"When Opinions Aro Free Truth Will Prevail Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editoriats printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mius t be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN WEICHER Sense and Nonsense About Sigma Kappa T IS MORE THAN a year since Sigma Kappa sorority was found in violation of University regulations: It is only natural that since that time many of the facts in the case have been forgotten, but the extent to which both the circumstances and the reasoning which went into the Sigma Kappa decision have been lost to memory or ignored is, like much else in the SGC campaign, appalling. In the summer of 1956 Sigma Kappa's na- tional council of five alumnae withdrew the charter of the Tufts chapter and suspended the charter of the Cornell chapter, both of which had pledged Negro girls the previous spring. The Tufts chapter, like most sororities at that school, had no house and was corres- pondingly weak. The Cornell chapter, by all In- dications, including the testimony of the Dean of Women at Cornell, was a strong one. When Sigma Kappa came on the campus in 1955, through the affiliation of a local sor- ority, it presented its constitution for examina- tion by the Dean of Women, who informed the SGC that it contained no bias clause, and that issue has never been raised since. One of Sigma Kappa's officers also wrote the University say- ing she had read its regulations and agreed, on behalf of the sorority, to abide by them. rTHE REGULATIONS state that "recognition will not be granted any organization which prohibits membership in the organization be- cause of race, religion or color." In order to remain officially recognized, the regulations further state, the organization must "continue to meet the conditions for initial recognition." and must "act in good faith with the spirit of the regulations for recognized organizations." The SGC, after considering the case for sev- eral hours and having thought about it for several months, voted 12-5 that the sorority was in violatalon of the regulations mentioned above. In so doing, it necessarily first conclud- ed that since the national took action against the two chapters (out of more than 50) which had pledged Negroes, since it had never of- fered a satisfactory explanation for the action beyond "the good of the sorority as a whole," and since the action had the effect of prevent- ing the Negro girls from becoming actives, that the national sorority had a policy of restrict- ing membership, specifically of excludinW Negroes. In light of these facts, much of what has been said in the campaign thus far has been utter nonsense. The most extreme has been that point of view which says SGC must "con- sider the actions of the Michigan chapter (which have been excellent thus far)" as one factor in any decision on the case, as expound- ed by Roger Seasonwein. Or, as Dick Odgers puts it, the local chapted has an "excellent record," it has "amply dem- onstrated its eagerness to participate to the fullest in University activities ... Sigma Kappa should be allowed to retain its present status unless evidence is presented that directly im- plicates the local chapter." Peter Brown argues that the local chapter should be kept on cam- pus: they are "a good group." And David Tay- lor argues that the chapter has proved its worth to the University, and in order to with- draw its recognition SGC would have to prove the local chapter "detrimental" to the Uni- versity. NOW THIS ALL may sound very well and good, but it is the national organization which is being judged, not the local, except insofar as it is a member of the national and thereby obliged to abide by its policies. The local chapter has established a good record on campus, and no one is proposing that the local chapter, per se, be abolished. But as long as the national organization practices a discrimi- natory policy it will be in violation and thereby subject, through its local affiliate, to withdraw- al of recognition this fall. Equally irrelevant is the sttaement by Bruce Hoffman, who vociferously argues that "Sig- ma Kappa must supply SGC with a copy of its constitution and all by-laws to prove it does not have a bias clause." The point is that Sig- ma Kappa has never been accused of having a bias clause, that there is Dean Bacon's word that it does not, and that Sigma Kappa is still able - by virtue of its actions - to be violating the regulations. THE REAL ISSUE, then, is what the national organization can do this summer at its con- vention to prove it is not violating University regulations. Bruce McRitchie makes the excellent point that "good faith" cannot be explicitly spelled out beforehand but "can only be- determined by a judgement on an action after the action has has been taken." We would cite as an example the statement by Fred Merrill that "the election of new national officers this summer would show that the sorority is not in viola- tion of the regulations." This is nonsense, since a normal transition from one set of officers to another, each set having identical views on discrimination, would do nothing to indicate a change in policy. On the other hand, the un- likely event of an angry floor fight in which be acceptable and thereby indicate his leanings on the question. IT IS NOT, as McRitchie says, "very inad- visable for any candidate for SGC . . . to express set opinions on what Sigma Kappa should do to show that it is not in violation," although It would be inadvisable to develop so rigid a notion of acceptable convention action that unforeseen developments could not be evaluated anew within the entire context of the convention's behavior. Nor is Scott Chrysler very helpful when he assertes that "If SGC, or SGC members for- mulate or create in their minds standards of judgement or alternative procedures that the sorority might undertake this summer, it would indeed be difficult to interpret objectively any action, or spirit of such action, the sorority might take." It is especially unhelpful in light of his refusal to even state what his position would be should thenational convention do absolutely nothing, although some clarity is lent by his sttaement that "I've been behind Sigma Kappa all the way." RON GREGG is somewhat more helpful in saying the idea of a local mediating body would be insufficient but that the national need not go so far as to reinstate the Tufts and Cornell chapters. But he is not very helpful in analyzing the "attention" which he says "must be paid to the specific action of the national officers. Kessel does no more than call for "definite action on the question." Jo Hardee describes the "maximum require- ment" as reinstatement of the Tufts chapter plus a statement or nondiscriminatory pledg- ing, but she leaves thedoor open for "other action" which "can only be considered and evaluated after the convention." Given the complexity of the issue and the space and time limitations on candidates, how- ever, it would be unfair to label these stands a evasive, even if they leave some questions un- answered. Some specific actions by the national con- vention are accepted which are of extremely doubtful validity. Carol Holland says a policy statement at the national convention offering "assurance that the Sigma Kappa chapter at this University is not restricting its member- ship" is mie possible way and an explanation would be another, to clear Sigma Kappa. Fred Merrill lists "a positive statement of policy" or an explanation of the action as possible ways of removing the violation. Sue Rockne, while emphasizing more definite actions, talks of a "convention resolution" on the subject of the Tufts and Cornell expulsions. Mort Wise goes so far as to say, "there is no reason not to ac- cept a positive and definite statement from Sigma Kappa national." THE POINT is this: Sigma Kappa national has already, i n1955, presented a statement to the effect that it is willing to abide by Uni- versity regulations, which very prominently in- clude the regulation in question. The sorority, has never repudiated that statement verbally, although the SGC decision explicitly contra- dicts it. Thus Sigma Kappa national has been found to have acted in bad faith when it pretended to have membership policies con- sistent with University regulations, and SC would be acting inconsistently if it repudiated one statement by Sigma Kappa only to accept another. An explanation is unlikely: the SGC gave the five national officers who took the action against Cornell and Tufts every opportunity, over a period of several months, to explain their action, and that opportunity has been consis- tently passed by. It is doubtful that the con- vention as a whole will be any better able to ex- plain adequately an action which it did not take. It is even more doubtful that an ade- quate and verifiable explanation exists, other' than the one the SGC has inferred. LOIS WURSTER nicely summarizes and nearly exhausts logical possibilities for con- vention removal of the violation when she says that in "the area which directly effects past restrictive action" the sorority "could pledge a Negro girl, reinstate the chapters at Tufts and Cornell, or explain their past action." But her suggestions that final decisions on sus- pensions be placed in the hands of the nation- al convention or of local mediation boards, while what Gregg calls steps "in the right di,' rection," should not be assumed to be ade quate to removing the violations, since the membership policy is the important factor, not who enforces it. Genuine local autonomy, how- ever, might prove convincing. Perhaps the most totally realistic and expli, cit statements are those of Steve Bailie, who holds out the possibilities of reinstatement or "a verifiable statement as to why these chap- ters are not reinstated," Paul Kampner, who says he does not "know of any other way at present in which the national could clear it- self," although "any further statement would be premature before the national convetnion is held," and Phil Zook who says that "Unless new facts are presented in some other light, Sigma Kappa could continue to be recognized "Mirror On The Billboard Wall, What's The Fairest Sight Of All?" s- - -. 0-w ) t' t s) ' aS i'fla Posr rC-. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Pensions for Ex-Presidents By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - For the first time in many years, 76-year- old Speaker Sam Rayburn last week appeared as a witness before a congressional committee. He did it for an old friend, 73-year-old Harry S. Truman of Missouri. Testifying with Sam in a rare display of nonpartisanship was the 73-year-old Republican lead- er and ex-Speaker, Joe Martin of Massachusetts. Rayburn and Martin agreed that ex-Presidents of the United States ought to get pensions, just like employees of corporations and members of Congress. They urged the House Civil Service Committee, headed by testy Tom Murray of Tennessee, to approve the Presidential pension bill of Democratic leader John McCor- mack. . * * McCORMACK'S bill would give ex-Presidents Herbert Hoover and Harry Truman a pension of $25,- 000 a year, plus free mailing priv- iliges, plus office space in a Fed- eral building, and an allowance of about $70,000 to hire stenogra- phers, which is the same as that paid a senator from one of the least populous states. In addition, the widow of an ex-President would get a $10,000- a-year pension after his death. "This is the first time in four or five years that I've appeared before a committee as a witness," Rayburn told the assembled con- gressmen. He had already forced Chairman Murray, who was trying to block the pension bill, into call- AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Witness' Finest Mystery in Years THE TRANSLATION into film of Agatha Christie's short story and successful stage play "Witness for the Prosecution" has given American movie audiences the finest mystery film in several years. A careful combination of puzzle and intrigue with fine acting and direction culminates in a tense film that, for the final twenty minutes, is loaded with shocks, surprises, and twists fired with a throbbing, breathless rapidity. In true mystery novel tradition, however, the clues are given and the trail laid for the unsuspecting viewer-detective, who will almost never foresee what author Christie has saved for the closing scenes. "Witness for the Prosecution" concerns an aged barrister, Sir Wilfred, who in spite of ill health takes on the defense of Leonard Vole, ing a meeting. Murray finally called the meeting, but con- veniently overlooked informing members of the committee that it was called. Despite this, all mem- bers showed up. Rep. Hugh Gross (R-Iowa) re- mained unconvinced. "No man who's been President of the United States ought to have any trouble making a living," Gross Insisted. "All this means is that some more money will come out of the U.S. Treasury." Rayburn reminded Gross that, all Truman owned upon retire- ment was his home, and that even FDR had no independent means until his mother died. Rep. August Johansen (R- Mich.) agreed with Gross. So did Reps. Ed Robeson (D-Va.) and Jim Davis (D-Ga.). * * RAYBURN, ho w e v e r, argued strongly for the ex-Presidents. He pointed out that the legislation had been passed by the Senate a year ago and had lain mouldering in the House for two years. "It's the dignity of the office of President that's involved," said Mr. Sam. "Our big corporations all provide for their presidents and employees, and the U.S. Gov- ernment is the biggest corpora- tion of ally We shouldn't force our ex-Presidents to go out and do all kind of mean things in order to make a living. We have to pro- tect the dignity of the office." McCormack reminded Gross that Herbert Hoover would also be eligible, though actually he doesn't need it. Hoover is a mil- lionaire. President Eisenhower made around $500,000 by a spe- cial tax ruling on his book. "It's a matter of simple justice," said McCormack. In the end the committee agreed to discuss the matter again on March 27. And in view of the urging by Rayburn and Martin, it looked as if the legislation would finally reach the House floor for a vote. * * * SEVEN ARMY Band musicians are burnt up over having to sup- ply soft string music for three hours for a Republican reception at Fort McNair -- despite Army rules to the contrary. Members of Congress can reserve the officers clubs at Fort McNair and Fort Myer and have music supplied by the Army Band, but regulations forbid using this privilege for commercial or political purposes. The Fort McNair gathering was a New Hampshire affair featuring the GOP senators and congress- men from that state. Guest of honor was popular, potent Sen. Styles Bridges, dean of Senate Re- publicans, who, as a member of both the Armed Services and Ap- propriations Committees, has a lot of power at the Pentagon. Bridges made a partisan speech in which he advised New Hamp- shire Republicans how to deal with critics of the Eisenhower re- cession. "Tell them the only way the Democrats know to cure a reces- sion is through war," he recom- mended. (Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) accused of murdering a rich old widow who left Vole her money. Vole's only alibi is provided by his wife, Christine Helm, and coun- tered by the widow's maid, Janet Mackenzie. The action of the film is pri- marily the trial of Leonard Vole in the Old Bailey itself. To divulge more of the plot is impossible, but the viewer is advised to keep asking himself, in true detective style, "Who really killed Emily French?" - a question that the film must finally answer, although the film seems to consider only the question of Leonard Vole's guilt or innocence. Those who have read any of Agatha Christie's novels will not be disappointed with this plot- nor will they fail to recognize the Christy-like byplay between Sir Wilfred and his nurse. * * * WHAT CLINCHES the success of "Witness," however, is that Rock Hudson is not cast as Leon- ard Vole and Elizabeth Taylor as Christine and that the film is not in cinemascope nor in bloody color. As it should be, "Witness" is cast with capable, experience ac- tors and actresses who lend an air of credibility and verisimilitude to the black-and-white proceedings. Tyrone Power (as Vole), Marlene Dietrich (as Christine), Charles Laughton (as Sir Wilfred), Elsa Lanchester (as , the barrister's nurse) and John Williams and Torin Thatcher as Sir Wilfred's assicates all have stage experience and are able to give sincere, direct performances. Without Hollywood coloring, Power is forceful in the tortuous role of the accused. Marlene Diet- rich's acting is cleverly calculated to fool all viewers and onlookers, and that it does. LAUGHTON vies with Marlene for honors in acting with his truly "character" part that leaps from the pages of a non-existent Chris- tie novel. His return to his offices following the second-to-last day of the trial reminds one of Win- ston Churchill himself, but in a dramatic, intriguing moment that mellows in mystery. Direction is as important in "Witness" as it is good; Billy Wilder has done well with office and trial scenes although his flashbacks, which exist neither in the play nor the short story, hap- pen to little other advantage that to display Marlene's famous gams -which may have the effect of breaking a little monotony. But monotony is out of the question in the final, pulsating moments of suspense and shock that raise "Witness for the Prose- cution" to its place next to "Dia- bolique" as one of the classics in the annals of the mystery film. -Vernon Nahrgang LETTERS to the EDITOR - -ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is a official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- toral responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 195 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 126 General Notices Seniors: C o l I e g e of L.S.&A., and Schools of Bus. Admin., Educ., Music, and Public Health. Tentative lists of seniors for Jun graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Admin. Bldg. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registra- tion and Records window Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg. The next "Polio Shot" clinic for stu- dents will be held Thurs., March 27, onlyfrom 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m., in the Health Service. All students whose second or third shots are due around this time are urged to take advantage of this spe- cial clinic. Students are reminded that it is not necessary to obtain their regu- lar clinic cards. Proceed to Room 58 in the basement where forms are available and cashier's representatives are pres- ent, The fee for injection is $1.00. Regents' Meeting: Fri., April 18. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than Tues., April 8. German Department Prize Competl- tions: Bronson - Thomas Prize Essay Award offered to students in junior level courses (81, 82, 91, 92). The con- test, an English essay on topic or topics based on the reading in the above men- tioned courses, carries 2 stipends of $50 and $35, respectively. The contest will be held on Thurs., Mar. 27, from 7 to 9 p.m., 1080 Frieze Bldg. Students who wish to compete should apply at the German Office, 1076 Frieze Bldg., by wed., Mar. 26. ,Edgar Schwaibold Prize Competition offered to students in senior level courses (100 and above). Contestants must be (1) of senior standing, (2) concentrating In German, and (3) of American academic training (h i g h school and college). Contest consists of two essays, one English, one German, on topics suggested by the literature read by the contestants in German Dept. courses. A prize of $100 will be awarded the winner. The contest will be held on Thurs., Mar. 27, from 7 to 9 p.m. 1080 Frieze Bldg. Students who wish to compete should apply at the German Office, 1076 Frieze Bldg., by wed., Mar. 26, Fulbright Awards for University lee- turing and advanced research have been announced for 1958-59 for the fol- lowing countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burma. Chile, Columbia, Ecua- dor, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, and Thailand. (Awards for other countries, especial- ly the European, will be announced at a later date). Those applying for le- tureships are expected to have at least one year of college or university teach- ing experience. Applicants for research awards are expected to have a doctoral degree at the time of application or recognized standing in respective pro- fessions. Applications may be obtained from the Conference Board of Associat- ed Research Councils, Committee of International Exchange of Persons, 2101 Constitution Ave., washington 25, D.C. The deadline for filing an application for these countries is April 25, 195. Further information may be obtained in the Offices of the Graduate School. Lectures Delta Omega Lecture: "world-wide Malaria Eradication" by Paul F. Rus- sell, M.D., Medical Education and Pub- lic Health Division, Rockefeller Foun- dation, N. Y. City, Tues., Mar. 25, 4:00 p.m., Public Health Aud. Gallery Program: The Book Fair for Children and Young People. Mezzannie Floor, Rackham Bldg. wed., March 26. "Scenery Design and Books" by Mrs. Richard wilt at 4:15 p.m. and "North- ern Michigan Backgrounds" by Mr. Lewis Reimann at 7:00 p.m. Gallery Program: The Book Fair for Children and Young People-1958. Ex- hibit on Mar. 21-22, 24-29, Mezzanine Floor, Rackham Bldg. Tues., Mar. 25: "Puppet Show" by Chris Stasheff and Jim Warner, 4:15 p.m. "Flight and Birds" by Mr. Leonard Wing and "Mer- rie Maple" by Mrs. Bess Tefft at 7:00 p.m. Debate: "Resolved: That It is Justi- fiable to Believe in God." Speakers: James C. O'Neill, Assoc. Professor of French; William P. Alston, Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy; and Paul Henle, Profes- sor of Philosophy, Wed., March 26, 7:15 p.m., East Quad. Dining Rm. No. 2, North Entrance. Sponsored by East Quad Council. Sociology Colloquium : Prof. Paul Honigsheim of Michigan State Univer- sity, will talk on "Georg Simmel, His Place in the History of Sociology," as part of the centennial celebration of Simmel's birth. March 26, 4:00 'pm. at the E. Conference Rm., Rackham Bldg. The English Journal Club, Wed., March 26, 8:00 p.m., E. Conference Rm. Rackham. Mr. Glauco Cambon, lectur- THE CULTURE BIT: Make Your Own Music' By DAVID NEWMAN Epilepsy . 0 * PART-TIME campus jobs are more difficult to get every day, but there are some students who are never without employment and pocket money. We refer to the singers and musicians who band together to entertain at fra- ternity parties. Jazz combos, dance combos, vocal groups and the like are rarely without a weekend job in Ann Arbor. As might be expected, this sort of thing has become big business in college towns. Local booking of- fices are established here as else- where and they garner goodly sums. Most of the groups are in- strumental, since dances offer the most work. But lately many vocal groups have sprung up, and we offer our choice for the most un- usual one on campus. This is a quartet of four guitars and four voices, and the resulting sounds are entirely folk music. THE GROUP is tentatively called "The John B. Quartet" made up of strummers Al Young, '61, Joe Dassin, '61, Bill McAdoo, '59 and Bernie Krause, '60. "We've been using the John B. name be- cause one of the first numbers we few of us and prepare some num- bers for future sings. We re- hearsed and liked it so much we decided not to limit the group to the Folklore Society. Word got around. Lo and behold, Phi Rho Sigma, a medical fraternity, heard of us and invited us to plays for their Christmas party. They dug it. Now," said he, smiling, "we're booked through May." The quartet has also been in- vited to Ypsi to play at Eastern Michigan College and intends to work that into the busy schedule. While single folk singers are plen- tiful, Young feels that their suc- cess lies in the group aspect. In addition to the four guitars, Mc- Adoo plays banjo and mandolin, Dassin and Young play recorders and Young plays bongo drums. All these instruments, in various combinations, are employed dur- ing a session. g a* * * THE JOHN B. four uses ar- rangements worked out among them, "Four people in unison will never make it," Young says, "so we're trying to make harmonic technique an integral part of our singing. Two tenors, a bass and a 'We hope to outdo The Weav- ers," Young said when we asked him about influences. "Influences -well, Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie, maybe. And Dassin, who's lived in France for eight years, is always talking about some French guy, the 'French Woody Guthrie.' " Audience reaction to such an unusual group has been gratify- ing. "When we come on," Young elaborated, "most people think, "Oh, hillbilly music.' But then we do some of these exotic things and we get them to sing along on some of the numbers. For a lot of them this is a novel thing. They've been saturated with jazz and with rock 'n' roll, but this is new. Occasionally we satisfy a request, such as When The Saints Go Marching In. We march out on it - really hokey." * * * THE SUCCESS of the group, plus the burgeoning sale of folk music records, indicates a strong and new interest in this type of music. "We'd like to get more people singing," says Young. "If you're sick of this nonsense you hear all day long on radio and TV, To the Editor:* W E MUST object to certain statements about epilepsy in- cluded in the motion picture adaptation of "The Brothers Karamazov." The comments that epilepsy is directly inherited, that it is caused by illegitimate birth, and that people with epilepsy never know of an imminent seizure are certainly not accurate. We have examined various edi- tions of the novel by Dostoevsky and can find no mention of these statements by the author. Ob- viously, they must be additions made by writers who prepared the film script. Medical science has known for years that epilepsy is not directly inherited, and that it is not caused by illegitimate birth. Also, some people with epilepsy can tell minutes, hours, even days in ad- vance of when they will have a seizure and are able to take pre- cautions against injury to them- selves from falling, etc. We have received phone calls and inquiries from people asking us to clarify these statements about epilepsy. We find it ex- tremely discouraging after years ofnrsetie .er. mdia