to the truth which the scientific age
demands." But once the government decides
which interpretation of the "truth" should
inspire education, the society treads danger-
ously close to a state imposed system of values.
Even if the state is the people, as the socialists
hope, bureaucrats have an amazing ability
to drown the peoples' voice in the rumblings
of government machinery. From here, it takes
the most determined efforts and most sensi-
tive perception of threats to civil liberties
to stave off state control of thought and regi-
mentation of thinking along lines "good for the
state as a whole."
THE PRICE OF LIBERTY in any economy is
eternal vigilance, but this requires an ability
to keep the necessary clear sight needed from
being blinded by utopian ideals. Gates says
the American Communist Party suffered from
not being able to see the faults of Russia be-
cause of dazzlement by its accomplishments.
Socialism suffers similarly because the bright-
ness of the idealized better society dims the
ability to maintain vigilance against threats
to any liberal dissent which may question the
society. It becomes all too easy to let the ends
justify the means.
To assume the problems of a nation or world
will be more easily solved in one type of econ-
omy as opposed to another reminds one of

WASHINGTON - The President
believes the business slump
can be cured by bringing business
leaders in for a series of White
House dinners, just as he buttered
up congressmen at private inti-
mate breakfasts and luncheons
in the past. He plans to turn on
the old Eisenhower charm, per-
suade businessmen to help re-
store public confidence. He also
believes that what it takes to cure
the slumping economy is to per-
suade the public to start shopping
Though Ike made some auto
buyers hold off buying by talk-
ing about tax cuts, he may be
right on the above points because:
1) There is a lot of money in
the banks. People have been
watching their savings accounts,
worried about the future.
2) There's been a semi-sitdown
strike among some big business
leaders, especially in the steel in-
dustry. More than anything else,
they want a tax cut and believe
if they hold out long enough they
can panic Congress into such a
* * *r
THE AIR FORCE'S big bomber
boss, Lieut. Gen. Tom Power, had
so much trouble getting a routine
speech cleared through the Pen-
tagon the other day that his press
aide, Col. A.A. Arnhym, sent him
the following memo:
"In view of the difficulties en-
countered in obtaining clearance
for your talk next week, we have
requested headquarters USAF to
secure authorization for you to
substitute, if necessary, the fol-
lowing statement:
"Old Mother Hubbard went to
the cupboard
To get her poor dog a bone.
But when she got there, the cup-
board was bare,
And so her poor dog got none."

"Ik regret to advise you that we
could not get this statement
cleared, although we pointed out
that it was quoted verbatim from
a collection of similar nonpolitical
pronouncements published origin-
ally by one John Newberry in 1760
and should, therefore, be consid-
ered compromised and known to
the Soviet government.
"The specific objections on the
part of the various agencies with
which the proposed statement was
coordinated," continued the
memo, are as follows:
"Headquarters USAF: 'Pending
investigation of the author's back-
ground and sources of informa-
tion, the Air Staff considers the
proposed statement classified in
accordance with AFR 205-1 as it
reflects directly upon the war-
making potential of this country.'
i * * *
"DEPARTMENT of Defense:
'An inadvertent reference to ca-
nine animals made by former Sec-
retary of Defense Charles Wilson
in the course of an interview re-
sulted in very unfavorable press
reaction. For this reason, the pro-
posed statement cannot be auth-
orized unless all references to ca-
nine animals are deleted from the
"Atomic Energy Commission:
'It is obvious that said statement
is a thinly veiled reference to the
effects of nuclear explosions on
edible foods. Particularly objec-
tionable is the facetious use of the
term 'Old Mother Hubbard.' As
Mount Hubbard is located near
the Alaska-Yukon border, the
proposed statement could be in-
terpreted to indicate that an
atomic installation is planned at
that strategically located site.'
"State Department: 'The pro-
posed statement reflects unfavor-
ably upon our current economic

situation and could, therefore,
raise serious doubts in the minds
of our allies as to our capability of
meeting existing obligations for
foreign aid.'
"Headquarters USAF, in trans-
mitting these comments, suggest-
ed a modified version of the pro-
posed statement which represents
an acceptable compromise. The
USAF version reads as follows: 'I
have been authorized to announce
that an elderly lady, desirous of
implementing applicable regula-
tions for the feeding of household
pets, failed to contact the super-
market at the appropriate time
and, as a result, experienced cer-
tain logistic deficiencies the exact
nature of which is classified. "
ASSISTANT President Sherman
Adams has developed cold feet
regarding the Eric Johnston pro-
gram to sell foreign aid, has or-
dered Johnston to confine his ef-
forts to civic rallies and ladies'
luncheons. He must keep away
from Capitol Hill.
Originally, the President had
requested Johnston to help sell the
foreign aid program to- Congress
and actually gave him White
House funds to stage a big rally
featuring Harry Truman, Adlai
Stevenson, Vice-President Nixon,
and Ike himself, to boost foreign
aid. This, however, aroused Con-
gressman Passman of Louisiana,
cantankerous chairman of.- the
House Appropriations Subcom-
mittee on Foreign Aid. He notified
the White House that lie didn't
want Johnston's group meddling
on Capitol Hill, which caused
cautious Sherman Adams to back
away. He instructed Johnston not
to go near Congress. Probable re-
sults: A big cut in the foreign aid
appropriation that Ike wants so
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

* * *
EXTERNALLY, however,
Khrushchev's latest statements re-
iterate his emphasis on Russian
economic hegemony over the
world, and the extension by that
means of whatever form com-
munism takes in the Soviet.
Khrushchev's chief efforts in
foreign affairs have been directed
against American bases abroad,
NATO, the Middle East, and a
challenge to Anglo-American pre-
dominance in world business.
As a part of this, he has sought
to convince the neutrals that the
Soviet way is the road to peace.
He can now be expected to make
new and sensational propaganda
moves in this campaign. The real
top man will now step into deal-
ings with President Eisenhower
and other world leaders who
sensed the unimportance of the
puppet .Bulganin.
* *
BY STEPPING formally into the
front seat, Khrushchev is taking
risks he has probably calculated
carefully. His associates in the
Soviet hierarchy have been down-
graded, though not to the extent
that Molotov, Malenkov, Shepilov
and Kaganovich were downgraded
last June.
There is now a formal central
figure on which dissidence can be
focused, not only by the disap-
pointed political figures but by
dissatisfied elements among the
The only way Stalin found to
meet a similar situation was to
rally support for "Mother Russia"
against the rest of the world which
he always depicted as about to
attack her.
The paranoiac Stalin suffered
from hallucinations which lent a
certain air of sincerity to this
pose, even though his own aggres-
sive actions were the cause of
world resentment against the
Soviet Union.
Khrushchev, better balanced,
may not put so much verve into
it, therefore he may be the more
dangerous man.
DR. HARRISON S. Brown, pro-
fessor of geochemistry at the
California Institute of Technology,
is very busy promoting what he
calls a sane nuclear policy, in the
way of which stands Dr. Edward
The trouble with Teller, Dr.
Brown told an audience at the
University of Minnesota recently,
is that he has a "deep-rooted
hatred of the Soviet Union which
borders on the fanatic. From this
hatred there stems a belief that
no agreement with the Soviet
,Union can be trusted and that in
our modern technical. age no in-
spection system can be relied up-
on." Sheer fanaticism.
-National Review

be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1958
General Notices
Automobile Regulations Spring Re-
cess. The automobile regulations will
be lifted at 5 p.m. Fri., April 4, and
will become effective again at 8:00 a.m.
Mon., April 14, Office of the Dean of
Square Dance: at Barbour Gym, Sat.,
March 29, 8:30 p.m. Refreshments and
folk-singing. Admission free. Everyone
welcome. Sponsored by the Inter-Co-
operative Council.
Agenda, Student Govergment Coun-
cil, March 28.
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer reports.: President -- Election
results; Exec. vice Pres., - Counsel re-
lated to tabled motion, League consti-
tution, interim action; Admin. Vice
Pres.; Treasurer.
Membership restrictions committee,
Standing Committees: Education and
Student Welfare - Exam file; Student
Activities Committee - NAACP pro-
gram, April 17, Union, 8 p.m.
Old B us in esas, Human Relational
Tabled motion.
Constituents time.
Members time.
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Seymour
B. Sarason, Yale University. "Studies
in the Anxieties of Children." Fri.,
March 28, 4:15 p.m., Aud. B, Angeli
Astronomy D e p a r t m e n t Visitor
Night. Fri., March 28, 8:30 p.m. Rm.
2003 Angell Hal. Prof. William Liller
will speak on "Artificial Satellites."
After the lecture the Student Observa-
tory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall
will/ be open for inspection and for
telescopic observations of the moon
and a double star. Children welcomed,
but must be accompanied by adults.
Gallery Program: The Book Fair for
Children and young People. East Gal-
lery, Mezzauie Floor, Rackham Build-
ing. Fri., March 28. "Breaking Into
Print", by Miss Frances Wright and
"Storytelling" by Mrs. Mary Ann Ste-
venson at 4:15 p.m. "Illustrators of
Children's Books" by Mr. Robert Igle-
hart at 7:00 p.m.
Gallery 'Program: The Book Fair for
Children and Young People. East Gal-
lery, Mezzanine Floor, Rackham Bldg.
Sat., March 29, Films: "Red Carpet,"
"Mike Mulligan," Audubon and "The
Birds of America." showings: 10:30 a.m.
and 2:30 p.m. Parents invited to bring
their children.




Upsets Mark Student Government Elections

Daily Staff Writer
T HAS BEEN traditionally an
axiom of Student Government
Council elections that "incum-
bents always win."
But Wednesday night came close
to seeing a startling reversal of
form, as Ron Gregg and Lois.
Wurster, two of the three incum-
bents in the race, wound up in a
tight duel for the lash open posi-
tion on the Council.
Miss Wurster won out on the
17th ballot, and Gregg, who last
spring came in third in a field of
13 candidates, finished ninth in
In fact, not until Bruce Mc-
Ritchie was dropped on the 14th
ballot, was it entirely certain that
both Gregg and Miss Wurster
would not lose. When Dick Odgers
was dropped and his 383 votes re-
distributed, McRitchie stood only
46 votes behind Gregg and 45 be-
hind Miss Wurster.
* * *

has offered several proposals in
the field of education, including
the course evaluation booklet, and
most recently sought approval of
a trial honor system plan in the
literary college.
If the students are not interest-
ed in such projects, then Gregg
deserved to lose, and has been
wasting his time and the Council's
with his efforts.
But if Chrysler's explanation is
correct, "student apathy" is a far
bigger problem than anyone has
realized. It is a sad commentary
on the student body, both those
who voted and those who didn't.
Voters generally seemed to have
a change of heart. 'Not only did
the incumbents have their
troubles, but two former losers
having another go at it were
elected handily.
Jo Hardee and Mort Wise, who
finished eighth and seventh last
fall (out of 11 candidates), took
third and fourth Wednesday.
From the first ballot, both ap-
peared certain of election.

for election. Carol Holland who
was named to the Council last
month, failed to win membership
"on her own." Only Dan Belin has
been able to win election after ap-
pointment this year.
The electorate also turned down
Phil Zook in his second bid for
election. Zook, who lost last spring
and served as elections director
last fall, finished far back.
He was one of the candidates
expressing the strongest opinions
on Sigma Kappa. Zook called for
the national to reinstate the Cor-
nell and Tufts chapters to prove
removal of discriminatory policies.
Perhaps significantly, the two
other candidates taking similar
stands on the issue were also
beaten. Paul Kampner finished
14th; Steve Bailie made the best
showing of the trio, lasting until
the 10th ballot, and coming in
. * * *
AT THE SAME TIME, however,
two of the candidates who said
they would not vote to expel the

of course, is Miss Wurster, a mem-
ber of Sigma Kappa, who for the
second consecutive election "just
made it." Miss Wurster, however,
has set higher standards for the
national to meet than did many
of her fellow candidates.
It will be interesting to see how
the six new members vote on the
issue when it comes up in Septem-
Perhaps the most remarkable
victory was that of Fred Merrill,
who, came to the University only
last fall as a transfer student from
Michigan State University.
Despite being relatively new to
the campus, however, he drew 364
first place votes, enough to make
his eventual election more than
likely, and gradually moved up,
gaining more rapidly toward the
end and passing Seasonwein as
both were elected.
* * *
SEASONWEIN, also a newcom-
er to the campus, and the only
freshman running, also surprised
most observers with his strong

University Lectdre by Prof. Henry
Guerlac, "The Origins of Modern Sci-
ence in the 16th and 17th Centuries,"
Fri., March 28, 4:15 p.m., Aud. C, Angell
Trinitarianism and Unitarianism will
be informally discussed by the Rev.
Edward Rothhand the Rev. Edward
Redman at the coffee hour sponsored
by the Office of Religious Affairs 4:15
p.m., Fri., March 28, Lane Hall.
Student Recital: Lenore Sherman,
violinist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degreeaof Master of Music in Aud.
A, Angell Hall on Fri., Mar. 28 at 8:30
p.m. Miss Sherman studies violin with
Gilbert Ross, and her recital will be
open to the general public.
Student Recital: Kathleen Emmons
Course, flutist, will present a recital
on Sun., March 30 at 8:30 p.m. in Aud.
A, Angell Hall. Her program, which is
presented in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bache-
lor of Music, will include compositions
by Bach, Bacon, Ferguson, Griffes,
Nielsen and Haydn. Miss Course studies
flute with Nelson Hauenstein. Open to
the general public.
University Symphony Band, conduct-
ed by William D. Revelli, will present
a concert on Sun., March 30,. at 4:00
p.m., with Robert Hause, trombone,
and Arthur Hegvik, saxophone, as so-
loists. The concert, which will be held
in Hill Auditorium, will include com-
positions by Berlioz; Bendel, Schu-
mann, Cowell, Schuman, Grofe, Wil-
liams, Whitney, and Respighi. Open
to the general public without charge.
Academic Notices
Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Fri.,
March 28, 3:30 p.m., 5500 E. Engrg. Bldg.
Harry L. Hamilton, Jr., will speak on
"Cooling Tower Design and Perform-
ance as Influenced by Climate" -
Chairman: Prof. Floyd N. Cahoon.
Professional Qualification Test: Na-
tional Security Agency. Candidates tak-
ing the Professional Qualification Test
on March 29 are requested to report to
Rm. 141 Bus. Adm. Bldg. at 8:45 a.m.
Medical College Admission Test: Ap-
plication blanks for the May 11, 1958


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