Let's Have No Mickey Mouse' Smirditgau & al Sixty-Eighth Year h~r_ ,__ EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN WEICHER Eisenhower Economic Policy Blamed for Depression THE NOW FAMOUS "Eisenhower smile" must' dustry have been "fixed"-more-or-less by mu- be changing into a sickly grin these days tual consent of the companies concerned-at a as the President realizes-we assume he does high profit level, relative to the, demand. realize-the administration version of economic The companies, of course, claim the fault "planning" has brought about a rather peculiar for high prices rests with the unions. They say and frightening sort of depression. labor's demands for wages are excessive and That we are indeed face-to-face with a management must keep prices up to make a depression is evidenced in Department of Labor profit. The companies neglect to mention that reports. According to these reports, well over under the old fashioned god of Supply and hve million are now classified "unemployed" in Demand which they profess to worship, profits addition to millions who now work a reduced were not considered sacred and untouchable. number of hours, some for reduced wages., Rather, after dealing with labor as satisfactory Peculiar feature of the depression is that the as possible, the company was expected to adjust cost-of-living continues to reach new all-time its profit margin according to the demand evi- ,higs evry mnth.denced for its product. highs every month. Obviously, something has been added to the Ud traditional depression pattern of joblessness BUT THEN, as we pointed out, Supply and accompanied by increased purchasing power of Demand is dead. what little money there is in circulation. This In addition to spoiling industry with "gravy" addition spells disaster to the millions already defense contracts and lack of profit regulation, unemployed and may well cause even more not to mention remarkable tax write-off savings unemployment. programs for lean years, the administration has There is little chance that consumers will runhead-on into the farm problem . and increase consumption of heavy industry goods botched it. -such as cars-as long as the prices of these Perhaps we should not be too critical in this goods remain about constant while the prices area. After all, other administrations have of food and services skyrocket-all this with botched the farm problem too. However, it the spectre of unemployment and repossession seems to us that in light of the present depres- hovering in the background. Thus, the grim sion, more effective use could be made of sur- spiral continues, as the factories continue to pluses and the question of a soundly adminis- Slay off workers and these workers inturn tered flexible parity program could profitably reduce consumption. be considered. Certainly, the present administration's farm BLAME FOR THE DEPRESSION is not hard price support system has not been administered to pinpoint. The present administration entirely in the public interest, with large pay- stands accused by its own spokesmen. ments made to worthy enterpreneurs' for not IT bor Statistics Commissioner Ewan Clague, planting cotton on golf courses. explaining the latest living-cost rise, pointed Perhaps the government's greatest failing in out that a rise in the cost of food was primarily this area has been insufficient control over responsible. Clague noted blandly that farmers "middlemen" in the food industry. In any had their recession a couple of years ago and event, the price of food must be brought quickly now have a strengthened price situation. Clague into synchronization with the national eco- also said rents, services, street car fares, hair- nomic picture. cuts, utility rates and doctor bills have kept on Commissioner Clague, blaming bad crop edging up slightly month by month. weather in the south for the food price-hike, Evidently, the Republican god of Supply said food prices are governed largely by supply. and Demand has been displaced. This is prob- He wisely observed that demand generally ably to the good since he was a rather unde- stays the same because people always have to pendable god anyway: Unfortunately, the new . eat. Commissioner Clague undoubtedly does not Republican economic god is apparently an un- realize that food costs money. stable mixture of "New Deal" price-fixing- Unfortunately, the unemployed do not have carried on this time by Big Business-and the money to spare. What savings they have de- traditional laissez-faire attitude on the admin- crease in value as the cost-of-living rises. istration's part, moderated however, by an in- Another failure of the Eisenhower economic terest in farm price supports and extensive god has been lack of regulation of the "service" defense spending, prices mentioned by Commissioner Clague. Judging his effectiveness by the havoc he Here again, Supply and Demand does not oper- has wrought, this new god is extremely dispen- ate. The government attitude of laissez-faire sible. In fact, survival necessitates this god be coupled with the Eisenhower "Its all in your immediately traded in for a less dangerous, mind: smile, and the economy's sound" attitude more humane model. encourages price-fixing and hiking. In this Under the reign of the present administra- area, the motto seems to be "Take all the tion's economic god, operations of some indus- traffic can bare, and then some."' tries are financed almost wholly by public In short, the Eisehower economic god has funds. These industries-principally the air- encouraged depression by misuse and disuse of craft, munitins, and some divisions of the the very tools the New Deal used to curb it. automotive companies-operate on a govern- Prices have been fixed-but at the whim of in- ment-guaranteed cost-plus basis. Profits thus dustry. The value of Federal Deposit Insurance insured might seem-to a layman-nothing has been negated by rising prices. short of fabulous. The Eisenhower administration has gener- Government support coupled with guaranteed ously made it possible for different segments of profits has served as an inducement for the the economy to have their depressions at differ- automotive industry to "take a chance" and ent times. not cut prices to the extent warranted by the We call here for a change. present depression. Prices throughout the in- -LEWIS COBURN ' INTERPRETING THE NEWS: I Offshore' Purchases I THE STATE OF -BUSINESS: Steel Output Low, But Industry Optimistic By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK UP)-Steel output is at its lowest for any nonstrike period since April, 1952. But steelmen's confidence today is buoyed by many new things. One is the needs of today's hordes of children in the 1960's. Another is the new uses and new steel products developed or within sight-with scientific advances constantly demanding new alloys. And still another is slump-born new vigor in the battle with other materials-masonry, wood, plastics and other metals-for present markets. On the side, there's some family feuding, as new alloys or processes take over fields once held by older steel products. The competition rI WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Commissioner Lee's Reward By DREW PEARSON isn't easy. Other materials seek new markets, too. But steel research is turning up new fields as old ones decline. Battleships may be passe and tanks less in demand, but steel has found new markets as curtain walls for -buildings and in nuclear power plants, in missiles and in launching installations. * * * DEMANDS from fabricators and end users of steel have brought a host of new steel alloys into use. Examples cited by Republic Steel's commercial research division: pre- cipitation hardness grades of stainless for the aircraft industry, and the recently developed alumi- num coated steel sheets. Steel research itself has blos- somed since the war and is coming up with new steel products on its own. United States Steel reports that 900 employes at its research center, Monroeville, Pa., are work- ing on 1,002 projects, such as studies of boron steels to increase effectiveness in high carbon steels and improved alloys for high tem- perature service. It has developed a sandwich rolling process that makes sheets only 0.033 of an inch thick, for the aircraft and missile industries. * , , e BETHLEHEM Steel president, A. B. Homer, says new uses of steel are steadily increasing, brighten- ing the industry horizon. Republic Steel reports its new research center has great hopes for a new process for direct re- duction of iron ore. It stresses also longterne sheets, lead and tin plated, used in fuel tanks and air filters on cars and trucks; plastic coated steel pile; asbestos asphalt coated culverts. Jones & Laughlin has a new line of high strength tubular products for the deeper wells the oil indus- try now drills. t urnaboult [N CANADA, where a national campaign moved toward the March 31 election date, Liberal Challenger Lester Bowles Pearson uncorked a dramatic bid for votes. Reversing a stand he held when he was Secretary of State for Ex- ternal Affairs, Pearson declared that Canada should press for an immediate ban on nuclear bomb tests. It was -the first time that either candidate had introduced the delicate and contentious issue of atomic arms control into the campaign. Tory Prime Minister John Die- fenbaker, seemingly holding a solid lead in his bid for a new mandate, ignored the Pearson pro- posal, went right on talking about domestic affairs. -Time WASHINGTON - One of the most interesting members of the Federal Communications Commission is Robert E. Let, a Republican and no relation to the famed Civil War general, a Demo- crat. He was appointed to this key post in one of the most vital commissions in government as a reward for his help to Sen. Joe McCarthy in two pieces of back- stage business which all good Re- publicans would now like to for- get. Lee's record shows that he has continued to operate backstage in the FCC as he did on behalf of Senator McCarthy. Sworn Senate records are available regarding much of his background. COMMISSIONER Lee has gone down the line for National Air- lines, whose New York counsel, Roy Cohn, was also counsel for the McCarthy committee. Lee re- versed himself on a TV station in Fresno, Calif., after Murray Cho- tiner, campaign manager for Vice- President Nixon, got into the pic- ture. He reversed himself on Channel 12 in Jacksonville, Fla., after the delightful and distin- guished Monsignor Maurice Sheehy intervened in the case. This is part of the recent rec- ord. The early Lee record goes back to 1950 when Joe McCarthy had made the amazing charge that there were "205 card-carry- ing Communists" in the State De- partment "known to the Secre- tary of State," and then found he couldn't prove it. Lee came to his rescue at that time by giving Mc- Carthy the list of 81 security-risk cases on file with the House Ap- propriations Committee of which he was minority (Republican) clerk. The names were under lock and key and were referred to by case numbers, 'so that congress- men knew the numbers but not the names attached to the num- bers. Lee supplied McCarthy with the secret code and the names. * * , HAVING DONE this favor for McCarthy, Lee plunged into the Maryland 1950 campaign in which McCarthy was trying to defeat Sen. Millard E. Tydings, who had had the courage to challenge and investigate Joe's charges against the State Department. There ensued one of the dirtiest election campaigns in recent his- tory, during which a Baltimore printer who balked at printing McCarthy literature was shang- haied, duringswhich McCarthy collected thousands of dollars from Texas, Illinois and Michigan. and during which he circulated a faked photo of Tydings in friend- ly pose with communist leader Earl Browder. Commissioner Lee, who now sits on the FCC in alleged impartial judgment on TV licenses, was in the thick of this campaign. His job, according to sworn Senate testimony, was to pick up checks in Baltimore, deposit them in his wife's account in the National Capital Bank in Washington, and then pay for addressing 300,000 post cards. As a result, a large part of Maryland woke up two days be- fore election with what they thought was a personal handwrit- ten card from the Republican candidate, reading: "I shall be deeply grateful for your vote-on Tuesday-John Marshall Butler." * * * - - AMONG the checks deposited to Lee's wife's account were those of Alvin Bentley, now congress- man from Michigan, grandson of a founder of General Motors, for $5,000; and from Douglas B. Mar- shall, son-in-law of Texas oil mil- lionaire H. R. Cullen, for $500. It is clearly against Maryland law to handle funds in the name of a political candidate unless you register for such purpose. When the scandals of the Maryland campaign were thoroughly inves- tigated by the Senate, however, one man, Jon Jonkel, was made the goat. He pleaded guilty to vi- olating the election laws. Others who, according to Senate testi- mony likewise appeared guilty, escaped action. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin Is a official publication, of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi- torial tesponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 128 General Notices Regents' Meeting: Fri., April 18. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Tues., April'8. There will be an International Cen- ter Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the International Students Association this Thurs., Mar. 27, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the International Center. All students who expect education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) or Public Law 634 (Orphans' Bill) must get instruc- tors' signatures at last class meetings in March on Dean's Monthly Certifica- tion form and turn the completed form in to]Dean's office by 5:00 p.m. Thurs., April 3. Notice: No social activities will be registered on or after May 24. The following student sponsored so- cial events are approved for the coming weekend. March 28: Anderson, Alpha Phi Ome-. ga, Delta Theta Phi, Triangle. March 29: Acacia, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Al- pha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, Greene, Hins- dale E.Q., Huber, Kappa Sigma, Michi- gan, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Epsilon P, 'hi Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma . Alpha Mu, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Ti- gon, Student Council, Bus. Ad., Strauss, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Tau Delta Phi, Theta Xi, Triangle, Zeta Psi. March 30: Angell (Lloyd), Delta The ta Phi, Mosher, Victor Vaughan. Late Registrations: Chi Phi, Phi Rho Sigma. Undergraduate Library: From Mon., March 31, through Thurs., April 3, reservations may be placed at a special reservation desk on the Second Floor of the Undergraduate Library for Re- serve Books to be circulated from the Undergraduate Library over the Spring Recess. Reservations may be placed for one book per, person per course during the following hours: 2:00-5:00 p.m., Mon- day-Thursday. If there is only one copy available in the Undergraduate Li- brary, no reservation will be taken. In order to fill the reservations, Re serve Books will not circulate April 3. Reserve Books may not be charged out for the Spring Recess without a reser- vation. The.Reserve Books that are being held will be available from 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m., Fri., April 4. Books not claimed by 5:00 p.m. on that day will be returned to the stacks. Reserve Books that have not been charged out over the Spring Recess will circulate according to the follow- ing schedule: Out Fri., April 4; MDue April 7 at 9:00 a.m. Out Sat., April 5, 8:00 a.m.; Due April 7 at 9:00 a.m. Out Mon., April 7-Thurs., April 10. 4:00 p.m.; Due following morning at 9:00 Out Fri., April 11, 4:00 p.m.; Due April 14 at 9:00 a.m. Academic Notices Zoology 217 (Cellular Physiology). The first meeting of this course will be held Mon., April 14, in 4014 N.S. at 8 a.m. Previous D.O.B. notice of date was incorrect. Analysis Seminar: Mr. Philip Church will speak on "Quasi Conformal Map- pings In Three Dimensions." Meeting is in 3010 Angell Hall, Thurs., Mar. 27 at 3:00 p.m. 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science. "So'me Studies in Quantitative Judgment." W. Torgerson, Massachu- stts Institute of Technology. 3:30 p.m., Thurs., Mar. 27, 3217 Angell Hall. Cancer Research Seminar: "Biosyn- thesis of Nucleic Acid Pentoses in In- tact Cells." Dr. Isadore A. Bernstein, Dept. of Dermatology. Thurs., Mar. 27, 7:3 p.m., Rm. 1564, E. Med. Bldg. Physical Edducation - Women: Wo' men students who have not completed their physical education requirement will register for the spring season on Wed., Mar. 26, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and on Thurs., Mar,. 27, 8 a.m. to noon. Registration will be held on the main floor of Barbour Gymnasium. Students registering on Wed. evening,~ please use the basement entrance. Students who have completed their physical educa- tion requirement and wish to register electively may do so on Mon.,Tues. or Wed., Mar. 31, Apr. 1 and 2 from S a.m. to noon in Barbour Gymnasium. Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations In Economics: Theory examinations will be given on Thurs., and Fri., Apr. 24 and 25, 1958. The examinations in other sub- jects will be given beginning on Mon., Apr, 28. Each student planning to take these examinations should leave with the secretary of the dept. of econom- I 4 t 4' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Local Realtors Accused of Irresponsibility By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst T HE UNITED STATES has saved consider- able money by meeting some of its foreign military obligations under mutual assistance agreements by "offshore" purchases. It means that, instead of paying American prices for manufacture of war materiel and shipping it abroad, the United States pays foreign prices to manufacturers in the re- cipient countries. 'Repayment schemes have been tailored to fit the needs of the Allies in maintaining a gen- erally solid military and economic front. Part of the repayments have been used to pay for U.S. operations in the various countries. Some- times repayment, in foreign currency, is re- bated for use in foreign developments of value to the general welfare of the free world. This is also the case with economic aid. DURING the business boom, this has not at- tracted much attention in this country, since a major portion of foreign military equip- ment has been made in the U.S. Widespread complaint has developed, how- ever, as a result of the recession. With heavy unemployment in the automo- bile industry, for instance, revelation that vehicles for the Japanese military are being bought in Japan by the United States has aroused opposition. The Defense Departmentrreplies that 85 per cent of this year's appropriations for foreign military aid will go to American manufacturers. The economy of the United States is recog- nized abroad as well as at home as the key- stone in the free world structure. When and if it comes to the point where there is not enough to go round, then the question becomes one of allocation. Nuclear Arrms For West Germany? "YOU CAN'T KEEP the Germans down," goes the popular saying, and it may take on more sad validity if the United States continues following its current policy of rearming West Germany-now with nuclear weapons. It seems we should stop and think long and hard before undertaking anything so contrary to historical experience, so frustrating to a solution of the cold war, so premature and irrevocable. True, the U.S. will attempt to maintain some control over the use of nuclear warheads in West Germany, but this is likely just the beginning of a policy which will find the Germans finally manufacturing and controlling their own nuclear weapons. Why a nuclear rearmed, much less rearmed, West Germany is necessary to the defensive security of the world, NATO and the U.S. we have never been convinced, especially considering the nature of long-range missile warfare. How such a move will bring us closer to what the world needs most-a negotiated, just, in- sured peace between the East and West-we fail to understand, unless it is argued that To the Editor: T HE PURPOSE of this letter is to call your attention to a con- dition existing in Ann Arbor-the problem of unethical practices by some members of the real estate profession. We believe the en- closed account of our own experi- ences is not unique; in' fact, this kind of experience seems comnmon enough to deserve concern and study by responsible officials., The situation in which the homeowners in Westaire subdivi- sion find themselves highlights the extent of legal and financial damage that can be done by ex- treme irresponsibility on the part of a single real estate firm. We believe that this case is the out- growth of a general climate in which the Realtors Established Code of Ethics is being replaced in too many instances by the slogan of "Let the Buyer Beware"-in fact, the seller should also be care- ful. -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harburg (EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is a rewritten and somewhat condensed version of the sarburgs' account of their experiences. Except for the con- clusion, tense has been changed from first to third person.) IN MARCH, 1957, Ernest Harburg was accepted for graduate work at the University, and began arrangements to move with his family (wife and three young children) from their home in Madison, Wis. During his three-day stay here, Harburg did find one suitable house, for which he signed a con- tract and paid a binder. Mrs. Har- burg then came, and approved her husband's choice. They both then returned to Madison for the chil- dren. Two days later, they checked with, a Madison lawyer, who called an Ann Arbor lawyer and disclosed that the contract was worthless because the residents of the house, who had accepted the Harburgs' offer, were on a land contract and could not sell without the owner's approval. The realtor never men- tioned the owner, nor was he con- tacted until reached by the Har- burg's lawyer. He declined their offer. * * * THE SECOND week in June, Harburg was notified by Agent 1 that she was negotiating directly with the owner. She informed him that the lot was large enough to be divided in half, and the other half sold. Harburg checked this with his lawyer, found it to be un- true, and severed connections with the agent. The agent's actions were fully supported throughout by the owner of the realty firm, a lawyer. Harburg then contacted Agent two, Company B, who advised him to buy a lot and erect a precut house on it. He found a suitable lot, but had no time to check de- tails. He procured several possible house plans and returned to Madi- -n 'PIX riac la Pr a tfir house in his company's subdivi- sion, and guaranteed them living quarters until their home was completed. He also advised them of the possibility of getting a 30- year FHA loan, something which they have since found does not, for all practical purposes, exist. A contract was signed and deposit made. Two days later, back in Madi- son, the Harburgs were informed that Company B was threatened with indictment by the FHA for criminal fraud. Payment on the binder check was stopped. TEN DAYS later, the whole family came to Ann Arbor and moved into temporary quarters offered by a local family. They were now faced with two proposi- tions: One concerned Agent 3, Company C, and again involved building on a lot. The Harburgs were informed that the lot across from the one of their choice was owned by the local Board of Edu- cation, but that the board's plans were so indefinite that they could be discounted. Checking inde- pendently, Harburg discovered that the city envisioned a grade school -on its lot and a main access road in front, which would mean assess- ments for paving. Also, since it was a corner lot, there was a good chance that the other street would also be paved. The agent continued to discount this and urged Harburg to sign a contract. He refused. The other proposition concerned the apartment in advance. They later learned that the agent had told the sellers that FHA approval would probably come through by Oct. 1, and advised them to sign a note on that date for the total down payment due on their new home. On this basis, they moved into their new home, though they could not meet the note without receiving the Harburgs' down pay- ment. Harburg refused to be further coerced by realtor's pressure tac- tics. Realizing, however, that his refusal was harming only the sellers, who had acted in good faith on the agent's advice, he later made the down payment and moved his family into the house on a temporary land contract. FHA. approval did not come through until the second week in December. *S. S IN MAKING this agreement, however, the Harburgs had in- sisted that the agent repay them the rent money they would forfeit by moving ahead of schedule. She agreed, in the presence of the Har- burg's lawyer, but asked them to wait until the Dec. 15 closing. At present, the agreement has not been kept. The Harburgs' lawyer is still working on this point. In conclusion: "We feel that the usual frustrations . . . of moving were doubled by the fact that we could not trust the people we had to deal with to give us the whole ,/ Y(